: . . V"' 'y . ' - '?? L.. ' V :S.. Foreign Intelligences 'We have' this In ft anr received Utters' from Petetflurg4 m Vieni.ittuin) tbaihe Em, perjor of Ruffia, fiffati6fil 'with the rejection of the media'' iori-which W offered Bonapaite r-to-fotk the ilifffcreBCTr-with 'nglaaHr haf 01 dered all the "tbrpa iV.the Wtftjrn fr j hit Einpirer anabuntinif to .nearIy.;.5q,'coo men, Ytp advance. "Zln tTie"haibour of? the Black Sea . trmamen8 continue with' "unabated acity," The Ei t. ,, -' '.4. ,7Slr SSlracbtafVith a fquadron was crnlz log 6ff.Cadi;on tbf3i inftY ready to take Im- f 1 . . .' r . ....' . t m -': , meaiate auvamagc 01 rppimc.wun opaip.' ? - ;WQptiioe ti receive," sffurances that Hhc sm I Weutfality of Potttigaljs 091 tojbe djSttrbed, 3 1 ' .".'- ' Exlrad' of a letter .. "You may .depepd upon this important fact , that a war between" England and bpauHs now" inevitable.- OarwerhrncotTat' one.(. lime , en tertained an bptoion that the relations of amitf and-codd Fanh. between Brest Britain aod our t .nil j ' . - . . - ir a ' ' - imperoruxanuer. luuyetefnmjeae. ,dverM -cftiblifled ty the tteity of Amiens, mee tne toiegm r-r we; mld hwrbteo tosvntained. '! rurantec viobi and p'cfUiveisffutancef to ithal iffeft been given by -itainkoytMiwiTroj no ambai- Tiior with t!i Port. fThi! Irtttft alliance he ' Iweeo the Emperors rfvRSni and Gofasny is ; Tovr ulkcd F(and the" EmperfrCcFr jncis ha vfeut n noli-men of the moll A rftingtHlhcd haraAerito PettTuTjr to afiift in the negoda; iioos of Jthe oiTffy.yToe' French alarmed at -'thlf oin'jdft ionreinforce "their gmifons tn Upptf. Ital-jn wt;h accoont;;4mlar precsu- lions have been taken by. the Imperii Cabinet. T?r Jan uaiv j: . am . V . .. A ' 1 - " General fNOEes. tsretrnesi ta nnt. tie -left London a few davs iuro He had been ta . - 4. i priioocr ai 'oi.i ajuoi:, wncre mere wtre .' : -".only 400 men. He was ignorant of tbe de'claX 'iTanon of war, when the Enghflv Gen. Grin V field 7ernbaked..-?doCo trocps He fulrainvd . an iXiVon "Dotrr, repulfed. the'-Englifh hreeltnhf8,fltilled 4 great namfier of hero, -& articulaTly the fficrt whom they . had intended oak-AvtfAofh-iuftd f hty foon, how- ever, ;itcovirreg: that tneirrencn naa gaineu foch afcendaocy t otir courts, as to force our minifter9nd even the fcop'e", into ar participa tion f all the priiojeifis of'-Prcoth mkbiiioa. Yi I?5'hi Prince-o Peaceho'lsrt Velieve, favburabfe to- the ihieiefts of Bi'itanrying "lo(V his former power o'verW Spanifti Cabinet, - appears highly idignat t t hej fuccefsful in- "tngnes-tii the t rtnch tt.iniScr s out as be can notVnor dare rift, eofe 'lirmfelf. by BpyVJ dI reA attack on the new favourites, he bropda o. ver his dirappointmer.ts ia'fallen ulenCe. 'The rn cf ' eufgslleons from "New -Spun, with riihesfcarcely credible, the fruit of tcft years accumulation,' was 'the fignd for "thrmore aclivc; and openKprepatatioins in our ccparimcnu. 1 nc irmiurc uy'K a',T JandeJ, ad the 3psnirt ifunds completely pre, pafed, not only for dtfenfive but offjnfive ope. raiioha. Spain ha3 now legan to tquip adarm -J her fhipSNjf war, which can only be intended J again ft GteBritain. " The Bnti(hNMiniflf Mr. trere, ha re- Frfoch mSl'i fitllTiaegi jour fcounfry wfth roourning-tfery tmngtraces back ibeiiemfenv branct ofjlhf jrueliea of that butchering pep- pie uur-laws, our manners, our jowbs aiiniH vettt the'Frcrjtir imaec what dd I fav ! tbcte ktsICcocfiateti' o our'lflaftd, ".-and you tinr.k; vouifelves". free anxl mceEendcot of lhaf Ki . pnbllc, which," it is truevjias combated againlt aunalecs, bat ' which nas never., warquimru lhQfe.wfewopW.be free. - "'y,: '' v Ah !;wh?tiima -of credulity and induTg' ence-during vfourteerjais-Vatq'ii(hed not bf FicikIi arms burbhe deqtitfultloqnince v! the piOc'amationrf iUeiiz$iit When ft aU we get t i 1 ed of Brt b i ng tli i c (fas w ik them l What have we in common with a-ped pie who commit fuch irueltJCSiCompared t o ouf patient moderation, their, colour to qutfr, the extent of the feas wUich fepaiate' -u's. Our avenging clime sill ttlt'ut fufficiently 'ih'ey are not out brothersthat they nevir will become fo and that if thy fir.drtfoge amorg us,, they will flill be the plotters of troubles and diviibt. ' Indigenous Citizen Men, V omen, Girls & i "-' Striking pr)fthc7cks.'Waj;ifacci'i:Bj not asjbfor Jnt i to guangainst'fcv any r irftimatjon of charts ts tio such 6hoalsver Jaidiiiown iiLacyroJ5?'- vry tarr. ' fu precaoXion bv thrtt leads- ktt t herrffi'? " Was nadl,iipf;ih 'proaclncg"tfcc shcir to effect the capture at a Ti 'pxjlitan ctuiser : and after the ship 8rtjtl- the rucks all pes. jsible jrteasures Wer taknr. 10 gttner g;-th$.3irm- de t c rmirrat IcjbapO! gt e ht r upas' longas possHjiihcpclretinaintd, al though annoyed bygim boats, 'which tccl' their josUion :in teiich a7 rn3nm;r'triatg " could not bring cut gur.io bear on them', , not even after tutting away part of the stern. to effeciit. '):;-::'Y':--, p$ti;vay cfliccrs and If r.al nht a hc$ e J left of h bting possible to grt het eff ike . rock and having withstood the re Ofthe gun-bo"atiQrrouTjhour a reinforce- smalk'st thanceiof injuriij-UniTi jn resist- : anee, to save the' lives ol brvt -jiatnv lt;ft Chihl'en-aft your eyes around efcry pFit.uf ''no attcrnarlve,- but the diHiesiing cae 'of'' ,t Tbe E"gth General haj jrarrfed Gencfal V obunt?ify ifluranm cf the in- xOBur a carici 10 return id r ranre nut itif-i t'Enslictuizers icntl1mTo"Enr1a1)d"-He wVs ' ion time detained in th fmall own--He was aon!fhed beyond the pcwr-f-xpr'effion, at the grofs and batbarouj prijudices which had ' be'ninc,uleat,.ed into Ihe minds biefhe people againft the French. -The people whtn they. fpoke tof them, always, calle l the French dogs j and all ht abfurditiei, whfclHe' Journal con taioj areHfeadily believed by the public What -;'.; a difference between the. civil'zation of France, ,G;tmariy, and Italy, and he tiviliaatton "df the : people of .England r".v " -2 As to thtir public; fpwit, fear was at its higheft pitch t and the numUr of the'difcon tented at an imprevident gvrnmcnt, which has had no other refource than that -of armipg the whole of its population -was daily increaf ' Wtnjr.;'-'.:-;. 'l:' ." : r'r . , , , r .; u Peace was ardently di fired by all clifivsaf the; nation, evan by feveral of the Piinces. General JNojjuef di'nc4 at Briftol with the duke . f Cumberland, ; who was in the war in Ger maByagainft-the FrcpchThe Prince enrrr. famed : no;doubt ' but that ...tBc- French could, vlan'jiisr Enyla'fld" i:aad in the conrfe of cohve'r fation-expreil n hrtopihion to be in favour of fighting f m.J :'' . Peurjary began to be every where dU . n Even the' Navy felt the want of a preat rum ,. bar of. Articles. The land forces With the ex-' : ception of the Guards and troops of the li ne, 'Vere ""nothing ; bit ridieulons daiicature One ' third were armed with mafkets,3nd the olhet " two thirds with pikes. -Jihniteur; . 10KDON,-FStRUARY A.. i - i :- T' v ' -' A plan has been'ftrefented to the Firft Con ful, to chain together a number of flat beiiom- -d boats, rib-a a to make a ht tlfrc-f anhyn this iflntid Seek ycu tberfin your wivefr voi'jf I uilnnds, ycur brothers, yow Mos'? What i IY"!Setk jon thetein jour '"children, your fucking babts ?WharisT)f corg bTthem?" the prey f French vultures ! Inilead of thele endesring ot jc&9, he tyc, difmayed, Uholds their aff 1H.IS, l:ice tigers tnckJ.ng yet with bloodrwhofe pteft ncc teproaches your infetifi bilitf and-guilty (lwnefs in avenging them. " 1 Kemefiriber that you have done nothing if yen an not give nations a temole out ju;t ex ample of that veogfanc', which a pccple, ptoud f having recovered their liberty and jealous of mamr Billing ir, pugnt ro exercue iec U3 ter- Tiryafrthof e-wfrr-would date amm pt--tv-rs wiv, it from usL.et usb jriti with the FrtBch.' very advantageous fr.uatioD rhxhich the Bri tiih goverrimeDt by- erroreouiSf cot foolifh- policy, hs ptacrd Spain fince the commenve menr of- the prelent war. 1 he coruequerjee i acd you may rely On the truth of my aflertiei?, that the Spaoilh declarauon of wit r will in the1 couTfe'-of a very few days make its appearance. Vdelafhag arifen merely from this faft. that the-French and Spanifli governmeots before this puDHcattoa 01 ineir lennmentH, are anxicu a "fuiScient number ' of Spanifh men of wir mould be ready to dcort aad-coveMhe French louthern army dettined -tr Ireland. 1 re pre fent plan for the invafion cf Btiiain--aod w h'uh will be carried into effeft si foon as the Spaoilh government announce that its naval equipments areomplefecWis, F have good authoriiy f r affurthg you, as follows: There are to be three grand armies amounting, on the fiift tx pedition, to at leaft 170,000 men, via. That from Bayotjne, conis.ting of 20,000 ' ' ' French and 10,000 Spaniaids, de-t ned fof Iiplanrt, .ind to be onve)ed by a apanitlV fleet. Will amonnt to ' .-: " a',Ul O Tl.at fioui Hollsndv inc!udine tbe H e of coait frum ilie.Texel to Oittnd, tb be cjn . '- v veyed by Dir civ fleijj to . ' 5O,Q0C And flfaTjcftm-Fiarcs, including the line of Cat ironr Dunkirk to Rrtsr,- and to be conveyed by the' Biesi flirt, ij - ' 90.0C0 calm ptrmits.'join them together, fo as nrirly to extend this bridge from -Boulogne to Dovcy '. -'J-.'-' pi'- 'fr , ..f ":' v ; . The AuRrian minifter at Pan's, haa been pre Ccoted the Firft Conlul with a .gold fnufl box, enttched with' diamond?, valued at 'toco loui dbt J He is, favourite at the Thuil leties. t - . 4 V The preparations at Boulogne, and the con "' tigtioos ports have been completed for fore timei bot it is not from them we moll repent. " that tSe ferioua attack will be made it will - mafJe fror Fiudting and the Texel and Re$r Admiral Verhtul commanda' the force at Flufh -nsrrwhwh is the grand depot. ' ': - We undeiftand t'ght mitKpns Ts the amount of the loan thai will be wanted' ia the prtfeot CtUatioR.' ' "'""i;;,v"- ' ; fif Y' ; "Y The fecall of Mr. pvingflw, theAmericar Miniftcr at Pat if ,1 was occafioned by a p-tfnal ??Dfirmity-of that 'gcntlttaad,.' 'i He is, uufortu nately; verydeaf. .. ' "' "'' ' ; M .cgh.orn ia laidio haebee declared neutral There ore accounts from the Continent which V flate, that a body of 50.000 French have been "cTedYtrmaTrfrirrttrt tkficom-14p1e3re t.) 1, . : . , no.ooo - " In the two laft drv'fions, the -chuf depotf for fm all craft aie: at Bulonge and Ffufhing whence the greef embarkations are exptfled to take plaice andt fail. S.HYY" " This w33 the lalt plan agreed upon : tuf you knows as 'well as evety man of obfervation, tht Bonaparte will .alter or amend it as the immediate emergency may influence lu'm. This at the tame time, is -reckoning ttst the span. hifhTtrrctr aird French R-e t are able t. efcjpa the,. vigilatce and adlivity of the: Brtrjlh fqna. dons. Butbe this plan as it may. the holHle vletttmmatinn of .bpair is beyond -every -pcJli b ilit y 0 f ar doub t. ' - havipg our colours : down - andubinittjn . to the cntmy whom chauce had btlritnded IlLauthr-w- dtle-nfma ibeJflag of the-UnTtcd States was struckTlfowvTrparrrftdi be to our fellow, citizens to ht ar the news, . tlicy maybe assured that we feel inaiiatiot!Y al loss equal. ..with them. -Zea,l 6f set vljig our country m doingcur .duty hs plac'ttJus in that situation whit lj can tetter, be con ceived than-dtsci ibf cC andJrt5.h. whith we rely on oar countty "extricating us. The guh-bbars in attacking fired princi pally at our masts. Had they directed .their shoi 'm the huil, no doubt but thev would have killed manv. V' ; : r 'MONDAY, AfRL 'I, 1504. 11. fr- -iTr'. 'ir...A r rom yr A6MINU10N,, jwirimsi Yesterday the following mtssage frbtO I 1,- Pi--aiLjt uaa L'lvprpfl fn the (wo 1 Houses of Congress by -Mr. Harvie : . ' To theSenMrand Jlbue bf Representatives ' , bfthe Uuilcd States. t commqnicate to CongreMa letter re- ceived trom captain Cambridge, comm arid- er.uf the Philadelphia frigate, infornK?g us -of the wreck of that vessel on the coast ol Tripoli, arnUhat hitriselfj -liis officers, and men had fallen into the handsof the Tripo litans. This accident renders it xped)em to increase our force, and enlarge our ex- pences In the Merlit after sun-set, : and in the course rjf the even ing myself and all he officers with partof the crew, were brought on shcfcarncd uons. rrpm his palace tne otneers were conducted to the house which MrYkstlK cart lived in, where we lodged Jatfjt flight, and thistlay he 'Minister hasJieCOrre the guarantee, to4be Hash aw, for the officers, ahl W e havef fttven him ourparole of hopott Enlcsed you wiU' receive a list of the rifHccts an,d a fcw.of the eople to attend ihem, who aretfuat'terecl in the American consular house, and are to-be prtn nled lor by -such viiys andrntans-aI cab; est adopt,. vhith;will be on as econcmical a plan 33 possible, The remainder of 'the trtw will 4.3e supported by the regency. 5 ' Y VyV e have all lost eyeryv thing, but what was otjpuf backs, e: yen partoi that wastak- e n off ; the loss ol the ;p tjc e t s 1 s ve r y con- rJie last appropriation for the nval service cont'cmplatcc..xecotamn'a therefore to tje .consideration of Congress such an ad d'ttiorb to that appropriation aa they may: think tne exigency requires ond what j siderable,-; ThiTEFFEKSON. T.iptt, Nov. isr 180:3. der a pretext tfiM there w an intention'to" te iivttriti Englila force ..inuhat.'aiuajttr-.Zj -"'-wi?TOTtK, . MKC.Ti. 15,,.. By the arrival of the fall failing fiiip New York Packet, captain Webb, London papers to the 1 4th jf. February, " have been received at this office. The' following very impottant articles give reafon to" believe that the- long meditated invetkm of Britain haj ere now been atlenipttd. " ''," Poftfcript to the Britifii Neptune- " .. Y - - LOXVON, FARM'S 13. Important Informtion off the Subject f ' - ' . Invasion. ..';"' The public mny place the fttlleft reffance on the -authenticity of the fwHoing. ftatemeht,' wpich we have ju't reeo favoured with trom the msft uoqueflionable authority .-Two Swifs of ficETSf brothers) in the French fervice, arc juft arrived from France, IjaVing made their efcape from thence.- Thev have been examined be fore the Privy Council, avA made declaratioff'l -t. ';. - r. '-n l . . . . . . , ?i .t- -2lr. I mar tnc iiiTiuon win ,nr atirmpno in.inc ceuric tgr- -Tr ... , . -, . .ar Lfr tl)e,pretut weeici. wiua ana Ayeatnerpctmu , A letter fm Madrid, dated JfnUaij 3 . fiyi j.rff 5?fj a 'Prodmalierrissued btf.Dtt NhSjpanUh .peclaratidn of, Waf ; aaintt ' G miOCHerinChief of the ind'gcnpTi, AJt'jmiuvv vn irpuoam titer JJntain w.Iinnake its appliance In i"7ew ifay : Y and. Spaic; wjll furnifh jhips'and -troops .-.'to aid ; the French iii aniexpVdliion gaii'll Ireland' The Britifh Miniller has rcmonllrated agaioTV Vj: tir hoftile preparation hich are rnakirig.:'- ''x .j-v It appear tliat ir yiflVl called the Fjorata-; . . Icen by a Freiich privateer and carried into a Y SpiDi'fh port has becft condemned. ShY- was ' bound to : Malta, and had on board cjoathing y - for a,Ooo men,- and confiderable florrs , Y- .' .,' ;J - After a late Cabinet' Council l tatiTcneer ivai oiipaicnea to iiaana. armti at Sa. The-Firft Year of the lndrpen l -"' dence ot tbe feoo e ot-tiaTtu ' Citizens Countrymen,.', :-: ,".--4 YfVrhave alKmblei on thU folemn day the j orare military men, wn, on tne eve t collect ing the l'a(lbieath of liberty, have la vifhed their bhwd to fave it-Thofe. generals who have guided your efforts againft tyranny, have not yet dcae. enough. ;' for . jour happincfe Thf Sir, Misfortune tiCfsitates me to make a- communication the most distressing ol inv lite, and it .is. with the deepest regret that I inform vcu of the loss 'of the United States frigate Phna4efptjiaYtthJer my co ri- mand, bv being wrecked on rocks between town of Tripoli. Theircumstaoces relat ing tothis unfortunate event are : at 9-A 1. bekig about five leagues to'the eastward ol Tripoli, .saw a ship in shore of us standing before the wind toihe'westwardj wem? mediately gave chase. Se hoisted Tripo litarr colours, andontinued jirjuarse ve ry near the shore i aliofit 1 1 o'clock had approached the shore to seven fathoms wa ter ; commenced firing at her,- whivh, we continued by running before the wind until half rait-eleven ; bcinp then in seven la- thoms watindfindingour fire ineffecttt al to prevent hergefttng luto Tripoltave up thepu'rsuit. and" was beai ingTtJffl jwhen we ran on the rocks in' 12- fejet water for ward, and 17 feet abaft ; ijnuiediately low ered down a boat from tne stern, fo n..lid and foitrid the greatest depth of water astern, laid all sails abakJabs'Sdjop-gallantsailSj and set a. heavy press of sail canvass on the ship, blowing fresh, to back her off,- cast thrv-eanchors away .from the bows, started thtwatcr-ln the hold,- hove Overboard the uns, except some abaft to defend the ship against tne gun Doats? -w ft ten were-tnenawf-ing on us ; . found all this ineffectual, " then" mad e the last re sort of lightening her for ward by cutting away theTore-mast, Which' 4irtied.trlrumt mast whh-i f 'Jf fabTM' emsiprlzrifeTeri.inTaitf hfct our te was di,re fully fixed. 7 1 am fully sen' jjiUle of the loss that, has occurred to' our douhiryYarid fficpityz whidifJt Tuay fu-rther involve her in with this Regency ; and feel Jbeyond descripIbrr" for the heave unfortunate officers & men under fny com mand, vha.have done : every thing in their power worthy , of the .character and stations' they filled, j and I trust on investigation of ray bwn conduct that it will appear to iny govefnm'ent .and country consistent with the station in which I" had Uie honor or be ing placed y ; Y :,-Y' Y '; Y?-:v : vV:' tcjViJL pjrjbiided Jrf every tieeessary for a lofig "itattonv ,- M.'. Nisson, thieY13nrsh Consul, has been extremely attentivVjand kiudly offers evety sYt'icforassistancc I trust, sir, you will readily coriceive the anxiety of mine .,1 -roust suffer, JAiter the perusal of the enclosed certificates from the, officers on my conduct, should you be pleas-' ed to express, trtp opinion ot government, vou will much obU ge nre. Yr I hate the honor to be,. Sir, -. , ' : With ikey greatest respect, Tovr.mOit obedient zcrvtiriU ' r T ' W. EAHBRIDGE. P. SY.Hclwithstindirour parole are not permuted to lea ve the Hotfse gff : on to the top ol it, and they have, closed our view of the sea. Tlie atiovc lettetwajraccompanied bi certificate of tlTetfficrrs of the Philadelpltis, Clearing testiroonyto the good conduct of capt. Bainhridge Y and a list of 43 officers and 26 1 nVetf in captivity: Otv.jriotion of MrrNichelspnY Af tnesz sage was immediately ieferr.e3 10 the com YtAtce of ways and nieansi Y ! ' . vThq '"'Siiate of Rhode-Island ' has adopted the proposed alteration of the cq;nstitutio! ' of the. United States. Upon this the Re- .-pertory- remaiks, triat. when we recollect with What reluctance our little Sister tav iraced the federal constttution,.i t is not sur prising that she should "be the nvest eager to tear it to pcices. (ik S.. Gi?t:tt X festtectbhle mercantile trmtlfmnrt hashcT.J- r. ' : i r. .,- 1 e ". . cd is the fallowing extract cf a "'f'r - 'ttihieh 'JteJearreceived -ffaiti Jiiii frferJoi - Aibitfy, Y, ' ' . Y' ur tlcct3oTr'for'gveroou.r.'i9- fast ap pTOTcWngjFhc change of putlick cplnjcn ;n favour of Aaron Burr is bevondsnvthiiis you- ilit jcbhceivev tHe illqucsricnJl be ciected gpvernout by a' great luyC111;1 Ontario and Oneida counties, it is stspPP5 sedwill give Ivm riearlV' an, uuanirnou iTheJiewiftazette of the 111 ' says -4-We learnt byvthe'schoone'C'-.fiat;.. from A iix Cayt, that Dessalim-s hadsrv nywl there from the Capt- -and thattrau quijity7 was restcirecl. YJ missaec M'., taken place sint the sailing of the Ann ; and there was a reasonable 'prospect frcm the interference of I3en. D ess alines, PV f restoration oif 'ldrdcr and - goocf