i: n .: - r. ,SWARTOEn. I. 0 tie late Mr. Blyth, Midjhjpmdn oh hoar J the r.,;V Mar ': HARK ! how the church tell's thundering harmony .' " Ctunt the glad year. Tiding of joy have eumt, Good tfcings of grear, joy. Two gallant shij. Met on, the element ih y met they fought Al&sreraie' fight. Good tioir.gs o! yea: joy ! f ThTvoi;ghf a desperate Pglit ! Tie lr h -unj J low'd up ihe hostile etkAhey shat:ned hti j , ' Old England, triumpli'd. Yet another d;.y I Of glory for the 'ruler of ihe watee ; j ' Tor those who fell 1 'twai in trreir,country's cause They have their patting jaragraph ol piai-e, And are forgotten. There wai one who ditd ' Jil t! at cay's glory, whose cbslrfrt name No proud hisftfian pag will cl:rc iiic!' , Peace to his bones: soul ! I read his name, 'Twa in the lm of slaughter, and blest God j 1 he sound as not familiar in mine tr : 1 But it was told me af er, tVat this man Was one whom lawial violence had forced1 ' 4 Yraro hj.s hit own hom, It. s ffif and Utile ones " yhoJty his labour lived ; th& he wai one Whose uncoirupted hrt could teeiily ft el . . ... A husband' t love, a father's arixioufliess ; ' . That, from the wages of his roil, he ltd "j The distant dear ones, and would tali of thcrA ' At nudn'ghr, whei he lr.)d the silent deck Wiih him levahieoC talked of them, tf joys i 'Tba,tji& had known I oh God l-smd of the hour vVnen they should meet again, rill his foil hesit, Hit manly heart, at law would overflow, . Ev'n like a child's with very tenderness. reace to his honest spirit ! Sufcdenly It came, and merciful t e ball of death, . f x it came' suddenly, and sruiiered hira, And left no ib-mcnu agonitiiig thought On those he loved so eil. He, ocean deep, ; r . , .JTow lies at rest. Bejhou her comforter , 'Whoarj the "window's fr'er.tt, .lanctoes not know What a eaid sicklies made her Wood run bacV' : ; r : v. . M hen first she heard the' lidjngs of the fight. ) V . ... 'Z an does ties Juiow with what a dre,vjl hopt ' -e lisien'd to the nimm vf th cisis who iitd. ' . Ssi ' 'Man doe not snow, or'kr.owing will not le d, tWlth whtT an agony eJf t( hderness " She gaze J uonfEa ch: Idrrr , and heheld " "v Hs image who was g nc. Oh God! bet' ou . " llcr cornforter who art tle wi 6w"s frend. - ! - HORRID MURDLRi JZifaS of a ktttr from agmtlman in Jamfollfe, !($. C.J to the Editor if the Cnarlrflou Ccur'ur. -"(): Monday, tlie 29th u'timo, abou' 4 oclotk io the aftcrpooo Mr. Thomag Maples Asraa ftot, rrcar his dwelling boufc, on the High LHiHfJSat.icebrJiii Ukft iiiJUchrd M., tIejabflut 23 yjears of age, w ho had fecreted jbitrtfelf in fc gtn.hotiff, -r that xpref pur pole.,,, 'n!a atrocious youth, in tvimm every principle o humanity feerim to bs extind, had ' jaaded his tiflle with tfcree Jatge buck flmt jfaw his father coining from fifts dwe'l'Vp tamfe,' and waited to hi coRcealrhentj till he fcad.got four tten pacei paft thegin houff, then deliberately toc.K aiw, -tniuugn a cnvjcr Diween toe lonas of the houfe, (homblc to rei te 1)m hie father ! .The (hot peneHated his back, and -came out thtouh bis bftall. .. ' A jury oFirqufft was fjmrjnonerj early, on ttie ;,d fullawing. The ma Jerer confefied his crime, and n aac ,ip.rne ti ivui txcuics tor his . -co nd a ft r" H t w a s cc 0551 it t r&-to Carod eir pao p toceihtT. with "Lr' mrttljer' and li other, who ;'j v.cfe charged as 'acceflbrica rri the 'murder. 1 ' Mr. Maple9 wa ole of the oldcll ictflera in iw uc guiicui iiuuu, anu uau always lUp'.Jri I cd the chara&cr of an hone'ii, acduitrioB, an FOR SALE; AHoufff and Ld! at the Uuivsrfiijrs Ctnated on a high and pleafaflt part of the village. In Ih'e Houfe is one room below end two aboye ftairii. The, Jot contains twj, acrce, and has nn it a Kifcheti, ijmoke houf Stoit'houfc iud Stpble, alTnew ; is well fhaded with trees and has a Cellar prepared for tnlaroihg the Dwelling houic, ' For ftither infoirnatiuit enquire of the cii:iter, or-torthe fc"bferiber. . JOSEPH CALDVELL. , Uqiverfit y, July 29, 1805. .fceisif " Trainable Property Wake Cavalryy ' THE Wake Troop of Cavalry ate notified to nr.eti at jhtrt ufual phite of parade in. Rftlei'ghj cn Saturday the tifAi luibiot', at 11 o'clock A' m. ' Thofe who arc dtfucuH of becoming rncrobeis of t he rroop ztf ir.Vt'ed to mett at tl.c ahoe. ir.tnticiie I timr snid iice. wj. 8,1805. Pocket Book. AS tuken (Ut of tny pocket on Jriday ev?ninp;, at the Court Houle, about hrtK)fe of the ek&'on, a lii-ck Pocket B()ok, contain aijaofg other papers tht te iiottvB ii hand, viz : one oh Berry Rogers for y 10 one 00 Wiiliato Nu?t foi 2. 5 ana ooe ln Win. C. Guthrie (ot $. 'i'berc vcre .fme oilier notrs aad accounts not iecollt9ed. I v give 5'dolhru for the Pocket Bot k ii-a-' pajjers I forwarn all petfons fiom trading for any notes taken. in my name. ' Wm. HAltTSriELD. Nine miles NoTth of Raleigh. 3 RAN-AWAY ROM the fubfcibeT on die mflant, a Negro Man named jAC0131-fre is about 24 cr if years old, black fjcin, anJ ytty ficut nude. Ashe Avas purcjialed from Col. Wm Polk, living in Raleigh it iar probable he is Unk ing about that phice. Vhoevcr will aj'prehcnd faid r.egro and lecure him ir, any jail, flali be ge neroufly rewarded, by -- -id BENJAMIN LONG. ; Rackingham, Richmond 1 '".' County, July 28, 1805.3 ' : -2 - Mill Sazo. f Have for fa'e a Mill Sav and Iron? Cffrnpletef X for which I w'iil take 3 1-jw price iudfii'or on a fltort credit to a pr,ntu i man. . - FREDI-RICKI.ZKL. Wake Cocnty near R'erg' ) .. Cicfs Roads. Auc. 9, 1 Scj ) 6.v. x The Heir at Law ! HE ' Heir it Law'? will be performed by the men be rs c f, the Rale i ! h Tlttfoia a Society, for the lienerit of the Academy, on TueSLy in Court wctk. fj- Stvcra vn'otnts of Plays & Farcea be, longiog til the .Thtfpian Society, ate in. the hands of Ittdtfcjuals who ate rcjuefted to re turn them immediately to ' . J. WGlhh Librarian. AGREEABLY to the laft Will and Tefta meot" of Pettr. Mallelt, Efq. dcceafciJ,. late of FayetteViiie, ihe Subfcrfbeis offer for fait, a liberal crebit, the foflowirg property ripg ia ditfrent partaorNorlh Cafoltua., CuinbftiandCoaniij Town of Faijettevllk. A Trail if La.td iidjoinjngjjinds y fIiH. Smith 1-ridJ.faac Williams Efq. near'Averis bof.uglJ on the South weft fide of Cpt Fea riv?r, about 20 n,i!e fiom Fayettf viile. .' A Tract of Laird coniajuiDgrabout 320 Actea, kuovvn by the name of Co unci! Hall Tratl, adjuiuing the Town of Faytttcville ; from the teiii'.ity of the foil and its vicinity to the Town this land ig conlulered very valuable arid will be laid off in lots to fait 'the' purcluf- A Lot and Houfe rn the wert fide of Gcllef pie &tteet in Fiiyettcviik, lure The decealcd iiirm . rly refjJed j the building arc iu good re pair and the whole well calculated to accom inoiatc a yetiteel tami!y. Three unimproved Lots on the welt fid? of Grllefpie Street, be? .etn Fianklin atd Muroford Streets adjoining the Lit cu 'which the dwelling houfe tlauds'. 10 eta 5 uniraproved Lots on the weft fide of G.-lictjie Stieec, between Mu'ord Direct, and M Lett's Miil. f x lati e U'archoufe at prefent occupied by McfTrj. Kt-fb.'t Campbell, on Gclefpie Street near the Toii.huufc, lubj.ct to a Imal! grcuod tent. - ' , L A Lot and Duelling Houfe on the e3ft fide ( f G;cen S?ieet near the Court.Hviufc, cowoc cupied by William H. Williams, Efq. " A Lot and Dwellino; Houfe do the eaft fide of G teen Street in pofleflion, of MrJ. Emmet aud luhject to hetlife ret't. Two lo!o Jt lower Fayttteville on which there is a T;b.iccpi ii fpetlion u idcr the direftion cf :.f .fTra Davis 5t M'DonalJ together with a large three Hory WarehoEfc, three fmall Ware-" h".ufc3 and three ex'enfive (heds with every ne. e(Taiy accommodation for llie intpev.lioii and ftonsge erf Tobacco. If the pti'cUalVr Ihould incline, one of the Lots on which (lands a large ftc! will be fold fcparatt or divided into two Lois, -..7-7-; 1; - - - To th: ' Editor cf the Charleston Ccuritr. w j; ILL be NOTICE. fold at the CowttHouftf good man. ' .. ) -."A Catitai. Tuck -At afyfec"tion in j; March latt, two perfons in the county of Che iff hirer N fL'were rival candida'es for the office if ccunfulor, the one named Parler, a demo cat, the other, named Ilafe- a fcderah'tl. On . the yotes beinp returned to their cjeneral cwirt, :JtVaa fennd .that the federahifthad a jh.Jbttty, ' tut iCbcifg of, confiderable importance to the j party, inai tuc utyi'Jtr nu wo-u.-iiowr iuoukj iiiive the fea, and the houfe being democratic, Itwas tletei'mtned tht the' caufe liberty and f quote) fhould oot fuffeVhrouh rthe Winncfs Maud bbftiiTBcy of any federal cleois whatever. I iTfeeytbercfcre fcucedVo ihe retwrnS of the towtf ' I ieletk of Weilworelati'd-.. which jave Mr. Hale tftii .-otcs ;. .t3 - Gftei Opoirirthan herfrnat lf letter was made 4o tall that jt mtht very well ptf for; an andS it Jail thty aelnjilly voted lhat J I n it (houttl be, ilius turninjT Halt into ffall.- V '.In viio did the town clerk; -Caleb Aldtjlh jfwesr th at the returos ftnt, by hiin.were 'meaut fr" ' Ha f afid tot Had? tytecilfr to fecfrd. In i ;Vmo didjofeph Bttit J eft ify t h at herwa sthf'.lBo' ! cratcrof the WeO d tlit Yoesih ct e weri. (or Mcif Htrf 1 3 7." I n I , train Was it faui that 00 fiich man as Mofes H.ift viisiveo a candjdte j thin VJghtcons ftratsgem vj rtnt "to beSrB fdi and the '' Republican SLeiflattrt djtetifljrel. that Mr. (Hale had i V toot a firioJe Vc.re '.in rftmoveJand, Which lef ' ( j Jllieir favourite a maiytyi and be was fvwVii n f jand took htfe.rt co'irdinily. Jtfo. meighii J tortfonertpurvUt as Vufltl fays, to compareUt ; ; tie thicga wiih teat,! thiuk thia alao'i cqosh I ouf.caiiaffers burnioi; the Ofltgo votes to fc ( cuie the eUdtoB of Governor Clinton. . . . K:' rtr. rf HereU. ' 1, soifcgT Qf'0OeoMIaesL3)iat. HAYWOOD's JUSTICE "': . Fpr falc at this OiBcc. Msrtiitvillc on Tutfdaf the 1 7th cf SepteaibtT next the folio wit! jjr'Tracls of'Land filuaU: in the County of Guilford "or fo much hereof astwi! fatUfv the Public and Couoty taxes forlt. years. i-etf in mentioned,. and the. charges cf advertrfements, &c viz 100 Acres, Supposed to be ihe lands of Jarries .' Hopki-.s for' , - - .-" 1 301 & 104 r!o the la v.ss of f ! Clbbon's Heirs hr 1803 & 104 Co ,?upo-ied to be V.e- lauus of 3 hn Winsl w, Ej. lor do ia is of P iliip Arnick, for do do of niqinasPiunltit, tor do d) 'Smuel M'Maitcrs for Ha y Burues, Lr Tarltoii Bofan, for James Saundor, for ' Da id S.mpsoii (llaw-UVver) 550 165 2C0 ?oo 150 17 150 300 0 1C0 7 S83 192 181 do do do t 3 . d i ' do - d3 Co.. do do d do d do A?' do da ratnan inney lor ; ., t'a r di David ight, for ... (o' do William T b (AlteraanceV 1804 ICS f.. 1803 18)3 ' ; 1803 '1804 C.a. id Quatc, (A rcmance) John Bon on (BurTalow) tot Jess'.e Green, for v .do . jertmiah Kimmer)', iar ?' do Jamei Hurnes, ibr V ': isnj. 1&03 180-f iB04 iao4 1804 1804 1804 J804t do k, Tessa Grevn, Jor ABNER WEATHER LY. Sh'f.il ..JN-AWAY V;..- r 0m Me SKffcriter, livirg in FrankHn c6unty , a bout ihef.fjt ofMayt About iy' ye'atadv abcut 5 feet q inches high, datk comp'tcled. He was raided by-Mr. Spivy war" Windfer, whejjnrjsjejpefterl to be now hnking," or rBtihe riiighboihood of Mr. Boyce, of Gianville, where he has a wife. A rewatd ' in i v. entyVla'rs will be given for the fellow, ' deltveteJ t6 ra; or fecured in jil thrt Tget hla agai.v s D. W. DAVIS. I INTEND to ffvmcve ibis U wit'u CoecR v. L o to Ten' ITee. Tbcfe wbo bae (!' ii.fl me will make, them known; aod tbole who ciwe rt-will pay, I hope, in hole or-part, by the 0tH of September 'f ;nd'ibof wb Vti rndebtcd by open ecooTit,' if utab(je m psf," will I tfttfi, ren4 is tbeir Botes. . After tbe eipirarion -of the lesfoa, Ccearde Liao will be let to raarci iSttil tbe date above, t 20 dotlatt iofarance, paytbleat March Court, I8c6. There will be bo prdTpefl of bis tetum to tbis ihte. " ; - -f " . - -' t July. ' ELISHA WILUAMS. grange County & Town ffillfiborpugh,1. , 30ft Acres of Land in the Ha-fields ad oioing lands of Geoeral Mebaner A Grill Mill 6n Eno River and in the Town of Hillfboroiih, the ASill runs tw6 p,iir of tor.c8, w-ith the necf.ir.it y machinaiy of Mer chant M'J', the whole iu tolerable repair from the natural advantages ibis Miil politffes, it is odidered lo be the mod valuable in the State. Iew-Hanover County .and Town tf Wil ' tntngton.- Owe half a Lot in the Town of Wilmington, on the fi)tith tide of SMnce Street, extending along faid Sweet from Frant Stteettb the river. A Tract of Land on the eaft fide of the north weft branch of Cape Fear River, about tluce miles above Wilmington, joining hods ori: Wm. W. J nts & Henry Waters, Enquires ; aeon fiderab'e put -cf this Land is cfjAe ery heft tii!e r arrp, and is confideied by judges to be equal, if net lupcrior, to any Rice Land in the State ; it is will worth the attention of thofe who prepofe engaging .in the culture of Rice; the whoe will be fold or it will be divided to ac oommodne the purchafer. v A-Lr ge body of -Xand on the. well fide of the. norh-caTlt river, txtending along the lifrr from Henry VVatets's plantation call-.d Fcrctput to Major Moure's 011 Fithing Creek, a part of this Lar.id is lidc ftvamp and well luitcd to the cul tivation cT Rice. A4fo three i Tra&a of Land on Little Cohesra . in fUmpfon Ccuuty, well cukulaud for Com & Cotton. . The Subfcrtber3 will receive prt ptfals at Fay , cttcville by letter or otherwile -for all or any part of the abovs defcrtbed pioperty until the t it of OQober next, if unfold the Mill St Lsi ds iaOr r.?e Cr.unty will be offired at Auitian in, Hil "fborougb o tbe 9th day of OclcLcr. The Lots,; Houfcs and Lands in.Cumbetliind at iFayetteville o;i the 2f3lh jiay oi tbe fame, month, and the lands in NcwHsn'over on the 181b day of November next. Application may be made to Mr. Tames MumforJ at Wilmiiigion who will defcribe.adfhew the lands in the vici nity of that place. -'. ;" : ..;. V JOHM ECCLES, ' Executor, tf Fc rOHfTSLv3 SIR, Findirg my najneinferted in. jciir pa- . per refpecting a Dog, v hich t.be, author ol the advertifement calW a Stolen pop, hzi induced me to defire vou'to iiifwrt the :' 'folio svin'g' ntte. ' ' '. ' A t the houfe of Mr. 'Caflb, ! faw a Dbj tltEt appeni e-1 to bebiat often, mi 'a ount of his i.e. liter u-njblcfA.rne.to hm ; 1 flked'hitn if i' vt . J.': to which fee afceted no ;- that rhe Ucz' taj been ;lf ft by a rt tltman cf ChaikUOiS a lon while finct oj wb'ch I ctieivcu thac it was a pity -the animal fhould be abardoncd, cio pave "the dog Tome food, he being a'moft flatv cd. The f.ext day the dog followedthc It age, probably horn gratitude. 1 , endeavoured to fend htm bck,r I tit could net fucceed. Rc colic ciiVjj what Mr. Caflb bad lold n e, I !tt the dog putfne his own way. thinking that hi pcihaps would meet with Lib mailer iu Chailef ton. Being arrived in Charlefton the day before the publication alluded 10, I had rot even time to put in an advertifemfnt refptding ,jhe Dog. ii to the, indecent rcanoeftur wLn-h the au. thor expreffes hunfclf, rtfpcflii'g the prrfott whom he fpeaksof, ard cf the prttendtd MarJc all that I have to fay to fnchH?.rgur,ge is, that it indicates a very contrift d'msn, who, if I was near him. woulnl itcciwe his mark. Aslconnce in wbut Mr. C. has told mere fpL'dxirg the maftcr of the-TJog, any gentleman that h.s loft a Dog of fo'cb defcription s given, may find it by enquiring at the tourkr priming. Office.! J. VERMONNET. Qhar'tjhny Jtigyfl 1055. . i. -- ' " . ' Spring and Summer GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBE RS beg have to infot trtl the public sn gtueif.l and cbtir ctftontefs ' in particular, thai: they l.sae jiift teceived 2nd are how operinr a vcy Inrge and general afTort ment of GOODS, (the greater pait imported difctlJy from the rnscur"adtorcrs) which they of fer for .fale, by Wholefale and Retail on mcde rate terms. A conliderable difcount will be made to thofe who purchafe with ready money. They have alfa on band, all kinds of Ealt and Weti-India Goods snd tip. wards of Ten Thoufind Bcfhtls of Liverpool SALT. Produce: of every kind received ia payment. .- Donaldson. MiicMllan. 0? Co. Fayettevillej 10th July, 1805.,- r . Committed to Gaol rT ON the 241b of Jnlva Negro Man about 25 years of ge, vey blrk, fptaks piaip, vhlm himfe'f a freejp6n, paiTcs by the name of Sironu, fsys he formerly bt longed to a widow by tke name of Eliza B ake, near Dogifter, South Carolina. Had on a brown coat, blcc.k velvet; cape, a fmall white ha;, hoaiefpun, oantaloons, a bandkerchief with cloth, air.ong which was a pair of ffcdoia trowfets f blue plains ; had with Lim apaperfigned by the fiiid widow ; another figned by Capt. Jofeph Wiring. The owner is defired to prove her p.opervj , pay char8 and take bim away. c, ' ' JA MES JOHNSON, Coroner. War'eibotoiigb, N. C. July 25, 1805. 1TFIY DOLLARS REWARD. OU tbe night cf the th of July, alovt tha hour of Ifj 0 clock, fome villain fit fire to rr.y barn. But an hour before was at the barn with Mr. Malicba Hinlen, and (cb bit hdrfe oit of the fable, ; wtiher vf uf bad a Ii"htt iiot was there any fire aoaut the houfe as the family was from horn: except myfclf and wife. When the fire was jirfl difcover W, it had got to the vffer Jioty..: Theie ivtre ' firn borfes in the fable that jcined th: barn, tut J got them out without their Izbg injured. Jlny perjon that will deU8 the villain or- villans fQ tlct lhy le trough to furib:nerili flail naive the alave re .ward. AT. DAVIS. v 1 ' mithfeldi July 5, 1805: jine i'gtb, 180J. (tf Ten Dollars Reward. jail on the 2 9'htif Jure, a Negro man wl:j calls biftifclflJtr: uHe fitd that he belonged to one? Bfooe't ljdichaei rPeDdlc ton ccunty,.' .in'Sautji Carolirra, that be was. b-ttade a Bricklayer, ar.d tonld play en the Fiddle' s he is about five feet un- inches high, and 4ias a fear on bis,faceriear hisltye, which ftcmi'to e.b?ea octjfioned by a burn. - He carrud away , wiih bim a dark dolcuted fturtout, a blue coat and f an Vdo jvnwaiftcoat.V It, is Ipiohable he wall atKip'pto get tcNcw-Yoik, as be faid be had relauonV-tiirit bora bevas avxious to fee. The above rewar vvill be giea tdliBy perfrtn'who wiltdeliver him to; the fab fcriber in Faycttevule, or fite dollars if lodged in asy jail in ibis State. . , 1 ' . ' NE A L LOVE, jailor. Faye.ucu!e,. Jn'f 1805, 1 ' 3C : . T THE GRAND LODGK .." of . .: -' North-Carclina and Tennessee) TT7TLL convene in the Lodge Room in thfs V city on the evening of Wcdocfday, the t Ith ilay.of Dtrembcr next. At' which tiae arrd place the Officers, Merhbera and Ktprefen. tatives from the ftibordinate Lodges ate icquir ed to attend. By order of tbe moll worfhipfu! the Hco. John Louts Tartoii. Grand Maflcr. Ratetghj June "tthr A. X. cBcj, A.p. 1S05. Grand Secretary, Mi PROPOSALS William- HoylaKy-. . ForTPrintipg by Subfcription, THE SECOSD VOlAJ2CJi OF , HAYWOOD'S REWRTSr J Beginning where bis jirfl Volume ended, end est- ' J 7)Jinwdta tjx prefnul thitc., THEPubiiher'is anjfhowfeoayXtfcsuV" volume Mfill contain fome cf lht"ntoft iiniptSfatt decifions heraofore" inadc, and lefs ir.termlxti with doubtful cafex than any bpok of repot evtf r prirte hi tfee flate. ' "V. v .' .. ' .It 'wjll contain about 500 page3 1 ancj the price to luDicnoers yui d- lour dobau on the celivtiy of tbe book . . - - - I t wiJI be put to p. efs as foon as 2 ja fulfcri!ert are obtained-. ' f. : ..':v'- 'T; Suhfcription papers w fee lodged s i;h mcil dr the Gentletrieu of tbe liar- ' : ' f -H : i t 1