..f J 1 ... 4 11 'if IP t. 1 ft-the arrival of the iVfr-LIancht lief at New V- York; London pap'erearr rp4$ed to the ' Tanwary. -Their cdnttota arf !aio&-ntirsljr. - ;,Th tolpj4tncbeft Cp)iB . : : t irvd. wUtiia he Hook in day fcooa -Imf. pool. ;A Captain Hall brlngsatxri. tBeb, Jan wary, wh h is 0) AJ9 barter han hlretfefare received:. - 'Wdfion had tiken yUce;tt that r:me Bonaparte wa at Bat is And tturfcett ' -'mainei withrtot joy materia! alteration., .- . Dyer, well known as a dijlinguKbed cbiet a . long the If ifh iofurjgenti, after cdn'cealioff birn - Ii' a long lime amoifg tlic rnountaitui, fufren 4cred hirfclf, iinconditionally loCipt. Jriifne, "TcF Wicklowcouuty. Trom the aftie exertion (.. general B.-rriifurd. anrj ibe bKc reward offered by government, it is fupofed that tie :uld not much longer bate efcaped his porfu i. ,Hi9 pi incipaMiectenant, named Burke, is faid to hac been alu apprtbended . An article under the head of Dvcr,. Decern ber 20. gives the fplLonriajJcfcnptioo' of. a' : :-Fe '-dfua ' -bat lukm tlidi pier.- She h lugger rigged, 68 feet long, iS Tcet 8 inches wide, and 4 Teei 8 inche d.-cp, ver,fl, ght.blt. her fibber n!y 4 inches f'Jire, p!ank one ioch and a q'ur'er (hickt.na one lUort brala.gtin abaft, a 32 pounder, another (it ii preiBrtiCd in the bow) a long 18 pourder, (H alfo hd a quantiiy of French muflc:! yvi hutnan ikull yvii found on boad, which ia faid tht-y all bovey intended to be ilxid on a pike, i a flaiidardjif death or vtctoy peAation isQtUinedvaloog ftar. .whole line of eoaft of anionmedlate atie'mft. being niadfby th enemy'.- Yet the frofty weather Uiai:bajuft.fetJn.iiuft,rwe-floo!diihfnk,jrti alt thr finrratTnYiB in the Dutch riwera. 'T 4- I : Our Dve( 'correfpohdent ftatca ,tbit the wind vellerday ,'waa.jraoderate, and pfredtlypfa IjorabiitiiJibeiveyo-tosr epecter tney wyaia laiuotuKinj, u vatj roearrap i it. atau. , - . . ParisFaoeu to The 2?tb ult.vliaTe been re- - . " 4-' 4 'Jt t is . r-. Sciilulunnei, the notfj Gcrtrnn captain of Binditti) waaextcutsd at Mcntz'lbc 3tit of November, Vith tveoty of ' is cd?eiitte. . Frequent conferences are tf ted ta have taken place at Prio, betwaeo theFiencb miniiler of .-oreigo '.affair'!, and thfAuftrian and.f Pf uffiin ambdffddon, itUijc' to a difference between Audiia and, Bava'ia. An Aoflrian army ot 66.000 mtnia mentioned to have matched lo.varda thr Birafian frontitr8.--Tiie prevail inj; rpleion on the continent was that if the exiftng niifiinder'tanding fiiotild read to an aVfial rupture between Auflru and Bavarix,- iYc former will be aided by Roflia abd the lit ter by .France, pob3hly a'.fo by Pruffit It was further uodrrilood that ilie obvious tnclir hution of his Prufiian maj -fly to adopt thielihe of conduft, has produced Tonne fnioiia remcn ftrancrs on" the part of. the errprror-Alesnrdr-"The folio iii; auicle rtlarive a continental profytcls it from one of our totidon papers . ccouits from Rotterdaan &re, that th' bead quartet! of the French f?neralrf A'nVnd "h;rd been renrnvrd frAm Liuenburg; to Rtz buig, p ey.ari.tory, to the arrivrtl of , gctirral" Mottier, with Maarmy frofn' Hanover a mea fore Which har given. rife to much fjlo03 fpe culation, and from which-1 feme -highly impor; tant fce-flervare anticipated .with iefprd to tht y fitiiatfon ef affairs in the, notth.' Tlie'pn jeft of France ac of f gigaoti. and dtlt'Uirtivc a defcript ion, thai unltfa fome boifnda are iinne c'iattfy prefcribed to her ambition, the general lafetyof Europe mud become eoJagered, and ' the tame fpedtatorspf. her.conpuct ,rc eterna1 monuments ef their own humiliation.- In Eu ropean Tuikiy fome fitfh, dillnrbancM arc fUr. el to have bicke'n out. Tlik cucumftanc j-jined :o the rapid movements of the French, in Lower Italy, are unilerftood io ev jaeS t rtfent the f tiitu stuntfdn of. the c.juftg' of Pete-fburg at Vienna, between which a Con ftarit carrefportdence has fx fore time been kept up. Other accountsjeceivelrom fjof. land on the fame cf ay ftate tharth? Bat bof torn ed boats of ths enemy; are now detmed wholly .unfit for the propofed feiviee, and rhai in the ' ex perimrnti; which' Jve lately beerf" Jm:- oi their efSccy. rarrtl erg of lives have beisn lo.l. The accounts relative to Spain continue" to be very conyadiftoiy. Some fay that the na Tal nl military preparations h ve b.cmr x ceediniijy active of J-'te,' while othtra . afll'i t, that f late as the 15th, nit. - no ho!tib ptepara. tions whatever had been malr in that country. On the contrary, no 7o"uSt " was entertained of the necrffa-v pacific arrangements' havut'tijr.en place, and the people were under no fppreh-n fion of beijjg obliged tojake a pirt in the war. : R jmor of lord Nelfon's death which have reach this cunti y afe nnfourided. H? 7 in the. Mediterrafiean blockading the French fleet in .T'vulori : aHdjwiVh- biie of hi? Ihips cnofta'atfy -Rationed 1ft ih baflNaplt I K? ifland if . E'bi was aiff bloclcaned by the Entliih. -X ; tr Acconnta from Balfia the capityl of Qorfica, - ftate thiit the French iioopi that had an ived tfl5rc. wcre muihi' g'towids thioattrof the - Ajaeio whf re 4irnlrrtftnr circnmflance that gave tifio a variety of con- 1 t - ' . - . . . . jcciurcoi. . eived-TKeycontain no nows. t ' BAtrd,aiGarette containiftrder of cotflv. cik prohibiting, for fix mcntha, fiohKthe Ht tufl. the exportation of- caval and ta . Bonaparte, it is fW-b imprfffed ifltQ thd lervice of Fra.nee, 4000;Genoefe' ftamcp', wha are now on ihcu way to Uunknk and ultend .We have jull fcen a tetter from an EtigHfh g-nlleman woo nas tateiy, maae eicape tiom F ntainbleau ai)d, temained bold ly at Purii, a fottnigtit, hj means of a natipoalblockade, &4 a ;pe rtrctAkiiowicdgc ot tne. language, trom whence he is now returning via Germanj--He faysV-'- from the .ihformatioi I wjs ablir to colleft at Paris, that city is in 3"reat fermtnt, on account of Bmaparte's meaffires t gratify his ambition. The copfcriniiarc refrae'rory.-. The old viterirts fpek aintt the expedition, and fjy.46atTlhey.em1d not embaik to be butcWred. Tltectinful is not liked t He ha tlioifand of eo.emif? and I (bir.k the oppoii, lion will fhortly (hew itfelf j murmurs and conv plaints multiply., and artertations ate very fre; 'qnentylt i the opinion, of the . wifer. part f thffeople Hill, thauhe expedition will aot lalte place. Nothing is ready, and all that 'a' uriny on tKeccafl ia only placed, theie to irni mutate the Enghfh. if 1 may u!e the exprtffirn.J . Thev are-rtill iuildin f tift boats at New Bnfe on tht Rhine, but viry (lowly. ; ' Paris. D&c .16. -The fXpedirion agiinft England, it ?5 fiid. wyi .be carried into ell'tcl irt the monlh of Jan iiary Tli firjf CiinTiTf ia fiill here, but put ol his quipage has al endy been ler.t.td the.eljallx ' Wirhin thelV fe days a cou ier has been difpatcbed for P-eteifburg with the atfwer to i .minitteti.il notcof great tmpirnnee. To a I appearancp: the cvaru,i;ioo of the north of Gei . j-many and iNjjilcs u i.Kt yet to tke p ace. , Several' ounnerici aie about to be eltablthcd in Pjrij . - " In.a late fi;ti').T of the council of Hate, tht lirit coofnl profelTed IcntiTients very favcrabl to the liberty of the , preTs. N?v fjaptrs and pamphlets are alone to remain fubieded to the neccflary ccafure, - Con st am ti'mop lb , 051. 30. , Late advices from Eijypt, inform of'the ar. ri7al at Cairo, of the F'ench Cinrriiffary Ocne- r ::m front HUsaiifGtoN, March- 0 '"'IMBffiPUIkirXTT . . ..... ' 1:1 J nil uilViii 'Ikli 1 - i- v 'Pn-Wedntlday a meffigc was communicatfa t( tGe.Hoyf f Rtpreferjtativej, (Uting 'that' th,Coirt -of Iiriptfuchments would be ready to lp!ocJkrUoh4mrfth -meot againlt jobri Pickering at 12 o'clock'that flaf .;-:.. ; . A motion wat made ahout that b5iir in the r:;r ? I smvi i iwuxi' OVJI Ml U M IV lily lilwll"W9 C --v v ' 'Jpefeoacd by the ftatement cf Mr. Njclrolfonr I tt)t.the,"rManagrer had intimiJatedMbeSe. tuiH j tuc 1 1'xiic ui ivcprciearauves were baged in committee of tfce whole, the M.ina geri could not attend the cbnrt (hat djy t li whefcopon the courtdj Qrned to the next day JiirXi&trfaj at iaoIJck, the coiirV wasTagain ie managet 3 repaiied to the Sc-, -r oate eBed( wlierll aprtbet. of the House for an adj(unient of Con. gress," with an amendmptv'exndirijjt, lpejJo4i5iidj,Qiiji 2th bttTheJIouse concurred in e' afticndmeht. ''' . .V',- ' .'a iinnyryr-- MONDAY, ARCH 26, 1804. ral of CoinmerciAt lilitions vas r'ece: v J"' r4 r rr' g wa in confq icnce of thiity of the enemy' v1gM. . ffun boats having tome out of CaLis. '1' Oil Hi jiiV Itt gun boats having come nut 01 UUu. Uur- ciuizeriJrnnjcdiitely failed, an I a heavy 6rin? wis heard yeflerdsy mornii))?; tell ten. It thei ? ceai"ed,. S(ja afterwards a m rrfe diftant'fiiing was beard. No Bartjettlart iiavejetbeen. Je X ceived, :bt We fnppofe that the firing proceed- eH front t'he attack uiade by our cfqizera odoo 7 their grvtt boats 10- their pfTi2e frsra Cilais to "jubgne. - It is tuiaiq that yciy CQuficlcrablr ed hy the GovcTfiar of tint -city. -vith par ii!uar. dift i'tclion ; a gmr. of hnn r vy s appiinted'io "attend him ; thv French cojours were hoiftedat his houfc ard twd pitCvS of caiiaon piace.l be fore hlS.doorv ' 'The fane advire fu'lv conSrn the nW3 'ci t!it Poite havingiaiered i'o neociuions with th'" Beys of figypt,' and the mod h.ppy cnfe qiienees were ezv'tec to refult from them. In the'm-an while hoftiluicg have been fufpeid ed, and the Porte is bufy in traofportiag trabp$ to Alexandria.. The Captain P.iCha is at Ydrxt -a P?rt of his fleet have been fent to dit twife the enrfjirsin the Archipelngo nnit alnnj the coaft of Morte . The Gave nor nf the lat ter prpvince, his bef requited 10 mke a re Prt t.Si!tbe Pirti, of ihe itate uf the fortttifeM of Modon a Grotone. ? I Our goveremeat has received ofljcial on.J cit . cu nftanttaldetaiiiii of the lte eyeoM, which have happened in, Aribja t thry conrm the, total dtfeat of Abdul Aae and hiajriry. ThVPa. cha of Grdda b"at his rebel in 26-. fnccelliVc battle, in which he l i many brave du era & fold'tr j hilt hn enrirtly Ifopped the progrefi of this rebel', vrh,n has loll the 'greatelt part of, his troops ; the balance. are di'p-rfed. The Scherirr of Nfccca has renirncd to that holy ci;'! ty, and is reinllafed jn bi former author?; Th.e Pacha of Damas ha 'b,f.e.n dpo!e44n tl" Mri EaV , one of the managers, opened the trial ; and afteia few preliminary remarks, pro credjed.trv fnpporV-the fad fct forth in the ar- t wiles 0 impeachmentbyartoiii deppfjtlprti in wftfrnr, anl witnefLscrtily exvnioed ; after Jnakf'ng fome pregrefi in the ttflJmonjf,' Mr. Nicliollon relieve.KMir.. Early xvSeXah'ut'3 o'clock Mr. NicholidU; informed the court that. the managers h;i clofe'dsihe tcilimony 00 half of the Houfc of Rreprtfentaiives ; where- upon the Cuuit adjjur&ed this day (Friday) at M2 o'clock. , '' f " '.The reader wiil rerJollccl tht on'Tiicfday Ithe court, afttr heariryr Mr. Harper in fupport of ihe petition of J. S.Picketi.ig, adj tuned. to the next day. We underltand previous to . the above df Cifion to proceed to the trial of the articltt of impeachment, a divtrlity of opinion fab- lilted 88: to the mode of procedure. The grneral opinion out of doors was, tht after agreeing to hear Mr. fj?Tper in fuppnit of ihc petitio i of Jacob S; Pit ktiing, the court Vouli rijlify, presedsid tti try-lbc artieies' of impeachment, m the hill inUaoce decide on the prayer of the petition, viz. whether tey NsroulJ poitpone the tfial on the oiovjnd of the alledged aafariiiy of judge Picker in-'. No dv cifii-)n,s.hDwevet, learu, .has I tui made o r the prayer of t ie petition. Ths )$y dec'fin .mere 1 intn wai that they would proceed to ibe-tiia' This dcciTion wai mnd.: by a cond Jetable majority, afcertained by Yeas and Najs. COURT OF IMPEACHMENTS. - John Picforrnq- found gniliij of high crimes ana mndt mcanors, ana removed ji om office. Monday, March 12, 1601. A jreeaMy to notice given tr the" House of KctmSentatives. on. Satnrcl.iv. t!ut the a . . . loavt ol I,npf.ic)iim.iits would this day, at VI o clock, procet-tl to pronounce judgment on thf articles of 'Impeachment, e xhibited uv them, against Totm Pitkerhi?, the Mas. IA?e rsfiLfiudt-iId-tlj TrrrefitialTeralilfa on the pi nuipie-. Contained i the maxima- of twov eviltljlta the tealFt-rarej wcitraxdjaia whir TdecTOn. , .It' a!fo add ei-'f The Ciiutoniano. i ' rea. We are autborisetI to state, fsavs t?U " iNaiionai intelligencer; tnat the Jrigatejolia Adams will sail from this place fcr the A- -merican squadron n the Mediterranean in the course of '4. or 4 weeks. The friends of the officers itif the Mediterranean may ava'd themselves of thisppominitiQ write or send any snvill packages. ' Caution to : American Traders. CdrvCrmnion of the horrible accounts received Nmifle niana lately evacuated by ti e French t reaps b40e way ol r. Jago d Cuba, dated iin. jwiniaiiuari og, III d -.l.CI IO a geflt C man in cnaneoton. " I he accountable Itac. reached us bv two American vesseiVktnSv the cruizers ami brought into this pot. give-Nthe tnost snocting intelligence oi whatsis goint rort au l'nnce. o i"- c3i i mere came a vounrr r 1 . -w ... - man nrcoinr, son to .JOHN UaRMER, a mfr chant, whose father had been drowned tieht idyttoWwTtKa great "n u mber of other ui habitants, The American captain. assures of having seen die In this manner 'more than CO, but he did not know them. It appears that all the colonists arc in prison, and that a niiinb'er are frequently taken out and ear ned to be drowneilriaving at their head a -'drum covered with crape ; they were thus led in procession to a fiat-bottomed boat lined with blacjc clothAmongThe vic tims who arenaiiK'd, are Messrs. 'Ango, Bawhimaut, Toutine, John Garnitr, Lafony Laforgtie and Bclisl?. ' . ''ne Pov''der magazine of the arsenal has been blown up ; three squaics of the'" city have been totally burnt, and th v.hole of the American street consumed," See. , Gcvcrnir. Ic'ftr received by -he U( mail fipm a diUinguilhcd character at 1 ibany. jJatea that fTom the, inforrr ati..:i o'utfined from the wefiwurKthere is no douuLlh'at Col. Burr will U'vethcl.'d governor. It menfiors li'krwlfa tk confe qoence nf having field ficrci; w-jih tne rehcli. v to , Not' 1 4. ; rie,foudene . The Ci'p'airr raeha h rectived prdtrs from the G r atuieig nor Jo return .e're . . a nd is Ho w with three fhios of th line in ihe II irtjntlli-M .Thfremainder nf his fleet remains off the M01 ea under, tht : Turkifh Vice A dmiraL ' The town of Ales anuria, in Eygpt, rcduc ed to the greatetl ft'.aits by the Heys, by whom; it is befieged. :.Accordi.,g o foue :'aec unts,' e d"fiiHfelf tr'hd "dfifeHcef-the dridl,jnid hai given up the towfltto-the Mamelukes. St. Pdirslkrg (-R'JLtsla ) Nov. 15. .. rTV corirjerlias Tfr."hi city, for Paris.; and ia irie nearer era letter trom the tmperor to the pi If ConfuU ' - At Enlf'nt has fef'f'ittlieine ' diat ion f our Court, hiii Iinpetial M.jefty pro-' pofes to th: Billigerenr Power to form a "Cn giefs to whom he offers his good ofH.crav " Our ." Svereign ha .opened direct & particular cor 1 letoondeoce wtih the Kin of SweJen'who is at pvfent it CarlTruhe ; : this, explains the fre. qiency of. th& couricraetwccn that city and' OC. rctcriourg. - . .- s .-; - And ota the' question- I Joh.i Pickcri.n, district J.tdg,: of Nw-II:tmpsiiire, guilty as charged jn the first articltt oi ImpL-ach-ment, exhibitetUagainbt him, by the House of Ueprtsi-ntvtives f " ' t It wai ."det'ermjned. in' the afHritiajiye Yeas 19 NTays 7, as fol.ows t Y E AS Messrs."" A nderson, Baldwin, B recke nrid ge, ' Cocke, ElTt ry Fi an k 1 ; ii , Jackson, Logun, Macklav, Nif hoUs, P.t ter, I. Smi'h, S. Smith, j. Saaith, (Ohio) J. Smith, f'N. Y.J Sumter, Vena!,le, Wcr thiB'gton, Wiight--19i . N ATS-iVtessrs. Adams,1 Hilihou.se,OK cott, Pickci ;rig, PI timer, Tracy. Wc'dsr. The sanie qrsiiuu was put, in tile same way, upon the three remaining articles, and detidd by alike result ' ------ O.i the qUestioii, Is tjae'Courr of opinion that John Pitktriiifie removed from the office of Judgr the District Court' of jthc di-.ttictlof- New-Hampshire ?. It wa determined in the affirmative- Yeas ZQ'f. NavMj; as loi lows : ,-"- IK ASrrrIsshs. Anderson. Ballwir, Breckcnridgtf, Cocke; EUtn " Franklmv Jackson, I.ogar; Mat klay, N icholav "Pot ter, I. Smith, S. Smith, J. Smith, of Ohio; J S m i t h, of New York, S linttr, Veriabiej Wilts Worthington, Wright 20. N A YS- Messrs. Adams, JIinhou,J Ulcott, Pickering,-P?07nerrracy--3.. u The coiirt 'thtn adjourned,4e die. thf We llward, are jhcmfelvfsjaiillf Ua fible of the roittntfs of their caufe' fjM T. i-jxajtor. The report of the death of Lord Ndfon, favs a New Y rk paper, which has been pub ii!h. '(Tin this citv, -4s n.t cortea. That dillin- gnilhed olhcer is If ill living, and at his poll in ihe-.M:dttrrr3riean. A French fq'Udron, confining of one fhip ef the line, three or fo;r frigates, with fereral tranfpoftJi. and about two thousand "troops, which wr re cruifing i? the EiiLliitlian , fiasr 'bare TaTIcdlino Xbe hands -of the' EnViiik. - from dux -Capet i.Captain '.Fow?er, an ived at New York, informs, that w!unJie left that " plice.Uraiiqtulity, in. a great meafure, hadeeu rettared. r Coffee was very low. translauo!. '..-' JPjfRti,t 15, Vend. 12 fear; - oc trimmer ot 'aix'crior relations to Mr.. ' Mving llony M uiiller . Pldntpotent iai j of the t ;.: " Uuite(J'Siate3. V . v : ' t ; Monei ay, March: 12, ; , , The Hcuscjvent hftq committee of the wholesMr, Varnuin in the chair :onithe ' following report ; ' . r. --The committee llEPQIiT : ' . v iaUiwcq-icncfl . coFiected by tiie m , in i rtue of the powers' Avith which they have. been inyested iv the House, and which is hereunto su1mined. they are of opinion, r . f v . ; y " 1. That Samuel Chase, esrj "Orrrof The associate justices of the supreme, court of the UnitedP$tat.es; be impeachtr of fiVgh criines arid- misdemeanors :t-rtr,::r ':"'' 2. : That Richard Pe ters, district judge of the district of Pennsrlvania, hath not so . L acted in his -judicial capacity an to require jiic!jcirv2!tjri(in ru tae-constitutronarpow--1 1 . Trs m'niMer cf marine and the coloniej itt arflounting to mil itnT the crain c( the fri; ga'e La'q ul. eipaloye j at Fit fii.igrn, .had re; -marked that ihe tlpcuments on bord the A 'tie rican vtlLl the Superior c?pt.- Silvefter Wil fon, were not driwn up in the-forma req i'rtJ by the-convent ion-of the 8 Vend. 9 b year, . coneiiided between Friftce and the U. "Stater, oblirves to me that feveral otlirrA;nriie?tn vef- -fels, 'hich have iattly entered the ports of the reptih'ic. hal .iiatpiper8ln-aiy--bgtf wder .U. Tl... .r. .. . '1 1 .e . t -'.'"' . The ptefentciicumitacKe arf. the ?naloiV xiffing bit weojfceAjrerfcap abd - .Erglilh -,rgues, riDducc the mioitlt r ef if trine to mih that the : vt ffels; ofythe-T'nitfd Tftes rray- b"e . AirniiJied uiih ore ffgufar dociirnettts in order, ... ttrajrevjRt teteyr-'failtitji 'fahnry.TT-'- . . . " ; Will you, fir, be pleafid" to corn'Trnicafe . thefe observation to yt ur povernriir-n? '.h jt .it may fke the, neatjT.rvHrrrafur'ii.. in itrtn- t'. t its v;ffe! mayjtipeiierce f q d.5i. "r, .'bv. their -jrjrival in the p nts vf Fr .;:', livcrg. rthat rroihing may.aher the. gooifj.artti.'uhith pe ai!s between. thi to r.a ;ons : Aerept,,vS:r, xbiT.zSf - c'i oy hlgti conli 'iet4U4rv V-T' if u "I . . . 'v"0-i 1 F V ' ' mm -----W,. -r- -v cue t-Upircu; b fates .... I-. - K -'i