v ----- : ' We republi(h the, following article 3 . ifom uic J3UUOI1 tvcpcnury merely uia. it may ftand on record for future time ; for as regarding' theprefenfjt wilt be t vfclefs. "Sad experience jhaa 'evinced, that the rlrft officer, in our government may cheat his rneighbauri , attempt to fe ' duce the wife of, bis friend," blafpheaVe.' the Saviour mankind ppurforth the Tvrnoft bitter revilingi on the faired infti-T V tuUohif Teligipn,':itid AilIenjoy 'tBfe ' - nomagcoi ine American people, r vim J- this faft btfore them good men can ejt .f 1 - v' pec 'nothing favourable Frbrri the'pTe- -rf r iihcaftpnlyrropihat the Jt irf& i " tmay come whenuf.. chief :ruler ihau 1 ' obtain -no inerif for the'OToffuef bt his "i a "i Imm6ralitiet ;an 'thebo!dnefi of bi . - . - tlafphermes. k For; the benefit of our icoumrrmen oTthatTieriod: iletthefoU ln$faft bcfecordeaV l . f(.!S.GtV ? admitted typhis "Tea'!' to be; T 'the highelt, ol aaal author ity he is public printer gets from the treafury eight or teathpulandallar.s. ayear." XjJ : Confider thefe fa&s.nd a tnoaland others like thenj, artd 5 when: France throw it jnurteeththat (he : gained bur independence fof uSweniay fayJn reptywim trutpfoar as the domi nant LB. is concerned, e have not gain ed it "yeri Mre 'arelttiliT'-fiflaves-nd Haves fo abject and debafed that we4can-: not be bur'owh 'mtlmi-'ijfm, it recurs mar wis is .inecpimon ona rtVlws' J itmj& $l Qm''eric3vTn people of Louifiana. he fav?. i emernber- ngtheiYcoramonV)rigtn--common wirh 1 yrenvuracn-r'WHi ue always airacnea to the interelt of France.- -in the face of the World 'then, heboalts officially that a band oT Frenc hmen fs to be iricorporat-i eajuio our umoii, auu 10. remain: alter. muiiui uiiuu' inif f cut uuicu, mil a' f ached to the interell of Frances Yet ;. 1 J.SJI JEFFERSON'S'IMPIEIT.- JhiiibrmeeCdanEtffitiriMfca , ' rr , i-.-'o. v fnluh:flir no 'anger. V Jacobin blood , . , V' We are fv.ry that oft a fubjeft of TUDS$ s poet (ays, temperately bad. : - the moft facred nature, tte find our relav A nrlnf wh wr rhii i.i p tion connededv with particulars, in beuvht mum 'nnt iirtrh KTiu"kI ' -Km mnnn firi f tnemlelvcs urucrous; hu J-myo- national feeling? j itis not to be expect iuu y r7M w "ed thatfue wiueveraiiert our honour . faGs therruelvelMand t:t he fled from Tarleton. An admmidra- at the" fame time torgbt. his own dignity, and ths tefpfeftwhich Chriltian$ efteem duetp tneir holy ordinances,? we cannot ifollo him iii his degryatiorjiand fliun the embarrafling connect ioji. .'.We have already rjatormed our Trader that wheft the bakers atfWafliington depdfited the t 8. . 4f tiqn that Can celebrate calls & jubilees, becaule pain, the fervant of lervants, dafed to infult and wrdnR: -us. and we dared not do ourfelveg right, .an ad mi nnrauon mat can inus Kiory in us inarae will fftntfiiHr -rtr !! ror!rti iiKi enormous toai in me capuai, nicy arm i thag publicfciyiufultea ;' unr nation iifelf with it "talks of cider andihe. While J km uli r.tt i- KfnfW Kii t the Prefidetit bf the United Statei was rnaft: mthe I'crtirtmlnV. ftffino- th mr,ft inthe ;midftofe. tlilgr seed pT our fowncitiien: and the cameto enjoy this Teaiwal;;.he fneerrngj Tefufe of foreintrid;.ppOintefd ly compared the unha Jowed brea am to bear rule over 'usr?:il hef ftaufebus wine which were then thefubjeasfofhi8 dres of infamy; like the tobacco ofour difgracefulentettairtmsnt, toihefacred WftreflY ancient dominion hathetri fFfnbols -of Oar; Redeemer's facrifice. )f Reader we confefs this charge . i IhOcking---we tremb.e while penning it ; -s-buc we have not ventureci this itate menf without evidence. The Tacbbi'nr who are in the habit bf i looking annaaiQT rneir.pamotum, nave OTity to ioor witnm ior tneir Daieneis. Your federal readcTs who judge of others Dy tnemieives; arritpin9ni.af- well fas ? from . their candouf, ; leady -Crtoughtd-afcribe feme portion of true American feeling to yhe ' fet".of Jef feifontansl'It s .time to.corrccl the er rour , of ; this1! tfocednre; a nd ellimate hefe.unvCJf thie as" they are, aliens in m our mouths till if has become a diet. and almoft by ufe, a part of out nature.., But if pur departed honour (hould evcri rife from its grave under the gallowsj atthe feet of 6ur, patriots, what will be our feelingti uhtk W have mi, to hear bur country 5n.'ultedin all the tongues and languages of the civilized world in to which Bonaparte's official paper may be tranflated. read.that we owe PUr liberty to thedeteftedmoniler? who have Peltroyed that of evety other free repuDiicK in tne world, and that we have: taken into our bofom with iov & ;at the price of millions of money, a bo dj pt people who boalt a common pr- arr. "SPfW. condu?V. J. 798, J faithful to the Intereftof our deliverers ; theymafiedthe.iiiraGiesot France, they Uurely General Deflalinei, if his foul is 4 hot blacker than his &in, would trem bie with indignation it he read it of nis tfland ofSrDorningo. ; & It with reelings ipbafe, ot rather fo dead, we call ourlelves a nationthere is more hoperthat St. Domingo will pre. ferve its iadeperidence than that. we mall evei n burs., ?f --"V TRfpertory. ' '"f r'i ' '' 'V'. i . i r ;- " Legiflattire of Pnfylvariia. To the"bnonrable the Reprefen'itives of the : Xieemen of the commonwealth of PnnfI?a f : ry : i ir n' ' ." - I pppofed " arming ;pur mips, they have worn the French cockade,- hoifted the French abominable " tricolour flag arid wacea unaer rrencn commmi ins in rri vateers. v "All this they have done, and s; , . nav uoaciouiiy. viuuiciicu wiicu inner? ' did it; MThere U rjoendto the prpofsi , v.how lowi 5, how exceeding How tbefe v wretches have J ante m J pint. J fie an . yT(h" treatyi thiugh made to obtain je 'i dfef for ojuries, ; and thouah in con fequence we haye aQmlly obtained it, f , wa5 condemned becaule it might offend France. "To qhopfe a federal Prefident - they laid might ottend her alto, & tnere; . . iore;iaey:opaiiy. rccommcna mr ler- v , of Me mtnriheriustkcs jerioii iwo ri,Cca Jnu4i. of thi Supreme Court tf theaid Common - sits ohtnfM1 TBhin n min- nihn hl I . . .i uh,v, .u.win.nj. Fxn, I Keloecif ullv Dieweth. . v jhgtpii . the rnanwhp hired CIlend?r f That your memonaliiis oblerve that . andinvitea over. tne. intamaus t fame your honourble Houfe have appointed ' willtipt be;.alhamed.or.i tri.j.th'ingv'Re. a committee to draught articles of jn ,. bauadoar:pttheJacQbifts.hc went to Mwrin their 6fficial capacity; by arbi- raris astneii envoy extraordinary fie- tranly andunconlUtutiPnally fining and ... myyiem.Aiy ii wc jtv.wuiu lurmea i impruoning inomas ran more. a jdtate witnm tne atate, ana were mae- pendent of laws as of morals- Jfthcnegroes in St. Dbmingo, prove as. mean and bafe of foul, asjnfenfible topnde, honour and duty as our jaco bins, -their vidory: over Rochambead will Hot 'make them independent V they - xrilljas? ftill Haves , in foul like our jaco bins, whom we fee even .omce cannot Z'-y raife nor liberty oi patriotifm tnfpire. Ihdeed in free ftates, the better the go - verhment is j the more bafe and alien are the factions, who firft.oppoleand then" - -ururp- M3uJut is the lets to be v wonder. - ed at in our clfe. at venr thine that ii , t- top bad for Europe is thrown here'asrtcr - a great comport heap to ferment, : and breed peftileftce. We pick up and give - ialary to tne outcafts that Europe Joiths ana vorans u uur publicationi relative theretotending to They apprehend it now becomes their bounden duty to meet thofe charces with firmnefsrrA fpeedjr trial they confider as a mere acx ot juuice ia inemieivcs , but they view the matter in a more ex tended light as involving: the great inte- rem ut iwe cornraumiy. c auiuniii'; ttation'of the law mould riot be permit ted to in Jufpeded hands. v Their enertty isirnDairld thereby" & the guilt 't l f r .1 - jA"..fj J j pr umocerice or ine parry cnar gea mouia .1' n ti , ' ' ".. nil pe eiuDiunea as ;eariy;s poinoie a iair trial can be obtained. " A'-vk v Vo'ur memorialills therefore beg leaver o lojicu a prompt ana ipeeay rriai agree ably"tof the fpirit of the laws and; conftU tution ot this -commonwealth that equal iind impartial jQltice may be done as well to the Citizens thereof asf to themfelves. t Ahd Tout membrialilts will OTay, &c. i-tV-;'. ' ; EDWARD SHlPPEN, JASPJER EA'IJES. A j : ; frelentcd March to.i .V'vv -'i? To Atf hdnaurable tti Hcpr$entatix&$rof the Feemen of the CohmonpeahhofPenrtsyU ' - The memorial of the ubsc'nWiV,? Jus tices of jb? Supreme Court of tire Com mon wealth f- Pctmsylvjmi a, J , XVESPECTrUlLx. oHEWETH, , ff;. ... That your memoriarifts, imme4iatefy on being informed of your hohoufable. houfe ! having adopted, a rebort of the committee on the cbmplaint of Thomas law and conflhtujon of the flare ? 'ahi'' their confeiences acquit them of every fpecies of corruption and partiality what : They.have urgcd a fpeedy trial by two memorials, to the hpufe of Reprelenta t i ves they arc.' prepared, to 'anfwcj! for their condnft.';; they demand, as a mat. ter bf conftifutional and common right, a rV puH trfcti by an impartial conn, to confront their adverfary, ind meet the rwitneflesfaceto face'vr'-.-v Thejr cannbtifTemblfi their fatisfaeb'-i on rhat ther are ehtitfed to a hearing in ftfcouTt ofjuftice, wheretir conduft -win dc inaceu or dy ine eviaence aion ? wherefpaulon 'repbn'a&d preju. aice cannot enrer.. ana, wnere a difchaee of ' the 'official, duties of 'L- ' ' 7 . r' iLil; v.: .1 y' .memucrsjs lejcureatp ner,py icejanc tion of religion', 'afolcmn appeal to ;hea- vcn.- , v-... ' TjPJur memonaliua bef eave to repre lent, that their , 1 abours of the laft term arejuft : tmmatedandjhejinfoon,. be called-rto the performance of pther dutiesin the cfrctut courts ; they imploie uHwh6n6i;inlXyitt to take ,into yoUr. feriouf' ponfideratlonl whcthe)rthu's 'charged ivith a-breach ot the conuitution they have fwom ti flip porv and with ar bitrary cpifduci.bttfup ported by iaw theyanith jjrbprie ty go into the djoerent . Counties to ad jminifter the; jullrc'e of the country '; and whether fuch,a ftep? , while jhe. charge againft them rernairis. untried, would not reflect, difgrace' on therr . iirdfvidaai and official characters m the eves of eve ry.rirtuous citi7.en and do irreDarab e injury to theobedicnccjuilly due to the laws. t, . v" f i- ,,' " v- ' ; Thfj therefore requefl: your . honour able houfe. to appoint - an early, day the trial ofTtheir impeachment,: which they are anxio'ufly; prepared to iftfwer, and to grant them cpmpu!foryprocefs for obtaining witneffes in their favour. &nd you memonaliTls will pray, Ecc. ; JASPER YJEATES-; foliciting a prompt and Tpeedy trial of the adopted charge, that equal and im part ial J u ftice m ighr be done,' as" wei 1 to the citizes of the commonwealth as. themfelveV f T ,'s .T.. They now beg leave to reprefent that they are .pained by , the reflection that they 'ajr not . yet famifhed with the op portunity pf defending themrelves i e7 nna jnemicives juujectea to ooior 4uy by the artful reprcfentatioh of an cfi- ftnd.r ompji ththuutl founded on muti lated and imperfect tecords, & ground-. Ipfii infthiiatinnc antl arnfllw Hfir tn have, it in their power tpremoye i thai ,; oyl 5 Dollars Reward ri with which they have been induflri, j 44r;I ouily enveloped. ( -HX . - If nwine vsolcnoW hpyiirther. fuggeft i-confidcratiort JojHof'ffa which cannot have leaped the wifdom I n V ..A ... 4 .. . I . 2 . '. . A. I. 1 V- . HIM. Vrf j vi juar . uixir. inann t government pi tvz.i.- .t.: t . . r- v . - ' r j. ,. n L r -i 'gn win incnair worn on ooto macs Dy worK? -v laws renins in a grpat meaiure on piib- !d i0 wae. '-.The k(l. Informition I hal of iCKJpinioi;wiiever. nas a tenaency him, he'war Mr. Koel Etman't. in Hfy to throw a Public odiUm on the magif. 1 county. Any perfoo deiiverlog the 'tit horfc uaigr uzmniy icau? iu a relaxation: or the obedience due From every individual iu luejdws oi tne counrry, ana is atrena ed with the molt, injurious oonrequerices to the cpmmunjty : It therefore becomes indifpenfible," that the impreffions thus created mould either be removed Orel- tabluhed in the moft fpeedy manner memonaluts conceive thern- rae at SmithGeld, reeeivle above reward. , y r 'v- PETER SLAUGHTER W(5ma6Ud'. April 17, 1804 1 fl ; 1 1 a . That their feveral decifions. civen on the molt, mature deliberation in.ihe dit- ferent ftages of the profecution. carried on again ft ihe faid 71 hdmas PafTmore. are ftriclly confonant to the known & acknowledged Jaws of the ftate; and ufage of courts of Tuflice t and that ther then believed and ltill Xrmli bdiere thofe' J t. . .... - . . . . aouaicauons to oe rounaed as well on principle a precedeat;ffSil. ' n j That thouah it ' does not belorra: to them to1 fay with what degree of legal knowledge they have difcharped the high duties attached to their official iiarinnx. -they confidently afTertj v that in ho in- itance whatfoever has their, cbnduft been tainted with' corruption of marked with partialityi They feel that they have unvariably admlhillered rhe idflice of Witnels 1 the countTT with the DurefLvieMw . ! -Duatle, .the Prefident maker, difowned I : LYour' rnemorialifts,fV0m a thorough' rhere'weean onlyo'eternune negaiireryj I able bodyaiMtbeir.uwiranclfrt asr it we count his own ltory tor any thing, J reprefenting in iome degree one branch tnar there aTetnree or tae tour quarters I ot the govetnmentf tuTe patiently and iorinegiooe toswnicjincaoes irafoeiong. I liiermy endured the pubue cJiarces made Tet his proclamauoni and. orders are I agaihit them, and the fereral improper .. "Notice nr? HE SobVrlbrli prcpanng tb V the : X fle," ajyj requefts all t&o e that are in debted to Wfrti'to Otake payment 'on or be for a 'the lfi daV f Tubs neit i anrl thnfe to tihnm ! impartial trial i 1 Bertee a ronfeinnf. inucuico oau oe paia ,on roentioe towr ae- rieft thar ''the- bvp oww int-ntionllir'l 'oot. i':?M:JSiXv k el ves entitled to a fpeedy: pubh'e and He, o fiefs far, SaIe IJia reraainipg Stock,' confiding of Dry Goods and Hardware, fee. which he Will tell low. on A credit of . fix or oineinoiths.i-:rf k k : ; He ha$ on 1iand, two new and -well made? Blackfrnith'a BeUwi, which Will be fold low for Caft,-'-;- ; ' J. SMITH. ' i TjeiteoUlet Apri 18, 1 804; ... ; t deviated from the words or fpirit of that wfl;tutwH Twhich ; they have : folehihly fworn tp fupporf :-rThey-difclaim all exercife of power according to arbicrary will. The known laws of the land hav been their uniform line of conduct : Their fenfe of reputation, bothindividu al and official, they fubmir to the feel ings ot the honourable members of your houfe,'. & will duly appreciare the fame. 1 hey will readily agree to anyfair mea- rp WELVE Hundred od eighty Xerea, fi fure which may accelerate the: trial oP a JLh toate on JoneW CreekJibr-WaWof uieir -propoiea mpeaenmenr. ; iney narpem, a 1 am iniormej aboot nfjeen hold themfelvCS m readinefs tloaDDear hila from Nalhille, and the fame diftance or before, the honourable Senate on a mo- j lercabwts, from ctarlkfjiHc. in the neighbour. Tcnneflee Lands for Sale. i Your.memorialifts therefore take the liberty of reiterating their anxious folU citauons ror a prompt and tpeedy trial : and that your honourable houfe will rair. fue fuch meahireSi as four wifdom and juiuvc 111411 poim ui, ia araer. 10 enec- ruare iws oenraoie purpole. j? y- Arid your memorialifts will pray, &cV ; ; EDWARH SHIPP O : C T AsPKR rYF. ATES. TlfOMAS SMITIL : ttTrefeiiTed March'aT'.FTT To the Senate ef the C$mmo7twedlh ofJPavt- The memorial of the tntsmtiCT of the Supreme Court of aid common j. wealth,, .- ; ..:--TS.-r ... ; vr ; v 1 hat your memoruhfts have iindeT- hood of the Iron Works, and newly iiTcowed SaJi:WclIa.-Thia .Land i the ooe half of :pf Militarr-ferVice rieht. Oeeother-Traftf - 64.O Acres, lyinc io Smith County, faid W be - Rood Laod, oij 1 he Waters of Stoot'a IIftr. abele Lid(i I will ietr tor jLav, rvejjroea, r. etchinge for Landed Property in thia State, on rood Terms. They are free from the ootniooft pcoTtoieoce of Landi beloifping t non reG- deqta of imombrances hy fate, for Tae, SC. and an anqiie&iooabld Title wt'l be grrti "the Ptarchalcr 'i-'Arv. : ROBERT BELL. ' William Flack. t. i 7A KES this method of ieforastdg hit fcr Jewi fX apd the pablick in genfral, tst be bss mowed hia ftop next door tbMr.' Wan." Arm. Srotiga Ion where he coatiivru tocauy c tie ttood that the honourable Houfe of Re I 6f Aaaa nuktrg bed m aU nrf4WnMf?M !.' f . i r I vatioiu brmocbes s be baaaa hakJ a 5Wt. impeachment agaiml them fbr high tniJV "T ?""c? - S mf'$ UT? wuiuuui juvww, uTjnHiranre. ana irr.. " - . unconfUtutionally fining and imprifon- ing 1 nomas ranmorc - They TerUy before that eitery thing they hare done in the nreniifcs. in their judicial capacity, is. warranred br the; tcctioa to bpfirefs ad luviatg fhf bt9 wateri to weet tfce patrooajse ef tWTm pnbkk. .wiera uom jj coaotrj wul be atttOl to kh fHarfloaPfry ad !Ifpateh. . 'itwc-faVar74,-i$e 1 -T