4- juftlcl is sj - ... . ... .-...-v.,v,., ., , .4iiti.)IM0.; rv4 rer, tg,i.ft (he mod we.ltby and powerful 1 ' ; KNOWING the grt?ffif f, fe?1 uponiwun.tt iu uciciic ui incut iui uij " :;. r - lUtlUULlUII UI IVtiH.ll 'I I .v ". . ' '3 L" t 9td :.ibproperljr- fpeikingVptfd not 8n7 pumbtrof teeCeef exiftcd together iV i W wirrr; without fojhe ? W, C fcv pr 3 de LION. weu which theT o miwmlriP(fie3.W J?" iSi H PpJe firing rhatey bV not hdp Chtnkio?" that the "long impofcdVttpon' thepuMi i. mco mat out ;nttf. ; sod ratjoni tHHHutioiiS were tramcd to IccUre to e L jtcry member of the iieii'liav-Siirtu'Mai rFOf; pui iivp: laic aDonuoo or me omces fjofjoi uxteen circott judgca, the rwwrf change 1r ' charadereftiea of democratic workmpnlhlpM'n the garbJcd form jt .waa forced' 6 affaie ;nwe could loot fliere4 recoirniie the clear '-iudzmeat , or4h oeWoua flyle df tis author f( and one of our ft , -putatiou attributed "Chafe which the-que impeachment imparl w onuownwnrni. Lnrnnnw innrrnn. t.n . - - . .... . ., Z . --J . WTT" i "i t T " - l-Miniog-.tae. two typreme, courtf, iball be.ratibcd demntd let him at leaft-'be juaffed by hia own J ivvu. in.kii , t1, ... t a , . - yiil-r J 7 i L"---1 pla ntxK general alleoibly. ' 1 he chance of . w,iSd nor Tuffer for the mifdf cda of. others. I .if t.. S... u .n. r , r"-o'ti: thimf . ;ifw n ofJongioaUDff facb; ttuff as ha betn I r';- A;.'s..i:: " :f -i-4 -.:ii .v. o hi. We eftea fohcited MrJ Sv! il1! V '" ?v' fff V tridlcript of Aatpart of hi.-chatie "TrSrT0. caye-occafion to the defflocrata toalk ., UA:.jf. li--t n.' iA i-j.. T ttibnteJuthef or ridt he ra liable tA anL L r . ii- -.n.S unUieai tod wf here orafeot'the b : ' IrHZriZarZiri V i u.ic wm uiwircj uiuruvcuiji inc mu lor oo- , aay torroof goTerBmeniiV to obtain ftcyrit y to thr; ferfotun& rV'from'tioleoce'tDef' .WfjHfecvr.Uy fo'rand ydti lear up fi5ci. ' I if? v , J7,hc r?"'-. r If Xceoia to mfthat roW, V-Mirtu and IrfcAican Rl'he.''kAni.i'hv''.'- coming a member of a commuaity,, which eit. . theprouftioBtheoVeix Yjthouri rwlt would,' in tny opiaion; .beiropraclicablefp enj9Wr;or:)vi. From hence i; conclude,-, that Zfforv arid rhki i - Mr. CbafcV 'acqoiefce nee J tt 6ttr rcqotfT wii ' given in the followiogletler,' A' J - , aia,4 ( m ' 4 1 y t it ia with greatieln&ance I comply with'your reque(i to fend you a copy; of the part of my charge. U the grand jury of tbisdiftrjd (ioMay lad) which has been mifunderitood bv fome'edi tori, and Aatnefully 'mifreprefenled by others. l have' uifornIy "flccUoed tKerpubHcaion ef any chaige I ever delivered. l Ju fboae inftancea" wjvdical opiuioas have beeif imputed to me thai L never gavf audio other inftances they have . beea frefaly and wilfully mifrprefented (par? tktdarly tft the cafe of Fries for treafoo) aod I oui or fcoti;jtniJ ever d liver to the public, are open and. free to' difcuffioo, remarks, and cfbfflrtca.:- ; v , . , ult it Biy optntou that a judge can neither ex plainer juftify his judicial ppiuiau; becaufe it would certainly lead to perianal altercation Jand 1 1 t ; pof .Jiin to perfonal rflcaioni, fthat he can- y not ooticfi if be refptdU hia Jiaion and charac; j - iv juc ro.ua merrore remain lileiit, althongu J hciaroifundcrftood oriififDrefpntea. , t, '' r"i.IaBSir,H '- ' "t i ;,Your obedient fervsnt ' - -f,. . JSAMUEIr CHASE. ?-.j!M.pEX.. CaY," : " . , ' r , i-diior of the Anti-Democrat., 1 -'': ''!.l-lBBa '.- " .' CONCLUSION otbb CHARGE Detivgred to tip Grand Jtttj Maryland, at a fi-rcyit giwrt 'jht U. btatet,' haUen in Bal A??r' ?B" Monday zd of. May, ,1803. . v .1. ,, r. rt atifbMjtBts - . SAMUEL CHASE, ESQUIRE, dvs -the joneea b the supremb court " OF TTlft UNTTttJ STATtS.. The firft part df the chafgVbewg merely the tuftowryjtecapitulation ofrthe"dutica qf a grahd juryy& of the offence cognizable by IS i 4nd it 00 objccliort has "been made or, r w fuppofc,, p buld be mide to that portion of v ft, .wj have thought it OeuflVy to publlfh it. i toed tetPely.take up the diargc where the dc ' mocrata have been io kind as to fay the jur'ge Olught'to bav laid it" down. We have taken. a; liberty whichW hope judge Chafe ttHl par-don.-of rnakintf a ew notes uoon thefuhicfl ; taattet of his harce t hot that we believed -e couM rxkr it more cleir; but that we .. may (hew'pur full concurrence in his opihi : , : OB8,and our difapprobation oLthe ftriAures that, have been pafled upon theru""2 ; v Before vou retire, pentlpmen' tn vonr TiBm. . ' 4 ( ' V -. 7 " fl. peri to confide fach jnatters as ioay be brought , shtfpft ypu, 1 will take the liberty to make a few - obfervationa which I hope, you wiirrectlve as r floffng "only 'frorn my regard jto the welfare, k profperhy of our cornrrwn counfry: It in "efTen. tially ceceffary a; all timesVbut more paitrcular. r..i ly Hthet'rfcfiti'thaVtlieYubc;'mjnd fhould be truly Iuforrned';and that our citizens. mould entertain, correct principles of gomnmf nt, an'S. ; ,v ... jufc ideas of their feat rights.' It is a very e'afy. ca to;jdecme;ahd miflead th great body of the : peopte.by propaga doc-; ! trines ; fr.the bidkvof mankind arc governed by "5 w". "yv7 jeaion-iawwoacari bemore reatidyjjRifc.miaied' thaorfc' j '.'iud the latter i hjsard with reluAapce,- !ijf Jfepunaot to popular prtjudce... Frwm the yiar i 776 I have 3 '.betfa ecideddved aH vacate for a reprt etiative, or repuh!ich jotm of tovernrntnt. as i iince cftabUflJcd br our ftate, and)national con- :-y- ftitutionsi?;- It ismy iWcitreVWh xhit -jretme ';. fhoutd be gOvernedibheiVVtoi'. fairly fenbed in. gur" bIl r rights j who havfr' rtptri cotonon interrjl witband if tiaebme$ 'cpthemmunity'', i."- 'S.r ; The purpofes of civil lociety. are beft ahrred! Id thole, gpveraments, where "the oublic fate phpjiUrhtftteemA-x what . ; eveKmay. tehV con rl itutronr fbrra; of go?" ;vetoment ibut thXhiftbry o mtfaadliabiJ tnt aajd modern timeV ioforms UV vthat a wi or nray berfc 'Lid that rtpuilic inif be a lbr trueXteft of, hbertv Irfiin t 1 iiOJ" 3 the'.flatejrojtiftitution, br allowing mivrrfallaf fr aget'iwillj iniTOy opiiiion ctfrfawy arid 'rafWy dettrojrfii protection to.propertyi aod allvis;.curt- ty to pert n at nberty ; and our republican acmt ftitution will fiuk into a mobocracy. the worft of alt pollible governments j . f I can only lament that the nfain pillar of our 1 Jlait conftitution has already been thrown down by the cltablilhmcnt bi untveral Tuffi-art, By rthis (hock alone the-whole building toiteis toiu bajcj. and" will crumble? ttft.'iuinl'befoie' 'many years elapfe, unlefs it be reftored to its original ' ttate. .11 the ipdependency wyour ftate judges, "which your bill pf rights wifely declares' o be eflfcntuJ to the impartial admloiftritiorfof juflice,' and the great tccurity to the rights and hbcrnea oMhe people," (hall be taken away; by the ra ; tificatiop of the lil pafTed for that purpoft, it will precipitate jthe deftruftion of y our noholt ftatc conftitution 1 and thlre will be nothing left in V worthy the care, or iupport ofrrtemen.j 1 cannot but remember the great and patriot ic characters, by whom your ftateSpnftitutiou was framed. I connot but recoiled that attempts were then made id favor of univtrfal Cofa'at ; and to render the judge dependant upon the hgijld lurt. xou may oeneve, mat the gentlemen, who framed your conftitution,' poffelfed the full confi dence of the pwople of Maryland, aqd that they were elteemcd tor tbetr talents aod patriotifm, and , fort theft public: tttdprivale virtues. You mufj have heard, that many of them held the higheft, civil aud military flatiboe f and that they, at every rilk aod danger;" affifted to bbtaiu ah'd etfabliflj yaur independence. Their names are e iif lled on the journals of the 'firft c,ugriff f k may Vf. fe'ea in the 'proceepgiVcToM on, tnat filmed .our- fiirm of government.! Willi great concern;! ubfervcj thanhe fons of fjftlej: of thofe charters hjver u,ojted to poll down the beautiful fabric of wifdom and repiibii ' canlfm, erected by their fathers ! 1 f '.; The declara t ios s t efpefting the natural rightt of man, .which, originated from the4:Uim ci the -flruiflv parliament to make laws to bind ji'miiP. ca, tn all C4fcttwkatfpcycr the publications, fiiicc .,' that period, of v'Hoqary and theoretical writer. aliening. that men id a flatepf Joticty are entitled to exercife-Wflfcr,-' which they poffefltd in a fiate of naluiey and the modern do&rinee, by our late reformer, -that all' men in, a ftue of focietv. are entitled to epjoy eaualltbtrtyi aria tqualftghti have brought this mighty mjkluct upon us ; and . t tear ttiat it will rapidly pogrtls, until peace 'and order, freedom and property; hall be def troyed. . Our people are taught, ,'a's pEticai creedg ' that men, living.under an tltebliHied govemment, ate neverthclefs entitled to exercife certain rightt, which fo$tKt& jg ajlalc of nature', ana alto thatMry memrier ot the go vernment is entitled to enj;y au equality of liberty, ana ttgoit," . great names cie a" faoclion to a contrary boioi: .'.'li".Tl.i ... l' . rt f ' t ' T... yu-H ,uc gri WDJHoc whtco ttieo eltablifh iICaUR de LION was fiot by Hifii.flver Pnpi4i gnd dam hy vSpeaatOr gie?tgr8t)d,-datri by Blank frcat grcs Kr.nn oam,jo jL,rgge's JFJiaoa, . y. Second . greaj ireai gttagland am,, by :oiayan'r Arabian ' (nd filtt property) mult fpripg Out tif civil toae. ty i aoa matt be,t ore ver, I ubj eel to the modih--cations of . particular governments, ' I hold the pofition. ttearXindfae that M iftrightrofman canJbe derived only froai ''the couventloris oLocl. itiM& may, with propriety he called 'fkul rightt, . J cheerfully fubfexibe to th docliine of equal lih'etmmrm ;i undci ints j,. mat -every Citizen;; without ierptct Wro' chit Mey niaTjeBm'nm the law i a nd an iqual fecuriry tor hiWaVrpvr.; Ariy J rt iateiiJietatiou ;of thtlc.irrmtg, irt mv iode.-1 rneni, .dfftiudti ir 1 ivajuojantialiy cowtii tn tin -fc letir,imer.ts, it isuonetfflary to mAeariyapprication of them,' and I-wil only 'iim ipnfX' Will juflice be mrWy f adminiftered by judges dependant on the legiIaiure, or the executive, for their tinuance U office , fnd'al(o for their fupport .Will liberty? it property, ' be prolcBed, Qrfeeured, by taws mad by! reprefentatives; chofen by elec torsi "who haVe no property in; no tommtw inter r ft with, no attachment to, the tommututy 3 This opinion of Judge Chase js opposed by many great jleamed rncr., but it js nt entirely noe(. The Judge f wy'.aoupu k it raaK.es n nis own : Out II 1 misiakenor. s,m la:e writers in England maiiuiau die lame iemimeKt) and i iraii anoiner juoge in Ame.ica,. acknwwletigert, by hij pcrtecmorj, to bo a eentletaan of knowledpe and iJ n:4, bif Seliveied the same seininient. V r tj Evpry ler-onbfany cducitiiMi, knowledge, observiti oii, of expen ce,! muw readilv inswer both those oueMi mj ia the negative, v The.judges am to-be appoin.rrl and rsm-' mnsionrq rvrri ymr, oy ine governor and council, who are to be annually -elected the joint Mlot'oi the IcclslaiLm which Cjrisilts of two Uranchts, the house of delegate hav ing rgAtfan'd die senate only' fifteen members. The farmer are-to tor-cbysfen y early by the fw;.W a considerable tdrtian- ,ol whom have pp (education;' .Very little .undruiandine. " ho r . : .i t " . . . j i M tuiiimun miciest wirrr, ana no hjred attachment to, tle state : V the latter are to bccnosenVvtrv five years, by ekctori aunoimed by the tanie c ,onS who ari entitled to ehct a' member or the hi i- dehgatei. tis, ;bythli change of our const ittuion,, tfce JudeS are to ub njipjui annually oy an extcmue 10 De C loscll aimu Ay tf -hV legislature, ' ot which eiehtu, out of 4my.u members bi 6 to be eleete amm'f i and, ;n 'complete ihc ystera, ihe judges are to cdepend on Iceiflatii-e; j-0 chosen ? id cmstantly changing, .ffcjr their support. TLg JN?,laiUie will fluctuate every twelve niotifhsas the pas'-iont, the pre. juuic, or tajinces of the people direct. The council, and i'Vubabiy the governor, .will also be changed at every elcy tion, as the j p Jar leaders khall pi eae. '. And the judges will be. annuVlrjr deprived of office, unless d.ey conduct themselves, accordirteb their wis "es. In all ihis-Al)i cuntyor iinua.tial justice ? 'what pro ection or liberty ol iy ? let this is the state ol things which We arc iU- pioper vitecHo sane ion, 4 Notes by the EftTon It must strike every "reader that there it riot one sen lence, nut a-single expression deJrveicd by Judge Chase, that can, in any manner,- relate to, or reflect; on,' die pre i-: ueni oi ine uimca oiaies ; aiiu yei ov a wnier in tne Arm ricut 6l' Monday' the J3t of June, Ins charge is denounced as o colml una ma.evctHt cuui K ui tin prcte.t a&.unistia- Him,' &c. tec Any person who will eae the rouble to Conoire the charge with the puMication in. the Amertcmi jpust irJnouiice the latieriln its cbtnraerfcerrient, false and calumnlout.. . ", y-, r- ;" ' r: Ju4u ChaSe In t)iis sentence olily deiive.s'hls opinion jhat by the W;ieal of the law that established the Mxt-p circuit judge, the. independence oi the jcUerut judiciary .was shaken to ti' foundation.' '-'.in 'the Am nam he is charted with ascribing to congress ' a iciful und fia-ranl violation of ihe coiutiluiiuit t Ike rerral of turJudi- iaAf'.'- " v ' 1' V 1. Ine. observation ot Judge Ghase reSjH.-ctinj' 'universal suffragje can le'juire no- comuientj He-gives hi opinioti that Ui'e aitfratiuii of the conji idion of this state, destroy our representative, or rejublio.t futm of government, and will e.:d in i mntiocwy, ol a g 'Vennrieut ol" the lower clas of , the people wittouf'prtiicriy, tmd without any fixed er laiioual attatlunent to tht;ie;J iniercst t thesute and that, ar a natural consequence all sectUitylorpc'hionaJUibetv Sc' propertywiH be lost.. How far the Judge may be cuhct in' .'i apinionroay, ; with safety, -be left to the-decisionvof .sensiUt-itiiparifaf eii, ..not bjinded,fcy parish, nor a4 .inordinate; Jove of popularirj, whether dernocrats or feda. ralist., ,...: ::::. 'wVrj'jr VrVl'-'-'Sj-V r Thesis remarks of Judge Ct)ae 'will U fcetter urjdcri stood wUen 'it .s k!()wnA"thab byihe weient ednsti.uitnn .ahtU erpetil law if JryltfWr4lie4ulSwfrftrre-!4 tourf fft secured . (al far as" the.censtitution and a perpetual " 'in tt liberal sAIary unless foifuifcd oijt tiJijvictien for tni&b$: naviuur tn a roar qj tav ay a oiu passed last sejsiorl of as lerhbiy. (if it shall be fMWl' .thecon.titutic . Wacleborough' jicit&tny Lottery . AUTHORISED by a.j Act pi the. General At-cht ol the State of JJorth-Carotina," tor ihe pui-poe ol laising the sum of Oss Thcvsand l?ottAts to enablr theTrus. tees of said Academy (o firuih their building, and fjr'otlier purposes to the use and benefits - of said Iiutuution. " 1 Pnte. of 1 ditto '. 2 ditto 4 ditto. . lU ditto ''l 40 ditto ' m ditto 300 Ptizesrf 5a- BlanksH; '. SCHXtME.-v 1000 Dollars' i ; ' 2iO'.';DoH. to' tiicust, ? p.- ;' drawn ticket, C ' 100 ' &i . .7: OK " - . ' , ... ' .. ' .'. v . r- - 10 '- .-. '- , . .5 gteat eteat trreat trreat graqa v.aim ,oy rving rwiHiaru'e JJIacJcriiarb t greatgreat gr eat great great gand daw by Ma- . k, elcfsout o a royal marc'.-f Jfrv"-' ''' rmA 1;; A :. ; -JOHN 'HOOMES." '' ;v ;Eclipfe teputed-4he bft hoi fe .'ever raiftd cfi England,'- Bighflyerwaa the favouiite crofs " for Eclipfe. tnaiesj ?and whcii Dido, who w ' L tioi.fidercd t1c beft.oareVof hcr-t3ay, was mtt - ui in, iiuiunij; iiiiciiui io a capital cplt could "7 liare beeyfled Every man who haTfeen ' Cceur jifc Lion,"fince he has-been iVmy p0f. j feffion, hat px pirciTed approbation and nota ' few 4 belt' admirition;--i(!:?-'A' r."' '. -t' I v . y''gni,' Allen's T codnty, the uth of November lafti'a lurfe was run. for iff ee iorianv hat ihe four mile 'ri,.. ; wVn. feyeu-aytewSnd; inwrih' aomber, fiMjrit'oltMarcuJusbvCceat At T.;- i'fi-lMlkf ysph&lidiftaoc' ea tne fteldwitlUafexhe. fir ft heatThe next 1 ay Mry t?orgc. llen'sfilly (by Cccnr de LU - iuuy woq a iweefitaices lor three years old ,teaMpgMh gteatatcu7 I have' ' -tbe4et.ter.)ff.dcfctlbei -whfch mentions. many;otherri).ings highly j0 th5 ;;credit M Ccor Irje LiW See:alfotheRac I nrf fa mAtr rf 0-x. T..I-. J . jw-wi ' o orptrmuer, the -capital perfoimarJcca 61 two of h.'? fillies three yars old, the lhee and fourm.lt Aran.- - Ainceihe firfi of January, Occur' de Lion has njoyed every advantage ariririgfrtitrr a cleao lldble, a variety of grain, an xceJTent wheat : l9U & fJ0 the tveaiher voUldprffiit, a plen. jy of regular, moderate exert JJe f4 mvr ready, to Cover Marcp at my Stalle ttio Aa half miles lafhiipm LoUilburg,. for, twenty JDolIars the Seafftn.idifchatpsbtc'ibe' joiIi f. brtiary. 1804, with fixtten Dolors and 4. half i thirty Dollars the InlutancVx leri Dolljr. V! dy money the Leap with a quarter to ".the Groom. Any Mare put" by the Leap, mar have the' remainder of the SeafoVtor twelve Dollars; which-may be difcharged at the tiro above mentioned by pay ruent ' f (en Dollars, 'fhe Seaf n will end the firtt of Atogult. Corn may be had at the market price, Ser var.ts board gratis. , Extenfive paftilrag well letured for the benefit, of -Mares, pnd every p,ffib!e attention 19 them, but no refponfibility lor accidents or efcapes., "" . ; ' DESCRIPTION.,.- , v s CCEUR delLlON iP ..beautiful bay with black itfain, tail, 'let and' hoofs, and has a ftar 00,. his fothead. He Is fully l6, , hands high, and proportionately Jong 'and large-has fin uou-fuallharec-f power and majefly, a, fine, temper and a flowing fpirit. , , . - . ELISH A WILLIAMS." rranunn county, iviaach 1, JB03. -tf 10001 200 .2(ie 250 ; 400 I'i 1 0 3.) 10 8"?0 Ticket at 5 Dolls. eVch The DrawiHgof this L'oUery will commence in ih1 LtAvn of.Wdesb.,rtiugh on the second Friday, in October nea.',' and will be closed as soon thereaher as Haicb'.:'$; ! . The JPriie- shall be laid by either OMhe Commivrione'ra at any tune ajttr the Drawing is finished jvilli punvutality," subjeCf to a deduction of 10 p. ceut. . . ; , tne Bumoers ot the Jrtun,He t icHetj will be pub ished. M L T .1-1 k WW . . ... . i . r . . jii in. (vai?!H register, ana ip tne Minerva ancj all priy.es 1 700 Ac'res valuable Land. npHEisubfctiber offers for fafe' JowVor ready ; money or young uegroci, o'ne thoufand acres of good,l?d lying oo -Little Kiver io Franklin County 19 miles from" t be City of Raleigh, i and 1 1 miles from Louiio'jr?. This Traclt is well watered and adapted to corn and fniall grain, and agood feat for a mill. iVAlfo. 700 acres in Wake County, lying on Mannen's: Creek miles fro 0 Raleigh and 4 from PowelPs bridge. 0 hUM t raft is well adapted to raifing Tobacco, Corn, "Wheat, or Cotton and containing a fipc young orchard of Apple andPeachTef8 ; the anfj, j8 t0 well wateied-vvith an excellent fiat for a-mill. V- - . SIMQN GRAY JEFFREYS. 'Woh; June 5", 1 803. rjy :. Notice is hereby given, rpHAT Jarnes Fenny late of Wake County JL, :i8 dead, and that the fubferiber at the laft term of Wake County, qualified as exeeutor to. hi laft Will aod Teflameot. All perfons iiultbred tojthe Eftste of the faid dec. ire re- , qntictl torjnjie immediate payment, and thofe baying demands againlt laid ellate arc. notified which shall not he demanded within ninety day ajW the 1 10 pttfeot thtm, dnly authenticated, wtjibin the drawing is closed, will be considered as reiinulsheCai'd time liuiitted by law. Or thtr will be barred. i held as a Donation to the use of the Institution.,, ,vu' - "Y , . , . - "tkii - . Tickets to be had at five Dollars of each of the Comrrii'j- '- " ". . 'V : ; sioners, 41nd.pl several GwitlenienHaiifererrrrr otihl Nrtdayhe-th-d-ay-ot AugnuextV-Witr State and the State ol South-CanJina. v be fold at the dwtlling houfe of the- f)bfcber., 1 The Trustees are sensible in. offering .this plan of i !4te- .ft the ' orooeifv 'of tbeSaltHimi-a P.h'Wm. ry to the public, they mu .t depend more for,cees, v ,he 3 ' - - ' . prr 7f r i r 5 deCl consideration of tUeobiect 10 which t wi . ' - not otherwife telpokd ot by will, confiftiDer of . Six ;to be .applied,' than t any merit- the icheme itself or the ir'oney oy i.ouery is intKiecto; they;leel a desire in common V iih many of IKeir fcUow-lji'tizens, to iMwmc-ocmiuiiuei 01 i.earning tnroughout the Country. 1 . -vTi"' eo wiii a oenei. or the importance of these institutions, as they recard our i-olitical reJignKKs concerns, and lliey lament that Kreater patronmr- iiul extended 10 them from the source to which they have a right to lojk to hr iupport j but we aie ipdebted alone to irrdiVidual exertion and protection, thaf those valuable inj necessary, msritution hive an existance amongst usj ' : It 4 under the.se impreion and with these motive that.tha Trusteeiof the WafcstKMiughrAcademYrf (a yo'un: but premising Institution) take the liberty of offering the above Scheme W the pnbiic. and! Solicitinp th "i. ftfr-'aearniBj; to forward their views; . ;' '- . ; ;Jraca MAtJSMALL, yCoMMtSttONEtt. Ji JOHN JENNINGS, ; 7-appointed by. the , "JOSEPH PICKETT, v V Board of . Trustjee- IUU. itOBlNSON, ; ,. I . to rnanage ; jhe t : vranny.'' ? ' !: Tit: i ij?7' Jf FV'rW0 5 "fPfi ablislied, andalt theof the courts orkw will beniad- 1 J)ttdti BilU of Jtindi. -Note. WaV I - and Jherrry, ofthe citizen, fwmalr.mury; entirely Mepemk eleJSnT " rlfflti A S l o t. V y-irtntb&vtny diaiuaioCaiutfther is no poiier'to 'muui.,i Mortage jcenff,& Bonds, WTuUtii X - "focoftf'iwU thr txecutioo Of the law. f iLr; "lan H1?' frjWgei b jhrott 4. and aRMherXlMteticd fcCkrfa two liorfes, af.d various etherrpropertv months credit .wll' be.'giTeri,"- the purchafcr g:v-c ing bond with approved fectiVity; , , : .... i. ' if v;nrtKijiia rtNNX, liar. , Wait (County, May, f20, 1803, ' ' ' Notice is hereby given, y- rp HAT Lewis Greene and JeiTe Mitchell, Jl' ;i of'Wake County,'- hold each Note of mine,"the , firft for one hundred dollars, and the latter for fifty dollats, beariog date fdmetirhe io February ; iwhicji Notea were ftakrd by srie;. fn the hands of Tofiah Rberrs, on i" Race be 'tween Heciy.Ilunter aod John Stfowd, run 10 -Orange county , which race Mr, Hunter has, : uot. given up, upuu tne grounos taat nuriacr rtaribfirl L."tbgrefore"- fo'nrarn ":if teffons.;. ( jradiog for faid. Notes, e I am determined not to pay then and w A ever do, cot until, tbt race it decided by Jaw between Mr, Hunter A. C.'a4"-"'... . 'r-.'- 79 ' i Iftii. Mv IC 'ISAAC HONXER. & 1 .:;-,V Mi

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