, reclamations were ai8uipuica -: i ' , , . ' ---- - - thatthe whites snovuo re prqxecieiun weir i;i-es and property, iv, ..a- -; .The' Ship Prgbu,-:Ca?CCiUEti.rriv? d at Philadelphia, from London, in 27 !avs brings YLbndon elates to-'the 18th of . February.-'. captain vonet imorras,, tnai - before he sailed,; a rumour Was iriVircuU tioa of the death of the Kingkithe'could not learn from when ce it orrgmatedT No thing ' new (if we except the-above) had f ?transpif ed since; out last atcounts. ; Bona--parte wis still expected. T '-. Thttotiowtntr aBdr4$ has beeiTpresentei to the governor of New-Orleans in behalf of v, the J ree. people, of colour oj AiewUrleans, byvihqm ilj&as signed--: , To his Excellency, William C. C.CUi- ; oovernor oetrcrai anu in- tendant of Louisiana. - - J 'T.& W4Ki fufiTibf rs. free citizens of Louifiana. b?g leave "to approach your j Excellency with 'J- -'."feflitiieotrof refpecland efteefrVi and fincere attachment to ahe goeinaient of the United t--?TfrWe rc nat iVev of i hU province, and. ourdeai.. , ' th 'in terefts arenne&edTwitlv its welfare. rWc therefore feefa lively joy that the foveteigo tftf the country is. at length united with tharl (Jble that our pcilonal andolitical freedotn is hareby iffoied to ua forever, attdare alfo irn pre (Ted with the fulled confidence fi the juliice ind liberality of ihe.goVeriifi'ent towards every '!?iibf 'citizens which ,,they .haveherc taken .".uuiefthtir. profeclioii'. b ' i i .t . .) r . . .1 KWe were epioyca rnne minMry icrvicc oi -y- tlie latecovt'rnor. and we hope we may be per- -itw-txr&y- hcver been diftiiigiiifhedby a ready attention to'the diiiies required of us. Should we be in like manner honored by the American govern Wot, .to which every principle of inttrtlt as - vfc.llas affeftion attaches irrrpetfliit us to sffure your excellency that We fhall ferve with fitdelity an3 Zeal. We thvrefore refpefui'y olFci odi fsrvice to the povernmcni. as a corps f-vo!inv tpiii, agreeahiy-to-any arrangement which may be thought expedient. "T-rfipgiyoqy' -rxcelltney; lo-aeeept cpngratulatiori? on the happy event which has .: placed you at the head oLthis govern meftt, and , pronsifcf fo much real .profperity ' tp the coun' try.'' ' -, " Tli vil'tch bit Excellency immediately made a ycrtal r- ReJponfe, to the Jolltvfmg effect. jMt tnarikecl "then far their tefpetful addrefs, and obferved that their right Would be pro. recied. 'and that thttr polldence to the govern, mentiof the United 'States .vrould Jncreafe as they became' acauainted with its principles, and the wifdona antHriflfogl'wUfrWBklir niinitlertd. X; . '": VVith refpeft to the tender ofjtheir mMiliry, fervices, the governor rem'arjkjidthat he flieuld not direcl a general re organization of the? mi litia until he had receivedinflEruclFons upon the ful je& from the prtfident of the United States In the mean time the free. pcopU of colour - would coifitleMnemfelves attached to the fame Corp3 in which the former gavernment had plac dAherp He concluded byefl'uripg theoi of his JefiJeflCe in their' military zel, and the ceritvsf their . oroftfSons of attachment to the United States. ' - v?;"'. '. v . From , the. Balance. . : - a good thing: : Io the "Jifpiitfl and" contentions bejt ween the tetrorlls and moderates (the Lewilitcs and Butr- Tittia pi ecidbs confeffion, oowjand then . teus filU--bS hew hoL5;n.y?"'$1y 'hCj-rieooV 6fxthe people have, managed tne aruir or trie ftzte fa. few years pafl The foNoinij fact - mAy be riikd ow. The whole pamphlet of Arif 'fcalyernimet a tnore impoTtant one --A gennine jrepirblican arfil a real tr publican (hoih holding oifictathe' (late) having a high difputc inAlbalhl'wthetday, the Burrite, With'Mit ceremony,-daTnn'd tbe whole Clinton : . faflion fof a pack of ariftocrats ; ind was pro. 1 rercjir) with great; violence,- whtn the other ' interVtipted hitn with, " Pray, fir, -how "do yo obtain your livirrgf To whom are yntiladebted for your bread ? Who gave you the office whjch : fupports you ?" The Burrite wasihunderftruck, ' and the, Clintonian, elated wiih hisl viclory, ''conit.itoedr-' AfSbrofe Spencer and jDe Witt Clinton had better men than youiteif turned out of ofTioe tf make room fo'r you and nowf ynVH'ngratefur ,V1ftid-thcy fo ?" intenupffed the - B urrite, r ii fiiig1 hii head and his yojcr'; . Then alti have to fay , iV; thait was adamu'd ; ui'tally piocecding." . ' "'jV '' ' Ambrr-fe Spencer, in a !ateconverfationjwttis another judKe of thX Svpieme Court, -r; is iiomewhar noted lor Jthejk ;'as complainifhitteriy of Lavmhce'n dtceiv e bv a oerlon fWrjo-had pronufei to up port K'orcran Lewis for Go vertior. Bod who, on the cirtrary baJ turned oritto'be a raf.kTBUrrite": "vlndeedj Mr. SprJcer,V replied therhjdgt," "vou plcc too much rehance on every prb rnife that iw receieyoo think that every inah"me what he, fay?-ia faftMr. Spencer7 younrc TOO HOailT mr uuiuumu. D ED, .K WAKE COUNTT COURT, "X."l-W February Sessions. J 804. H c otScYwcU'7raa0fC1iuarr Tip H IS betbg an Original Attachmtnt, and , "JL Uici iri the hands of' William Boyfan' 'EfqV who being fuoithoned a Gafoifliee, -de-clarei' .lie warihdebted tOxhe pefendant lby Bond, but has underftood the fum has been af figned to a. Mr. James Williamfoni f lrfon Coontyri If the fail be fo, M r. Wuh'amlop -i notified to come forward at next Wake Court, acd contcft conjemnation," or.elfe;forrv herejftcr bold Jut peaces; Toe tborcuri bftd Imbarted Her ft. I k ': '. --, ''''" ,; ' '':'.:?- , V- '. iVf , .. Jtaliifhr March 2 7,' 1 804J Great Bargain of Real Eftate. jF For Sale in Cumberland County, 1 JEW Saw and Grift Mill, 1200 Acres XJL cf LAND, of which 30 or 40 Acres it excellent Mcadowt under good Fnce and ditched," which can Be ovcrflsred at Pleafurc. There is a'fo te Acre of faid Laod cleated a,nd under Fence ccaihe-MUT,befethrre i c good D welIiBjHcufe,nd Out Hou Tee, Gar den, a Urge Barn, Stable and Cow Honfes. A ny Pcrfon inclining to purchafe; may hive a Stock, of Cattle and HogaPUntioQ. and Mill Tools Oxen - W-aggoo Cart-J 200Acres adjoining or neat the ahove, ore Mile from Fayetteville, and near Blount; Creek. " .' t ' 150 Acres c f Land near Taply Johnflon's, 20rMUts, above Fayetteville, near CarjcFtar Kivcr. i - IN FAYETTEVILLE. . 20 Acres of Land on Mumford Street, be-' ing an Entry by Daniel Ray, alfo 6 14 Acres lately Jofhua Hadley's. 2 Achs, a Lot on ttie North bideot Mum. From Engvamd last V all, :.( '.,.. . Stand the ei'fuing Stajon at tny Stable in Orange I7euhlyjix rnUet niflb of nuljusnUga'JZ -fordtteet?nsar- lohwJiU A Store. Warelioufes and "Lotr on liow Street, at 'prrfeotcjj pied by, the Subfcriber. riiere is a well finiihed rtouie with torn Ivioois Ujiftirs, a large Cellar ur.gcr ihc Store, and two Warchoufcs. . A:Dvvelli"ng Honfr, large WaVnriifr, Sta. .ble, Kithb,,S(nvke Huafyi, GardcnJfeq. with' fvery cantenience' ror a lare r ami!y, orhc Corner f Giliefpie anrj .JCuIlcl htnetS, 110, Feet on the former and 3CO on rhe latter. ..Al' f. a very large and cf m nodious two Story Duelling Houfe on faid Lot, now about half tii.iflud. A Wsrehoufe and Lot in Camphletdn, on the Sqnar near.Mr. Davis's Dwelling Houfc. A Duelling Hotiff,, Halter's .Shop 011 Bow Street on Uvfeci Ground, a' prtlent cccu pied by "Meffrs. .G.ff oil h a od M uMiollar.d. A large X jvo htory Motile, otone-ttrrrr atnj Lot, on B.nv Street, a good Siore and Stand for BaOmfs, near Mr. B ktr's Tavern, occopi ed prefent by J anJ S. Williams, Merchants. Cotton Madutfe, Unit Mill and Lot, near lie Lo ?gc, a com pleat, Dw'ejlmg H,afc pgat laid Milt, occupied by P. MArtliurj this wi:l ije fold on the ill Day of May, at public Silt, at-the Court Houfe, f r ready Money, f not before difpufed cf at private 6aie.. : :.....'.-., .., In Neiv-ILmover Ccvwj?. . PC Plantation flf ''H&rifon's Crtck, f6 milrs from-Wilmirrgton, navigable for Craft ii' Jiiy 5ize, to fdid Place, where the I toe ebbs an.1 fl rws about two Ftet. . 640 Acres of gol land, 260 of 'which is. excellent rice ground, a firull part of which is cleared and under ftr.ee, over Mireiwtt tea 'dollars -the Leap, to Ji . be id when mc Mare iscoverrd twen-. ty. dollars ib oaff)u, and forty dollar to in fure a Marc to Ijewiih Foal, (to be returned if fucb fhouid not be thexafej and the Mare re mains the property of the peifoo wjhp'put her ta the Hrle, which way bdilcharged, aify', time before the 35th of pc'cember iieitt, By the payrftent of thirty two dollars for, Inlurintf, and -fixtetn dollars the Seafon, withhilfa dollar, for the Groom iif every iuflarsce. Gd paflurae,; & Servants boardpratis. Maits fed wiiliJrain at 'twelve and a half ceritsper dsyrThe fc'fon. will comroence the firlt of March, and end the irft vfAugHrL :-,A ny; pjerfori lJjo puts by, the;; ,L:a may nun into the feafan sgaui byymg ten dollars rowt 'l ire greatell care will be taken to prevent accidents and efcapts of any ki;.ui, tut no lidbiliiy for either. -. , CLOWN .vat.:ot by Bourdeiux, btotficr to Floiiztl, his dam by EcliL-fe, her dam Cry!u, by Car-elcfr. Keguliw, GMphin Arabian ; grear grand dam, Snappiria by" Sn". p, Mrrsfon of rartner, ou: 01 Uriv;racam by Chrckia - Clown's dam was alfo the darn of Srrtart Joan, Grape, Fire, Mother Black Cap, &c. Hour deaux wj got by HeTdjlaffly-ygTmtre 43olfwtvawasyTWa4 Ebony by Childcrs, old Ebony by Bafto. DESCRIPTION. Clown (lanJs 15 hands 3 inches hih, is a "rich bay, with black lepe,' full of bue, per. fectly found, tj-ia remarkable good action, and was bred by T. Douglafs, Efq: ; , . PERFORMANCES Clown heat the Duke of Bedford's Cradnclt for 2 od -guineas ; he beat Mr. Poii'a Swalio for 300 guineas ; the fame Week won a fwcirp. rtak of 30 tjuirtva each, tlevcn fubfcribrs, boat ii'iT Skylark or SpYjy, Grey, Diomed, Wheat .Sheaf, Mulberry, G a yip a til i and Hidalgo 1 the flme.day he received, forfeit from : Mr. Fox's Swift for 20O guineas; the Tpiinmeciing fol- ' lowicrg he received farfcit trom Mr. Jrox s iwift, Beacoii courfe, for 300 ptiineai s: trTclay follow ing he beat IVlr ' Bullockfs Pterender,Nalt)wirig hit 3 1 lb. for ido guineiia ; the day follctwiog he was ft:cond.-ti) the Duke.of Bedford's,. Cia dock t ;r the picKy club plate. beating air 1 no- POSTSCRIPT. lOUSEdC REPRESENTATIVES, Wednesday ;-MarcH 21. J " Mr. Nichrtlfon, froo the committee of Ways and, Means, prefepted t bill M'ibt to pietea tlie feamen and t;o'rrjpefce of the United Staua agaiofl the Barbary pwert. '..,:..". "r " The bi'l provides that an additional duty of two and a half per centum be laid upon all im. ported goods at prefent charged with duty ad valorem, and au additional duty of ten pee cent, on" all ftich duties payable on goods ioi ported mforeign velTels The proceeds ofthefe duties aie to conftit nte a fund, 10 be .called the Mediterranean fund. - The duties to ceafe with-iri- three modtls'after a : peace witt Tripoli irjf cfe the United States are not eopgtdinVwar with fome other of the Barbary . powcra,- ia which cafe they are to ceafe within three months . . after.a..-pcie' ivhhvTu'ch.' pwerii'j'VThe;' 'Prefix cjent is authorifeJ p be cauftd to be' purcbafed or built, z vifTell o war to carry i 6 guns each, - "and armany giin boati as be may thinkproperj ' . tine million of dollars, addrtwnat to the tuna heretofore approbriated, is'plsced under the di- ' reflionSif the Pitfident for the naval fervice, " JwhkU futrijkia :'aulh:Qiife.djio boijo at'a rate 't of intercll not exceeding fia per cent. ; . . , . Foreign News.-There is a report in town, this morning, fays the NtwYprk Speflaror, that his JBrhaftnic Mujelly is dead that the Piinceof : ' Wales is very ill tht Mr Pitt is,Prime Mtnif- i ter. and that Mr. Fox is Secretary of Forciga V AfFairs. This report appears to be materially . , incorrect. yj, ixinaon paper 01 tnc 10m o 1 received at the Office of the Philadelphia Tiue American, mentions the fieknefs of the King, Ic -hut Aates-that-they are- '. fiofTrfcrtv -t-r ma DirecOT," Miiitig and Ruby ; in the fame ytar he York.. walked over for the Lad it ft plate, at d-wid ray; chahoem Ihe admtnlflriticw. f T A. 1 eachersWanted. - TT'HE Inhabitants of Raleigh, in North- ' A Carolina, having" lately erected a Iipufe for an Academy in one of the. Squares of the-. City, given to them by the LJiflaturc for- the Purpofe, are defirous of engaging a fit ' Per fon to fuperintend the Inflttutiott. ,If they' could7 meet with a "Clergy"rrtanof liberal Education and Principles, Whowould take; Cliarge ofthe Academy and give the Citizetlia weiky Dif con:fe, fuch an one would be prefitrred, arid' for lucir a ,riarcicr, u is ' uciicycuf a uauuromc Salaiy would be provided. . Raleigh bcthg the Scat of theState Govern ment, and efteemed a heahhytiiati9flr--would doubtlefs prove an agreeable ivefidetice for PetforTof the above Defiptron. ' .r ' An AflTftant ' Teacher to initiate youorr Scliolan in Reading; Writing and Accounts, is alfo wanted. - ,' ;.. .. " ' Application to - be made, by Letter ( poll a?J) to 1 'J GlWr-alMgSeetaryohe- Bor.(l of TA!ces. . , " The Cr let. rated Horse, CXEUR dc LIQN, STANDS within two arid a half miles of Louifburg, and 32 of Raleigh. The Spring Seafqn will -ri'd the lull o,f June, and the Fail Seafon the lall o'fOpHer. Mares put the Spiing Seafon aiifndt proving wiih Foal, fliall ... 1 r ' ' i . c .. r - .r and little inreTTOT to any itr the counuy tor itfr-rr--r-.vV . . . . -f -h v s.arrtn: UM.;, . iiiity ; there is a dwelling Haufe fome out .Mf--.--jj, bc.20arSf pj,yable the fiillof HofeS, a good Mill feat and much Saw Mill Uf fV l8c . ,g ,r,- ftal, di.cbarge the Timathifldabirarige for. Cattle & fls jj hf t. aod-l6 jyjU, ,he Fall Seafon, isexcellenvlbeUjlaace to the fou.d 01 .ea . ;f . . , , vatci. lS. i wi, fh re is about S. mTIes. C' ;, " : i. f.o- riCL Ca a n.-lV Xs VfVTioro r ago Acres of prime Land 8 miles from hc above & ti miles from Wilmington, pear lop fail inlet on the fount), comm only c died p.irter'a Neck; two fmall freMiare clear ed on faid Land sod under tolerable" fence, fome fmall Houfts theu-oii, This Land U of the very M quality far CwttWor Corn, the greater part beiiig good Hamock Ld and capable of yroduci.iii-any kind .of Grain. vTiie range Tor Ca'ule fH.gcjTS is very ood, plenty" -of excellent F(lhand,Q)f tera at the door, hJhlthyAand proStable jumrner retreat ; pleafant lilvery refped quite opn to the Sea. ' , - . C. In Bladen County, " -T? 1280 Acre of Xnd on Colly's Svcantp, WUa frm Afhrnn Rnrn. and about rtiree iniies frora Cape Fear river. This is well ti.b with Pine jvLigf't wood and 1 urpenXnc trees iu abundance, fame ot it is hi toiciiUivaiiou. twelve and a half Dollars the" Leap, paid at the time he Mare isCovtred ; and fhould the Mare prove not with Foal, (he (hall have the whole Seafopg for five and a half Dollars more. x . Per foil g wifliingthvir Mares fed with Corrr, : fhall haVe it at two aud a half DolljffV' c a f h the barrel. - My treatment fhall be the fame as la II ycaf for . wlilch I appeal to thofe gruiUmifa. who favored me with their cuffom7 """ 7 Gentlemen who put Mares by the Leap, and: get no OtAi, .fliall ha a Seafon for fo Dalhirs, and thofe wlio put by the Seafon' and fail 'fliall have, two ScafonJ for the price of one. .Every care fliall be tikin, but 1 will not be liable for accidents. tn,. , v - VT r ELISHJPWJLLIAMS, Franklin, Feb. 27, 1 8045 fc DXSCRIPTJON. A Got Cay, a flar i hi forehead, wiilblfck - -72000 Acres of near the.. Vri ea branch of Cape Fear river a L-w miles above Rockfifh and;of both fiderof thead leading from Wihnfngton to Duplin, Cowft llo&fe, this Land jtfel timbered and god. for Tar and rurpeiTlioe, aod fom of it to!ei j'jIs tor cuiliv--. 'bWeTTOtfaymcn the -puVchafer, Apply t Mr. Lifl Jones in Wilmington-, cr to mei Fayetieville. - j'will alfefcll by whokfale tir jEtail, a large k., general alTrtment of Goods, at mj flore hereon very moderate terms,- for Cafh or Couutry Pro-r duce? .. ;'--.'" .. ... , ' - .. ., tli vstlpenons inicuixuw uc -m u!,u..."i., ?P On the 15th" ult.' at Lincolnton, Wallace Alexander, Esquire Attorney atLawv , will Dleafe come forward before the t ft of Janu ary next and mike pay ttejtfothrwjfeTuitS iill be commenced. " '' . .-, , - D AVID ANDERSON. ' y Fayeilixdlel th March, 1804. '.. Superior ancl Cbtinty Court Blacks, for PEDIGRE Cceuf de L'oq was ot by Hij;hflyeT, his I the famous Dido by Ecfipfe. Dido fold at the Duke'of CymberLnd's fale, for'8co guineas, and Ccertr de Lion afoal.by her fide, fold for 400 guineas is ceitihcatcs 'in my poTuflion wV.r-fhew. - 1 UNIVERSITY, r .. IN purfuarice of the dircT.ion of the Board of Truflees of the Univerfity ef North-Cafolina,- I hereby notify all xhsfe te whom 1 ickets hi Lou terie No.t. and No.;2.. of the faid Univerfity wercentrufted for faleand who. have not account-. T&3oTthfimt, nor made payment of the fvima' received for the fale'thereof, that unlefs the j rnake immediate payment to me,' the name of each dc- .. .' ' . .1-- f.-n'i r. . 'j... Iioquent, togetner wiui imvcpceu vc juiua uuc, will be puttifhed in the Newfpaper of Rilelh, . and in the North-Carolina journal, i-'" Z '' ; ,';:' TvrCAi.AttvTrtafuTar.:-. -'7- . ; '..:::;STpLEN ;;: ;y . Fr om my Sa "j AIill, about the I ithyf March, (And fur ivjtch alileral Reward villi tie given,) A LOCK CHAIN, with whatsis called a . Dog to ihes end, Nwhich drives itito the L.ug toudiaw up the fame by All Perfon,are requefled to n6tice for the Same, and give In r.ffVllMrMi t I'M- i V. , . ' ii mai tu taik , : ISAAC HUNTER. . felt. County, March 1 5, I8O4. N OTIC M. . , ' l T.T. ifnfs whn are indebted to the Eflatft II of VollTsit t If irA v st i rtrdec." are re- q ue lied to make immediate Payment ; and all thofe havint' Deinanda,' will pleale to make the fame kuowa within the Tirrie prefcribed by Law. , JOHN BURT, Adm. . Wale CwBty, March 1 6. - . . For Sale, - TTp HE riantatiotr' whereon the fubfenber ' X now lived, id'Johnfloo Count? ,witbia ar in ike of Smithfield, and on the main road from Smithfield to Fayetteville ; and pn that leading from Wilminpt.iin to Ralcirh. It cohfiSs of 1600 acres.. a fiiflicient proportion of which ia rich low groUuds, and the remainder. Is uplasd' i)f a good quality and well timbered lias on it a valuable A pj'le and Peach Orchard, and i well waieied. There it on the pteenifet a moft valuable mill ft at on a never failing creek, where timber aboorda, and frornl which: lumber migbc without t rouble be rafted toNewbcrn The 'Manfioo houfc isi floriesbigh, .19 nf.w-an4 n earl y 6 n i fhed. a n d fl a n d s i n a plea fa n t and co m ' maiiding ft uation, in a good neighborhood j aud fromthebbc; experience of his family, the . fulifciiber can- jsfTcrt it to be one of the healthU. .ell plates i the Qate "'; v"-' ' '7 If lay pet fon is defirous to purchafe a Farm oftbis defcription, he isiovite to view it for 1 himftlfi-f hill find few - T laces that 'unite- in them fo-many advantages, titl be Totd on .very reafonahle termar-and the payoienis made afjuo tie pificbsfert . -:. v ' .v , - BLAKE BRYAN." . ' Johnflon leounty March i 2 ' .'." V' v:- 'l:; ' For Sale, PA VALUABLE TraA of LAND, fnost. J-X red within four. Miles .'of. Raleigh, a.od (car-the Plantation of Mr. Camp. Thcra'fa f. a lmau riaatatioo Cleared on top x-anu, ana ij is as well Watered as any Land in the CoOnty, For particolart apply to ISAAC HUNTER 7 . Wait Ciunty, March 12. 13 4-' 7 ' ., - ' .. 4 :- lVTifiiiV;!'lt"-.. -1- J