i . " - . mm f. '-. v.. . -'.;-'. I - t h If, ; if; tv f 'ill 'i'-s I 'Si ' 4 ? . i X 'i. I'll !f1 1:1 ill m JJ f i i 'i i m Hi; Chi ) . i.J : I, ,i j i . ;. i..t Hi ; f : ill Ml V 6 THE FOURTH DISTRICT UNANI MOUS FOR BRYAN Continuse from Paye Three Committal', a position of great respon sibility fHlled"ty -a. North Carolinian for the first time in lifty yearsj a posi tion coveted ly cvsry Democrat in Congress, lie. congratulated Mr. Pou, and the- -Democracy on the brightness of the,ifutiU"t jtliat it was to meet a party that longer had,. as ita. slo gan "th!jfu.U .iB;nF, ,pil," but with Toddy-i'thf rVecr ibifj,' ijv t e&arge there is now-: a-day olj , yif.j.nQpty dinner pail and maiwfapiyritti eJvksed. ; The JXniorati.)ajy,r'tnds:fr,-jjrinciples and the Republican ar$y or. pie. 3 The roll cttllhp'w-'4.uJI the. counties represented and no conti.ta, and after this report the .temporary organization was made .permanent. The delegations of the -various counties sent forward their selections for thq; various conven tion officers and those weie elected as follows: ii , Vice Presidents: 'Chatham. A. 11. Pynum; Kranklin, J'. G. -Alston; John ston, W. A. Edgertpn; .i'o.sh.T. Al. Ar lington; Vance. Tliad R. -Manning; Wake, Ed. Chambers Smith. Credentials Committee: Chatham, Sp.-nce Taylor; Franklin, J. Ii. King; Johnston, E.' L. Hfnton, Nash, Dr. M. R. UrasvvfcM; yance. W. E. Gary; Wake, W. U. Snow. riallorin and Itesolutions: Chat ham. 11. M. London; Franklin, It. B. Whiter Johnston, C F. Kirby; Nash, J. H.., fiamsey ; Vance,. A. J Wake, John WV Hinsdale, Jr, 'Orjcuiizatlon:- f (Chatham, Thompson; Franklin, Ij Ij. Harris; Jacob Joyner; Johnston, J. F. Ix-e; Nash, T. rington; VanceJ. K. A. Powell M. Ar AVake. Fred W. Hahnl.. . Kxecnlive 'om'mittee: ; Chatham, F. C. Pu; Franklin, J. A. Thomas; Johnston,- Ii.' II. Allred; Nash, J. P. Bunn; Vanee,. II. T. Powell; Wake, W. " S. Turner. . Th'e vice presidents, by 'Invitation of the convention, "to add to the t good looks" at the chair, a remark that provoked much humorous comment, took :seats with the presiding otficer, and dnrtng part of th convention Vice President Thad .ft- Manning oc cupied the chair. . Stroii": Indorsement of IJryaii. At this juncture. Mr. Cliarles P Kirly, of Johnston was recognized, and' he offered 'stronaf resolutions en dorsing and instructing for Brya, .these being adopted unanimously alter being seconded by Mr. F. W. Habel. The resolutions adopted read as fol lows: Ilesohed, By Hie loiiiKTats of the Fourth. Congressional District in Coii ventloii Hsseiubled. that our delegates rlected to the National Convention at Denver, Col., be,' and they are hereby instructed to Aote for the Hon. V. .1. ISryan for nomination for President of the I'nilfd States as 'the caiulidate of the DciiMKTsilie party: I?isplv.er Sec-oiid. That We hereby rxprt'KM our ccmtimfi-d rontidciiee in 3Ir. IJryan. He Is the most distin finlshed. private elti.eii in th' world. He has grown 'greater In ' defeat. Ile-cattse-pf their inherent justice and righteousness he has lived to see his priru Iples advocated by his political adversaries. . He Is the unrelenting foe of criminal monopoly, the friend and leader of the; plain people. We again declare our love for this man and mi unshaken confidence in him, and instruct our delegates afore said to use all honorable means to se cure his nomination. The cheers that greeted this resolu tion were especially, enthusiastic, and the reading was1 interrupted with great applause as Mr. Bryan was referred to as "the unrelenting foe of criminal monopoly." Nomination of Hon. T). W. Pou The convention then entered into the nomination of a candidate for Con gress. Chatham was called and gave way to Nash, Mr. John B. Ramsey be ing recognized. In a most eloquent and clear-cut speech, delivered with much earnestness, Mr. Ramsey placed lion. Edward W. Pou in nomination, paying tributes to his ability and worth, and saying in 'part: "Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: "The period for holding a new elec tion is almost at hand, and the hour actually arrived, when the Democrats of this District in convention assem bled have met to nominate for Con gress the person" tvfiom we would clothe with that important trust. "Vouchsafed by a Republican plan of government and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, this is a privilege that comes to us every- two years. For this privilege . this; liberty of self government, along with other inalienable rights, politi cal, and religious; denied them in the mother country our pilgrim forefath ers came to this new land to' build new bomes and seek new fortunes. "With What difficulty they carved from the forests rough logs with which to -build' rude huts, scarcely more than a- 'shelter from the wind and a covert from the tempest' what trials they underwent what hardships they endured, the perils of the sea, the , dangers of the land what success they finally achieved the character of the government they evolved are matters of history and need not be recounted today. I but mention them to remind you how dearly our fath ers prized the liberty of self govern ment, the priceless heritage they left ns, the Very privilege' we have met to enjoy. ' "There is a kind of philosophy that teaches that for every pleasure there conies some corresponding pain. Whether that be true or not, this I know, that with every great privilege there comes its attendant responsi bility. In this instance the responsi bility of naming one for Congress who will be a true index of the char acter of his people which in its final solution is the test of 'every ideal rep resentative, the responsibility of nam ing the man in all this district best qualified by reason of heart, mind, and experience to represent our pec pie at Washington, the responsibility of nominating .one .who , will, be a credit, to himself, ami - an honor to those who today will ihonor him. "Since he days of our first . Con gress, our National Assembly has been regarded notonly; as the grand est representative, boiy, in this coun try, but in' the' world. -It Is noted not so much for its. Inherent, character as for the character of 'those who com pose . t.. To its, ,halls, have been sent the very highest, types' of1 our citiien-. shipTr-tho, cry,, ctlpw,- of our land. Into'the care and keeping'of our rep resentatives we commit our peace, our prosperity and our plenty. To them wo trust the welfare of eighty mil lions of people the destiny of a na tion. ' , "Never before in the history of our country have we been so much in need of straight-forward men; .never be fore in the history of our politics have we':. been so, in need, of sound Demo crats. Governed by a Republican President and a Republican, majority misguided, midireeted and benight ed," we have wandered far from the . teachfngs of our fathers. The Repub licans' Tiave . brought the Monroe doc trine into, disrenute-r-they, have,, emY Jwhich, if- conunueq, p.wenu,, jspell ruintheyhH--carried.iIie flag ' whe? rtn a, conscience - - ntv jj?mocrt can Hollow; At'Eft-tHi rtow;ib.ere U fin eX-, fort being .made to cut down. South1 ('rn representation in ConRrfSft thus reviving those things which we had hoped were buried and which plung ed this country into-civil warfare thu most terrible in all history. "We have .met today to send to Congress one who will solemnly pro test against trn4e things. My friends, 'The. time demands strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing hands.' Men whom the lust of office does not kill. v . Men whom the. spoils of office can-. Men who possess opinions and a will. Men who have honor, men wno win not lie: Men whoan stand- before a dema- (ousj flatteri ngs without winking, Tall men, sun-crowned, who live nl,r.vA the foe'. - .. . . In public duty and in private think- insr : : "I know one who has always lived above the foglhere- is no safer, por er Democrat in all-our district. A na tive of A'iabarna yet; in- Ii is veins there flows a goodly strain of Tar Heel blood. For on his motner's side for generations back he comes of good old North Carolina stock. His mo ther was a Smith, and for one of his ancestors they have called his home town 'Smithfield.' I refer to the Hon. Edward W. Pou. of the county of Johnston. . "For twenty years Mr. Pou has been In-active politncs battling for Democ racy steadily, deservedly'rising from the ranks. In 1886 he was chairman of the Democratic Executive Commit tee of his county, in 1888 he was pre idential elector, in 1890 he was nom inated and elected Solicitor of his Ju dicial District, redeeming it from the Republicans. In 1894 he was ,one of the survivors of the disaster that be fell our State and party by reason of the fusion between .Populists and Re publicans. In 1S9G he was nominated for Congress to head a forlorn hope. He did not falter, but plunged into a campaign which he made memora ble by reducing Republican majorities and paving the way for victory later on. In 189S he was again nominated and elected Solicitor and in the year 1900 he made over 100 speeches in the various' towns of our State cam paigning for the Constitutional Amendment. In the fall of the samp year he was again nominated ana elected to Congress which office he has held from that time to this, serv ing his party and his people with fidelity and loyalty. "Hereto has- he risen from the ranks. Today he is on the 'Ways and Mens' Committee, one of the most im portant assignments that can come to a Representative. "Mr. Pou -has always been a hard worker for his district. He has se cured an appropriation for-the erec tion of a public building at Hender son. He has made this district a net work of rural free delivery routes he has done many other services which are not within my knowledge to men tion. "Mr. Pou's name was often sug gested as the nominee of his party for Governor, but he declined to enter the race. " "He has from the beginning been a follower of Mr. Bryan and believes the convention at Charlotte should go on record for the great Nebraskan. "A lawyer of marked ability; a statesman of the highest and purest typ and a Democrat till the end. Nominate him and he will serve you in the future with, the same unswerv ing loyalty and findelity he has given vou in the oast. He" is a standard bearer worthy of the standard he as pires to carry the unsullied tlag of Democracy. "In the name of the people of the county of Nash. and for hundreds of loyal hearts all over the district, I pre sent to you for nomination to Con gress Hon. Edward W: Pou, 'the man from Johnston.' " For Johnston county, the nomina tion was seconded by Mr. W. A. Ed gerton, who expressed his delight at being from Johnston county and the Fourth District, and that the had the opportunity to second the nomination of a man of positive force and recog nized ability in the State and nation, one who belongs not alone to John ston county, but to the Fourth Dis trict. He spoke of Mr. Pou's record and party service and declared that he would pity the man and the party that would in a moment of despera tion would put a man on the hustings to eppose his election, and as for the man it reminded him of the Indian, who,,, at first sight lassoed an engine, it 1h ing said of him after" his remains had been scattered over the prairie, "I admire his pluck, but dern his judgment." For Vance county the nomination was briefly seconded by Mr. A. J. Harris. . Sir. W. J. Peele Nominated. Wake being called, Mr. B. C. Beck with was recognized and stating that he acted as the mouth-piece of the minority of the delegation. he pre sented the name of Mr. W. J. Peele. of Raleigh. In doing so Mr. Beck with paid a strong tribute to Mr. Peele's ability and worth as a man and a lawyer, saying he had entered the contest at a late day after the ma ority. of tfie counties had acted. He declared Mr. Peele stood for prin ciples,' had shown his devotion to Democracy, and was a man Avho stood for truth and right, that if elected he would stand squarely for Democratic principles, that he w7as in line with the. principles advocated by Mr. Bryan and that before the famous speech in Congress made by Mr., Bryan that Mr. Peele had been with bis pen advocating the same things. He declared that Mr. Peele . would stick to duty, that neither . office, power or wealth could swerve him from the rftgged path of duty, no power could influence him anay from the principles t'hat are right, that he is a man of integrity, pure as a wo man in his private life.- a man that could not be seduced from his vews at the altar, or promises made in pri vacy, a man whose life and work de manded consideration at the hands of the Democracy. t ; . For Wake Mr. W. B. Snow seconded the nomination of Mr. Pou in one of the cleverest of speeches. In the beginning he laughingly ' said that it is a part of the com mt n law of Wake that its entire vote be not cast solidly for any one can didate, and that it was exercising its constitutional right. hu that there'ia hope for Wake in the future, as now it is not divided by anything of which to speak. Continuing he Tmoke of Wake turning to Mr. Pou eight years ago. of the splendid record he has made in Congress and in behalf of over 2,600 voters in the recent pri mary he seconded the nomination of Mr, Pou. the splendid representation of the highest type of Anglo-Saxon manhood, a Democratic leader- of power and ability, trusted and ad- mired by the Democracy feared by the Rtpubheans. For his work Wake ex tends thanks and congratulations and says: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, receie now the honors-that the people have prepared for you." . . . , . , fr- : .... . . ; -. !For.; Chatham, Mr- R.. Hi, Hayes paid that, eight years ago he . had first. plaeedi:Mn P;ou'v-in i nuination and that-now on behalf of the i good peo- r pies of Chatham he rose to. second the THE FARMER nomination, as the people could point with pride to Mr. Pou, and that they desired - to honor him again. n the roll-call Mr.- Pou received fill the votes except 11. 0L' Ollt (if the : of Wake,- the total being: Pou i::9.98 and Peele 11.02. Jn motion of Mr. B: C. Beckwith the nomination. was made unanimous, and a commit tee of live was sent to escort Air. I'ou to the court-house, the committee being composed of Messrs. R. It. Jones, of Wake: T. M. Arrington, of N'ash; It. Ii. White, of rrankhn; it. S. MeCin, Tf ance, and R.. II. Hayes, of Ch i t ham. . The Election of an ' Klector. - The convention then Went into the election of a, Presidential elector for this district. Mr. II. B. White, of Franklin, nominated Mr. R. S. Mc- Coin, of Vance; Mr. w. ts. Jones, 01 Wake, nominated: Air. w . i.;. uougias. of "Wake. Mr. A. J. Harris, of Vance, seconded Mr. McCuin's nomination. and Mr. B. M. Gatling, of Wake, did thd same' for Mr. Douglass, Mr. A. H. Uynumi of Chatham, nominated Mr. R. II. Hayes, of Chatham, and Mr. J. R. Young urged that "the position be given to Mr. McCoIn, of Vance. The. first ballot recorded as follows: Hayes. McCoin. Douglass. Chatham . Franklin Johnston Nash Var-ve jWake . . . 43 17 10 21 17 10 1-3 1-3 17 10 1-3 ; Totals . (in the st Coin each lass lost te . ..r,'Jl-3 911-3 100 1-3 cond ballot Hayes and Ale increased five, and Doug n votes from Nash, , these being divided with third ballot was tin the others. The same as the first and the fourth and -fifth as the sec ond. In the sixth Johnston changed its vote, . giving Hayes and XvIcCoin 20 each '.Douglass 12, while Nash gave 10 to Hayes and 20 to McCoin,' who reached 106 votes, Hayes 62 -and Douglass 8 5. The next ballot the votse were switched around so that Hayes had 72, AlcCoin 86 and Doug le.ss 93. On the eighth Hayes re ceived 44; McCoin 122 and Douglass 85. It took 126 to nominate. At this juncture Mr. .Hayes withdrew his name saying that it was only after reaching Raleigh that his friemls had concluded to. present his name. On the ninth ballot the vote stood' Mc Coin 135, Douglass 116 and McCoin was elected, the vote by counties be ing: . , McCoin: Chatham. 16; Franklin, 43; Johnston, 40; Nash, 15; Vance, 21 130. Douglass: Chatham, 16; Johnston, 12; Nash, 15; W'ake, 73116. Address by Hon. K. V. Pou. At this time Hon. E. W. Pou en tered the court-house with the escort committee, and after being briefly introduced by Air. Hayes, spoke forcibly and, earnestly, his . remarks being frequently interrupted by cheer. He expressed his keen appreciation of the honor conferred and pledged his best services to the Democracy. He discussed the failures and broken pledges of the Republican party, showing that no Southerner could with conscience vote the Republican ticket. His address is given in full in another column. It was received with great applause, for it was a strong and able one. Delegates and Alternates to Denver. The election of delegates and ater nates to the National Democratic Convention was then taken up. Capt. P. G. . Alston, of Franklin, in a splen did speech nominated as one delegate ex-Sheriff J. T. Ellington, of John ston. Air. Percy J. Olive, of Wake, nominated Air. John W Thompson as the other delegate. Air. R. S. Alc Coin seconded the nomination of Sheriff Ellington, and Air. W. A. P'dgerfon.' of Johnston, Thompson. On motion that of Air. of Hon. J. R. unanimous by Young the election was acclamation. For alternates, Mr. P. J. Olive pre sented the name of Col. F. B. Aren dell, of Wake, and Mr. J. A. Thomas, of Franklin, presented the name of Mr. J. B. Ramsey, of Nash. On mo tion of Air. F. W. Habel, of Wake, the election was unanimous by acclamation, and then the convention adjourned. The convention was a large one, and there were present representa tive men from each county, who de clare that the Democratic ticket will Sweep the field this fall. The chair men of the various- delegations were: Chatham, AI. T. Williams; Franklin. J. J. Barrow; Johnston. W. A. Ed gerton; Nash, Dr. AI. R. Braswell; Vance, A. J. Harris; Wake, P. J. Olive, and these presented their coun ty's choice in the various ballots cast and reports made. TO IjEAVK RALEIGH. Great Crowd Going to Morehead and Beaufort on Special Train Sunday. . Tomorrow morning at six o'clock the fast train for Alorehead City ami Beaufort will leave th's city over the Norfolk and Southern Railway on the second ot the special Sunday outing trips of the summer. The round trip rate rrom Raleigh is only $2.50, Wilson, $2.00; Greenville and Wash ington, $1.50. and the arrangements are such that one can spend the best portion of the day sailing and surf bathing and be back home at a good hour lor bed time. ine special Sunday outing trains run at a speed of forty miles an hour and carry excellent day coaches and refreshment cars. jomornrw s train, according to or- oers already received for tickets by me jorio!K and Kouthern ticket -office, ii. ill v. ,..: i ... i'j-n uniiseo iy almost twice as many as took the Jast trip.. This means a great big jolly, but most ord eny crowo. special arrangements are made for ladies, and the trip is, like a personally conducted tour. HENRY M. FLAGLER RESIGNED. Succeeded by W. H. Tilford President of the Standard of New Jcrsev. as Oil Vice Co., (By the Associated Press.) New York. June 19. At a meeting of the officials of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, W. II. Til ford, treasurer, , was elected to succeed Henry M. Flagler; Vice President, re signed. Afr. Pratt, secretary," - was made treasurer to fill the vacancy made by Tilford's promotion; Walter Jennings, a director, was made sec retary, and Henry C. Folger, Jr.. prominently identified with the Tide water Oil Company, was"made a mem ber of the .Jtmard of. directora-lo suc ceed Frank O. Barstow. resigned. to auaneed years and his desire to devote more of his timo.rstfnalJ . t onMniitarl' -.llln'nV, : .. t . u . iiijiw,d is given1 reason for Mr. Barstow's resi as the jnation. Who Can Beat It? Rev. before C. CS Brothers of Goldsobor, the election srnessed that tv. majority would be 43.210. He asks Can anyone beat It?" rii fl a matlons, " ulcerations, displacements, cured by the Donor poise, without medic! money ' -VXD .'MECHANIC, TUESDATC JUKE. DELEGATES TO STATE CON VENTION (Continued from Page Ten.) French. Southern Pines; Dr. A. McN. Plair. Southern Pines; N. A. Johnson. Southern Pines; A. McMillan, Alanly; H. A. Page. Aberdeen: W. A. Blue. Aberdeen; Dr. A. C. Bethune, Aber deen; N. A. Blue, Aberdeen; David Knight; Aberdeen; John Campbell, Keyser; 1). IZ. Blue. Kever; Glenn Keith. Kevser; W. O. Fuller. Keystr; U S. Packard, Keyser; F. W. Vun cannon. West JSnd; J. AI. AlcCaskill. Jackson Springs; J. AI.. Graham; Jackson Springs: AI. C. McDonald West End; Charles Caddell, R. F. D., Carthage. R. II. Ricks, Rocky Mount; T. T. Jones. Gold S. F. Thorne, Rocky Alount; C. D. Roeky Mount; T. Al. Powell, Rock; B, A. Brooks, Nashville; Austin,' Nashville; H. B. Alarriott, Battleboro; Dr. Al. Ii. Braswell. Rooky Alount; Al. Oppenheinier, Rocky Alount. NEW' HANOVER. AI. S. WMllard. Wilmington; Jno. D. Bellams', Wilmington; W. H- Bernard. Wilmington; W. A. French. Wilming- ton; Tho3. C. James, Wilmington; J. A. Kerr, Wilmington; Alarsden Bella my, Wilmington; II. W. Alalloy, .Wil mington; F. H. PVtehtig. Wilmington; Jos. D. Smith, Wilmington; W. E. Per dew, Wilmington; James I. Aletts, Wilmington; Geo. L. Alorton, Wil mington; L. H. ' Rogers. Wilmington; Geo. L. Perchan, Wilmington; AI. G. Tiencken, Wilmington; Thos. W. Da vis, Wilmington; Walker Taylor, Wil mington; John J. Furlong, Wilming ton; Herbert Alcf'lammy. Wilming ton; John Barry, Wilmington; Wood us Kellum, Wilmington; J. O. Carr, Wilmington; Z. W. Whitehead. WJ1 mington; Jas. H. Cnwan, Wilmington; Alarcus W. Jacobs, Wilmington. NORTHAMPTON. T. W, Joyner; Alason. Garysburg; H. L,. Jackson; W. J. Iissiter, Rich J. W. Crew. Pleasant Hill; Stiuare; If K. Rnrewvn. Jackson: J. U. liam- say, Seaboard; R. H. Stancille, Alar garettsville; F. It. Harris. Jackson; W. C. Bowen, Jackson: J. G. Stancill, Alargarettsville; G. E. Alidyette. Jack son; T. G. Trenchard, Gumberry, B. S. Stancill, Gu'm berry; C. O. Peebles, Jackson; Cola Harrell. Severn; S. J. Calvert. Jackson; W. H. Joyner, Jack son; B. S. Gay, Jackson; J. B. Stephenson, Jackson; G. E. Ransom, Jackson. ONSLOW. J. W. Burton, Jacksonville; E. AI. Koonce, Jacksonville; T. B. Hender son, Jacksonville; D- L. Kellum, Jacksonville; L. J, Winstead, Rich lands; W. C. Alills. ichlands; S. L. Taylor, Catherine Lake: D. J. San ders, Hubert; S. A. Starling, Hubert; R. D. Jarman, Verona; II. II. Capps, Jacksonville, F. W. Hargett, Jack sonville; H. V. Grant. Snead's Ferry; W. Al. Thomi)Son, liichlands; Geo. A. Hurst, Jacksonville. ORANGE. Dr. J. S. SpurgeVm; ' Hillsboro; Alaj. John W. Graham, Hillsboro; S. Al. Gattis, Hillsboro; SV W. Andrews, Hillsboro; D. C. Parks. Hillsboro; Jos. A. Harris. Hillsboro; II. J. Wal ker, R. F. IX, Hillsboro; W. N. Pritch ard. Chapel Hill; Geo. C. Picka'rd, Chapel Hill; R .A. Eubanks, Chapel Hill;" R. S. AlacRae. Chapel Hill; J. D. Webb, Chapel Hill; S. J. Hall, Cedar Grove; Cicero H. Jones, R. F. D., Mebane; John P AfcAdams, Alebane. PAMIjICO; S. W. Ferebee,, opewall; W. T. Caho, Bavboro;: J: F. Cowell, Bav boro; L. B. Alidvett,1 Oriental; R. L. Woodard, Pamlico; - fe.-. F. AlcCotter, vandemere. PASQUOTANK. E. F. Aydlett, Elizabeth City; C. H. Robinson, Elizabeth City; W. L. Co hoon, Elizabeth City; J. B. Leigh, Eliz abeth City; AI. B. Sawyer, Elizabeth City; J. K. Wilson, Elizabeth City; C. E. Thompson, EJizabeth City. i Alternates. J. R. Flora, Elizabeth Citv; H. T. Greenleaf. Elizabeth Citv; D. B. Brad ford, Elizabeth City; J. C. B.Ehring h'aus, Elizabeth City; A. L. Pendle ton, Elizabeth City; F. AI. Grice, Eliz abeth City; J. T. AlcCabe, Elizabeth City. - PENDER. F. T. Croom, Burgaw;J. D. Riven bark, Watha; E. A, Itowes, Jr., Atkin son; John A. Alurphy, Atkinson; W. W. Aliller, Rocky Point; J. T. Foy, Scott's Hill; Dr. J. T. Hoggard. Atkin son; John R. Bannerman. Burgaw; J. E. Henry, Long Creek; Dr. G. F. Lu- Vcas, Currie; C. D. AIcGowan, Willard; D. J. Corbett, Jr., Currie, R. F. D.; R. 1. Durham, Burgaw; J. A. Lanier, Ala- pel Hill; J. F. Johnson, Burgaw; T. J. Armstrong, Rocky Point; A. K. Pow ers, Burgaw; J. T. Bland, Burgaw; C. E. AlcCullen, Burgaw. PERQUIMANS. C. W Alorgan, Hertford; White, Hertford; AI. H. White ford; David Cox, Hertford. PERSON. Wr. A. Warren, Gordon t&; T. S. , Hert- L. C. Hester, Bushy Fork; C. A. W'hitfield, Neptune; R. B. Holman, Timberlake; T. A. Noell. Timberlake; E. J. Tucker, Roxboro; W. E. Fairley, Roxboro, R. F. D. ; G. L. Cunningham, Cunning ham; G. B. Williams, Woodsdale. R. F. D.; John A. Noell, Roxboro; L. Al. Carlton, Roxboro; W. J. Webb. Rox boro; J. P. Aleadows, Roxboro; J. A. Long, Roxboro; T. E. Austin, Rox hero; A. AI. Burns, Roxboro; G. O. Co ble, Roxboro; G. T. Bowen, Timber- lake; J. D. Winstead, Bradsher, Roxboro. T Woody, Roxboro, R. Coleman, Alariah; Roxboro; WT. G. . F. D.; eIaiborn F. R. D John S. Bailey, II. W'oodsdale, R. F. D. 1 POLK. J. E. Shipman. Columbus; Ballinger, Tryon; J. C. Fisher, PITT. J. L. Fleming, (Jreenville; AToye, Jr., Greenville; H. A, T. T. Tryon. E. A. White. Grecn- G. E. Aloore, Greenville; H. WT. W'hedbee, ville; C. J. Tucke r. Grifton; Lineberry, Winterville; D. G. Grimesla-nd; W. AI. Iong. Farmville; S. Al. Crisp, Falkland; Robert Stan ton, Bethel; J. J, Satterthwait, Pac tolus; F. C. .fames. Greenville; R. R. Cotton, Bruce: S. T. Hooker, Green ville; Dr. W. Wr. Dawson, Grifton. .RANDOLPH. - W. N. Elder, Trinity; W. II. Wat- kins. Ramseur; R. R. Ross, Asheboro; W. A. Underwood, Asheboro; J. E. Wimu?.Vi5drinS5.1JiXX-'.i3 lips. Thomasville; W. C. Hammond. Asheboro; J.'-F.' iCameron, Cox; T. J. Finch, Trinity: C. C. AIcAlister, Ashe boro; J. L -Fields. , Randleman;- Dr. F. A. Henley, Asheboro: J. M. White head, Ramseur; C. E. Stuart. Frank linville; E. Alotfitt, Asheboro; W. L. Bouldin, Archdale. Alternates: E. B. Leach, Erect; W. J. Aliller. Asheboro; J. A. Spence. Asheboro; W. J. Armfield. Asheboro; Wm. C. Hammer, Asheboro; Jno. T. Motfitt, Asheboro; W. J. Scarboro, Asheboro; G. T. Murdock. Lassiter; J. E. Walker. Asheboro; A. R. Cox. Thomasville; P. R. AIcFayden, Raildle man; D. G. AIcMasters, Farmer; E. J. Steed. Ramseur; J. AI. Caviness. Coleridge; C., R. Curtis. Liberty; D. M. Weatherly, Franklinville. .1 A RICHMOND. . V . A.. J. Little, Little's Mills; A. Bald win, Covington: M. G. Freeman. Ham s4Ste3forx 83. 1 908. S.' Steele. Rockingham: J. X. Hasty, Rockingham; WV If. AIcKenzie. Rol- ierdel; VV C Uck. IiK kingham: ii i ... . . . . . i- . U. HttiJion, liocKingnara; a. . a"" ry, -Rockingham; T. B. Baxley, uoi- erdel: J. P. Gibbon. Hamlet; iinam Entwistle, Rockingham; J. D. bhaw, RocTtingham; W. I. Everett, Rocking ham; AI. T. Ilinson, RfXkingham; w. F. L. Steele. Rockingham; It. ii. lien- . - - . . ' - 1 , . . . - n'tt, Kiierix-; jonn it. .mchdis, ingham; Dr. J. H. Williamson. Rock ingham; W. N. Everett. Kocktngriam; W. U Parsons, Rockingham; U Weill. TtfK kingham: K. I Steele. Itockingham; M. H. r owkes. Rock ingham; W. B. Cole. -Rockme ham; t. AI. Hobbs, Rockingham; j. r. liggs, Rockingham; E. C. Terry. Rocking ham. KOHESOV. X. J. McRimmon, Rowland. D. ; R. I AlcLeod, Rowland. R. Dr J. D. Croom, Alaxton; R. F. F. D. ; G. L- D.; D. Thomiyson, Lumberton. It. F. II. Britt. Lumberton, li. F D. ; J. K. Singk tary, Lumberton, R. I' . U.; A. W. AIcLean. Lumberton; W. T. Cov ington. Red Springs, R. F. D.; R. AI. McQueen, Raeford; AI. -W. Alclean, Raeford; J- W. Chisholoi. Raeford; J. M. McNair, Raeford; E. J. Britt, Lum lerton; W. G. Pope, LumlH-rton; W. C. Powell. Oram; W. K. Bethune, LOm berton; T. W. Maxwell, Tolarsville; J. I. Townsend. St. Pauls; J. AI. Butler, St. Pauls; J. W. Thos. K inlaw, Alarley, Lumber Lumber Bridge; fridge; I). Z. Bridge; N. A. Barker. Howellsville; Howellsville; . AI. L. Bridge; L. E. Hughes, II. Al. John, Lumber Lumber AIcGoogan, AIcIan Lumberton; C. Al. Fuller. Lumberton; well, Lumberton; W. P. Lumberton: A. E. Whitt-, R. D. Cald AlcAUister, Lumberton; G. B. Alcleod. Lumberton; A. J. Mo k'innnn T.ixfon: J. C. Parrish. AlaX- ton: S. B. AIcLean, Alaxton; W. H. Harding, Maxton; J. V. Carter, Max ton: H. C. AlcNair. .'Alaxton; J. B. AlcCormick, Parkton; Neill AIcNeill Parkton; Preston Stamps. Parkton; A .T Garris. Parkton: Dr. B. F. Alilan Red Springs; R. I Springs; G. H. Hall. '. DeVane. Red Ited Springs; W J. E. Carlyle C. Townsend, Ixnve; Lumberton; T. L. Pauls; Jas. Johnson, Webb, St. Pauls; H. kulla; D. L. Stewart, Northrup, St St. Pauls; J. T. A. AIcNeill, Wra Wakulla; W. A Smith, Buies; L. 1 Jas. D. Proctor, . Cook, Lumberton; Iumbertonr I- I Rav.- Buies; D. H. Brown. Buies; W R. Townsend. Buies; Dr. II. C. Rozier, Lumberton: R. E. Lewis, Lumberton; K. M. Barnes, Barnesville; A. AI Flovd. Barnesville; Thomas Williams, Barnesville; Graham AIcKinnon, Row land; N. T. AIcLean, Rowland; E. AI Hines. Rowland; T. W. Brakes Row land: W. II. Graham. Rowland; G. Af Pate. Rowland: J. I. Townsend. AIc- Donalds; B. O. Townsend, Baynham; L. R. Hamer. Baynhrfln; Oscar Page Alariette; J. S. Oliver, Atariette; C. A Oliver, Alariette; C. T. Harrington Alariette; W. R. Oliver, Alariette; A WV Harrington. Alariette; N. A. Car ter. Fairmont: A. J. Floyd, Fairmont; J. I). Alclean, Fairmont; Dr. W. A AlcPhaul. Lumberton; B. L. Page Fnirmonf: A. II. Ashlev. Fairmont; T. J. Prevatt, Lumberton, R. F. D.; J Ed. Tyson, Lumberton, R. ROCKINGHAM A. D. Ivie, Leaksville; J. ter. Spray; John L. Sharp, field, R. F. D. No. 1: J. W F. D. S. AIcAlis Summer Damrron, Reidsville; P. D. Watt, H. Overman, Reidsville; Reidsville; C. C. H. Dalton. Aladison, R. F. D.; J. D. Daniels, Alay field; Z. N. Carter, Stoneville; W. C Ruffin, Alayodan; C. O. AIcAIichaet Aladison; J. H. Richardson, Benaja; R. P. Alitchell, AVentworth; Francis Womack, Reidsville. ROWAN. A. H. Boyden, Salisbury: L. II. Cler ment. Salisbury; N. , A. Shank, Salis bury; R. L. Julian. Salisbury; J. AI Alaupih. Salisbury; John AI. Julian, Salisbury; Edwin C. Gregory, Salis bury; C. W. Spencer. Salisbury; J. C Kesler. Salisbury; 'Theo F. Kluttz Salisbury; Walter Alurphy, Salisbury; S. J. Jerome, Salisbury; Burton Craig, Salisbury; N. B. McCanless, Salisbury T. C. Linn, Salisbury; J. B. Norwood, Salisbury; L. Ed. Heilig; Salisbury; -A. Lee Scott. Salisbury; Dr. Clarence Clapp, Salisbury;, R. F. D. J. G. Hall, Salisbury, R. F. D.; R. C. Current. Salisbury, R. F. D.; P. B. Linn. Salis bury, Ii. F. D.; Charles H. Kluttz, Sal isbury, R. F. D.; W. D. Pethel, Spen cer; Dr. Alonk, Spencer; Capt. A. B. Smith, Spencer; D. J. Aliller, Spencer; Dr. J. G. Busby. Spencer; S. S.V Dor sett, Spencer; John C Deaton, China Grove; J. B. AlcCombs, China Grove; Richard Thomason, Salisbury, R. F. D.; R. D. Coleman, Gold Hill; Dr. C. AI. Higgins, Chestnut Hill. ' " RUTHERFORD. ' W. T. R. Bell. Rutherfordton; Jas. AI. Carson, .Rutherfordton ; Ed. Beam, Rutherfordton: Jno. G. Mills, Ruther fordton; R. L. Hampton. Rutherford ton; AI. O. Dickerson, Rutherford ion ; P. C. Rollins, Rutherfordton; Gei. Piggerstaff, Rutherfordton; W. V. Pryor, Rutherfordton; T. AI. Lynch, Ayr, N. C; W. A. Rucker. R. F. D., No. Rutherfordton ; W. C. Twitty, J. A. AlcClure, W. B. Green, R. P. Henson, No. No. No. No. Rutherfordton ; ; Rutherfordton; 2 2, Rutherfordton; 2. Forest City; J. II. Aliller. No. 2, Henrietta; W. K. AlcDowell, No. 1. Henrietta; Aliller AIcKinney, No. 1, Henrietta; N. T. Thorne. No. 3, Alooresboro; Wr. H. Haynes, No. ;,, Alooresboro; R. R. Ilavnes. ClilTsi le; C. S. Humphries, Cliffside; R. Ii. Wai kins, Cliffside; Geo. Avent, Cliff.ud.-; J. L. ATatheny. Henrietta; D. B. John son. Henrietta; J. G. Simmons, Hen rietta; J. W. Fisher, Henrietta; Dr. R. Hicks, Henrietta; Thos. Harris, Henrietta; Z. O. Jenkins, Henrietta; C. AI. Young, Caroleen; A. B. Hol land, Caroleen; Geo. Rollins, Caro leen; J. II. Steadman, Caroleen: W. (1 Cooper, Caroleen; Caroleen; L. C. Daily, S. Harrill, Ellenboro; II. 1. Clowi-r. Ellenboro; A. J. AI. Glover, Ellenboro; Chas. Bridges. G. S. Harrell. Ellenboro; J Ellenboro: 1. Wright, Ellenboro; W. A. J. Blanton. Ellenboro; W C. S. Duncan, Daniel, Forest H. Harrell, Ellenbovc Ellenboro; A. B. Jones. A. Sparks, ElIenboo; Ellenboro; A. II. Ale City; L. A. Moor'-. For- est City: G. C N. Biggerstaff, King. Forest Ci'v; 1. Forest City; C. Ivl. Roberson, Forest City; H. C. Rich ardson. Forest City; W. S. Moss, For est City; J. L. Gamble, Forest City; E. E. Lawrence, Forest City; I'lalo Gettys, Hollis; J. P. D Withrow, Hollis; F. C. Fortune, Gamlde's Store; A. ,S. Rollins. Gamble's Store; G. W. Lorn:. Rutherfordton; W. A. Toms. R- F. D.. Bostic; J. AI. Colton, R. F. D., Tiffs'l ; Dr. R. AI. Andrews. CI iff dale; J. A. Ixng. Lisan's Store; T. B.. Alorris. N. 4. Rutherford; R. F. Tate. Union Atills; J. L. Barnes, No. 2, Uncn Mills: J. T. Reid, Thermal City: F. 13. jKoon. No. 3, Ruth. rford: B. C. Ar- rowood. No. 3. Rutherfordton: Frank Reynolds. Ayr: Bruce Grant. Jeter- los. Searcy, Gage: G. O. Alorean. Gil key; W. J. Hines. Gil key; 10. Mack. No. 3, Rutherfordton. SAMPSON. J. A. Beaman. .Clinton: Geo. L. Peterson, Clinton; W. B. Cherry, Tay lor's Bridge; Joe.F. Faison. R. F. D.. Clinton; J. R. Sutton. Faison: J. W Robinson. Delta;1, Allen Dauarhtrv Newton Grove; J. W. Bryant. Newton Grove; E. ft. Wilson, Dunn; J. R AlcPail. Jr., R. F. D.. Clinton: A. H Htrring. R. F. D.. Clintcn: AI. Af Hall. Roseboro: J. L. Antrv m-rr.i-n C--I. Hobbs. R. F. D.. H.-i.m- t E. Poyette. R. F. D.. Clinton- J iV Johnson,, Garland ; II., E. Faison. flinL jtort;-Henry Ai Gradv. -CHntoji- s .it Hobbs,. Clinton. , . " V , , . . .,'. ". Joha McNair.. 4urVnVuTgr.H: SCOTL.ND. tor McLean. Laurtnburg; t, n. . sell. I-aurinburg; J. r. -,ll,"lr' lAurlnburg; W. li. wrainrn-i-!., Iaurinburc; Neill JIcKay, Fontcoi: Wr. F. Gibson. Gibson; Z. v. xu.w Laurel Hill. STANLT. J. R. Price, Allema.rle; It L.-Smith, Allemarle; G. Al. Lipe. Albemarle; J. C. Wright. Albemarle; K. iv. Aus tin, Albemarle; K. A. .TOWen, auk- marie; S. H. Alilton, AHcniarie; j. r. iinrri, vn.m?irl,- 3. D. Rivtns. Albe marle; S. 11. Heame, Albemarle; J. E. Shinn, Norwood; i nomas Linmiu, - wood: M. ' E. BlaiocK, xsorwowi; it. . Simpson. Iocust: Wm. AI. Ivy. New Iondon; w. F. crump, v,oiin mk, W. Lipe. Jlillingport; F. K. Reeves, Palmerville; J. II. Snolheriy. 1'iyier, I). D. Ritchie, Richfield; Dr. T. A. Hathcock, Norwood. Alternates: J. VS. Efird. Albemarle; S. T. Gaddy. Albemarle; J. M. Boyette. Albemarle; E. K. Snuggs. Albemarle; A C. Honevcutt. Albemarle; i. un derwood, Albemarle; Dr. W. 1. HiU, Albemarle; 1). N. Benn. tt, Norwood; James W. Smith, jNoiwooi; it. i. Wlutby, Alillingport; Reed Reeves, New London; F. AI. Wilhoit, Silver; J. AI. Jenkins. Palmtrvillo; D. I. Talbert. New London. STOKES. J. D. Humphreys. Danbury; J. S. Taylor, Danbury; N. E. lvppcr. ban burv; W. F. Bowles, Walnut Cove; J. Wilson Alitchell. DillanU J. C. Wall. Aleadows; Wallace Webster, Aladison; J. T. Smith. Danbury; Ii. .E- Smith, Francisco; Dr. J. II. Ellington, Sandy Ridge; E. Fulp. Fulp; J. P. George, Westfield; W. AI. Chismon, Pine Hall; Mel . Boyd, Pinnacle; George Ix-wls. Wilson's Stort; Zach Sheppard, Law sonville. SUKItY. .W. L. Haynes. State Road; J. V. Henderson, Elkiu; A. Chatham. Elkin; W. J. Price. Elkin; C. II. Gwyn. El kin; H. G. Chatham, Elkin; J. H. Boll, Elkin: G. N. Bailey, Elkin; G. T. Roth, Elkin; It. W. Chatham. Elkin; J. H. Alien, Elkin; J. C. Bass. Rusk; W. V. Burch. Rusk; J. G. Burrus. Rockford; C. 15. Davis, llockford; W. P. Dobson, Rockford; S. J. Atkinson. Siloam; N. C. Alarion, Siloam; W. AI. Cundiff, Siloam; Aaron Whitafcer, Siloam; 1-errv Sc-ott, Shoals; Alac. Butner, Pinnacle: J. B. Smith, Pilot Mountain; O. E. Snow. Pilot Moun tain; W. R. Raggett, Pilot Alountain; fiec. Smith, Pilot Alountain; J. G. Key, R. F. D.. Alt. Airv; J. AI. Flippin, R. F. I., Alt. Airy; W. F. Carter, Alt Airy; J. W. Loville, Alt. Airy; J. A. Hadley, Alt. Airy; A. E. Smith, Alt. Airy; , S. Porter Graves, Alt. Airy; A. L. Bunker, Mt. Airy; J. R. Paddison. Alt. Airy; J. II. Folger, Alt. Airy; C. IT.. Ilavnes, Alt. Airv; V. E. Holcomb. Alt. Airv; W. G. Foy. Alt. Airy; W. I). Haynes, Alt. Airy; J. E. Johnson, Alt. Airy; S. G. Pace, Alt. Airy; J.. If. Fulton, Alt. Airy; P. W. Watson. Alt. Airy; W. W. Loville, R. F. Alt. Airy; J. D. Nail. JX. P. T., Alt. Airy; L. A. Aliller, Low Gap; Cleve Armfield, Low Gap; T. N. Wroodruff, Low Gap; T. Folger. Dobson; R. C. Freeman. Dobson: W. L. Reece, Dob son; F. T. LeWellyn, Dobson; G. AI. Jarvis. Dobson; Frank Folger, Dob son; II. F. Comer. Dobson; G. T. Jones, ft. F. D., Alt. Airy. SWAIN. A. IT. Hayes, Whittier; John La tham, W'hittier; A. V. Calhoun. Way side; AI. T. Calhoun, Wayside; A. J. Jones, Pryson City; D. G. Fisher, Bushnell; E. C. Alontieth, Bushnell; James W. lurnett. Needmore; D. F. Alaffy, Hewitts; C C. llryson; Nanta hala; E. B. Gibson. Pryson City; T. I). Bryson, Bryson City; D. R. Bryson. Bryson City;, D. A. Randolph. Bryson City; C. Alartin, Bryson City; A. II. Elmore, Bryson City; T G. Pickleseimer, Bryson City; A. Al. Fry, Bryson City; J. L. Gibson, Bryson City. TRANSYLVANIA. T. S. Wood, Brevard; W. W. Zaeh ary, Brevard; W. II. Duekwith. Bre vard; T. H. Galloway, Brevard; W. E. Breese. Jr., Brevard; J. L. Bell, Bre vard; T. W. W'hitmore, Brevard; J. AI. Zachary, Rosman; J. A. AIcGuire, Lake Toxaway. union! C. N. Simpson, Sr., Alonroe; G. AI. Beasley, Alonroe; J. Frank Williams, Alonroe; Frank Armfield, Alonroe; A. AI. Stack. Alonroe; E. II. Austin; Monroe; Marvin Richardson, Monroe; J. C. Sikes, Alonroe; Ney AIcNelley, Alonroe; R. L. Stevens, Alonroe; A. II. AIcLarty, Alonroe; Dr. Watt Ashcraft. Alonroe; D. A. Houston. Alonroe; S O. Blair, Alonroe; R. w. Lemmond. Alonroe; W. J. Pratt. Alonroe; R. B. Red wine, Alonroe; R. A. AlorVow. Alonroe; Dr. J. AI. Belk, Alonroe; J. A. Stewart, Alon roe; E. C. Williams, Alonroe; Dr. J. Al. Blair. Alonroe; B. A. Horn -, Alonroe; R. V. Houston, Alonroe; W. C. Heath. Alonroe; W. C. Crowe'.l,. Alonroe; R. E.NEvans, Alonroe; J. D. AIcRae, Alonroe; J. R. 'English, AU n roe; W. II. Norwood, Alonroe; Ruf-.s Armfield,- Alonroe; Ira Alullis, Win-f-ate; O. AI. Sanders, W'Jngat-; .1. V Bivens, W'ingate; S. WT. Hi.ison. Wu gate;; H. L. Price. It. F. D. N .. r. Monroe; S. G. Howie, R. F. D. N r. Alonroe; J. II. Winchester. R. F. D. No. Z, Alonroe; J. C. aiur.neycuit, il. F. f. No. 5, Alonroe; s. W. Sl-w.irt. R. F I-. .o. ,r, Alonroe; 1 . 15. Al ore, R. F. D, No 5. Alonroe; R . Cuth bertson, R. F. D. No. r. Alonroe; . W. Sutton. R. F. D . 18. Mntb..w- r. r. rane. it. k. i 18, 18. 18, is; Alatthews; Alatthews; Alatthews; Alatthews; J. S. D. A. Dtlaney, It. F. I). Hamhy, R. F. D.' Hudson ,R. F. D. J. R. J. E. Keith, Waxhaw: w vvaxnaw; s. j. Richardson, Waxhaw; Jesse A. Williams. Waxhaw; F. A Kranss. Waxhaw; Dr, W. R. AlcCain' Waxhaw: N. D. .Tohnsum - . ... .... '.I'M,, f "av- waxhaw; Henry N. AIc- r- ... . . ...11.. v , vvnirter, Waxhaw; II. o. Norwood, " "u.v , j. ij. Hims, waxhaw W I Starnes. Waxhaw; J. c. Iiney,. C V p, Alonroe; s. A. Latham. R. F D Alonroe; J. S. Broom. R. F. D.. Alon u":i, V.rv,,riffi.n' lL- V- D- -Monroe; 'X1: (!r h,,lt' ll- V D. Monroe: W aunanKS, it. i I).. Alonroe; Chears. R. F. D., Alonroe; K. Iraney R. F. D., Alonroe; Dr. J. Eubanks, R. F. D., Jionroe; s. T. B. B. E. tteiK. ur jr. i i . AToriT-- nr t.' k K. K D.. Alonroe; B. F. Parker, R. F. p Alonroe; T. J. Huggins. R. F. D., Monroe; H H. Horton, R. F. D., Mon roe, a, J. Brooks, Alarshville; E. E Marsh. Marshville; J. c. Brooks; v flhVUr.: ,A,' PiL- vards. Marsh: . 1- J',P- Marsh- Marshvilk-; E. C Griffin, Marshville; F. W. Ashcraft, MarshvUle; s. J. Carpenter. Alarsh ville, R. c. Griffln. Alarshville; W. H lt'f'nK'-,,Iarsnvn,,i: U- N'some: Marshville- G W'. Smith. Alarshville M. C . Austin. Marshville; , J. M. Gufn Un.onville; W. V. Grjffin. uAionvllle'; it. A. Clontz. TTnfonm. crest. Unionville: E. j. nritfin ttUiI" ville: T. T. Tri tt; ".'' -- t,,i' . TV - ... -"""iue; Bonnie Tucker, Unionville; B. K. Presson Unionville; W. O. Lemmond. rTd Lnionvnie; W. G. Lone-. Tt ' tV' Unionville- t t- '"'"..." Tnii t o t, , , 'l. Indian iraii, J. R Boyd. Indian Tmii- r Stinson, Union Trail: J. rr ri,,;..' Indian Trail: .T. T. nrr Trail; - AI. Tomberlin Tn.li-.n t.h , ...... JL I dll. WAKE. C W. Scott, rnrv rr . wood, Raleleh- w v o-v..,i Nor R. F. Rn,e keTKVeSV., VV. Thompson Hunter. Ate-K--w nr ti,.V. . ' ft: J- h or est: . K w ki, V,,vaK. algh; JE. vt .Maynard, Ha Snow, Ralejr wTale I Raleigh; C D. Arthur, Rabmh . i Norwood.- Ilalelgh; .: Alex. str .-. Kalelgh; Aturray AUn. K.nim N. Holding. Rabigh; T. P. S i.. eigh; Dr. F. AL Jordan. l: i Frank stronach. Kaieitcti: .1 AlUche.Il. Rotesvllle; R. i;. .--Keuws' H. l. Rand. Garner; Home. Morrisvllle; J. J. L. M, -'. AlcCiillers station; O. Al. il , Raleigh; James AlcKe.-. Jr.. I:..-: W. C. Riddk-k. Raleigh: .11. K' i i Rnb lgh; Armislead Jon- s. Ij. 11. 1'egram. Raleigh; Walt-r , Jr.. Raleigh; . P.. Barbi . . i; ,! C. L. Allen, Rogrs' Store; il. li tie, Raleigh: Nick Ieboy. RmI.-i.i .. A. Rowland. Raleigh; G. P. r,,,. Jr R. F. D-. AlcCulbrs; r.t' Whltaker. R. l' 1 . , lUiIeigh ; .1 IbUUy. Raleigh; ,1. ; IL .lilt-. n. i: eigh; J. Sherwood I'lu luin h. i eigh; J. D. Alien, ,Vin-; It. II. J. Ruleigh; W. C. Brewtr, Jr.. w , Forest; J. lbale .Johnson. r..u ! , ville. WATAl'C.A. W. R. Lovill. Bo.me; J. C. 1 ), Boone; E. F. Lovill, Boone;- i: , Council, Boone; E. S. 'oiT ... i;. , i. .Gri-eni-. i'uma; T. 11. . i; Blowing Rock; J. B. Cl.uke. r,i,,v RocK; D. C. Mast. Sugar l.ne,... i, , Ihigaman. Sweet Water; A. W. I;, Boone; jl. C. Aliller. Itlowiim i:. i J. Purlier. Blowing Rok; Ail, n il, man. Sugar Grove; W. L. lb 1 1 t Stoney Fork: J. F. S;lmoiis, n- , ; . , J. W. Jnes. Boorje; J. I '. Boone; T. L. Critcher, Boone, Ti V. T T. C. Baird. Valle Cruets; T. II. I i Valle Crueis; John H. Bingham. S n Grove; J. C. Horton, Boon. , 1: wvvm; C. B. Aycoek. l't. II. Gritfin. ;, .,. A. Norwood, Jr., A. C Duv is. i inroad hurst., V.. D. Creech. Mitchell. Jesse B. Thompson, GoblKborVt; J. I). Davis ;ui.l Hayes, of Fremont; J. C. K II .1. R. Bell. vf Alt. Oli,-.. :u,d .! li W Gardin r, of Saulstoh. Waxne ruimi wakui:n. J. AI. Gardner, Warrenton; P. j Macon, Warrenton; J. I. K. rr. W.h renton: S., G. Daniel, Littleton; Tasi., I'olk, Warrenton; J. Al. Cob-man. M.i con; -L. II. Hawks. Warren Plains; ,. It. Pascball. Wise; R. It. Boyd. h renton; J. R. Rodwell, Warrenton, B. Boyd, Warrenton; Jack .hIiummii, Littleton; J. AI. Picot, Littleton; M J. Hawkins, Ridgeway; It. B. I .i , ;. Grove Hill: W. G. t'arter, Vauub.in. J. A. Dowtin, Warrenton; J. M. .I.nin son, Noiiina; II. II. Hunter, Alton. WASHINGTON. Sam. B. Spruill. Plymouth; Asa n. Gaylord, Plyniouth; Joe W. Jackson. Plymouth. WILKES. A. AI. Vannoy. No. 1. Poor's Kn..i, T. B. Finley. North Wilkesboro; I'. I. Heiidreii. Wilkesboro; W. . I., i W ilkesboro; R. M. Staley, Wilk. sboi,. A. AI. Church. North Wilkesboro; .1 M. Turner, Wilkesboro; J. T. Finl. North Wilkesboro; J. E. Jloov.r. Boomer; Ij. W. Lonsford, Lovela.-.-; Albert Forester, North Wi I k.-sl .. ,i , , . O. C.Hancy, North Wilkesboro: J, ; llackett. North Wilkesboro; w. 'I Winton. Congo; J. L. Clem. 'lit, Norlli Wilkesboro. WILStlN. W. A. Finch. Wilson; E. J. Bam, s. Wilson; C. P. Dickinson, -Wilson: I. E. Cooper, Wilson; R. H. Palieisoii. Wilsiui; A. B. Deans. Wilson; .l..in Lamb. Wilson; U. H. Cozart. Wilson, F. A. Woodard, Wilson; J. B. Barm . . Wilson; S. A. Woodard, Wilson; . C. Mayo, Wilson; T. II. Washington. Wilson; R. G. .Briggs, Wilson; G I . Green, Wilson; F. W. Barnes. 1 son; N. W. Lamm. Wilson; J l Dawes, Elm City; Jno. L. Bailey. Kim City; Nathan Bass. Black Civ. I. ; Nevason Williams. Neverson. YADKIN. Dr. E. AI. Hiitehcns, Boonvi'l.-; ,i Tj. Jones, Boonville; J. L. ,Sp.-a , . Boonville; J. B. Colkerhous. Jon, -ville; R. Al. Thompson, Joncsvill. ; l M. Pveece, Yadkinville; W. A. Rovall. Yadkinville; J. M. Phillips, Ya.lV.iii ville; J.-w. Pass. Yadkinville; .1. s Martin, Hen how; J. A. Mathews, pom dexter; W. j'. Horn, East Bend; w. : Jjeak. East Bend; J. G. Hun', Bend, YANCEY. J. Bis Ray, Burnsville: E. V. son, Burnsville; Charles F. Easi W al B r.l. i.urnsvnie; .;. Gardner, Burnsville. AI. CI Honeycutt, Burnsville; J. , Lyon, Burnsville; James B. H. nsl. Murnsville; C. R. Hubard. Burnsville W. B. Wray, f.-inc Riv.-r; Alvin Mor ton, Paint -Gap; I). AI. Buck. Bald Alountain; a. F. Hensb-v. Cam- bu . , W. E. Griffith, Boonfor.l; Rob.-ii Stamey, Boon ford. PLATFORM RIDDLED BY MR. BRYAN (Continued from Page tine.) lcnn platform Is silent on the snbjec i Was the President right in the ,i (ll)ll lie tixik? If.,, jl..... .', nun 1 1 le i ill v ei Uas Hl-Ollff ill not lldoi slllg him Will the lUpiiblian voters loll.m " ITCKKKlll in this just I. ....,,hI III 41..... JC . II . . . HKj ioiiow mc Upnbliaii oi- " V. ," ri i real in i rom 'Ihc President advoted it. mi Mi ncritniK,. tax hut the Rcmihli jf 1 1 k jtka t ... t . . It . . ni ....,,.,, IH mh-,,1 on that Sll Was lll lI-.ll..i. . m .. "llbjeel . - - .- wi, uiiriiu ( iih piibhcuii party in ndviH-ulln-c this Ull'lll. fir li:ai fl... o. ..Ai t. i: re- pari v reedel from the President's M.di,o., lllfl III.. ln....l.'l . . t . II ion .' i la r n i .... i i -mui-Hi givi Jl Tills' oh this question, or has l It. Koundcd ret rent? pai l v "In th Presidrnt'K message U Com srress Ini . , , . n- pi i-seiueii an m dictment against the conspiracy r.,i i i-j ntii.nifp - . . ).. .... t-iiiort-cim-ni or in. and to evado the puiiishmeins hrpi-jtTii .1... r . the law pi, ( .. ii law. tim platform .idopi..l jo.eMioii aii i onvcnlioii lalns no intimation f lam;f-r tliere! are nnv -.,...:....... mil - II - ... p,-. 1 1 ii- Vl-lllloil lijl I w.l ..... ,1 t, . . coit ' tiieiu; ii mere , any combinations It had not heard llierk-i Iff , 1 . al ,1 " ie un any la liters. aro unconscious of liiein. Was tliev (be rcsineiu mistaken uhen h. ill'll nis ucjinncc, ot?. are the Itepubliean mnnio.i.pu . i 1 . ... bliea ii Ibinf ... " m-iTiv.-u much nicy lliat an aroused public win' (.'limit rontoinplatp the im roachmcut lieoaiory wealth? This Is number six.. .7TUf 'mvlii hy vote of retreat HMi to y ior' man seven to oiu- flown the Itl.-itiLr ti. r.. ..r .. ole.! , - -. ... mml ,a mt- linn la r elm Ion or United States Kriiaioi pop II -linlor-. - i.iiu nun mc I'ri-sldent and retary Taft have never advoc.iicd luiniitai. I . m ... and Se. - lb . nun ( rx'iiuiors, seein lo take the Ilamiltonlan Tb. . raib ....... ine .leiiersoniaii view. hilt lite I'llit. i iiosi. popular re form In th Cnii ?,n" icHiay is no, reform tl fir Its object the election of States Senator 'by' direct vote. that b.r Inil. 1 II In Trustees liuy Hotel. For many years the Board of tees of the' State Univerutty have Tt b- tiiAious IO secure thj. ..'. joininer the 17niv-riv .... as the old Nancy Hilllard hot. 1. v. ;h r cuts off the most important appn.a'. to the campus. Why the . trust. ever permitted that neeeiarv j. ' of the campus to pass into pri. ,i hands in marveions. Never has been iiossible fr.r ih, ..... to ..btaln IL It had been the prop. 1 1 . of Air. Peckham, of New York, wh rented it as a hotel, and It has I- n enlarered . tmttr - i - - - - - - ...... tx, tlrro li .,.,. and Ig the beat site In Chapel Hill. The' malorltv I waEt;much time on the job. - -., ........

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