;.. - '.v . . .J 4-; j mm T0 A itALF DOLS. P4 jut. ijT'l luffwly.AJ .!f : :" P U f il ffijEfr? (WEEK L ift B y:vvi L LI AM BO YI;A K; Vol. 8. t ij r WASHITON,:0C t , 803. ' We have not yet bit Me t"jWJk tbe-wMef Oh debate m thejalaru $f the ojjUert ' Thofe jakries wb'ttb fuere formerly, and in a lima cf muck great it far city an d dear neft tlanMitre- Jent, 4floje iwtb the vtmot warnttt) gvd vebe mence. ore nowt when tnW of We nefilarut ti life Arc ftlUii in utm, aJvtated Witk equal , izral and pertmacilyr7$uih'Tt ' democratic co- Jipncy and fCiQMtny. The difjerenee ' if, thet GaHatia tv at then in Cong reft, and obpofed t) fiilar 'jiS i be u nste enjoying them. Tbefof , k wing fpt'ttb sf ' Mr. GauJad, exhibits mojf ef the argument urged bj iht fedtfaliflstn tbit f ueUisn ' ':' It expirsd, by its own" limitation, on the 31ft day of ticccmber, 1801, operating only upon the years 1 7f 9, 1 8oq & i 8c 1 ; and ityas a.mcr.e dead letter at the tirr.c of pafling thea(!t ojf April, 1 &02, and is it, fir, for the purpofe of informs oihe DEOfttc of ihtMmcQ Statei, th cr. that to oppofe tfee paflacre.of a hillr the object of which is to give an iriqreaf- . ed .compenfation to rnen who. may be pcrl'onaily refpeOed, js ar aar time an " infidiaus l'arppofitioii:ta.ihff:palt age ofthe bill now on your tabls is ren- derTcTpeculiarly ilnpleafanrpf roiiittfe fevere . r eprehenllon which : gentleman Kigct with who take the liberty to Ibte their feritimenJls again 11 kj provifions ; and, although I think, the Salaries pro pofd to be given fey this bill are too high, yet I do cot 'knot? but Lfhould have comerjed mylelf, mth a, filent vote on theiubjeci, hat' it not-bf fcr the very fmguhif amendment which, on the motion of an Unorableafleman.fr.qin. Maflachufetts (Mr. F ultis l has been in- - troduied into the billand the notice Hvhich ihat, and another honorable, gen tleman (Mr Randolph .have feeriTit to take, 'of the few halty remarks, which, oa a former day, I had rhehonorf lub mitting t the Houfe. Nm'wifhltanding the remarks which hav fallen from Rpn jlenen refpeding tJjtt amendment, UH' I x think 1 hut, virh gendemen at leaft, with whom I have the honor generally; to ' cohcudpinion,!,it;trraf fo'rhi afolid cbjeir.ibn againft the pafc f D whatever maybethcir 4entinents re--fpefiing; its general provifionsV By the - - t r-t terms 01 tnat amenament, tne laianes are to betaid to the feveral offi "ers there injiamfed,!." ai eftablifliedbjr the.ad of the ad or Mitch; i7QNo Ru for t . . a''7-'" -i. . . wnat purppie is inp amenament inrro ducedr Not to have any effect upon the bill itfelf; for it can have no beneficial efieft and the gentleman from MaflSi chuletts I Mr. Euftisj has tcld us that it Is not f or the purpofc of calling any im puttion or repnch upon thole v ho paifed the.a'61 cf March, 1700, bui fin, p'y for the purpole of recording: "a fad, this adroiniftration falaries are notraifed! It is true; . that in -March, ' 1 799, owing to the high price of living and other drcumlUncest a tempejary aft palfed mcreafing the compealation, but for a Jimited tjmci It ia exprefled in foitiariy words h that aft, that it fhould contin. wbatj fir were the:terrn'sf tlut law;? j their opinions .o.nce iiv itip iaurfe.e '.'r five htJiiiH tffaht faltirirtjZfretyrit.dwfd ty'-i years, he doe?1hot4h.'0'kui' is&n&lv. J:eta laiu9 Wt fMvwiHz ' orimiai mpepM:tts are to tne cnaigi - or u.cajanu.n y I can whiclrhe was entitled to by any cne or ue.injbrce for-thrtey'earsand wVyn laWfc, -Oi;, iftf feu of 4lie lalaiy herc hereby granted " lu. and jthen giving the 1 certaii-ly have r o o:jetinr. m ; gentle Attorney uerteral tneiumpt 30QQ uois. tmen V acknwlzdi iLg Har t! t T . ' . r. X I r , . 1- ' .m - 1 T iNor, iirm lieu or liic.compeiiianoiiHrormeMV 11. rncr an 1 am vnjre r;v Ail- ling, that ti t v. 01 fcof rc'ornia'H.n I'.ould mtiftfn4!teit4h introduced into a permanent la VVTioevcrdenied, and who 'does not knovVjiatfueh an adi'paiTed at hat tiie---fPo;lhegtIeman .Jgrioufly fu ppofe that the people 61 thk'cqu ntry lare 16 ignorant as not to know this ? Or that they need information, oii&his fub- jectf But; fir, the amendment purport? fofore allawed by law-by ait exitling t reft other errors which' they thtn enter- . t t u. t; ...,.11 1 . s x ... , iaw comprcnencing, 1 ut'icvc, as wcu,; iaineu. the 6co-ols. tor,lcrvtces under the ,6th ; Kaviz mad-th-fe.remarksi 'l might' att. of tfe Bntifh treaty, as any or all o- roment Hiyfeit tt v : againlf this ull9T mflncnW law he- wat enu- J flldjng jt liablc () ,Utvtmi objeions ttef itjpn W-tfilch iJiave (tafed Jiurvir,-1 Jikfhe heTe' laws the turn of 6ou dols annual ly, by what conUruciion. I d " . unable to decide and now, ur, vi icn tt ep-norni a'nee cf aii Services under t.hj bn all treaty have wholly c eared, "we are aluut to. fan e.?0ff-a mifcjanlb uftiou of out-lawi, and ru.u'er. ptrmaiicnt the laU y.oi the titrorneyGe-fcra! at 3003 duJ&. But, firkin my opmion there is very to reeoyd a iaetj whicli 1 donot conlidjrr 1 q rt.aU)n wtiy the iaiary ot that bth as-txiiting. it holds out trie idea tnat rccr m0tiJd no Je h;H the compehfationsigi ven by this bill were flatflijbed in 199 "he tt&jM$M convevs an iaea 01 tortnanrarvsana it is a r - J greed by all, that the aclirrqu'vfton was .j Hh it he t icittted frojnjnwnpr 4a few remarks, upon It general $oti I have liftehed with much attention to the arguments of an honorable gentle--mar; from Ncw-Yik,' v Mr. S. Mitchell) ... oil jhu .ubjed I he fir It part of his re mrks went to prove, that jhe pecuniary compenfation generally given to profef fional men is Very inac equate to their fer vices. This argument, as a gentlemarj from Virginia, '(Mr. R. faw fit to ob- ferve refpectmg that of an hontM iible f a' temporal y nature, and long fince Lather butinels expired, ir, as a gentleman trom LViailu-cl-ufetts (Mrlifitlis) has fa'id, the bill tinder cotlfideration is fo perfectly correct and proper, and its provifrons lo juff, r as tpinduce" him to cxpreis his aitora'lh mcnt that any gentleman -fhould oppo e It tvkv Ipt mafk rsr.r nV-rrr.ii ir tr !J anil. upon its o wn i n tr i a.lc tnrit, r.nd. n;.aiL rehuc at the :ta. ot o.-'nunt, u will ! an(j very refpeftable Vnernber from Ma be only puyuik him which will noi u.uc IS 1 "1 1 1 r vT inie Opililijlli - -. intcnere wa; nis tlemaii is called e unicn, a nun ptttabdity will ie will conic to m dtr very itvo item dntant uatt of talents and tS til t 1 tV proDaciy De leiccxeu the feat of uoverftmen abk 4rcumltaiicetnc oiftce. W;U in creale his reputation. 1 ht lemons of the tupreme ctmrt of the united -Mites wil alwas be holden Iiete. Laurcs Oi rempf m this ltraoge n5annsrr;to ingraltif:rhe firft magnitude from, all parti .ot the it upon an actot his preJectliorsf Wvliy, imion, and which: are' nor gentlemen willing to take uoi.n thenilelvcs the rcfponfibiliry of their mvn afts? If ir,eafufe ae adopted which are ' rlcemcd popular, I percdve no mdifpohnon in gentlerrren to 'claim the "merit of the:;;- hy then, let me afk,do they wiliVia. this nianiai, rode- voive. tne O'Mu.n or tiioie yfojzh tney tbinJ; otherwi?ev upon rhtir nredecelTdrs.? J 'dd.'nfrt-.cor.frder. ruyfcirelpofiole for ill v;nich'tf us f-hvc.ln dqnefjy'tTiofe whoh'e goheBetorrtr.e, and whom I generally le'pijcl ; ,riiM had hoped-, fir, it the quotatfon clv'es. cot give offence to certain" gta.vk.me;-, tnat the ttme.m:'j.ht havearrived v.hen li lhould-no Jot't'er befai 1, pwlivkniiy, that 'tire fathers have eaten lou?. 'grspes, iXu the children $ tecrharw' let on edge. . If therefore Kcn- rien are determined to perlever in h wilf 'of couile aflora ine largeii -,ieeri-WHJ luere vtr iiudifa. t l ire Attorney General w c may luppoic 1 will be ihe hrit perlon applied to, and the ctficeity that way, wilbiurnim him with much greater compenjation u. ih&L Qlticers are entitled t:o. anvo- r 1 -r and promuk'ing it to the peopie'of the- legillating in this manner, I fhould iron- u. orates, cut will the sentleman Irom naer ciyieir perreaiy-juinneu in votmu MafJachufetts permii rfie to a(k whether, againif the pafTage. of this bill,, whatever if ht; ;-nd his political friends, had been might-be my fentiments relpcfting its m power at the time when the tempo- general provi lions. rary. zci 'pfMarch. 1700, pafled, this Bur, fir there are other objections in But,4lr. Speaker,-1 have another ob jeclion to the paflage ot the billon jour table, of a fredal n;ure, and hot relat ing to the quefUon,. v hether the falarie are toohiuh or too low. -a By thi billi the fum of 5000 dollars, . is propoled to be given to the Secretary of the '1 realury. In ail that has been faid on the fubjeel.of the comparative Drices of croviiions, and the exptnees cf f living in Philadelphia in the year 7995 and "this place, at thepre;ent timej no" gentlemen fay. that they are greater now than at that time. Son-.e gentlemen um dt3rtake to prove, that they are-not as ifichufetts, '.Mr, la-gart) L mould be glacftcrhave printed -.not" jo inucii for the ufe -ofrifembersof this h -ure, as for the benefit cf a cei tain-ela: I,' people called clients. Buf tbe gepf from """ New-Tork addiv jhac pro eli:onaImen take a part cf' their ' comttilatior. in money, and a putt in 1 ?. Of tl-U la'rer ? article, that.gtr.tkmcn .-a. iece'Vtc a lare fhare, ai'.d 1 do i:c know bn he has alto, of the fcruier but i c has ; 10 ctedt d to fhew, by a courle of ingenious rcifcr;ing, tf r.T hih iahi; ift are tu ceijai y to be s en-touo "' mint - A few ytsaia aj.o, areumejiis in'ai'?. buncailce were uTed, to prove, rb at ..; falahes were tlientially recilhir , ;up- V port a repub:iv.aii government. I4i,cJKfyjLi fedbythiipentlfl7 - - men tr.im -v. - oi k, - tor 1 no nut iitlhU bill ?Vfquld there, in that cafe, w hich do not apply to the queltioi, whe-1 S?ve beenjuch tolicitation to record this therthe falaries generally are too hiah ! gieat. ; By a recurrence to ti e journals of this hoit.c, at the time when the temporary dft of 1799 palfed, annexing for a limit ed llmi to l ha oflice, thet Irrue lahryr , which is now prppofed to be . iyeil, I find the i me of that gent .'em an who now holds" that v-ffice; an A- who; was, thea a diftiakiiiihfd' member ot this hcu'e, -i-e lcitation to record this tnertne tarancs generally are too mart fact ? If not, why introduce it now f I he or too low. : : gentleman lays, to ierve as the proc'a- 1 took the licerty on : a former day to ..x.,y. i. ft.. propo'ed as a fubftitutefof tliis ahiendrTyol the Attorney General ""and wifli e tneiepy -nas ut-.areu to ine uor.d, meat: and the" gentleman is goodW now to make myfelf iinderft)oa onhat ; !nat tbfc funinoxv propoled tobe' given, jjt .r. 1 j.,k: .,a r 1 - ujr.i,..fc t is too ere?i cr tne nenornraftce or tne uuxu iu Kivc uic lCAvc 10 carry n uomc uuicwt, diiwr i uupc, ni , trmt vvhhi i inay" r . Connecticut. ' ; " hon to the gentleman --who now lull ms A nother gentleman from MafTachufetts 1 that office, for I was educated in habits (T lr. VarnunO ha added, that when th'ei ofr refpecl towards him j but I do con- act 01 za or iviarcn, 1799, was reviveavfccivcuiai error nas crept .in, ana a rau: and continued iinforce, by the aft. of conflrudion. been adopted, refpf cling the i4th of 4prl 1802, an attempt was the compenfaticn given to thar.omctr j made,, and, which excited forne uneafi; and wjiether the falaxy is too high or toO know a, hat vet, Tils lentiirferts forrncr j ly But it haw feenis very eaiy to prove -4 .tta't high talarici afV tiecdrary trv befeiv- eif ro C 'l men tnm the low and mid dle ua'U, of life, and induce them to afJ pi re to r -t fir.fi. ;tles vere Mf. Mit chell rt !e ami ja!J . ;t he7 had not, con tended th;it -6 p, -:-iwere neceary fbr: this purpose.) " Mr.' Gl J pmedid--''' H igh and le-v rare '-relative terms -I am fenfitde .the jimctnan advocates, only the falaries to be given by the bill on yrur tabe hnt etntlemah may call rhem low, 1 calllhem high andconft dering them as high, 1 fay, that it is nov ea y to prove, that high falariesvarene cefTaiy to be pvtn to 'ippc'it republican, ifm , and l do noknOy to w hat extent they may not ulrinktely be raifed, to do this In theVv Xrpublic. .many milli ons offivies anniilly, are not thought fsh. to be given to the Firfb Coalul, to lupport his Republican Gov rmmenti & corddi agaiidt the paEkge cf that lawil know hot how loon linear ppvifions may be tnouy.nt necen ,rv,ro mpr or' her fifler republfc, nrAineriCa. A c mpen- cefs among the people, topfove-jhat I 'ipf we are' bout to fanfticn tharinif thofe.who palfed the faff aft had ruijtd cc'idtriiftfon, and increafe4he falafy of f the falaries of the, executive fcfEcers of j the Attorney.Qeneral ri?uch , more in 'i his is the belt evidence in the prefertf cafe. Was nouhar gcntlen an a 0 m pctent judgeMf hewas,: fhall we give t.' a..publ;c ofhetr a greater fum of moucr, thuftrieJiimlelf thinks his krvices are worth? lie cannot in cenfequehee receive a greater f alary haail at fixed by ihe law of 1 780 And if we perfevete in DaffinR this bill, we fliaI place that officer, in a. the go vet n men tan d,f;r , let hie fay that it was luccelstully done. " I do net mean ucceistut m any. ensct producea oy ir, .butJfiiefsfuIJa.proY2nffJ'ihLWntron. that the falaries .were taifed by that aft: How itands this matter f ' At the time when ihe aft of 14th of April, 1802, railed, the Secretaries of State and the proportion than we do 'he other officers of government. By a law which palTed September 23d, 1 780, the falaryof the Attorney-General Was fixed at 1500 dpllars. By. another law palled MaTcj-i,-:itai' in creafed cao dols. making in fwc - whole 2coo dols. By another law afterwards "Treafiirv were- eich entitled, bv-the law; daffed. an additional annual corimenla : then exiiting, to receive as, a compenfa tioh of 606 dolsrwas gTahted tioh for their fervices, the fum of 3500 ofTicer, for fer vices to be performed un dollars annually, and no more-By force der the 6th article of the Britifh treaty, cf the aft of April 14, 1802, they-;iv ere' which was to be allowed hihi during the ifevefally'entitled1 to feceive the.funi of; tntin)iance of thou fervices. -Afterwards and ' ;ooo dolIars,"and yet, by fome political before the Attorney general had leafed , legeraemain, semiemenauempi 10 pr ove; to peri or 1 erviccs unuer me nntnn f 1 hat th did riot raie thofe falaries 1 Siieh treatyVand while hewaslnjhe receptloi fo is tire cafe, with Wpeft to every b- of theffurri of 600 dols,- annaally on ;ac "ther officer named in the i bill, and yt. count of thofe ferrices, as we'ri as the 6 r this ameadmeffe: is to prbdaiintb the ther futris which I have dated,' the aft pi-ople cf 'the United States, that under, of the 2d of March, 1 79 paJTed, and fat ion has certainly been given there. futhc ent fo call, from the niiddk unlhof h)t. a Cprfica'n SoKiitJr, 10 lupporv Vy , bis talents, that -republic. At d w hnve the more reafon to lear, that firhilar in ducement.wil be held oat here. ?s ac Cf .rdiiK to the remarks of the gent', maa fiW Vrrginia, (Mr. R.Von. a former day4 nothing is conhltent but keeping ldlates,"Tn the afnJing ferie - for that gentleman, feemed to fuppofe that gen tlemen wno-torm$riy voted eg 'mt the his fervices, than he believes they merit. 4-very delicate-iituatiQr;iiaii cgmperrpjeiem 1-ll,--ui11 iU)Wi vey cct,u ; him to take a greater compenfation for ently vote tnem, nir tnaf. tDb.'e.who I find alfo on examining the fameiour- rial, that more than twenty gentlemen, who were members "' ot; this home m 1 799,1 when the aft fo ofterrireferred to, pafled, and who voted apainfl its paflage, are now members of this hpufe, and not One of them; I believe, on any, of the queftioris which .have been, taken, re fpefting this bill, have voted agaihft it. Some of tnem have fpokeri in' its favor. Gentlemen may be confilt'nt in doing this,iiaLnd I dare fay t bey have reafons t -whicrt, in their Own min d, juflifyiheir, votes j what they are,' fs not for me to" enquire. . G he gehtl?nan from Mafli- gainftthat billj has i.uleed toJd us, that 11 geaiiema-iaouia cnange tome 0 formerly vcted ior them, would new a& ' Arery inconfiflendy to vp'e agaiM ihem and to what extent this lort of confiff- ency is to be cained, I do not knew, but we may ebnjtfture from the . opinion which has been here exprejled, of the al moft incalculable value of the fervices of fofne oficers, and their -claim upon the public gratitude. V- :X- - v But permit me fir, to flate my view ef j this fubjeft generally, am' perfeftly con- - ient:o give ro iuc winters 01 gcvern mennt, a reafonab'eand juft compenfa- ' tion for the fervices which they render It is difficult to determine tbeabflraft queflion what that is. . In my opinion we ought, not to corfider. it in an ab- ; ft raft point of view, but relatively on'y. It ought to be adapted to the nature, . t t. ll 1 -. - h J '' "'-'' ' " Hr-1 .A-

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