: f 1! r: r -r , , f-.t: ' M -i: -hf- .. 1 10 US 4" OF RJPRES ENT ATI Y S. f Mr- X.eib faid he jjad heard mtfch latdf about ; ibe irjdfptndecrt ihe judgti ; that it had been theme 'wrthitMhe wills of this Houfe, and the fdbjefl of animated difcufllon within thf m. To v. the nn'utnal .independence tf the Judiciary, he profefled iiitnfelf a friend, and "to evince his fioce I ritjr hje;1if S to, nibrhjt to the' 'cjmiiderati v on of lh i Hpufe the Idllo wine refolution. Fejplved, That a tf dflirnittee be appointelJto j enuirc mm inccxpcaiencv rt proviaing w againft the appdintment of Judges of the coaitsof ' the" United States' to other offices "under the go ' vernmeut. i : - :'; . - : . The fctcufe went irto coriimlttee of the vho?.: Mr. Tenny in the chair on the report of a felecl cocimittee allowing fufther time to nhe owners of niiliury land warraius to obtain and locate the -Tlie commitlee j-sreed to the report, and the Houfe oneutted, and appointed a committee tor bring in. a bi 1. ' ' A mciTiPe .was received frohi the Senate deiir log a conference On the amendments' to the bill. making milifarf appropriations. '- JJieJrtoule agreed to -thelonference and ari reidjr furnifiied boufe and atendanti, wh'Te ry.coriTeoieqqe a'n lui4rylof life. terjv beafltnd fowTte ianjr jbbfjpUalities ote; tilraDgcrCr BafBch tbat pigs, geefe a nd t riV tfeyV ra ft tlkmfeUe rith 4he' mojoft ipeditioo,VBi theo come ..ind" bep you teit them The ftiinge and woo--dei ful accounts Mrhicbate daily arriviiihave f: elevated; tlif Pre Went, " hat crgonflawiy looking out, txpefling to fee hiru bni the lop ot'hii houfr, to tskeVu aerial flight tihri'Te.- gioo of felreity. rcouloT')pr.ic1fVe'fotetbi have been in a baloon of on binion. had not uiip'taiawi iciiiaiiuns rriuiiiuru nirn cc at-r nottaniy.y e:tRC)k it ihto hi&tead, tUc brsto iog of tbe preTcnt (dTion of ConerVfvand be-: "are ;the -i rival of M r. Mm y, t hclBi itifli am balTador that ilie feeret dries mj'fteir'ves, (and a. pretty fet -of them there art) were the gfraTf lt people in the world, and that all etaeri pointed, a committee to cohdudt it. The Houfe took into confideration the relo lution of . Mr? Eppcs far the appointment of a. committee to bring in a bill For the difcontinuance of the office of conimiffioner ef loans in tha (eve ral ftates. " . r - A fhort debate took place. ; M- nVs.:'pp?3 asd Smilie fupportcdand Meffrs. J Clay, Elliot and J, Randolph oppofed the refofution, on which the yeas and nays were then takeo Yeas 52 Nays 9. . .' Th.oufe went into a comm'ttee of the whole, Mr. 'Varntttnjn the cbair-on the bill iunplcmen" . tary to the afTto incorporate ihe inhabitants of the city of W.flungton. The firft feci ion of the "b 11 made the incbrpo. ration perpel Mr. J. Randolph moved to limit its duration to five years fioni the ena of the .next ftfflon jf cor.grcfs. " . ; Mr. Rodrcy fupported an& Meffrs. Nicholfoni J. C;ay a. d Dcnms oppofid the motion, which wa agreed :i..yss 48 - Nys 3'z. -Ca motion of Mr. Den nis fecliorrwas int Ox ' duced declarin. citizens competent witnefTts in fuitsito which the cbrporAtion may be a party. v . When the bill, was ordered to"be7e'ngroiTed for a third reading .to morrow, .lT ;r , Mr. J. Randolph, in the name of the commit tee appointed to enquire, into the condudl of Sam. Bt! Chafe and RicharJ Peters, Hated that docu ments had beta rtiteived bylhenajvhicjt occupied a con!:.derahte"DuTkthe printing ofhiclTwould" confi ierably aflill their invefligation, by render ing them more convenient for pet ufal.' He ad i -d that- i ould pobabl' be neccfTiry to -ri the puyers for the information of the Hcife when the report of the committee, was made. He there fore moved the verting in tfseni authority to caufe to be printed fuch papers as tliey might conceive . 'proper. Dfr Euftis fuggefted a doubt .of the propriety of prinrinj detached papers, which'might produce "an iropr-r.p,er imprellion upon tlie public rnjnd. ; . . M'' Nicholfsn . objeryejj. that it would reft with J the committee to preclude Jf, they Taw fitra-pu'o'i cation of'tfw papers, though prihtcdufitil the re pot mould bemsde, and remarked that- "this 'was the eearfe putfuecTby th; cotiMn.tte. of invelli gation. . .' . - ... . - ' The motion was then carried Ayes 59 . ' . - . -from the Gazette of tie United Stafes: r lhrMfl'iet nriHt'(me'i if 'ihofe feventeen or elgJj. ' . tm United ' iSpiirt. -and the 'hruories toertunlo " Itkng'w?, haw tfrtrnlira1rlc-; w;i to 1 in fwtn'fi if l be etiquette nfigttr ifiurS ' M(TlormttZ mir- tkrir o-Jvn tifitn' in the lime tu t f1r.jl 9fji ktr .rom the fiotbf government c.vniunicled Ij an obliging friend. Thejtreoi,' vrtU yih'xh Mr. and MnMerrv received ., the:r i- trcuuSion at coit't will prolMy remind , jmr nj oVr readers of the fu , that during tie reprijentci thf Vrhfi'yerimeaL'iv'U invited to ,irrolt do homage to thero. Mr- Merry arrived, and was mtrodnced 40 thc.Prcfideot in foro.,, He feut to Mri Madifon to know what wa to. be done -tnwaWla fhm. Mr 111 Pquainted -with thefe things,' but would enquire at nead quarters. -After the confultatio of the council it as agreed , that Mn Merr mtift wit on the Secretaries f and they wertoW ex. einpt from viGting him. Mr Merry boted in fuhmiflion, if fuch was )K?ujlm of the e$rt T'hen came-tm ;iherpTrocfiSonMMar' (,'OD without waiting for orders, waf ed 00 Mrs. Merry foon aftsr her arrival. Thithrew ilbem jail into, COQcrrttian. 1 TV hat vaStohe, done ? Could they cdnnmit their diet Ity foVuch a8 t. c!n Mrs:"' Men y I After a great (eat or parade, enc bowiojr, and whtfpenpg, aad cful iner, fome of tbem came to. Mrs. JJe. cretarv Smith paid hr .vifit, ; a ffw days after, Mv. Gailatm : maJr het cojcc ..aiew-dy8:. after th.i-t Mr". Dearborn fqviattcd herfeif dnrn' in the mid.'l ofthtm. To ivc yoii fome jtftlc ife-f ihf fe mpnoeuvres, ru fhould figure to you: ftlf Gen Durham and his, lady i flu if the n.-.y counter.part of Mrs. a.sd he k. a ih'k. headed , . , -. ..- t!l the pampffiy of an acquaintance of curs. But to the J."fce : . After theft' vtfting ccrcrpotiies e e acljnt, the dlnucrs cuu on. Mr Jtffzr Jen began, ij: fi t It -at , and g-a've an ofSci-d uin r-cr to the dip'om.uic pair ;. 8c how du you think -ur polite phiiokphcr treateJ his putfls ?; Hatif,fr, latd ti dja, tbat lb e ftcretjriet and their Wtfj. 1 vcretabove every other perfou, ihhowgh the dinirer wagiven tuf Mr and Mrs. Merry, the phi'.ofopher leads in Mrs.- Madifon, and fejfed hir on his right ; & ihe othtry?Wjnr latjyfhips were led in, end atcd according to tUer rnk Mr. snd MrOehyVcfFef to view the pro-, ccfti.- a5 it .flVd, . and he was Thrp under the. nteeffity of l-adin in his own iui'et and aecommo dating her at talk as well as he could. 'Ihe fume eooijuct' was rtpejtd the next day at Mr. Ma - "Vt. ... Xt'?jPP1?-rg " he fo paio-ed auj1i- i..l . .U 1 ' . .' I r f r iui, iii4i I'trt. merry on uncc rtruicd asniiig i:h themr (ill The can be afiu ed of better treat r) nt. Whit Iteps tfie aaabOoi, Mt Meny 'ili;tke js not knosvn. Theie will certaiDly be f line reprefcntatiori on the fuhjrrt.. The rn nives for this unaccount.tble rondud cannot he. diljc&vered. It i.as been attributed to jxriiie, vhim, w-eaknefs and maliVnant,t,tri.tge. I lhi:-k. mj'felf, that thvy have (i.Ylrad Tilrire in tt. Me JSOOeJ WMh IrrDUIWtt fo iltdnLr hi an. i.',.V' - 1 1 t iSt3ng the effice, merely we fap Attcrtheth ancorotis.hatred aainlt a nattio, which had V ,V r . ' . k: :.UA:ti -s.t .1. t. ' urc I lervmz tat propie. .. 1 nc 1 n.ir;i-cr 01 w ."'.. linn j mi -ici ntc, i'iu a I tiir laoi? Mr.ie ?7Fatif fheTeelings of-ony fr!cnTwb3 are conliantl agitated by. fimiJar feeling1).'' (i;r --uf'tt. tht prrjidtnl in ttnnp'iAj ninth T;m Pain an ouMiu for trcj) n asii;i$ the very otverfxient Arbat can -' lfrr J.f rjoh's moti oulrogequi infuas ? x:icYoFa leftfrom"? 'xvrf Waft ii'g.o. da cU jd-Jmia y, 104 Jor ith'fe Uons for ctlei ra' i.tjr t hc qn-.CuiUt of Louiii- pm?? t1'ye3r JJtiso I nott.i'njf ;btH aftinand: rrj Hgjeiery fi1& .U huHie an every t?r dricdv anch n y .if Cry nrcclfary of liiens to he Jiakjl,. rVly for aflci .g AVe begin to look upon ytt'as pB.nred- aitd ' m fjc'h . t"carer.Uir fnt-iiihlcfrj 'o diiVenfc to u r fuch aTfufioln of blefS 'ifV fcaicelv feel his genial .rays ; but how dcploraLiyTTHfllhe yaurJ c' 'jiuatjpmn, ' placed at fct much greater dince . can not bear to think of my me no's toiling' for iiibfjil encc ; w hilit plenty- and liappitHs n.ay be ; jnucnted on fo much, eafier tefms'."-1: t; WAtild v: ii?tforcadvife jw to take Airs,- -ryr-, and thechildreti,' and make halte t. eu'ttr this land " of promife fl 0 wing Wi t lfalt punch and jwhijicy . 'Yeaiiieed take oethJBg'mvte.Vkbjou than fuf. Jicient pr?ifions, to tring- yflu to the borders'; where it 18 reported ycutcay be iupplied with a . ; By the la ft intel!ie.e fiom "Lo'i.don, rb ob-i jeit appears to engarv- lie actenfion of thc liii'" tilh cabinet more thaxecrtain dmanria fiid to have been made by Mr . Motirce, rt,l 3Uag. to th? exter.orUie"Affieicn..rjiJe with the firipm W-i-fiidia lflands, and the (xpi'ttio.i ot the yth article .of our treaty. whir Qrtat B4tain. 'Mr.rMbn'roe, (fay the LoHdoM pj-pers,) is rt ported to hve; ireeited frdh. in!irjetioni fr;m Iitr tjTeinfTierit, to wi'f the -Doint with fverv" Tpii"Jiurge.iicy ; and thnt another neociator, a Mr LHceT3Tr;cled fon to arrive from the United States, inrdraogive add'tior.a! frce arid aft tvity to the pending fiegfitiai ton The comments of the Iondon Editor, oh' this"" fobj cl, appear equally accrirnjirjious ag-?frn ft Mi . Moiiroc, as thoie of Doane againft the Brttiih mi :ifry The former accofes the Executive of . Ant-rica, aibeiog faiuinely difpofcd lo demc Or extort adianTn-e from the prefent perplcxrd and pctiloutpo!tnre if England ; and afF rfs !thaj 1 he Amen'can ftavet&mcnt at prefent hold mqft Jofiy 'ant.eac'''g: .'agugei icfpeftipg hat" they call tluii jiilt pVeleno Dnahe, on trie other hand, .endeavors ,to thiow 'tvety fpect'rs of obloqay on Jay's treatv ; and exttts 'af htMaffjil ie of vhtcjijixt vcm n V;i s c a pa c i t y 11 poii. Jld, to irritate the rur-? -ns oMnia Cjon ti'y againft j,hv con do A of Kju'Und .---He' calls xm r i r P3 y f h B r i t ai n, a in mimfnt of f. mer weafentfs anda Cautionary hfToti for fntnrcd-- itatcfifref-?' Thrs lanjiuaffe from a prrirteTAvbo" h?s lady were pTfrJt-bct Mr;, Jefierfpoi ne glcftfurof jhe eti(itte cf .the Eoropeaa eouriti, p aid the cro pHm e ot s j f Uhe day;.to'tT)e lid yf the Secretary pftat i -Mr Madiftn":follo wed ihe courteous tx'airip of Mr. JeflferfoD;vatsc( difplaytd the ufual"fQark cffgaUadtry oor fuch occauong vigtt tvi rsecretary oraun--xif. Smith, not to be fmcutar, became the attendant ;pfMrs.;irborn-M abferrtwni the ctlebiated , it is probable the Iadrthe lintifh aoobtffad'or would fflot hae experieiiced Ameijcan politenefsoid not Mr. Harvte .iotcrpofed his O0d' breeding and kfevented llfTJActtf'Jto eceffit.y. becoming the fele attenanirof Mr ;Mcrry.- Mr. Merry is fa id, at fir ft to hvattributed this uuufual ceremony to foine jphilofoplia reerie that per. hap bad engaged the attention of the Prefideat ; And would not have deemed it as an intended nc gTeft, had pot the Hmeajhwnahle fcene been a goiu re'pe4:eti in proper Jlyle at the houfe of Mr. Madifop Upon a.fintirar invitation afterwards from Mr. Secretary Smith, Mr rMctry dclme;r theyhopor, and has fince, we are well affined, nc txehsn'Ttd any complimentary vifita with ei ther Mr. Jtfferfdn or the leads cf department vc coitfefs it is to Utrrcgretted if trifling cif cunrftces of this nature, fhould be the mean's of exciting aoy aniraofuyjio the Britifh minillry towards tb citfeens m this cbuatf y,:' We trull ihaiy although (rprn various information,. we be lieve tbatlhe ambcfT'dAr of bititiBnic Ma. jtily has made a vciy . Hnfavorable report of his prefent fituationat Wafhinaurn. VFai Gat.. 'ralorndeYaly-oral! of theftwifitita -arunint" poitaat intlte caodidate fwr efhee, or vibcther like his Maj;fly the King of Louifi.'na, he thinks the time not arrived when it may be, prudent to make ihe enquiries, we fnall leave to the decifion -f thofe vvhb have bven honored vith the co:.fi-den-ce of Gideon Granger. But if he fines thii k that . hontfty, capability-iattd' fidelity 10 ihe con dilution" are'neciflaiy in .a e'epnty ptif mafter we fhould Cncetely pity the rmetrus impofition8 her has bfn condemned to TulTtr, had not the bitterrefs of pctf t urion which huo. uniformly marked 5;i& con "dun forfeited -ill claim to cohimifcraticn AwoiTg the iDuuir.erablc in Jjaixes, of his intolerant fpiiit, "furuiihed by ihat dt-partmeut over which he prtfidts, we fhall now fdeft one vliithJ:ss termrria'rd rather un ftirtunattly, for the friends of the Poft matter lien- and oi'ght ' to be a kfTen to him.' j The fads we are' a! out to Aate, have corte to jrj from a very refpffRable quarter, ami we feci co doubt of thtir tiuih are'nillii foimed theltt merit will wi hout dotibt be corrected, aed we 'thou'ld bamduff the - firft to do fo. -Tf- tytifoAY, FEBRUARY13, 1804. ' :;VVr": r'' ' : . ; We are happ'y t6 dad that the propofed p'aa tvf 'Irurancef Houfes,. &e.( againft Fire. in tW Staie whrch' promlfef 'to be fo mutrty vanu. : geous to Infurers, will meet with fach ejicoura"ge. ment both' from the towns and outStry, as to leave little' doubt that thrTums f)bfcribed will be fufi. "etent to carry the lame into . effeeVin juine next, the time wken thp fubferibers or their reprefenta 'tives are to meet at this place to form rules and rejulations for.the fociety. " MxtraS of a letter from the Poft Majler at FaytttsJ' ville to the Editor, dated the 8th inftant. -"It would appear from a number ef tern let. tera that have beefr found ftrewed along the Pu road near tbe edge of Sou tb Carolina andthis ftjite, thatrthe Mail coming from Auguftaand, Gamden, about the'itft of laft rapnth, mult have been Robbcd of a part of its contents and yet t am. quTte at lofa how to account for it for the-mail that arrived'here at that time from thet, appeared to bejfeciirely locked, and 'nei ther thi Fofmaotau, Chain, LockDorPapcri bore any ma 1 kg of violence oriimproper hapd. j'CJJ -fo that if any paperi wet'ejta;eftj8at. Jhc: perfon who tock them mail have ieerv pcrfrefled of a key Or ingenuity enough to pick tke-lock : L And it is faid that the Letters that were picked pp in that mangltd Uate, bad on the poit marks o$)ffice ir Gforgia, dated in Januaty laft, & addrefied to ptrf-ns io New Yoik, cc. fo that they mult have been in the Mail. " Tbe Peft Rider between this and Caffidcn, appears to be, and I thiiik is, a very fober, honeft young man ; ' he htMfd it he cafiaitle ti fo Ta'itUGil in tUi Cofl,Vin.M.--Whether the Poft Ma:cr GeneH iDtcrrH&.teA hm &"&hw ih fubjeft, but It fee ins that when Mr. Granger became pnft mallrr genera1, Mr. Brafhcar was deputy poft mailer, at' Upprr Ma.lbru' ju 'this. fLtc Mr Braflitar ia a nauv; American, aid.-was sc kiiowleflged on ail handa tob; M.hrKeft, f. apiib'e, and faithful to the confliVutinn and in dif charging the duties cjf his effic.e had givn entire ,f?ii-faction to all potties-' But there happened to be a certain citizen frreigtier, wfntfe uams t da not now recolleci.'wbo was dffirous of pb- 'ea- fure of ferving the people. The t h.ir;Cer of ih s ci izer we at iBformtd Ky no mean (lod-fdirr Hut- .he had clamoured very"mnch '" favour o' Mr. Jcff-'rfon,.,.wai ndify and bu y at cSctioas. and chcrefme according to the, iifn.il cant -of the' jdayY be was. a god patriot, a good republican' and willing, 10 'facrifio'e his all '(hrch iiappentd tn be nothing) fr-the good cf the people." Of CDtirfe his wifhes were gratiried. Mr. BrafhCat ;W38 titrneil out at!dvthevr,fB appointed.' Ttis faid ht obtained a rcomiriendaii,ot) from-RK-h ard Sprig; Efq .lately a dtmna'iic reprefitt tative;in 'Gocg'CMr, now one of theJoc'gs of th e Gent r at ' Court. " 1f t hi s is rel ( y t.he caf , rt removes a gicat portion of jd;mure from the lhould'-i8 of Mr. Granff, r, and pf. cts it on thole hefeouklgivc no ccoHnt-of4t whavevci, nor bad - he any reafon he faid to grdun I fufpicioos on any perfon, for he belreiLeilv as. Xdid, until he heard of the! papers being found, that the:Mail had con e (ik, ror had it any maiks to the contrary c he trav;!!td two days with two men who faid th'j" were frrm the neighborhood of Augufla and grim? fome where northwardly-they put up at nighc at ihe famehoufe--btit-whether they might bave had a key, or could have pick ed the lock, orlwijobJ haedone fo when the rider wao afleep, I know not -bat the tnail enflt." ing liniforrr.ly Tfety locked & appaieDtly io gxoi order, leaves me entirely at a lofs to account fct it but pivea great reafota ta believe'ihat whoe; vtr- did it rauft have had a key. J ' Yeu will'do well to mention the abovecir cumllance in yout paper, to caution the public tigaiiift taking Bank' Notes from fufpiciaws per fon 3- leaftj he perpeira tors of this crime may have gotten forrtCi' , Pofi mailers writing to the Editor "of this paper, are re queftdf to frank their letters, as witboutihr '."WprdjWp' wrrte.6ri. letters, poftage is -aijedv Mr- Samuel G-rock is appointed Poflmafler at Newbrn injhtj room of Mr. John S. "Pafteur difmiiTtd. ' . 'Geneial Jofep'i. Jones is appointe TafttnfQzt atTerei fbu g in ihe p ;e of Jyho G'animcr, Efj. difmiiHt!. "" , ' A Bi" h? t'SiTed the lg;fl..tre oO-giEia eft hlifliinj! a Park 'af-Rai.niofti. pd Brarch Banks at Pete ifburp. Norfclk ?: Ftederklj5ui. ' The A-ho'e ra itai fleck is a mHiio;. and a til of do:j:s the ftate intercfled in on t.i":h. , v- ' .TaJ0.V iS I'. PeterjburgFch. 6, l S. scvd, - - I . .i, r Ai-y .' f But thtn k not reader that a man lo wt f fkt n known to receive trre- Jutpirt and iancuon f- r-T - , 7rTr-: r . ,Tr r- Vr -VxecunW of thfc United SrWs, may 1 queue prefent erStial moment ; when every .eireuiW -Hzui.fi em the prt cither of our executive, or that of the Brrifh"; cabinet, is eyed -iiK" the ft ' f 'r r ' - - '. 11 . .. , monjeaious luipicioo-rit is wen Known mat Mr. Jefferfon aiid Mr. erfy'lsre at prefent on . the molt nnfriendlv footinc both frum the ca- of Mr. Sprigg,' It 13 ai fa laid, that Mr.-Sprig W29 one of-the ciM::cf; Ttcnritic-, and be lite Mr. Clarke (fat hereof cm prefent delegate to (lie affrmhlv i hf -f.r'ifr. Anrt if t'n io fK flrMr. Spiigg .tiind9 fome chance of atoning f' hiai" fault"' But however this may be. thv citizen entered upon h- dti 'iesof his office, and feeuicd' to be every djy.improvin'r in s;al'f.ir. hi party, and devotioii'oXhe nttttlt pf Mr. ftlleifcrn. Wlienla! wHa milling, "and no one could tt what had be come of him ; . . " - J t Ancth'cr tamej nor yet bef.de t he rill, Nor up thi Uwo, nor at the wood wa1? he." Day paffid after ay .and yet he returned not to b'efr ttc rmrng ey Jengtti 1. ;frmcita'ni d t tut. he was tamy run a wa a nd JLf t .hispTsciirit i ?iL t a anf wer Jit bohd, An'4 -jliifs has one. o t helium inariet cf demo" ?y-'dPPfar?lj:rr-,ftce George's coiirety . But thtnk-not readet1 that a man lo wtlf (killed content fthe fci I office He .contrived to getjpficfficn of a fubfeription paper fp3hillifer--Wftungr0M, and onderf pietence of bein'authorixed to re ceive the advance money 1 1 had collt til d a coWfi i: deraIe rum, aud thus addedlp the fronts of his oflfcCv ' ' -i": ' 1 -. ;-. ' : ' , - ' - -'- ; : fumnies and invetBives whicbTcTaily appear in the' nuroia againu ni tritatjntc iVJajiHy ( kU trom the repeated marks of fppofed difitfpeft ,hich;V have: been fcajred to-the latter at the featLthe Ameriian government At a pubfic entertain- ment lately given at vvamington by tbe rrct: dent to the fereral foreitrn ambafladors and tbe. heads of the fevcrat departments, Mr. M'crry jc an s NORXH-C A RO LIN A . FOR SJLE. At th.V Of5ce. 'MelFrs. . . GiNTLEMS fit Tfre enclofeo letter from" the Pof? Msftcr Qe- ierai, was ranaru me on oaturaav evensns an by General Josies I have thought proper to re queft you to give ita- plat e in your paper- : :::::::--rAndi oblige ;;"r - Your humble fervant, j. gramMer. General Pofl-CjTcei Jan 24, 1804. SIR, ' '"' - . . relieving that the puolic; intereft wi!l be "pro ttioted, bv the appointment of a new Foftmaftcr, at Peierfhiirc. I haveaccordngly appointed Mr. Jofeph-Joneeypoftrhafterat that place; to whom, on .the ptceipt of this, ydu will pleafe to deliver all tlioft Office propeVty iivyojir pof fcfiiunrtiking a Receipt therefor, if yoa-defirq it. .. . ' ; - 7 .. You will alfrt forw ard your acccunts "up Uihe tire- when you deliver over theOrnce -y Yours,-; - GID'k RANGdR. - . John Gramex, Efq, J'eterjiiurg, Ira. ; COM M V N t C AT iOtt, - .""V;;! TlsTrclnrMrTGt ajjmer rrom tho Po!7 Office of this place and the manasr. in which4 that removal has been co namuntcstedf lia veexcit led the moft lively feelirtgs ; in .the breads of many; even of the warmeff euldifts of the prefent ladmf'-; nlIrat.ionV:;Thatjth.ti has not beco neg'eoted.nor ftamcfully abufedby Mr. G. w; appeal, to evety man, who has been in.,.tjhe habit ' of tsanfifg bufinfefjit the poflpfficjh'T" only charge that wfiave . ever heanJlTgaioft the ex-poft-maler, is, that he was ratherjSwIo txL ecuting theriuties pf his office ; buhisrm has feenJ amplyi'P'compf-r.nid by providinf fcimfef with a Verv afuve aIillant. That the accounts of tbe roffTomce under Mr . G have been rego- Jar and cdrreel, is afacl known id evety individa-.. a!Why tbefn difmifs WtjojrJBa, that the "pubfte intereft would bcadvancedb? .his re'mofa1 ? - Why tarnifli- his fair characrer with illiberal' inflnuat ons ? This is a circumflance in which the citiiens of Peteffburg feel deeply interefted, as it tends to itaplicite thecharafler ; hi :