aleiqh, ?(n;.c.)- MONDlAY',;AiZGu.sri;&;: mi 1 "A HOD FpR TH FOOtS BACK.'-'',, h , , , , Prpve.fciCh, S6, V. 3, j Exommatton of a PAurtitr tntiiltd 'Re-.? publican Economy.' , , ' f; J .FEttow'CiruBMs, - ; ' V ' ' , A jT A ; Pamphlet i under tfie' title 'ofy Republican .'CEconotny hasjuft nows fallen ahto my handc; ttliicb I am inorpied hat been pTfKtelycircolated 'thiooeh lhe Diftrift fof fonwt weris part.- Had ou before you tne means ot detecting the taJJeliood of its aflertic ns, and its malicious mificprffentati- or oi "CtJitwomo De xincectiiay to notice it, for ypu could not be deceived bylt. i ;But, as the. documents of (our p'ubtic ,officers may. pot1e in yoar poffiflion, and the paflrng ''afTalrs of thev daj iy. have driven from youc ' recollections many of the tran&ftwnt vhich art tht'fubjeel of its re r ' maks it may not. be unimportant the caufeof ' truth, . tharthe deceptions 'aits 6F this impudewr hpo(itiin Aioufd be detecledV'and " things as , tbey are'- explained a"you' The infidieu man," ' yhich this piece of defignin . imposition is, conveyed to you, is damn!tfg proof that its author and its circulators" were confetous of he knavery ud bafenefs of thtir eondjicl---WheOj with'frank Mid upright; tie Ws,'- man . "who feels; an horrefl cencero for the welfare of his country, wijhesi to "wfarm the underdandings ofmeo-and rcarrv c6n ii5ion "home totheir. fenfes.khe publicly pro tlaims his fentiments and urges his arguments, W is folFdtdus that al) whd have an interedin tfcertaining the; truth; lhou'4 have the means it ioiftg it Bat the caufe which this Pamphleteer ffcuMfrpport, is a caufs which (hunt the light, a free, open and candid' difcufEon of its tendency and influence is carefully avoided unblufhing , Jfehood dtfignin? mifreprefentationi and fnipu- : dent invective are the characteriftics of his worF i ' by garbling cxtrafls from democratic- hewfpapers, : Ind ftatements from the circular letters of Thto dorus Bailry,' and other violent jacobins, who with den like his - own", Tpread falfehood 'through the country to deceive the weak 3c the uhlnform td.'.he has- pau hed up 'a Work, that' fufficiently difplays the malignityiaf his intentions,' but Cirti. 'not with .the candid apd rational part of the com rouniiy h ve the effect he wifhes, wher s errors are explained,' its miireprelentatiqns duvtcd, & its filfehoods, l;i,d-open to your view.A I do "joti"iike this champion of Deniocracymearito mate alTertionr or laterhents without -proof, JT ffiall After a" few 'preliminary lobfemtidns-exa-T thine'the everal items' in which he charges the Wtral adminfflration with WaOe'of piib'ic money,: andthofe . wheic he attempts tor6ve the fuccefs of Mr, Jefferfon's plans, which are by his pVtt y ftylsd fchemes if GBcondmyllus'iexamtnatioo'' . .juli beimadlWith- the offiiia I dot umentV before me, and that you may have ah opportunity of tert-. '-jiog its iorreflitefs, tbi originals will be , lodged v with the printer of tin's Pam6heC?t'':;;.t'Vf j,no MAvcrnmenr, or wnicrt. we reaa in inc nn. tor; of mankind affords an" example bf 'a jDonfti-'. ; tutioni To welt calculated to prefer ye to thbfe who ments (the happineft and feCurity of its Citizen,) u the admirable;, in rumenV(whicltgU!tlfds, the fight and. proteifls the perfon?, 'liberty amlrpro-' perty of the Citiiens of,the. United States ; but am w numan jnuirutionsine gooa to bc pro ; duced by thernt.depends ort ih'fcTuppdrt they ob, wMD,ig, inc acquiution or ine onjfcts to oe prc- tirved by pur ConfituUprit 'depends on the eo fchttd'virtue -of the Citizensi nd ' the imearii y jted Avifdom 'of ihbft who'feV,delcgated bvithe - people (its origin and head) to admioifter it. , In jhe; adniiniftration of Government and ' he-, brtcauon of laws, ; different men wili (otm flify fereiit opinions and aUho'i thev' may be'al! in rut.' Jit of the fam t:?Dt8eciing it a candid ?nd lair oilcutlion ot Tanant-opinions-is '' of important utility f but when wtfind a jparty'UBifpfm in oipqfirig; every thjng, and propf.fine notliine, -'we may (rationally.feek for tcce unceahng folicituo'e had preferved our. liberty and lodged it (as they had hoped fady) in the Ark of Our Conflitution, are Ufely traduced at traitors to tlieir;coun ry t -while; the artful hypocrite,- the dtfigning knave. ; and the ryugrant. foreigner are inyited'to theconfidence. of our fellow citizen's and batten on the fuoils of vii tue and f honor. ' An b'ypocitical ; affectation 'of concern 'for -the f C9pic s rights, and a pretended-anxiety for their interefls, have been the means by which the ami. federal-party have created a fpirit of diftjuftof the men in ou country .moft diflinguifhed for their vjttue and.talents,-and eevated to' the firft rfices in our govf xvttentl an infidiow band, hoflde to our Conrtitution, anti whofe favorite views are to gratify the ambition- of a few individual ftates to iuc utiuucuun or our empire, v x lus party, well knowing the influence of nameV and confident iq their "addrefs'and peifeverapce, hae with tin. ceafing ajfiduityrand by every means which impu dence or "cunning couM deyife, contrived ro im prefer. .the public mind' wth opinions of the anti repub'ican view of thofe who have been the firm friends and fteady fupporters of bur Republican Conftitutioo j they;have vainly affumed to them felves the exclufive 'appellation of republicans, attempt to deceive the people by falfe afpttfions on thofe, whofe attafchrtijent to the fedeial Conftitu tjon. had obtained them, the defignating appella tion of federalifls; ! With infituus deficn. thev -claimi with' equal effrontery and iVpocrify, fo be cpnuocreu as tne party or tne people,' and exclu lively tbeir-friends. In a government fa entirely dependant on publie opiniop, 'and exercifed by, officers delegated fo dircclfy by the jpeopJe as our$ it is of the utmoft importance that the Gitiiens fliould form rorreel ..opinions of . qjen and mea fures ; out unhappily for otir country the enemies of our Cooflitution,;-have with fuch addrefsfuc ceeded in' abufing the 'public mind,, that their con. fident md. reiferate3 "autrtion'is received as truth, and the deluded multitude arc led -to place con fidence in a party' whofe meafures are ruin, and whofe.view are derngatory'to the dicnity and fe curity of their country. ' t " ' ' " ; j j ne.pampniet wnirn it tne luoject or tne toll Iowin remarks' is an inftance of the moft nefir'j . ous. attempt,", to deceive the prlfufpefting and the' uninformejf that ; Was ever made i the party flana on tha uhiUble g'ound 'jot deception. and fcaud ahd;foorier.'or later yotf will'difcover and reject; r-jth met ited:: deteftation' their" cialmito yotir, ronGdence i when you fhall have readUe1 follow ing hi i;f examination of the impudent mifreprc fentation. of facls you will no! doubt feel a Jiift abhotrence , of the, defign,' to deceive yout under J uandirigs and, .cteate prejudices agaiatf thole tvha hive deleaved well of their country.C'j frTheT4CTDfiften condudeJi mu ft ' tl rike the mind ; ot ever f man who Ins'- paid j the '.UrmaIleft';atierir(on!tcthei' con J uft lt D urulif the twelve S rft, yearn of he t'ftpcrattoft otjor'-Mivcrame:j;thty:;irpt np n; inctitlut ; cMmnurjibout t xccuti ve innaencejT Jecret procerdii)(isand grams of money j .but unce inc vjoverumcni njjraucn into tneir nanus, th!.,yy 01 f the teeuti ve 1iaa -Ui'?niib'tn0jjrce. over, the" pro'cetdings of" Cong r? fs, 'vorercfet, Oifcuffiiiiia have! keen- held.'aud fecret acta batted, and mori money approptiated to executive di'f pofl, than dnrinir the whrle "period of the fqde-' ti.Fji.uuiiiii'jii.'. , i up uwcrnDe,ii,i was ttr gai 'rsA and pat - in; operanojii iiy the cdcraliits ouTininsMfaffanfteW Iff thedHHoiitraiiuTi if juRice : e U tnid.' byhliemjandSnce ;,!fhir,;oppaneKtJ hav: af.': fumed; the dueCt6ri or our public -affairs, they; b-ive rirtUipMa ofoninibd.-;i,-:?X;'l'r V.rhcn our .C6nr!ituticav wa framedrithe col: kflcd- wifdom" of Our moft 'enlibhtened ftatefme'n aV employed hit was. received and adopted, by 4e people after,a mature examination 'of its Jrin oples and its "tendencies' -A Wherf Jt;wa$ put'ln1; ?eration,; the? lairiej tartfut ieleion Hhe moft; inguifhed meajin ' ourcouritf yi was'dejegatf d '4 admibifrer it,' a great-variety of, caufes occurred create difficulties and- dagger in he execution f their tak," inVerriaf and external, foes' afTailed peace j' ye.t the fkiIlKuripiIo:ducled;B i Tliroiibll tht kr9nin ftnfm." (Jn alltliefe medt' i ',uroh ttC threatening itorm. . .injill Uiele mef i .-.Ms, which reflect ftf much . honor ori the wif4er.V r iue! of our 'leders found ir W country who ' fteadiltf obbofed evtrv" 'tifed by our beloved. Wialbington" and his JriehdsY; to preferve"ourfe Independences" Coroarevthe! B.tution was eftabiiflicdwnh itjttuatioV ar the c'ofe of Mr Adams' "Adminifrration ;and- ilt'. r? true American, in its brbfoeritvV iR wealth and its dignity. If this enyjaljle peace and pTf', perity, arofe from the iTjeafureaYt thofe: who then ' conduced our - affairs, ho'vr rirah'ougbt';we td fear;. Aeviws'and deteft the yirinciplej of .tbofe-whoin.' -'ibcae our nrnnMH.-::, i n, mm hn rtnrma our i cnarcres arc iiuc, ' St'volution left all the tendei and locial joys of do- unworthy ;of; conidenet!l 6n the oher? hand y nitttic lift toatehteye our Independence,&who?wi b(t'en eaphtJ flrfry-jn ! fetltinyt for- thofe itjrfa noes inV'th e iidcral - c o n d ucl " ih a ft. hai-'i ihV prejiKlicr f tltc'vpeopleopporc4 to. tfieih'. a'nd flitttf iinff public whim -wahTan obfiij iiou and arliul BqwirlcencCv ;V -c ! I'AMy, frSiow. Cfuaea 1 .examine fot ypurlVive read VotK fildef :bf the qiieHion i withirnpartia!i;y, ' and yott will certainly - d ifcover rha tft (he one" h a rU, thofe who I'Hve been tried in the "cVufe'of. your country,' thofe vhi)fe'underftairiding'a, have been f iilchrrned by, enquiry, and wbife inteefts bindntlvniollllroiiply "to; tfeate! rf their' coiito played by ;od ,ptthev jgrentcit acUtae beu men of any "age, -Our rtgretiedWatlifngtdn, and. "that the unning'Bnd addrefs" df their enemies, does apt 6iidtthem) pra'Affing Vthe crookfd.arts of murepreicuraiion una laiunoou. .v,vv unc nu party of whom, tne Autnor ct r Repuoiico cscotipmj" is an advocate,' haye ufed eyeiy fu"bJ irrCnfr aitrl fli!rd thrrnfVNeii of everv art to toMle your .prtjuajces, and extite your, appr;: hnfioriii'of the vtevra of men vVhofe virtue, and' riatriotifm: vou lU'jf exberUoced in times that tried ;'nieiia,Soiilf-0 ' llieit Is no ait t tlie condVft 'of thofe en- truiieu WliD inc luminiHraiion oi aovciuiutui, reeardfnff which th people IhouTd jeep a ttvore ieilous .yei fthan of the applicationvbf their mo-; . . M - ,'. ' : - !;. - J- "J X iicjlince np coarge :mQre-Kauyooini.. tentioli,rTn"ore'i readily fcxdtis IddigoationV thaat llfe abufe of this tiafi. f Theriter oU&e narxDhlet rttndet conSderatioh-c4ri.e p fi tfvt;!, that Mrl Adams' farrowd 1 1, too.oco doll. rf, th at he Wa ifled t Eia m -oey ind that hHncfeaf eJ- tike iiuHcicbt t J fetiatrSJcsftr1!? theft charzes-arC i true,-; Mr Adams "wasrcertaiolf t;lnrgs 'merits all" the cohtemptrdue to' the propagation of f-lfebood." Mr? Adamii is charg-. eifw'uh having bor'i'owed fcurfum. of money, j Yhe first, in M year 1791 stated t0 btp. dMl,t "i . $00,1)00 ?d In-fta same yew,, suted u bu the arqiMint ' . V ,; , V ' "ot aiedinftct tai, the whole -J which say . the pimi hlet at borrowei trov the fc.iik';' 2,000,000 Vow ujioinht aUihori'.y of a report of a tonv-. i , , ; .. V ' , roittt of the. House. of'-Rcpresenta .VejTc-v- k 'i ade, February 6, -,1801,". and Mpwt an exa-"i ' ' f. niinatjon f the lUtemeuti of receipt of ih -n - r Tie.ury in ibwe yean, I-aS.eitthi pei- ' ' , " ihose tuny were borrow td, o.,cajTje - i-'' int .ibe Treasurythe authoriiy to b.frv. '? 1 i Vt in thoia iiuUncei. was pever exercisecL v ' !. The 3d. iiira'in the'l'iPP, a tta.i'-of' a' 1 5,000,tUO nas borrnwfd for, the pui pose aot ' , j 1 cairyiii lino cS-ci th nt-rts ot jj-epa- .r j . - ration 4 id- deiVi.ce then authorised. ' ',- '" 'The 4h fhatgea to be borrowed in May - "j -IftOO u-i'au-ft at S,50M)00ltlsi iwii-J" ' he dcco'jntut t i. &y.ara '- '',' " ; " thatoi thtft aauth.insed 'trthls arhount, : V '-J - " thJie was"borroveil only J.481, 700 dolUk.r 4 f hs. ti'aa.hali tbe suta. charged the error--. . in l.ii cltarjo t!ii.-,Vrtw- U - -r I v 2,018,300 Thiij ot lour tliaitJi, riwiit clearly false,' ' ' - , and the sura mated toy to have ; ' been borrowed is ever charged the sum of ,4,818,300 I. also -Rfpeatt" that Instead of bo rowing .", , 13,300,WQi-..uJ.iheSmn afeii-lly-bor,-----: rawed wai . - '-. - - . - 5,4-l,700 jr .,. jpethaps fome one not acquainted "wjih the affaits of Goycroment may afk, why give n. ihoriiy to bo-fiow? if it be ;not fa fed f or why borrow at .all j To.hts 1 anfwer, that the go. vernoie'nt .knowiog ' iter uncertainty w hich at tends our revcone drawn fro-n tiacle, particular- I ly at' ktmes"; when .circumdithces -threatened u with wjtrknowinK that the arrival of a fleet otfour-'coaft Vou'd f cpmpftjejy dctlroy that fource of Jleveriue' frequently thint it prudent to guafd againfi fuchxXailure of rcve6uc,'by au thoriaipg'the efheers of Goveinmc'nt 'to bpnow' money ' Should, the money' happen to be in the TrtaTuiy, the .oao is not hectflaryfhotiid thtfTevervue V''" fail, '.the money is bortow. ed, ai)d the rbjtd for which it was apptopt iated, acjcompirfl:cd.i 'The' print of. this power. to brrowjias b'-tn" already made to Mr.-' Jtffer fdnj: even during the fhoit continuance of his' dttiiniUiatior. iTbejadt f Cmg'rcfa providing brthi! payment "cjf the y.vboe fW'f dttf .aaihonzva the borrvi-ingV- in tif- of need, of he- rani oithe Dutch dtbt 'hch'become due, tfliiiuht a'fum bf-:."ccititn 'milU-"j oris ot conarr , i nc oaix. anti leciri ac: or iau (efiiqn Which eppropriHter-twp millions of dol, .. Jars, to the inexplicable and myfleiious purpofe Si " txperces attending" foreign intercoufe,M authorizes the Prthdent to borrw that Turn. 'Now-Th the , pamphlet if et, sflet.ts frjstivefy thatvMr. Ac'aras did borrow and wafle the mo iiiej a"ndcfcrs as his proofs-jto the aQi of Cob-. "gfefstfiiTirrm certainly lecohvlrueJ that Mr," Jcffeifon hasbor, rowed fend Walled 1 2 "Millions of dolls Vs I But why -bortow'iat all ? the anfwerls rrady, ati'ds l.truft clrar. It frequently happens that 4 n"ation,'a-jyell as an individual, has oecsfion far: more; rocr.ty thsn lt has in - its cbeft a farmer wants a bain pot - tie has no rtady-inrncy t,o rjuild ,Vni) fhll hf.fitltfhiarop to tot for want of a (belter :":!hfl ie- felt ht property, when perbaFa htca,ntpaie nciiiC,ito raife incrpy, or mail nc Uie nia.creau,. upriowtne..wuey ot' at hie " iComnion prudence wil) adtfe tp'bortowri u So . it happened to'our GoverprflcBtiUhcy .wcVc hard prtfTed by French fhips'of War and ' privafeeu''1whftBjbfeHrdr-'yety fca. fwarrred bn oUr tcaft," arid evee penetrated Wcftandia Jfland8 and eveb' anr Indeptndence wa. threat :rtd by in itifujung. v-orjiand or.trj , bute;'iA the fame, time an ; infurrtcttoQ tn, ,P6tVfylvaM'foW accO";P,ccn ,n t"viv p,,.vv'j'f"j5.,".,s-.7v.iif'?4. iVoittropewhom -yoft tn.Aia tatiJai- peri mitted to cteate, difcerd uT,onr landtoofc-arma in oppofitioB tti ibe eaecution of- the la'wi: The Government might have foDmitted-to all this-they ' might , haye foiled 4 jilofophi5ally at the.ttun cf our nadc, anu. the. impritonmcnt of our ci:i2ens and boned In humble1 fubmifiion to France But John Adams and his federal .-..,.-- - . ' -.- : . a 1 1 m ; a -a friends detelttda the tiWe1ia!cnce and" happihefs of A merlca eut.Haya the pamphlet, John. Adams en--creifed trc 3pVWicdcbt In -lis"-four years admi t lift rJ ion. i 1 1 ma ftrtrt dollars.' bv borrOwinfif ; ;hatftfS)?-The documents befotd me enable me ; to flate, "that ia each yeaitf Mr, Adam's ad-" itinilt ration he nrade payments-tOraKfK tofi. - - . . ancnarge or principal ana inicrcu m iuc fuuut v; . , debt asfollows, viz., , , i'j- ' , X ' i " . .-'J,-) 'The"se nimi .re aHeiifiii . 'tr . V j ,- . . ,.-..-- l.' ' lt.a tun Varli V-- -.. . . ,.-.... i. . .- f fc. 1 ' .. . ".:.:.. ".?. 1 v While thfn..-Mc-am 3rged with the 5,f34,oct dollsT borrowed by him in common honeltv." Itt him .have credit forthe fuma paid t by him this ftate i f, Uier account,, will leave a : - balance tu Uis tayojir 01,uueiuur-t m ..- ... funipaid by bimtd the Jibn;ore than jbefuttt, 3'; 'i5 he-added tpit; by 'borrowing.', Yet,a maii ia-". . found hardy etjoUgh ,to tell you,- that John A i ia - ; , dams enereafed the ' pnbjie debtr by borrow toff -' t U i 1,306,000 Uollars-r-Vyhat a prwlooakuaycaj?. fool thiaman niuftbe,i ;4 , ..'. i?.-r . . -f -.:f -PI,A Untrr nf fhia namnhlet not COnteaterl with.hia fatfe nattments,' of t-irow-irf- and; V;v-:.', walling money, his, by, notes tctertcd .io,Jo hiV V ' ;-V ftatements, charged tbfedeiaHft"withV.fn,cr,; i ; .' SV 1 rity-You all 'kncv.hat in the fitft ftffijo jv; U ' . CongreiVutider-Mr. JefTerfon, when lr.; Jtfftrfcy lf: ;1 fon propqledto rcpealtheintMOal.-aJtcapw-' v ncfuioiis were made by the federalilis toliffed, the duties on Salt, Brown Sttfralt..&c. nevtfla ' w - ,.,' lit of I'Je.-Now thia writer is Ivn-felfconvincedy r h i that the fe'deraUSa'.wcte not-fineere' In; tha wife i'.Vj-.-.-.o. j ta,fedJce the taxes on fait and.fugar, f refer,. - . ' v, ' cnee to repealing all the Internal taica,- and ex-;' -. ' pefistohring yeu intthc'famc, opinion Ty tbia r' forty argument, viz.-the fed-ralifts.feid, thofe'' '".." ; . taxes in -1707. . therefore, ahey-Caonot rifhto, ' ' take tfiem' off, In i 80 jj'-becaufp -they thought j, them rjccflliy at; a time unen we iia bo pio - ;i ney, they mufl of courfc,f continue to tbmk'tfeera, u y. I proper, at ''a time whenthofelwhft- admi-tji'fterC, f !. y t. 1 the government tell us thcyiiive money tnuugbl " ; 41 them.. ' -titf Having oily exppfdthe;'freprcfBtatiani : in the Cbarec6?:agaia -Mr Adana',':'lcV ua turn , v 1 . -. - r-.r..r- . tr .1;. .-,.- 1 to tne crentts given Vf.Ji' Jfuc " ? Cijf fidecof hf a-cbu'nt',hel fuubphlet writer bai: , .. j aivto f ntiat latitude to J hia imatiafct5i&2:'if" 1 Biiilh chai French, is ofJch, 8s,hey bad they pn'zed as . the ivprld's how abtutd ! becauie toe govcrnmeDni in ?77 fatd tarfor ohjeai'thniecViTi yrmrwtich -are now compitud," Mr. jLflirfoa'a ifrlenda.4 -Tiji.l netfift' in keenlnffahem.OO i 1 -Cilizenarl ;;- O - nfiiin in .eentn" mtk well r thtfc tajtea. on fait, browa fugC and moldflcs, whijh ate-placed on 'thc.fiont'li of federal o'ppt .fTups are ttifl cofetipued br'Mr, - . . ' j j.ffer&ukep,t ,on.;Vy..MyJM.-?'f -?J has Vadf the poer to take them f! asd in Tjaje j t j ir ) 1 warmth of friendfhip to Mri'-jXfiferfo.'hisaa Vi proportion o his malignity itp' Mr. ; Adams,' j we may expect inc qciecnon o usvir. .m--.! fc We are convince, that the- ttodc of. reafon-' -. v ing1, "calculating . andrptovuigi: adopted;ty,he : wrUer of the pamphlet is thenoft abfilrdf errc. 4ieous and fallacious 1 whicpcan" te deailed---" but to ex Dofe It faUy; 1 o- vanquifli feittf with bit : own weapons,' lhIf proceeif in his Owir wayi- i : As the; iltrItetn ;or,' hej;te1U ua that in . ftven "mrrths lafteirjMr fi..irjhe--reifoHAk -4 ird;trurrfotethrsi fain iiijaifeff from thia it is jpp-rcnt Cthaihis man by j-tury monef 'V -4 i f. . . - . a n . .. . : j meatis if;- n. we nave nao. tne cuuoiiiy r xj. , fttns ftjtfltrririe ."Mr-. Gillattn'a, account . ahd Ind, the .V fui MrV- T.fTetlon5 rrW-tath-(a '.V,' 'M . . KM a- lnllftUF-. '. ....j . ' -r ' ' F.ora th duties on Ihipostand Tonnage 5,862,815 Inttri)al taxes; yt ; V t ! '.-T ilW,- V" .Ti'iV t."V f Sales of vubhc latJs, . ' - - -,-.!i-Hvii - Postarc.-i letters, -,-..: - .-.' ; : -." Z w-i.." DivitU-ndj oJ. bai'.k st-clc' T " Sales yt public ship-j 'WrWTTv'JSj i- . -. .Aa ltol 'A :.V'- - 1 ; uous.r c3SWs ii-A -J Th.w amount ai received by lr. Jcaeraeri ' 35,320 09 $6,41 8d " beft hope'' the Conftuuiion Ucy. had enabnfh' ed, and beheld With borrof,- the attempts rf a Banditti of foreigners to overturn p,r imp jir"-- They, Tcfolved to defeud - thofe rights -pd In, terefts which the people , had'placed ra tlietr bands.v-But for thfs piirpofe"a.Navy waa"v?ant ingr Arms, vA n'WMt ion, Forts and,M n we te heceflary, una to obtain these,, moneyy jas lodifi enfible-the' nflbr.fyjWns barrowed-lt was borrowed for .hefe'pnrpofes, ind'a report of a CqhimitUebf the, Haufe of .eprefentatives inade the 6th of Feb. 1801. of. which Commit fee Meffrs.'14icbob9, Stone and Nicholfon, three decided and intelligent friebds of Mr. jeffarfon, were members, reported un&imomjl ' that the' loan was had, on the noflr advantageous terms, . and that ' the money had become the inpafuf eaof defence lately, direftedi J( this application of . money waa wjrong,' if. it-was extnyaganca tot defend , oar Cititena their fjt fdoal Ubertyj their propetty aad the Indepen" -istcs tBCfi C9Ri tut ipft Bjtrr-iJottotri'-' waa.thig tripney wjed. - Buf jhe mao wh9 has dared to miake tKia decWatioo, haa a FCoch, aod'oot ia American heart He ia iraUor o Bedici roanyVrnaU siiiui of wpaymeati te.-? i'fV-'t. in his 'first 6 month, a T-whith add;:theehe '.yJti waury;:-'i-'T;,;-'-'; tWw:;. ,- ? )-lP, . 4 i ;;-':i-f't!'Cv, "! i' 1 ' ' ':f w-v ''c; ' v i J DoUs. 8.716.543 . .' '' r' - Of all this inmey he hMlstOcr. l-Oiawmly sj.s? i .3, , ; ..-,,',. t '-.-14:1' "j, : s"-. vc , t;-V. ; t.--V ' t ,eWrMb"fcrt whicb be7 ba received -'JfB4 ; '-f rcut cud not Keep m tbe nisi 7 monmi,' ---t? "."f? wabtarto bt.i i-.Doll.'''5.767,824 f !..-' J . a", Tbis'sum by; our (unUeteers. jreasonw aud rovictj ,b. t, r ';?. :."- 5iTh. ad.ateat of ia thfunl.or.Dol)f;i';i 1 fiim produced by. the' Internal tax'' . .- '.- ii jj ' i " -.". '".." 'i'-l:-; cs I laia ia a iccupu. auu ucw, we v. vi rnvinj; difebvered by : the pamphlet wim tfbf 1 jhiai' iteumetit. all the .taxes which hr&colkded 'are , cot dived,' and l(fiJSenZttoxtpt. 0''4 all the taxes, he'caqi theq boaff Vf ViVjrj ; fifteen , i ' i' ! "'n-!l '" , 1.11. ' ,t .r.Ll,. J minions orxicjiars per year r inc nuui w siuo, .w - -has been often, repeated' thtfc axes Jwet t?W ' ceuary to Taiie;.'otef;nD:o,weti ai-.j jUopgbS ihejf miebt be dupenled wigjjtnd mut , j 1 1 ' i f V ; V' s?r 'C-'V '."' w'vr :.',' v "Tft.-'i;-

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