5 1 Dorl AlL H l AWN, 70 J:v aAt t. ."T . V I .Vol.- 8. ' - ": ' ' " ' 1 '" ' - '" Vv'J. .i rs i "-.. r iferrej its remg eone oy dJIMU W.iHr .nunnwjiu rnvtw i -'- i were ulOll COmpeiCIJl lu uv n tjinat ctndua ot SiMU5L cH.i.iE. . . ej as the ;tlernun'.:ra Virginia th' - p.it f,U-. that no oenoTe the ftrealte. of iuftice.fllpuld be pfelerv I t V? V rights of - the bar wbflKaiwell Il-tM aiu thole , ol the bench : . Yfiat Mr. RaMh faid , . that no people were inore iuny impreucu wuu u; im portance of pieicrving unpoljutcd the fountain ot jultice than the ciazens of tbefeftafes. With .this .view the conm tufion ot the lh.ited Sta'es and of many of the ftates alio, had rendered the nu ciftrates who decided judicially between the ltate, ant oQv-ndin c tizens, and Insert man and nun, more indepeni cm than thofe or any other .country in the world ifi the hope that every in da:ctnet, whether of iuti .'nidation or feiuclion yhich cpiild caule them to ferve 'from the duty aifigned to .the m Kp rpmiwrtd. ...Rut fuch w.tS th' frailty ot human nature, mai mere -w if tlift emmets ce prougui kcwci u.mc 4ore the iloule; the exhibition ot cer tarn fad. The,puT)lrc witL,errediE decide wheiher they atiahf impea r. nuntia on nicu;vi ccii vvv. - . ... ? 1 V i fl I t, A A. W. aW a.A r a V hfrt H--nflK'M rr-ap; thit thfY 1 nt the tut ytct. i am oi yu 'i u ,' that doratfimcd iheir option to wntmg, fie. r"' V. rV-rT. r. pu.ics4.iiu umiu ucu. 9l.,.w,x ....--r vr-f ;t . . : M rrnMeA that thev 1 1 have.2fs nign a reipec lOlMiic vp:iw that the judicial rtrMcnrght; to tKe uemlian ffom Vuginia lor attach to n e a ittgretjct inuepei.dence, ,w',4hm"iw r I rti degree ot inceiundtna..; Umqf ;M. that ihey .did not conli . : ,fuo-,rt to 1 ,rifcl -reiired- torn court, and the cenioriai power acr int j uuiVKt vp.. - . f- -a, iticnV genefallr; or Over snr javtge;:n particnUrs;! hty. have aloitf i he pV'cr ot imp'eclijqg them ; and when'aji's hnll be charged ith 'ihgiact m(cv ; Jiid, amj whew fitla are ftakd which foal rWd&P themfto believe ihofe charg es triit, i fhallbe at all times prepared iTif. :kW-'f.rrtviTirn ftf the eonftitU'.i on into effect in virtue pt which great ifiijhl fnr rneir cd'uritef.tcnce.d ti) death v iH the attorney general wro'e iietti MctTbf Balkan d i e- iillJ'Jkih'kin to fjufi ifhjhcir r twS 'and pmifc ior1; the ufe.orlHPreWtnr. Illy "HW UJJ 0)ilili) ... -r--- -- - I Oa-iJ that the-ai charKtfeiainit Flies Rf t 'i'mbuv.i ' .Ui trtaion. wt wcre.cn- tyd4?ion ; at. J ihar they were Jo conn- I his letter UtiVI ill iiiv jvo'ioo " - - - ------ Tia 1 r iad T oTit T.e" by Mr M las. ' A.fter owed:ounoivcjs, ,i.n i:oiiu?4v condition of man, we h ave vtp obl iged . l)ut.?efletday; to pvefo ar accui?iti.on "has been found wan ing m his duty tq hi'mielf and his coun;ryf ; At theMtfef- fion Qt coflreis. a gery iemu i . ..o - cu ii'IvitiliMid, hi hisplace, jon the biM to r 1 1 .ui tivr vf-m nf fht? United States) flate certain lacis, in elation to 'tfte-fldal concuit ot an eminent ju-Jici ail characlerfwnicMjhen thought, and ftill think the Huuie bound t j nntice: Bwt the larenefs- ol the itlhon t tor 've ' la,'- if I mitbkernot fcarcs a fortighr Tcriaining) precluding all p-rTuility ot brinugjheiiibjeo any efficient re- fu4, J didoti hgn!thiukjiri)r to take -any fieps in the biifmeth : - HndinR my we me called u wrvto vate tor an enqui ry into 'he cUaracterof ajadge without any- iact! Deing ancugcTj iu mtw u.u luch n u'.auii i y Tioitld be mnde. It the refoluticn pafsjn its peiet t lo; m, it ap-pl-ats to me- thrtt we (hall, jhei.e'ry pats a that ot anv other member on rhu floor ; . , 1 I . 1 . 1 . aM SlftrVr 1 a but 1 couotjwnerncr wc -w jiifj "ui-... votes on the opinion. of any (u&Ie rneii her'; fals alone ought o goven our o- v pinions,- . I, therefore, for the purple , of coufidering the courfe mfrproper -c to be pur lued,anov ea rJponemenf of . ttc iurtlier ronfjderation'ot the motion uniif io-morrow. : - . r - - Mr.' . RM;piPH. A ere I the per f na f eneti iy uf in e gentle m t n v ho is the & vf'jm relolufion, I flu-utd take pi t cijrthat courfe w hich" the gfritle nmn Ii om Con'ncfti cut, on 1 his occafion, thelcttcrchcPref man. v.;t'oiceiifure:nthisjtewhrc"hnei- jl' - I .k..l fideration ot theehani&er of the pttjeer in qudtion, I niade it my buimelV, conj tbofe whein 1 npreient,' -to irtysfttgate . the charges then ma""-H3?1 refult having convincea mc that there' ex--iits gtound of impeachment aga-nlt.this. crttcer, I demancl an taqury liiroujb ,t- th . - rrii . IllIilHi theft: it it jp proper to be tak.-.nou!d oe for iome pev'.oh aggrieved v or for "mem f.crs having perfonal . kjv ledge, .to.ex hit.u, Mi. on tChi'eJH,Jiay?. ! .'.-.. nt:f' . l.-Mufe ih ftcntle 1 X VUll JV.vv .-- v.- 11. jf. frAoi VJiu ni l. (if "anf other E1- 4-. - - i..: . w V. Urt -rr r iMii;,n. urvs tntie. are liuii wikv,u uavw altocetiier.' -ne laiLiL'ftLi y , , y u ' " yv I . .k. ...v... n;tni ..MTipnfiuirv without evidence. Lnicj !i;r,eitO treat the important charac-. icr otuEe. or or -s::y-otcer. nut ctr, juTi'h ufpecV I c.t not Know but jhar tf.is mode of pre ccdure i.. w an ant ed by precedent riutu n is u is. uii knoviti to mef he rcf.lutioi),nov ilands, ldonotrhinkit pet f'-.ciiy correct. jhe honorable gentleman rrcm viigim fays lie is atqu:'in;ed Mhh hfts that war. rait the propwfed tnqujry.. 'ihcqwW tn hct lu l l he loi'.;e Wight, to be g- r verheii by theofinions of any one-nn m- 1 k r-Hf--not-wfcat- ttofe-iiiag- .tun: rChic Unv U i"f th-.it induce him mttlink 211 enquiry nt' f h bviniii'U edvtu vote for i!,;t'T;le i.'.U-U" are hilt rtctt?drl-can 1-cver, gr;!e 10 zty m which tr a'l 1.1 thi manner, v.rthout tne are J tse wiuiemanocciincs 1 cTo not Vl ir ;,tis thefubjt now flrikts mr, tfia- tfie fnvU1on of anyone mtm- PcT Ot tne pTt'p"w 01 lOiiiiCdiuit.fcii- r,r ni.tri.Tir tha " irerDofirieir of the ........ - . . .-. v. ., , h1hMo:i otnroL mmnfu-e or H, c ir. Head of taking tne tnomauai iulpicion on a jud ' I his course niwnjon'o a mber,. it a f 1. l .L .. . .... 1 a. n ' ! w iiT trvmimDeadiment , 1 n .-,TM.nv ? IsJnthii.u fnort ot lepal proof -tthimony on Oiih. "Andwhar is ti;e oljcCt of the rdo:utibri V I o acquire ihdt uy evidence t It wt had the evi dence, to v-hat purpofe make enquirjT As however the evidence cai,n ;i behaa viihuurirquiry, and te ?;enteman will not grant ti e eiiqun y yui evidence, iris plain th. t, it we take tfTcTT ccui fe which he retommends, we muit go wi'hcut both. ; W ill gentlemen t cr opjedions agamit-enquiry which are P. me as.uitiT,e '"er u prcucuv" tu. ium there' ore, uni ii hi iilh arc advUict-d , reir.f every. aife.mpi 10 iin,''ic dccumv. v.. ' 1 - ------ - ' . . -.!.-. n.t i-nv.-vhi'thf-r thL-ft'tdtai-are not yj ,wi iui' " ' . . .y k , f n tai!! v ei-J ji,t:)T e con t e rh - llildUVti .... .. - plated, prhada lufpicion that lutha conduct,, ana ti'ertiore .uoum iu imc ; icn.i ..j , r ; 7 i- (f . Houien- i 41 owing reioiution : r trprtw- ittrwrHu-tj Ku...v. v-. . olv-,d,' i hata 'committee le ap-! Mr. -hMii;ir. If the uenttemaa tram -ri to euauite into the .official con-., -Venfor.t ad commanded a intle pan- 5Vvr v .vi.rr p on" of th- A1, ciice, he' wou d h:ve percjivea r:? te- iryra iu;.. !,. - the United b rales r a d to report their opinn-n Paul IO ,'.U:U 111 llJU'fl'vni.... W" - . . Wfli.ireiheinteiixi'ion ot ihe-fe.n-- tlemi-n from Virginia, ot U flni,!. nower orm'U Ho.ife. ' - tacts -o : wr.icn .tUr.t gen AfttV the moion madeby T.11 -to the-remarks-of the gentleman ffom Fcr.:f vlvania, 1 do not confider IuH.ce. of. theupreme court ot marks which, he h.s-ju .t made to e , .3m e t ffs per ona ieJ btateia d to report their : been alrcgejher utmectlhry ; . he wo.l d ; U I "Joubtcdly w hether the laidXam'uel Chafe , luve pcrcca ed the necny -;!-; ; ' l tn r- But - merety ftates a,d il a. 'on iiichhs reeved from .others, .t-leman ailud-d. nd v.hich- amounts to nothing mere I 1 1.'. t . J li.l. J l,Llfnthf. K..;T-,h;.,,:r. !ccSt.mB:ate-tte..2Mijyrof to im .'unto -to argue a pom. . . ' Dr. MiXCHn' 1. laui before the qi:-' pcachi-venr,-;. . . ' on wa;. taken be ihcnld bc.Hbd,.trom the Ir wnl in reca! eed by rtte .mm who pofen malure. 10 heur.a lUtc.neni by was tnenirt to ivcaiu: v; Irs tiieric-from Virginia ot ihe'.realbns :.re.fpectmg tne, omduct o .judfe ChA :WdciimWhichlr wounded. , i on aiMn.cubr octafion- .1 hut itntcmem "". i i. ... . .s., ." -..".-..v.....r tk'. 5 -o v nrtf T:ti-' .wt h view to an imueacn- lk.'Umr.iu "'b"" " t. ...... i i..,-; ir. ! -ritl rnnfifed. their aruu iv. ent to facts. In lb doing; thejudRe u-, .. rr.t lstit it was 'air error of judgment, for which he cannot be im -lent that it was not the province of the judge . 1,11 , .v .uxl.u tlfotv .r-nH thathe. has not .k. .i -.--...s.i4 '!'..Vvf..L iW VPs not inade-wrtn.a view to an impeavu-. iu wyuv rr. iv.r. .,. ii.v.vy. : - ... r-trtVlecedto ther toprevet counieiirou argmnss ShiHiejtohis, p!aee, a the hi ief; '"" . Are we then to initirute Jkeuaofahigh Vw'aie refbltion Tefcn HfiTv U1C j ,T..r, 4 r . ,;- i it r : r n iJuv: irfh.it h peaci ment w ere moved they void riyve .. i II l. )(myc. Hilt tt U't , a nsinT. io v.n w -is the objeaof the prefenr motioiVf rnet e Jy to" enqmre vhaher 'thewtaciiu'--. dtcthichwilljulUfyanilnpeachment. But this enquiry uOre lo infiituted on merehearlay, although we . . .in wpmlvrmniS nave tne ceciarauuu 4-..w.. --- i. .....' txrVor M hi Uv.a'm acrailu jury vibo being informed by one of thc v l l,. A ti .(?;fitft the fact ot a muukr. being committed wit hm iheir juiiluicTonr-fhauM retufe aiv ap. 4 -plication to the court to have,themjum.. moned and becaute they cannot a . bill V f -i ndifimt nt tihl'upported by evij dii.ee, Would reject tnae ;v.w might be iwivhin their reach. I profeU not that tendbnefs of confcience which has been dilptayed by the gentleman from Connedieut. My confcience teaches the rb aeculeno ntun wrong fully, Imt to , .ti. nffinal rondUtt 01 hone however exalted his ftauon: ana .. I had iuppofed from his praftife mat the e n't le man held ihe lame opinion, l or iii'be-Tecotlcaed:: that on the.eveA, .he-eifthcsla . . .... . nhi'htupnt tn kit iuuitutea an tiip7'. 1 r(L inpR. h the condo.cljot iomeof the nrlt ofheers ot t ! govnmucji,. Tp' that otcafion tteppca m otcci mand lor-an inquiry and ihofe officers implicated in it f No enquiry uu.. d to aiidther dif-. C- ihp refolutionrei erred, wnu-n ne m i.av;r,K mm nnwii -u : r-ml that ,he geriC c;acta,trendeed him obnoxious. the x ouid tv fJY e.he HuJ pt'ciueot thatiliire. hele rcumlhnc- i ofHcer of the gbvef ntncntmerejy on h,eaTr. i- i hie nic 'ipTr lurrn Uuiiu ujiuli . i 1 - - i u our government. . in me iate C-J.,V laVl'S" Ot vvn:ici.-a ,iuin;i"i) -lo be a time to detnue wuc m. : Nation exhibited by the . ' - - i Af wj. rotxOrrr.C.. . rithir ' hat the conduct if ibe.ja te tant n further proceedmSn " iheM - 1 irdiate reprtvhth wS 11 . A. -i., .nfl If on en- that the judge has nor excceucuu. inav v .,f it nn th?; contrary. irvv win io ic "y, . -4uy r i 1.. 4c"tA rpnairfr-the inter- , A man of the name , of Fr.es v pf o - 1CCUICI 1U1 .nwap r . tytvaniav ' Two of the fir (t counfei at that ' . - - .. - liil ' 1.11... .".'I. Ud ijv. u ..... . . .t. . . -1 i ... 1 rn en tion i nei r names to u?ew , . "'" i : 1 ' nnrrcateomn : 3. v; an l-if precluded any further proceeding ol ihe part ofthe Houle, fmce th8 charges which had been attemptecHo be- v brought f bt ward .wuMr.m;- ( nafien. lyir. iv.- w'"u . 0 I w ih( vasand nays. ' S 1 ry t j S.IG Gt3 ttf trrtnou 1 evenc i per courte is r.nt to nave prc o.s wn.i.u Twill iiifiilT ourlelves to our ow n ccnici- ..... j .... , - - .. . .iJ-.rifT ih nniiirv. For we oughrforTo touch the eharaOer ot a ihat there is good Tfon for an invelligv t5nn into his pn'dfinff. GcntlciTicn wil not fay that making an enqu'ryinto the buutie perceivea no niiwi.iw- pv 1 . t . r ... .. with ttil the in it tne lame - m v tt r other i;uimeis ongiiMicu. . 7-; -What is this committee to.be appointed r,. ? Tn in vfticate fatts,- and. report -.' proper that gentlemen w note JiT rv were implicated mould have, mifirft .ann ttfti Hated nrivately before a judices tKat infi ienced tf.ein. V hen the. fiieCt ; i ourjr upes "r mnfclTion- report wilt contain all tne eviaeucc au- as to ..tj under tnaicumiianees fui- 71.7 t k ; , !. 4nrl that fame a wii him. lMf. Dallas declared ' the charaaer of the judge, and that lome not-fay thatnMkingan enqu ryjnto the bciar official ccdii of a 1ude does ooMduch mihnce,. tatttatea pri HI. . . his chrafter. . , V i '"tfi vfe .v r-.,:c.ViU .ftmmiWp find4 raerhouiqzJ?cijn'"I JT5 f Ji -Ajrcnnviucu w i.M.x-w. - , ... LpfnfAthe Houiet pe-recw. iaof tneyw imaj.c. ooes not "V rra St, C aif. was de--. Ifeatcd, - great difTatisfaaton aroi: and , j -fit i r i - 9! -Tr .1