...V Rakhhti' ' ,n"OfTrealyhotjjtstarr!veftwththc I am informed ourXegislatat thejr POTPRtT ' : . . yZ' 0 - ftestdtnCSr?tch-lhetfaretpokent)fwah last sessum allowed each membtrpdav V V M11 ; , , . . em : ... . , . .-. v , v A member7 waires when we were tin. - . -iCf w , . 1 '. - . beorgta, to httjrtenam ttus 1 -i W-'w.YnrV in 9 iw nr wt 5CC shillings and tux-pence per day ;, c r . - . n , , j m uu; " . s -c. .ntA-tyv;::: s?v wont eight dui . . rv wu . '-.w pers to the 15th, and Glpsr paptra to - fr? " -J , ,B ,w Mhat he wok hii 0u.l w If n the Queen' , ; (Say.' the New.York, Gazette) X7c f: n11 aDa;"5. morVjDfficcrl,of dlitioclioa. W been af-' . our former advices. - The kinft oothe 7 ? " ''. ,WWTO rested' for consoiracv. ambnt whom we re ' ' ! Continued to roven oittemot uc'r urst awance was twenty oi - I Generals FerrinoMicdonaldr lMis n mado' invade' Wnd- 'No rg,rr '-' V v f ghtthrowh ou the conspiracy;, thai irt h-OUr intelligence1 from .X'oudorr' ir r -H . arte I";' :"4"'u?"uur riches Vo'the - J Ut ri. wa a. ' abovt inserted, o thirty thSSfLf: 17 ' - X1 J shillincs " - " ' ' - !ftn "ut,ormeady,c weptingthe,, X ' Piin rS'ttV.'.. 1 T !tr" L rumour of a war with Spain,' nothing W . FellootiaeM, I think it is, time to be ponanthad Scc,irred " 'V . kV : alatmed ana shew our resentment, and t 'rv. tt i.a. .'" i r" 1 X - - ' ru icii jurisioi on me autn. ; v ' : ? ' Ekratof aletttr ft cod county : leiie under v " Yeiterday about two pxlock in, the afternoon a tremendous tornado of a mil i and an half in widths the most, dreadful I transpired . l which has ever visited the state passed with- I inee in a mile of this placem an us passage of 13th 20. mjles from the Oconee it put 4 period to J had bee. .eight lives, and crippled and, wounded upP fresh li v ward"7 .fifty ."pCHonliomtt.j. of " whose J much is said oil the subject; 'f? Bodap: lives are dtspaired of.. .Ten dwelbng hou-1 was again expected at; J3ouToKne.-Piche , ges and a number.'of barns and , out houses grue was arrested -Moreau in the temple were med to the ground, and scarcely a An expedition had sailed for Boulogne, & , , iroof wVuh its' course; .-and breadth includ- very heavy firing heard after their arrival. ' ed were left on a house.1 'Not a tree of a(- Lord Maira: was to command an- expediti- ny tolerable size can be seen standing in us J oti to Holland. " The embargo wda taken track; Juabbagc J!tocs:ss not six inches long and pine stumps not watst'high 'were torn; up -by-the.rooKi',bed8T' bookstand ther farniture were carried off and .traces of some of sthem to kbeseenor heard of A" x large ojf cart al,Mr Woods .was taken up, thejwiieels fell oft after whirling jZOO y'ards ir in the air,'and the' Jbpdy.ws ..carried better than half a mile before it fell to the ground.' Among the unfortunate sufTerersa.woman , and chuu were xarriea a . wind,' and have aot yet -t l3Tcpord," lhat the Spanish ambassa dor and our government, are' so much at variance, that the latter has been induced, to address the court of Spain,' desiring the recall of the Marquis. - Z'. "7 Sf- T ptaili Pinkhaiu Informs thaV thSlkU hi i.vuurui iiiiny ur per-. ,:a l.j j;:;.v... J j . :.t.X L i ' . haps at" the neXf Assembly they will allow T"' ? V TZ1 i C i" -il r i -M' J2- i - I ashorei a considerable tumbr of euo-cac.emUrth.rty 4 V f i-Hr 'MA RR1ED ' W The.New.YorV Alercantile.drtiset , It..,, of the snh ultvavs The electioriffot fit is also said,' that some dissitisfaction I ToHNsoixrof Warrert Conntvlto Misi Wi. I Governor, &Mernuaated hat'evedbc;'af' f-" exists among the members of the govcTn- I y rr Ji tt?' GkL i s. ' eldest dau ehter of Mi. 1 ter a , verysevere Contest o( three days.i , . . - - . :. i t .i - - I . x .. . w J r- . . .' .i. .. :::. awu . v(.u me01. ,. ana,; mat xwo or-inre resignations j oseph Gales, State Printer.- " ' . - ' ; I v wunpig tne. yotes, mere appeared ;;- away in in? wnin-l be expected we do hot vouch tor 1 - N l T ,v - . ' X , tor Mr. Burr et been tound nor I the correctness of these reports. . ' " At Newbern oil Thursday veninff, the ltk Ut y heard ot. Several horsevcatue, c. were i : j not knowing the distance' it has gone tt the I " . ' v---, - ,! - , . ... r-. c.' i. "c . A few months a ko a French squadron I., - . . case i as lis course w9 uuuimc ?i,i n - . . ., r j. - ri ' ' i ' ' i is much to be teared that more damage has v...Mb - ; hscn done 'than we have an v1 Conce ward a majority of. '' ;183 4th 4 f --'59 For Judge tavht 1 his "whirlwind was not more imcommon than thesi?e1of the jiid that'preceded if; someof iwhiflj iellih this ace weighed five qunces, measuring eight inches rptind, , ana oms mciosing smau pieces ci pine " Eiiib VTijejs'-tUuigs .inay.appeaf jncredir Lie, but they ..are no less strange than la- . mentably mie-r-'vi.-VX i'v;..'' Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Pa ' '. riV, 'tsM&TrieM t . ' ., B - : u. I In th Oh Wiwl a ntjiiiriln nf : tft""" f' - t r-"'""1 yy-vwinw ' On Fr dav the gQt hnlnmf. Sn .K- " " V' 7. T rV; w -v-' J 1 from the Isle ol France on a cruize.. X hey e,mhwaP;f w " m '7 7 4 Dm - f. - ; i i 1 .' ' ... "zc . . ' it'- teeninyearoi her affe,';MrsSusAw Sa- - .u-"1-fl ': . -1 ' - . had captured in the.Btraighta of wSunda, the ..if fwMJ p lh - 93 v ( Counted of Sutherland Indiaman, V:7th' 'l;', - with iot &drice;froi, Calcutta to. CEk .S T 9,lh K' - ..If&p. ' - na,andohe couqtry . trader;: Theserszes SSffiJ ' .Leaving a total majority. for Mr.-) 'M - J had arrived atPortlNoeaitThU ?f v Burr, in the HtyW county pf t fdl.t - squadron had .atucked English settlement at to two Indiamand two country traders, ate parw.l " They' fondl hoped to ba uurm, citepv one vi me uia.ncn, wniu. igatt under obtained at this, place is saic tiod in witnessing and participating th hap. dethroned Tnp9bun nmVrW ZrAu?M IblJnformn the Presideu calculated to diffuse. -But alasil how vain', : .lr. Burr haft .$ majority on S, Island, . m 1 A letter, from Washington,'; sayV? goWjgV- verhment has received along letter from tho.1 " j3naw. in wnicnne, - .. ., . - wa saverf W the eirraordinarv exertions 7: . . . r "?v?l w -" - - T j r t n nK urn wn -rhm of : therew of one of the French frieatts.rT TJ SKS fiHre under his Command t biit bede nt .that ihe has a IawA I reached this place on the' twelfth dav ifteVnVaepart is and illusive are human hopeslrs, rifiy -so '-'ccfrhrateH bv'-'tra- I to beverv jtrear. -The amount' of-'proper I a i t ;.- A ' It 7.: able to make anv.attemDtito re'erain hi an. Velirs;for;itsnM .1 u . " . i. ,L. M fryM A tnnr wn n rinrn ar vn mi 1 1 1 1 1 H ... .11 iiiiir. , 1 inn 1 . j . . , . . -!Hamih v malas of aktia-uttv t ever.bcheld. Ndthiuff . c.n qusl jhjapearwce-ofthje ltomaAm 1 tiiieatrcs-bevi ma'v be.ranked- amongst the ostmaWitiicent te wonoenui people nave consiructea jr sotidityi their gtaindeiirV and ingenious dis Uibution of their, parti, iT Vender them ever -' -worthy of admiration The Amphithe.atre, the Te mples, of Dian'ai Apollo, of Isis, tec. -The statttra and Roman baths, have 0 escaped tbe"fory; of;war8;7ahd the destruc tive hand of time '; 'and are in'tatiteofpre-' servatiofr greatly superior to those eved of luthr.' ;, 'i From Nismes to Lyons, was de lighted with -the beautiful sCencry1 which every part of the country presented to1 my . view. J AH that part of .France ing fpr- meriya Romm ligt' tliroughhich - passed, presented, sme mdnurnent "of RomanrttiqVity. $htl situation of LvonslsolntefVstedlnei that Ieained three davji in tha city to view' it3 iite,- nianiafactoriesa ties.' i Placed Ijetweeu the rivers' Rhone & thetnarriaofhird ''4.r - J- . ' . . .ay. n fea . . V. dim a at. U 11K.K UJI1VIUCI. t 1I1J UK limi 'it a .- j; - - t , ' i. squadron was sua out whep.the Belle Air ,11, which hd'promlses upon iuecredihg to tho. ""i WV Pre whichlelrjUie mostlssiduous and anxi. ?VJW& American pris. prisoner .PVBS, .fyte1 care of a.f affcctionatel.usband,, aided tTW.'? K.Y.L.".t '-l..t i , . -r, .11 .'i ncuicai aavice -Dutau aia was . . . i he nas athis disDosaL Himrt Rishiw it 1 :. i . i - ? " 5eJW5 b) thebest h f'5';Ej neffircttul-- otters as, a guarantee, to cive . possession fo tfie United Statcr of the stronorest host i .1- LurirK rtoaiAn-jl inraiVtMtAM fait: t- Knoxville,, Aprils under iVvdyingas . he had nredant,1 hcad .WH.M wvuni-iromine in eu.uerrane- - .. . Last MoQay night tlieTs dr dge,JJ8erson county,' was, consumed 3"c .uienw.niaoie. qiaposuionv !-anaW i4ir Ph;f" riVTr"? " 7, J .l-Vl' her manors sft "and attrirtivl A l whA houK he wai moored in 15 le'et I1UIV - lUIU.lWirillWUM, pa a, WX(L. .,: 14 1.1 , " ' l and Mrs. .Love escaped from, the flames Knw n".mu regret tnat so mucn worth .Wr saVarrol VlAfris liffirirr tA mvr I fltlQ them j and what dds to jhe poignancy o I 1 I L 1 UIV JillllkUl U 1- W . U. k w avwi. Wk.. w. w t - - . ftateot existence. Hi- wawr in the harbour of Tnboli; 5 Thev. promising cnupren, wno were m a cnatn ber oyer the j tore one, a Son t f, Capt,,. S, ?M 'Speddeh of ahoatrid yeprs" old th-, o the, a daughterof Mr.J, Q. - B. Greer, of N. Carolina;- pf about 8. years old,2We , unr ;dertand that there, are--grounds to believe, that the store' was set on fire by, some xil- and loveliness' were doomed td 6 earlya Vmr qrave,et her friends indulge consol- P'P..'MbiS al.-; ; .; Ing hopTthat the Maturity of if. Virtue.' herty tfthe c!ty :ut the crew -'; ,.,..,.,z.z..--ir.:.-t . i Life, like everv. other bfieffloa ',&-;' i Dirives it's value from h'aufe alone t Z, Not for itfelf but for ooblci end,. ' ,v,. 'hJrerfial gae it, vand that end is virtue ! lains, whom it . H Jioped , will shortly be Scnane, its sli'uatV in acorn mercial point bought to juicf. .. v ofy lew cOuId fldt be more happy.-, the H'i'f ifaf'' : .k-' ' ( ' ecntre- of-aUthe' routes which "fdrm the . ife: jRrtf'w r FrrferkWfoVa HettloL4S )micatioa Jetween SpairtV3 Italy and 1 1 JvofcfIufteceive and for sell, a few On the, , same night, Samuel Osborn voungest son of Dr. John C. Osborn, of Newberrii i' VThe bleffingj o Democracy wefe; (h'rtoll TT, , abundantly4pon"the .Citizens of SjWaacah, .on the ' ) rV't "a cth ult r'Judce .BowenV in axharee to' a r:ztiJ'l-r V,tt.' I jury, made an entkulwOic,exrx)fitioo of therj its : ' 'j i( eman, ipe emancipation oi tne oiaclu; , 4n0ti r f V? lury did not tender the bemage of their thanks t bis bonor. are chained two and two: andobliired 'io "-4 labour as slavls.2 ft is expected that com- v mddore Preble "will make an attempt to cut ,her.out with his! boats J Boston paper f-T ferrrirfnyVVon th,e:,bord,-.of $ Wo rivers- plan of Dry Dock; and de improve 7 Vfetelj procure! to Itthe facility orrecelv- which3leGitoyeh GuCTliin'rhadTde- .in g trpm anirnmense ui;vavc, me iiwiica rt.oreiyvcountriS 'and of easily trans i jAing4tt OwjisTit enjoys advantages which others can boast y its climate is salubn oiw being free fom those, extremes ofheat and cold which the more northern cities of France areubjt-ct 5io.i-From the summit " .X -t. L V i i ; ,- it. .L1' V vc niu wcucu .oveiooKS ine cuv, me t P'fcrspe.ctive is picturesque & magnificent : at a single coup dccL you v iew the entirf . F ebrine twelve year p ubii ck, one -aud ndi visible. " M , f ;-v a . a j . ement bbn- neur ttf suggest for deTtwlsi deration of de Goverh roent Of; tie United b tate; borne Tjcautifulipicture'of Bloody Arena, f and superb draft of two'.grande Salt. Mountain Jattly discoVrr-in' Lucy 4 Anna.-' Dey will be dispose of on terms de most economical, a fe w Bank stocks-more less? will be re ceive" in payment, those wlio purchase; must make! apply- directly' 'as de 5 undersigned mean to exert his eneriries to return to de situation of thes c.ity, ;tbe two nyers which j Enlighten -Roveraraent f Frince, to tni- iter"it,t and. an immerib plain which is.- riagCvhis ajlaij ; in. his-own ay4 unembar wunde'd by the' Aps continually coveted riis by too.mucH regulation unopprcis by ' uh snow j'tlw innction of the Rhone and fivcat exaction. " &oiig; and lust beldw-'fetfae !lce 6- . FerjUariet "twelve vear. rreivchVRc. - t4ebrated for the pasge of Hannibal, when. 1'e brought hjs,nunr army out of Italy., i hal a distfiBt view pfMqjt Blanc and T.Pyraneefihcfprintr:!. had setnwhen, ,a; tht-runisoi Carthage.;: : . ' - I have. seetLihe" First n1ul several fy iKtCitizcns er'X mt-s,: since my arrival here. "Yesterday ,. ori :c flerth-Carolina. ; r. - y He hinted to the Tnr hit wifli'tKnt . "''' utt; Mrs. pp8, dirp!cnfed 'and an altereationVnfue3twhich re-, , , '. "-'-a-'..-,. :; Vs the gi and reviewfrbm fifteen to twen ty thousand" of the finest troops 1 ever be .yCyertn.the parade, -The rtchncss" xitirdress.and the pwil varsv which -.ypearetV'; had &a fetlrcjripst spii ;.laWl'ver beVltIf;Tb. ..Firs I think it is. time to awaken and open yourcye s-oftinde rata nding, a nd e the' apprparhlng.baoe .6f distress in ita. tender, byd, before it gets a "strong root, 4 i IffnrrighjlrTnformed whartsaa; TUia- eI JMonarcaicai anu . Acpuiiii.ap vovtm At MonticeVlo.on the 3d second daughter of Thomas jefferson, Esq fuhed in his orderihg the jury tojaU.;The She; nn wii rcnucrcu moiionieu oy tnis extraordina ry procedure, when hUihpnour ' wok from bis pocket a piftol,' aod threatened to IhOot him if be : would not lodge the - Jury in jail' whither they: . vereconducled.. The citirens of Savannah met and ater many refoluuons, weni and rcleafed ' " " the JuVy ; thence to the lodgings of t he Tudce, whoju they; fciieil and ceitduftcijto pxifon, " vi-A.;;- ' ' - ,." ' k t '' V- .7. ' . :- ' 1 Afedaysv' ago : Mr' Abner -Sauls iof r Johrstoa curtyvVrais found dead against a ;V trt?, iupposed' . to have heen thrown from, i his.liorse.vi 'iv-i . iTbrdan Hayes, . -: - - -: - T-AlN indented Laif, got permiflion from tna ' X' on the" a 6th of March lad, to go and fee ', his RelauonVin Northampton County, whh or ' ders to retuin in two Weeks j and as he hai not yet retuined, I forewarn all Perfo ns f front Ear- " bouring him, or felling him an- Thing whatever' He is fiout made, nearly 1 8' Years d, and has Mark ftorf Hair.-TTm. DANIEL, ,'T:.t' Carrugmdtr '. Y WILL feM valuable trafi of land cootalo7 L i& a38p aeresV" in New.Haoover county, on Holly (heuer: Creek within fix Milts of na vigable Water.;- It Js confidendy believed that a large Proportion of faid Lands 4re equal io fer ¬ tility,' u not lupericr, to any n the'Jower raft of rtie State ; being wi ll covered with' White-' oak, A (he and ' Pop.'ar1 of the large.l Growth! TheH:ghland$ jibound in ' XigEtwood and. T'r- Dentine Ilrees.ihat never have been wroni ht. : - V8 Imnscetiare, a$ ihole who are inelined ta rtir chafe, :VrtU makehemfelvei acquainted with their Value by Vie Wingero; ,1.1, - , ' ', v-The Terms, will he made eafy to the 3Purcha fef,Tand.n)ay madknowB by applying td the" Editotirthe Minervi, orto a:A-;a sgyq'&j. ':v? C T'afO HK"H ILL ' tfeivj-ftiiiGver, County, Jffcilj 6i.iio.pci ? ;l consul commanded in person nd review- mentsv has. been; excravagancytne m.eaM td the troofrs with the strtesUcrutiny..- of beavy taxes i dthitik our, state' Is 'i heir discipline U very tupencr, and bet- making scm; progress in llut road of de,- tructicn, ': 4 : . , '. -'ter than any ttat havejct sctUJO France ; Twenty Dollars Rewards .; - ' '-.- i r' ' i.'Zm ' ''ii.'iTt'r7','-' : R 'AN A WAY. from the:Suhfcriber fovr or "fire .Months agonal J'Jegrot Mart Earned PETE R, formerly the Property' of Mr. i faac Hntchint, Wake County. .: Any Pertott who will deliver him to me rhere, flull be entitled to the above Reward t W hall to conioe him todwrite 'tome fo that I get him apairt. ':.'"rrp!'l ; Vs.: - iA fiSGPKS : Fajtttrollle, Apr x6, i$Q. V - f ;T WILL' fell low foCato oronlhort Creditv two Valuable Lots in the City of Raleigh;, within a habdred ad fifty Yards of aa-vexeel-( lent Spring, ibid, adjacent to .. the Lot hereonS the Acadenyl is. v 'PA s :, V, .. vTrF,'N. ;W.BCr.TQ$ "'sr , ' Granvi&y May , i 804; ";r; " ..." . j I t -. "i , 'r-'-jJy,,.-.!-A 1 1

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