ORCAKIC SENTVS COSULTVM. J. 'iV- - "7$iVhen-'; tHe;,CbuntU of State, delibe, ates upoiv the prtys ofawr andu ; ' thcvregulatiens; of public 'admmhtration; - .. . ;i thetwo thirds of thf membcrfjhj Coup 'f'r cU in onlinary 'service must be present. : c xhs ftumber of thi counsellor of .v . . ; cannot be less than twenty. Bve-'CpC jr. - ; :-76. Jrtih xbttncH of state if divided into :'5:'--vi:"iix section j to wH J4"'W . . Seion ot legislation; - section 01 tne in I T 'teriourj section of finances,; section of war, ' " section cfthe marine and Bection cif cpn -. ; W-'-?J7Tii When Member of the. council of - K'f ' "p-r- etateoias been inscribed, during five years iji!be list of theinembera of the council i '4 n ordinary service, hejreceiyes Vconirai I fefokv Wheq tf ceases b Inscribed jn the ' t . .-Uat 01 tne council oi state in orauiaiypTica? i :7 traardinarv' services he lu a TiRbt only - rto the third of ; thesiary of , counsellor of C f ;IIe loseshls rule and, rights, only 1y a rcl' Curding an afflictive or Jgnomihious enal-j r.x-.. r ',r vT - - , . -. - - ' ; v.-' . 135 rii r.f ti( Ouestbrs is renewed everV 93, The Tribunate is dvded into three section. to jvit i :', t p' : Section of JUegatipn, oecuon 01 jnteror Section of Finances, ?s i 9-1 Each Section i form a t of three ot its; members, among wnom me rresiacm of ;thc Tribunate deJgnates tne rres of th1Seeti6a';' ;;V'sv - ; '" ' CrA': AThe runcuons'cF ihe?resideatof,5fe dfthe .j 1 'V.'V - A- t rhe members going out of the legv Llative body tnav be te-cUcttd without inter '$X JTO. The projects of jaws presented to; thp , legisIaM ve fcouy are's sent ? Dact i to ine three seCtibtts pf. the 1 ribnatc.; ' Rrt. Th vlttint s of the lecislative bodv" ' &'-t&xfc Atcorhmitteea:. 'V nl&X'Ax&ri'- 8 t,The ordi nary S ittings afe rpmposed ; of members 6 the legislative boly, ot dra. tors" of the cOunci of state, and of orators, . of ttje three sections 6f ttie TBbuiite ?: 'rThie general committees .are corn posed pcly of members of the Jegislativc bod;: The president of the legislative body pre- Chides at the ordinary sittings,, ad the ge- peral committees ' , v j ' . , 82. In an ordinary sitting the legislative body hears the orators of the Council of State and those of the three sections of the t Tribunate, and votes upon the project of In general committees, .the members ot. 'V ' ';the legislative body' discuss among thetti , selves the advantages and incqnyenjences 'li-r""":" .of the oroiect of law. - "7 - -o"' ?-s '.1:i;:83i:.rheiegislative bbdy forms itself io-i ;;,v y-r to a general committee v. -v 4 ; : 1st. Upon the invitation of the president, 5-S'(oJ- the meriour tasinesa ofbody; liMgtii thesle'tyfo- cWv tKe'ncral: cnimlt: ? v - tec is secret, and the discussions must nei-; 'vr YMher' be printejd nor diynlgtd :.V; iyi v ' ' "'-' - Upon the demaqd of the orators of '-'V the Council bfiState specially authorized; -':;,';'''.' ,v .to' the effect.. V .' '',;', .'V - :f '; '"j; JIn W3'cae,he general committte is ne- i'fy'l:- kNp'oelibeo'tsn be taken In the gene- 'i-'' W -".Tal committees. xlvf'A v; Z-l: ; t 'vr t jif 84.-Vlben the discussiorr in : a; general cominiltec 1S, fbrnltdthe'dehbennof-Ja;; A ; Aatyourned to the next day in a, -Ordinary' :v"y situng.' . ' C;:;-A;.v- 'J: iv""-"v'J , CV;;i yv85The lgisbt!ve bodyv on ulay it. r';;yv;f; ;,ls to) vot; .orn'the;-pr!jel:tpf;av;.vhears .. - in the same sittingthrcapitulation which. ''.. Uie(jc)rators of the Council of f rate make, x ;,;,:,;8They ration on a project of Jaw, J J c in o case be deferred mortr than tltfee r jili ii da v it roiid thib " one which had bee n xed " . ui ' f for the, closing of the' discussion.' ' " 5. ;;3 i'jSTTIieaecHoo ii CIt 'i'!the'onty: comojissibns of the legislative bo-- !y y whicHwnnot form arty "other, but Jrt the in nigi imperial court lion IaSt obe Veaf. 11 - rJiJ. w.nen me respev1 aruiuu v wv Council of .State and of Tribunate "de- mand to unite, the conferences are held un der .the presidency of the Arch-Chsncellor of the Empire, ? of the ArcKVf reasurer, according' to the nature of the objects to be SoEicfo'Scc iri an Assembly of ih6 Section, -(he projects of laws which are transmitted to it by the legtsuuve Dcniy, ., ; . j-;: -;v-i ' ' f wo bratbrs of eacli of the three sectio Carry to th legislative body,' the'wish of the Vfcttiaand dKveloo'ihe mbtitesol it. ' : r or. In no case Can the proiect oflaws be discussed by the tribudate in a general as- sembly.' .v;'-AW:-':,;.:-: " It unitesln a cehcral assembly, under the presidency of its president, for the exercis ot its otner attriumions Tlti 'xwCf the Electoral Ce&g " 93. 'AVhecever an lectbral college is uni tedbr the fbraHortvof'ihJfist.;of capdi rlaies for the leeisTative bodyv? the? .lists of candiJaies for the Senate are renewed. , Each renewal 'renders the anterior prer sentations of 90 Vfferti;! . s9VThVlatofficcritvth c'ommibdants and officers of the legion of honor, are.mem- bcrs of the electoral ouege- ot the Oepart metit W whiclx (hey .reside. ''.vw'one' of the 'departments of the cohort to which they be lomr. ''- V.'v-.'" f "-' 7 ',' -w fJL' M;T'he legionaries ire members of the elec- ibldfegebf their WrinrfisscmwKr. l he Tnemoers 01 tne icgion 01 nonor arc adim'ted tothe electoral corege 'which they are to -make a part of, upon th presenta tion of a brevet which is tlelivrrey tc?thtm. forth:s effect by the'gran'd elector. ; .... '2 '; "Trrx xn.-Of thejmpcriat CovW- , , ' i'Ol. Aigh imperial court takes cogni. aance of, -...- . ' v' '",. - tst. Of personal offences committed by members of the imperial- familvj by titula. ries of the kreat dignities of tfce .t repire, by ministers :and by the ettctary of sutebjr; great officers; by senators, ana oy counsel lors of state vt;:ri:'" :!' xi::' 'r.v'i ' 2d. 'Of crtme'Cs'ttem'tsand plot against the interior and exterior safety of the state; the person bf the Emperor and that pf ihe ' - . P. IT.-'.::-..; --. - presumptive neir 01 tne cmpirq i-. . 3d. Of offences of re&porisibiKtij of cjfice committed bv the .ministers' & counsellors of state especially charged with a part of the, public amiBtrationv - 'f: !' ; j'l 4th. Of prevarications abusfls of pbw tier, -cOmmUted, either by captainS-genqrals comiriandi'ntj bf theFxepcrt estkblishments beyond the cbntineht, or by administrator general employed extraordinarily:, or byge nerala c admirals without prfjQdice4twith regard to the latter to the prosecutions,- pf the military.'juriadiction, in theicases de termined by the laws r 4 r v - ;i , 'v 5thv Of the fact of disobediertee of Gehe-( rals or Admirals, who contravene their in- . 1 v ... " ' - t - The PresidentsoftheVpurt's bf 'cas'-" sation, the totirtsofjppeal sndirirhinal jus'. tice are appointed for life by the emperor VblthitheY are'to presidet?,;')"? iypy$ j dcnomuiifion.of court M Cassation ,he ri banals oTaPDeal that of appeal j - true crimi nal tribenwa thatf Icrimmal joc(tictf t :jhfz presiaent oii..ine cun, ui vo"" y- president: el tne Courts ot appeal u vtucu to sections, ikc tne uiie 01 nri. pjtoi.., the! Vice-President that of Presidentsi 'the commissaries of government, near the court ot cassation tne couna 01 appca v.. mmal justicef;takehe title oflmperial-At torhcy Generals ana? tne cotnmiT near (he other tribunals that bf Imperial At-. torneys.-:'-'. v:r'V'. .V: .-'r. "37; The emperor: caues! to . be sealecl arid promulgated, the Organic Senarus'Con sulta the Senatus Copsulta, ,the acts of the Senate' and the law-The Organic, Senl- tua Censultai-: Jthe Scnatus Consults; and lects if tlielSete the tenth day after their eifiisstopiit tannest. , l38v,Two.ricfinals are drawntro of fach of the acts mentioned in the preceding ar- dcle. : Both are signed by the emperor, rc-j vised by one of thetmilsfrs ot too hign dig nities, .each according to their rights and attiibates.-xouotersijrned bvithe Secretary of State and the Ministers bf Justice, and sealed tvith the great Seal ,.of the State. ? 4' i39'poe of these originals is deposited amon2 the records of the seaL St the, other is transmitted to the archives of the jpublic. authority from;wjich the act emanates. ; t lib. t4l." The promulgation is thus con ce'ived t w N. fths first name-of the cmpe- for, by xhe grace of God aid the constitu tions of, the Republic, cmperpr ; of. the .1 French, tb all to whom jhese presents may come, Urectingti ne 5enaiev yauer naymg . .... f f 1 heard the orators 01 tre couacu 01 s", nas decreed, and weirder as follows ia'nd if "of a lawi the leirislative body has rendered On tne tne lOUowmg oecrtrr,- cgmorinnuijr to the proposition made in the name' of the emperor, and 'after having heard the ora- ;JB8.-T;furKkion3 ofthe members of the trUwinate last ten years. -VjyT ;:i3;;89.:a-hi; , ;; . -- . half every fiveyears' .;;:- . r, ' V V K ' !5 V:The first renewal shall takVplaqe foi;the -,i V'' sessions'bf the'year cobforhtabje to the Of? ;fTvrs)i,,,'g4oie Sehatus Corisultuniof the 16th Therf -V; 7:: mdor,"year XOi: V?";"v; fv0 ."fy:.: ; y ?if The President of ihe tribunate 1s no '. ':;; C: Tninated by the Emperor, upon a prescntaX ;';-i ": tion. of three candidates rnadc bytne Tri; -'; v vv-'',; bunateby secret, tlectiou and by he , abso I ;'; ". vr lute majoik'v (l). --yX r.'-."r;."9U The futtcti ons of the Presjdeat of the :""ir77fTr.ibunteyi4si to.ygars-v.,;VT S :i',, -. ';V.li The Tribirnate has two QtieStors f. , ij fr. '. ..; They are. appointed by tlie .Emptror, jap J; "t; - i hi 'i triple 'list of CwdMites'choscnby thev : t :. Tribunate by Secret election and by the ab-' y H .'rvCjsoIufe majoritye." .v'--v:w. '-. '.'.' ",' -' . 't ..X-V ., Their functions are the slme as those St- 8tructions .:j-'-vvf.-'."'i.Hi.Y'--i Oth. Of the concussions 4nd,dilimidation rwhich the Prefect of the departmdnts,are guilty ttf in the excrcise'of their iunMions. flh. Of the forfeitures or patty quarrels which' -may be incurred, bjr a court tjf ap peals,' or by a court of criminal justice1, or by memlers bf the court of cassation u -. 8th. JOf denunciations for arbitrary de tentions and of violations of the liberty of the prfcss .102 The tjjgh imperial 1-ourVassern-bles inthe "Senate L0Itt4,presuied' over', by the Af civ Chancelbr of the: hrapire. v i s Trr : If he ia i Vick, ahsent or lecitfmatvly tre: -ventfed-it is presided by another '. titulary of a great oignuy 01. ine.cmpirc ;,..-, .; .' l&k The High Imperial Court i.scnm pnsed of princtS, f titularies of the gfeai dinitjes and great officers of the Empire; of ttie ; ,Grand judg'lioie3r cf Jteticej of sixty Senators of i x PresWent.of iectibn of the Council of Suteor fenven Coim. sellor of Stats andjof twenty membtrs of 4h.i-eojK'f--ff -'' e ' j? " :Th. Sf natore,- the Xounscllors of State an,d the- rnembers of the Court of rossflisn, are caiiea oy oraer ot Denioritv. 1 Af4L3 Witbio twp and a nTf feiln 0f LJ Louiiburff: sod 1 j of Raleigh The3 SeafJ;ViUnf tVe lflf of Xn' ' 'o the Fill S.eafoti the laS of ;Oclober.,. ' Mci pot the Spring Seafoq and not pfbiog wiib Foal, fttll ha the pitTIege ef the Fall Seafoo, rrtii juy.pncc win pe zo opnr, persoie tne nif A pril, ' iSo r 1 8 dollari ftull . ifcharee . .Sprrdg Seironandflfi dolUri thi Fall Sfit if paid -by the 1 1 jh .of Marcfi,i8tfe. I wjit tolure a Co! to Hand arid futk for -io dol'tri; tWelre aod s bolf Dotlan tbef Leap', pa4 at 'ihe tise the Mre is CKtJ j and hood thf. Vrc prove 'not with Foal, Ihe ft all late the. whole Segfoot for and a half Dollars more. " ' Perfoni wifhing their Mtrei fJ wi:t Corn Ihali he it at twu'asd" half -Dollars caft h barrel. Vf My treatment ftall be the f?ti Si lift yeaft for which -f appeal to thofe 'gBtletDta who favored' me with their co from. i ' ' Oentlemefl hb pt tlires by the'teap ird et po Colt, (hall ht a'Seafoo for 1o Dollars, and tbofe who pot by the Setfo'a mni fail, (hall have t wo- Scafona for the pn'ce of one. r-Every er4hall-b takeD,.ba;t 1 wllLnoi he liable for iCci4enwr,Vl.;ivV'fv':' r ..ELtSHA.WlLLlAMS, Tranllit Feb , 1804. ;i vPEDIGREe:;- Cocor de IJcm wai got by Hip hflyer,M dm the farams Dido by Ectipfe): Dido old at the Dke of, Cflmberlaod' faTej for 850 ynHvai, and Cor de Lion a)oi4 fcy.ber fide, foil for 400' Rtn'neas-ss teitiScatev ta Vlaiy pofllffioa will hew..':''j.',' '?if -'V"-r?;'f f;-'t---' - " ' ;' , A'fioe Bsf, a ftar in bis forehea J, wiih Llatk nsnea1l;legaed hwf.5.;fi,"'ri. ' LiI of ' iiiUrrrtrhainin in tie Ptft-Cjice, Taj-. :etteviltefljl of July, co$t which ij mtfallti ; yftf-fhtftrt the tjt ofOttcier next, ill it fat te the General Pojl OJtce Br dead Let:rt. GALEB Abbot, near ayetwVtlle Wi lian ' . Anderfpn,; i3o." J-hii Andrews, Cumbi-r-land County Duncan Black, doi-AnJrtw Bre pan, dsijobn Bethune; near f ayetteviile ; John Chifliolro, FajmeVdlc f Janiei Cdle.do. Archi- hali dmnSli.: rear itlo-. Tohn Hhlrwian np 6 I " T, y j t ocean Crafford,o. gqaire Cameron, do. Du- tors of the council of state and the Sectionsfll d Campbell, do. Dojald Clarke, care of John of the tribunal, tber---We : order and cbtrw mind that, these present sealed"ith the seals 'of th'e state, fmerted iu ihe bulletin of the lav?, be addressed to the courts, trU bunals, and idministrative aulhori tie, that they may be inscribed on tht ir registers, to oblerve them Jind jcauseJthem tolbf! oDSryjL ed jnd the grand judge. Minifeter of jusv tice is 'cliarged Vrith superinlendir the pub-, iicition thw.oiTvi;-f " ' l-lif The followinff pi;oi)osition shall be ojTered jEhe:acc Ihe forms determined by the arrete 01 tne 9th Fldreal, year 10 f-t The people will theTiereduamentof the iniperial dignity in the direct Vtcscent, nural;nlegitimate arid adoptive-xif Napoleon Bonaparte 'and the direct' descent j . natural "and. legitimate of Joseph ''ami. Louis Donaparte-,'' as it is thus f rgulated by the organic senatus coasultum of the i8th Floresl, yAT siCncd, , ;. cam baceres, Tl TV; .Cc ' : Second Consul, President k-tA-'y. :" ,:'; a'''-"7 . ' v..- Seeretast. i - Approved and Sealed. . . ' " ' ; fchanctllor. of thr Senate, - LAPLACE. rWe order and cbmmabdv that these pre, it .afftd vith the seal of the state in- serted inf tho" Jbutletiri bf j lajrs-he ad- dressed lo the cburtsv'trtbunalsv and adrni histr?tive authorittes-that they may be iitf scribed on their registcTs, Sec. Given at the palace of ;St Cloid the 38th FloreaV 1 year 12 and ot our reign the pnTk :: .Signed : 'sf zr-v Arviityw , By the eVifero'r, ' J S ''. ). C - Secretary of State, '-f tii B. Maret.' -Seenby-us, Arch-Chancellot of the empire " " CHARLfeSTOJf., COURIER OFFICE. - v A COUNTRY PAPERr I' 1ST copsequence of .appKcaiions from ta rious.,a4uarters, 'Tve aye induced to offer proposals for rintibS (in"sddition to-the daily Courier) X paper for the country,'. to - . "Y-"v-nd25;-Tof-tiie'Ornit''Senatus Con -'iuUum bf the! 24th Frimaircyear XH.; .'(1 irj i ifcru r?..aAr rteTAw'B, ' .Tnjl-y infant, ihet tkon tfobitf f Kfaiii " . 4 I , - ' are the objects of them j they are therefore rnitiejJ. .;;;r"..:-.e:.V . f r.;TiT Lejxi vOf tlim Judiciary :orc!crS i 134 The judgments of the iourtsr of jus tice arc titled cmft. -"; : v. - Tt ia our intention to publish the propos ed paper twice a'week. xXcS 'efrtcc''otri Mill be Five Dollars eirtnumP-Payment, fct the satfie' always to be made in adnCe. 'All thfe brreinaMlemai-lcs and' Essays pbblised in the Chirle$tm hitricts o& ther witW a general detail of,Foreigtv and il05.' iThere will be attached' to' the Jwgh l. ' - " i uirr want ulikiai uv Impenal-UJurturAryefi tne narjer ''Mtsuiffciei'tiu'mbc peaf to encourage he irftended undertaking, the first number of the Courier fit the Coun-' try will be published uv themOnth f Sepv tembe'r epsuing. 'S.'.;f Subscripttbns:atT5 reeeived 'ty-H1? Editor f the MiserVi MacMill?!!, Fayetteville : Williath Dclbv, Cum. herland cesntyj . Ekekiel FprcV FayeueVi'e John Crrahaml'care cf Jas. M'Jvfair, JR ojbtfos co'Bnty-4 Jofcph Cert,- care ofCcorge Barge, FayetteVille j Donald Crabam, .care,bf Jamts M'Intyres ; Stephen Ci more" p'earFayett( viile ; Eber Hsrle, Fymtrille fc njamin Jnei cr leakics, do. Daniel Liftilv, Cumberland county; Wiiiianr Kay,:Fay'teville ' Peter M'Arthur, do ' i Mary Mobre, care of James Kemp, Tay ettey il' j Samtiel M' Key, do. t i Malcf lm, Mac Leod,"dd.: "Wiltlam M'Kenrf, do: a ) Dpnld Donald, do i j John M'Phil, care of Dan cab M'Leran. Fayettevil?tt Cpl! MTNdll, Com berhod co'ucty j 'f&tih&WMtftiiW&vt'r Cxk Cumberland cennty j'Jthn ionrce; do. Neill Monroe, do! Archibald M Duffee, do. ; Lkcblan Keftn, do." John M'Kay,' jun Lctg (heet i Donald M Keazie, Cumberlaad coumv, s ; Alexander M Leod, carpeotc'r do. Makom M'Innis, d- Daniel M'CoH-' d-. Malcora M' Neil, do: Jobp G Morris, care cf.Mrs. Ander?, Black Rier ; John M'acbero, Robefcn cctin- -Tjr t'.Daniel M'Millo, do-John i M do. Widow M'Lran, do Cg'orge Nuttirg,Tyette. il'e ; .Sarah Nay?r, do. Hamilton Prjncs, to. Jofeph PrindeU do Thonias'O ueifenhTryxi anes Rophey do. James ' Rofleil, do. Dunczi 'ay,- Cumberland -county, 3 ; James Rawnflryir Chathant eoiinty j . Dantrl Smithy Cumbc.bn'l county y yniiam Smrth,Tdor Jacob Smilie, 'o. ' John Saw, Fayetterilte V James Smkh, Robefot county v;Mr Taylor,- Campbellton 1 James Too ryvpumbitland couoty i-'Dayid Vance, Hat'err Fayetterille t Samuel Vance, do. Elifha Wi-'kin$ Cumbetland coonty 1 John Younger, do. Tha n:as If oan j, Fayeuet'lle. .N; - ; , - --Sddcer arid Harness-Muicn npAES this method of informing his frienJs X"' - ssdthe jmWic in general, that, he h mor rd his Shop bf at .. the - cpfoer of Market ami Third Street,' where te conuciies to carry on the '-Saddle i and Hafnefs makme bofinefi in all it w- -tions--;ftes-es..9nan..goj.j-frtment cf Saddlery and Harner mounting plated Belts, and he flatters hlmfclf that t" tenrJon to bufinefs, will meet the patronaf e of i pe nerous public. Orders from the eountry will be attended to with punctuall y and difateh. t;- A xeneVous price wittie girtn to Jcarnevtnea Saddlers that will be attentive tobufinels. . . Smith, Thomzs-Cotton, ' 9 -- rp HE ubrcribers havia? qoa'ified as Mr.'.' J: cutors f the laft Wi l and Tenamentot 1 hofaas Cotton, dee.' l:rf of Montgomery coun- : Tsjeffuell5 ill perfoni indebted to make !f 1r :plyjer1ha- ba Ce.iumli W-F- r ' RLfjA H II ATTOM, J Menmetjctfitjt'Juuety tM ; ::.t.