,.,vbi.;,.'-: f v:: '.;- haleigh;- )-:Monday, August, 22; ,1 803, No: 385.; " (Your letter of the .westy firfl; of Feb uW ; tdrefTcd to Thomas Paine has been iniertcd in; :the Suabur lod -Northumberland Gazette of the twenty third of JuheTinft! X read it with at . 1 ....:'..' i .j .v.' i:t..... .r ; tCUlluw u4 IIVW MU IUC IUSIITjV UlJklUK r ' .if.1';.?.'; r i . "... . - - lew ooicrvauons on lome pans or iiti.i. " V I do not coincide with you in the extravagant -opinion ypu have- formed pf the intrinfic merit ? i aad memofable efftf'iftl of; the writioga of Tom, i?aine in favour of the independence of the Unit-, ' -ed Spates.' Io the writings bfTV Paine during ; jus. niyiuuuui j CiMV.uiuj iu lull jjiu ; . lu3ioo of hi. called common fenfe-there iamuch' : ood' fenfe. At the time' of publication, it dc-'- rivea us popularly trom tne temper or, we time. -Unaided by. the 'bpvoidnaaadt' rcju'dwct.ortal i period it would have been little noticed. There 'no douht,Xt&at the t'conieSwbiiId.haTeihe:' '5;'c6n4Aed''it equal wifdom, and its terminal tfon equally fpsedy and grorlpua, ifT.!jPaine ; arid his, writing had ; never been known. The-. mIbJ of the Americans were fofHciently enlighr-. entdJ their paffionafuffic ., termination to refill and to perfevtre with forti-T tade till the end jind energetic enough witlioat' rNy'a7rini.ficVVnttBeT'n'' ' , ; 4 ! Inyootf controverfy with Paine,' Sir, you have ' ftrong -pretentions to be guided by the mild .and forbearing fpirit of the gofpel,' "tot t-the y fefoe time you treat the FeoVralO the greateft feverity.J In this refpect ypu have . crific your;hrotherlylove and unity of Reli- sious ferHtmen't 'with them as to the great a'rti-. j cles of chriftiaoityi' to the indulgence of party i 'and political refentment. fYour political opini- .cot, uiurpca me coniroui ot your religious tern -. i periYoa have cba'gedholV clergymen i wiib ' beiog ioimicat to ihc feprfectative fyfterh of .' our Government. . S : - .' ' . ,. ; v -; ', :' ; Some of them douhtteft have been deceiv ed. Uthert I m pelfed by 6 at i v prid or A ri H o -cratie principles, "or the profpect pf j?alo or the hopes of clcVation, hae exerted all the'influencc attached to their profeffion in behalf of a fiAion " connbioed for 'the deftrufton of our excellent conflitutioo and the eftabli(nmcnt of a monarchy ;pn ha ruina.,ir;Thi is mere party declamation and "is. unfuppotted by argument.' ' , Where is the evidence that foroe of them have been deceived I Have thofe acknowledged that they were deceived by their ignorafcet by their creaIjtyyt bjr their fireiiidices; the falfetip -,rpeji"ocef things and iWic'tiijioiBg of thofe whoT had then the government ic thejir hands? X have never heard of any luch confejltons. . If then de Itottved the deceotioB ttill rtmainail As far as. I ' know they tt ill view that the condnft of Go- J , J- -r -'-r--'- m-- -m-m- xr1 w . " vemment then was worthy of wife ftaiefmen, the ltate of the country confidered ; particularly in ita foreigoWlatloVa.- Is it not more probable, that the few minillerS; in the onion, who dif. ' approved of certain' meafures of the federal ad jmniftratlon were deceived than the other,' fir more 6umerous,'egualIy difinteiefted, -qnally'. . good, equal if not poffefled of fuperior iofotma tion in relation to human nature;, arfd human " life and t be jicienraVoveVnmeot''?: Why any of the FedeVallMinifif rs, ;where imjpelled by ha. five pride in their, defence of the Federal Ad mi ilbaOotv' vhtlC ib9iwfio.:'Oppoired' r-it were'-' exempt horn 1 tti 1 influenrier if parodoxicil, cc trtdiftory and abfurd1: 1 oot human nature thfrfainr i(rall clafle'a of men's iffnt'thrtteihnV. " t cratie Mlnifters are as fleceflai ily liatylet w-b .i'l."J,ll.''y..i."l .fl -:'iir:;i:i;...i -.I'. . . -fiffibje. that nature ftould M partial in its diftri-; hutions to men f t To be munificenf to one par-, ticular political '''fcc;aifd;tb''beYofed Wein:d .injurious,to:another ? .CThTO nature; is not. thy voice I This is not thy determination ! Or . if thou art mtitable iathy operations hy .doeft , ., Jhou peculiarly , fuhjed -Federal Clergymen to . the influence of pride, fo-.drftrodiye to . the "re, pfefentafivej fyftcm "of g6yeroneiit, ? ; In union with the moft fgnorant, and with the- rnoft de." figning and licentious of your patty, ybu have ' charged federal Mihifters with arTKocratfc $ya' ' . ciples," thi Jlike yotir otter charges i unpport- d hy any evidence; It iis the luggeftion of ig iiorancfc, fancy era worfe -'difpufiiipo l6f the ho' ..man hearti-;. h.;V I camipt' percefye any rcafon( known to' in uence human n6turti.fVwhy ;' feqeraf Clergymen ' i ftould -.be peculiaflytatfached to atf Btftocratic form of goyernmenfi whil.- their",- brethren of 'fpoCte political opiprons'irt; eppofecj td hia' iJjArethe fedcnl Miniftera weahhier'than- the others I! Have they better grounded' 'prof ftsof getting themfelve, i their friends and toSneftiooB advanced fthe'-'eMofip.' of Artttdcfacy than Others r;"Or are they men f greater talents and virtue, and are more erap ncntlyuleful to fociety than others If folhis'i 8 the pnly nobility, and which ought tcf have a ! eorrefpoodent ipftuence on focicty. - Tor talk of tftabliming an ariaQcratfc.forui of Gbvernment, fotalkiabiurdly, "IThe fta -of focietjriaft-f not admit itV The materials 'of aiittocracf are' t "?t among Property fa top equally divided -. to. receive fuch r form of govcmmentV The IWtoift'era klio this to be iU cafe; And - v,rknowled'gJe4)f the various forms of govern went, IedV them to prefer, our prefent reprefcnt tirefyacmtp-ery other. "Ta charge them with ariftocratic principles, Tnay for. 8 time fuit the mercenary and ambitious"; purpoft of thf Jeadera ofahedemoeiratic partyy by deluding prejgdicfogthe-hoiieftbuj, uninformed part of the community. But left thofe charges lhi?uJd not becompetent to account for the coodoft of tbieeieral. cleryjLyoB fpecify io the range' Pt ypur ;kniagiBatioot oiher 'poffible;ooee t' the' profpeft of gain or hppfe of elevation.4 jwWhat an avaricious and ambitious cjafsipf men mufti he federal minifters be, if this charge be troe t But in confequence of their ' beink friends of thclate admioiilration, what rational cr probSf ble ground had they of realising their purpofes oi .avarice or ambition ? ' did they expect that tbey wppld be tranflated from their; chaYges ml the Churchr tp fill the moft important depart mcnti inthe goyerument of the United States ? D id t h ey not know t haOhere. was ; more ihaii enough of men in active and civil life capable Si willing to ferve all thepnrpfes of the general government f . Of all I know of tne federal mi-: nifters, not one of them bad ever the moll dtf tant idea of deriving pny perfooal or private ad vantage from their political opinions. Nonipf them were actuated oy the hope of elevation.- Nane of them, were candidates for nor expectants of,,. civil appointments.1 But this was not ndr is not the cafe with fome of the Democratic mi nillera. Thefe heavy & falfe accufations, whiclt' you have exhibited againft federal mioifter8 could with more proptiety be applied to thofe of your own- fed. And in this conduct of yoors," you have forfeited the mild, charitable and forbear. ing influence of thriftiaoity. If your mind,' when you wrote was under the inflitencp of pre !; judice. and refentment, if you havejmet with any bad treatment from federal minifters yoa (hould have endeavoured to b fenGble of the ftate of your mind "before you wrote and in your let-' ter returned tbve for hatred, candour for cenfure. good for evil. To this treatment you were in adrquate, and no doubt you juftificd yourCeif in this refpeel, for in your prooicience you faw; they ' exerted ill the influence attached to their roftflmo in behalf pf.a faction combined for the dettructiod of our exdetlent Conftitutioo andr the eftablih'nent of a monarchy on its luins.' You have feen, lrf what the federal miniders law not.? .They-clearly iat what yoa bave termed a faction, the legitimate rulers of the na tion, Isgifiatiasf cooftitutionally, and that their''. obnoxious meafures were juftificd br the then , lituatjon of our , country, that t bey-were oetignr ed and calculated, to fupport td defend the dignity, the hononr, the intereft, & independr ence of America.' They never viewed that the. fedition and alieo bills were uncnnftitut!onaLn They coold not defcerrrtbaranynof thr ksenT feted by the federal government,- had the lead tendency;, to deftroy ouir excellent conflitotioo, but en the contrary to maintain it in all ita glo ry. They did not claim the prerogative of fearch tog the human- heart From , the apparent ne ceffdrjfj meafuresL adopted, they juftly. inferred the purity of the motifes of our leg'lf ttors, They knew, that our government was the ada mant pillars off t.h Con ft it u t ion , Th ey knew thzt tby bad no interelt to deftrdy it ; but on thecoDUa'V all that was near and dear-to them concnried' to engage tbeh moft zealous defehceZf unoer ineie imp" uve v'e.ws, rtacrai iviiomrra, i in due conlilfency with their office at teachersj mcolcated the neciuity and.realouabieneU or o bVdiehce tythe then ConftittTted authorities,; f not onty for wrath but for conference fdke,' ftijl cpnftitutjp lections. - For this condHct and for their .up pofed mcri'ed pi aife,1 freely beftowed on tbilate 'adminiftration, . are. they , to be denounced, . having ailed from the moft bale and BagiUous principlca ?s Such a, denunciation is unworthy the character of any intelligent and viiuuou ni'anr bot efpecially.dctogttory from the Mtnifterial, 'h Suffcrme,; Sir,, tp jell yotf, that if ever our fedeaV'conftitption : ftiall be deflroyed, - it will not be on account of i.he opinions por practices of, the federal iepuWfcana.j,- which are equally oppofed to' the defpotifMsf onei ft or a few, -oil "the h'centmnt j tyranny of , the mpb1; Iri thitf country .wehave more to dread, confidering the cprryptipos' of human life' from the ignoranceJ andviceaprevaleot and liktly to rncreate among the people than from ail other Jotfrces whatever, . You further, Sir, accnfe,thefe clergymen who, differ from you io political opinions, with by po crlfy. Oa your return to this country; Tho ma Paine, they raifed gainft'ypif the voicecf federal hypocrify. Tour infidelity was'the of.': tenliblci your republican pen the real ground of alarm. For no one deferving ' the name of a mtnifter of the gofpel can fefioufly bilieve.'what they affected to fear that the leligjon of Jefus can be materially affected by the preferlce or ab lencf ef r.; Paine. Id" that boo Which beajs the name, , but not the evidence,' of the age. pf rea fan," they haire feeo your moft poifoned arrow aimed with yur titmoft fkill and exerted with all your might againtt that religion f Suaer me, Slri who anyone otthofich?rgy. men", you fci unjuiftlyand uncandidlaccofe,. to iniorkypo; thlt the late arrival pf -T Paine in this Count ry gave tee Pb iJarm, 1 n'eUber dreaded his infidel nor republican pen. If hi! political writing fincc he'eamt to this cotiDtrarc tru- ly republican, cendocive to fuppott our vene-v ruic tyuuKutioo,- io maintain invioiace, ' lire, Jibetty ahd property, be order and happinefs pf fK:ity, what fear then Ihould invade the minds of federal republicans i Bnt if any of his en, tjments are 6f anti repoblicsn tendency,' ' quali-j fied fey his fignal vicious habits, to publifh wrtf inga injurious io roarKinain any 01 ine impor tant relation of lif --bafe enpugh to'detend jsny mtafurei howevertWong, fhould noryour and I:; view. hi return to" America with. 'abhor; tepee V ' Under no religious nor feiious virtuous principles, arrived atold age, addicted to beaft ly and habitual iaf ox icat ion," what is he not ca pable of ? vL know that the dediocratS of Aroe rica Hand not io need of his wifdom.1 , They have amongtthesi,1 many mcnfuperibrijP bml In Ji knowledge tar fuperior to him m . virtuous acqqiGtioos.; But jf;the powers, that be, . ftand in any rnf of the aid Tola profligatewriter they ' arc iuikv in ihc arrival or . i . r, in in is coun try. -When the federal; minuter, confide red the nature and tendencies of the writing!; called the age ofeafon, Jf to jtinfett'e the faith of thoufands ? to root from the minds of the 'un-? happy jvirtoous all their comfortable affurance of a future recompence i to annihilate in the minds of the flagitious all their fears jof future pnnifh-: menc , io giye ine reins, io tue aoniinavion or eery paffion,. and thereby con tribute, to the n: irouuciion or.pusnp niKCUiiiy ana private, ua-, happintfs, uTually and almoft naceffarily rccom; fSanying a (late of. corrupted morsls," (hould t hey then on reafonable evidence be charged with , hypocrify, on account of maoife fling theif difap probatioo, at the arrjval and the manner. of IV Paioe coming'into this country at the. warm in-' vitation pf thePiefident'of , the United' States ? Willi more (hew of reafoji might not the dent a p probat Ion 6f the t)em ocrajt ic. minifters in' re lation to this emigration, be conttrued as i re linuifhment of their chriftiao failhor that they fecretly prefctred, their political to their rcHgi f pus creed I Or that the advantages, derivedjp, the world from T. Pain's political writiogs are iofinitelv foperior to all thcVrifl'nT evils.andin-i conveniences accruing from his religious publi.. cations. k 1 am of the opinion,: and it isjiot ho gular, J Jhat the religious writings, in quell ion have doQe rnoie. mifebief ib mankind than all the Writings of Indal Morgajij ypltaire.'.Bbling-1 broke'. Hunie and Gibbon, , put fogether,for, tfiey h e had a more rapid anJ exttnllve cir-S ujat ion, have fallfen info, the hands cf more in divlduals, and the manner of his writings better fuited to the' indolent and vicious tsfte of this cprrupted aje., Befidestbe recency of the pub., luation, the title by which it is dtntnguiinea, and the popabrity of his writings, in. the reyo ing federal minifters, have realoully, engaged fupport of an eaftern newfpapcr, whofe avowed object isoppofition to hit admiuiftration, and tp the great majority of the people., Wfeh all their 'ptbUffional.hiepgih they have fwelled the voice of Calumny to (tain ISa teputatioa, tp enfeble h hapds,"tp lubjea ip w the gvernmjnt,',o"rer which .the, Providence of God has appointed him 1 1 preCde ' . ; It -h , wfpaper alluded to is the Palladium;- aad tf f new lut.ionary contfll attracted the attention of thou -fandj in this country to theii own hart. $t it is fome time fince the publicatioo.of the age of reafon it is not. to be expected there fhould be fo much talk about it as. its firit appearance cot withftanding it is far from1ba'0g Mien into uniyeifal cpnttmrit. It became then the hiitiif ters of Chriftianity, te teftiff publkkly their righteous difpleafure, at the arrival of the bafeft and moft wicked of all, infidel writers , , To have neglected this, they might have been charged with hypocrify,,, or inconfiftsncy., , And you io your candour ought tp have" acknowledged this. iielidts, oir, you know tnat wile ana gooa men have differed ti.lbeir opinions and continue fo in. telation to religion and politics and almoft on every object .of importance foajpofe. thefe; differences to unworthy motives is beoeath.ihe character of a clergy man-, or. of a philofophetT If youjreprefentation of the character of your opponents, proceeded in aiirtefiftable and una . voidable manner, from a peculiarity' of conftitu; tion or circumftance8iyouare to bi jSftied,, ptiv not to be de fpi fed j .1-- ';,.U ; "-v;''. -J ':--Mf I acknowledge that many private and public euligics were voluntarily beftpwed oo the fedefat udminiftratfonTanfl its chief : but none greater than you have given to the prefent government and its Chref. M I fhall give it in the words of. a republican, . with yhofe intel!ect.halygrc,,nef8 your ; diffidence would. blofh tp be compared whofe influence is unrivalled. Arid who fits this ; day at the; I cad of the freeft, happieft and moft , f enliehtened government in thtf' woild' ; - -1' I have no knowledge that the federal minifters f were abundant in the profnfion tc maligna acy of the abufe, which they beftowed on thofe who. Latere conftrained by the force of reafon and in tegrity to . difa pprove lomc of,., Mr. ; Adams a meafurei.'TIn tisparro - perfecuted none who. differed from jhehi in po litical opinions, but on the Contrary, for .thetr Ingenious and open ayowal of their, lentim; nt6, abundance of malignant abufe were heaped upon; them. V IfaVy bf the federal miniftera,'" have o mitted a weekly and public fupplication' for the, firft magiftrate of our couatry." as ybu fayi they nave aone unce tne 4tn or , Narcn .. i ooi, tneyk have heeo deficient id their' mibiftry. ' If they have viewed him as aninfidel and "other wife dif- . Qualified to render ir anal and exact itittice' t all men of whatever ftate or perfuafion, religious h or political,"" tSete ii inore becefiity fof bublic addreffea to the Supretne Kulef of the univerfe, that he may make the PreGden.t" a real chriftlan, that he may be jufttuling in jhe fear of God. ,' You' have further affertid. that they, mean ;i .edited ;.;and fiippetrjted hy ; fome J( the jMaOa- cbufetts Clergyll kaow oot. Put as, far as i- am acquaintea who; ipejrtwqiuin. ,n appear v . ; fn-YiitiiMmri with riiitincrniinpa raienu..,v i , am uy VMMM.1.. VP,-". - - , - . - m ., 1 '1 .i.. :.il-.k.. ta .ntB.,1 nMrn ;r IS ppPQIUlon to , IPCiP'S'SS amiujuiiy.Mf r ? -or wrong,;,,! t may, no aouot jt Ar"y VAXT. UIVIMIS H)UIU1 9 tawawH - . -r- - p . htrht aa its devotee have done. riViay -avc : , 'I r ' J'-i"'' a .' i".iJ .;lli.'i...' "''''! propristing without 5-lawupwat4) t .ty,lJ thpufand dpHara for the ; ;repan ofHheJ'ngatfl Ret rean. and theri delivered it nn tb France; that j ' i-..; r j.r-.i 'if .v.- i.. :,.,i:ij UKBinif ibc aw iu ine revest vi - ai vffftero of the United Stafes was uncbnftittr- j tioiihMie, rimiHtdC tra; tp itie VtOnttilujipn tpav. contrary. JV JU" , . ticc and gratitude, he paid tp.Gabriel Jones of ' Rockingham, Virginia, tha ftftyj pounds whiclt r he had loaned of him, and the intereft, in pajper moneys which, when it, came ioto his creditor S hinds was not wolrtU more than pne billing" ia . '.. j 'i n .' ine nnnna inline niu iaru nuuiuudii m iifino" hianTrfirlcntiil tnfluenr.tO ((Cure the e )eaioo ofa favorite that he had acted contrary mm Anin lAimri AniiAt rair inn a ran niiniiir ientimenta. ia .turoioz out of office tafbrthy men, ? . ''-'':i'. r . 'J --'.;-:.'ll ''. ana cnoung exauuveiy tnoje pi ccr-m put- , ticalect, joiill the yacancles roade by executive -preafurejiScV tktj. If this iscalumtry jtp'jdpubtf' ihf innim ion n nn nrwiDattcra ar vcit criminal. . I hole :bo now complain ot teaerat ,.; bufe' pf .federal men and tneafures--that to miC- reprek'otatipn and fJander,. the powers that be chiefly owe tbeir elevation.;t fify'1' ? A .--.-.1. V''l.--- .li.rl In !r,trni!nrf ?nt"-v nn l.nh an .tifift fmm Mr. leflerlon a notea TT ! J. . .J L.0.M.1J ..IwaittJlfll.' Ml' ' Inn nn it t fkjll tr thr lihertv to brine it in. ' -. ttr nA mnlr n few nhfcrvitiona on It ' and your commentary ; ,J..lleafbtf and ftee, in-.' mn'rv arc the nnU effeAiia.1 aaenta a train ft error. ; " -p-o ... : Give aloofe to them the? will Tuppon the true f reunion dt oiineinir crv vus w,n- ., "bnnal, to the teft pf their inveftigatibri jthey are; : the natural enemies 6L error and or error oniy. Had not the. Kpman government permitted free - enquiry chriltianity cpuld neyer Mye oeen in- , troJuced, had not free inquiry been indulged at he eta of th e ref ormatioo the conoptiona of chriftianity couH not haye becn purged away,' Did not the PhilofPpherspf antiqahy ofe their reafon and free enquiry, to difybvrr the true re ligirin ? And did they hereby everattaia to beJ true. knowledg'eAof, the uniy of ,G9d,C the doc . ' trnc of , an uaiverfal . providence and the future' ftate" of retribution ? They certainly did not. . Amidft the great eft exercife of their intcllefl ual " powers,' they never found that reafon and free epquiry, lecp red them againft error. T"o the . indulgence of free enquiiy, granted hy. the Ro- ' -man gpvernmentj" iiithe intdnoy yf chriftia'nify its introduction ibtp the "world owes ferjf little, To the workinct of miracles, it was chiefly In debted, for its introduction, ita ipeedy and txtenfive prppagtiioi) in the world?'. i The .pioua ' characters and exemplary lives of the premitive " teachers of chriltianity, their patieQce and forti-J tuoe ynqer tuttenngs, contriDUiea mucn io rac grpwihl of clirillianity in' ; thi Roman ?Emire1 Thia extenfive. empire being under one fupreme V head, and the p-cific ftate of the world then fa-' cuitateq in tome oegree me mirouuciion; ana . r fpread of the ?hriftian ft (lem. Unaided by the iniraouii;us aiienaiiona or uiviuc -powxr curKua . pity, with a'l its teafonableiefs,' and with every J indulgence fheved to a by the Roman Emperor,! , never could. have prcVailec, over fo many obfta. t cles which oppofcoTits rife and prbgrefs in the - world, as it did. - The dreadful and cruel perfe cut ions, carried on againft the chriftjans, !ia tho v" early period of tc chriftian , sera poptriba ted ' more -to the promotion of chrittiamty .w .thc; ' world, than any lenity ever mauifefted hy'thtt Roman pbwcrs,.,'k;ri;v7y;1'''Vi l-1!'"' qoudi tne,.cicrgiic ana inuuigcnccoi free inquiry at the sera of the reformstion, was the primary; inftrbmenr oOopping of the papal corruptions of chriftianityr The fcandalon falcof . indulgencieB Jn the Roman church, " contributed to the. exercife of: free enquiry and . thefe i prpdnced the reformation.' i Your 1 inter, pretaiipn bf Mr Jeflerfon's paragraph does not ' ' appear to be airly contained 'Jin. it, This i; to fayf the reafonableneTs pf hTiftianity was fo I glbripu rcTpWodant' that it confounded the wifiotn 'of Ihe'atbca philofophy fattd diffipated N the daikosfs-'of papal fciperftition jf'lxBy the ; cbrrbptions of chriftianiVy. rr jefferfon may -J have janderftood not only the fnoetftitibn pecu- " liar to-the Roman church," but -the doctiinea ' which are generally believed in the proteftant Churches, v By the true rtigmt he nay havey.

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