4 .,r, vi Twfc AWur 14HH.i.J,!(A i ii I'll'' in... i f . , '.' V '; '." .. ....... ." ' . ' "' " '" ' 1 ' '!" ?1 'v: r v V: -1 1 'v. t . tl'" Thc biperiYtavt e;tond6a'i:TrvcltefT 1 from '.which'1 the luUoWiug is!' extracted, pas neen umversauycircuiaiea .larpugn Ibui att thai iir); pfpiirmaoyl(?hIchha$ oo vytt fallen Aintlei'hVyQle of F ranee Qni I'mi p demi-official, answer to some p, opulent observation wKich appeared in the " official paper of he Frtfnch government. 'fhetreasonin, :a'thc'imj'itac(i' v ' 1 vhichltiembracc"iiav created 4 very fet gre'aVBfeji8tio'd( mqn5;ihc Nofthirn -; " . t yreive mnms .are scarcely eiapsrri incer Alexander th; Fin t" ordered Ahat J 1,000 men should, be raised in his Empire : and that levy has been so tfTectMally executr Tt edahat they are; arthU time; formed ipw leVy ha incf cased thl Uusian iniUtaryfofc to upwards of '4Wtwyieri!:ift4 pOS&i ) seamen. Add Jtpth'ei?6'; SO,CK0 rtegulac " trobpsvfwhichafe 'already ' eanbodied, -.tttd. T iobodorMofe which wjay ltevaMeibIeda sliort ; time consisting ojTKoliki Bash- " kirek and thetlifftVenf hordes f Tartar a tvery man!Q.f whom, upojti the promise of roll hiimtlf f fithfrjich'S forceVit tts com'! matldU can fc aked f Uussfa h fight to the character she assUraeKln 'in age when lthej)oer orthe stngeat if ; thar'espectedv;:, v-Sv' It'must.be - ackabwleage, tnorfttyak in?, that )t is to France 0at'ldS8a . inj ocuieo lor inc orimsiit Biiuaiioa wuicn siie now occnpieSviihd which cannot be denied V to beofjhe" very: firt orderf he period frojo whence this commahdif and proniisj Ing position V8 Occupied by Russia, may be dated frnrn, the commenfctfment of; that r ti-stem of tvrannv Etiniuatice. which France has established 1 a iystem'b Invilidni ol rt- , pine, inu ui vpprcssiun, wintu nas ucca c ercised where vtr its power coiiljl reach & above, ill riiice it ,became apparent that Its ambitious views were dittcted to no less an dbpet than universal monarchy. J5irtcf;that time Russia has become the i hie!d,bf the weak, artd Alexander ,'Uted on his' ihrtoaei bassimfieii the character of thetrotcctorf - i . ..1 . .. - r'.. . - ' , r'." r . '. " .. I am aroiic-Gi empires. . van.rrancc cow pel her to y aside :thu' &;ni:Ee4 Let h'et Vt dVeev herself '"In tmaginiog the.can Russia is not lathe Situation of Aah actbfwho pvjtt dn thtf purple to pla.the fchrt of a img j she is not an upstart; : whi irppears what shs reaHy.is ' t-ha atutude I oi merlon dctjs ner, ueciuse sne possesses both bis foce and bis dignity she Is a!Co-' losaal pQwer WKpse ;yeji havf been tioeaU' d liy?theault5 of pthe)," andylewed.iber 1 tru light, . Cl6soi.6r ihe 'obost ornu.tla ;tlecscriptioi);r'c v .What - the great danger to which, a with France, would expose the Russian pi re irdoes not follow thaV the Kus.4ia army U to march, to Paris;"N4 nor can th French reach' PetersburEh, Mdscdw or the and wntel The fstraOEers tv reside :1n Rusali are 'regirded 'byihif bauiesas.'a parcel-Pf lcechet wh6 isorb'theirVtalUt After thlihecepttbn; Jet the Imifiejries'and loiugatori of France attemfit wixcite'diyl that the gsyerpraehtWitli' i sanglltf blast can eradicato kxvsuTm1l ' l Th Russian force, at this, moment paid U provided, and actually under arm ,is even Tltf? than sufEcientj toh0ura theirs vereign o ticciar war f""" H"5 : Wllitarv' streriirth of thU tfuntry isf' tft$i&- 4ed jin the )1ltai.raVtirtat frontietsy -quite the: cputraryi !fOAihVholeJmepljJi' jwcen the Caspiait apdh'e .leajbf OcnotzkJ thefeareoniy7oreooumca, anc -nere is no necessuy tor a man more, ii wc iuu ia 'aituatipn'jthtcbtintryi of fortirthft.Vmmerise desarts VndM 'Pi?i aition of the contiiruouis cOtfntritfi. In tinv xit paccbetween the Caspian and the RlacV- Sea, there may be abt 12 or. J3,ouo me, but atfpresent there are from 20 to 9 ?,000 on account of the peculiar circumsuutt s of the hostility whtcH i s Carried on in ih at vl. ttnitvv: There are :moreover;256ro;(0 troop iofi tlfe frontiers of .Sweden j and tto withstahdinl aUthoserdedufln!s,lhere are 006eU'disctjfliieiI an4;harcly troop hetWeeii; the Slack Sea ;iwt; the ;Daldci- Ooe bubdred thousand ' of suth' gallant arid hardy If once landed in ftarfould. not Wio easny"eoncpj "ej-edraj48me"''bflhi French nolitlctans are pleaVvtl to suppose." Let' them ' Only "fcringAto their recoileclicm tHegal!anVatchiei4hjeiits ; of handful of paign, drove: all J taly and Lon bary bea lore1 them, and tteyfw.Ul'.EnVth. the "most reupwneclf Ftinch generals W err df feated one after andther,; and thai even Vt Zurich, Russia calried admitat'ninV notwithstanding the faults of her ruicrals atd.' the batk miwlA.u fit nrr alii. -- .. - : ,i '. AU this serves to brovrihat a dedara: tlon of war oii the; part .of Russia, ; agains Frantc; would be funicientlv iormidabie to cttctrara ge the Cer m an einpi r,;ho w eru sh- ed b? the latter power, to occupy tne troops o Fiance, and bvUhat' means t6 afford, aa opportunhy' to tayto Sw.wxeViandVj6.-I,r tugaito rtouana, 'ana ta lanover, wmuc Off the fraliiC roke.Asto jthe project of in vaainc .ngiautfi it ivaa-aoaoraw snimera, ".' T tz.' rL'f . --'111.' 'L:'-l-':'.'.'t ?X"i.V. a casue m me &ir,- wnin can never w bu cessful ; and even were ltsso, ltmust prove destructive to Vie rest of the world. J r Crfbeja.Vatnee they are notable to detach a iBincle sHy. ''Um whole of ihejf havy being 'blockaded and confined to their pprtsl As iw ujtiics ibu niarcneq, rave as ine rrcaco ire,- th'cy.re but men' like, others V they cannot exceed the limits wrhich-the Ja-s" Mature Vave ' placed 'to human efforts. : . 41 Will It be said, that the commerce of Rvjssja yiH be affected" by a iptufeYwith . . France f , Certainly hot Vfof with what artU cie apes sue supply uiai countryyt .none ui ; reedy.: -What does jshel mppft from iheicc I Atticle4'of iuuryi rwhtcl) arcL prpbibked It is true, , she receives; fcoru'c . Vine fro France, but with that afttcl shUi ai j;re '.'.. aentpltntifuKy Supplied yb and ven. if she; " Were -nOtshe could do without t ti she didi duriii;tiicf6mer;ruptUr.e. Tjj vAvll'ibe asserted that France cpi do j nfimJ ni ischief to ';Iiuiljbyrt'Sfeh,.pu - Mes that heV cmiasaries cottld excite in the tii'felToFFine ccnWrOrairthcTmprj mthepofittcaTcalc:uianon this would be one' yi tne grosscsw ,iic gtopiejai ussta arc those 'which; approach' nearest to a state pf Kaiure : except ne savages anu Key arc ttic 6nly i people ta the ' uniydrse "wbo'' neither Ichow hoVv to wt ite or read i -Ibut stilt tMV ; are not barbamha. 'They know no govfrn- :." inent ' but thsir owrtw which they fear and resprct,rhey honpr. their Sovereign with ' r title of a God unon arthV- Theyvhave no civiliiation Juf the pra,tijbat one which" --rtneir .JSover eigns thought it useful and ne. tessary; td,1atroda.cey Masons, earpentersj joiners, ksmithv wm sans of all eorts,Wd yil excelleat in" their kindf are "toJ be found fli Russia itt abun- ance,: and still they know nctt "hB vf to read S -V' coaftia. : a ne je acet in nu iMno-inaasbiouaecanickrthe.com lpr apd vcn the jotmg jtn'n of From the NwRt olk X'rcrn. '";. lrider the admlaisVaiionbf MivA djifn an extendid navy was Seen springing VROpor man; the , mercialsai genius. and education, ftre ' seen deserting their plough, ;"thw1r loOiis, : the pursuits r a lucrative trade and the "Impfcvemtnis p( a liberal stud. and foinihg.tliemstlvesltP the ly;'4iscip)tneab4 ?degtad) crew of .YSseIafvi felEitRERttariuW t r wed m er'rt Y I tKe 3 1 sfuItTmv eontains" a pi ece 41 gnea w if m f r i c a n, i rem wn ycg.uic abovfe'extiaet is'taken be cpoftpicuous place issfgiied tp it byjthe Editor authoris- tt tjs.tpj fonciupe titattne leotimentv ircon taWare hisv6n, oitnathey nKeeihfa.fuR 'aprooation.- :v4(frv. lAf0-ici; ? Ve thini it would be impbssible to peruse the i iehtchoe'' which W4:feViv&ticie'6Z without being astonished at the ahsiirditi e 1 ' .V ..f. L''"-- .'I.. U.. iniO' Wmcn buuic nc H' Svt1' - "i party eal.?.' r(fS. I It was hoped and believed that there was hot actt fleeting rArnerican: who did'.nojLap-. tne. (which thcywere not jheiirepar'fpr) tbev Must have toullyjvbguUlH:d"ex ten si ve & liicr ati v e com the r ce ; u port w hich th et e' e'fi a? ofWr so verii men t in a ere at t v v tf as not until French cruisers insulted and .piund" efed aiseven msngftt of puf ports it vasnotMntilpw with extinction, or pursued at the most i m mir.ent hazard U was np;unul we h.d lost every hope of fcdre.ss forpasti or assurance of Jorbearance from futprtt injuries J jit f ai hot until thee patience .'of .the j uiaeiftwai; Com'pktely'eaustedi that, the equipment of the uavy was resolved on , J, hen, t nueeci it '-w 'pursued witH vigour' TThe puhlh treasury was" hbi wasted by visionary ant 'impracticable scheme'sbr upon wbiiqisici and useless gua-bots. ryai .;.empldyed"v which prOfedadvintac even gr&attr than we-leiJt hrst'expeae'dW'J i i pwy njerican a naracu'Ppe ven siooq higRew th"a;t;'h rthoiejteapc'c Hd tha'u ':ou: jdiai pccaiioo Ko inuvii ran preyem ccaers irgm coir.g mt m i a 4 nj u'ryi rf the 5rt4 bs tin ce t jhe iii. gr a& 1. tr.ijt proceetf trPm a stouc mdurance oti an i"ior the friends of :Mrel'r8(mi':Uadcr IWr"i:Adaih4 ac iwdi!igrh?ni fBjrj-ra.ff'; rvavvfor tpe crptecTiPr w our jcnimerce et fpvcuucjp, raajnaiTiiepreaaiQTy-aggvessious tit' a rti)actQttd ihsoteutM. Vlio asaaded H'ev-n W curRarbijuiLfoder. Wf, Jef j ferspft! i adminrstratH a War hs been niain taihed fof four; yearsfand tToWnidablc flet eOmnisionel aluttemiidbleioe.''-' 4bat ittackl 'tain smalt fraction 6 vxxt traded Let it not be 'thought that we mean anv J yvw1-" viu ni toai jivp iuKm uv uie autui- uiatKtiun; arov una niotrastinated as it lit beeVtr1heteary i and thev oulv J vuaiu c wnjen we wouia a;tat n tk the Con duct iof the Trhti ne'ivari hi that of hot Jog' de jcisTvfe in thei &itihce4.iTwesam; fflefcsorts that iiatf " now sucteed,-would havetaa "tht samc. chansd uf'ucceVdtng ; tiy pointing out the teridenev which such paragraphs 84hfc above are Calculated for.' e-hae"' principally tQ;Vftw:tovhcwhow reqttcndy the strong dv&ii of $motrW jf adeijiisrbeirarhcih ihtoi oitrtt ;efisjire?p? their rarWx 'I'hls Is riot nljiriatemi6n?hutitjai very baluraft6n4 wHut,uvrt "l M 13 ri ing example ox te tributivfc justicet v.v;' rThe" writer in the' ' Enqur''tifiata with ipdirnattott therr rjm w ibf evirv ass 6T viLivua, in cunuutcenaiug to enj-oi tnero-' crew ot a vessel oi war, yr under the directi oh of a Federal Executive v.'. -V M?tJSs ; The'cre ws of Vtiscl of warTOust heom; ' pasea ot-men t rirt rent; dtcrtjni'ri;ot fa ere wsry tliti-l WPUJO PC Uilncult t prove that iK iea tftan if la on 8hore;yTheV oucht also . v ."f c, uulI,s ls ine nrsi tinie we; have ht ir tt iVacite'd that; ;e.ww degrddih 'either to" the -fficfVa' or crew p f a ship pi war.1 r9. Ite' wUfnotlie able to con vince us that jjjkii' meahsiiLVrrWftfrt is noiitill rVtoa':1ftvoufh. j foftrfVhr p fond of,irj wrfwfthatklhViV crews have but little chauce pf (escaiMr.pf from'thcV.m5Crir"trt5 donuationl ho we- .iii-lLi.'-iii '.tt.. "Li ' . , ''V ucKuumg n mil- ue lo weirtquai auu inalienable ihijiv' rtnocraticctt thus'1 to subject' the-; to thi Will ol thet'ii Vahd we hobe bur AtiMiiiAL DOaro 111 3 "But though the ?re wi & officers bfour chips -of war were then a deradedSset 'cfWrhh, r.T, uiev must uov .fwif w so tinsiucrc. :We should nainlyheaw-ry te hear 'H a'd 4 uy a jorctgnert anu won iu oespise me, sunt' 'mean who would tell usithat t tie crews whip man our little fleet in this-M 'cdltcTrraneaB.' arc pegruata pjrs Bupraiiurg (o pisapime w . th''en;ice'pihoun .- L; AfC they less aa, now than they were at mat time r is it more tftTraanr.to nave o. beved the call 6f4ihtir.tcrafy against a fo: -reign loe, uJKier (the administration ot.4YIr. Adams than it Is Amder that of Mrl Jtffer-, ion tnTi'rode4 pbatiiieett ;auWdhiat:'other.oificers than those who tiow "ccrmmand t r Was the crew? of ibi Con -stemttoHi untier tnt autaorityHfte raver "and victorious TnuxtON,; more degraded heiardiDg.XaM9rt!n t ?C9 t'P' wnen enjoyipgne- pleasures pi tne tanau :rfd Spanish portsjo l 802?iWas the crew of the sainCwtuoa'te vessel, ; whenllunder the happy auices piring geniu,pf the same intrepid and gat iik umi.ti, nc niiiigigu jier-jiro niuivwi nre ot (-ui vtngawcti more aercaedinwn it is by-j.M-eentaervce .-updet ;her ybrthy epmmander captain Camhbell.J ,r ii. CWe hay( mentioned the GunsteHation & ;W)mmodore Truxtou m particular, not wuh a view to. any invidious distinction, but be tjiiifiU), the singnlar good fortune of that ship; gave. ,er , ucnuniuant ; opporcunuiea jr HtfetUdiiciphAeS her crewf may fcay$, Jeen T T: neither they nor tliehr tominpderWjpre dffi , i - . Prdded byh"e "dfstirguVahed aeWtei'whicSV-',.;i:' our navy at tnat ptnoa renacrea to toe na ? ; ? i ji'l'i:'''p--.-f-t r.f--.--,i-. -,,, : If degradation w?s then the consquesce f,beipgenlisVi inh6 Servicjo States, neither, the superior justice por th "iff 4 dperkrl'inagnanlmitvrof tiie. present txtm-. I xu .iye. ean be supposed to have 'removed r Ii3 tpchatl8'e,thc birtticali 'jv"j Bbt as wV'would'iTWaheWtay tfobitmn anVv Hy-Ml i man who would attempt toapply-aVeli terTlrA-i -r- tQ 'those how employed "PA board pur :.y. ? ilc i sel3of. war' so ,we doiUy. tltsSise the lgtio 1 ; ranctf and ill-natore pf him who has applied ,rr, -' titra: iaiHt h6 (ormtrty. in the ".same ;l. f, manner devoted themselves to tneur coon- notice. -W-i i: 1 j J '"l ' ' '""'tl'V' '-"T '-1: yr t u jprueri tni ngs"-c tn erwije-'on TreaentZ(O0SflAAr 6rrf at v ashi fnPHE Satfciibet one of ifce pefooi wha " X ' b Jooc lad at CanJfC, South-Csroltnr, . apprehended John MacDooald on .a vhare of hstieg robbtd the Wilof tke United StatceV and ia-alftf Clerk ,gf the Couit f (farlborodghi -' plpiet io thc f14 fi te; : here MaeUonild; ' wa to b ve flood ht trial if be bad not baagf d " bliufe if iaiVifof0b'4WtMg?pf iheTCuft - "froni thcf CKCtttnftaRtcs he ha been adtlfedyd one of the Jaiges of the Superior Court of J houtn LUroljaa, to ivt luto .tii hanaar:ani ha accor("ic jJy tce ved froeo. Duncio' d'Raa' Poll Mailer at FaTctteville fin hofcfJe keep jpg it ;aa at fdft pUced) all he tronty li st ?? waa-fpujtd in the- rruikoi pcBtlScn f tbefsdt iiic4unsiar w ot e 1a iey aiio 'biiubb h v .h, i ,;. . 4eKwi""ixio' tl.e lecal .cwntta; eo ikeir ihgi blm fUt1feEti y ; tiioof cf ibe? juftnt fa of tlfeirTrtf; 7 claimiBf fiich roof at will lBi;jfi!iv;,fill J foWiciulerifig It top; ' v'.r":V '"'4 h isd ) y itn Th diffcr.vt Prinith who pvt Vhed an'ae -.- V.'i T r icwrf uf tltillerj tftbi Afail bnd apprebtnfu ItUtDtnaH,' Will tftnft kffotwt pvllidtr to adverttfemetd, and it U farttcuhr rtqurted that,, 'a U injatti. ik iaV'K hulBftveer, ' find s: the Jewel paptn t;NortiCoM,oui Car but to Ort PUfrf umtrtnt tmtt, toat toout9 next, ' dri creditor fiyi annual equal payrinlwt '5il -?! A. V fale,' agreeable ?o a decree ot thc Court ' 'Tf ofEquityfbr theI)mtia rouglu peifonal fecurhyill -.- ''f'-"'''"tyViV:V. 5-''. ;;:-'. --;-- v ;.'- a v u I .1 State f NTcrth-CarpIina jtucnaid wau, etai ;v :..it i'V '.VSliii Chark, Reynolds, et ah IN this Jtwrte the toint praetf a 5n.paB!ieafi6ft- j. J U. made threv weeks, . fucceHreiy, ,ia thf 'V;-! I Minerva, -as to Charlet Reynold that unlefi he "v'f ;'u 1. !es bis anfwer to the.Bill pf Complaint jof Rich krA Mill ' f ol it hin ih (irA jlsiti k.. aerm, tne ouii win aa agatnii bta oe taxen ftfi. :-v ; ": Vf l conMo.kad decreed accorcurtgly.. ;;v n, i'-t.V.-T j v .y v ; - Trvi eepy ftem; m Ajwuftt, .. -. ;v i ' -i . ; .v . ; . ,i 1 'Tcn Dollars Rerd. STR A V ED . frbro-; FutfcorcaghV Chatham . . ' ?; jf j v codoiyoej taft a BaylVpv; if ? Hrf intiirviVa tittle to the foaii splourpard-v3' n tit co'atfy fo'abctu the root bf hit tail j bis four feet ;at white) he' has''"!- fA hip Tae'e'aad pbt I heuevte is lighter than the ober f ot this nowe- ;V?fl ter- .1 an at fureH was (eeff wtthia fetes) r:;; tl nillei of tiHlborbughoa his way,' as H wap fup 'TOfed, to : udge'' Moor's pUotaUonvia Ortn c couoiy but piobably he may make for Guilmrd. , County viee I ttadernand he was railed. , An petfon.who will deliver hmno me ia Fkt&ortocl CMthaiii c'ounty, Jhall receive, the abovere ward ., inji a,U rafotabk?xpncca paid i or ifoeuce QultL be-, jiyeauP jngby a&y perloii,takiog laim up fo thae. 1 wul me tire JJo.iars reward.,,'" t caa set nun, l wui tire lMM MOORE; ?:?:Fir '.Sole 'at ih?'Mnrva Booi Store, T: &: Terrible Traftoratic!. less gua-boaW&Aa cfficieol" fprct I provibg ihav howevtx miuy tx Jjo'trcvei-1 Iok-Powdar'WaKrtliS;"' QuQbt'r I 'i ; T , Jki.. ' y', , . r", .,' - --

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