ri ' 4 ' b- " V " 1 " " ' 1 Hi or ANN..PAAa(f.Kry. J , , , - . . PUBLISHED-' WEEKLY BX .ILLlA.BQYLArf. . , it,; 1 ivrf ' . T i . . . i r' ' tv 1 - - . . v . - t . .r 11 . .. f J " " " . , ' , -. I : -' - - , From, RtirV f h ttipiip U Oaz BTtx t J 5 I4 I Of letter from ki American Gentleman' tf avel-" Ihijjm Erope to th Editor othis Gazetted , ' t';; left jbu at;Amileram; I willttbweftdeavdrd give you z brief iketch of outjburiey'Jrom whence -thro the duchypf: (levesiohe 4 Rhine, that reripwjied xiver altem9telyrxffmg'fr6m Germany intorhFreach repablic,ai thcr importance of the tbwns invited,tift Vec arrived at Bafi! frpri thence nhr(5Ughy Switzerland to.Genevai thence to Lyons; 'ArffeHoiveVef7iiw tice It: Amlaw,r we proceeded to V ircci,rwijiivii is 4 very ancient place, and Jike,,rnpft of .thetowsi X Holland, ex.' trenielyrnegit : ..Hie; name of this city t ren4ereg.fm;iiar in. conXequenee. of the. imporran treaties mat nave been held at Cleirear'one ; d& HerirY? VHIth's wi ves Thetown itfelf doe not xontain any thingvery worthy of houcei but the eh virous are: extelypleafant- In; the neighborhood there is a handfonie park, hunting grounds ahd',chaieau formerly, belonging to-tbe king of. Pruffia. .We proceelledthro, Gelders and VCrefeldt. We were : now in a oart of the country,: c ,iucr;(iiou!;.rjeiigioii'oerauiy; Vicvoiis, sua wnere me people perrorm devotion with extraordinary 'Zeal. On the road between GeWers andCrefeldt,: our attention was drawn fo two peafahts who were alkingypn before us. They ; appeared to be isn a journey, fdEach was bareheaded, and had his hat ''busing to' he button of his coat behlidtltx)ccurj Ted to us th at ihey were performing tome act or evoton.--vVhen;; we! came; to' them, it proved foV; One of them was ; fayine prayers, and the other made the refponfes as they journeyed on. Each - II ! : 1C , . ... . . ... . . " rtiiles, on - the "rbadtq Nrrnegen i we came to me rrver JLecK; one ot the branches of ''.L.:1)L!..'L!A . ft" me '.Rmuct.wurcu we cronea over on What is called'a-nying bridge. As fo prooaDijr may not De acquamtea with the iinpori ai inc. icrni, i wii attempt ade fcriptipn of ! The Leek here is. about Soo.tetf .wide, and the ftream always' running, aown. an tne centre of the ri ver, about. 6co feet above the olace o crolTragji boat, about the fize of a flitp's jony Do as ancnorea with a chain to the tternof this boat a fecond boaf is faf- tened, but lioaung at about '70 feet dlf- tance down the (tream There aje then" fix oThet.boatSiat'abbut fo feetipart be low each' other;' t Each of thf fe Ka'vp a maft of fii feetEeicht. Inftead rifrhWe laft mentioned 6-bo?ts being faflened ta ; ineuern or eacn ptner as they lay down the ftreab, a light chain from the fterri of the fecond boat runs acrolVTud k fattened to the head of each of their uiui. f ma away ffcys we cnam clear of the water, hanging in a light fufpend-' ed fwagfrom boat to boar, ' At about' 66 feetbelpw the eighth boatahii chaiai taJtenedito the centre of the fide of a Jcowi'tufh as are ufedin our rivws in Americav 3oth ends being alike,1 the fcow" is equally prepared to go in either difeHon. Suppoft;thifcow bh one iiucw ins iivu, IMC cigiu BpatS tO which (hi is'attached: bv th force of thi 6ifrenf,Thuft' lay obliquely acrofs . the ream,Trom me centre to tneoppohte fyt&tflpfeti fcow from. the fhore,' and il neitHanlv follows, that the t rpam ' preffifigp0,rx th line of boats thus ob liq'ueJf extended,' will 1drce t hem to. v ward the eehtre in a: ftralt line i but hei r :r 'J i .... 1.'. . ' - k . u. lore rrrey are rorcea tc. tne centre, their prupuuiyn ,i w K'.cac ag 10 anve tne fcow tojthe oppofite me,ia'hd fcj alters nately ;r6m- ihore to ihore,- the power - either couVfe of the'leow, . tfibratinaflike the peniulutri ot a'clockj fuppoled to be moving; in a horizontal line. . This prb; duces aj great faving of .manual labour; for bv it one rnah' can work the icow whidi lotherwile would require 4 or ( men wh oars or "letting; pole. y The fcows ViH take over t or carriages with their hjrfes, and perform' the crofling in left thinten minutesV;- ' ' : ' s -Aftff 'croTlmgtlwTckv the road vIay bn avry; high and deep bank, not' more , t.hitt,3jjSrjfeet wide, and at leaft that hejght t- ilejthegdneral level : of the iourkryv In maay places we were, on' 2 line with the tops'qf the houles.. which' . were built' at thefoot of the' bahk, on each fide By ths route-we reached Nimegeni 'TTbis!" placed builron the fide of a hill, and ve-- ry pleafantly fituated on the bfnk ofthe :Miir. Btt'e the low country terminates and teland rifes abruptly near ioo feet andvCjhtinues,yitlr a plain of. tlfet ele va tiori aioye raelbw'couritry. V Itwas quite a reiicr to eet on e evated cm inH they Vo& the performance of: this xdutv; that the paflage of our cartiage flowjy by; them, neither, produced a paufe m their, articulation, nr diverted a look from off their beads. We icarceiy. travelled a mile without paffing a crols fixed at'the fide of the road, and there are frequently ,JmaJr brick arches alpngihe rpad fo con ftrucled as to'admit' a) figure of the Virgin Mary, at which the religious pro ceHions'.of the peafantjy always make a halt in going from one village to! another We flopped at a iinall .town called' Hultz, to dine. While dinner was pre-', paring we took a walk to the church. In front -was a crucifix -with., a figure of the baviour, the .head .decorated- with Mowers, intermixed with a filver foil; On going Mntohe church yard, weob ferved many ofahe graves neW railed with if refh ". gf een-lbds; ' and " decorated with artificial mowers, in a;vanety "of fbrms'lt Was a churclvliblidayT'The fight, was fo hovel to'hie, that it opened a new andipleafing train of refleaions which leiulted m yielding a praife to the Jiyjjjftjjdia.tus deijtspartyof thejrl iciuyais 10 an anecuonaie ana pious tca mem prance Of their deceafed Jnends and ihat idea, can -more delicately evi dence fuch remembrance than an occa- fiona! vifit to the f oot of their interment ? If , it fhould be faid there is weaknefs in this conduct; furely it is more than, coufti terbalariccd by the exhibition of the beft4 affections which flow from the heart. , -- uie arrival at rexeiat, we round a neat, compact, well-built town, a trreat part of it being moderi handfome itruci tures. It is a confrderab'le place for .the manufacture of filk goods. . There is a manufafturingihoule eflablimed here by fix brothers, who It is faid employ as ma ny As lix thoufand i looms. We were Ihewn a fart of their manufactory, and The! e were the firf eulouf-attehtion. objects which clainv The 6a art'confilts of h ve.fpacibus apartments, w ell ftdeked with fub ects ot the molt rnaltef Iy execu- fiohj felected with great tafte apd an; iri-v creuioie expencfif v..omparea wu meje, the gallery which I had feen-at the jfVbbe bt, lJierre, at' Ghent (and which then thought a lupetb collection; loit much & its confequence;! A'riaonglt the be is a rep r dentation of the vile; and fooJiib virgin, pafrited by Schalcken, and fo in imitably fine that it is impoffible to quit the fight without regret: This piece; though only three feet fix inches by two feet '.eleven inches, colt 1 jc.oct) ducats . equal to 7,0!,! jlerling. ' i He next ;fri yame as to execution, .are two riemmi fubjects byGerard Dow three feet fix inches by tv ieei three, and coft 66000. fjorin, . equal. to .6060I. Iteling each. Then there are' "25 pieces by Van: der wcrit, omy tnuiy Dy twenry 1 mcnes, itrftreayfe -1 Republic, ext ?3prtiing we . crofled the Rhine to Gologne,4nd went' fo the hotel La Ville de 'Prague. 1 mention the name v of the hotel: 'figfw bettijfei ihall have to fay. fomething- morepafti- -culafly'of Jtt 'hereafteivrjpuf pallpot v lyvete demanded, and ourportinanteaxijs examined by. thet French guajHattrie ."gate f entrance to M 'xphxi the practice of all the frontier towns of the French ;RepubIc t'additfoii; to which, the. ravel lerojnbt ;featd fa ? ihiniites .at the 'ihotel before (a bobk i$ prefentedto hi.l9be.JliB:Hichh4 is ;tp enter his namef .irohi t whence he comeswhereThe; Is gbingtisthis ,? bu finefsr ;:ahd what ;hiagevjn1 J h- .'' Document the hbft make&'a jrefurrt ;,tp the municipality of thettlace. :v iThetown. - which is large, is fituated on the left fide - ! of the Rhine, and furms avery 4ntelieft- mg fight m crofling over toil from lutz; attempt a minute aelcription of, them would be futile. . I can only at prefent fay, that altogether .they formed a' molt delectable fealt.to the eyes andjimagina tibn of the fpectator.-, ' ' , From the gallery we .went'toee the monaftefy and chnrcli - oft St, 1 Anthony. The tnohaery is occupied by. 40, monks of the order of St. '.Vrafieis. The! church, citerg!- by. oneH of theortksiin Jhe habrt of his order. It was tfie fiffl, thing of the kind weihad fceh, and my attention, was wholly fixed on him ; his hair was (entirely , cut off, cfofe to his head his ; tunic.br opper velf was of a ---cuarfe -brown-iclothj with - a hood hanging "down behind. - The gar ment was wrapped clofe round his bodv, ajhd faflened "by a leather belf, to whidh. was fufpended a frftall crucifix and a bunch , of keys. f The' Ikirt 'of Jus yeft reached to his ancles ; he had no ftock- was cut away fojasrto give them the ap pearance of fandals, His deportment was ftmple, courteous and benignant, and 'he feemed ioderive pleafure from gratifying our cunoity 'indlrrfivering our numerous enqunies. v C ; - WelPioceeded about two miles out of town to another monaftery," of the cele brated otdefofXa Trappe. It was with forhe difficulty that we obtained admif- -r t n t ri ' 1 . 1 non nere. iris monauery witn me chapel adjoining, ftands In the midft oi a large garden, lurrounded. with a hiyh flqnef wall., , It was near ; four o'clock when, we entered .the cKapef. f The bell was ringing fpr! vefpers ; pf courfe. we had. but a fhoft time for xaminatioR be fore the fervice' beaah.l1,xaaly. when the clock ftruck four, this hionks enter ed the choif at a private door, ranging themlelves", in ;vqual numbers-.'on each fide.; ! heir :drds. was a white woolen Dote the-hufch'?orthepaiU that of St. Martin's. ? Betides thofe-therie are one hundred and niqteeri parifh5alid -abbey Churches arid frxry hine mdnatter ries, con vents and .abbeys... The towniy furrouaded with1 a deep toffe and ajltohf wall forty feet -highl built a taifed' bank, and extending fburmiles. iTfiis wall is connected With 83 tpwhs,ptiiii:Qf ' f toner befide8i37palt!es,i ureJiich are the.gatf's leamn into the.iqttyrhfe iornncatious rorin 4 ieiui-circie rpuno, the city,; with" the points on each fide joining thei". rivl.; rnong .&ther,.;vi dances of 'tlie antiquity of this; pjac Is- the Church of 8t.' Gererm his'a cfr cular buildtagbearingthe rnarlcs'b treme old ae, and is faid to have, been a heathen(teihple,'''licdicated tojnercuryv . before the thritUan eta, here is a date -of -si 8 over the main entrance, -t This was abo thej birth latJ df the mother of . t - --t,-? -..i-rzH-?-.-L-. r- fntsfiTasd mruTpef leathfTi the Rpman Effiperorr It was for- much declined oblate, for Yeaforis which I Ihall heretifter have occaSon ta ftate The grand Cathedral church was; built in the ithkenru'ryV butria'erleatirely ; finifhed. ., I I'eeJ iiicotnpetenf to any. de fcription of its magnificence, either asjo its defign or Execution. "1 he whoJe Ityle ' of the.build-ijng is ol the riche'ft Gothic architecture, j The platform cm t he-altar -is formed - -A a fingle, piece of . black marblejaf fifteen ieei in length, ylmjne diately adjoifiing it, at the back is a tem ple of . pian!ied copper, finimed bn the outfide al reund with Ii niarbje, c?6rteet -fuppocted' by flutdd tBlumns of whfte ' ma rbl, with thts Corimhean tapitalspr. gilt bralsaild bales of. tne lame. Aflbu bTe flight oft.ftirs ted up tc fhe temple," compofed cl the fiiitt blackr'maiblei. The fides offthe choir .are hung u'jth the richeU tapeftfyiv; A. range' of fifteen lof- m what life Arid fpirirs manufactures inTDatt to every town where they are eitabfiflied.' rrom Creteldf, weltook the road to DulTeldbrf. Ihe country is extremely plealdnt, without any.'Inclofures,n and a great deal ograijti'ihhV'irotihd,' appa-. rently very prdmillnQh . jthe iijcles b this part- of jthe ; road th&re ard aljo; rhany crdffes and. crucifi'xes. They are generaijy placed under the made of a the pious traveller duHriff his"; devotion. About thre'dlbefore-w'arrivcd.air' Dufieldorf, w6 palled by a very large building, called Cloylter'Mere, which i'as a very celebrafed cohverif for nunsi? tion. I 'Dnlfeldorf is fituated bh-the right, bank of the Rhine, e!which we i again crofled in a flying bridge This was our nru entrance on tne ijerrmn territory. 1 T Ihall now1 have aV a l'ubject for de-: fcription, a tratt of coun try, and various tc whs' and cirieifowell known fofages inhutoryl: atid fd csf ten Hefcribed bv tra- more, t for by travel liner herwffph f hr vellersvthatl could fcarcelv-fTafter4nvfelf. 4 "r v uucuiiuics ovcra oead nat rWill -."V" wy. iucd,ic Mhersiofiibbandsl IlcM t. It is furptifing J tunie .faftene'd. with.Ta beltr,round iKe ty - windows of itaiiied-glafeTabQy the; we Mahtq.tireof..the famencls arid of - uiq umiy. wmcnvaiways overhangs HJ " Alter.- leaving Nrrnegen, about- 9 miles, we.wete out pf the terntories of the 3a taviah'Republicand entered what fwas r'oretf?htorClev'es, off the left , i.bank ttthe 'Rhine,: but ryow; forming val ' .Mtait was.: under : thejgovern irintftfje Wng of Pruffia".;creves is'aii ,;anaenftown.,. It'gave birth1 toAnnJof for the mah7 ' p6litfcal arid other triteriat uiiangc wincii uivc dccu qccajipucujLjyjt the :"laferwar"' 'tii&mWereaf moch by' the " bbrobarcments i of theT r rencn army, j-ne eicantpajace or iue Palatmel ?acnveht for riuns;!and mirir. large hpufoareieht 'forftQiQiwit nqttjg ?ut mats of r uins J but fortunately, th e valuaV ble gallery bt Datritings attached to th Palatiste'siJalacehaf elcapcd dcitructioo waifV-their heads ehtirelv.ba"re. fa their devotions they were folemharjd imprefA; five.r-Tbe prder of LafTrppe was for onetly amorigft the molt feVCTeinJlC'cUf fcjpline". " One of its laws wa that of etef, "nal. ilence, .ahd it was not until lately tnaiiqis requmie was cupeniea witn.. 111 I tbis chapel there is a painting bf the belt hgure .ot a fNun, one 0 the molt angelic faces I ever beheld. iWe were told it wa& copied; from a paSatirig in the Vati can at Ronie. V.;,;-; v:;,:. .,: . ' As We returned from tltSbey bf t& Trappe to the town ; we . paffed a cha teau belonging: tQ the Eleaorwith' a: handfonie ; park. The tables are built' in a grand flyle of archifect uremeafiirr ing more - than 400 feet in front. .jPutr, feldorf is pleafantly fituated: on the right Danicoi tne ivnine, in tne arcieor vyeii- iphalia; The 5 town itfelf .has a dhll ap- pearance. naviug no mairuractones m ANtner na;i aiiy oojects-meriimg paru- eular;notice, except a finely executed er-: queltrian ftatue in bronze. iot William,'; Elector, or ijavana-randia coionaae or excellent af(chitectiireihi ingen'tirearid latelyattadiedto thplrte. For the lalt forty miles of our travelling. we luuixu .luc jvuiimn wmes xnucuui uie i' After ieay ing JDufleldorf we travelled- oninengnt nae 01 tne Knine.tmour.way rib 'Cdtecnfe Wearrivedaf Dutzrheine Tignt.opppuiejp v9iogne.. .ic peingevcn. as the French garrifoni at Cbloghe rill nt permit any boat'to apprpacli the wore after night, in order to pieVeiitihe fmug- lower vaulting ;ehcirclmg.',trAe-eaft curve or tnia nooieieamce, -.aaiaea toa r lower range f firriilar,, windows fhcdj'' ;o;erth&5j.hp(eZfcejiai agreeaHe -kjnd of glopmlwhich: folrnuch accprd with the lalcmridevdtions of thVfaints"! ' rLmong- othet things par tictilarly'me riting the attention of ttrangers at Co loghe, re a r are', and extenfTve collectida or nituraf, artifiqal rahd artique produc tions, in ,the'm cabinet of the Baron Haplch It is arranged and exhibited,io; nine rooms. - Thelinfifiity arid valuf of thebbjects' iteoThprizes. is-ajtonifhing. -Nothing r Teems toi have efcaped' him in theremoteltJands,orroftdiltant fh'oresn' The houfehold gods o China and Japan therjchefl gemsof Golcanda, th jnurn- . my and crocodile of gypt, trie ores, hi which all the precious metals are found 1 'ajrine';prodiictionsViaU the ;thof(feH ' works of . the arts, to the antique ages of, " Rome and Herculaneumi t are here cpl- Iected, together, TTie Barori himjelfaai 7" tb figure,, may alfia be ranked, amongft the teutique'- curiofities of -his jfabiriet.' - -.He fs about 66 years f'jtgV and has;4e? votd the greater-part of Ms life to iftak mg this coljectiori v Strangers are admit-' ted1 to view it at; allimesthout aihy ' gratairy arid 'ihC'rpnviirtnivincc a pleafure In exTihbiri " difcoVefs af tafte in the infi)ecTiOH.ror a- t defif e fjir jhtormatiVn ataU fparp marifingdlHy dfelTedt : f-4trery cool and plaffl appearance y e'ry eafy and at . icuuvc, wun out ycry iiiuc cwuvujr - r. 1 .. . . -1

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