TV ;.. v . . , . . , . . v -...Mi inc nfi aencTr htr mameft felf hU difgraceful departure Jioa tS wSl remember, that . formed us, as much' iiolSil thole wnj " . . n r tnll that fared V?. whole war; and evd was concerned ",f2S SSr - Haven, bec.ute they were fop P?lcfl L:.-n-B. Putnam was engaged in fightv iZLuk of hit couotry .od;wai gene ihw' facefvVdJ..doory.dd'nf ,Ue..w la of ou. executive give an edge the conduct , tt:i, fn- at the bkffiacrl X we uodcrftand Mr htSlh it ,j oni to ffn- been, the ob- "Us attainedJthe is drtennine by every SjaaWma be facrifid, without, -rega.d Lckly deft-y themaV'all.tooe fel1 J00 ,,;, ?ri ffcrf wasf to pod. - Wheohis ' May of lik . ..- ;'.. -r,. tiin -Uixv leaf : - -- - Aid ilia, wl.ic'.i kld aceomjAnold age. - love, obedience, trwp -n.,,w' lie must not Uk to havvbtt. V & And an hour will affuredly arrive, vvhen be. ' in vaiu,.will w;ih for- '' Some sweci oblivions tld( ff AVhicli wsijUi up4ide heart., . : - . Ll . II J . S I in? the balloti, a majriry wa r-oad in tafOir of jUroeSUackletofO, or wmuusw- the Mercantile Aaveniicijr. - . Agreeably to advcefcciycu l Prince From General Deftnc., he, had rM lie 2sd utr. Mtackrd the Cape with . n .'i1. r.M tn mnunt to IiCllI zoto kcxcen. :!, The dcfo ? effected from Morne du uvu.B r - .Dgptittd this life, oa Sonday-thet ttVtnftv at Mt ieat in Dorchefter county, (Maryland) iKerT&oTraft v" Morray, efq. find midiatf p!eaipottntiay4o,the Fieneh Ki. Twir Aa iulcfmia, MTv-Mariy Hood nigh, -od fiUd with mugtiiy the rwrarae ptrtmeotTwhicti his couawy, had cpnfidea-t his ti utparuaiJoi ly in bi iBgina; about the let-,. tlement vt the iaie uhappj o ntieucea inai ex idea betwan e lJcieiaiet and the French Rcpobiici " 'C; 4 . - ' . . . - T TM A W A Y or STOLEN f-om Mf. Wfn. IV t . .w. ,nu,n -.t - Factteville, on c -ulAJit the ilinftant, a Mulatto Wo mif V. StH ER with a black .- - t .r. kWlr linu(M. action ah dt mr bujis w" , , . jOtrtJtnf an levcrat vi "VTTr a Bn 7 KM ahout fix "nonibaqio. inc woman -ri Wn the troB8'DtlTinra and Ro oy Child abom w r , ;B.Unl i ... .twpn (niira With chambeau; wncn coimu , iv nv;i nhflinarv ' when Qeo. Rochambeau f ranitulatln: fofTTi Rilhigh fsp MONDAY, JANUARY 9.1. - '. , i .!i a nf the-Public Laws We Lave 1UQ iio, n . -Vr r is?," fciLj. a aay. Whtn the .cfo'uuon for pay nvem-v w,Bmhi.rK is before the tiav Svc m linn oay- ' Seafirii the 11 of the probers before the made, that .it? ra age inould be decided by and Ved diiertloz to fee the condufr of the pretended tXlf economy at dais timehe- houfe wa,- W. to avoid 'c:s';n ml y nwe flocked round the "tlcmar, who "ored for taking the yeas and nayv much fol.ciutionp.evai.led on h,m to uhdra I here are many omsi v.. r-: . ton wade of publick money, remaining for w to icLrm toe people, ir :forne futnie. number. ? AneceflW abfence'ef. the Editor on fois pearanee of the Minerva next week. A J'm &ure has-oever-happened. to th.s .'rd perhaps vill not occur ajaio for many yeats. from the of The dilmiilai or uc ficc of Surveyor -.General, and he.ppo."t one JaredyMaflsfieU, -a known -Tory djnoj J . . nmnniT mnv or trie th late revolution, is b l;w n( difgraceful aflions of the PfJS of ou? reader, may htfe overlook jd of t!.is difmilTal pablifhed in Ouri we b?-J yaper rfpublifhed it, and we trufl our frunds w.l - tatjdeeiii it unoejp-.- ':. iWllate of his health is not fucb as to render atfeocef-o home dcfinble. , ;0 . It is reported that Mr. . ' proceed ti M.dridfbr the purpofcof KgnR L. morion ol .certain "r?a":;r crrning tbemnTuna botindartes, " -tU of negbciatio wUU the bpao.fli eonrt -v ft iiooderft'o. however, that he returni ageifl r i: I v.. - to lonaon. v -. ' " ids ; .ihifter at Madrid Intimated to fome of h '. pWvatV friends, a difpoiition to return home m the qoui fe of thMiejU ye' : - - - f, - . iti 4th ahimorr. J. t Ll .A n hi It hfi. A try Of 1(1 Wai lOUiiu uiitu.... -- . j - r v . . 4- . ,- .'. .'.n. meitnte COnlUi- ttie create., oomntuy, v --- . n , . rrr..4, t ranitu atlnr iorfiie ?.- r .uf. n the firft mftant. A.H the ttoop. paffed at "the. blockhoufe. between the barrier and Haat du Cap (the obt poQs) were mavTacred, a. all poftbility sf ejeape to 4 " ff 'Aoreiahlv tO the cap. the tows wovwivu. i j 'j t' ttitatioo.' Rochamfeeau with tfte artny under his commahd were to'be cmbaked under tbejro 1t.Whnn.Vinnrtrbl.nflee i r. ... t,.'n lie nom.nateo Pet.oifB mulultej lienerai oivr.- Uommnaari vi me p'-- T , , t- -t rortiiritlariV the WO- l he people oi vuium, , men, eipe.ienced. the molt c.utl treatment ; having orcn pui i .-v"- - - - r .....t-n them. the with nfern wnmcii ------ , - . ? r & u- .:.f. nrnvifiona were corns eiita ACnericanvtiuio f"-- , . . .i. . p..ri,nt . and were " .- . . "l r.. or i,rr and four promiled payment m inomns. v. f . - DffliUncs has gifert ia'-.," - jt- -""i -h: rr nr . Amr-rican meichat tB rt.. r.Alnrt Pmr an Prit.hichh had partially - . , r.'...r- u'b tf eie His Officers, hdv. ever, aGed ao.hey inouK.i Dessal.nes in Fr(HlaitT,td c?pta.n general of the colony ; C l A ' t v f A f'X, C H krs Tf f H tR Pet ion, and fevetal other mulattofa, arejanB ed asgmeruU t sud brigade. . , I, r.. trrJAHur7. Bee 20 With'iBfiri'e'n-gre-r ue comtr.iinicatc to th . .. v .v. .V P. flrtffinir in its na nuMiL, an even', nu .v - "... fure, ard fatal in its . conftquencea- vHihto the rtboi-ptft orou- ncoiina. -.; .... & ; On M ndv UU, Air- vum-. ; : v Mr. France Cn n-C ixopfequence ol a of thii tondrrv ut e to announce that the evtnt proved titako boihppamca. v .parted tins 11 1 e. . .. . iy their onuuiciy ..v,T,r. ; . :' . . . -t- tr. h ii 1 1 f hi Ions. il,re iettio Utplure tnc ----- - thtlr children two affc A ionai brothers, d lociety two moo y" . vivin - -scUtions' e in a lituat.o: cafier to be iiTP2;tirr than c'elcr ior(i. . ,. - ih, Trlrnt ncv 01 a cu'.o i . ,,.mifitiT. rij hope ihrlnc. Unlhoiy caal.ophe here .tVateO, WP'f vcnt i.'' . i r.. .i.-lr nunviiv-cs. or enr high bred inported. HorU wl ? (land at my iab!e thenf-xt. Sealo.n in Uranc Wunty, fill miJTrBin' Hs1CUriugli... The 1 .4 greec-rerlornianl.. autt.-- cwfin irc ?.ys ... ".-. - i- -rv t rv:" nowo m due Mmo . ajo. f7..,;,- "!'. j:" 1...,: -The Woma. tir ASt 6t4JWSor. l.V;W. nirii vntn . . ,. . r, , i ..r..i- mnunn . buriY 'Wtrre-vnit aw"-, . nuru ta. Jj . ii liminnfcd woman about twenty V W thf i . .m i in lit a . ' t P,..r thetjooerty ofa Baggs, ot name of rcter, tne p "P'7 . - - nf fl Favetteville, wlio a a llout vtil fa fellow of a tayetteviuc, fnTpeded that tome tliertfote lotwarn w e---- r W , - . Wt:ir. and Chi d to the ZJXr - the . y of Rakigh or Mr.W.H.a.n hick o Faielteviile, or couhnt her in any j J.l i.....u...iin-.. And a further fn that he nidy g i. "is-- t. . - - f. ' . .pJil li (nten id the Krwardbt iwer.iy.pou..-. ""' l' otifoo who fhali h...ntf to qonvta.on any white r,erf3D who may haVeVcn concerned m Mulatto Woman nd away, .-w ,- Ratih, 6ib January, 8o4- ' ma, waj louiiu - . . . v.-t .' matut e q ieft lat on his opcy, . . tiMgave wx omierftand ver 4a of-.M f PS Suspicion ha, placed the 'iM3 , very near coneDaion of Mr. Randlth . -Fclings of humanity prevent - odr gng puU city t , the name of the petf.n until the f ibjeft uadetgoes a legal inve ft' et.on. -vr. ; , . . P .. .l..,,-r..iY thrir owrv bittctiag the day, of their furv.viogreUu. 1 0daiJphia, T)ec 24. , -i. i v ku n trrntleman from W e nave utc"1"" ,,vv' " " JftcrT thaTche :Houfef Uepre fen tauvrt of this fta. on Thurfday laft, took into erf. ceratrcn tne om tuiM . - -r Entitled m a fuopieht to the M entit!,J an to extend the - pc" the jicea o A L f this ftate." It -ill he woIWM iaTtbe governor Wturoe tluc bill me.ceu.ent V the prerenW.fTno wtth h.s ob jeaionaagaintti.'s raffing into . jaw. On Ihe Jqu flion tveinK nken on Thurfday on ... pa H . .urti....f. thVrf. apoes-rtJ 7C in the age oy tne i"- . r -afTirmitive. 4i the neat.v. , , . We Z lired th-r the bill will alio pa& the . - .. ..nt m:KiritV. .11 WhltD Senate, ov ec tuipv-"' - j , caft it becomes ? law ootwithiland.og thop ponuonofthe govc.hor. V : ifctVi'rik. Eb'eaeier El jamra iviou, iJ-" TV j j r,m. tt;;ti;ai Helms. Adam Boyd andJame Sn.crepuatttkethavebc without oppofr. ion. . Reprefcntat.veS m Coa. guiVfor New Jerfey. ( - J ifvUie laft WaVreViton papcl pm fot we obfeye as .he Brit the War "-- : .1 'nr...:. Imnnrnnt-aDDOintment, renton head, tne iouowi..r for which intelligence his numerous and d.ftant I0!,., ...:t. donbt be hiahls Ratified v m.i., n. iriin.- Afauirat of ro tce. --- r. r. ..,ki;rh n.7 this arroimment. tnan uic gratihcation 01 Vtf think however fhpuia nave dcii . appoiated - Beau Davifon, P. r. f0 thofe I Mayor ct thc.ty Vl:"rr xurlci the who may not be able to decipher all tnet-dMhe I ., -..' ...:n at an explanation, riiflaa.- Drti in Gales' omce. Frost's Lottery: T R-ff It-ave to if.form thofe gentlemen who I h ve been fs Xlnd as to tlTilt me in the fale of. my Lottery '1 ickis mat 1 am oimiu i v ban!rn. mv Scheme for .two reafons ; One if which '"iV, the ticFeTs net. having met. Jo j- . r.i- .rr ilp noffnnnemef. 38 T expected ; a.M.thrr is, 1 never received bur 2 1 I -4-0.0113X8- '.'incaili, which, induced jhe to believe I never .WdhoM can. c.ugh to pay p" Ther tore thofe holdirg ticket,pf will plea.lcto-nop.tii '", V j r j back futh tickets' as have been di!pnfe? of, and. replace the tr?" rfl rnay have been fold for. ..JONAS rROSl.fc Smlihfield, DtC-26, 1853. ' .. , , :l ? XWJnian Queen ; ... r -HE bell Hand in .he Cay of Ralejgh r T a Tavern. Hie hotife contains thirteen 'rob.;e ofwKtehhave fire i: On the bt ;9 corr.modioOR Kitche large anl con. vert-cnwotaoir. bimi wi... v1...... 1'srift either . the pieinuft rem one or more yea s. . - - The Ilouse y Lot, : ; Onotie the CnmriKM.1,-t; terms apply i Sim-m Turner, hlq. WtLLl A NORWOOD. HlM'mmb DrtfmBer 1 2 liC5 in poini h uiuuu ic n.un-jiiv' -yw fize, bone, Oiew,troufcie ure, rooHonand cw loor, would receive no. n jd.y by , ii CDrttprif n rvith the fit ft rate horfcB on the continent, Hje was avowedly a horfe of eirttaordinaty fpeed & bottom. Hit tried xolts are runners, at aft 1 have heard ofaS-e f nd Ijtiiow of others, that wQuld' not fta ah equal matcWr . , . He is iaood heahh and fine order, and Oom my towrt obiervaUoWl ct a flat'e.thatfe t rf very free .Irorn difcafts j thatjie enjoys a firong 8od hotdy-'eoollituticB ) and that he-ia a faro (fallion. . , 1' -j( '-'-vi-'iJ , He will he ready to g'o to mares, at his Id Hard, early in February. , An carlycolt Is not o!nly foore r fi t for' ftrvice, hur I am mduced-w-btheve acquires ufually a much better Ute than one foaled i0. ihc.fummer, t The iMfft iece. u price will he a .rinc'compaiVd o thtfe impo tant cohfideratioi.' . .'., . 'V"". Dumber 151803. : ' - Sex toil Baldwin, . J100T &-SHOE. M A'Kt R Etpefl'ully itiform the iilliabi-a-its of the they have fct up the Boat and Shoetnaking bu finef in Dow S'rect oppofite Mr" Pierce'n rWV .rrri-thr intend carrvtue on faid ,bcfi''cfi in all its .'various branchw, and where Gfritlemen and Lves tan be furnilhed with Boots ami Shoes of any k'inti having' as good a flock, as can be fopnd i ti the country; . ., ... The baic on lard a large 'tfirlmchi cf. SHOES, .ufcjch; tlry 'will Jrl -low forj&jh'X&Z'J. I .on riniinc TRinp Shoes. - Ladies Morocco and .Leather co.' Cbiidren's.afld Ntrgrbes dpr" ' ::r: ST O LEN, 1 inivpisttv Lottery', No; 2. 4 Llperfoo's holding Piize Tickets . the N . 2. arc herenv j j. u in vein 1 7 - - . r-.V informed, tnar uiry ... v . , r , ,S. lame. ''' fc?'? t "d ' .Raleigh. Vtc I7ji5i .-....'.. 1. 1 YVM U e night of the-t7th-tatta.pti.t50m v .V ftbjif the fubfotibef, a iik-r Cr Urtcit. hands and one inch high, briphi t vk r b'ut nine y ears old. very hollow hack ofh.-dfome carriage in harnefa'and oader . the well Paited. apd carried a full Iwah . tail to d vantage. -The mark of harnefswas vthbl-ot h breaft whea t.ken away ch.efly towa the tt lilCll'tlcT, r , - - . .1 ' r u: i.t ' au't tlie mi.Kne . u.o . . - r rr. r.i!ora mi fjitnnatiie ex penfe."e .,(T-ea lo, the ojfe, and Fifty D! " - . . 1 e.,u toivr of the l-its fur trie none " ' . Thief a, . Hid ivi-nftiw'" Elizchthto'w'n, Bladtn coun 1 J J il purfuance of the dirfeflions of thejoard of I I rultees otthe umveimy u. - - I hereby notify all tnoie to wm.... v--;- V.rv.,, terie.No. i. and No, 2. of .he fa.iUn.vCty W( rcentrufled tor uie, anu w..o u.w ed fbtthe lane, nor iMaUc y - -v-received for the fale thereoj, that.unlefs they make . m ih nim, of each uc- immfriiite paymcn. w - - .J.:.i,. ,;th ,hc refnertive fums lue, he rbTrrthe Newfpapert of Rajeighr i ik. ,i,- Klni-th-Ca;crlipa Tournal. - . Gavin Ilves, Trealurcr. Notice is given rnnH AT the Boy advertuca 7 I i f Rrt fioffof Hay- ' a !- r.t.K man I1 wood; i eroneboa, as.tnere i ... ? ,4.1 r,nr ,V the Bte- I furthtr tJDaVliai" toui..; i -, - , - , w . . ' .l: - rnrtv ilndTIt mv ia ihtt the ooy P'vrvtL-" a.l , . , -.J.A UU Kv UWin Wale county, J.I .l mi- C I It U --. ,., - uguit 20, .. B. MEARS- Raleigh, Nov. ii I OR SALE, T I ON S 6ii Wedaefd'ay ha." the Gin'et! -Aflembly -pVoceeded byj6int;bot;of hoth Houfjs, ;to " i of rtite, thevrefKO of tr?V l:.V V Samuel ieiTateS"wtinia-jt!t"',-,' r :. . -Tjfqaire. ,ppoit,,e4: CiuocUor0ie MARRIED? ; ' . - ., .'. f n this ci v, on ThurlUay lall, WrhVPEC in this ci y, o" .,.5- ,ivtMvrDirn :Efo merchan7H0 VM.JS vvai ME ARS, daughter of Mr, James wears. Ho BaHimcre, oh" SatJWay. ?.4g TeROME BONAPARTE, to Mifs LLIZV BETH PATTERSON, eldeft dajjghw" of. jos puatisHi '-w. ... .of-; TT V M into. i C' i Qktritnnl frr S&rtthit Ojfet I. HftVWOJU, A Great Bargairt H E iVTmlier offc s-or f j!c, a plantation on Little P-ff Ose. convainjBg 134 - r ...u :-U- In -lilt loaf ion. With . r f. . dire n1 nevr, failing 7 Lft , a Gria Mill 5 -wim nu.e. ""fl ' "7 " :; kindled in quantity inexhaufl.bic. H.e uver through1 the middle of thb t..ovcr which u a I oil oritgc - - . - two yea.3 old, X feet iquare. with Shed,P-aZ2i and mlcony, we.i pM5u ' ' r? "M -- t. :Jivt rhimnev : a fet of Stable,- 60, fn.ituii.H"""' '.. - --. -4. 01 4 cn . . - Unt.r aiih a hbtJ rett in length ? Dew "f . : a . In! which bufinefs ha. .e.o r,e .tbreeears J-witlr a Smoke Hou.e y , .. ui- h.o, ard (li'.nfflrd.- . ii,, i, 1 ipri wiioic u.-i - , p, , ;,ho. it. ":r,:k-r",.r.9rgm;fr ti.-n ' .'Awry to tne iuujjwiu" w " 7 ""f ! &&6n a,e.M o. v Nnrth Carolina. . ;0O DANIEL'- BLUE. "p"SALE, jy the Subscriber, .j -r- 11 I.Rd. within twC -w- acres or wen nwu.v- - - . -ih m mile, of Fsyetteville ;vnd 200 acre ofLand 00 Little RockfiH,, with good a iuleat, and a. well timbered -th S Two Mely joung Negro' Meo-yJL takirpH quited in ca(h next fall. . I ' . ' . i ' ' w - ' l 1 . ' - II ) ft -V Tt liUj"2i""o f . Ti. ii r mnccrTrrwwiii - - '1ir..4i..:i-. if v-. 7. t.- . X