A7I-S IFrT7" T & i-I. & m T if djfcuiuop ofitis day tjiat M ibiftjiaftouIdl tak place.; ? I am -aptf thereforeVpiepated at this time tpTay whether I (hall not ahimauly ybtfcfor in enquiry.' - Brit It'appeari to me that jhi& 6aHe prop'ofed. ? lave rting the natufal or.1 The t-haracler of the commander was' implicated. .. The idea was that he expedition had oot been "condoSedwith propriety The: bufjnetY was bfcglu before Coftgtfti ;V Hai undeTftbed "' ut t Lit lime,-whet WjllIjr ritjsot MrGnrgg ;.. wotiild not pretend to fajrKe. WopTmander iu k(iict syuiu iiui uc incu uy iuuii, Biiriiai,- Congrcfa tfrcrc fote took up ihc bufiief andSp. -pointed a committee of enquiry, who went thrb'- a lengthy;, examiuatot ji ihe futject." . Mr. tJregg tpeQtiootd.th.i6 precedent (hat gtctleoKO 'might tuio their ntcaiion to it-'Nv Mfc.R. GrifwaJd, 1 had hopedhat the language ufed by t me, when I was tip before, woufdotliivt leJ gentlemen to fappofe thai 1 t wai . a:lirmrieod.tr'the enitiuy of jdge Chafe.1 I am'aa.'iijg lOfncUher capaciif . I am, ailing on'y as a raaibec of thu Hoofc, ; Vhtt ought to fee atisiows on oecafioa of feefciin pSrtaiice to take vhsirct5urfe whieh'i rn'oft con. liitcot wulvptopLric'y fiat cdurfe vrbich refults frota the doty tliis HoQfv'' owei the riatios, and. that duty Wijidr thcy'ov.-cto the eharatr of a . juJ-e. It did .ppear to nfe that It wa not ci.- ten. to calf the eharaaer of a publtc oScci into jaettion, unle lone neceility thoold hm.ly mode it DioceedintT :rrT' Y V C KV . pcC5U,4'imPe,ac,,cnt! ba.-bn made e?;ftasr hayc: t tuiicmnu iiuu) Virginia nas iaia inai lie is in polTvffion yf facts, or of fomtthing;,. that jBiakcs hisn believe that tn enqujr.yis ptope.-', but he. does not chogfe to conauioite thtfe h&i. ,The gvnt!c nan frotnPcnnfylwpiMa has gien us his infoi matio The q jtftion h whe ,,ine it' is proir oothefe hVht iuir,'efti.jna to iftitute a folcmnnaoirt inio the character of thix judge It appears, td'me that, ought t to th-'ow any imputation pa the tharaCttr a? lu cr i(!iot e''Jnce that fu.h ao en TTJ ,s t wry . I he cats . irw.iiiinrd by the gemleiwau rem Prrniyl,im ('Mr. GiejTK ) fut dab" Y. DTiTiiiildSTTtfv itil);l id tli,- . cou.iy,.,and in this Houfe OH ihe events of a cafjiiu ; iivcnq u'ry a toil.tu.effe bet what tr?sTird ? rhfe cdtntni-.t'ee wtt iip-nni-ed 5quiie ipip the general caif a of the fai lui'c of clie eTprettW $ tht-y were imt iniltocltd to f quae into the cliaraikr of a particolar of- ... jc.er .. . Th geotlcman frm Virgmia has ttt rrcd to aoolhtr cafe, wheo -he fays we were ready enough to inltitute aa enqjiry, and has leXt-U be inferred that the enquiry waa made-'Avrth out ixny pitrfus proof ot its neceflity. But ccrtam'y on that oce-a'.un cliquuy was pot made withuu: ptoof 1 ffpofc.thc enq j i ; y aibded to was i hat r-hich rtUied to the coudiict of tht' c- am 'E.ioera of ihe tiuking fund. . It was in fluuttd'ti" a report made by them', .and which 5-th5trff The refofu , tuh off; t'rJ w is adopted, ajid eriq'iiry was rflide, the reiult ui which i well kno-v'n to every gen ' tletritiris It fIlo, theieffvfr; that there arc- , Theque fliah of po fi ponemest ft curt Ir p'ajted by 'the1 refolutioo as imprbptrr ooparfia- mind ofi the courfe bioper tobe puifued. he Was taUd,fiU furtiifii uo ground fo had dot yet' made up their thegcJitfeman ftp'm Virginia 35enot cod'fider themafla fufSiicDt ground for arv impeachment. The lefufal to hear the" p'oint of law d'ifruflcd was ihe cVf the toart. Mr "Chafe did not lit alote on "the bench .Afiotber judge mud have been afibciamd with and hae concurred with him. v If fu, why does not the isolation allude to the other iudze ? ., Wbrfeleft one judge when bh'Aie cqualfy implicated io the 1 believe the baol parliimeiitsrT wv wohU ' bs fc.r a ErehtlemaB to llat In hc toJutioii fhe grounds of impeachment, aftd then to refer fuchrcQutroii to a, fe!et committee j lor invtafKation. In this mid? the Hoc.Ymav 1 cotrefy inftiturc an enquiry and fend for per- aBdlp. pera. - .This is ihr only parliaments lo every cale whee nojpacctdcc'ca adduced, which apply to the pre TtiH.'cafe. '"' ' ' . Ut it (r.y wi(h.th-it the oroccedinrs of this - Hotifcwij. o a this occaiTin be perfectly correcjV and that we may. not be precipitated UnoUit adopfion of this rcfjlatioffmlhout due confi -deration.- If it is correct tt vote anenquiry ih U cafc3, where a membir rife on tlTii flor a?id deftrctf it, ir is corrscV to voritin this cife.- In this cufe, a gent)ftuun ilff s.and firs he is fa - tisfied ao '. nqoii y wgbytb ' itbt place-. T't.e .'uettton is whcther itis propTef to enquire on the ". lug-ge.O-bfi of a mbsr lf ir if pj upci; 'xvi't h. but facts beiog addiJce, then it will be a'-.vjys ' proprf t o enquire wfil?he rert'y;tntinber'Trq(?e - Ut'ir.djtyui be,ltfo prr.pvu- .vrnevr-r any ir divjUil citjz o reqjire! ic. Thi3 cuife I bve MJ'Jih t t o't Kci-Cb; the co 3 .jrarv l tUivk facts ooIir to be previou'fly 'pref-nted to ejlWi.'h 'the nsuffi y of an enquiry befaic it is V AyA ' I" the'cl7-;of j-iJae lVikeiin a'vtry ddf-.jeat ecu f hVbetn purfucd. The appoint n":r'tJ a'C 'm'oitrFe tf t nq.ii-.r orr,iiiaieJ from . a mcipM,iVthe-Prffi4f.Mi .We nnJ-io-Febyut" ; ary, lcj, tce-.rfjuis receive J the Tolloing . ICt (Tag c. . . - - " - . ' "-i'he nc V.fcd letter ndtlida vf.r 'exhibit"-' ; ,r5 m-:tc- i o' c liipLint ajfifi J.thu P,i-'kv i-i ' 'ritTit ?f ;rjrc; wfiich ig not f wUbtn-wrvve vfc!Wz4i-e, "rtnnfmit tlu'm7 o. th.ii of R,errtan ,,to whom the' . coatuuuo.i haflCoi fidrd a power of i..ilitati".,g. ; .Pfia-dirs of rtdrtf;, ' if tfuy .half be of ojji " .Wttff tf -at ife cafe 'cal's f.-r t'hf'm." . . - . v. ) "tm mi fTage wag Vt;f( rrt'd to a comwittre,'" tith the 3ccjrtpanying pnper s,l fiiniiflrrg cvf deiice of the ncctHity of an. enquiry.- Jt-t die couffe pit' hied to day is vcty diiTcrcnr. " .4 gen Jlemao gets up; and'mot jn enquiry Ind :hc. 'C Joourt of judge "Chafe, and fay that !.e h ,.t jbe-opimchat H to bJ "Vnjde,' '.-.-'-'Ufjii C.'urff, I ihn.k,-is it-rorrj cj. - some fadt? otiL'ht '. b addoced-fVtpr r, I -n on th.i3 oti., fion rH-ither the fi KtuK.f. i !, trncnVy oTgde "pth.fc, . i -..am the fricd ofllm. lf,ile rflT" . .eir proceedings to be coficrt,. and 1 hope they iijaat d batliljr, what they nny lK;reifr:ire" ocen wated in a rclolutiou concludio? with motion- for an impeach :fefs no cmforial power ovir the judges, tKtfpt as incidental to the pWer of itnpcstchmcrt. . If gentlemtti ire p-ffcgld of h&t why not ftatc im m. tne ,trtn af a. ,tW.W;WP..wlOfi an .imp dL-hment. ' Then, if the facts appeared to .v worrdiu an liitj.cacDmenr, 1 wouidot ol jeat to ,h. -ir going to-a ftle.C) domraittte, tko' I heiitve the-moft p.r ptr cu.fe would be for tne nruie-to kr.d fjr tifona ar.d paprrs, and to ex. mine for therr.fcivts. But it ikiextnmely ""u'jpreicgcmfa ijrTine laobie, wuh cut f.&s, to ntli'cute an enquiry into the cha rsctrr or a htgh otfieer of the governments Way Itiey not in the fame way xtend their enquiry , into the condu of every jt:.lgc ',n i,c Ui.itcd Sratea, witloti't-lUtirg .-It.'y frt?is on wuicn. the enquiry is founded For thefc rea. fonri'iaJl vote for poftpohit g the fuithereon fidiratiornf thisrotion for one day. o ac rount of the importancea;id dlicty of the tied to. J do not know whetl.er, if fuiucieot time is allowed fof' confiderafiooi and l lJhW be coiivificed that this courfe is. coafjften't with parliamentary ufae, ' 1 fliall i.ot be io favour of an invellijjatiwD. y'" ' Mr. FtLroT; When the Yeas and Nsys'are called, 1 (liall oLciery occtfion rife in favour of takbg them. I wih the votes i give'ia thi HouTTenVeicd on the Joiitnal, and known to every eitfzerj pfxAmerica. Themoic Icontem pUte the courfe ptiriutd on this occlfroo, the oo'ie extrsiordiaaiy and urprecedented it .appears to mr. The gemieni aQ from Virjginia rofe, & arter tc elejiani ctordioro, ftaani? that the tf teama of jnliicejlioatld be nrtfetved rurf. uH :LU;eV fine tlwngs, told u flut hi had icctived iirtormation of Ijcij that eonvircrd hi mind, tht an enquiry ought t.( be msde iniu ih trefoil! duct . 'of a j idge. Suppoie the gtwtlemaii er "f- c)j. ki.ovtn to himfelf.Jjod ttafTd hi opinion, 'bat anei;qu?fy u..hi io"bf rnrde i to the con rluTid the Pi tfidcM of the Uni fd Starts. V e hjve she fame tig'u t imp. i.ct the Pufident a If the erqntry 'wu'd be' iiv.proogr in ti e oi.eji.ftanee without firtt-brine nddiircd" ll y e qu 3 1 . y Jo. i ;j. l h c .othrt minds on the BroprietYbf the motion. , He was himfelf of th H v umc ror rencaioBf tit aux not leer perhctly aiikoeu 'wiiD me appointment or - a commifce pf en qu ir y hefo re ' an y f a cl 4h ad bee a i u b tl a u t i ated. Defiling further time to form hi judg ment aqd feeing .no occtfioQ for prtcipita'u'on, he fliouUTvotc ia fatorof a poftpooement: .'MrCr. W. CaMrstuL. . J will riot afthii !a' ;r detain the' Houfc with thxpViRo "O11 !d'ea8 Vetail. : ' I anws difitbus as any member of thla.-HObleibirthe flrea-m' of jufiice. fhoui flow'pareanU tinfuHild, as jon their purity; depend the fafety. and liberties of the people of the United States,- But w'fien we arc about to eoier ioto u,eafurs for pnftrvjng thfm clear," mc owe it to oturtlvea p:cft rve order in our jf.Bdoft,jnd to afl'in fuch a m-nrtr at we ft all be ablejo jtiflify jro our voultitutots. Every member of this .'Koufe on iuch aa occafion ouglV to be-as catj.tioba' jo his proceeding asa in.Ua in . J : 1.. . I. ! . . : . '. it t .r juu6' " usiituiji; ins vjjiMions ; ican wnuc we arc condemning the cocd4it of-tke judge'i- we burfelveg ga,atay (totter My. For this reafoQ I am aainll the, adcptib'D of a roca'fute which may tluw a tnfureJ upon a ehafacei iovtllcd by the Uuled States with hfgh autbori ty, utitil I am c'oQfincc'd. -we ave fcf&cjeofl gn unds for doing lo. The refutation 00 the table can-have but dec orjtdt, to wit : The dircftioniL80 enquiry , wt:cthr foiRcieni evi deuce can be procured to au'horife'ao impeach- nieoti- leoneeive that thig jianlnor poT ceed in arty pt her way. Jito thciefoie of epi. nion that before, the vote f t an o quiiy there ought to be probable grounds that ,'acls ex ft that author Ife aKiWpeacbmtnt, nad th'it tvi debtt can bf procured oriheir txiftcr.ee ;I am' not pre par td to fay from ry thi, g;vi hie h has bti'n adduced that fech t vulrnceUs x'fl. ' I conceive that until probable niounds are li WrT Wtf IH hl n.l In lnlllAlif.. fn-t ' . . . . almucb 38 it snay etiarjhm a piccideut that we may hereafter rcHt, a prtctdmi vthjch witl fttt it inthe poer uf any nietnber to move.ani. (btain an eri y-into'thr coiduQt of 'the PreT, hdent, a julgr, cr any otlur ofTntr under ''ihe 2overnmefit. Uudr thrTc cirenmffaes 1 am for a iay. : T IhouM la. 1 . .reprcottting TufpIcIon Afloat 5 rvoidsd .xamination into tbes fVr I gt have-deferved it, had I ptirfucd ttelouffelt tleweajnAto.dt- pra year, bqt thewere,djcheeo tioVfcaV 6 ihehjea Vbebtaiherl: ?; ttideoc or ary IWnwhichVwin, . ua to forming ,cora pfmm ? ,ftot i; I o morrow the qutftioa wilLiesbr upoa ua Is k proper from'what hl Jlr?ady appcir toiortrtu'c aa ereiuity into trTe eondnA r.i a.(u tins we ere a. competent to deci'de at this moment, at at aray fMtqre day. yrlt" 1kw vtr gentlemen cenfider a rtfolution (n -it! fpqu.ry the fame.ai an qujry already ltj j am not . furrjnzsij at jfTri?rno m.lr , .- tbcm in Opinion. I reoear ilmr . fneciis are applicable t a motion of impcacb ment only. But it feemi' thit 'BO prccedcaii'' have been adduced ar.d time is wanted "to aunt them up. GentJefcen fhu!d recolleft that fca' tvo iafesof impeachment have take'u paceB" der thii goverrtrtent j one of a! Senator -froa f!enitflrc tu o.tr of diftria judge of Ne. Hampftire. By what precedents were the pro" ceedinga-in tholcfeiiregulared ; iHbw j, ;j poflible jo a goverumtni, hardly Jn its itm flifinion nri c1lA mia .:r.. t . not pfrpaicd to fay this" i .1 he. regular courfe of piuctecing. 1 do not. profits, rb have frcpi kcowkdge-. of.parlianifiij.fdmfs,:- and have Vhcrtfoie waited befirI exprelRd n-y opi r.ior.s 16 'hlif lath Lre'ct'dftiti' t's rcntemen. ul'J adduce. fJr.vrng heard none, 1 concude none rxilf." TcSxccive ihst t! .-e tSi ofihts Hoi fein votir? for a rommitfte t f ei.q'jiiy is rquivalci, t to the expti fli.n of the opn-ion. ihst )hiy. have evi eonc no c i! tor pi or u qiiifuntia! powtrs nvtf. tht tiuit of the'iad;s-of the Supreme Court! If Judge Cfafc h been griittyf rr,i!ccndu:, -etit be ftaedi Tf that mifcrndci be of a fri va;e nature kt the IJr ufe aflurrte the haraSter of a grand jury, hold private fsttinj, rei ciVt evi'd-rnce, and deterrriirfe h-ihcr the iadoe ihll hf impeached'' r not. - The cttlcaaa ik. whether a prand jury in tie cafe oj a charge ot mrrder can,: fend for rerfoi. Uhdmif tcdiv tltey can ; but did the gentle rni evn J.ear of their 8pprHitti,g a committtc to ei-qunc, wht inci dence of she-probab'c grourds cf hc guilt cf hejiidge. The gentkman from Virginia bs told u thet th-'powrrj of this Iloufca-c io forue degrfc like iho'fc of a grand jury. la. urte that they have all the powers ot a gip.i'd jury t and it is on this gruund ihat I dery the pcwer noeoateridedlor. I fay that a grand tiry his no tight' to fend for teftimooy;.. Tl.ey have only a right to receive tellimory from any" a ie of their boy, find to receive, fuch witiifrcg For w p-f f AsAhe-coTt my fend thrm.- ff thrn iSfTirbs evidence m preitHi cnie, let us art upon it, even though it--be tit fqt'te, and '.-sj;ho-.igh"t!i2t 4ifit, perhaps, he going tno fr. I repeat lt. i have reero no' itaternent, fa! if. fa.ory to mV uiind, tliat there are prubitle ,'rrunds for ntotrdiag"in th:"s b(ifirf!. ft is 'true, the getillemai from Pennfj Wm'a has made a (Iwrrnei t ; bet -lhaji flethei:t spptars to me to depend ncV'fonmch on faA ssos opitions ; and it is not my wifh todecide on the f ropt iejy., of the coiiduft of the indjje iVvi7he fads are Devns . The nnlv cnrftion now pf.jfo the Hi-uie is -whether they wTll poll o.'ireVtke J - cor:tt iaitonot the motion rn the taMe'T"- I "TtaH'Ot hiitexpieis my furpjfe, that the get .'c t.an fro.ii Virginia fliotjldopp.fe this motion; vhin leefil gt'itlerptfi have deciYtd that they a jiolrepatf djio re n this rcfulut ion. , v Ceftfleaieri oaht teLircc1'3.t,-'.:aceor'di'. ' our nrles, on all motibns which-fjquire the c - acscurrtnee of the two Hdrea";. one dayde- h"i VfcclTiryi;- VAlthoiigh tbi ref)lutioa i$ , not of this kriiJ yet it lurely ig not oXiuferjor -mptrtance. ' . -: ''-:.: ''A:. I b)ieye that the gentmao alluded tp b the rnotioa, iroul'd rather c'our t, thitn fl rtpk Ifromi 3 1 tnxertfeation of Ins official conrWIt. V. 1 hi: ihev a riiin chjrird witfi a paitial offerr ought to be in6vVJ MVe are called on as tht- f i an d Tnerytfftors of the nation,vto tPDi-Int in ir.fnilfi. tor ialVomrn tit e t o . ge f e v kit n c e j lor is g ran t ed that as yeV we have 'norie. L fctlitie tJiat nc committee of th's nature ought to le cor.ft;ttit td wiihrnt prcvirufly afr ertliKitg fnclrihat ill warrant the ijrTegaiion of fmh gteat pow trt. No accufation-everi j before 0. But we are called upon to ajppoiht 1 comnutee'.to look r.iicp ; a cmri4irtrf0 be inyelled with power to Tcod foi ye Tons and papers fe a xomrr.it tt'e to er.uuire in Xiiiv-te. 1 will appoint fnent of fuch acirtir.tuee,'uact;l -faan that nJ j.irtiiy il,c erqony are flatfrl. The f5ts addwred by the ptniletpao from Penufyjvania,' if proved, coidd' rot -iidiire me t o. hchtYe t hat the j udge is repeat ri,-U!e. I u.jy fofpeft that his conduct was erroi ee.us,ard im- ;lIl!pfIi:Lao,Mt;co j.eaih a fintvVndge; fojr the of the c'ur'.- liciirvirir thc'efpre, thoj courfe rrptcedcnted, nnpHrliamtirary ard replete whh i proprieties ; belicyu.it povel believing tha aft ffair of fo" n-uchtontequetice we ought not to pioce3 with PIf5Pi-rl:'oW belieiriiig thai we aie entitled to Utmard one day t o fefl rd upon jtj. am pratid on this pecafioH torecoidviny vo'tew favouf t f . i. . ..i . . . ' ' . . . r pt upon crrj en i um ii-to morrow i and if Mt In fcdditiow to .thefc . rea'fon'sYof a popone ment," 1 am aHo in favour of it, bteaufe whene ver a fincefe e'efirw exit's to gain information, which can oiiy be done by-allcwing further time, I ihall always be in ftvor of it, when no L material injury can refolt from the iodxilnericeV Mr Mot't. I am in favor of the poltpone. mcnt, becaufe I wifh time far crnfideration, a .d becaufe I am affainit the Lrefolutioo itfelf f- w 1 1 e for a wet k I fhobld wivh t mjil pi ide and pleafuieottJ r.tt. - , ' : ' ;." ..' '.' Mr. tiOLijUiO moved atndjorircPt. motion to ac'journ eqbif aletiVtb a po'flponttf Cut for a day, he moTed the taking tb Vcas & Nays. ; TJhe .iejueAtob of tdJournmcnt-Vas icrardiofflr ' xctt'gation of his official condua. t I be-J taken by Yeas an d Nays and p&d'ia the Je--iiz alfo that u ltaa beoonp :oecjcflTary froql thj"J wtrTci XiiijIpNaTfiir - 1 - "1 cedents rt;did fo happen, jti! the cafetj ftDator frcm Xcb Btfjee, that the info'rmwipn on wiicli his impeachment was grougdeXeae " fiomlhe Exetutivev B,utfuppofc tlytt iofa,m; jafion had not been comn bcicated W jhc txecu" live Would that have prcckeif d all eequiiy t'uppofe toe, in' ihcafe oi Mr Pickering, that do inforjiiation had Wt n received frvm the exe curive, and that, a gentleman from New Har fhrre h..d rifen and laid, ' However paicful ih life, rdeem Jt my duty to flate-the conducl of 1 the-judgcof the dittrift.'in uhioTrefide, haa betu fiiih t J reftdern him unfit ttii.;,-A..i I Uation whith he holds, and 1 therefore move foi an ei quiry irito hl3cop(fua" would the H crtfe havs; tlenied tbeer.quiry I Will thiy rely altogether on the aorriy of th.ftiia kofe' icerfl"if is . t' b' ; vlliib; t1ie4judf ,' ind ; whofc p?ticnc mu be wcin out . "with his tnif, condoct btfoicjii A ill undo eke to tail lbs at; ttctiou of govcirientnt o it. Are.gectlenifa aware of hecitcatc ; fnastion hich ,thofe i fficeis ate placed ? Suppefcjnomation hi$ .ieen given to a wcmLer of tbc ttJalftafartee jfcf a JuTrge, by a peifco.-who ihotild-fajrt is oac plcafaht s to Aqrtgiriate7aTj(i0fl tch come forward iu i'befe cafes-undertake ah.invi. - dious tafk-hi4ftf itheteforc, 1 wifh my Lamnnct to; be mentioned, I hail fce ready, whea called upon by prope..tmtci:Ttyi'to givVrDy tcflimoiiyr 'I his is a hypothetical cafe, but one by n-mcaris imptobabla. , Wouldjt not bf a point of honor ; cot to expofe .he nan e of .the inormant. : Z u Bofc ay gentlrri enTthef 'charge is of a genetir nature -Whiltl I do net admit te foi cc of that remaik, futprfingft to beccrit5iV l deny that it is a general charge. . The tquiiy is general, ' bur is founded .on. a flsterottit mads by the flfl tlemzn frcm. l'enr.fy!vania. I made , "no other ftatementv-! ligve laid ihat I bc!teve4lhere ex- iifed oroUuds of rinpeschrntnt. "What they are, -1 fh all not Hat; here. They rruy be thofeexj hibiied by the gtrtleman from Pchfylvania-i' or thry tnaj be others. Will gentlemen sffert that the ilatt-oiet't of fads made by the -gentle, man from Pefixfyhracia will not, if true, wairatt aTf- iffipeich fnen f -iWhat does it amounrrd? A pei foil unler a ,-cfimin.al proftxtrtiotri-hayirig comiiiuiioiial right to the aid of ccuoftl i:i Jijs jjeft;ceb'a8, byjbe aibitrary and T'exjttcu eojidyct of the court, ben denied this right, Suth is the luttirc of the charge , Has it come , t this ? that ap unrig'ntcpu ju-ige may cotTderrin whe m be plcafr s to..Tan igncmfniet dcth withcut- a heajing in the teetb. of theon(liX lutiort , and laws -and , that fnch proceeding" X fbould find advocates here ? Shall we be. told - that judges have certain rights and yhstecr ; before us. It U cttuiu th-at j.i ige h isa tight I the coi;iituttoo or lawj ; may declareto the eon- to control crjuniei, ai o io ny w titn nis rnnu! is i nary we mmt eoftt'tie to traveLtn tno go csjt madetip't" -wtile it is a'fahia.4u:y to hear the allegations that flull.be tiade. think it is.-imprrper t'or-genoto fuch-a-eqoit y ihe circbisit ancea to demand, coquiryi .'he had; b' fore fpecific charges are lid before the'tloufcf j -irrsdc it. Without- circulating whifpeie of re wliertrtt" w'l be.proper for ihe hour tu confider wlieher thojfe charges are fufficieLt" to attain ao , impeachment ; then it Will be prfrper to 7rocetd, amt;rrrt tilt5 then. - Na hrrrges have: vet been lara betorc tne Iionleij we nave.pnly bffa told byl onc mt nibir. that ibt ja .fatisfied fu.fTicit nt giotindk rxifL Mr. J. RANDOtfH was frjrj-to be. chliged' fo trefpafs agaiu on the patience of the- Houfe, but the direct application made t him by the geo t le'mea fi frtn . Ten n flee srvd bortth Caroli n a impofed jtspon him the riecefilty of ftatirg' his reafona for proceeding in, what they wrre pleet ed to term, fo precipitate manner. . They k, w hy cot have laid the rcfulutien on the table by way of hotice to the Ho a fit I Becaufe, fir, (faid Mr. R ) I cannot iu a matter of ext reme delica cy makeeopToJonf of other gentlemen iter llardard f my' own atioas; - 1 fhou'ld have conceived' the character implicated in the refo 'utionv a having julFcaufe 'ot c'omplsint againft had I not been Teadv to ' decide io a m- me; ment en it. aad did I qot prrft ksimmediKte-de- cifionv I houtd have deemed H an eel fof cities' injulliee to have huag the enquiry over his bead rtceij Citt atid the irjured remain unredreired. :No Crt let .ti's.'th.row afsdefjpfe leading Uiiogs."7: and ci utiiicfl of prtcedrit and march with a firm . tlp to the ol jet't hvftjie un. ' . ' . Aa-to tje tnotuMtf poflp'(ii)inoettittMrt T fatd it -as.f.f,i.ttie pou'imcjnCfo' him, whetlitr it pit vailed or net. : to a ehige Af fpcCifiernal-fcrtfarjk-e he. thought it irrpcfbJe to.refufe aa erquiiy.-- ? "AVbaievcr mould be therefult he fliould left Tatitficd with having discharged 'hit fluty to tne Moni.-sri to Hie union, ueiiewog proactrTie Lad eivca, the petfon implicated that' -opportunity of vindicating hi chara&er,: which he himelf fhoaid k quire if he flood in the fame Tiofortuoate fituatiorj. , Adjourned. . '-."""-'.. Tu be continued b our oCxt, "'- " aim A Great EORifale, 900 acres of tend in Wtke crti-v y, lying 00 tiYe waters Buckhorn, Nesl8,,f ' sjnd Hlor'sretks, Mr. Burt who- hVer td-. 1 jaccnt to this traft will ftew.itto.any one wilh . IJng to purbafe-propcrty Wili he takbn ra' psrt :. pay. -ftlloa 00 the eail fide of .N'eofe, within two cr tht 5s ; mtlea -tjrRr gft'g Cro;R)3d. This tract ia eery fertile and adapted to th&euhurc of grain and cott oni-i an dyDpeA lard f uftl cie nt to w of k three or (our bnde poflcflioDjay be had im mcdiajely,;.:;,,-J; .:, ; M T.- 'P i :J'Y Prfn Hng: 46 f purch aJc ilspply to the niblciibef living winhin ' c miles cf the i icr trap. $IVIH. -. i ' f '; . . - rr T

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