iV r I 'A ""teitg of the 8atetUttvUegihe'fataUttCTffW "has given the order to revoke it. - - 67. If after three cctssire invitations; renewed within the spaoTof Ji mohthths:-. hindrances ' subeist, the !cOnimission dc - rnahda an assembly of the "seriate; iv.hith i. convoked by the preVtdeflti Tand which is-u ' suesvUf therrzs cause the (ollotfjng declaf . :" There ire stroti!?nreUmDti61is3t the liberty of 4hepreas has been violated. , ;; I rr r - i . I " . . i. . 1: J :'.J?- -.-.t a i,.ne lacit&uien procecucu upyo m-. ing to the article lffctitleX'li; tftheh 68." OneVmenjbe?fbf eacfi trt t h e eno lial fcowkTClsUQftMedses his. function's eve ry four roonha.-' : .-; ' r ". " -) 7C9 The prrec'lfc qf laws decreed.' by the "legisialif'e? bbdyt - are transmitted,' bh' the. ' Vjejy;$typfth senatet deposited tr) fts archives, - , : . . , ' ".; ' 70. K very decree issited 'tRe JegtiiUr tire; bodyfipay he denouhjto the senate" - ,bvra senator: 1st." As tendinis to the re-ev r atablishment of the feudal system V 2d, As' ebntrari i6J the irrocVbilky of ' th"c jdes of the national doinins; ; 3d, As not ha vjng teeniKntracupon, in ttieTOTSprtT cn&, e)d b ''Wi'bjas :of ihe empire, the KirXtloris. aud ' lawVf Sh :As" attacking theVwogSiivtf'bYihepenai dignity and J J and'37"of t the empire,: bearing date the 2d fr fffiaifc, 'year 1 .. flifrheeoaeUi(wnte fottowihg ' -,! day' after the adoption of the project of law, deliberating opbn tthe rejport tit a Special com mission, and after .having h&Hhri?e reading bf the decree in three sittings hedd upon difFerc'ntdaysi'rnay express the opinion tttjthcrejjm cause for promulgivg the law.,. J The president carries, to the emperprjhe Tleliberatiemof ihe.ste,wTth tbcnbtives lignlmand by tbererffi of our athnrj, and p' ''SK 1 tun? niemeraber how I twice re" compofed the muse y Mic senate , wiuivui i the exeeuUbtljfeafticteif S the act "of the' consiftuttori bl c'cmlUqeei of mycofuftlcicndy tojuige rf it correctly, ad wboevery oDKr5wi ceuid not be difpofed to' juflge me wkb Indatgence, 'bpldry decided dithey found mjs Irreproachable f tbey entployede Jot their femce the ptXt was pot briDjantbut it Toon betame fo. ' "4 tXI-darl to4eIiTe-tht ttie nation has not for' gotten howvjtiucfc 1 1 fljewed royfelf worthy- of it t it, ha notToi'gotteh' with" What facile defotedoefs I fouchtin Jtafv in ftbordirfate ftitions tt has" eot forgotten' ho ?I w teftbred to the.chiel Jrhe rppeftcfrey having heanl the council otstate, either dejclrt& hi' decree his adltesin to th delibeTatibn of 'he sen ator, or canscs tbxilaw to he nomnlged.' 73.' Every laWtbepromulgation of which, irt this cirepmstance", has not bfi-n made pefpnheeipi ration of the spacenftendays, caft jio longer, ijc prumulgf d, if it 'Ivt not ' been again ddiberatetkupvn andadpptctl liy the -legislative body; yY.Vi'. i;' I tSThi Whole .Wthe operub'.iB jf in ji&ctoral college, and tiie partlalbeTaT'inn?! which are relattV,tdih';feientitio'if Tf thS tafedtdttefa ihe: sefrCte, to, the le'gjslative jgTO'tOcthWf hulled o;vlCco,uat'oCIem(uictftsututional, but, by jijseatus cboiuUuwV' -'f -itsrvxix. - ?fAwiirtfntig my felf before yoav I afk to bi .heard rorj gvwBttMjr confdene. Sa -ihe caynfetJ ha'ya ,c!len.Mi-.eriinr i. I have re figrfl to " tljeo i , wi'hnt retme the care of;ds;' fcadini ny .innocence" , it'UOnly in compliaBCe tvlih thJir 'd.ie th't' I wi(B to, fesk" before" the CpuiTjUt iTcef the nevdof fpe Ainrryfc; f, both'to yt)iatid tfie ntn.j;V.,;;f::i4wi Unhappy circu 1ahcefprOQUCed hy. -or prepared by' ha:ye4,';Jinyobr?r tonie 'peri-'; .Odj of the life of the mol upri, ht mart.' With ftracU aJrcfsa CTl aWiftfi f?emdte: Ttsrn him both the fjrt5Sp3l"an5 ffie pfdofs f hi crimes : a whole -fife j always the fared tefli.iioay ajainrt, ' or in favottfte-accafed,: "Jt is then my whole I fe wbu'h I oppofe to the trcuffrs who pwrfue me. It has been fufficient'y pab ic & te known. . . 1 wit eet 'foaii -epbohas of it, . and the wimeflTei that I fh i'l inT.)kc are ihe Fiench p2tp e, and jthe people w!oni France has cdrtqueied. ; At the tvtn iitncement of that reva'uriofl which waj to iout2 tht Jibty cf the Firitch people, I was devote J to the flu ly of law, 'It chaig;d ihe deftinatiOrt of my fife ; 'I devotfd it to armj ; I did not ptace myftlfjtmong the bldiers of likr tyfrO n ambition--t 'f llbrHCed the mi ftary fife frfffn,refiefl for the 1a5 of th: natioi ; I b- ' ci?nt a 'watriof,1 becaufe t'w'ts a cittten ; ' it when othff partiet preffrd fie to put my fetf at their bed to combat it- I received in. Pans the. orders ofjhe, generaf Bonaparte Uienti 'I jCtncutred to e'evate h ;Hl fappwrted the Chracler liiider the cojjors I ahways.prnrvf ) it '- Vrhsmqre I loved li ¬ me. have berty,r the,morc i rawnittea to ancip ; i.IaAa!iJeryjapid y .-but always fro.Tli. to gradeykhiJ.over.l-f1n ay aiWy V-t "tnz ny," couWTt e?er if nitetnR tlK7ciF'4tetr AritVed at 'tiiefcfuf c&mriwnii, when vi.ory cauWul taf'adtanc intfl tTilTfMdd c.:pf ftffttls ......lnrt. T AA l.r. inn'. miYlt -tn Hi a If thp -character of the French peue ecle 'Vthanv4?n !hu!' AH.of wnrd:tKatf the pter. - . . a .M i .- wa f riiki their arm! reafle; i ar t ier ny orderi wa' a fcour je only In ths fictjs of battle . Even front the m d ll of the r ragged plain, mere -thao once hr rrttior.$ and hoili e powers render. s d nw'thi te'iUnjy. Tht eonrfiicl I bl'ved '. ias 'preperas' our victotie,o ifialfe coftquclh la' . 1' ranee In executing him to that high- degree of power, which circumuancet rcodcrtd nectn4ry. - '' . . ' . , ' ';'iyi?ep:torr.i"tme after bccilVred tne the chjef command of the army of the Rhine ( accepted it from him with as jnuch deyntion as fom the, hmc of die republic itfelf. My mi!ilary fuccef etwete never more rapid, rnore Bumerons ne' (J ecifive,' than' at that epoch, when their fptendot orfpread the government which accufed" me. ;" t Uponthe'evct of fo manyfucccfll's, of which thr "reateff bf ) Was ta liive 'afcdrtainsd, iri.'an eflScaciour mjianerf the; peace bf the eominentr the foldier heard the iofry raouts of national gr titude." - Whit a inomtnt 6 eonpirc, if fuch.dcfign had eVc been able 6 enter my foul ! ' Every ope knows the devotednefs of armLr? fa chiefs whom .they to-'e, and whom they hnvejufl led from: vie tory to victory : An ambitious man, a jcosbira' tor, would he have fafFttcd the occafian to clcspe when, at the head of an. jirmy of a.hundie4 thou . fand men, To vben -'".VrjumphiJntV TieTfli't ndjMi the mid'! of a nation fiili gttatedf' "a-alvwy? tenhf with reaard to its princines, arid "their tiuraiion f . r i' . -- . -' I only thought ;of dllbinJirg the armyj and returned to the repefe of a civil life ' ' .. . ' ; Ifi th's re'pofe,; which' fra not without gloryj I enjoyed w.ithout doubt myonors thfe ho" t ors which human power can rievtr wrefl from Me, ht remsmbrarice of my aclipns. the" teftiniOr ry of my confcie ee, t.h efteem of my com pa trio s and (Irangers. ahd, if it may be faidthe fl ittering jiml Jycet pjntlmcntfpojlery I erjoyed a fortune which was not great bs Caufe my deli res Were nor imrfienre, and.which eaufel no i ripVdtch of cOhfjience 1 rjoyed the entertainTist f mt- retreat. - Sure'y'I was cori"; rent with rty lot ;I never envied the lot bf any My family ar.l my friend?, fo muc' the more pre' fcioov, as not having any thing to hope from' my credit or my fortune, they cou d remain attached but VI myfe f a'ore. , . , . All.t efe bVfii?n. which a'onel highly. ap; preewte; filled my Cm' entirely, and coud permit no-undue define or ambitious wirti to enter would it then be opened to criihi;nal projeft i . 'Thij condition of my. foul, was fo w-li known, it.waso w? II guaranteed by the diOance at which I keLfrc r all the paths .of ambition, that fin e the viary of ttjhenlindn till mf arte fta tiori , ! "iy eaemies hvt never, been atle either 'to find or to Ue ms by another enmc .tka'n the 'free, dom of my difc'ourfei 4jny. difcourfestjiey have often ben fayorapfe to- the operations f gofnmtnt : .and if at any time they hav not been fo. coul 1.1 therefore think 'tht that wa3 a criine arrtonjj a peoplr-who;had fa often decreed . 'MagiJlrifei I have nothiog more to ly to yM Such has been my characler, fuclutas'becb my whole life, fi I prcteft w tf?efate of heaven and of men the inppcence ln& iotegrity of jny coft ducT . : liYou'. know ohr duties, Trance tiftent to you,x.upe cpntftnpiates you, ana poitcnty WW ' X ' Frm the Ultd Statrj Gtneite. -.It?ppears that gencrd Arrnstrong is(on ie e ve.of takln ghis 'departarer wl th in oiit 6t of nine thdusand dollar in his pocket, to, present the homage of hi high . respect :ind thnt of Ian TeScfson ,tr tke..Trcl-. ifthiGaUlsyii- seems to be .part of the piesent sys,tem bl economies, to divide the hbiiors and . profits of foreign .rjiissiops as nuoh as possible araonor all those who haye distinguished themselves n the. rank's of 1 settled by the govern roeht what length of . reiiidcbce at a toreign court is sufficient to., .'entitle ' ininister tg hie putfiC equal to;one yn?&&iy,Twt shall ,prol.bly4 know the . xact term tor wmcn .any one ot our uerDQ criuic : ambassadors will eoniique in piEcei It is, now fittle rhore than a, year since Mr. armv of the wrecks of riiole thkt had'" been dif perfedi arid how, after . paving fwice.fent it back in a condition to o:'pofe'the Kuffiansand uftri. a!ns,Af twice refijjned diicbmtandef it to tnter J on one of much hfehct-confideace ' . ; ' ? J I was not, at that era of my are, rr-ore iepuou car) tliao in a lthe otfeersl 1 appeared ntore fp rTawfixcdepon me in a .more peculiar mikhner , thef rega anf ihe cbnBde oce otibbleVbofe province It "Was to inprtf new "movements and jw drreclions on tbv republic. Tliey fropofad, ir is wil: known, to pVe nie at ihe head of -i ,: little fiiiiilar t that of the t kth Brumaire. Vl f ambition,' if I badmuch of jt, co d eafily nonor o me t vf every tenument m ne ive i country. .. ' ... . . '',.', f.;' lf The piopofition was madeto nie by men ce!e bratei in the ; revolution by their jffluioiifijftj "d ijj our najionaj aflemblies fay. tbfr taints Ltt:. fufed it J believed yfclf made to command ar. mies, and didnot wifli to command the re pub ic. This was enougli jjO prove in my opiniotK. that jft Md an ainbition, it wa riot that of authority, or of power : very fobn after, I proved this iui farther." ' .; -v - ? 1 The i8th'BraWre trrived, and I was at Pa ris. TaTevo'ution, provoked by. others as by mebuld ,rot !aro my conference. Virecle hy a rnaa environed t'1th a b'ate of clor',it'rnidc jmeto nope for wppymu"s. organ to iccona .SL who had enjoyed much of it even under kiiirt 'I conftfs that,, born witk-hn opepnefs ofd.f pofiobn. Xvhavenotjofl his atuibute of ihe counV Vy.vof France where t received life neither in the camp where every thing gives a new imj ettis, nor in the, revolution which has always proclaim. ed. it as. a virtue of the man 'incT'cili jii 'diltettfie" eUi2envBurtfeHhi fe Mhrt pIof blame fj tpenly what tlrty difapprcive If I had wifhjd to forni and purfue pans of conspiracy, I wpuld h3vi';lif fumbled my jfeolimenfs, and fottcitejl ail. the iitii ations which could bave replaced me in die njidft 4)i the foi ces of the nation. 1 - " i . t At. the t?e when even conrrary maxlmi p . per ed b t'aJlihcninitimeet;.' of jnver nvn Vtt.i? condut di'T not, exefa a'gainft nje ej. tief fifofyfii pfrfec'i'lon. No 'croud ever a. ref to "'aVhifluhe Bi'lRary. glory wT-fcb I'hud aC7" ouired. t,:i'' ttt too" famous davJthe-HHth Fruc, tidor i 'tridfe who with toornueh rapid ty extoil M; In -ordet: to trace this plan, in default of poll- t-vdh9f day reprOacnecJ me witrt peing too ri'jw i ticai genius, wnicn i never poiieiiea,: i pari ex ampres kisown tOt a'ttne wpTW,,dnd.tendertd nqu "p'ofing by their fucCtfs. I knew well that'Mnck idid n withdraw from the armies when he w'ilh : d to confpire,. and." .that Cadi us and firatus ap proached ihe.heut of Calar to pierce itv-. t ' -to dendunee a' man. 'in whom I could lee onry a . brother in arm ': tf&l e moment Lrhen' the evidence f fifts aod,of proofs convinced jne that ' -hewasaecufed by troth, and. pot b vbjuftfufpi ctoos. : The Direciory, who aJooe knew the cir-. lit yf nine, thouiiand dollars and a salary of nine thousand jnof e---niak'ing "'eightten , thousand uollars, which tv; the people, pay fr bne:y par's etuAy. As he can hereaf t. r get no move than nine thousand, dollars,.; should he re main, '. he, fr.ids in hi rnself t!0 a iti i epulHican .tv-ndtneits strong enough to 'comuiue hiui Uitre, and is, accordingly, aiKjutta return nu trie sam&jigjotne tutre o' etghtreii thousand iJollars a year, is tu beplaj't d4ver for General Armitrpng. "Our readers' must well, re member, that under the adminisfratiyiiis of Washington 4.nd. Adams, no one item of public expendi ture was so m ich or-so- sUccessTally clam oured again .t, ly Mr. JfFi-rson and his, farate-lwt-tfendigt)Ulfoe'i;lvtn tercourseV It was repeated over and ovr againiin one. innnbtonous yell, that the sa laries of bur foreign airtbassailbrs wcre ex' brbitant; and, in fa"ct,rthat the m'm'y'whfcly was paid them was worse than thrown away ; for that the Jess connection .we .had with, in dcspotic"g6vernmnts of Europe, the bit- , ter. Observe now, gentle rt adTr-isthejr tion nf affairs tinder 1 those admmistrauons . was this t a man of-.t;dents and inttgrity was appointed to reside at a fortignTouft ; his oiace was constderetU as -i'. permanent. thmg, and. his saury settled at jnine-tntu-sand dollars" a year, SUjclt Was the sysurr of things in. the dys of extravagance and 'profusion,-.. 'wh CO' Wsshinctan, !l thatfeqa liicr cf corruption? ? and his successor, "Mr; A lams, manag -d xy&r public conccras. -SJA-i der the prtsetit reign of tconon?ics anew. Order of thing lijs obtain.. Not thatojif present rulers iw A rnorv cupidity than-the ?edcrel:sj,5 j ; but- they :..hve twieeas rnnv- -fCSHOmie 'tf- ad-.by 'sebdiog out an. annual : amimsaujr, coutnve to get tor eacn twice as much money. ; ' i u ;ry y- It mig')t pe wohh while", -if any pod conld he hoped from the discusstori, to tn b,urrevtiat cxtyaordinTeYvicM'haye been" p-rformedby our minisier in France in re iurn for the extraordinary sum of public m ntey which htlMS received. - The first, great exertion of h':6 diplomat ic t.dvnts was displaced in his famourrtTC- 1 morjal upon Louisiana, utv whithuhe tfWfe ly andVAntQnly railed upon all nations to combine for the . purpose of bumbling one of the belligerent powers of Kur;:e wivh which we arc at peaci; T'he only advantage resultmjj to our' country frorh-this ..grand stroke ot prdicy, so far as we have been able,., to h ami was the necessity of sending im int'uiately to the cnut t of London, 'fit there in the name of our government,- solemnly and formally disavowing tike act of the mi nister. We leave it to the democrats to decide how many of the eighteewthousand dollars Mr. Livingston earned by this chef d'eeuvre of diplomacy Jt mav possible-be urged, however in hs justification, that, from the treatment which he .personally ex?, perienced at the court of France, he sup posed the nation whoss scivereigrlty he ' there tepre sent'ecj i was.- i e w ed as the mere , vassal oi.the gran.de repubitueirt cbnse queod that, it was. his duty to do and say even, thing which he thought might be' pleaiiii tohe first, consul, & which might have, a terkleocy ,tp avert his anger,-or to coneiliate his niercw r - , - : ' i . The n tift great diplomatic exploit of Mr 'Liyibgsteur is,his ahiswer.to 'laileyraud, in which upon the representation ot one party, and; that renresentation consisting of such 4)ririted paptrs j's the fichc proper to select and pat into hislhauje: proceeded to try an important litigated queV tion between tw o nations at war, ..and' .to pro. nounce Sentence of condemnation against . one of thi ml We have not yet heard "that our administration has yet disavowed this act of outrage, ; but they will unquestiona bly find it necessary to do -so v As soon as that shall have been accomplished the chan ttllor niayeiEuru in triumph, with 1 8 thousand dollars, fpr one years'aM er-p-ccs, and leave the arena clear for die ex ploits of his successor., .. 'Tty-y . Of Gweral Armstrbn v, we shall takcoc. ? casTon to sa3'j a fe w wortJ On- some future opportunity.' i It UgeaefrU known that he Ys the reputed," if not acknbvylcdged author of. the anonymous ltters'gaiost .General ' Washington,- addressed. tq( the ofiGtccrs and soldiers of the American army, '.This may account lor his present promotibn.' ? . - Every Ataerlcan will peruse the follov. ing extract with rto lmle'eoiicitude. The writer vie ws with iitlear lBighted eve, a 1 rra0S4Ction whifh w? desire t may &&re. . mcmbeedv ' this -peper has uuiformly'spo- . ken of with narked disapprobauou. No reflecting ptan -ran, scruple to say ihat the conduct of Dur trench ambassador is irre-: gular, unwarrantable and. indiscrectin the extrrine.. But it was not?tiU -we saw this spirited and well written letter, we had I any idei that Mr. MunroVconduct had al- , so been regarded in Great Britain as excep tionable. , j;:V Repe,lrij. - . bottom .-X - I -r i am auogeiner-ai my tase. in regard to the j elati ve'sitoation pi the Gov. rntntrif : of America and that f fuicotmtiyVJhe ' men employ e3lyTVlr. Jt KraorTa re co n plettly Kostilein their wishes, and indecent and violent Tn 'their conduct towards this -country, Odr Ministry, in compliance with the! general Wish of the nation, have hi t n oclerate in their language and forbearing "' in their cbndjuct, iiader circumstances which typuld certainly have Authorised expostula tion arid justified jesenihi:cW.MrJ,''.Mtii rb ahd Mr.' Livingston1 are known, and it is Tot believed that they( speak the senti ments of the American people, 'although it is not doubted thafvthey are faithfut lii-pre-scntativts of ycur Elecu tive. The inte rests of, America & Great ifritauj am deep ly concerned in a continuance of their friend ship : but Khbhld-the pr?Se nTf wF Be" prcN longed J and should your present executive hold his situation, I do not foresee a possibi- . -lity of avoiding a rupture between the-two coufttrj". s t-for jconfurrvnly .and insult are what no British Minisfr: an bear;: & "keep " t u'lr pIacts.7Te.fpiri4 cf the nation will be rqusfd at'.the.tCul inaignjty. Offered to , rherr-Kirlgf; and to his Ministers f and they would drive frcrh their pfa.tes any Ministrjr ' who should refuse to be the organ aad ih stiument of "gencrrd resentmenr. '". The conduct of Mr; Livingston at the Cb:ij of France, in sanctioning by his bf hcial dnsivc'r tb'lhe cbn.rnunication tf Tal ler rand; the attrdciotis calurnnieifabrirat ed against this ccnotry by the prettided lettts'of MrDrake,' hasprodtix.ed a s rn SJttoh her ambrg' all classes and "partiesi .which I am concerned to observe but can--not disapproX'e. T'hat Mr.f 0rake had'scrmeT ' ' inte rcovrse with the, inleriotir or France; there ran be jib donhr-oersonjden iti.'l Landnbne :ch . Iwr'surpmed ' at4ttBvi "that l 1 Mr.TJiake hlfrycbhnenv spirators wncse otject ws tne assassination of Bonaparte, ' or that he wrote the letters now: published a hnh zrbsolule false- i lotrf-md h is of a piece with a thousand iabmations which Uonaparte and the pre decessors of Bonaparte in the calamitous course of the French revolution. have pric tictd. The conductbf Mr. Livingston acli -rnitstjf-rto-eJiC'useas he has-departed froni the usual form "bf cflitfal tbrhmunicationi to grati fv h ojvh' feelings and offer insult to Great Britair'- thisbas been the more ' noticed because it has been considered as i discovery of the sentiments oi himself. and" the Lxenitive he represents; In regard - tp Mr. Munrpc's mode of coi ducting bu siness I iormerly wrote ycu, ahd?s the man and his predileCtion-to France '(t:en " i.i preference to. this country and to his of ficial duty' when an Ambassador) arc. well known, you cannot be surprised . at any thipg unconciliatory or even offensive which . he may have done in this country. What all' this will produce may be easily foreseen But insult and indignity are seldom forget-, ten ; and thYare never forgiven when of- . ftTcd to party, embarrassed and at the mo? tntnt unable to resent them.- A. Tram t't Trnttim Fed!tXi'itt, ' . : -. , To A.XtTRR, "Eiq. - ,-. v. . ; ' ..; , event, - in which you were the prin-' ipal ii tor, . has lately taken ,p!are,r which hss .filled IJnited Anierica -with horror, By you, . my country has been deprived of its braVeSt xvarrioi-its ablest statesman its dclightits orDa.mc&j?jeTlWhile I betjftover the tomb of Hamilton, ar.d in, bitterness of soul deplore his loss, my hearty j. Jbums Vitiiiart ga t-inan. Vj who was the- guilty cayse of jiis deaih. Lately jtiu'stowd. Titgh io khe esti maLipn of ''. " y bur eountrymtn- )'our name was enrolled . iri the jcatalpgue ofotlr worthies, and the h'ghest honors in our gTft were freely be stowed on you. But now, , your glory has departed from you, and by a single act yo.u haV9 drawn iipou y our head the curses of , .a whole natkjiv'X.,-'':3,.;'i::iL; '-""v. In the name of my cpur.trjI change you with, foul -unnatural msurder, -When you ; thirsted for the blood Ol Hamiltbrdid yen : t

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