u r4- H4-r H V England BtHf t 'mil rmufe paya4 fo 'Tf 44 f : JAw litW" fyitmuptottt . viiti Bank 'jjitf i Bi ni.-7' 4 . V i 'flaw Du Pi k. fiMiUtdy mde if' jfe iuft'qf k' 0iw, v -,; v- i.-jj?--. n-. ABRAHAM NE WLAND; " , Here ne'er way a name, fo bandied! by F4me 'Through air through ocean ; & through land.". : As tne that it wrott upon vry &ank:Noi : ' "A nnu'a t win ft- trnnw "Ahfraham MulaS,- -V; ? vf'y OhlAkrabamNewiaod 4 i . : wNoufied Abraham Newland I'lte heard people fay, jturr Abrara"y8o toiy," : -Butyo rault noHham Abraham NewUad.4 M&!je wo. Id. IncKiI U think Jaftice 'Wiodf , .N:"hai',,Lswyett know fell, lh'ii:vfewlandi' ut Lord ! what of that, ihe'Il bjink like a bat , V '4 '-"V? AiWvefigU of toWaham'NewUnd(iiti. 4 in a rr-"j n m i xi iin r- . .. -. . vx.'- AUoni0.iotf Abraham Wcwland !. y iThVIu(Uclf tii knbwo, caa fee thro' a aill-Son ;$e:i-$ s Yet flief-anYfee throuah Abaliam Newund. . j-faf i-v captain wi'i fightrWmatntamoflgntir-: "-Cor tliis antfall oAeY you do land if EvaBiit he wil 6b( Ay. if commanded not by he general caII'd-Abrabm Wewlan t Oh rvABfiKimNewIaDd ! Ibtrepid Abraharrf. Ne wland I V r.. ..t . L...'.i.' - 1? .5 ;, . A" ueperaimayisiircn,, 911c uc. capiaia went .vVl&'C'i-V! tJitil dfum'd 00 by Abraham fJewland. . 2 l'If a maid cf thr'eefco:e, 'or dozen year! tnorev For a hufhand fhould chance, to'figh thro laad ) J'ra Vaftly afraid, fhe would not die a maid, S'.-W., :V;p!!rw acquainted wnn'.npranani-iew.ana .x?. ' Cr.y ::. 0h ! ' AbahanvNean444 , ' 1 1 Deiuding'"kbrihim Newund vfSf-r li? ? it though crooked or.trrofs ft'd not U at 1 fdfsi -1 1 7tt)7j1 , .The Doctor orneVpe for ih ire in my text I ' Though icath fheateof yu to bring to land . n :r y -.. r .......11 All difordeta he H tel', ff yvu are e'er fo unwell, Xf J0UU t'p hirii nv Abraham .NcwUod.ViC'tV-. C With' potions an J pit1 he 1 cure all roiir ilfa, V ' , For a larce ilpfc ot o ahatii Nwland. A ri f ' The Player too w fli-sT amongft other dihei, ' i o proht oy un ig nt intw iana 1 -, . . ".If not 'prompted Abraham M:winJ" A Comiaal Vibrahim' rCwland J TU ,VV ;?When ttikkd vitli Abraham t&wland. : f'. ; The frencK fay thrf'i omioj,' yet fureJy tney ti s.''?Viil'"Jbtimnjioj 4'.V-;i5WJiSv-!" A;-vStt kow 'not what they'll get if they do land V ' ' We;U make their af ring, in defence of our K3'f . - 'V?? f c iOor CounrV and 'Abraham. Newland 1 1 VVr t-vsV--l'-f.!th'1 CF'-r Iorincib'eAaham Nev'and' I : 1; . Ho tri cb!our'e!f,- nof ' the i devil hunfelfi1: Shall rob us of Abraham N:wland.' Siit. f r-Pi ' Con, j -JctT 30, - J.;:.. f: ".The feTwent whicH evidently exisw X tnorig'thc federalists,, the vast exertions, whicK they are Wvf ftiakin, "all Indicate hi - - the leifcat; mailner that thef realise1. " with ' ' '; - ' awful appfeheosion the tapid ; apprpjclvof. the dissobkiori of ,'tlVeirt J)ayfrfTW-ho WilLnot Itill irenuhlicans iftVeCOritr f ( nitirtr jart crweht exentnwin i'ifvahci and these eliertiens wilt be such'as ( c v. . vVai feear tipon the face of them the credit . ffeCB&d wnqtion pf tKwhote--party pb; aTorrocT occasion ;itwas objectea o ffrfss that it professed to v v v " t a f ti'.rt f that oartv but"xhibitted,ho ? rpi-oOfof the truth oOhatiactilt 1$ drifted tiiitit that otir next address should be ) rexbediefttthat our; 'lre? fr6ro sttch an ohjection. ?54-.& Sfe of y- - f r the opinion,- tnai ns.Mv ..-rr7--: r; the tidzensbf tnfiectjeut pla.nly iU-r plitlv onirte;aubject;f;?orm.ng a CON. : v: ikTTTTTTrrtli- but thifc ought not trt be done Without the appvoSation of that party.. K ' ;-The' forgolWfcWeration- haye-Jofltt; v-'tctrmrnitteeIbf repuhheantrhu eps t -v t nor. tatenl untU . I hid consulted as many of Z?'? bur Tcpnhljean brtlhtrh ia'3tiHff ttrcum-v - Varices wduld'PermirP;eciable repub, J ' V Ikana from every town in JMiddh sex cpun. l;y;-' tn a'ndTrom" more- than half theUoWn, iti. ; ,ve hern comMlteVlaDunaninDOUsly acU; . : Vised to the measure. . . ' . ' r '-. t.'.-.r.-rri.- t';-W16IUei at Wew-IIaf, TOthe'-'SftJtWeeAPeV at nsne of ihWcJotk in de forenopn, at tfte 'aWrmblvrooM-iv l " Vrr.;;. 4 v.. itv a jinn'aa'itcatt Mdorie ue f filcascd tooTOrniinkate this letter to the re- ::'.Wublicsins inyburlowffnd theyVe request If J shall prevent t Teettng?of he' teputcans your tofn, you jviU plekge to attepd at NeW'Haveri in per8pfiVii--VV'''''fTStf'''. ; y! I am with eaijrespeci and cpnsideraiicm your Obed, Seirantyv::: ;xVvV 't'iItEftPONTEDWAltDSi 1 Cfidirnian' f the General Committee The hbnor df a ikculir letter was pleased to aaaress to me, was just sucn anene aal did notwiihtti not vhat pfidcipus friend if (oe.has repre-r setitftd me to vbti as "isuitable person to be smiled by the hopes W. l' revolution a this Statev Vigilant as your party are you may 'rest assured that for once,; yoa hayemissftd rour1 him, a f BeinkV piai6'fwme3r.l have yet -to V"' 'Vhat'a. Constitution to be gobd rouat Ptx. a tune 01 :jfrirm. is the e 10; form a ncViOne ; ;of that untver&ul 1 -ifage tenSs to secure the liber. ties of, the "'ryeotnariry of 'ew4SngUndi. Thejalter pfoject especialty appears Co me t be f-ptitttnn; a rjangerous - ripwer into ine hand f the rich antLhriprinci pled, and eet- iTngAjpliBerty TorTfale to the hjghestbiddcr. Bcsidfs.'sir. lhaVin a time of fertnentvatTi who hold the Hirst offices in the gift of the National Executive, should be making ex-s ertibns fivhich bearivpon the face of thtm ihe crek't ' arid sanction of tl. whole partyA Jooks suspicious 11 janu asthougy tbe liber tv arid happiness of. their fcllowcitizens were not wnoifv inr-oojectoi ineir neans j the oDirJon of ' many rrspecuhle repiibli. cans notwithstanding.! ! do hot apprehend that the good of the tate of,Conne(iticut is td.'Jt'rom,d.i,ty , rebtlUotr to it present goveVnment,br sedition ut5dcr Itsxnild and Ioiome laws.v ! I-'carc not if die present govc rnmcnt was di rived JVonrt he Charter of a king, ; if jifter amendment by usage jt is the best state gqvernment m the union. ; Jt has -given me all the liberty I w ant, and as hiany of ijts honors as I ''would . wish Iqr coenpiiance with your fequesr your letter wiU.be ahrwn to all the "republican intowrt, who Avish to. see it;. vThe term republican however, we believe belbrigs only to free men of the Washington school J of this.de. sci lotion we; have ooejiuodred and fifty. -For the ob?equtous devotees of the. Empe ror of the Gauls,"of the Emperor of Loui siana, and of Virginia influence we have not learning to maka pamf.r :,As there are no voters here to elect ire, wera I of thiide fecription; t think I shaq not elect mWeli and attend It rny'own xpeiw;'.rtShould you think it best to.: address Another circular, to mneighbouri;Vlm toa$f;ytUt Cheese witLrrior tarc an&Mt . your trejiM$, 'nitre delicate hand ta hate it taie efkt. t, JW, a NATHANIEL, HAWLE Purport takBordt,: Efq." -' -tr r: -'-.:;'l'i;'" ly rtsing frpm hii rscat, iootamenced a scri es pi mpverpents m accord, with .the beat of the drurh,; Theses at first jrentle; .gradual-'1 4y become rnferapia vjolent. 1 herutt and squall were repeated, uod the "dancer afeaiq smjatted.vr' Another; jirid soqrt after a third arose,'': and performed as before' with perhaps more violent gesti cuiatiprV. JAJter Various' jrepetitions of the dahce, "accompanied with varied movements 'att the lndians arosej and exhibetted scene of' frantic: appearance dancing, or rather jumping, and expretaingUhTir emotiona ia wild aad frightful geetdres. Having finish ed the song and dance, thev squatted dotrnl as at fu st. The king and suite were then asked to drink, and pQthis' occosiou the former manifested a mark of clviKzation; Vhich we scarcely eipected Y he Woltf dlF his hat and made atleliberateandeven ''tiraceV f)dbwtoth pipeoF peace conxluded the ceremony. .v5 ; I'heeneral i mpression irhich the acetic left on o u r mincls was that of pi ty for fellow creatures Iguoraht pf pvinzed lic, ignorant of therasVlves Viewed fasrauonal and moral jKarg4gnorarjiMjheeridL ' and iMeif futufejdektiny those principles 'and sehti mtnis which en noble our. nature and tUvate . us tb a near relation with the Supreme Bving. When we looked on the numlftrlfss countenances 4 around beaming with intelligence and mid as humanity ,: and then fixed oiir cyts bh the vacant start & ruihltss Visage of these men, the contrast seemed complete j gratitude to rjt-aven aroBe in our brt-aat, that we' were not roaming the de8ert,vthecom-aiion of the' Osages, Igaorantas ..the fleer they chase-, and Cruel as the beast otymyj'-;'. :-'j6Z'i-: A?.$'f4 ;-iVV'.''.1 . 4- i'.". ... A' CA '"..' .it'': - if:;.. '11 'DiflriS -Attorney,' . r t, -'." 5 : .1 : - ? JThe! spectacle; exhibited in Vauxhall 0arden oti Mpoay evening was novel and mteresVingv, war-son g,' and of wriesSiog tlie war-dapce and other exercises bl the Osag Indians, an Immeoser concourse of peoplethrOtged the Garden at an early hour. ":.A stage had ben erected in a' cejjtfal Bitutipn,i and lighted uftfor the se wf our brethren of the wilder ness. !' About 8 octock: the king and suite, preded iby musiC 5 inu red the garden, & wunoui aiscoveriog j ; . priseV walked do wn the mi(lst of the gazing mujtitudesviabd ascended :tle :tagei? ;The. ViiigVwdepfm'ent;iirmaiesu he was dressed in a Wed blue coat and cop reRponding und't vestments, wore 'cocked hat. and had a hatidsmMsword by his side. "Several of his chiefs stood around, dressed in blue uckets with red. capes the other I parts of their dress were rather out re Dot it was the singular and tayage sppetance of the otherlndjans.naked aud palnted'bifrrf more-, that-excited i principal attention. Theyere eighVor-mheJn nufeVf. EXj: ceptuig iptjB'ce of ;clofti fastened round the waist; ip i Virhich 'their tomahawks were stuck, lihey were all in istatefpf nudity: i their bo diesariiia, and faceswere painted red streaks of white ere dnrivn 0 the thfecks arid other pliceM-polished boTfte.sv3eceVpf: farions';wetai8i;.bcadttid other trinkets dendj-d frb'rVi their earsthe head, except fbg atapf hair bo the crbyn;" in: which a father was Btuck'Vyas entirely bare.-Thg loute ensemble of these men Was sayac ar d ferocious. Upon mounting the stae, these j abonemts squattea oown on i.ne.?jue, nu a ti me4h a 4is tlesitiitud e the-king irfd thiefsV wlttv ,fr.e interpreter occasional H .conversing. "" At : length the drum yScd bv these bople'.'.'whfdhr' we eouid rotsee : W as to describe was strutky and they couj- i k'itA tcrctiuseorttpr: more, per?on tarpre-. i ,,,-,Ko.I,t ihem'-jn iheeron.ai-meetmgi-A:rc-0t tne warriors arost;,-, . m 1 rf fitlTnrevnd wfie MU taxes 6ttgit simole. and aut m exactume ! ik'iJ:,! fiani a vote in' 4tui cAwcpS-lili4he head.' hands' and feetgenei u tlir !pofahTe that ever town.t i.i.Ttfl at least bv one member; the benefits of ifull represenuwou win befis reenjed. hy every OBftj la .case, any thing menced their. song m a loW tonCi (.. de-. jrreeathe dram became 16uder SSt tne song ir was ery to. the drum . moving in unison S The druni next beat a kind of fuSV on which a squally inofc ludicrous than terrific, was emitted- Thte.Qver,Mbe mu- tic continued, and ry.m nwjt oi private iriemsnipjtnu con-" nections, ! should ;wi6.htb Ihave; entirely!; Abstained t. but what hs gone; forth into' ihe world eatls on me to say thus niuch,vSir, ; rhuch r fault has Keen found with the present :1c Billbdt I think I mayfwithout vanity, he k allpwed (a say iVis a much better bill than the othei', because - it attempts to ra'e a ? force bo "better grounds by many degrees; than that biH"did.;;'It has been thy custom, ; , Sirt" during the debatej on the present bill, tb contract this and other matter? with the 'measured tnenmay .Vmuae, thetnselves;,'irt so . do- '. ing. srI can, 'only say this is not ar Cabinet' fliat decides measures, by telling of noses, as is don e 1 n this 'Hbii se, not that adopts measures according to a plurality of votes. A great deal has beetisaid. Sih, in the course ' o( the debate, of mv not havlntr formed aru: , administration on abroad basis arid an exA t tensive scale as o talents and inflderice. $ir I arn perfecUy awSre that it is eaona hle to xpect rcat advantages from a broad Administration in times of danger-and yet Siryj have my doubts whether such advan- ;;. tages are not rendered UeubtfuV and -oues---- iionaote, irom wic great yaneryoi arguments I have heard advanced during "the debates on this bill, which sheW,almb6t tb a cer taintyrthat the Hon; GenthmeA,-who, ; frdm theiropposidbn to it andwho wculdf many of them have been 'expected to form a part of that broad Administration', scarctly a gree on anytwo points bn; which they give their''pin1ons.',fs s.-vi--M'.t'.v-v' r-U Valiiablcr Family Mediciricsif mons th4 Bth Tun onthe subject bl theatU ;f,oi,:ji e d iaiN e: diitional force bni,' in reply, to the observa tions' bf Mr Sheridan Lord Temple and bthcrs,of;the opposition: aiAs .tb the Argument, that the Administration; is .pot worthy .of cbnfidence l a m at a loss to cori jectare upon what.ground it " rtls t?. V Thisi its first roeas'ure, surely cannot be the cause for it looks to an object bpon: which ill per- , sons of all panies and all descriptions were agreed.Tre must,brtie awkward oVnfbrtunate in the manner of bringing if forvvard; if it- be the cause bf thts loss of on(idehcef .?;It ;s a H elickte ihing to speak ujotj the formation of the present .Mjnlstrjr j but yritli regard tb the, questijpn( bf a Mofe bf e extendediidmin'Mraiin I believe 1 1 may', appeal to tn"e Hbnl Gentle man opposite (IVlr.'Fdx,Xwhet .fepn"! versatton whih I had with him upon the sub-; ject, he did not' admit, that if the.Admini stration, was not considered : efficient ahd competent to , its purpose, ..and that t cpn sequenily h was the province of the House to change t but as to who i to belhefMinister "in the ij)iace of the person removed, f ask die Hon GentU man whether he did not at the saine ti.me any that he knew his duty to well tb agi tatt that question in the' House ? Well, then, what is fo be done. to obstruct the Minister i Whv. because his' first measure is a jKobd one, that is to be made a subject of com-. plaint'2 and this is to be a lint to him to re-; tire .iromo!ce.,;Viiut)ta.ntni:j.s not uroacj, M Dr. R A WSON'S. : v 7 . ' , Anti-IiUou$ and Stomachic BittefSy f . 60 jui'Uy "apprcclaW for 'Jnieir' lingular and tincetnnio . !rtuei for retoring wtak avttdfCyeJ Constitnuofn, 4nd all that Uam't..c6mplicatrl compla iui to &mmoii iu tbe jtiiring and falVfasous 'such as Jaitndictf Bitinut Ihitfs, Dytentfin; ' tntermittint 4-ecrrt nd lguet, Vnng ' Att 'tuiJ!fir$JHhemiitim$tt AVi .Th'SyprocMi -itoti Appetite aiiJ rtijcuion, tjipainj; lo bi3icej and livtlineu, lh pefsoit. who! brtore taking them Wt.'B'mflanchotiy, kW ipiriiBd-'and rremblitig,': and remove those cJull un; ; pleaant tenaatjunt 10 dtSjjreeabl to be; btmi Price iO .f :7'M-Ti Dr."' LEE'sX, Cenmm'mdhliaJ iUcfa PpU a "i.TraIalif! and cricreasiRg lfcOiatK fpi thcie yiliiabfii Pills, for thew tnelv yar ,I't,'. bespeak -their tntrini worth j' they bive proved singularly elficaciauj hiliou ; Fiver, Jeindiit, H.emitic hi, Dgt&Uarifti fittout t'Ai i)rrtiw,'Vrtfltt-rowmV,6fri Each bill ' cf etwo will be signed by Saml, Lc, nw, (tb't Patemte) in bi owa hard rrttlng, "trf ihey will not be Jje.,iiic -Price 3D - - n- nrfwenw. V !- A certain and iaie afplicatloo ldr that disa2raWeof- plaii ca!tcdth7kA.:' it etreCt a euro in time Price 4? cents' bo, i -.-." s For coring the scuTj Intfie tcetS awl gufn and fflf whitehing and preservipgr the Uelh. Jt likewise lakts ft all disagwab imeMi fiom the bieari,' which-fndalty arise Ijwm swrbutic iumt and bad, teeih Puce 5u nti a JJt. nii-bil'ous Pilkbrltamily hwb!r In arcaf estdi arid sudden attacks i f diselier: aa early . "Vi wsuwa- , rt. ..j. .u. ti j-ar...-" . jeupugb, and I shall not take , Ajauptmot 10 dy$ in iMgrtfion,,). an encreased ajf,' rint ta ht Jtiomvcit tma..eftep$ warnxi, r ita a fibera! o e of mv AntiUiiiOuTBtttm in tne jnrer roefiitfte tiro Jm reliuved patients; almost W a rniraclc k it k. " " a.-' , ' . ". - -A -r' " 1 thluk the bill wilt pass with majorityt f . will not uncierstand this hint, and I do assure the Hon. Gentleman, that, though Ihey. were to gain this point, they would have a good deal more to do, before they could reckon upon uccesStVJt is curl-: bus indeed, that I should be, thus attacked 1 combined confederjicy" of troops, whb unite in sentiments upon Jhi3s subject only, while during all their past lives, they liave involved in contra.dictien,' alnd uniformly opposed to each other. ' Iam not prepared to say whethct a more extensive adniinistra tlon would not have been: more suited to the present timtsi bat it is the prerogative of the Crown, to call any person whom it thinks fit to the situation. I have been at is sue upon this point in former times, and I am now' ready to maintain itTats riecessary to thefrcrabcl monarchical constitution or the couniiyf fc As to rhySufficiency orthe suf flcieHCjr of those in office wuh re, it is not necessary to' say a great deal upon that $ub jrctrbut 1 am' 8Urprjsed;at;theJ. language tljat has fatlf n frowl'a noble Lord (Temple.) I think it a little "sfnguhir: at my acting in concert with a part of the Tate Administra u9rr 5hpuld.be m.lea barto the con fidence f him and ihia '.friends.?' X do remember iheJtime; .-iwhen Jn the inojncbtjjf hiHitter-L; est rtostiy'tb-theJNIinisterr I Jo remerru her that tley then sslid if his Mnjesty would, fnclnde mein the; administration they would ithdravf their vpium--ffe.fjffe'ttrlj t am 'sure I Jiave done- nothing si nee that whtdtrjanuififya ancl, therelbre I am atUtle Joss to: know ftpon.: what : ground they should now say," diat theeiclosio'n of imen with ' whojn they J have rjot;actea snould maKe them reiuse me thcir'aasisfanceiVand send them into oppo sition. .1 nope A nave spoken guardedly one wnicn id one of the savages slow- J upon this delisate subject.-: It is' I i f :-.'-' .;:.i. 1 1. i&f .v.'q: t :ff --r.-y ;r "'r;' '''.v-,V . e, . .V . : : . Dit RAWS0Ns mrMrs, ;"r' Medicine which far efficaey and safety "in' its ope i?lTtwrtvSllggf 'Tiie .nwt auiteentie" ffrioft-ef-H-' astoniihing; xirtueJ and food effects, in exuemt and alainj inj cai'i of Wounds, may be, seen at the j.lace of w!e Price 50 cent a packsgej' 7':; '.'V? " ' . DxdoLsvr; - egeiable'EnxTr drCoxig ' tor Coughs, CHs, Atlhmttt, Spitting of BM, anlTffy otherA complaint.' to which that organ t lite the Umg, m perpetually ' expoied, jli ftjerit . 5re .unrivallcd--price 75,.; tenia a bottle.''.- :.-y'-' .;"---'.. Jc ''' '.''-'-' V - ' ,, HINKIjKY's hpiliabk Remedy Jor ihe'FUcs,, Ver Tvutirulfr dilution accompany cack of thes r . liable MecUcine. above Medicines V' al-i'orSa!e m Wilmington,' by Ccerartd Avery j at Sal-m", hy KShohir f. at Chaptt lcxander M. !berfc--;-:;.Jiit'i-i k N; IS, -Duncan MacR'a'e atfo keeps general!: nhand, a fmall "Supply of WeiMndia AR Tirr FR anr! DRY GOODS, aod Ka lately teceied from Philadelphia, a ; KanHfee? cf tH: gant Family Bible, ,at. vatious Prices- vuh Plates, Map, tic. and a general Affortment of EngliJh School Boots'.- wlth a large Col.efi.on of choice - Noieh,&c: &crwhich U wiU Ull extnrne1y;lw.'f6r"Ct w.7v7K LAxNl. HlZSubfcriber' has for Gle j& anlia'f v acres -of Landfituate 1 0 rmileaiiojtlljwft. "of RaleTgh J wellJtfiJTeT bring Wheat & i about eo: acres' TwbjcVVre; .cleared and undtrai - good fence" A tolerable Dwellinfi Houfe,Krv cheo Smoke-Jipufe & othr cony ement ; Houfesa It will beTold low for Caft or Young Negroes For terms af ply (before the 6th of Oilcber) ( 4; 5 :' - . V jOSiAH DILLIARD. ;RgleiSt jjuf H. : ' ' ';', '" " 4y :--.;rv. 4 a f ' c 1 if t t f , a -I it' d v y P , ii v t ; C t 1 f J . t I f ' a " ' t i ' 1 TV 1 2 1 V - -4