By Publifhiog the, following Addreffyou will oblige ; ; rl "SUlteCftroElS I 9 ih citizens, fArmiya Vaaed wjthir pyernroent ipurnei fumed;to a Ikelletoii jlyour magnanimity, jruur, uiguuy w .character xnainep TOur Hh HE aDProaChin Eleftiori for a Re" f-prefenia'tivitb Cbngrefebhttb; command ydui;'mpft(;rjous;attention7v' The prefent is a folemrt. ctifisA '.period i furcharged with ', importarice-Ai tiniei fraught with the moft alarming forebod-. ingsNegligerice pr apathy in rtie jejcer- cife of your dutyas Eleforimay be ; pro-v vduft've of uncctUabteiilFaur Cah i ) didates folieit ydurtrjae Mem bets' of Society you 4. cau jiidef their: rnentsW Of thrlclTr6T- their pblicTa&'5. dreneS 'and. dec!aratipn$,Out ofithef?: " yifmr Rational Reprefehtati ve is t$b cho pies the choice will bejudiciou's Cpul4v I4Uey8 ; fentmVenrs ' changed refpeting iHe;ad4; miniflratipnot;the ? Federal r; Govern mentj 1: would 7pare;ia pains treclaimi you ; ; I.Xyould. labor ' to ;foori , vincc 'i you' - of your errbrf . and endeavor to' remove' - your infataa6h;-rBut vjieinl Wt&'joiiti Cbnftittitiqh iiolated ment difgVaced -"ybuf Country degrad ed-teChief Magittrate timidfidde and exparte without energy, : magnani mityrbr Jfolu manly' fortitude.of -Virtue, "nor "even th$ heroic temeit.pOTc!eWh4i,I fee. thcfe and i WwsS you in the1 i ace, I cannot doubt your fidelity, althqV I thmkCxt proper; to rdufe you to exertions. The iupe talents and virtue.': irt the Federal over. the; DeJhocr JKe pnthentisVrev Vanaiaates .4 it ,is " meai ures ana not men I adafel maU Tjfe' anyTihfcoi rnTuni on' jour federal, and fupprefs any cenfufe on your anti-federal Candidates -althblthe fbrmerjdould 'hotr ioofe'' nor. haeinbihiiig. to iear from contraiflirig hfs character.; with "the latter ' and altho' his merit, might eclipse that of fotrieof his opponents as the tight of the fun does that or a'glpw worm, they have an equal title, tb folicit, altho' not an -equal right to receive your, fufragetheir Charac ters are known to the moft of you, with youreft the necejy!cbmments--you have no teafori to paufehp caufe to he fatate. out of four candidates thereis but - ortfcieraliilititlie"; difti$&nlf:i pt parties : in; this ceuntry!ypu:areac quamtwrthis( differencp ambng ethers is worthy b bbticeharalmQ';iedefal- 11m may not make alI (Vjicious men Vir. tuous, Democracy f tends to . make all Virtuous meri' Vicious; XTbe, one may not be a Yirtuejn.aHy tne other is a cnoie r in"ahy.:i'jThe profcflms the one may not be lufficient to recommend, in all caies j but the avowal of the other is fufficient to difqualify in all inftances" It is-known to the world Yand a change would fur- prife) that youf forrrier decifitns have therto aQed with -integrity: with jud - ment and honelt perfeverance: exchange .not tneie not your Country. Let - not perfohalrefDecl: nor friend fhib, the influence of connections nor the drowfyjaudanttmof Adulation, fwerve you, from ';, your" brincioles.--U n- der the former. 3fadmiriiftration" what, were the itatepf yourGountry Your agrlcu1tute,fyour cpmmerce and ifianu takories;fiourifhed with unprecidented Rapidity- your reyenuemprevthan'-'e-' qal to the exigence of Government. your Cohftitutian respecled, yqur' Go- . vernment revered, your Country a with hrnrne repelled ioreign intrufioriTre drefled its wrongs and commanded the i rtuuuiauon or - i anonsypur mrant Navy, triumphant after feats of vaiure .on theAtlanticyourf Judiciary,: inde " r?nt curediftnbuting'equaK . 'Mticdilubjea toibpower but the Con- ttitutjpn, and floods of wealth' arirT hao-J ptnefs;1 like the beams of the tnorning -tun dilf ufmg its bentficence t and influence- over all. ' -..K ;-. a-'-X ,-; . t lufuihialterraiiv . pifcute and , you'll fee the. fituatioh of : Gountry hqw: ?;BehoId the meagre lmulted at home and degraded abrbad- :;ii;,.y.JwuM, Tiuiicu , 'your Tignis- MI infamy; 'at the footftobt' of . yurCfrer ! fiIentV yout CbnltitutionviblatecL and i pci lui aicu ;iu; neari j; fyour :t avy. crippieqV in;:its;nfancy tberplaceofivSalutaryRevenue re pealed for theexprefapurpoftjof ncreaf ing i Executive s patrPnage.-i-View the Judieiarythe; third pillar iti your Cbn jlitution dependant on! the caprice of intQjdcated vpower--OnHhe; deleriunv pf aianguiharyifa&iori without cTiergy? withoutlfebilityf without IbrceSimacin ated to a madbredceditcrmapeTt .JiA 'Jzii kasj-.: zTsix. v.-.i. ' - vvmium ;iuuuancc -a louna wuiiout meaninc a : proftituted title without re-; llectaoility pr honor. ? ; Do not thefe e- vi8iiipcu a cyrrcuiyc, appiy ine necei-' fairy ; ntidote:giye the balm of federal-' IjiBLlgJiga) ganker'd :wniind'6f ypr: injureaGountryiil-Ghace- away from your Ibpres that Ipectre ot DemPcraey!.-- thajii'magi.c:'pbwertjiat:vfafdAatmg charm which has wcohvulfed Eurpper-. inchained France,; and is - no'pointiri toybiir ruin: like the 'needle to the pole but' with' It&'v&i&atL'-i sM:'-": t-: 5;tThie; credit ;you-btamedh turner occasions in luppornng- tqe nonor. ana averting ihcVruin'' of your . countrfi you. are called upon how to maihtairiJ , When v irginia is-- ouruijig ner cnamsr-, w nen Dempcracrjs.' hiding its head i,h cbufu lion !vherithe molt anti-rederal ftates arc " electrifyed widilihevvivid ..flafli of fedefalilfni;i are; you then' and not-'till -.1 -'v., -". !1ir , .- r 1 inen. 10 mm your pacKS fhut your eyes againfl; Heaven- forbid it Virtuei Refled on the; 'duty , you :owe . your Country, yourfelves and pofterity ; your, all is at Jtafce ; your liberty endangered ; the religidrf of t your Father befieged and affaulted from the tower of iiirtdeli tyVrlnyoke the banilhed Knibus of your ConfUtutidnto return--The 'Guaridiaii mici i yor iNanon to ipreaa ner pro tedingvings around your liberties, and jupport,' with a mighty'arm your fallirig4 Republic. Supplicate the Majefty pf Heaven, (whofe throne Democracy like fallettf Lucifer Has aflailed)5to direct, your councils' and fave America from impending jruinv "-v-. V , V C:; . MONITOR: reeaii'rfft 'efi af)ti :cb n try ;a' m rfbnVor, be 'proftffed punpbfc af refifloff id die tnoft "con'1 jfider able fi pert to wnig 'iot Ore atvBrjta5n no i the rfghliof bein icknowUagcar Mir jbs; all the privilege attached tpiuch aUtiiatjod:' ;cou?i .only bc jflefjTed from a cbmmem no a po treaty ot mat ccictipuon -wuvjn 'xs piibfi$,ttherf:wai(tonfeqaetttJy ottffupplfeS .won. was uy pci iijcjjqj 01 a.fApinnacrciaj,.nuiic nJ lhif (uJplaoij aa:ioiifi the cit'cumillatice, that fome of tb'em Were milita.' fj mehj'but by the ad&at dircovery that federal, of thein wee f'urnMed with ioftrudicnitoh; t'aio the fcand'ingf of the harVcnira "ao'd to' pro cure militarydii vey of placet where it wa in . So, be hU duty to pircnl thelrdepanure to their fefptfiive 'placci of deftinationrand repefitited to the French govern rneijt the rie?ffiity, ofiih drawing' thenv 'j 'and itcannbt be depied that thi crcamftances under which thfy werc'fefit, and xkt Intlroftrons.'wbich were gff tq'lhc'm,uqgbt, to be .confidered at decifie indicationi of the dif poGtiona and . intcotiona of the gover.qtoe'n by whom' they we're employed.' ;. :The conduQ of the FrefieVCrBmept 'th ftfye&ib th Commercial I nterco'tirfe between the two conntries, rouft therefore be coi.idered a "ill fuited, to a' ftate of peace, and their pror' ceedihg, fn thttr general poL'ttcal!aliona, a HtsW it io thofe wLich tntfliediattty. copcern Hie Majefty'i mimoB, appear to have jjeen alto Ctther inconfiftent with everr brtnciDleof eood ill had ks oporireafonfc 'V'h; ?ati6n a Mice,-, Hit Maj,fl ft truth-forbid it ??. ' torfs,neqee ?f4he r ' . ' , v cd afiuraocea aud profclfi ns of the treuc ua it bfiftirt t the time'of itf COnaiifiOo f 4''flbnttd.; of'.nggettftl. , igaterially acaed bythe ;Mantarjr;i rMf.,. -- partietlV aa to' pi jadielrdr condiiloti v ,t; on wllch thtberarty;banfit(eVed ;i 1 ntrac1,ffhe ange;f,niaJeVmay bc?o . ed aa opera - - tytiifelf, tana U ginglprtygica'; . riobt JO juetnana iaijiii"viiu wt. commiv'" fpr aby fublUiAia') dlfiifcracc whicb fitch aQ may Jiave tffeced in 'tKeti;" wlatiVe lituWolal;' tut whatcaerttiy te; 'it is to bcbooTideidvaa'fottBte Mutably a 'SitwM!"11 rule of tondtift tEWi!5rcitigil StSfatea : Jiad been accuftonied to appeaU-wheje ConCD-...... tirtoal lw admute T'he Treaty of Amicni, anatwy ether Treaty,- providing for tte objectt td?.; which ii 1 paru'cularly dirededtoaajiot therefore aflumc 6r impVrWjbdiffee btbiri HbjiSti, ' whiVh art nd fnecified m Its ftipulatibbl,fmcU Sfii duea It.atljutjgg t6tM'VB..bVutifiiitwJt.ti: left tg the wtU and fepri of the viotent and lbv 'powirfd.-,vTbe juft ice. of the caufejae ' Qifflcnt ground to? warrant the intetpbfiuono 'anVof the Pawerl of Europe in the difierencet whtchA:may auf Vtweeia" other. 5ttef and the application a '.vd extent ot4 tBat ! ia to be dtterinined fofclr' bjr of fhat juft interposition repeat' h Ge- SHETEItNGI,4vD! AND FHASCJ-. 1 9 . 1" H is Mifcftfl?, txtne tt'endfa vou'i for thef pre fcrfa t ion; of tit Ate. havi tig fa iftd of f ucce fsj ' i entrrta vhs fn!left!contidcncc tliat He ftiail r ceiyc "i'i fumf fiippbrt froriv hit- Jtjianjeni, & '.hatthe faniivii ty His People, which he has expetiencedv6n'c ycry bccafiun hent th Vom of H ia Qrown ha .")een attackecj or th, efleiiiial iiiticrefl jof His Do iniaiona hsvejften enJanefcd : v :: r ' "': Dp'ri-'gfbe Vljoicbttr-e of th; Negociatinni which led to the.P-;litninartr " and Derinttive TreatiWof Pea'ce biet ween Hit M-ii -ftv and the wnett peryeraiicef.cxcminge;.; WocllleplibKiu- -wat-HiV Mjc'tyrnttere" .yirtaeSrfor.-'A'poftacy.Jurr WefTre; not onty to put an end to the hoftnifies backs 'on the Caufet bfjyour Which 'fbfiatcf between the two csuotrte,- but, -LetAROt .petfonal.refpecYhor '.to adpi'ibebrneafur . and to concur in fuch to adVpMiK-b. rneaforw. and to concur in fmch propofitiobr, as might moft eTftuiUy contribute to c('folidate the gerrltranbuiliiv of Europe we wme mouvrt ipy vtotcn n:a iv4ajeny( wat ac tuated dating tbe'ieg9c(attanafQr Paffe have fmce invariably govt rued Hit conduct, .fits foou as the Treaty pfttriicng wat concluded; 'Hit Majcfty'a Courts ware 1 .open to the pepple.of I'rance for;eyerypnrote ot. Jegal ledrelt ail fequeftrationt were taken off tbeit pronttv. : a'l pfo1iili(iont obthetr' frade which hd been tot pofifd dining. the. war wen ;evoved,nd they Vvf placed id'eTefTrefctVf-'onjU 'fame foot . intercott.tfe, irtg iwuhTregaid to cdmmeice and i at the inhabitanti of an other ftate in Hf Majcft jr, wjih whiclf there elided not treaty of commerce. . ' ' h - . 'To a fvftetft of condoft thVs ODeb.- literal k friendly;the proedini?9 of the FrencK Koverni tntnt afford the moft ftriking ebbtraft. 1' Tht, t .. t r 1 ' t it. 'j 1 ': '.' . . J prontoiuons wnicn naa oeen piaccq on tQe. co.iu. mefce- of Hk,MajeJ! fbjS during the .war. have been enforced'with.'encreiGng, ftrt&nefi & feverity violence ha't beta offered, io-feverUo ttances id their velkli and - tbeir propertr l in no cafcilhaTjuftic'e been laatbrded t tbofe who may have been aggrieved tii cooftqueoce of fuch aAaf vOor, hit 'lny fatufaSry atifwer beeq ffiven'to; thei'vepeated; repreferitationjroraac by Hit I Maie v'i IminiSert, ' or .aaabafladora at Parv; Uader fuch circutnaBces, "wbes. Hi vernment, -that Ihey might have., been Jpd need dnprifj ftin"f;' pSlfcjjThlchi ,'iif ".ftTh'i'd oot--jfpired other Power with confidences . might at leaft have, allayed their jralouuea, U Ihe Frencli govctnment Vad 'really appeared to be actuated by a due attentjbn to fucb a fyfteni if tbeir difpofitfonT had ptQved.;tb be tfFcotialty pacific, allowanctt wrtg'd , have .been made for the .fituation in wdicb a new Obycrnrocut rouft be placed after fb dread ml and ex tenfive convul. fion si that which has beeb produced by. the; rrcfich Revolution; Uut fjj6 Msitfty haa.un fortunately had top much reslpn lo.obfcry d; to tatnenuoat the lyttem ot vidtrnce, aggteluun, anu aggrandisement which characteraed the pro ceediof a of the different Governrnentt of France" dn4og .thewar, hat been cobftour d with at intle" difguife fitice ta termination. They. have cdd ".' L . " r. 'U.1L- i. .rt ii a : zt uiiucu 10 rrp,a"-r?ncn army in noiiaua eiihitbo'rTHr Vnd in defiance of the rmon- ftradcea bf the "Patavian Qovertiment, .ind in re pugnance to the 'letter, of threeXpiemn Treatiei They have i' fn a . per od of peace, invaded the terrnory, and- violated the independence of the Sw, I Natron, yj defiance of tha treaty of X.unei ville:which bad ftipulated tie iodependeficef 1J''.. .. . . t . 1 1 . r U 1 1 ' yusT icrrHery, ana ine r.'gnt er mc tnnaQiiann to chufe their own form of Guvtrnmcnt. They hayc annexed (0 tlie domfntons of FrabcCr Pied- moot." Parma; and PJacemiaj' abd'the ifljnd of .118, wiuiwui aiiucing any provision to mc iving ot bardmia, whom they havderpfiltd of the mott valuablt oart ot hit trrntorr. thouzh they were bound, by a moft Ailemn ecpagcaient to the imperor of Kuflia, tc attend to hit mtcttfis, alid to' provide for his c'ab'h,neot. It' mty indeed, wjib truth be aficrtrd, , that the penod which hatclapfeiuincetuecontufioa of the dehni tive treaty,. haB been rcarked iMtU one continued fcticB of aK2efltab,.via'encf,'aud infult on the Wrrtbf the.' French GoVeroorent. r,J'z-ij ', t . . r-. , f .1 t t D ' (1 ; ine monxa or ucioBer laiif, 171s -ja'cnj' wat induced, in cobfrmiebeeof the earncft f'li-; citation of the SWifa i.ation, to rtvake an?effbr by a reprefentatioa to the Hcncu Government, to avetuhe evilt whicbrcre then impending 9 ycr' tbat . country, .11 his reoreientatlon, wat coucnea in tne moit temperate tcrmt ; ann met furet'were taken by His Mfjefty for afecrtaiaing under the circumflances which, then exiiied, real fitbation and wifhet of the Swiji' Cant ont, as wellas. thJVnWrptntf of the Other Cabinet! ot fc'iTfope.- Iji MMdtYjyra.tncd.uaweyer prodence.- Tliele principieatan aomtt.or oo'cu. pute y but H the ocvr and extraoraioary prcicu fion: a'dvadced by3tbc" Fhench GoTerpment i tS t- i excrude Jhir Mjefty froni any right; to; iptei fere with reTpfccVtO Jtfie cohterrof other Power no-, lefs they rfadbV fpecific; Sah of the, ftipulationt , 'of the fea'ty of Anyens, .was that wfcicb it-war poflie tb tijalntaio) thofe Powfrt ?w4ld have a.: -right tViti W tUlm the benefi t ot t hit prin vini rrr -of iffierence betwee'n the V. two countries. TfcV indighatfbft of, all mrbpCj. - afuftTufel therl be excited by the dedaratiobi ot . tt.i French1 Govehmentkthair rn the &tbt:ptl hbftilitieBthefc;yery -errJW.ri:; ailowea to oenve any uvniagc itwu, iuw;. 'ftrwMf HifMaleftyinhe bebalf EVe c.X, J verthcleft to te raade the viatmidf a iirar-wbicftW 'j ' ft :. U-AA .Mr'.Aiv 'nf-lsc famk'trcatt. ittattt "NiHSV! arc to be'criftred ilfc;:nnteft-wbich-TJMm U-jtt rt oreaGoned but which ttey Catfiv bad bo mc-ant wbtUver'bf prevebtlogy ii n i i it innrrrn Tin ill cx icuici ii -. "J J , o . ........ ' w. .!.,..r. the circumftances whtch. then affected urpe, a Hi abftain from a recurrence td hoftilheooaccount of the vietfa of ambitioo -and-aftf - ggrcnioq.; mabiiefted PVanee oft thl, continent 'iff rMrinrr ot. Hie cnaracicr auu uuuvuh1 the Fie neh ocivernment could not lau 10 imprcia;! o :;. . . - t . .... .;ti...-.vvi.,.-.-.i7.i, Hit Majefty with a ftnff of. the necctuty o ttt -vt creafed vfgilanceio guarding thctignuaodigi ;r f 1 of hia peop1e-.:-vl.r While Hfa Maieftrwaa afluatcd by thefe ItnK-t Mi:-.''-' k It V timcnts, he was-caHeu ver n m c n 1 1 o e vacua te the Maicfly hadlnaoifefted, - " . f i - FT -i.-. thi4w K. i.rn-ilura nf t h I II" fl nif 1 VC l.lCatLT.ttD it tbeUetiQittve . l reatyp an tan; ; to carry into 'full efTeft th ftipd-ti Treaty of Amiens reiathWt lon at he wat laformed'tbat aiV V;: ' ' ; -! oiit difpofitiotf lations pfThe'.T ifland. - A foon lcflioo of a Gran d Matter. had taken placed tin der the aufpiccs of the jfitnpcror of RuffiiV and that -it Had Df b agieea Dyxucjoumst" ,'. $ affembled at St. Peterfborgii laicVprfgitf' ' per tan -whom' the court or, -Koroe.4aou.a ; but of thofe whoiad been named by thcm'toWH; .C '" Gand Matterrot tUe Urdev:otfI5t.iJon ' , V MajcflypropoftdtbtheFroch eimentffor -v v, the- pbrWfi of- ayoiding ivy difficUie-Vfhich-trr ' ; might rife in the eiecuMbn 61 the attangimcot ; .;; . ' to acknowledge that cledion to be valid f abd t ! when in iKe month of Augttft the French govetnjK '. mcflt .appnca io nit triajeny o pcrunv iu ". pol itan t rrofa to be feat to the ifla&J of Mattf.i aa a pehjiin?ry mvalure 1or preventing f)y bcctffary.'dday,''. piYMaftytoftfcpc:d Withtftt for the admiffion of the Neapolitan troops int f fhe iflatid." Hit Majeftjr had thus Iheyrb h!lditj? polnton t not only ? to ; tnrow, na-? oDnacica - rn the war of :tneii! execution vw inc.: treaty, but. orfiliC' tfdntra'y; ; trl facilitJafe 4Be I execution of it by every meant tr mfpewer i . i'-atfi---'? with thq utmolOfpret, that no difpofition to : ' .i .V." .-.l e 1 ' r ' Hia Mi!9 rinn,thAaiwr.''lflfl) t I Hal y-jwod-finceheiiclufiOftih AmiVrta tV Triinrb trnvernmtbt hawe MA tf'titfciVWifVf amity wjthlljcounicra'ft thefa rrpeated infradiont of Treaties I (a call upop hii in confofroity to; tteJffc nla'".': r-T- , - - i-. w. . - and aftt pf violence war manifrfted by any off. J ,i iont of that Treaty, to withdraw : Wa iorcCt fropv the Powert moft immediately interefted in pre I the ifland of Malta.' At the " lima iihetf tbl 46$ vontiue.them-t and , Hir Maiefty. therefore felt thauiwith' refpeft to thefe object, c Hit itngle I efforta ' could not be expected to produce any . coQUderable advantage to thole in whole favor mang was rnaac Dy ids jrrcnci uwctoiusu, . ; yeral ef the moft important ft tpulat wni- of the :f arran fre'dkeat re fbeft in r Malta remained'' linCie f: cutedt; the eicftion of a Giand'Mafler had not !.;they ight;b ened:v, , been 6arried to effea. The tenth Amcle- Bad ;; J it wat about chip time that the French Go- ftipulated that tte iadependeuce of Aatf ifland 1'. tioay of Great ritaDFraoe" A unriar, ' Ruffia, - . 'SpainimdvPrtffiaV Tr-Eeape of Geroaa-r' inprt, ciTtance," oo-Tnypbiot which didaot I oyJiad accrded to . the Gaarabteei -r but aly oa;;-.' form a Part of the ftiDulationa of the Treaty of condition bf a like 4ecet&od a the part of. the Aninf.XhAt Treaty founded rinnti thi fam rjrinciile at eva'rvtthep I neror 6( kufila bad refdfed Uit acaclSoo, except jitntccetfni tirtt oronTcntionj- ba; the affump. oa thf jBODiitido that 'the'laltMLwgutBl :?r that.Hji.-Mtwftr had W't the condMT -or to interfere with the proceed; At ,.Z'"-k..:..;ltA.:, j'.