J' 4- S76: J..d - Ik, I -M V X "It , ORIGINAL LETTER. ; U v. Io the following letter from a young gentldroan of j. extfive informltwn anii fuperior talemj now I . r !a "Europe will Jbe fpundmaoj intereftingaQd. ' ; inftniftife rcmarkupoa'theprefertcnfts qf po litical kffiirs on. the other ide of the Atlantic? . 'v i - 'Cattfu: ss , , -v .iDENwaoHV April yth 1803V :.Bjfore this letter is fecived, I prefutne, you wilj ,have heard, that, the. political horizon of Europe is ?aw darkened by clouds which prjrtcnd the immediate te " vival of.adefolating'war. . Ere thebil-' Jows had completely, fubfided of a florin . of, unexampled fury'& duration. ' we fee I a new tempdr.,atifin which threatens -. itilrmore violently q aqitate the ocean. .Curiofity Jikeyoufs will be directed to ;,aicertain tne-cauies -which- have Jo;fud- denly operated fuch important changes. ; But the proximate grounds of the policy irotn, wniqn tney proceed are Ip cdin pleiely enveloped iii minirteriafcrecy; that hot hing has yet trafpired. even from the t fnpihti conduclrrs-ot :thliondpvn: and cpntradi&ory. reports. U vT the unfettled and ill balance'd ftate in which Europe was lft by the arrange ,tnents of thehte treaty of peace, tve rriayi .withOuriiefitatiin,fcribe the mdrcTe motecaufe of there warlike afpefts : vBut doubtlefi fome' fubfequeht Occurrences nave tuudiiicu ij ricauuu wuicn airca noiti e appearances. , It U more cetieral-' oeuevea tneyare occafioned by the, pereniptory, refural of Britain to evacuate Malta. '.Thh port was to be relinquilhed, according to the treaty of Amiens, but it (is now, alleged that France can Very ill acta compliance with th ftipulations'bl a treaty,; the obligations'' of. which, he naslo utterly :difregarded. It is moreo-' ver, urged,' and which cannot be con'ro-" ,verted,vthat a treaty ceares to bepbliga tory when the. relative fituation of the confraam parties differs' from what Jtt was when the cpntraft was made. Have iot the relative) cirumltances of the two Countries been moft maferiallir a pnee the perjpd -of formins; the, treaty ,the:mofteMIigh this ,www;w ic unncipic mat me over- grown power.and immenfc aggrandife-r menc or- x ranee , totally lubvertcd that ? vequipoHe jn th relatiorrs of the Kurope in1atesrih whichthelbundefttiolic ' ibr more fhinatenturv riafr. hwnUreA . their reciprotai proteaion. r Even thole ' Vhpdefended the peace did it? with a conviction that Inknv farrJfi'ra 4hf demand that ftipromifeiintyTem I Iffbi Continuance.- ThejraQpLfmro .fi 5 es you will recolleft that' the' ftihnla- tion' refpetling Malta was provifional that. is,; if Ruffia would cqnfextf 0 gUa-, ramec k. inow, a mat power has poll nvejrfedtffTlo tdjlma asvTdntly," m Lurape no other guarantee could be procured that irould not be under the in fluence of France, 'what can Britain ."do cue but retain it ?, - Every confideratiori p right and policy Horbjds ijto be relin .quyhed,.1 For, were; iha' to evacuate it, jiere is a certainty of its being virtually or abfolutely-'poflefled by' her .enemy; which would- epen the way to the inva fion of EffVDt and eXDofe her fndiari mC. Keflions to the ganger of annoyance if riot 01 conqueit, ; deiiretTtatottia had Wn cotiduedbn: prmcioles too 'iubtilearid , irefihtqegeriefally underftoodd :coniequen,tiy,-to receive IhaUmanimity bfi fuj?po jpEf whicli fdecefs depends. tyfPVti&H ifibubn o( French prin , ppleS (iwa$ a rttotiv? of wartoo Equivocal to be comprehended or approved Hiy the mafsof the pebpleAll howler, con fcumd, ithe;fenhment that it was im- fpfBble peace could be preferred whilft rttce held fp difproportioned an influ- encei vnd equally, agreed that political iftlom diaatehe renewal ' of hoftili- : the burDot of deftrovinc fo dan. gerous an aicenqancy;: 'Woenever."a ta' rabonjupclure'' flbuld ccurV f I d6iiqt fayiUhat a declaratioh.as explicit wa made in ParJiarriehl .but i affert k was f , theihiimeat which not only pre-: HvailjnthaitofeAbiitb ed the; whole" ;n arioji;' in this temper lofmind weiaetcft,XtKen; a;predifpofi? tidn, that wdiild Require no -very (trong ';prpypcatic t6v- e3ire:tcf!aaioh4; Such a prbvoc'ation has; pjeenV gi vin; arid a for, 'beararice.'not to belexpecled has thitherto i preferved,tranqui!jty, .for; we have feen; f" ere,ihe; mkjWas; drr"or M wax cold,'?: , ofthe)reHminary ftipulatlons; that they ij were,yi9lgedbii he. part 6f rhe; French ; governrnentby tbeunnexing of , Iied mont and thelfle pf Elbathe acquifiti onf Louifiana; ihe exercifebf a coft trouirtgl authority! ove dmgrufurpatiori. o vthelfupremac, y of -the Cif-Al and'fuiaUy, by u's;arbritrary interpofi-, ; Wtneaffaits of the virtuous andun v"vwvib -a v-an, ineie pfoceeaings "i ic iit auucuiuii or lerrimrv wn rn t I have dwelt the more on tbi3" pointy lam perfuaded it is the Tubiecl: of the' pending difcufljons. . and frqm a wifh to give you the probable vindication' that will re publifhed by BHtair. to the world, in the event of a renewal of hoftilities.-?' You are, however to give to my commu- nications no greater connaence ti:an you mav AiDDofe thev iiient as rnnvevincr on.' depedencef all'iEdrb'tSe ?. and Whicfi' Lf all Euri . 7rtrv;?l?,7VMucuul:lIluc. - jeagirt ' wuuuiuwcoursgetpoppoie. ByHea., fvl-gte. having: delcendedfrom :fef43heK havea'noblenefo of iwdual andnation- -vple i)i t6te:fc,--.-- $wf . ku Ja : trie fcriea of ; aggreffionS which- rhayej mentibnefcertahily-hate' conderablyjnfluenccd the recehtdeteT- mil they .are not tnhc mrs probability of peacp or,war;v I am Jure you.will eagerly folicjt information;, but We yet remain in fuch entire darkneis, even as to' the caufes-of the mifunderi ftanding, that any corichifion from pre mifes fo uncertain and imoerfcaL' vou nruft be fefible; will be liable to extreme falacy; and,deceptiori;"..fV,;: -:. " we iook to tne unparalleled exerti ons employed to prepare & equip the nj vy for fervfeei & like wileo the equally aaive arrangements in the arm v. wefhall certainly be . difpbfed tP conclude that war is inevitable and will very ihordy be declared. E ver fince the meflage Jrorrt the thrpne, thepreffiog of lea-men, h and; the commiffioliirigbf (hips have beeii unremittingly continued. ' 'The militias have alfo been ordered out, and the mott ptpnipt and cffeaual mean are ufektp recruit, cbmpletelyj the regiments of the regular fervice. But fome hopes ate yet enteftaihed by a few, , that the matters in difpute im'abe amicablyadiufted. Cou riers aredaily;lpng'Detween".tic' two countries jbut the contents of. the dif patched which they convey are not allbwV ed id tfanipif e. -We f havenothing tcJ ipectmg tne iue onne negociauon enn tied to credibilityV( The papers are fill ed. with fpeculations but founded jitorte on conjecture.: Of thisj however; you may fetain;that-'there. has'ldng ex isted herea difconterit the terms of the peace (I5 mean ajealoufy of the preiSdn defahce' which France was juffered ; to retail) and that the hifolence arid over bearing fpirit,; together with theimpla'i cable animofity manifefted by .IJoffapar. te on every occafion againft t hii country,'. , noJiiie a aupon-r i rellrainsit from burlhn . into ooen war,' but fubmiflion' on his "part tb the plairris now ; titgdf and the belt pledge given bf a future amica ble intention.' iThc'vile and treacherous aftefripting to embarraTs the cdmmerce and injure the. finances l of . tHe,'countr j, by exciting i conftant alarm, by pr.oyok. frig fo" lequ'eht'armamenfs andnen ob? viatjng an aaual.ruptu're tby , protracted negocsations d 'ultimate conceflions has beeii completely jdeteaedjandvill no longer; delude, v Ifaffairs coruibtbe fo fcttfeai'tb pbtnife-aiaftag peace fwhicft can rhaTdlexDeaed in the Dfelent ftate of EuropeTwar WJil'&eyitai txfa? by an" imptrf eci compfomife of-! fend! tlie aflibrrs arid prejudices iof the xarion would probably in its prefent innper Ibfe hish ; me, then, lirtle hope, of the prefervation of peace. . -That jBonapar re; will retrjaia; as far as perhaps-he is 'ribw required; Carinot fe expecl:ed from hicharaderj . indjjfnjw' that the mmtry vt ihuGuntrj4are s 'r Cpnfidering.therdforhat war is tmavbidable let us fpeculate on the bro Jbable? cbnfeqUcnces-5 And firlt 5 I wlll efldcavcurj to exp&fe the retrbr of a very prevalent iifc)tibDinvArrieric.rthat Great Britain was nearly reduced "to bahkfnb- cy oy meexpcii es oi me iaie warr ana its) her competency to r.eiuae ana mamtam ne cpnteit. ) it is lo, far f jom bctng true, that both tfie sgricultur dl,.and,v commercial capital of the country wa6 increafed dur ing 4hat-peodTttt . Tcnti and prfcerpf lands weH? nearly, doubled rid the ex-, ports Sr : imports were in nearly the fatfte prbbprtiori i And what further -efta-. blilhes it; h4h"e ver y lenfible meHoratioh lin thescr'editof the peolei'vlis Jin crekfe:bf affluence, ' I am told bythofe. who are' ccrnipetent' to dedde, "is very ob: vioys in every gr'ad of fbciety If then, atthe conclufibnof a war of unprecedent ed, lacrifice and expenfd wbich though "generally difttogujfhed byth'e-moft glori ous and fuccefs'ul achievements, was yet markeJ by fome of the hcavieft lofles & misforfunesv we, find j ;- that inftead oi thetprofperity of the iiaiiont being unfa Vburably afFeaed; its rbfouirces had flou lifhed and ; multiplied, beyond example,' we cannoi emerrain a ltupiaon or ner adequacy to fupport the threatened war. ror ahy vfeafonahle apprehenfion ofthe cpnfequerices the.rnoli tuipous to FrancPV ana nptning wnicn,canti.eriaMy v ne jne iritereft of ; Great Bntaihvi'he for-. feet: will be impovdriflied'almofl to(a chw gree of beggarf y the total fufpenfionbf her je vi ving mairufadures. & cp'm'ittcrcf "whilft the Jitter will encreafe bercaDitlr Ijiyr fweepingthe;trade:oi world intb her pbrts.Tlf itftruehe xfe- ; Ifohal debt (that-" p. s Jfejeft ferfon calls it, but which 1 conllder w : the bed band of polfticaifociety) wHl pc. V augmented' but iri no '.way Rropprtion-, mi ed to the vaft Accumulation of riatii 4 A HcKf bf ftfhes Annrffive "riot 'Xftiam. -. i its Dbfidve"amount. butwhenifexCi . ' ' .... ...... ' .-,. ! .1 iuc means v-uajuiv, j i, t umur vi--r . llrely relative. " The debt'oTEngland caiig v M never, then," foe, lenpufiy raieniome ; rx M?i to whateve? '.-amount, it may attain ?i of increafe. Not one halibFthe prelent 4 H' ili Cri-CQnld. nation, nnv yeasi apo. a v Vm1 t haf. f -riavp f?raw"tr tint Mno- in -x :i; : l 'k S .1 ray fupport from a fuppbfition of a cbaiw ! ifc tiori on the cpritinen againft B'ciBf. lyf , ibme jealonify of France, '? in phfeU Av " t qu'ehetf deteairig ah intrigue, of '8fA.;i X parte, witir ihe rorte for a 'part ot ms Jfe-. vant pcnTeffibns, , and it iighlybt7; ble that .jlultria ahd Switeerlanduriydf ?i . , their recent niuUsrid IbiTfis, would not fje.averfc to "enteiinto an efficient coalir 4 tion.'.4-'t..' .;:.-w..VAv't .' v ..'"i '-... .s i::-:tu ' i. Petmit rhe, tb dired..youiattcritrcJo:;f: thet more jmrnedfate concern qf ithi i coantry. t And her?r iirj Thall juictr , ; the ra'ofl ardent patnotifin and theirn'?.f: eft loyalty, . .the'-one acpuied by tKejPRCr, lent crifis, and the ibtherlledlbrdi'by v & the lata confoiricy aaainlt the Iifeof thehr T" ; king; . In Parliament,' a unammiiyj jie-i on meet withthlnbft'univetfalnjbbort.'' I There is but cme point ori; which any di l 'verfity of fentimerit prevailsT Itis'fi' 1 pppofition to (hc prefent Winiftrj.as pe mg incompetent to the prefent conjuncwV ture, T hp recal of Mr Pitt, is clamor " , puflr demanded. T Many rumours.are K circulation about a change of Miniftry.-f, . It is.faid that the kinghas affented to rh$ . f coalition , oi, any parties,;', provided ; lt. ' Pitt and Mr.' Fox be excluded irbn the Miniftfy. t He can tolerate neither of them. . So various are'tbe. tumours ubV:v , on this fubjea tbat it is impoffible 'tdfat ' what wih r.eally take place:t We bear of ; ? Lord loirkGfey, Sheridariand fveA "Tr-"-r-r"-'.-v- rai or tne oia mini itrycpming into pmce, " ahce.?;it js to be hoped nat fo exoen vc Tina ; menectuai a ce 01 war ine with fhe enemy w:H be : abandoned, end that .V every energy will te confined to the navy,- and thus,' at a comparative ly inconfuerable expehfe," a fleer Will be malnrained ecual to the corAriiarid of the. ocean, to harrafs the eaalts of France, to burn many of her town?, . to feize her co lonies and naval polls, and finally to cjef troy the remains of her navy and utter ly tpannihilrte her,comniei;ce ; jhUs rat fingftill higher that naval JTuperiorjty of which Erance js now fo envious. Where then, exift the( grounds of fo rAuch ter. ror ofthe "inigmy nation'? Jt is true that the phantom of an inrfion has again . been railed Jd frighten and deter. But none except the weak and th&timid can fourcV, tf Bonaparte fiiould. in the de lirium bf teferinnent or the intoxication yain glpryhave the mad temerity to make the attempt, Jet us cohficier the cbahces of fucceis. Is it prefumable that an army of any force can' effect an invaflr on, when watched .by a navy fp vigilant and powerful ? 'p. But admitting (which is granting alrrroft an fm poffibili ty that anarmybf force .fhould land: veafe to recollect , the riumberlefs difad vantages wun wmcn tnev wouia narve to contend, cutoff fyomjheir1 county the meais of Tupply or rnforcenient, , they muft, even if Primarily fuccefsful, be fpeediur vinquiflied bye.-waiftinR '. of their;numbfrs.;But thti isthe moft unlavourable, conclufion ; Are we not father Warranted in concluding that Bri iifb yalourv ?wheri- animated by the call bf patribtilm, . .and inflamed, by every paf fion which can give energy tb exertion," wll riott a nibmerit be refifted ? Hifto-( ry .records many examples which. Will juflify the dbnclufibn j wifh' to.im'prefeT:' Iri Grecian ftory we read of a Thermiopy Ige, . a Marthorit and a Salamis f the ex ploits of a Leonldas," a Miltiades and.a Themiflles.'-;5 The" ; Swifs i rneagre in reioutces and ribt.mre powerful in nflm bersJiaye exhibited .exertions npt inferi--bur in brilliancy of glory. -'Norjwill the hiftory of our own; cburiffyllefslnforte the' infltuaiye, admoriitiori'fthat ape pc when routed by art attempt f o lelit their fights,- their libertiesV'arid their deperidenietf SMt countty, : "are capa ble Tjf.cxeTtions nor to .fcfe.rneafured br atiylcrduiarf ftandafd of calcplatibii.rC! m si i teti'es'awl0aWS 1 tioi?$ fhe 'gencialvgobdrlf'wai': fhould be 'declaied, I believe' it ivould ?4 "4 yef be obeyed. ,It is eyen faid thariw', is aireaay oeicriniuct ana raarine &aicev.: ; r ecefs of parliament is theiimefixed fox his fefumirig his fbf trietbffjcesCv J 1 heiubjea bf bur difference with Spait has excited much intereftifl this; eunttyr The'laft intelligence which- reached vdsip- tj wasi? ihat congrels Were debating with v cUfitf dotty slnd that Gren. Smith?hadle - ; -clared he confidef ed the. country aslorit the eveFa war.TLetteS-frbmi Mldtul 1 v ftblifhed. hete'riienridxiHharcma - of-Spairt: towardiluceedsmhelf f j from the iriftikatibri lor FrariceI& Ihe1 ;;f matterrnfdeted;iri this htixi:evkA.; L ' " .; .'ir r-, 1 . ; ,, T-. -4 . .'' ' "'tr i iuu Acres valuable jLand A riME acrci" at poq1 Fiaokliii County,, I9 mile from ' the; City of X V Raleigh nd 1 1 tnilee from Xoiiilbrg f Ttw ;; ' Tftft is well watered and idaowd tototu anil . fmII grain, and ja good (cat for a ib t J . Alio nrb acrca in Wake CohntT.Mn Art ' x Manoch- Cretk, 7 mile from Raleigh at4 4 from Powell' bridge.' ThU lalt iraft U well adapted to raiffng Tobacco, Cotn, ' Wheit-"ot Cotton-land cotaiot i fioeoprir orchard "A: Spbrcriber onrcfop fcwfor feiSj '", laid fyinff -eoXJtllcv Rfvr. frf t i' i . ti'i of Apple, ania- Pach Tee ; ibeand VjMfr'Z . weu watered--f''itii at? rxccHrnt'Tra' fir'mL7& ',: Jurors1 fo and alt otbrr litanlt vf ci Ckrlf pJ' :, 'If :1 tr 1 h -;.,'?!!;(."'?ri i'r VA'"' '."ft ..;t...-. '':s.;