. - n u a . i m n n - t . w u n i. jk ...? - ni l I III iMM,MWw,,wWWpMW;t)tWItWWWWWW II IHI.W MJI. .JIMI..I .LI IT" n " TL L - .1 Jl - IW , . .' PUULISHKP (W'.tv) By WILLIAM UOYLAK. -. '"JP; vol. io. ; ' V Raleigh, : (n:c;) jpffljy; ig, iSdj , iisTT i . i i in i iij.ii., .iln" .iiTii ni ii I I M I II " ' ' wnwwi iiiiw.iwjiiiii. ,1 I,, - following Utters were publifhed by the Aurora to prove that Mr Elliothad jained the uaioiv f iionelt men if they do not prove that, we think they will at Ua prove that he has quitted his " union with difnoneft mep." Copies cf Letters from "J arms Elliot, No. i. Ws,h:ngtOi,.JQ. 2 180. Your letter is received. As I am al ways willing to receive good advice, your observations on my (tylc of fpeakiog are nor unacceptable; but in my political eon duct I muff lac dictated by my confidence alone. ' r ' - 1 have no idea that my confliruents ,v?im to be represented by a humble flave of the proud, paffionate and ariltoeratic Mr. Randolph, of a fellow labourer of thofe whofe labours tend to diforginize xhp con fiirution, and place the fmallitres at the feet of the large ones, and both large and fmall at the feet of Virginia. On this lab jed I believe ther is great-union of fen timent among the Vermont delegation, both fenators and reprtlentatives ; at. any rate, I believe I know the fenrinienrs and feelings Jf all but JuJge. Olin. 1 "v it'll this communicated tu thofe who accufe me of u ftraiuing at a gnat aad fvalloA'ing a camel. " If there be any bjfe enough to accufe me of a" direlicl.on of princi. p!e and a temporifjng policy for the 'false of popularity, I otfght io'juilice ro my klf to offer jhem i nothing but the hotmge of my , high contempt. But I have the " vanity" to add the remark,, that every aclion of my life, contradicts the unmanly inli'iiiation. Befldei let me enquire what popularity-1 had in view, jc-vras fuppo.'ed, in oppofiag a mealure altnoft u'niverfally popular -But I cannot thi ik any re fpedable man has arcufed me of political difhonelly. -Ycur correlondence will at ll times be agreeable, and believe, Sir, very relpec'tfully, Your m oft pbe di e n t f c r v a n t, 1AMF.S K.I.I.lO r. lytfihgtw, Feb. 13, 1604. Dear, Sir, Your's of toe 3d inftant is received. Qn the fubjeti of the American " chancel lor of the cxchqu?r,?' the peculiar fa vourite of the prtfident and heads of cle pirtment, and oftenfible leader of the re publicans in congrcf, ycu (hall ha?e am jile fatiifaclion. ' . It is now a I moil the unanimous voice of the northern republicans that Virginia & Mr. Randolph are attempting to rule the lioufe of representatives amj the nut ion by viclence. On '"thejubjeft'of ;the extin." guiflmiept. of the Hate balances, every jneaiber from New nghnd," Jude Olin XP'i. unit hi oppo(itioi to ihe tnvj fure. UiLtnoii quctlhuis, the northern reprefentatives,-republicans and fedehil-lifts.- vote together. Judge Olio with us irequently. in oppoiltion toihe falfi ybill for inlhnce. J'JieA:onftfliience-f this - Ichil'n anions republicans is, iha t meafures are irtq i;n;Sy carried a-rainft the prime minifter by ftnall majorities, oji all which x. 'uccsXim and niany v:hers; u abufts the 'fpeaktr ad the lioul'e in a moll infamous ii)3nner. n nnny tf his fpeeches he tells t ;i'e houle that' their proceedings-are difor- . e'eri. Tiio.oih'T day he told the houfe ihey ,were under the infiiienceof Mr. IV rilVojd, &p:fed much indecent language ' H!:l7'l,ctt 10 coa)ti0ri betw-eea i;hxjf;t airdMr. Lyhn, wJibm he reprTT- iL-inreil as Uie leaer4rf-ifief . JMOit 'VrioiuriTt.de taken-pla.ee B t we-n JS. I r . K ; a nd M r. AUion,' -w h ich w i 1 1 pro- . L.Jle fidtn -a due I Itljcre JiiQlt'lro" bJeTa Juel,b(tween him & Mr. Hampton, whetir Ii : souled in dcbate.a Mrrn. is famous in tiiat w..y . atjW h is faij perloTmevl deeds of fstal pro'.veS s-before be came to congres. Aj;oiryiiicui ' Setters replete" av tth incecti ye J threats -.ire JliveretJ to fouie. of the '-"i-fpubiic-ii inunbers,, '-I"Uay received one,. ifv-ihe Uy le of an aiFalfin, 'am! it is evident cJji'Jp har-d vritit of-Mr. rl. very r u k w a rU I y d fg u i I e I . 1 every day public y Jetlare it to be his producliun, abd"ha ve t'etTundcd of hhn an explanation, which it lie dots n j; jriyejl (hall'make-a '(titfcment. A' the byfinf ts to the houfe," and perhap? - inof e Ins cx'pyifnnv ' 1 am in fear of I dire no; fay what- -you v. ill heacipore ' lei n. . ' ' .; '- ' Virginia is undoubtedly purely repub Nearly one hMff the people in a ftate of menial, and four"t!tths of the remainder itViCivil fl,very One inattjivTour or five 11 elcclor. My blood thiWsJrremble for my country I I know yes know that oeep laid plans cxilt againft the conititutioh of the Union. 1 care noi how extenfively this informa tion is diffufed, it it is kept out of the lie wf-" pipers. We havefiKtv or ieventy ordrrs of the day, and (carcOy a'qotftion istak en without feveral itny's d bate. I f the ftlTjon be nor made perma'ntnt, it will not be that bufinefs is wanting. Ycui finctre friend, . - J AMLS-. KLLIOT. ... Mr.- ' ... - . No. 3 Dcar Sin, ; WajUngion, Ftb. 15. Me firs. Handolph and Aliton have been' arreltcd, and bound tokeep the peace w ith in this diftritft. The injury which Mr. Alfton received, was, however, of fo atro cious a nature, thit tker? muf be a audi. Mr. Hampton, averfe to dill orbing the councils of the nation, will, it is faidfuf pend his challenge till the end of the fef fnn. The difficulty betveen Mr. Kan dolph and my fell" has Wen accommodated by the intervention of Mcfli s. Uryan Nicholfon, Mr. R. having dented any knowledge of the letter in qu?JFdh. Yours, I AMES ELLIOT rNo.4 Wojhington, Feb. 1 7 , 1 8 04. SiR, I. enclofe you a fee of revolutionary re folutions, by Mr. It. the great inquilitor and tenlpr, and not only of the judicial .department but of the (late govfrnmems.. In the opinion of -many republicans, they tend to the o'eftruction of ihte foveregn tics. , ;. . v . The great principle involved in thefe refolutions; has already been decided a-" gainft Mr. R. by 6? votisto 6. - But lit is too good kTepublican tq fubmit to a ma jority. Only one member fiouj New-Eh-la nil lv o t e s i t h h Vm orr th is qd c fl 6 n " Yours; '-JAMES ELLIOT. P. S. Thefe fefolutions involve ak'o an open violation of the plighted faith of the, nation by the convention between-the-United States anl Georgia by' which we became poflcflld of the Mi.'D'fippi Territo- iy, ujc yniuM otaies are pieugeo to ap propriate five millions of -atreb to fatisiy the very claims which Mr. H. ''fays we niuft rcfolve not to fatisfy. TNo 5 . Sir, IVvfbintlov. Marches 1B04.. The bill for latistying the Georgia Claimshps palTed in committee nf the whole liy a majority of eleven; tan'd the fublfance of this revolutionary retolution, wj re- jt cled in the fame committee, by the lamet majority. . J h e refolut tons a re hl K.betore the boufe. but 1 hall this d v ?nove their poftponrment or toral rejiclion. Mr. K. is more furious than ever, and has poured the full" viaTof his wrath upon Col. L-yon and m y I e 1 f-!i e h a s c i ' ! e d u s Khi.Bear. cfthe arclic7 and the Lion of the torrid 2ne." He threatens to relign the djcla. torlliip, Several alterationsr which to my knowlerige rhsve " been projected in the conftttution, calculated to def troy the remainiug weight of the fmall itates, will now be kept back for a feafon. From prefent appearanies 1 fliaV! riot vote-for the impeachment of Judge Chafe -rbtir we have not all the uftimony. I. arn a friend tt the independtrce of the" ju?gei,"but a greater fnendio the rights ot tnepeepie. 1 our?. I contrary to the prnftice ofalj other fpeak- crs, 1 always truif-tor fianner as well as matter, to my ekteniporaiitous Powers : 1. have never ufrd a ingle Viocej or coui mjt to paper (ltvgle yoi J of my fpeeches uetorc delivfiy. Mr. Yours,. JAMES ELLIOT. li My What rcpublicanilhi 1 " . (No. 8.) - iVajb'mgton, March 17, 1804. Dear Sir, ",. '"- ;.;r": Of Col. Lyon's" plans."! know nothing 1 will teli ybu the truth, but not the whole truth, aboo. terrain defigns agaieft .th cuiiflifution." Perhaps it is wrong t call them dtfigns tnoft of iheicwhn -entertain thofe Views are honeft ; they be lieve we have reached the age of political perfeclibility. I 1 o c arry the eleclion of prefident to the people. How will this affect the final! lates ? 'i'iike Vermont and PennfylvanU ; VerniOiit giv't-s (ik eledortl votes i I'mi Tylvania 20. Carry the election to the people, and the weight of Vermont rvla tivcly to Penufylvd'iia is but a fVactiq i mor tLn as 4 to iS 1 TUduce the pcii. od for which ltnators are -elected 'to two years. iiow will this a f Feci the fmall Uates ; 1 1 will render the fenators lelV in. dependent, and it. rime the mere tools of the large llaie-j. Something of tltis kind is already difcuverable. i A republican of diftiniftion has been heard to f-y .tbat Vir giuia might as wtjlj0 four fenators and i hodflflad none,as for each to fend t wo. -J. Limit the ojlice of a j u'le to 5 years, 'i his tiecils no cotiit;ic:.t. w I fliall al wai be Ur voted to the caufe of liberty ; but 1 am dttidcoly of opinion (hat tlie union of iheWt terricorv and he terogeuious population of uur country can not be prelervcd under a ly Item Ids eucr getic than rhe pivfent coiiftitij ion 1 ! moment when 'we have added a world to ournnpire is a 'very improper one tofcie for the purpofe of rendennir our govern. jtngnt fticli vicvs ire chteitaMHd byour fouth ein and J'cnnlylvanta brethren. The nondnation of gov. Clinton wa$ made in feeret c)nclave by four or five nieiiibers a great while ago It is a part of the well known -Virginia plan always to gtve us a preliditit from tlutfbte.-.... Col. Burry bes many relpcctable friends in both iionfes, but it was liectfiWy to fet himalidi for the prefent, r irgiiiia com" manded arid it was r5n. I am Sir, vsty refpeftfullv, Your frietitl and liumbls fervant, JAMES ELLIOT. Mr 1 S Both judge Olia and nu fi lf have experienced "mk h ' diiJicut'ry- in. vpung" for 1 he jmpeat h me 11 1 J u-.!ge. C'ia titTZ- VV fhai! p obcly, be obl gt-d- to vote, agaitill the articles, as they will cllurce hmi with ten timea too much. ' " J, E. (No '9 ) ', . , ' StR, Wiibl-ijtm,- March 9, 104.- . ,: 1 n. my-laft-1 ititituited t hn t the ii hode. Ifl.Uid fenators were coildered 3 JeVo ted to the vtswt of Virginia. I m-aui"no j imputation on the chai aLler 6f.thofe.ge1.1 tlenien, they are upright : and their coin cidence with Virginia perhaps merely' ac cidental. . '. "-' .,: . : ;' . . . " It is certain, however, that there are many modes of. republican' influence' and intrigue, or vynicn none but thole, who ha ve; tike us a vie w of t he w ho! rou i.d' can mike dn adequate idea, y: - v :r Youjrs tJM5iiELLI0l -.1! Mr,- JAMES"ELXIDT. (No. 6 ) . ' cip-.-. .'' r4fiifmtmt marth f j, 1 eor ' T ihe, revolutionary reloltuiorfsr 71a ve been pofrponed to the next IfiTion, except L the two firft and fecon l, which were,ab.. It A . . A. r:.--.4 ri r -much flt'miration. by a' very a,ble fpeecU againlt the refojutions. ' .-.' Yours, JAMES ELLIOT. Mr--.. r . ---. 7 ) .. . ; - Sir, ' . . Wajh'.ngton March : t'iSoj. . Jima gmrjLLhatiJ'he-r t p u blkaui in your,, phant. -The tirquittal -of the fuprenift court in Pennfylvjnia, is the lure harbin ger of the dowufal of Dmne, and jacobin ifm in thatflare. Mad the judges been condemned, articles of impeachment d J gainJr governor M'Kean himfelf were al ready cut and dried for immediare ufe. . - After the moft ftrong and difgraceful congt eiTional debate, ever known, of lour days duration on the Georgia claims, the friends of correel principles have prevail td by m lmail majority, n,nh lullcft boufe ' we hive had this featun--ayes 63 noes S. Mr. Katdolph has delivered feveral : phtUippi.es, "more violent than thofe of iiobelpiei e, the b!oodv.timejof France. ln return he has been called by rtpubli- Cairlpeakers, -nape, a monkey, a llander trr, u cawnimator, a maaman, au amuuious popular' leader a dtlpotic" dem-gogae, sa popular tyrant, &c &c. He saccul'ed . the port mailer gt-ueral of crimes ai)a"Jnif-J-demeaoors, and that officer has demandedT an ciiquiry into his conduct, I (lull move ; to tontine the enquiry to the charges ex hibittd to Mr. Kandolfih, for 1 have af cei taitied that if it fhould go to his whole ! official condud. fedcralifts will untie with 1 the violent republicaiTSj, upon the qusftion, : and he will molt alluredly be condemned. My Ipeech, which will loon br publi(hed,if j exhibits a clearer view of the Georgia bu iiueis than has before appeared. Col.-Ly on obfei vedjin his fpeech lhat.he v; "grateful, typhis God, for having giver' him tlie face ol" - man and not ihat of ao ape or a monkey'J (Mr. handolph had i:al!cd kim a jazUll) and that ".thehetu lit )i iKe nentleman from Virginia was fuller 11 u,f political projccls than Doii Ojiixote was of windmiili, catlles dulcineas and all the pemp ot knight errantry." General ..Staunton, of iihotle-Ifland', laid his vote M'oulii not be influenced by 1 he "wheedling of fycophauts oT the frown of tyrants.' I he northern members are treated by the , junto with the inoft fuperlative degrtt of ci tnten ) p t aiidT inTuirTjo "t K Tn aiul LuX of-.: doors. -"' v .- ' -; i 1 am, Hr, with refp-ct and emjem, , Your moft obedi'snt farvant, ; JAMEs ELLIOT. (Ko. 12 ) Dear Sir, . U'alhintouFeh. z. l8of. '' A , ' - Vv e liave this moment kited Duanc.-4 We ha?ve, t..ken his exc!uue right as prin ter and Oationer to the gov. rnment. and. decreed it .40 the lowtfl bidder, whatever may be his po!it:s". Lve-y New-Euland men.ber voted tor the tefolutions- . A new daily moderate republican paper is foon to cotunience-ar Raltimore. There , reajre.'dv berwec n 6k 70gr fubfcriber- the tv. o fit It of whom -rc 1 homas Jetfcr. J fon aidH ub.tr t-Stiiith-.-" "ZZ -f tvery-ur,,' . J AMES ELLIOT.'. Valuable Property for Sale. 1 . it ur 1 rr .r. .j.i a.. -.11 - ... - r" Le cxbokd ifrpuUtc fcile, in a credit of fweivs quarter ;viH 'not .-find, rfiiich fault with my fp ech in favour of the impeachment of judge Chafe. : I fliall be obliged,; however to vote in the nega ti ve ultioi i tely", . a s the qneftion will -be' taken' upon feveral art i v cyi, to all qf which but one, 1 aiaopof " cel.. ; " - '- -.'. t .: , If I have fometimes "failed in arrange Riects,' 'it may be imputed to hjsj that' Sir-' -. V- -:v: -!-. -Vr- Your notice of the jcleftioiv of eleitnrs wa $ very accep t. bl evil M Noy e s. 1 s in debted to my aclivity and iRfltlence in GiL: fordjifor1 his eievaticui to public life, "and he knows it very wt!lv : :Mr. -feeprnfon is i fimilarly tircuniUanced- ' TJjeic gentle,, men are among tny- bit tcpert pff fetutor. ".Father forgive them, forgive them, for they k io w not;wh"a"t they do." They are poor aiul want offices. i am poor atfo, but 1 will ne verVacrifice2 "euh"er prin ciple br friends for ' the loves and fithes.". I thall live and die an undeyiating friend to the -right's of mankiil Ingrati ude may affect 'my fennbiUty, but it cannot make ne a villain. ; . ::w ' '. " Your friend and humble fervaot, JAMES ELLIOT. (No H.) .'- ' - ' " WaJh'mgton Fel. . t8oj. TJiar.Sir, ;:-y., ..".,..' . . Agamis the union of honed men triuci- ? . 1 1 1 .1 r 1.. . manias, 517 acres oj uuuit lying vn oomjiaet Middle Oral, nii:thn 5 mila ofSmitljUUi ut which is ah mi 1 x.QCQcorn hills, uoQ iu cultivM- . 1 . - ... r tip.', fuiiubh for : c ,rn r vbtut ; and but little of ohuh Qve'Roiut in the hhhefi ftebet. Another. traS, containing 4. c o ucra, lying on tt mJUn rca j . letting pom 'SmthfiiU to ljctuyide, cvitbia J'Jr iH miles vf Shiihjulj. ' Another traS, ftntJun 2CQ 1 ; acres t nrar on the road that la Js ont mithfield f l i to Aver d (borough t iilhih about Q tnitet oj Smith'' ,jf fiild. Cn the fame day ui'l be. fold, cr. a Credit cf 3 fx monthsra halfucre lot on matletjlrcet, A 0.93 on lohich is a lgejitui convenitttt houft nduU2. tafad af a fiivirnijt Zoue on tie fame lot is u houfe that would arfwer vtryvielt k JUT UJtlUitt jamilj VI m Jtvi uumt,' . fjw, 9., cjj, gfi, 1 1 j . 1 1 4Lt, 1 jifcf -H.fe: f0iJot,fioUf''i6y W$le fill, a quan' thy if houfhohl fu-rniurei which would fuit ihe per f on very iieUjkat pircafei the Life dad Irfi if he Intends l i live in 0 public fa. ';''.', r' '-, Cajb viuh le required fur fmrikajes under tern pounds, and for all funis ewri bond witt approved f curity v will be required Any of the'.aforefaid property wtU,bc dtipoled of ;before the day of fate if afptted for as I v'til t to retire into the im.ntry. SmiihfUU, Julys, 1 805. , v - r 1 I : Taken up, ON the 30th of Juoc aud cotpraitted tojtH, a Negro bay by the natie of Simon. an4 two bthera on the 7th July,' Ifaac aod Jacb, who fay they belong to Jho Lloyd of SiTth Caroliaa The wcer is rcquefted to come for r'dar.d -csake oectTary irrangcmeats to re ceiTtfiktir property.' ; k . : NEAL LOV,j-nr. t - FayettttiL'cjMj gth, i8cc. JV . --- . '..-:- - ::. .. -r-X