y II -MM,IIMa,MM"IMMllMli'ltMMIM'lll"l''l'',,MI1' - - . - . 1 rl . ;ublished;(weekly) if' William -bpy'lan -' - ' FT'XVr"- ' Vol: 8. : -V - RALEIGH, (x. c.) -M0ArD2Yi DECEMBER 26', U 80 J. :,. - A List of ACTS passed bv the General, Assembly, of North-Carolirm at their Session 1 . r. Anftft for the regulation of the town f from Roanoke river or the waters there-1 Bcf, To incorporate Mont Moriah ief Warrenton, for repfealinc the atts or 4 rJarts of atts heretofore . paiTed on that ' .'. 2. , An aft to amend an aft pifled'm I)ecember 1803: entitled' m It p a ; mend the fix'th leftion of an-aft. pafTed u' fa the vear i8ai.' entitled an aft to a- mentTthfeveral Land Laws of this ftate., 3. uranting ceriam privileges to tne Jignt infantry eoinanr-bfUhiegi ient tf the .county of Edgecomb ;; ;vJ ! ;-4.tMaking compenfation to the juror j &i of Brunfwick county .'''t'; ' .s: V; '. : r. , 5. To empower and authorifc the wir- dens of the county of Camden to by an t additidnal tax for the", fupport of the . poor of laid county. 6; Tq -alter the, time of holding the courts of .pleas Janet Quarter - feflions of . the counticsof Sappioji and Cumber land, : ' ? ' ' ? 7. To amend an a A pafTed in the year 1 i8oi, entitled an aft to alter the mode ' of raifing money to defray the expences of the jurors fi'on the countycr Burke, to the fuperior and county courts, and other purpofes therein menli6ned;.' : 81 To amend an aft pafled in the "year 1801, entitled "An aft to fix an uniform timeior taking the liits ot taxaoje pro perty, throughout !the'ftate;; arid- for 'the enforcing the colleftion of taxes." i'.v. -i a To alter the time 61 'HoRiin.T the e- leftion in the couhty of .Mam, --and to . Ac'adeuiy in Rich- of near the toAvn of l lymouth o PunRO I river 'and to make other 'and more ef fectual pfbvifions for the fame.'; ' AO; T o. feftablifii an ;Ataden!y i mond couBtr.".' ?,: 3e. To awrend the feveral law's now in rorce to regulate ajrid fix the prices for impeding and coopering tobacco with in this !tate;. iJ''mVB -'-, -3 iVvfd empower Qeorge Burton of Cat well countyjo leil certain lands there in mentioned. j'S-:'iY-:t':''ii:y' '. vsl".'-To eUablifli a town ort the lands of T'hmsrs Rivers oh the nortft fide of.. Dan river in Stokes county. v' ; ,v , V . '33. For the relief of certain perfons therein mcntioj.'.....v'').;;:i'r 1 3 4. To eflabliTh four feparate baualltin muiters in the county ot Buncombe .1 eftablifli two-feparate elections in laid J coumy. -': lo.- T& repeal thatparf of the firft ; tlaufe ftf an aft ot the Affembl? or 1 795, ' f entitled " an aft .direfting the manner jin whch the Clerks of the feveral fupe v1rior an,d' county- courts fhail hereafter make their returns to the.Comptrpiter that requires, the clerks to makfe oath in opcnVourt. ' . ' 1 1 Orsnting; a teparate election una 35. To divide; the militia of MelVen Lodrre. No. n. in the rountv of Iredell. v.. 1. Granting three feparate efeftiohs iw ic inuaoicanra 01 Kooeuuj coumy. . - 62 To authorife the deteadantpn an tridiftment for a Libel to rivc the truth . '63,- Td mcbrporate the H?etn hv brary Society. 1 .- f f'J: ;.- ' $T$4i To kce&peri .-Swannanno: River: burjz bounty into two regiments." ' 36, To encourage Francis Martin te-publim a revifal of certain afts bl Af femfcty. - r'; , ' - . ; '37. To empower the wardens of the poor in the county of Martin tojay and colleft'an additional" poor taxiufaid county v . " ' ' r .' 38. To alter the time of holding the annual elections in thie connty of Surry. , 35f. Tdeilablim an Academy in . the town of Wilmington. ' ;' . , 4c:. To pardon and rellore-to credit James Gafkins of the county of Halifax. : 41. -To-anne.t certain penaltiesidnh Clerk of the count court of Rowan for Lrranfafting bufmefs in his office iafu- ture which is directed by law to be tranf afted in open court, and for other pur poles. . : ;f- ,. ' ; 1 t . "42. To repeal part cf an aft-jpaTed in the year 1 707 entitled an aft making. coaipenfation (o the coonty court jurors rut t " c i. 1 ' rt - or iNew-nanover, ouny,,oroKcs, liun combej' Qrangc, Cufnbcrlandr Mont-; Burke, Richmond and Randolph.- Ai. Gramir.K an additional feparate -cf the General Afleinblypailediinf 801, Vlaa-td-the-nlubtaati;;-4Jie'coims battalion mufter to the inhabitants of i omery,. Wilkes, Sampfon, Carteret, Sawofon county. 4 Entitled " aft to amend the feveral iandJaws in this ftate 41 - .? tG rarfthxg two feparatd'elcclions to 'the inhabitants of Moore county. ',- ' 1 Va. Authorifing theotirtty court' of .waimngtoii 10 lay a tax, m raia county forthe purpofeof defraying the expences of theate iiurreftion of Negroes in laid . k; 5.Tdend aAft of tli'e Geriera 4 Mei&tyy Ipaued in the year 1.801 j grant 4. ingto the 2d Tegimect of Rowan coun i: y the privilege of two feparate elcftiansT 16. Toreoeal an aft pafled in the year ifyltmUkd :ancV4oevtfgatHaft Tefpefts the.yotiSities !of. Pafquotank an44 tv of lNlew-Kanover. . 44. For 'dlablihinj? a rnutual infur ance focHtty- au.ainU fire on vfcuildincsy j t jods and furniture in this ftate. : ' 45. ror tneRvernment ortne city ot Rakifilfc'and tor repealing all former afts nailed for this purpofe. ''A ,: v 46. J bamind' an act for eftabliflnffg the tcn pf Trenton iii Jones county. m 47 J -imuing the i time o holding the elexitidnsnhe and Wafhington counties. V. 4.8. To repeal an aft palTed ar the lafl feflion of the General Aflcmbly foTar as entitled art aft for - the more fpeedy Adetermining of difputes that have arifen- wr hetealrer may Unle- in the cQuhues of fdrdXiBColtiVaQcl' ' I'erefting milldarnsand to prevent perfons f from,- building mills as hereinafter "de r fcrtbed pafied in the year 178 c- : 17. To alter the names and legitimate J VviJliam and bilas Mallet- : : J ' - ; i 1 8. To empower the. county tourts to :Mkejlbwahcr where land's areHmrarL -ed on tEe; lifts oftable-proper ty by Jtriiftak'? or other wife, fo.that a certificate frotn the clerk of thscoiirt mty; be-&-lowed as lifts of infoK'rats. ; ' - V 9 To empower the . wardens of the : poor, for the county of, Greene to lay & col'ecT an additional poor tax. '.- ; ' 20. To alter and, amend ail aft enti , -tied an aft granting to the inhabitants of ' '' Edgecombe county the ptjvilege of Jc ;..aratcleGSons and .general muiters, '""pafredinVthe year 1800. - . ' it. For the relief of Inn)A6aderrry. , 22-; To alter the place of holding a fe - pxrat? eleftion in the county of Curri 'tack., -,1 ! K v 'y V.V2j4Toiricotpofatellirani Lodge No: . 'i'u in Williamlborpugh in the county, of Granville - ' t I 24;TQgrant a fepafate eleftion in teckenburg county. ' i 25. To incorporate Davie JLodgb No. 39 in Bertie" county.' ' . Ib.feCuie to Elizabeth, jfcverittf r ' wife of Turner Eyeritt, fuch eltate as fhe rnay hereafter acquire . 7r. Appointing commiflioriers to ex :; tend the boundary line of this "ftate and. i the flateof SoutfCarolina. n T'fm atrierid aad revifean. aft pafledr the year 1796, eatitied an aft to en1 fourae the cutting a navigable ".canal held at Raleigh,- in J 03. ; ; Craven county and for other purpofes therein mcJuiQned.f , , , . V 8.v. Arr.acUoamend thed feclion of an apaflrd iii.the year 1902, .entitled ' an act to repeal part of an aft patTcd in the year, j'78-5. fo far as rerp(&fts. Rich mond coun'.y entitled an "act to enipow-t -eftbp feveral county courts, therein men-, 'tiondWyWtaxfafnnuAlly for the pur'' bofebf ereftinftor repairiug the Courts, Houfe priibn andfl ck m each county vhefe ex:tlTary;:cand for defraying the, -contingent thafgcs.f tbe'coUncy. .v 59. An aft .'to 'eAabliflv the . dividing;-. line , between the two' battalions in the . county of Randolph ,.- ! , ' , V90.' An a'ft authoriwrfg DavidShuford 5 lafeJSberifT of linccm countjrand JohA' ; Jenrhs late mcrifTof Anfon county'to -; toljeft the aSwrage's of taxes for th; years 1 806. & 1 861. ,! . . ; 91. An act to autnonie tne county -court of Lincoln to raife by way of lot tery the fum of two hiindred doliars. . i 02. Ah aft to compel the attendance . of Turots appcinted by the county court! I i 1 1 ....... . .. or jjnncomne to review roaas.-" -o t. ". An aft to amend an aft pafled in the year i"8oa entitled an aft grantinpr a feparate clftioh t the inhabitants o the county o Wilkes., 04.. An aft p'uihbr i fine tne feveral per-. -fons herein "flamed to colleft the taxes due them in thtfr refpeftive ceunries'. 4 HJv r 95-Grantinga feparate eleftion to thd. L0!-?1 y.6"?! innabitantg of Carteret countyr .-.r : 96. An aft to alter and aniend the fe' vera! afts of the General AiTcmbly "clfa blihirig feparate eleftrons inthe, county of Orange arid to eltablilh a H'lalion .mufle'r at Geerge Carringron' lfijli ' 7.1 An aft to -amend the fifth fcft. bf an aft pafled in the year 17991 ptitled. an aft to jepeal -an ;ft pafled in ne year", Joc. for' appoint itw. coirVnifficnertlo. fix pn a proper place in thf county"-, of; rWilkes; and -to erecTtherton a courNi Koufe, prifiin, anditecks tor the ufe of -fai j county, and for other purpofes. .- 08. An aft tor ruBhirg and atcertaia .1 - 1 ' .1 . t :t . ..'I Camden entitled " an aft direftin the moale of patrolls in the counties oi Gates Camden and rafquotank." ' v'49.'-To a"hthorife the CJlerkot the COuntyjcoiirt of Pafquotank ro deliver the original Will of -John Stokes to the perfon therein named. 'y tT jo. Tosamend the fe.veral larid laws in this ftate fa far as refpefts furvcys be? ing made and Yerurnei iritb thSecre tary's office. : . , " 1 ' t i.rQeilabUih. tlis disifional line kzA iweeM iuc cuunues ux auauua tutu Montgomery.' -, - t , ' .52. To. carry more fully into .fcffeft the lit feft. of aft aft pafled in the year 1 3c 1 fempewerinj the, county court of Chowan to lay a tax f or the ereftion of a poor houfe, and td authorife theicom-. rriiflioners of the town of Edenton to convey a part of the town commons for that purpofe". V IS--'- - .;; y' -.;.' -53. To "'amend an aft pafled in the year 1 799, entitled "'ah aft to appoint countYTcOrnDtrollers' as far as it refpefts the county ot Rutherford, and to diieft: the duty of the officers therein named. - 54. ,1 o authorife, the 'comrpiiiioner$ of thetown of Hiilfboroughj tdrent out patt bf the town comjaon. 55. Td authorifc the' colfrity - court of Surry to lay & tax to' pay their jurors, & for other purpofes therein tiientioned. $6. Grantirig deftaiti privileges to the Granadier compay ef the- id Regiment of tha' county of Halifax, -r--;' v i , 57. to eftablifh aii? Academy in Nix onton in Pafqubf ankr county. ; 58. To authorife the county court o Hertford to lay a tax for defraying the expences incttrred in fuppreffing the late I infurriplottdf the riegroe mfatdcoanty. i 59. jl o incorporate vy alhingtonl-odge No. 15, ia Beaufort county. in Btineombe cbuntv. n 5. Limiting the time-of fiolcling'e-i.eftipns- at the .cc'art-hcnife id Tyrrell county. " ' ; V'-"0"v - - .r. '. ':: -: ;'; , ' 155. td eft ablifh the diyidjnUhe be tween the county of Montgomery and Maore. ''r:Y-.r"il. Gp- 'i'ti i :amtnfanlt aft pafled; in the yearll 791 eiaied v" an aft tq appoint coiw imliloners to lay off and iftabliift a tovn at the place fixed upon . in Modre County lor ercdirig a cpcrt-houle,'' anof' Ibrfhepurpiiles therein mentioned.'. 61. 1 revive' an aft, eririt!ed " An nQt d ireftlng the m umer m wh ich the J mmi of Buncombe and Wilkes coun tHT&alf hereafter cnlleft '. ariYi pay out the taxes of faid courities and other pur polB therein rnentioned, pafled in the year iSo;. '-'.'. ;; V;,. ; : ; ' 60. Grafting two feparate deftrons in th? county of RuLherford, and direct ing the time-when all the feparate elec tion m laid county fhall be. held. - 70. fide oriie Yadkin River in the county of J?owaintq two regiments 'and for other purpofes. , . f? 7 1 . An aft to extend jftiejarifciiftiph of a fingle -luftice, and to amend the fer veral laws now in force in this ftate rela tive 10 the recovery' of debts, beiore a uftice of the peace. 72. An aft to authorife and empower the field officers and captains of the mi Jrtia of their refpeftive counties to ajv PSant the place or places for holding their feparate Regiaientalor Battalion muftrs in certain cafes. ....... r' ' r73 Ariacor-4he. relief of John Gat chey & his wile Catharine pfRowan county,' and Wm. Gregory and h wife UUabtth of Chowan CouRty. f :. 74. An act to-empower the county court of Bunccmb to lay thecounry tax Qiiott tne regulation ,ncm coritairied. M75n5Jtpepeal part of an en titled an aft to empower, thecojJnty courts therein mentiened to lav a tax to tiefirthe-expences incurred by tHeHatori miu recuon oj egroes pan in tne year l802 76". 'An aft to empower the .County cotirt of johnffnTrrn tr I of the regifters books of laid county as may appear netenarj'. 77I An aft to appoint additional com miflioners to thole alrerdy appointed for the town of jiniefton in Martin. . . , - 78. An aft td amendn aft to appoint p-bl,C Regifters & to direct the. method to.be obferved in cOnvtyirtg lands, goods and chattel and for other purpofe pafled in 1 715, as far as 'refpeft the courts' otlJafqaotanlc. - r . 79. Alia ft to fee u re-to thcperforis'4 tnerem menuonea iucn enate as tney may hereafter acquire, t ' 80. .Giving further tune for thercgif tratioii of bills of file and deeds of gift.- .81.; Granting-feparate elections to the inhabitants of Wake and Halifax coun ties and for other PurDofes.-! - 1 2. An aft to repeal fo much bf ahadV pafled in 1 777 entitled " An aft for ap-pointing-ftievifis and directing their duty! in office tarnvCommiflionj from the Governor previous to their entering on the duties of their- Office and to direct the. manner m which they mail be cs mtrufliohed in future. :; '---vk ..' ' .-''-:;, ',. h "83-aAuthoriflng tH i6odrlty Court of Oncol n to appoint a proper perfon t( tranfdribe fuch or theecor4s in "tfje re gifters eflice i$ faid cdurt mall decin ne ceflary. ; "M: ; y. 4 An aft'td facilitate thfi 'divifion of lands. 'r.L;-.. ' v 85 Authorifirlft the county cour of North-Hampton to appoint ldnielperfon q: ttanferibe the, regifters books of laid COUnry. , '.v.;'T-.i ' 36 An aft to tax alt fuit$. that may hareafter.b: brought in the county, court of New-Hanoven : I -1 r- St. alter " the rilace of holdjrM the pirate eUcb& atXci fetfy ia s purpofe of clearing out' Neu fe-ri ver. 1- -v 1 41- 4Bg thp tw)u.nitv(iy lin betuetn thacoun..,. . lies of Sampfon and Johhfton. " ' i ' I 09. To fecurc tocRachutf M'CIure ' wife of tohnM'Glure fuch' e'ftate as flier. may hereafter acauire. . i 06. An act directing the manner a of appointine.clt ft rs'ro vote for a Pro fitlentand, Vice-fWidentof the United, Stares. -; ' .'.' ,; . . , ' lot. "An aft toauthotifethe Secretary"., ofltate' to 'ifluqVVai rants & duplicate thereof.--,-'., : . ''' ', t ' ici. An aft toau'Wife Lenoir coun . u ty to raife 500 dollars by lottery for the . A 103. in act to amend the militia lavs of this ftate, and revife that part which relates to the cavalry department. 104. An aft to repeal1 part df an ate balled in 1794, fo far as refpefts Richv', mond count v, entitled u Ati aft roem ; . power the feveral county cdUrts therein ' mentioned to lay a tax for the purpofe ; ofdeltroying wolves and . bean in faid . County. . : ... -'H-'r :;-vv fo-f. Ah aft to empower William f, . Cifleft'of BrUhfwick-and Wm Wrightt - ot Surry, to colleft, arrearage -oJt taxes ductlienn ' ' ' . ' io5 ' An 2ft tbeftablifh afeparatr.-1)at- - ' talion mufter in the county of Nafli. T - ' 107 An aft to direct in what trahPer" ' the fees of a1 Coronefon holding an fn '" queft fhall be paid; t - . (j i : r io?"Arraft to appoint the number of Jurors hereafter to be lent to Newbcrti fuperior court j among the feveral coun tics compQfing the diitriftv . xooT -An tfi tdtauthorile the" ftate of TcnneiTee to pei feft titles to land tefkrv ed to this ftate by, the ctflron aft ' ;V r 1 1 6 An ft to authorife Samuel Luflc bf Buncombe to iolleft the arrearages ' of county an pubKc taxes due , him tor t 1801 1802. ' v ; -v... .. 4 t 1 1 1. An aft to raife a revenue for the , payment of the civil Hit antl contingent . -charges MgoTemtnent for the year 1804 4 ,j,tie'A:-mW'U Aeudme9t tv ihc'Cun. ftiiatiod'of: the'.Uoifed Staten' vx- v v( j. To tebort to ci'edlf Wmtip DaIt. ,! 1 14. To'sppoinl commifllacri tofrteie ifo t V? nations fubfcriptlon for the' pur pofa erf (clearing Broad Rivet frotA tbc S. Cafoliaa liod up to (jrecne tifer.-"..:.'''---itx'it-. i it. To alnerid iht kift Uc. Of an ift mU'r-lki- lleT" Arf aft fop. aMifli?og "courta f jnicis ; - ' IIVl Ul.HkiUlI . IUIIUII WWW IV IHI VVUIU11 ' uoflen 9i me town w itvviawz j .,7 -4 . 'I 3--f ....