:4i . .4: -v.. Vol.S.1 3: SIIIKOTON R A LIST. J :'Vf;YoiU did .eVjfe)4 at thlr LvmWc al, ' y ''I,tlirice pre .chtefriifii a kingly -fiwrf,V'V . K' i y VfVfctl'h did thric'iTelu wa tt is amhitui--'v ' , .- Amb'tiun'shoutd t.Riiu!e.bir:o)arui, ? v; Prefident of' tb-United 'Stares, 5 r phyf aod facKtcfo your, political morali vij thjioli can read any iiiveftigatipn pt ..joyr condudtwith perfed compofure Jie!yingrupon that innocenee s( heart, Vhicji an'cternal fmile of ' complacency prefages,' 1 no crutiny candraw a figh pnTthe orie,'vor difturb the (ecurityof . the - otheiv Give mc; leave v then, my Lord toJaddrefs you in thefpiritof; that Jitedora vnicn repuDiicanum ernpnan ' rally (falls her own, and of" thai -candor :itch:is"ihreroat ' v5 X havejbut this moment received the mforniation, ihat;you have refolved by 'acid-vitlr-the.' tumnimom rconfentT the. dtpprats in Coxigrefs, to be the Prefident. or America for four years r This fhamelefs inconfiflcncy which has "iforhiiy marked - your political life, ought to exclude fhe poflibility of fur. prile at any thinu; you do 1'eeing, as we .ail have, your fatyr f'ett in every mea fure.of ycur miiiiftry, no calculation of indecency oould be too extravagant. I confeis indeed, tny Lord that. I had indulged the fallacy, that all yourvan tori trict s Avere pla)"ed, and ihat you were preparing'to retire at a diilance to review 'h3.t Tcenp ofjJefolatioii you had caufqd, . with Yeno vat ed ' pleafure. It feiffts howpver, t liat the Appetite, of your ambition is hot yet 'fated. rije-w.oc-" dy aren' 6f federai execution notto bcclofed 38 yet, ior.you are to pld rne I IN TlIK PRKSTnFX'rv I caanot-feil to brirhem inro- vrewT hadcndcred ilre uciuic uuwever, i tenaer you my hy- -i' .1 . O' r or aaieu,- lufter nre to afk7 my Jbordj nave you any recollection of cer- thern, . andplaced .thej pufc firings' pfthe nation m theirhands-'Where-fbr: tliele; oppofire opfnfpns h!Are they to be- found in t he, JjohenV feeIinjsof virtuous recantation, or in'thofe oa vde and Cnifter apcif acy ? To acknow-". ledge; and retract 'our errors, an d-morc, efpecially political, requires, .marrnanimi ty. Magnanimity, my Lord, is a great nefs of J'oullt deals not, in low and fe crct flratagem- Lerrrrcat.youf Lordffiip (o thinkot Wafningtort-and Mazzei, of Callender and Adams, and then to de" duce the inference. . . . 'X o foi,v you through all thcwind-" jngs of your condud, to array before the public each opinion von hav n,, lifhed tv ith its prefent contrail, would bp iT.T an uiiucr.iaK.ing as unnecenary as it is in- :tno-ur was confnn;f 'V"',uy iiic wujiu was icen tne moll j puiar oetuiron was e of them already, and the thinkinrr ni. .ronye thoat;rr' I-al l i - - - " w rf I I 'ffrt'Vt- trio U . i r i ilui cu uiciu in inuetiaDie record I fhall feavc you then, to von r own arrangement of- the l'ubjec, and to that felf-operation of the mind, which fain letters which you wfcl'erom-ParisJjnxjcus were in the yp'ars 1 788 and 'S'ubon th fnh. jet of the Conditution ; 'anci 'that'a irjciwoijajarj leis torrunare than zca-loui.-publifhpar rial ext rafts from them in '92,-to Vindicate, your fpderal ifm, 1 fpall not ftoj hfre to enquire of your L,0'rdlhip, whether it was the oi ousatt of frienJmip which proved you v.Kat you never were, or av bethel you J na ve lmce. d 1 : cer n ed , t hat t o be a f ed ei al -lit is to te a tory WheHier you ever were a fedei alift & have abjured the ap pellation, -or whether you were -thtiv what now I think you, both a'rify)'' The extracts to which .1 allude are now before me, and give nie leave to lolkit ypur attention to the following y.uuiauon-.oneaKing or tne : uoiilu u ictOTr. fafces for fouf years more.! ' Whatever of hialevplencei eorijatried ; with ' byppcriiVi haraiftejfe zei letter ; - whatever of ambition, and, the lp weft pcrad?oT ; it, ; my l-oro, tou Id bribe and flatter- Callender j'- whateyf-r of dtpHciy pervades ".eacii fentence pt the inaugural efTay -y in fhorti- nry Lord, wbateve'ef 11 :thefe, coujp! penthe an rWer to New-Haten your prjeipht relc ' lurion 'gives :'a; rnagnitude, to" all you feem indeed to.havc refined upon your- - felf Nothing -can furpafs the flagtanee- or your pretent itnpontio.rji diu Tfjeini Iencih which itjs incHrTed--No-i ,..thing"f:ttah I fpal the deception of your jenti ment Sv but that credulity of the na- tion which could believe in' their fecu- rity.:V k y - When was Ik my. Lord h"gh Adnnral bthe;Na.vyt-that you firfi: aV;aiA.do'ned tri pclhiCAi article of belief, t.hat .there - fhoutd be ' rbiritivn in Tffire in cverv iiilai .AND OS V PAR riCTJ LA RLY IN rm C ASEDf 'Tiif(B) PRl-AlDKN J ?" Is it, that you havea memory a treache rous as ymjr heart, Avh iclv buries in ob lirion yonr ppin6ri.;(in former feafons, cr is It, that)Our h.eart aloneis treache rrus to. 'every vhonefb feritiitient which Tnightnben pwade , it ? Is it, iHat you lia:.I,ij;-tht:-Tarc"bbHqjty.-rf head, never to have conceived a truth on go- "yernment, or .is it, that you have had that rarer turpitude, of heart, never to have prs'ciifcd cue. - , ' ' ": "' J. Review you J - my. "Lord; f rom irTefe limes which ft.amped America a ' Na tion pi the ' Earth,' to. thefc'thlne own imTvTbfoerous 'arsl and "you preleht a L that Jcind oLprtitean,.f 7 d(ju f ?Lrcgtorm:nicnc- v cri) pi" is m- ni had conceived, until yoii'exernpli' l .cd': it Ygu fecln to have liad the fin- liular fatality of PmetimeS thinking jult. i 10 exnsiiitjayouxconayjcxue.-.'Cw :verfe Y'cieS Acting wifely to'inculcate an oppq- ;Vtt tion, yQU fay, the'ad (h) feature -whrch I dijlile and i';-?a?? -v.y7; is the abandort- Lrnc'ntin every influiice of thcr.ecellity bi-rpinoflice, AND MOS I PAR. 1 1CDLAR LY IN 'LI IK CASK OF" 1 HL PKES1DF.NT ?" Here, my lord, let. u pau'e tcgethar In tl.at day of danger and uncertainty- u ht n th peo ple of Ameiica were to'Jcd upon the. utnhtjt-mts fea if kbti'ty without an anchor without a rudder to their bark, you railed your voice or diflentfto the enlv 4Bea're whichttiHneeaidd- both their liberties and fafety I fay , my lordjVycu objected, to the conliitution, becjtufe there was . iio - pro viiinn4n the irilir ument eilabh'fliing nud'wn in the pre1 fidential oftice; It is not my o"?jecl,to" examine the propriety'of fuch a princi ple :It tiiight be however but common charity ' to . think," that your cijeclion flowed from the pureff principle of Hhe iove of countty 1 he chains of Ameri-" ca's political thraldcm had jult been rent afunder, aod in there-eligibility of the prcfident you fa w too much of pt.efi dential pdvyer, and" in ; that ppver,lhe ripening gerj" of dangct to her liberties or was it perad venture, that your op-1 poHtiori emanated from - a;. diner ent fource? . Did you not fprefec,. niy lord, thar rhc -vit rious ; general of our ar-, rnies Voidd become the prefident of pur counciJi ? 1 hat'that man who had bar ed his breaif. to every danger, who knew, not the fiumbffs of forgefu1nefs, nor. ! the fafcty of a nicsntain cave in the day of his country s peril, niult ftand pre eminent" H'rft; in battle, firll in his country's 1cve. ' Who could compare I with him in the times of. pence ? " Ieh treatTour lordfhip ' to examine well tne lecfetTceliiigs of:' yourbofom, attthaT time, lift ' the liDilter atnbi'ton pt your foul and fay," hat haper-ypif had from might cry, thefe thing? yoir havejdene but then.ericrealing years have brought ericie?-fjng wifdem with them, : and yOu have Iten the errors of your icritiertla'ys, r-l-am f:o ftrancpr tn "vmw tttlpvi ftsr-. ,q.uiyocation, nor to that impudence with which ,ryou can decei eT hey have proved the fuccetsful mflruments by which you have reached the prefidenxy,; and by which you are Tikelyta hold b,Ht.rny . lord, vlnt new fthftrv'will tou cow advance to deny vculrmi. mcnsin88? Vr hat new hardihood of lronr to glols the impofition ? In '83' you ctaruouf ed for rotation. In evm- prpgrefhve lttp: of fubfeqitepTadniini Urations, until, you my lord became the primum mobile of government, thecla- u- no chord jo$ no-. tt untourlTed to oufv I'was fa that the,. republic of America was fail verginc to a Monarchy-the conftitU- ponal fmtunr HE WANT OK 1 O- 1 A i ION tb the Preildency I 'Yu, who hacl ana lyfe4 the fublle ppiforf "who -had feen irsangers-preperty: injernbryoi and wnp had purfupd it with unabating -clamour fron0hat time to'the prelent Could Mhaye rjtbeved, r Ifayi:tbat7puy ray lord, would feixe upon that prind. pie-to rivet and effablifn .'your perfonal aggrandizement and; promotion l-fp , Let .it he, remembered, that I ave pro t into this .eritriry, the .opinions 0 your fon-in-law", but tor the pur pofe of evinc ing, that he your friend, your kinfman; your advocate in politics, clamouredYdfc !7i, aS you had denermeo torrfotatioa in the Prefidem:yrwe: all nave, neara the fame cry e-ecnped; fromthe pefli- f; lential lun; s of ;everyv democrat, until c vou. mv lord, became the Prefident ! It now is loft in the cannon's roar for Loui- fiana fubi lee - Under t he cover of UUS fort, you modefllyi prefent. yottirfelf a- gamior. prcluiential ppwe) ana in ail duty, docs ypur foi in-law pbfervc;obei- lance to you, and prays as IreTorcver iiw.'i'nrM'Tir xvhrh f.r,:' v - mv remarks lou fhall heaT trornrnea- out land all vellise of its fre-tiom. Sn ' Kansas lo-.nas I have leifurc, xipph'tbis you for the feami'e of R 0 1 Al ION,' and jealous5 ;:t the .. . . r . 1 waur or n, tnat you. aimed to infrodurf it in the Senate, and all the offices ofj government. So jealous v. ere your par ty for the .introduction .of this princi ple, thr.t I know if to have been, with many, the higlicft expeded blefiing f ronv youT.mmiflry. Nay, my lord, you can not have loot!e:i how prettily 'that fa VQitrite?7 childhof yours tnlaiged up on this piiiicip'e, when be folicited the fuffrages of Gik-diflri. Uasjr for gotten too the fentiin'erits he uttered ? My lord I hepe not. TK cream colour ed prhrfer to your Icrdlhip has inforined uHiat you were:fe'leced to be the Pre fident again bjf sri umuimout approba tion. "TTri "'- unanimous aDorobatiou ?" -' I TeaTrmax"ymrn3veritolcTrTo us A ount? . -1 .11 . n . v iirau- & ccucii, ana nave poured tne Ic J heal potion into the porches of Ins ear. That you, whp h,ive ftduced the nation jrobeligve in your fupei for vinpe, pi eat' nels and ilfumination, ihould find mr difjiciilryin carving what you plca(-np-on the feelings of your kindred, IsVafily fuppofeable 'I here are among us; all," ecrtam kindred prepofMions, vhich dance around .our her.rrs in fiich lantaf tib rnazeS a$ to impede thtfe-f -the' mind They can find Helen's berutv m a rrcw-'ot J.npt and ',rc the vu py. lion of . a role in t he putn fcer.cr of a car buricle'l he iccbleif g!inmcring .of a 4iejihjjs-v hccomesTijlihemr the briphtcft iuriiinary. bf Tcience, and but an cnLina ly ihlh'.nce of benevolence receives the hoihnvt of ' every virtue. I am told incited.' my lord, that fydur acquirements inthe" mind's eye oi your relations, 'to others pf this world, are in the ratio -of your dwelling tp.tlie .furropndihg country Open buryour eye, shd our-vifion is oMtrucled only by the Iwundlefs extent of the fcene Touch but a feience. and your ken compares .with f pace .Yon. ., . 1 1 . 1. . . are inuceu uie very mountain-ot a man, and the4 inhabitants rof. every .'village round you,- are but thcXilliputiahsYo' a Gulliver In fliorr, my lord, y; were made for yournxmptain, and our ww.. iain was made for ycu. T he owner, ! iamefMbiccL MyLord, your Lord tin p s, . aritltob't'andmofl humble ferv'f .if'.. iyld&JZ 8 AL U 1 A i IONS I'l , "(aj See the National Intetiigtncer of the th February, whichtlaysJtfco--'' iiias'jclfcrfon was AinanimouftylhpmN riated lor the npxt Prefidentv '; ' , ff j See cer tain letters of Miv J effcr-' fon, writtc n in 1 7S8 and '89 fromPari upon the (ubjca of the conflitution. 1 jicfe letters Aycre publiflied by a friend of Mr J. to prove himafcderaliflin i792: Extracts ol thefe lettets may be feen in ar pamphlet laid to: be writterb; VV' Smith, of S. C entitled X'hc"pfeien ftons- of..llerron, and,the charges a gairsfl Ada ms examined. Hi? 7 Smith himlert own in rus itupid ' in his paper - '.. ?ov:rr.menr ; but lmce that. time you ;li vt friokcn lofrer7 touches to the ..';v.; :o invkc thenr fd us'iprofits-T-flnce . t . fi'p'e u haveinhia'cdyfOreigners - IfccHtl-pjEjQur cabinet ppened ycui arriis of eihbrac towards '' '' '- . '- . -.. ..'4 -r,'- the . principle of r'5' . what feai from theJ; abanionrntnt1 1 pf i. .1 '.; ..-.-?.' ; . I will not however torture ycu with L l ' T. . -. . .. . I r detsonrn?nt-Yoti-iJubhlhed -oiiee4-wcltionslt is ummporjanr, 10 my pre- j mdredj'rav-Iiorvnii aid:-pnd vour fd) fent expbfition;-whether: m .the;firft m- Hotrs orvVirginia wievince'it1 forhe . fiance, vou; advocated the principle of i. ii.it and .rtowinajentences (o prove tPC l fir trom vinuous or uiinoncu miy j ri l i lit it i in 1 1 i i nwr aicnn in i ti i iili i am w ----- - - - r i hive ofthe cd inlL' that JefTerfon S lile ha been 'chequered. (d) See Notes on. ;yirg,ia--ijajftdi-" " ' tionY pages .oovp iiffiS0dT0ft eJ See t hFMeflageio; ; Congrprs in- . December. 1 8c t. .' 'y- T (') AlUrt Gallatin, a Genevefe, is rite Set?ret;uy of theTreafury the. lame Albeit ub'o was TecreraryatUraddock's o3d fields, to the meeting yhieH occaion eti the w.ftctn iriiurfeclimidnd on that account, no doubt; the dearer to Mr 1. (t) I he mrlcreant'I otrv Paine- ap pneu intte fpnneis io mii vv airjingroa ,. fee rtis letter to t'hdt'iHufL'Ious tnan'j 4' Mr. ,tlwiU n indecency. Tom is ,tfie appla oLIris " eje, the dulling bf his foult.thc inanfor whprp he prays mayvovj "live' long to continue" -your ulefut ia)to$f1l3 his very lclicriwa' one of Tii? ttir8 ."-i ' ; : OraciouQod 'h '" When wilftfepectpte r fee thefroUennef -of . this marnolh henrt? 'W'-. -, v. - i"''. ' :'--'' sv. (h) JIah, thou gentle, purling, mur- muring ftcrm, the hntnirt y xxdijlikeh the no feature '? M r. J effer fon k nows about aa '' much of the proprieties of fpeech as he. " doespf government He is amereinfi- . ' nuatjng fwmdler in both His ftyle js very gentle and captiyaiing-fbi iare hi$ 'A. rhatine'r; and fp indeed .are hi? political, doftrines but, v e always find either i natural or an artificial W wamnw about - - I aui content to know that 'you abandoned principles --which you'wrH profeued to love, and that you have a bahdoned tliem too', in your perfonal Dromotion of fortune, - and reterition of I pocr The " gentle voice of . charity fcuf years more "J feci then no excitmcnt pf furprize. ihat in yrur clatige, your fon-in-law fliouJd fol low your example- Will not.' my lordj the fatelhte re volveTarcund its pla net? WilFnot the parafitc purfue the Inljifify orthTs wfM fIlut in fdberTeri oufnefs Dvbu not believe that your kinfiiaft4tjsjheA' he prpclairaed thi. fetojbcfprlr:ecitedi fuppofedihm. grateful fo your heart, "and accordant to tne cnoicett jecungsot democracy r Or. o:4l:atel.tjheirit could he have fuppoled, that you, fo f ar from feeling a concorduig fentiment, vcre ready in tour individuaf oerfon. to damn his theories, to prPve him- ignoi rant in fiis fchpol of politics to. be the Prefident again ? ;You,- my, lord, you who harTtaught in Mm, the young idea hpwto t fhoot, had fhewn him the la bcratories of federal ra fchief, in the fe deral principle of fucce6 re.el6tioa but as'mournful fong at laft, and has iuft ' about as much fenfe cr fmccrityimcas ; th ttar of a hif 54 rpourher or Crocodiles ' ( i) Mr; FppesV who married; the ? daughter, and who is the nephewoF the pfendenf. 1 his gentleman when he off rtd to re prefent die Uttti ict iom hich ' Glr" had coaic,1 uatea three, lundamrntal- . g rou rw? .n jfvtfc bK t be wlftcd fo be efefled, one wsjihc fujeQ ion of th jiTfjiciiry to tic J lepifljiiwr Irancli of the Q"crorotpi -anothef I the iticratioti of tte lcgtflrqrr in iLi i i&tr, '. way, aJ forh..fjne time the h6"uf"of re ; 'prcfeput ea..' ibir 4 ' ww-tbat,: tio 'niri,j. J (heulrj 'he, re.eligible H tbe Prefiden"cyor trai,s:, fucceHtte? ieriaca; " ' ep: 'v - t - v..:;r- -. -v .. v '-. "Tlt gent1err)aa JioWef r',' wa one of'tt . -bundrrd ard ttk inembri of .CongicU. bd ti.1 " a ait i hoc Of nominitei Jeffcfon again.' dooit be w?I! have fonie hole .to ireA oot U " t See-Mr. Eipc&'HiftU to' lie otl of bit ' omricu .- - -.v - - .(-- ... . ... j . . -t : "- i t 1 . 1 - 1 -ft