.v j..,: AS" .-vf. , ;;: X. -;.BOSTON April Aank iJ7aOp. Sunday evenmg last," Jour menaWere-arrestea at the nouse ot v tt .. . - l ; , w " t ' . jir, . jonn i-yncn, ew-poston, - jxew Hampshire," the cryct bf .,itrikin'jfoff V Keponterfeit Bnk BillsThey had witthera; $'& between 1 5 & 20,000 'dpIUrsji'ch,;BjlI; "Vrr-Jind the plate 'on " whTclftbeyere; struck, .Theplatel and tlftir wceeycrlfkapk. ' y?0 dollars -H JeV-Hampshire flank, pay -Title in Philadelphia 'it)' Boston Union BahV lOSalf mtsstx Baiik 8 j antf Porfihioutlf BinkrrfThpltf s were unc6mni6nly;'WeUexecuted.''OftIVt6hda. .' v:--rl4l''teBttaAilla;-oYHi&:Mim jWri Batik;ihrable iriTWUdelptiii;40 of v which efe tmed.-He."is"'-:iuPD0S'edt6' .their jaltepkeahJast"; v. - in our fcrstpomoer, some notice was ia- Icerpf a Co that relates to a person pre v'f f;0asl3Ufcined1efrtrc magistrate; in this '-Schargev'b( -ibrgmg' Banknotes'.; ; that:'it;iWas;proV, arid ho thentiott was 'inadeCof his Mm.A A A:. arielfefr anvl ihstatin? SucK facts as are - said tb retontileabl to feason, will long, pVrhaps ever cbcCiiiu tp be dear to men, front old-' habit, aftd from "the pleasing ciitkmstaiKcV that attend tKemand' that concur to JTOlist our passions and prejudices ifl their favouf." Tf' flowf'-ofioul leepthe liace'Vnh the flow pf ' tfte bottletTie sympatheTic mTfth7 htjment'aoa"d fren ogethcr ajdien "cements their "reiy jcibroal kfndrtSa by the Vndisgubed dis-? closure of jtKe heart,' and th othrKappy: Ik c1ieenffc'cW cf wine produce a emhi ixn uvVirH travels' at a fate too fast for the jhdf&ent ;td keep pace:Vuh knd jjeavea lit tlie world H ' iviorcau suould Depunn -reason, pruuence nn TDjnntotr?tosr f -7 !.-, j.-' ravm hw behte::i;ThU Vnlhusiacn too is always' had formerly dcnbuncedT f-fe,) strong and ardent' in proportion to the con It. is said .that Anecaii playetTsome: iniis virnm of the tJeMobs of wnoni it part on this occasipuv He-fuddcnly came trut vbv "Tersori9 -of wndoulitfed veracitVi e people, that it js improper to state the iculars of this case in ia4 newspaper.. well Hivmuj5. " V ,. "-" c' T "Alexandria,.' Ia Virginia, as an honourable 4 1 i-. v'-:;. some . ?: particulars -of this case in ia' ncwspapef, , Jhy saf IhaCit sprobaMe tltcre - are: if ;r rTnumper 01 persons concerneo, utai a news 'idtt papr;settefilViMrafford indiyiduals ah t t Oppof t . the reach 'bfjukicel'hi opiniotji cannot : " be corfcctH(t is riow aWut teft days tince Thomas .lgwobd, late of- the tounty of Buckingham,: vras examined and commit tb'jaiKf.:AadV 'tv'8,PPe"' Cir'.n ' stance, -that twenty prcsJiJiv .been'.cdii v "raed wltliij him in fcbunterfciunK Bank f '' Kotes;Eagles; Jipd? French double GuU tltieas 5bm of .heoi,- we will sayr rtide; in-tbe'tOUnty of, Buckingham, or -pefhaps-$ f i tfrid tveiry far from Richmond. Atfmiung 'ithenthia statement totbe correct nqtliing Vcin ''Ke mtoi pobablei)haiv that one or two U ""bf thent have aiverinoticeito aU the rcsti. : byBedietslnw " there jpft be ny tnprbprJ cty in inform w l jujpTeauers i some w vue uwi iikiui cumstane'es of. this cae. The respect vfthat we have for the feelings of the inno. ttcesVhiie: momentary pause $ but, it appears to be our 3 4dat7 to nroteed when we takeTintd consiT v -fderatibn the hYtraber f families that at .fWifferfnt&pelii - iifc!rculitiOttaf base "coin;1 and t6Ufttejf fei t 6 notes -It I far from 6ur intention to writt v 'bbe sentence for the purpose of ;niaking an - Vvirhprop the;pubKc miad. e "shall aiv state ?ucK facts Klnour Dt-rsous takposilssidny In private life, in public' yeromeht,eljfind perspas' tfbntinUatlyi lautpstdfiiat; temper of 'jhel:Tj frbmra grayer, the accdmplishient of which TCoften far beyond ttiCli ffiWof ptobabUily and no unfff ouentTy i vergiug upon those, of impWibility itself. Here my dear,' fiere a speedy renirfttc Jouf-poor Tom "say Jf fond" Iitherto va doHeS 'froothert" just asTOH ' has been a fbriaighi's tail op his way tplndia to get his bread in a doubt ful and dan'rous military life where fcli--.". mate conspiris With thp ;eel .of the enemy to cat sWrt -t V';h ;VjB have been ted into thc; conteroiatiot;of tliis subject I ;;feft Ctpliibn?the'c1ti2eni;fvthe United States -;- v : -r- ughrim'mediatdy to .know, .v .. ff .g-flpAIoriday: thei 16tfc.of pilcrn, if-nantThomaXUnderwood was trtenem- . : house 6f Lwobd, ialhe county of Back- "c.NTSrtfrKiiimi fnr th miraose Ot makincr evetv 4i5V?possibledl5Corry Underwood rpde r -r.( wrird 6f.n4t.pbaredaea hl.iKe. course brawelve hbyrs 1 He! was detained about --1'twb Kniir 'on' tk.:.Wviii. makinjr jnessa tribut to the virtttes of Mr L't wis, many- of which veYe: as rtiieh oat of :thc re of fulh! ment is. Was . that ot the poof par ioh'sVho fdfedLa bumper so fuisto leave what topers facetiously ?a)Hf5 sty Sfhis; and addressing :hU wfOa'd, my dtaf DfiOftAB,' let me.fill you a bumper,-and weVill drink atbastt-here is', -may God send that W uod our poof old grey mare again j!pviil i all fth time; the;, poor bid greyfraare was lying dead bp a jneighbour tne common. With, her eyerpkked out by fkites and crows. .-The iollowing is ode ot them i' The lsgKfouvc. JuxccuUver and Wicial Department ofJhiPoVernment May neither bfriBm juftr: hy any-Mtfue preponderance Jofythe rotier M wa' certainly a 3 cry ,ww t"'i w.. s every ponest paTriormuscariniyrcis.; The onlv'oWectibn to it, is its mipracticabi- litV i in which view.it 6tands up in full ;omt petition with1ie oast of, the Larson about the old-grey maree 'Judicial System having.alrtady got !V. brain .blow, by the f-f,eal f the'ludiciary Law, and its eye being picked out by the kites and crows of impeachment. ' And as for the toast which followed it as a volunteer, viz. rWim- neached Tudtc througn the Uniteu Mates laysthey receive; justice and mainuijv truth." It reminds u ot tne prayer wnicn the Judge . piously offers up for the poor soul he has just condemned; 1 You h'iill be hanged till you are dVadand the Lord have mercy on you." After all, those b i verweemng wisnes -wmilm quwu p3a uc lips lhat arjbathedf with wine, are at least ihe eff?iop of i agbbd heart mellowed in--to impracticable philanthropy, and. there fore , intitle their , . authors . to the respect even of those who smile at the simplicity and tfficacy'of the thirty tHcmselves. ' '.' It is sald oae of .tlJ'e causes of diSerence; f-twen Pichegrb 'and Moreaff wis : that tne latter rerusenio aireciiy ipr.A.ouis XVI 11 ; Others say. , but without suiH';i- eof aulJibrUyT'tWt a -letfe r of Vi6rcVu V ists.1.nV which he sy$ ,i;IiwiU not murder Bpnapartf xiblw mus!be pure j I jnjusjt see what j have to do." ii i mjried lyt'ie Grand jMdge,in presence of thFifsi VvmullPdeted chargf Sj lirouit against hi nx,nd'panicu.; Jarly jpsist;dop tlif improbablUty bf jiisbei- to Pari from Brwt,anl apen t foitr hours in conicrenc with the ,b irst CoPsul, at luairoaiaon. ; - . - :j Madame:vD4)S'iBa''lirl8iajdhay eeft jirrcsted fc-aad likewise General Del- ' ' ry arrangekTents 'j .and ia lcs than fourteen 1 hoursaftcV. 4ji4 idepirtirre-from Richmond he tKiViiJpoisfcsslon bf cignteen thousand 1- ' " - C ' ."'X Kbandeif hteen pteCes' of iae coinall f-f) tif which h fbtind in the bouse of irhomas '.lewood: A: hiimber of suttaWe rtnate ; ;. MuU TbV'miVing papetV nd joining metal, ;-'.' 'Were also found aitdbrpueht to Rich memd :V ' ,WMUhderwbod,wh anemji. ' ' v nent dejrreer the tbanVa bHiis felloweiti- l:.i-.ens for:his vigilance and activity in, ptr.; ''5fwWan:eemjalferke to .diecohinitt 0n1tyS& Ambng the cpitmerfeit bank notes; : ' "fooo4in th houbC; LogWcwd, 'we:ar , , t? rnbrmed; lhhr are? omfor tht a robunt' of;. jvedoni'N t .arid: ffom v that to ; r.r-ttn.tvfentv, fifty; an lmadred, and one nofe f-fbra'thousand dollars:- iit.',j-v...is1&-.-.Ji ijfci.".,iav.t.. nf' oil th mearis whTch numap creatpf ejs i''adbpt for rtnf'' purple : ' pelves,, anJi naneirin.tneir. dojjss, "ch.ijj-. -tredi. theirUkings jbr their wishes, tlte: L . ,n.M.ffic:acioii TJhere are few thines ijin -which hurnanfirmity dispUy ttelf 1..,,. XhJjv'grve -tfficacv o a;wishjr;..fo2"V K'TfTf hy compressing M into ? concise q - V ll: 4.ir'aiii ttatveform, and offerine it itjvmth ; -the fdmes of distempering wine. Y et this is, one of ftbs$ custom? which though ir- fhrri hondiii paper 9 ihH&h Martk. :J l'he ;foJloiviDg rparjicuiari; ,of, thfsaffair are given in j: el!terVd 50,' in a Hamburgh paper ii;; 3 " :., General Moreau has iew transferred from the Abbey to the Temple wlicre nb- tbdy is allowed admittance to him. ' Even his ifr ha not vet been permitted tp see; him. ,VVhen Grrw MonctyrJnspcctor of. GenlVrrnerie, a the head, of ; fifty troo.-; pers, met hini -on the road from Grosbois to Pam he stopped" the1 coathman, went into the carriage, and tolt him that he was extremely sbrry for : the, Mak Imposed on h itrtr liit that he had orders jo eslhl ro, and carry him to the Abbej .lbreau, without " rt-ving any answer, thrust his head out af the window, and called to the coach man, Drive to the AW)ey. , f . 1 Tpecbachmaft leapt fromjh tox,and, romiitgto the ckoraidGenetil;letwh wiU drive yoi; to .the Abbey, twonVOo which one of the troopers took his place, L JVlad -More au us pregnant ; "but the epbtt' that-she d miscarriedV that she tad fallert down and hurt herself severely, bn heawgbf the- arrest of hsr,husl;anIr are unfounded. . : It is said Bonaparte is in, fififtely'afieeted at Moreau being involved irUkTi tHines3.-It was lonfeere Ue vruld believe any Vmg against iMbreab XIa A,, Rrinnnarte. it is f likewise " said, IS " J1MrKtfti,rhd:and has reneatedly declared that she: "wpuld give eycry tbiag $h had T"A-peTsbnTbf ihetfiame pf llblanclrwar arrrsieu ai inc .-opera, ano. cameu ueiore the Counsellor ot. State, Jieal, charged with the Pblice drpartment.,'-Real asked him if ne knew why he Vas arrested. ' He ans td Is o.-He was asked if he had opt lately lodged in his bouse certain suspicious per sons' iille admitted that lUchegru had late-? iy paid him a visit, and,that he had enter tained him as an oldfriend. He at first dc- nttd that he lenjlPichegru-hiscarriage "ttf' irlsru-frMTjtrogT coaenman pad coniessed, he admitted it He jbrfd; hbweverJ that Picheirru -used to e jiccr oaijr, ana anvc to ot.tJYtRg. dalenV church; sin the ? neighbourhood of which Moreau livedi rle then went on footO Moreau1; in the Rue'd Anjou, & returned tp die fiacre. r - ' -" As Rolapd thought every thing disco: veredherpld affile knew,;? "Ambngbiher things, he said that Picnegru' was much dissatisfied widMorta'u,who"had written him that every vthing was i ready for - a coup de main -th.at he had 'a g'repartyjtlic Army, the Senate, and the tVgialative Co. dy. When he arriyed.'howevefi' he found no pVrty, arid nothing prepared'' k'Madame Vit Damasitis sijdTias been liberated on the'ippntatlbn bf' ISli. dame- Bonaparti'.f --m t-KthegTii'''wis4'a iiig in .tht..trce't Chabcinais Z jhe had slept ilietpjgedipg night in tve Vivirnne. f Some days before,' Ik was neat the Pap&ecn '.Te changed his lodgings frequently- .Several of these places of abbe cost him from 10 to 15,03 francs. Six gens ifarmes ind ai agent of police efiiered hi3,robmo unex pectedly, that he had no time to mate use of the pistols or tHe dagger ., which lay , on his tableV he eddcavoured, however to de fend, himself," and wrestled, with the gens' d arrnei for a Quarter of an hour.; He tried to excite their compassion for hisvfate 1 but one of them replied (according tb the pjnV ciajournap "Goi, we know yoy no.longer -you arrived loaded with English gpld- you havebecomeithehired assaM Erigiiah-lie ihat betfays h toUntry ceasr , es to be :ifr4ean,'r mnwei(itMeMc: and Cseor de. Lion a fo?J V' de, foM for' 4CO:ituiiieai-TaVlceVtific8tc ia my poffiflicn ; . A fine PayVail' . in-few foreheJ with black '.'ab jaiV i,Mpd Jabofs 'th ?r " " Tbt ibwuist bred Imb'mtd ffotfe. Jtt-be- paid'whf n the Marie i$ eVeteT-twt n v tjr tlpllati ihe Seafn,' and forty dollars to in ture a marc 10 oe win gon 1 to oe Kerurnrd rain th propehy of tbe f cffoo who pot ker ,t4tne Hvrfe, which may be ditbarccd. an tip? befofe the i'tb of pecentVer Seat, ty the fwyiucni oi iwiny iwu uyuara tor iniunirr,- gna- Cxtet n dojiari ihe' j5eaPt witb half a. dollarfe the Gripm; 10 eyeryioftaore.' ; Good paftursct; & Srabt bire j;VaM-Ma4 wkVGtaiii- at lele and a, half ceofs.per day. - Tfie feafon will commence the firll M March, and end the ., rft uf ii)guft.'.C Anyberfon who pun by the utsv inaj iuiu iiic icdiuu again oy paying ten dolfarj 'mote." The Create! care will be takfo to prefent accidcoti and efcapei of an? aiuu4 .vuui nu iiaciuij lOBSiiqcf V, CX.OWN waa got jby Bourdeaui, brother to Florirel, bia dam by Eclipfe, her dam Cit5. by Carelefe, Redlua, , GodolpbioArahiao ; great grand dam,5aappina by SoapM rea fon of far tper, out f Dfiytri-daro bv CEiWtia Clown'a dam waa alfo tbe Pam of Smart Jon, Grape; Fire. Mother Black Cd, &c.: Baur- de'spfrwSjot'yHi an! by Cyg pot, Gdolphifl A rbmn, griiBd da hi by Carto-uch. iiboujr Jjy ghildera, -old Ebony by BaftoT DESCRIPTION. . -iv ' Clows flanda i bandr tocher hie hjfa. a tJcK bay, v with black legii' i"ull f ttrt)e,ccr- fcdly found,' baa. r?aaikabre good aftioe, Bed was bred by Tpptt'gfsfiEfVf-'--V' ; Ctowii heaf ibe: Duke of Bedfnrd'a Cradock- for .200 ffoineailii he beat Mr. Tos'a SValTov fnr 300 guineas f the 'fame Vet k'woQ a fweep (lake of toulneai each, leeo fubfc:ber8,'bat- ojf 5kyl rk or Spray, - Grey .Dirtmed,-Wheat Slieaf. Mqlbtrry Gaytnaa and flidalgo s tlie fame dayjie received t forfeit from Mr. Fpx'a e : .:r. r .. ''-1. r .. r.i uwnk iur zoo game! j rnq ipi W'g,;meel'g ! JoitngleWceTi Beacoo comfeior joo galneai j the day folldw- log he. beat Mr. BultockPret.eodeaUwtiig-- ihu 3 1 lb.' for top guna X: the dv';fono'g be was fecond to. tbe Dnke of oedferd'a Cr. dock for the fucky club platejbeatfiji; 'Sif.Tbo mai ' Pireclor, Mieoa tod4 Ruby t , hi .the, fame yea he walked over fpt ; the , Lad ? ' plat e at s - "The tefcbfatedilfffse 1 CCEUR de LION; ; STA N DS withib t wb 66d s half i 'miles of ;Lou.fturfr, and fi9 Riiletgh. r'rhe Spring Seafoa.wili end the Uft of Jfoaes and the Fa.l Sealbti the lift .fOabber. Mares put he: opting Seslon sod, eot pibyiiig wiihJFpali fliall have the pitvlkge of the Fall Seafon, grutij.--My price will be ep dollars, payable Ihe fit ft of of April, i So$ i "l 8 dollara ilialf difibafge the gpriug Seaf u, .snd.to dofiira 'tbif Fall SeafoD, if paid by the i j?h of Karchr iSoj. I will infure a CoU tb rland and fqck; fpr, olisrs 5 twelve and "a'half Dollar the Leap, paid at the b'aM the Mare i Covererfi aftd Ihpolff the Mae provsflot Willi Foal, ihe tks'lt Vave the whole eafjibiJije and a ha UWUft yprel "Pcrfona widnnr their-" Martji fed wftb-Cornr flull have it at to and a half Dollars cam (he barrel. ' My treatment (hall be die fame Pius! yrsr, -"fgt-kkhj: amysl to tlvfeptkme ho favote-i . with 'heir -caifioip' Pr. GwtltRicn who put Mares by ihe Xeap, and get b Colt; lliallhav la Seafyn for 10 Dollari and thofe who put by tbe Seafoa and fail, fltall hal two Seafom for the price of one." a - ( ! yery care (hall be (akeo, lul 1 will bet be liable for accWtnu'v----. " ''V ? ELISH A-WlLLt AMS, J ; PEDIGREE- i: ' y-.;; Ottur dc Lion waa pot by Hi?lfljret,hia idam the famoua Dido b Xclipfe. Dido feld at the Duke pF- C6oberl;ijd,i fa-e, lot lo guineas. ;-.,.;;,. r- . - , ;C -A. Lift tftUcfj.hnjkdni tH -. vilte, l '.yri 1 84 yhicb. if , not .colled for, , iefore tie end o the enfuing warier ( i fi Junt) "will be Jenf to tbe Genercd Pofi OJfuet at dead -Letters. P - -- , ; ERASTUSiBURCHARDJered Ben ainvfayetifey;;v":v ', ;; JohP jCo'uhounV Cumberland coanty y. Ni tpaoiel Clark' , John jCh ilhoftrit ay ett'c vle f Jul: a tr'feph Cabraldof RoSeit;;Camp".iell, do P."J. Dries," do; jar ob Eggleflon,( "do. Elwcll, Rockfilh, bear Favetteville j JofiaEvans,Eay ette vilte Agn Gilchrifl," Richmond county j. J s. Hiflopy care of Duocao Campbell, Robcfbn CQtinty X, William Haila,"!; lower Fayekevijle ; . William I M. Humingtdn,? Fa.yetteyi!fe yjicob Haie, jun; do. Anib"f nhkifsi"(de'.' ; Edward Jones, Erjuireya , JobtfDf ; JohnftdnTdo a ; John IojramdoTa i 'James Johofhsn, gufmitb, do, j.',Rev. Benjamin j'Jerikings,' do. Williaik Greer, un. do.. Beatby M'KeOla'y,; .ooefoa Courity i Daniel M'Kcnlay, do.' Donald M'Ken ne, CumbetlandV county, Dioiel M'Innis, Ro befon county Doncaa. M'DujVcej do.'; Donald M'lCeh'iiei Camber'and . eecnty j Alexander M'Arthur, do Archibald Meil, do, tVijliam M Leodr db. l v-jJeilt; WCrahey, do. D pid 'M'CoJl, do. - Lauhlan M4Kay,db. Gilbert M - tntyre, do Murdock M'Kay, blackfmidi; dc. William M'Gee, do: Colin M' Rae.'dtv' Hiif a WColl, Richmond County Keneth MKeraie, do. Jas. Mackay, carpenter,' Iredill CcaiPty'; Dan W M'Dantel,-. Fayetteville 5ufn;M Aufian, d?. William H'Ktnzie do. j Duncan M Alpin, d(HeAox;M1KeiIl,;bp 5aw'CJoWfKIIy,'v'o; i $; Mrs Srah Nayi;. lor, "do. Peter' Nicofon, 'Richmond coanty ; :' Tliomas'PaytpnyCcnibeiiand' county; Noah v Pitttnaii. RohRWottntjutBic Cumberland" county V Rev. Kuli Porter-Pay-:. etteville V' Duricin: Ray Cdbetlasd County, i ; famei 'kawnflay ' Chatham county : Aaron JjVrman, fayetteVille Jacob 5mirhr.ear dtu John 'SKawi' Cumtjerlapd county- j ..Dai'SWip 4o George S.Taylorr.Fayeei!le r Jrnt( TurtPnrdo.M)avid TPW Robenfon countji,(. Davids G Vance, -Fayeuevill ) Icbud.Wood,, TittPedlaf do.; John .Wiofipw C'etk of the Superior Court ," Ammi Willitn Fayettevillc, a.Elijab Withrv...CmhK!and county; Jobn . Wi'kes,. Tayetteville Henry nyilliaras, Luni- - beiJand county. r 3UNC y rACRAErP. 1 ,y- t'S