... . v" j , - j ' - ' w ' . Mm 4, TWO & A HALF DOLI. PER "1 iitv. Paynlile hvIYrrrrlv, J -'' PUBLIsilEp (weekly) BY WILLIAM BofLiVN. Ctwo colls, rut s. PogaMt i Acvance. '" ' Vol. io. RALEIGH, N. C.) WO NDA " 'SEPTEMBER 2 j No. 450. .THE i . . M LATEST FROM EUROPE. ' .. . BOSTON, August 10. . By the ftimj. Adams and S, Ann, from Liverpool, we have received, regular files cf. London papers to the 5th of July, from - which we have been enabled to make very copious extracts. The leading articles of intelligence are thofe relating to the political affairs of the continent, which ahhough oppofed to. the project of np u rited and vigorous profecution of the war againfl France, are a the fame time, in aufpldous to the hopes, which have ben entertained of peace, as the natural con feqticnce of a failure of continental alli ances. '. Grext Britain can never be bro't to makepeace with France, while (hefbn. linues her military efhblifhment ; aa if obftacles (hall eventually oppofe aQfcnti on of the northern powers, i a r, which Was entered into ijom no lijjht, trivial or partial caufe,-' Engl in dvuiV-0iinue txs figh oo, l'mgle handed wifely preferring the fa'crifice of her entire revenue, to the degradations of fuch a ftate of peace as Frante would offer. 4' " LonoM,'June jr. AAn attempt will, in all probability, J?Te fhottly made by the Texel fquadron to pit: to fea. Accounts have been received by a neutral veflel, wli i t liTail ed la if 1 h u r fd ay from the Texcl that all the men of war &nd tranfports there were i complete readinefs for Tea. The latter are ftated; . to am oun t role vc n t yjfai 1 , W i t h txoopi p n brd'nd victual led time ; the former coniift of ffri pfctbe Jine, two frigates, and threejlpopsf The intelligence broughn by neutrals frqth the Texel, rei peeling the enemy's arrcjanlents, has generally proved incorrecl but this ac- 1 count is in a great degree crifirTed by Ihters from our cruizers off the harbor. - One of ih?m fay : " We Aill continue' cruifingnfF this place ; yefrerday we board ed a vefTelumJtr Pruffian colors coming out, from the- Matter of which "we learn that theVnemy'f fof e SnfTffsorfiye fail, of the line and three large corvettes in the Mars Diep", one line of battle iliip. vhich has been hove down, and put in a complete condition for fea and a large fri .gatej iri the Niew Diepi Thp whole wert? preparing for fea. Several corps of French troops had of late marched in, for the purpofe1, it is fuppoled, of accelerating the works that are carrying on.' - ; The Dutch camp at Zeyft has received very corifiderabls reinforcements, and the troops are to be embarked in the Texel as fpeedily as pofiible. A great number of ftores and a confiderable quantity of am "launition are lfo preparing for embark. Intelligence is faid tj have reached go vernmeht, of the determination of Auftria to operate in a tlecifive and vigorous niaa ner aginfr France in conl'equence of the confol'ulation of the LigUrian republic, with the empire of Bonaparte, whoisftat-U-.zd,3ft receiving a di (patch at,Jlilart from Vienna, to have, declared, that as Francis 4 feeuied tired of the Imperial Crovin, he Ihould take the firuopport unity of adding rir Tdhis own. . Thbfe who circulate, and thofe" who givejredit, to fuch abfurd ru ' 'mors, are eqqally contemptible ' The French minifler at Hamburg has '.port- premptortly infilled that all the emi. grants re fit! en t there do indantaneouHy . qjt th,it city, and its dependencies. T:f(e GtaI of thTe thTtTjlT l ft of" May laftj; w a5 (2 U452 cayalry, 30,33 2 infantry j and . 78,794 nnlitia. . ' Xli- r.7 . juiy z. . ' . ThT Koure of Commons, have vated to refcind thtir refolyrioft directing the At tirney GcrrraVto profecute Lord Mel ville in a Court of Juftice ; an J . vored, : thar Ife he tinpeached of High Crimes, -&c. fjefofe the Houle of 'Lords. Mtffrs. Wliitbread, Fox Grey , Sheridan, &c. are of the ccwn'nittee to conduct the impeach .r.terir. A bill has heea brought into par- .l ameat to indemnify; ;Trotterjiu crder to make htm an unexceptionable anJ in treptd witnefs agtiin"ft.-IVo(eivile.'k-c-: 7 A Sleflini article of J qne 1 7. fays That tT"A nc rica a- fquadron , confining of 1 3 vfHcls of dilTerent lues, Jf which part --is in our port, and the other in Syracufe, js fhonly to make a new attack ori TripoliV Notwiihftanding various reports, in the public pape r, 1 1 is" not afcer talned t ha t Mr. Munroe, the American Minffler,.had left Madrid the 26th May. Whenever.he leaves that city, he co.ues immediately here to iefum his ftation ; and then Mr. Erving, late, onful aitd Agent of the U States, and charge d'Affjiics here goes t o M a d r i d , a s S ec r e t a r y o f r Le g t i on a n d Charge des Affaires to that Court. Gen. Lyman has fuccfedd Mr. Krving in his late employment here. - ' The Pruflln 1ion.arch fby a note. thro' IViron Hardenberg) has avowed his refov lmion! to prfvent the fubfidi;ry treaty, with Grat Britain, for 2 ooo Swecllfli j troops beirrg carried into efVct. I (: The articles pf Impeachment againft Lord Melville were ordered to be printed on the 4th July, and to be taken into con federation on the 9th. .There are eight fpecific chirges : five of them amount to 64. cool deficiency-; the other three regard the fuppofed violation of the law in draw ing naval money, "Sec. " There is a confi;?erable drgree of bufHe at the Downs. The flet (Temb'ed there has been joined by no lefs than fourteen imall fire (hips; a laiper hi.mber than 'it ufua'.ly attached to fuch a fleet, which has given rife to many coajcclures. v n (lie tpth June, 'his Uritandc M.vicf ty, by mrfijge informal his par'.ijrntiit, " 1 hat the communications v hich had ta kes place between him and certain tonti henta) powers, had not'yet ben brought to fuch a point as cbeBablc him t,o lay 'thVrefUbeTfore pnn jhryrtheixplat French 'gove irri'nien t , confi (lently with t be declaratipa" wade in' the fpeech f-'thi commencnifent of the iefticn Sec." . 3V Votes of thank;' paflVd both Moufes or rarliament'and.- fT.iranrts of their cord'nl fupport in enab!r his Majftly to tlopt fuch Heps as might be lnft 'calculated for the'fafety of Cire;it Britain, ai d the gene ral intiM-ehVof Europe; The vote of thanks was oppofed in both hbufes: It ,pfITed ibei Pee rst 5 8. 'I he prince. pt vvajet was jn the twinonty. In the commons, it paflVd i-.hout a divifion. A vote for more moiVy to he expended in fubfidies has alfo pjffedx We informed the pxthlic yefirciay, that hk Majefty has lately been UnjPol-tuna rely afflicled with a complaint in his t yes. Ji is 'with deep regret we -have to ftate to day. that that tbmplaint is ofa tnoit fet'i-A ous nature. We received this' morring'the P . i li t. ' ! : 1 r 1 ! -it ' pri iu me 2010, anu uurcn ro,tjre 27 ulr. T he Decree for incorporating Ge noa has been "carried into .ekecutibi,-a.nd on thf t I th, June that anctent ReprV was finally ce If royed, awf the French flag hoifled upon all the fortifications and fliips i n the harbour ! There is in the Monireur an article, in f (erred we may be fu.ee rioV without defigrrf from the Caltigl'boTin" which a pfmpotri difplay is given of, the Fretuh'arniy; mcmj)ed, amounting to .58 battalions of infantry,' 45 fquadrons ef cavalry, and a large train of artiljpry. ", Befid.e this army fays' tlie article in quellion, we have "a divifion at Gtnoa another at Florsnce, a "third, at Naples, and, in fhort, more troops in Italy than u;e ever had, independently of the corps of Italian, troops, who. appear, anxious, to render themfelvcs wopthy f their, Sove? reign. In reading tluartich? it ftrock us that this pompous dHplay of military ftrength, was njatle-under the impreffion tjffu'piclon'Vfh reTpe31tht defigns of h u tt r j 3 , a n -w 1 rn a view to convince ner that this "was the mbff uiil eaTenab'e ti me fotiher to under take any thing againft thei r rench.ppwer in Iwly. It vou!d not have been neceflary for Bonaparte to have had inore troops iti-ltaJy than ever he had, for the tnere purpofe of coronation pafade. Ha he not been fufp.cioiis ofAuflriaT'he yoold have avoided pouring To mmy troops into Italy, in.order that he might not give umbrage: or induce the court of Vienna to believe, that die viewed u with. aipa to .j?l9ft.W,khQwa in Europe; for any fon,e bope tq impofe upon hitp by political illufion or .bpjftingHufiia has ueiiheran inttrefl nor the means of contending. vTtTT -a ct!fial power io, well effablifhtrd as Frnce, ai.d htnc;e it- is perrmtet to reckon upon n epproxiiijatic-n which ni3y be ufeful to the two . reentries. ',rLAtJi.cy rarcy the PniflTn Joi7rr7ajints will not ddc' of the .probability cf a ..Continental war " At JJyris ;.s well as. Vienna' thty ;'lay " every 'tiiing concurs in "affuring us that peace will not be diilurbed The defire m.mifi fted by the Emperors of Germany and France to preferye the good under, (landing that exids between the twoCourts x-r-e very thing changt s our hope to certain ty 1 h refult of this fecurhy is the fame at Paris as at Vienna. The funds at both places have rift n. At Paris they continue to iife, and the five per cents which 'were but at 60 when the Emperor fet off for Italy , , we re on the 2 jd June a t 62. The rile of the Aullrhn funds was certainly not produced by any fpecific hopes, butby fhe dr lerniiition' of the government to repay ai fixed period the fum'i lent by the Dutch to Aultiia during the war- We believe that, fo far from- being, on good terms with" Bonaparte, Ihe has lately pre iciittd a frrong rctr.onllrance, and demand ed sn explicit declaration with refpeft'to his views if; itafy. .v;' :-:;- ?-"J-" 1 He Boslon Pa"ck'-Tnf B6tt6p;)rr rived at PI v-fm; at li -1fhe;;yay,".veforc;'y , 'day. The -Ca'hta iti fre'riorts-r lia r ; 'hi 'r.t-H' tul Jamaica djys fiiiee fo in;iy t)c lionrty expected. es, - we are lippy to flatc, ate now entertained that the caoratl will not ex tend to both Ins MvM i! v'j pves. Mis Ma jffty, we ore rejoiced to Itiite, is other wile io moil excel I'r.'r i.eahh. ' - Intelligence wis tins morning received at the Amiralty, by a telegraphic commu nication from Portfni-u-ih, that the Defi ree frigate, wjth "jiytepintYr.4rd.hoUitl "J JniaTc a'fleje t, pa fied r h e or rati b o'c Jock' We can aflujre curreadcrs, from the mod refpCclable andnndotrbted r.uthority, that the Lafl ofB jckingl.rtmfiiire, Lord Sidmomh, andMri Vanfittart have re fignd the offices hey held in the admii)i liratioji. 1 heEmperor of tfie French i?'drfirrus of turanginir his'ne.w elfalitifiimcnts on. the L'Pandtil lioffible fce. 'France he cot-fi- Ixtcrs as his ' dwfilinpr' honfe nc family manfion, am) hij numerous enJargejnents of territory, in Germ spy -and the low cotintries.aS- fo inaify trpchdore. f r"fii the pUhlic common. Italy is to be hii viiia lor . occifionsl 'fping a-nd . fumner vifltr, whence he enjys a yide view. '.'.towards 1 tn key and Fypt ; in: the laft of which, he propofes, thcneer he can call the Ufyd his own,'' to ercil n. Profp-l houfe, CiStpmaiming the inter fling diftarit objtdh. of Miidris and Calctnta, and the wljjplc Hindolfan Country. Spain and Portugal, and K.tr1" 'a at Napies, are mirre'y his furrf unding tenantry He wnis Swe den iwryvintieh'Tor an ice-hcofc -Kc has not 3$ yet titroed Ids imperial mind to the ;e!r eft "tort of a rMaufoleum. AV hen he icenie't-to- Englandy he-wilJpntTft" probably, chefts of tools, fiils, powder, and cordage which were atfo lent on board the Loire. They captursJ, fecfiJes. and bronohr rJFa4 .miu urg gun veuei, witn one long 32 poumr and nx 24 pound carronades, a large Sjwnilli brig fitting for fea, end La Confiance, French privifrer of 26 guns, and 170 imp ; aiioiherrFrench brivateer1 pierced for 20 guns, which was fitting out was burnt, and atl the faiall craft, aim boats, fee. with the .exception ofjpoe gun, f boat, were dcitroyed. After thecaptoretl of the Spanilh gun brig, El Experience,'; j 30 of the Loire'i . crew were put on board her, in order to cruife, which the Spani-r ards obftrvjng, fent out fix trun boats and a cutter to ferake her, but me beat the i whole off, and they all returned quietly to ' the harbor. The La Confiance is pierced 5 for 32 guns; fbe had lately undergone a tnorough repair, and the Carpenters were vy orking ; on. her m !)en .t h e' b a ts entered) the biy on-difcovering which, they ef capedto the fhore, leaving all their work ing tools behind them. The Spanifh com mandant, with feveral Spaniards, wer killed in the aclion. Eleven of the Loire's crew,, including the Lieutenant, were! wounded, three, of. tlum - badly. .The Lieutenant received a wennd in tne neck ' with a fvvord, Which is not confidered td i be dangercus .)or naval annahj rich Jisjtheyaredn brilliant aclions, do hot re- I cord one moreitaring or bri'Iiariti Ths Loire and her prizes are arriv4il ihVl j i t b ro uglr t le h 0 im vji rjl bo u 1 !fefHliTt.hqM da jnaVtheirar rival m;iv bt r-L -T- til 4;M. De Novbzllzbwrs mijljbn jtconfidef- ed by the ParisJJournalifts as likely to le?d to peace between Kuffia & France." They, cbferve upon it, " if Kulliabad oofuttable p'ropofals to make,; (he would . tfot incur thecxpence of an emb a fly, be caufe the characler of the Ecipcror Napoleon . GREJkT-DRtTAiN' AND' SWEDE. has evinced to the conduct qf Bon.iparte j; in- well known to the v. orld : And U i ? t 111 . I . J!l J oppjrem ue wouiu tongiincc nave reaouy embarked in the war withGreat Britain,, had he been ll-pported by Ruflia. w,Tho' fHf event fine nnf hppn nfitrtillif .anhMin. ed, feveral circumfiances rrtider it certain, that a treaty' Ins been fettled between fl ureas iirj 1 urn ana 5 weaen ny wnicn;tne latter agrees to furnifh 25.000 troops, for a f:jbfidy to be paid by Great-Britain, jbei amount of which only remained to be fet tied. S-weden- demanded : two millions' flerling, which Great Britain.conuVlcred as too much. T he Prufiiau ebonach -ha j avowed his determinition to prevent the? pvcfiitinn nf hic trnitv as uil! annear '.' i by the fc-lJowing.' ' PRUSSIAN fjATE PAPER. '' " - I He liaron de naruenberg, to the liar Oil de Brintkntan, .Charged'AfF.iiresof bis Swedifh IvL'Jtffy. ., .w f Berlin. -December 24, 1804. ''-' ,l VVhen his Mijefty the -'King of Sweden tnoupht proper to lend Lieutiinant-Cehef, ral Arnifel.it to Berlin; wit ha letter from'r his Swedifh Majeffy o-tbe King, d-itcd s September "1 01 to'trquire in. what linht I he corifidered the political fituation of the J North of Germany, the King rx "himfelf upon this fubjecl, with the greateft I .'freedom, to the Baron d'Armft ldt, as well h in his "anfwer of the zfah of Sepietober, ! as by the medium of the undei fibbed Ca-lV, biuct Miniltcr' of State. .XjhVKipg oc-i dared that as his fyfrem was to 'prevent, , is V much as pefljble, the-e'xtepfionoftjij!warl" fenhe cbiitrnVnCand "aThc had invarjablyi; - J.' I . : . . .. J fiodtbere bis tomb, in which he may re- prefenbed tohimfelf the ilriaeU nfutralr if?gallant L ty, for the good ot his Kingdom and of pi?; 'A 1 ' pofe. glorioufly, in the midfl of hifgall companions in arms. : . ' 1 ' GALLANT' EXPLOITS ,' - The Loire Irig3te, cruising on the 4ih ult withe Southward of Cape Fin iflerre. recelv'ff'iiinellllcetfiat a large pri rateer--a pun boat her prize; and a final Icr priva-, tee r, with m arty fail. of fl) ippin tf re n the harbor of Kluros'J i few leagues fouth of CapeTini fterret Capt; Maitland im mediately carried the Loire into the harT bo f. a 0 d imm ediately manned his boats with 50 fea men and marines, under the command of Mr Yeb; his firft lieutenant, and another lieutenantto attack a fort & a .battery -defended by Spanilh troops. The bots landed, rovtred by tlje firif g of theLoire. Our gaIlancountrym?n immediately- advanced to iWm the fbrf and battery, one of 12, & the other, two of 24 poundervloaded with grape ; but nothing could dun: the fpirit of cu rjgal Ian t tars ; they took poflelfionj of., the fort ; by ftorm, fpike'd 16 guns, and threw them into the fea!,- feht four boats full of :long Spaniih 1 2 pounders bji bolrd the Loire, and made the Spaniards thenifelveV.brine "down reat qjintiti:3of nival and other ftores, neiohbors, his Majefly would,'. in tonV;' t foi mityto that fyftemitmplpy every means I in Ins power to prevent the tranquility pt . the North of Germany be wg (liflurbed by M iiy3.peT,fon ;whatc verh4birajeflyl, had given tiis explanations on this impor V t an t bbjectvasiyeli to theXroperor of ajl jfj ithe: lffiasiisjto 1 the EmplEroref tliits,! Fre.nih';Thiitlij?Mje" had entered. into mutual engagements in confequence there- H Hif, and that be could not .admit or fuffer h any hoftile . attempt on quently no arruanient of any kind jn Swe difh Pcmerania. This declaration was at the fame time communicated to France," ikf it iswith true fatisfadtion that his MajehV 'on the other hand received the nioftpofitlve; afTurape, by Baron d'Armfeldt, and M; i BriricKmsars SwediOi MiHyH chiT f d'affaires at his court, that his TaiJ majefty V Jb ad not ' kny,ftilcjftetttio Trance; that fhe mesfures takeout Strtl-. H fuhd were purely. defenfive, and would never have any other view bot to fecore f himfelf from an uniod attack ; arid orttbej I other han; his majefty found, that his enl 9 ; i deavors to preferve the tranquility of the North wc;e not ej.-olwyed. io rain af ParU-J .; w