' ri v v: :V."'C From the BdUkC' A C3UICT HIITOTTF v ' 1. - HARRXLCRQSWLL'S URIALVj Itf ihainh"of Ij!rsP. M.JMr. Attomer- G'Vrtt .Splicer, tto.icttol th sjomt. to' pro ceed ,thetWai of Ha y Crofwcil, upon the ioJiatncne.n Crorell'l cojfel infilled that, ioif-nuch is thtv'haa' been fortd to 3ke upon thewMves the burden of pfeptinj the raufe 1 fir trial, aal tof brine the.U "irtWw n tbe circoft, 1 " they had-a.Hjfo Vo to which '(boutd1 be fit ft f tried. 'But Jidgc Lewi diog ioof JWr. OTKfltCr, lire irjai. wmic.u fl uu Hnvrcu . crocredtn procted'r-r "'JThe' ci tiafeh' b YeX fend a nt then ftibmitted to fhe coutt Ihe loflo ''.- ini affidavit : c r.C:": j. , "' 1 - 'GoivMtti Ccfpvrr):;ts. -jfidrry-Crelthr '' defendant )u the above (aufe, being duly fmorn", deiy K. fcfetb arid pith , thatamet ffhmpfon Cattender,. " ofthe&tie of Vtrgihti, it" a mfiier(ahtuUnffjr.dif iteindant, wtUut tut oeneta ot ,-whtfe U hmony. a'; Je it advtfedXi hit tounfeljand'verifbejevet, h't -v eannot Jutey proceea is tntu iinautmr aepoaeof f :Q.fe$ih:be able fo prove, bjflhtidid garnet Thohj'p , - Jon Cedlwlirt the. truth $iff-$rSe?.fifo r 1 in&RmentiialnJl tMtictttntlfafar forth ju nattier :oj a certain pampmf tatted, tb$. t'rojpea irnj t laid fabftcatioW'ta M tie u Profbrfl before utgifri&i Or'iOftei- fo be paid, lo jtbi 'aid 7amet er'i'ut'Jhe bubXicktion vf the faid pamphlet i aiid the lu'Wer 'hjyittU9th puti&tatb$ thereof, vit a re: hiC'd, Jhygi tleJZd Tbdfnai jefer- '.. therfiitbiithat tn "'thefati'pubfictiion, foiled'? Peof tea MqrfVSi worggp.ajniipo i jqwrc, ftdaU''jbe'iJnittd.$Jleiii dtreaffd, is ebarged,' ' i in tj 1 a, K01 la inejtverai crvnet.m wer tnatatnmt a fihfdidrfentipncA and that John damji Fffutri, f .' : liite tthdent of the XJmled Hates, it therein axfiret 't$.?X fSJcilareJ'io' be V a hoary headed Jncivdlarf.' tM.4.4k deponent Jayi, .d J?( t" -.who!! .out. of ' 1 5 . hit tower to procure the voluntary attendance, of the "', ebads,fltjhc'i'$ thepeaet PVMiMJ? f "l! f'.w Ays jutjl, K t5' i( ths tour,. , 'Jjndjbitpepnettt affffauhjlhai .'S f6e. ekti0t io le able ta ptjeure the voluntary attend" "ancj-'of 'the. faij jf-inet Tbmfffftf'G'lfi'aJ.tbi " tiext t'trcuit eiurt. to be' 'held in and for this Cmnly 7 end that hiwlljrmmtb Jffer frprt TboinpfoH Cattendfr, wherein hejxprtfes bit appro otatrlain ''iuMcatioii,jirn. about a Ac Print-, td PfH-bejata , tama i,nTiyjyn uwiw www. tioo btd cot bcea Pade. r1 of cort t and, eouti(Hi only efl A Would bt; to.coispVl !tiiT drfead8Btpttoittpo&ji)7jaonrjre "woulij permit a .ftipulatTonof tbi kind, to "fp'ric chcfendaDvVotrUW coBtetidtdtliatrf m .thcffPi;VVcb4rgcd;:wS'i;.', mifdeinMnor nlyj.tb Supreme .Courtrnigbt, ud Vau'd er?ntt iebft!nniGo Jor Vm.iniVi tion af ldieigii Wt nit ffi!t'OAjf ihat coold Dot', oe aoprr me ourtwouiu coy.pci ijic nuorncy . Geit! er al "( in af n uih M btiiadJecD fit to prouQ cu'.e aii ffjnce .Bg'ain tbe. Fed. tjpvin j i.$t ate toort.'.a court of , limited htn(Ai$ ion.hftfe. r'oceGi,'sbi jRjill hav,we!l. kjiowni i?(iu!tf,:'not . ifftiifg;. .f a com tnJiSdD , Bu t,;r.t titj M& 1 bat,, tlielcverc fftbordinttetroufi lcra,tioqf They 'jflmitted (hat his .honor Jad,c,:Leviri8 hij plac. cthlf!.-A on Its ridp groojidl JCou'd tlie teHlAooyatnent!oaetJ -In tliefStJavjt, if prefcor, jbe givca .to th J y jtr , 0 r f - if gtj.erat.--in, can, t(ie trwUi of jjublicatiooifwr which -aoy mairitj . Jndiftedy be byljim-jfiej5ii eyidfnete to the u- Ivrjr'ayfu'lkatioivif Ar txrhi beeo.no oe-. gitct on tue pari qi ivir. ru.eur flu ine-npa iatfon could not. we IffJi onie jcallver! ajrtn'tid .rhe applitionit would be the httt of.irjulice. uj Lcrjcqutio" lo.jorce a man ju o iimi. u joh the" se vei to w h.iclt 'n c.a sod j ro jp rjfojy ne ja njight lollow, wjihou aivjnjr nim ifonabie .tioi to procure- all -evidepfi adiffijfr ifl3.3iariBiif1 hti defence and a KTrbottor Judstc Lewi had piacru tnc propurtyor oe preient tnoiton 00 the conetenay or jnlcii'mp.etnicy of the eyidepcV mencioDed .il) tie fS4irvii, " tbey concluded ili'iti if that evidence ( which WAS ( videnct of ht truth -0 f the- pnblipiiQir' imSc'jsSt2 ed ) could -be gircn v'ojrhc jury, thtn the ;po(t '. ponmtnt of the tii,J would of ccutfif granted,; it that Cv(iknce coti!4 ngt be admitted it the tiuth waa noj ftjfieatiooi fltjJ jcoulJLnot Ve.giv. "en in evidence,.- then it would be refufrdV Ii ifctifling this part of the fuV jft, theyTaid thty 'fliould' not tike into confideration the .aw on P' iVale libels.. Oil? fpcciej of private libels, to wit, thofe,h!cli pobiiflicd the perfonal or men tel deftfts q:err?y ef private, in.dividusli. wbici ihofe individubls,' could neither remedy no? pre ' vent, i was .certainty proper to ppti'in ar.c perlihps, in fuch cafe, the. truth ought to be no juft.fication. JSut, they fid, it waa unoeceff-i ry ja Sift-ofs tha fubjeci jFaif .thwV pviicnir ly a dublic libel 1 j bel oibTfiomas-l-ff. rfon' Mfcffijent'of tbe United States ; not ori'rifom:SS4 ; JtBtrony fimply, as a citizen ot Virginia Jp' on l lie . y face of 4 be-i ud i t me u t-- th is wa a p parent, v. Tb e i a J id m e n t " c hirg e t h u., H art y ,C'1 wf 'U V icktdlyaiid . fcdti loufly' iuteoding ahd defignina todetraft from Tbortias Jeff;ifoii: l prtfi JciM of the United Stdteg j and to reprtfc if him aa unworthy of the cosifi lence, lefpeft and 'attach mtnt of the people," 'Jtc.--and.to alienate and withdraw, from tbe laid Thotnas Jeffefiyr,? litq-jtre, prejijient j ajorefatd, tbe oiedtcnctt fide. iuliepion, the, depahrn.L'txpe9sjo be able to prove by ' ; thefndydmes 'Tb'pmpfo Clenderivdi th 'ft'f " fe8 Iffir t&unlrfs!jbe'jtimrt fioulA grant ' ' CalLnderMppn m SPfa s $ -ititiM-u aUfte next term to-male r that purpbfe. )v -C,u- T,.J. iKn-t. -.(J. r''l,;; ..1iIjiHn. tlii b fitJttvrt, :thc -C&QvM fir ' Mr. fv' CrVfttll .movc!.jiorfii ptJIpcjnetaifnt tiHierf 2' ; :h. Jjjit8 iicou mvfa, of .N'-w .y.ti fe, in Ui':':. (h9iU but very fob!e-Biid irj;enJcHw nrgii(nt', :&-r&te6iht th'propru-ty of i .iJ. the- pplicatlonV ; Wi" rretjbanit la mot in !'-V.e; :i)ieir. ; to ji t M:'diircr 4ojhr pnblic V&'H lie dwelt pri'Hy w-uon the;gV rtiffmhte :n me., iramc aifi tpint pr.ine "fe t-1'" meaufroca'or awn. 'The one a f"puMKhc ',. - 1 k '' " ' I ". ' Pluee e; tnnnarenv. . .. tn in one-, ttie vnm ma teiivwli' the oi he;, t lie people art'pvtVgn, to'tLem 8i alt hi condtjfSvT'the.'liBVthert : "Sr.e it -?X W'- tff';t.riBvi9 fider.icti iii'ilc, 'in heo- hrrj ' z if w?ujd(fceJKerff "0 ab(uroyvtiyn they .tended thal.Lt he p'pVy q jliw ppjjcaiton ,';J'-4lpoAded oii.thf ,fVgiit.yM.f gfvio ,thf.j'ruitiV' Tj " ' .' ,''"'. . " , ' Ke utA.xteA. - . . -Jddge Uwit jhert iri.timt.d'"' tHat -. rte"j)TQti ... ., BU iMlir.fuii 'i '"T liv.lultvWIIf f-f M1, ';; iffid'uviThf etidenibftre djfvribedv Vf'-r " x t :videtfceV heiWd,.; if.the3 nub of xhetkl. ., hiiji tbc df ftodasrwBs i)idifted :rA'r "rii r: . dCTftadAf'g'JiLviQ.' bcVttld, lht M.fie'--irutfi f i ; ' CDiii no,t" Je glren jtf eTdcncc p 'lh 's a . :':"ftiticaU -c ' -' -f!. :" ' t( T'i ' Mr Vin : Vecbtcn ao'd M'WtllUmaV hne ?r,'4i.erjnir'n pinif njion hja. bbnaur, wtfe ci.-f -ilecidio proceed; jM he' rgunfi't ?A e:' ; ' " -la vt jjd ybofie. Ik ;ich.r8 af jbir arn.eptir, ;we. cannot ivc t,hem kVw, facy" but we'btjieye; ,'' 'he teorof ,.;heiy :vaddrfr.ws4'ry;j3yf.Ulj:'! - b?-! -''''y? "' -.t-mi.?i-i-i " . ' '-i bit . H.A. !......!..r.;... r . ..L.'A,'.l,.. ' . 1 m wui v i"i.n'i:iiyiin,,4n v rHt-l( rjriic : - Aretredihe ernbarfafljng fv ujtion in which ke!y.. ' c.pUciKb the premature1 a imation which Xv'-'vM&ht'tw' h4-g?en"of iVpwioririri4'Wt!l'f , rd ttet xheyhad no df uhv"that('i( cpnVidion;' ::-ftauW W ftiCf d : ioVhiti bnpr'i nlind, jut" ' the ; ,' oorU ot ibe,igumen,t,pi honor wovld not pe fit at i'ex pref it,i and , coHfcqenily abandoq - hiv prrfent entinaent, thf .contended that the -' fi !Uuon.init) which t he? iJeCsndant a foiced: ' ju tfiicr. at the Jaft felEonakvVas no, bar .to 'the ' pitf;Ot jtpplicatiort. Ffrfl, tecaufc 'tte Hipuli- I hty ' and allegiance of i.h. ci izens of ftft .Wate, bt Ne;v.york, and aiid effhefatd Laded SUtet t 8c u'icked'y au4 feditiosfly to d ltuib thefli.acftHd .ranjuilityf as well of the peoplc,o the ftateor iNow.Ypik, a of the Untied Statu?' &sr.i The" jinnee charged, tber etore.,. i,awfckcd and fci ciuouj r.iun aociiQt.envwi;iieaic, wunciraw ohsv Mr," J ffc'doV tht;al!cgi,inciei obedience' ind fiddly ff ihTpeop'c; "; But the : people owe (.- 1 al?t g erice, obed ui'ci'3r dclii y trt f ; 'tnogaitfr-at l. j:nerkn or tt ly as a nxen.' f :Vifgtrti7If1aifprefidi'trCahei Ur S. to- .'ii(im"aii'aie is: due. ; It is dbviouii, -there- '..fcie,'ttha(t the tifisiiee, at ebarge-; w irf offjnee? jiinll the govern men of tbe United States ' w'hich attacked in the pcrfjn of iif tiihjjft bff tii-r. . J5:fides, ,a libel oh uy priVaicitiicn. of' any other (Lie, co.IJ riot 1e prfecuied jti A Couit ofthi Hate, Hnlrtheper(nn Jibelled.was at the thne rtfideut here f r it hai oo tenJjnv, .cj to-i bi ejch of the jeace here, '. wbil' tcai3eu cy is the very ground of this pfofeeu'ron. r Thti; pffeitf.ev thercfoie, mentionid iajthe i.ndtcjent,' miltri! mer'ly from the rclatian i(i yvhicljht peo pie of tbisJhte Hand to thc prtfrtetVt of Ph.e U tit"ea ; and coifequentli -.what. the I w d;? juunioAte public iibefXr a libej on thego. ,eri acVnt;; ;'; JXfST tv''S- V ,',V-' -i-''''-'' :'"" " '' ".' .i''t-"i v.? ' $fo)?Mdi, datiuft MORFlRliSl i.We ftfefirrv aaain to aahbrt'oce to tfar readejt ,1b e-d tftioi .,lbji;IPie.ilu iitjr b that' dcoiirtfig Ciemeni, ' re ,tH oo. . vday rfltnorniue: lalt.' Iitt!e"'aftcf 'ofie o'clock, the ho'iife of Mu: Lafiglyr; the.fiatterV wij p-ae' tji li bVbnfVre,aiid notwith'ftaoding veiy groat eH ionVre m'a'de to preveouhi; eo, flatr i at on i ffr ehhgr tbVt hsiife, with. lit(aigbbotSiiir Dr! cibyp'wereejitirelf conlulnedy ThevfciTtnet bffing .fbfeni-'frnt horuc,!.' Rteattfl part of ltftVrWcre burr,t. ,'T1io foH-ftf-ing 'day about :6'o'U,xfcyi ' hi; a tire b role mtt iii ;Mr. Lti' nlu's liable,'' fuppofed toiav; been caufed from Jotoe.'ipai'ki t hit. : might, hijve foided therjtVom the fne ihe 'precedlng day it txfing'f'oTt u'i.a'ely ViVit day tin,'iid Sit,ance ready.' the build ' J' MrStinfiejd IjttK&si feyerhimtst46ut by this vcry.su;ndeifpll tJtetjiona of etefT denommaudaof petlonf,'thcy '. jwcie idvco- loc ioi o various ini'uua iuuu , j)aier1ieci.;eryiteB6drbV.4J W,'I)F tiflBpntjr, tliar theVhol? lb wer tvHT was fated, frorn the . mercilefj element As ta'ricus reports had been Tirctilated,-andVlth fonfitf (c'f'bUncc' oftruth.tkattbef rtceut flies' bad dot been ac - cidemal, tletachmeoti of -the militia! bae ftnee' patfdlled the fttirets,-' but oo certoin Jifcbvry Vias yet Veert mader;v'-A, - . i5tr.ee - the abofe vae prepared for prels, we lament that W hava o'ecaf on toinfiwrrn oot read , rs,7 "tlpifc'"(baVit' 8 yc1dck"yflerdy;,fteTn.opiir .ano ther hfc boke civit'oppofite toTthe' ,Hcolfei 1iarracks, ;c in an out-houfe, , -whichV' kt'; al others, aid to'Jdwelirng,houfes vx.i con". famedfeyeraK?.'fl!?g's and, out btohftj-' were pulledinvn and' tffeclually prevented the exteptivc'coigfaVion, which fiom the peculi-' ar fjtuaivori'ol the place wh'erf the fi,re-,w4 flrft, difcovred and its icinijy to the powder maga -zioe, gave every i'eaon-tii-' epprehead. -f " ; : -l ' -ii " '': ; ,i -.-MS. . :. r-n 7 From the-Ni,T-i StiCT4VivtA v; '"S Tbirirbtt oTCtiri--& ft, ' ;aitd . .vybv' got.the. rights l- ta'ig, ; Yiti,; Mr. ..-.Editov, and your . .breiluei3,:-ref be fo much, occupied by tle.uf "tie of polhji.8, end tbe qMar.rtis .ofr-rmporUti i&jj?Mrt;'r,t,e difcipies of;I)r Sepion. thai you h a ve,s J utle le.rf q re, t q li (J e n - to, t h e h) i rif I. of tiefe defeMcelcfs ajiinialB,- Vet but?s. have, ..:- ..... .k., , k.i r.-;; At:mA.A 'HJirMB '.HI lUt., . . H'-J.i."" V Mini, "MrvciotM and infiiiiged. ' T be p'retc ded repubfijfaos jpf this city, juot lono ago uiifecuoglV' abridged Hitg-KbettieW Hri;h i tyh a q--tbVtH-t6ear. regardifa o"f theclaitns oLtlieirdomeltic anioials upon their pity, leve thenvto ell xhe hondis Xf dfTi-ition and 'famine. ' But while I - have, a banUl f ' end thathand hodtjt fen, wbic ft hat ink .(gtuis ofmaiory prcad .pVy; plugiarii'ro)' I will endtavour to lvffcn mifiiiies of the le i e (cecies. :. ? - . f Werc 1 "t'ifpofed to indii'ge in phi!t,ft phicili -jcvenes, I might eourge upon lue dodtniic of -fnci.il compaft, the tqu.l aod individual rights of man and his fehow jinimals, M.C &c Sec. I mijjht, were J fo inclnwd, retailtli jdeaji of my old mailer the cclebiated phduopher if .the humanrdter AnacbsrGs Clootavn-the-conptf-Vi tcdji.lj els'" of civil p' licy f MinerrVan ainplr tbeme, andsffords a noble .field, for declaroaiietU' But 6 ouf citizens mult beaddrtrflVd y more' .obflJnfial argument than the cant ofjbbi) fiphy,' Hit tlie'flf Uiilhcs of rhetric,: let Uifin flv-(l tbac' Jtfre' auittiaV which 4re ftut up in their btiues, or !c,tt to itarvc the" tttetts,' alVhdugh fthtir cricf? are tiegledtd, will foon make a forcible appal to tbe nofcs of thtij; ppighbouis. I.? IT beiM pttweauown, ana tvery comou'Uile re- moved by thC uiicombio'n eMtiioni of every ii?' tjivtauaj, tne pre was extiugnitneq wiinout CX-. . "ieojjpg ff rl hrt . !, hbugh much dimage was totafibned by the ude'e cmovarof ffels, Sec - J,Vg raited as 'jt'e pablc feind iiatwaflyfw3s, tlie'. Ui crt of Bft'StVio'thel'totdinVay didVot . lerve about a dou and although tbjf houff' adjoining was ted down, the flames very" fdon cavght the fioif of Mt. DudIob, V which although conGdered firc-pioof, vrie,s wiib ua ctntejitB. eatireiy, wuh tbe o j dee: :' A wcittrirt tlte'&i-Wd AJo iv undrrHh5' J ia tire of;. i .-d-tti'd' aTO.haVing ejtrib8ft,iii ,i series o) : well mtikmsii t-ays, mai wtiici M". Jrjfcrmn employed idubtaio', and the manner in i hicb He ivai since eit-ictsed, thepowm . with which he is at present Vested; conciude his Jast num "br a fblbwi v ,.?;v" v';j"'- ,-Vi;. ,:".; ft ft f H ESE evefts reu hid me i.f the fahuloua'. hi3ory of the tyrant of Samoe, : wfieft jt iyrc. " corded,' Tht Xjximade 'rret pretenfifcias to phitanfhrpy j' tie feigned en obonnded love fr th people b;cited'jeloVlle'meb''theW,' by the meanttt "rifracticee,-.-6ftQ! j.n ploTiii jr 1 hf- "wileft fliiidiTeiB, Piik5" and Lucori.-' to blacken thert putatiBfl oi DatitA tbe'lhetf ehiermagrh-aif of ibt .iilaodTho hatfbecfl fdefled h f Jbe" 5t &' f ple, far his wifdeim, and the meiitOTions fi'kc3.' I tfhichJie had r ndered to the republic i and if cqmTjo'n!ythe c??i ': 'n ejoiitybf Jhe people wete deceived j Datiip-as;:ffjiftdiarid Lyfi as vras chfoco -chict. .tmag.ilfra.te.'''-;llis jfqverU'i ment was e9feandKfni .Ct'-.iA'g.athocIcsrvthe tyrant 'of Sicily , ' 4ookiBg on. this a a favourable-. time, tlireateftcd Simo wUb art irtvuhon- Juy; fias, iin;leid of p.vparing t defend his enuftfry' ag'ainfl. he violence of tbeyrant, piey iiled op on thetiffcniyy of Samoa ro inttuft to h's bands a profiiious fon of public montyffof the pur pofe f purchafing1 an' ighom'r.ious p'Mce, As Lyfias was in the opijiion bf a majo' 'ty tf the dfTembly, moft iinmdcafa'e,' raoft beutvoient y My, fome of th?m fanktt? htm nmong their God.'j iti'd paid divine honors tobin j they rcadiiy com.' pfted wrtb his leq iefl.'' Attend, my cuatry ; roentothe'fVuvhi.'VViii fetie Ljfias.'fclr dtfpifcd the Gdds'nj his c?untrf,! ;j He employ . eajftis money i( rprtaiicq xa bu firai- rot I ne ifpYpWfeCorritp.tf nil jccifi naving prougnt, lynr many -temjj vie' by briberVj ho feized a fevooriible opppr- tunitTi aeo Dv the'aia or thDle: whom. be had: eot rupt eJ, ne lubverteji. the. upert tea pt l r e ti afv tion - ana renccrtd himleli an 8uulujricfp9t.; He afterwards" reigned va bloody impious tyrant j' .'bjlrwnlhejeinpfesfe. the43pof i f'd. putting . o torture : and .JdeathV-. all mejVhjfejJift'oe1ie. rtaded.'' ivl'hua wa deltroyei by -the oaferVfs attd folly f errtocr'nrvt - the bilv:. had'oy.the 'flou'rifhiiu r'epu&ieof Samos. Thufc that fiavje', i '.:.' .1.- !.:..'' r- --f jwo thouunq were aijtdged to death at Mantej; J& ' by Cafneri moBg whomV five londred ilVdrm-?. werr foot ji "death,' n4 "drowned: ahd tor huiIred endifxty fouriiVs,' tywef e o'to ea i b jHa t; d-'il;vV: hu a d red- ifrfrre drowned j'and that ahtifw3rcd ard trrnty ftuy ; tboufand tife-Tnctidirj wwfiieA;and cliildf en .and Caty'thoufand'bfaikj -and . people pf colouci v; .of each fex Vntf aH ageJ,' ere deftro;e! at Doniinpo ' iff Yt' ."f ,-.3f " Franceduriog fcveral yeartof the revolutions -refembled an inimeue"volcaBO,Hhat "difgorgea j4 irBlavas-; oporf;the'';'8daCf'6.X:rrit?i at mics pbnred over and lad walle t he neighbor. V ; ; iBg;coritries' pf lUtid iFhinderSj-'GcrmoByiv,, . 'Switkeilard and Italy j: mat king their progrefe 1 with havoc; and 'producing unutterable 'miftyj',,t W ii .!'- 1 f- .I -. . .. . f.t- Tl .. . wnerever tney cenaea tneir cobjic,, iui. ue -t: jmmenfe delVruioi 6f lives and property abraai. is nftt irrcjwded in, lie a'fot enentioncd computa. tion of Prcdbotne. ' He' 'mentions only tbofe who petim'fil inHhe revolution, withiu the ter- ... ritories-' of ? Etance and her dependencies and : makes the amtint lmnft esjnal tohalf the num. j , ber of the inhabitantsof tht United States. v. ,"'; r-:JLiff:- i. ?"5;"' -:;"-;v "i. f Balance, iNotth-GaroHnci.'i' ' '". V ;- t ; ? i Tarsvay Ori'icK, 1, 1F03. rrHE p . Ht-Ji. . -the- Sheriffs afld othee-Revenue Officers of I , the. Stiteaforefaiaiavela Ac- .count and paid iato the Treafury the Taxes and pother' publi'duesri Woeld.feeirTto authorize a- belief, that it is not flceflify tb calf ibe attention " f thofe Gentlemen to this indifpenlaVe 'doty for;: 4hVtM-teefeearlii5.j3dp and e- vFry. of fl:em"ll'hoa"vrhreTOfore"fa ac coun ted,'4yl 'fuflainV the reputation thej have' eflablifhed, and again fi'-aHy fettle and clofe.their ' -l -accounts refpedively by the fi'rft daycf October- ;r nexjff according to Law Tfofe who are at ' v prefentunfortunately in, errear,' and fuck as fhall "place theniTefves in the like fituation for the pre fent. ysai f (if any fuch" theres fhall unhappily Jie) will remember;." that the'Lawtnakcs itthduty ' of the Treafurer to enter to'JudjmentsXagiirft ' "each and every of theiri'ithottt delay .Should ' if continue or become'heccfrry,air;whpm may concern will take nbticetiiat tbis'duty, however " unpleafant the talk "Ifeftjoina, will be flrjctly per- z' ibrmed arthe uperior Court io Hi liborough icommencirig onthe iSih'day-of-v ' Oaober next. - JOHN HAYWOOD, " v ?.t X, i.'rr VPM'fytfirer. r ' rT?H'E :.Patente'f i " .newIiijVentiotii''? in the onfiruflionrot ftills "hich7'U fowridJo- pbflefs greate r advants'''! ifi'aaaVy thing hiihet s' iq ;madefe f io hat" ft iie tubfcribVr f(r4ifpo " miis of tbe $ttteNOTjh' xpMim'iT&&t ' W'iingleJStfy;.?isjr a7fr,anr'tills:ai 'a w.80'3! 3 "widuto workl ttfay he?nrade to the ' diflcitut " Popperfifbs in the.: State fc,rebid-who J duly -aiLbiiiedCtttiTpilfe" of til, tame : "'n4 foroohtKS.Ari State:itov f tbiubfef ibee if ndvf-CtV-:Iroh' Jfrorka.? v V f ; :;- Cm:? -j& H' U B !$HOPf l -MtrtCwtyTjib 26 1 fcj'-.'S 'i ' 7: mormA EiiE$ii.tmyj' Tff A'TilSHUfcfitm ExectiVots.'to ilie: Jaft Will artd)Tt ftament oTDoder' rou t y 'f; deceafrd; and' th'tre.'ee.e,dtqiAi Xe t e jap til e EH't e "wit h in the4 ' t imj p refct ibid 4 byiljaw; ajvd io'pay'oyer riljat niay btfa their Karjd'fVithey earneftly teqweft f hofe' tfldebted to the Eftjte tot'imf ke paymentwithpu? delay- v Thofc ty.w.hpm thZ&iie ianJebd are re-,- queiteo to vB.npg.turaro toeir cutms THI DESTJttHjytOM OF MVIt IVSTII ,I1CH v'l-;.; '". .v "vr t.un"ih rvij ,';Prer!h(roe,;'ra eaptiS'reyolBtioujft and i3cil.S ,mo, who, a fiTwas no taconuoerapie aexor 10 ,, nne horrid cioeltKs of the fienck revoyjuon, can, ad wiYeiie" fufpe fled of eKfeeetafin? thefe I'll :-" ' J- t'l' . -'I - " .?.-'.) - li "i I i-V i; f'tootiy jteenrs. nas id b ia, puoiicatiou uaiea. ? 1 a to appeafc it. Uo w ednei Jay rnorptng f tint the; vlc i inn's of the rrvojut ion in fix years,' 10 o'clock anblhefite' was difcovered in , abut four ImonthsthaOs froTtine.i 780. 'to" i actupted m Mr. nmr, which com- October toe, ambunted "to the number cf two mitliona twent ymnf thoofandix hundtea ind fix ;"ihat "I we've hundred 'and fixty fiyefci ei,2fZVnwere thrown into t he fea at Toulon j t bat -ty'rie hundred thtufand ptrifhed id Ila Ven: fifteen thoufand of nqpi"'were womeo and li'u theniica?ef to the end. thef may bV paidf fuch' as wifciQ aa- ra wiinin- laejmt? -pi-jivm o 1.,: I U 'T.i'v-r :.. . ... T.Atw UrJ I nar h r9!il -; (Tt .puVfdayhe Jth9!ayof.Septsmbw:0 next, at the late d wrjfiri tiofytt X the X)cca ed, will be fold on fix monthi credit, 'the pur. COxT! erj jiviitrf tiOBct wuu appiovea lecurny, i;ti t, peramaDie J.tfcaie.wcoicire ana ciiwb oiuii . .-. - Vfi.JHB .'1,"::.-'-' -- ; . inmi rotter. 1 . m -'. ' !i.l .. rranklmpinVj'f Aii - ' '-: gtt9..t21303';; - Forty Dollars , Reward i - -t? atLY,lkJithjll.vev'tifed ejotf8t;;:1'!'. jPjfftr file -upon bearing that Ih'e was lobe ' fold, jhe,: immcdiely elopWi 'otVaa' Induced ' away by f-me, .yhlte; perfon : thejatter i iQt. wiiprobable, as hcte are lome'cirtBroQarces to wiauce ik rii ptiier i ana u tucn is,ine ia,.v Is probable that foe haieea cwie tatce andfold but if.:the,.jfveDt!j99jolEtarity.i)v it is likely that the has either endeavored tq make , her way tt Martin ecunt y, whtr e, I am infei mi ed tjflt e was form erly p w c ed by a M 1.; Roft, . bt to fhe -neighborbcod, of EJenton.. jierel-j ' uhd? p ood fhe bat om children li vine f5p ' the' h'ayy.r baggage' which -fbe' eariedawaj(-J; V ain y ndpeed iu be lit ve lha r fhe ' hadllle, ajd of Xoroe per foo, probably fome negro fellow. v , ;Ijet troe oaae is,CHLoi, fhe haa the 'fFeJ': v abce of heipg about. Aty;five";yeata otjgei "vey Mack, a fquat' fhapefwi)h" large. white VyefTihick lipa'i wide tBeuth and'very few teeth id her head t he has tmaiks of nhuch wh'V- f ; p'ng iwi her lack. 'Any perfn ho will delivf faid prgro:to e,; in'tbe city ol;lRafeigk-,-3: irbtn ahy further ch3t gf, fhall f ecciye the Vbqy " ' .Twarjlf or for any ufefoKnfermation wheiebyV . f niay regain Vhrpoffeflioa of herrl wfll rewardj; the perfoo .fcfTordjng fuch information ecoidiori to the -irca tr ft anccsv , ; ' ' : 1 til fXFf-fi- - .1 5 4di . t.. if -4