-PUBLISHED (weekly) WILLII. BOYL AN. tTWO .cons PIJL k. .. Payahlt in Akutt:i Vol. la FOREIGN, ' PHILADELPHIA, Septal 5.' ' Ey the arrival of the (hip London Pack et, captain rVTDougall, from London, at this port, in 30 day, our files ot Eu ropean papers are extended to the ninth of Augujt, inclufive,- from which we have extracted much interefting matter. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. "London, Augufl 2, 1805. " Our belt informed politicians have no expectation of peace, until fome ma terial change takes place, or a blow has been (truck. . " In the mean time, America is reap ing a rich harveft. t Mr. Monroe is re turned from Madrid report fays, " re hfectet,' But I cannot conceive what induces the Spaniards to aft hoftilely, as they appear to do, and as I think they would not dare, unlcfs encouraged elfe where" ... " London, Augufr. Stk,jZq$. , " The probability of a war qn the con tinent, is of lategreatly increafed ;;the discontents between Aultria and f ranee arc fall ripening intoa. rupture-andihe return, of the Ruffian minifterAfcJovo 1 .t ziizoir, wnnouc entering on negotiati on, is confidered as decifive of the dif yofition of the emperor Alexander, and as -marking the ascendancy which Great Britain and Auitria hive obtained atthtf court of St. Peterfburgn. r .V, fheannexation of Genoa to France,"1 and the dilpofition dif covered by the emperor Napoleon to extend his dominion in every direction, has ex cited great alarm anions the continental powers : even Prulfia is faid to be diiTa- tisfied. ' Fears are entertained for the fafety of Portugal, now threatened with inva- won by a r rench ancr Spam fh ar my 1 he fcow of invading this country ?s alfd re newed on the coafts of Holland and France, w here all appear soemty and preparation -but I believe it is mere (how. '- . . .. ., The prefent miliar v for ce of Great Britain and Ireland, is greatly luperior, both in numbers and appointment, to that of any former period and is cer tainly more than a match for any army that coufd tcuia march-across the channel ; ?$ to forcing the paflfage, in the prefent tf ate of the marine defence, it is altoge ther out of the queltion. h is evenfup pofed, by profcffional men, that the Bri :. lift gun boars and other final I veflfels, which line the mores, and defend the harbors, would be more -than fufEcient to rrevent a landing, fhouid the ene my's flotilla ef cape the cruifing fciuad- Tons, w men occupy trie channel m every direction. , ... . You may forth fome idea of the ha- val force, wherrl tell yon. that, without counting lord Nelfon's fleet, or the (hips in the Mediterranean there are upwards of fixty fail of the line from Ufbant to Finiltre, befides the fleets in the Downs and North Sea. Numerous crullers are it-retched along the welfern oart of Ene land, arid the Irifh coaft and, from the Mzard to tne Wore, the men of war are every where within fignal dittance o : each:oxher.- " . ; . --rl he auitude of this countr y. Com. p?red wnh its population, and contraft ed vith ihe phjfical torce of its adver- lanes, is trylj. dignified and formidable. 1 Melville to an impeachment) ani it is not fuppofed. that his influence will at . cline during the prefent reign. The re tirement of lord S.idmourh, who ts per fonally, a favorite with the King, is a ftrong" roof of Mr 'Pitt's predomi; nancel-:;::-; ' . ' . , ' " The accouht of Sir Robert Calder's victory over the combined fleet 6t France and 3pairt,has given an additional fpring to the naval character, and greatly elared the fpirits of the people. That it fhoiUd operate an oppofue effe on the enemy, may be readily luppofed." FOREIGN' NEWS, j Received by the London Packet t at alave tr.cntlintd. VICTORY ; v OVER THE COMBINED FLEET. Plymouth, Jufy 31. It is now fonjeclured that the fleet feen hy the Pruflians, .which fpolje the Caroline, Xicu Denby, in the Bay, a; Hout 14 days fince, was the combined fleet lying 10 for intcllig nee to pufh for Rochefort or Fer'rol. Admiral Ccrn WalUs eX peeing their return to Europe, from all iheihforman'on he received, de tached, by order from the admiralty, th? , Rochefort fquadron on Frid .y thbjl 9th inlt. to reinforce Calder's fqaa idiron off Ferrol.. This addition made him 15 fail of the line, 3 frigates, a Coop of war, and twocutters. He fell in with and chafed the enemy all Sunday. the i ft, and Monday the. "2 2d" in(t. til i. 4 P. M. when Villerieuve's ifleet kept the weather gage Ito ayoid dole action, in the; Id French ftile ; bat their centre" and tear being prefed hare!, ;m acKon j cooinjenced, as (ne Diitnn in ivvomvm ons, attempted - to clce vvirli them, and became general at haif p.ift 4 wjih our vari; she AViudfor Caitie, capt. Boyles, an 80 gun (bin the Barlleur, 08, and a f4 gunjhip. The brunt of the battle, tour hours, clple nghtjng wa1? between the above thips arid 6 fail of Spaniards, wheh Villeneuve. findiirg our.": fire too . - I 1 . t 1 . 11 T not. ana navmg tne wina, nauiea orjv tett thetrrdtheit; famlhelsai! R .phaeVdf 84, La Fir me, 74, andtw. orher Spanifn (hips, were near 4 hour o 4 nours on the VVindfor Cattle, 08, whofe fire 1 -.-11 " f . r'- . . , was dreadfully tremtnclous on boiu fides, as the Barfleur of 9S, and other fhips engaged;; but they had five at one time of the enemy's van and centre up on them. At theclofe of thealion, the La Fir me, and ban Raphael, not having a ftickftandingj except the flump of the foremalt , ftruc k to the VV i ndfo'r Ca ( M e, of 98 ,. the Malta opening agin h-r fire. I he two bpaniih mips fra e, inkilled and leather yW-. trepielylBne; 'which en; haticed the beauty of the fight. : 'Another fln'pof the line (fuppofed to 'i the Pluto, of 80' guns) ffruck to -the Windfor Caftle and 'Maltja'. but was jm ntediately towed of:' by a frigaie, and ef czped.. ..' . '' r . 's ' . he Windfor Caftle remains in Caw find Bay, and the Sirius frigate in the vSound, pet omijng quarantine. T he Fsyptiennc frigate failed this afternoon fur rottfmouth; the mizen topman: of the latter mi cajried SvVay by a fliot from one of the enemy's line of batt e fhips which he en;aed. - The (hips menrkmedin my lafl tqhave been feen' from the heights near Loe, have been in fight from Maker Tower the whole of this day, and ar fuppoled to be homeward bound Eait India mips. Minutes of the a fit on between the com bined fleet of' Erance arid' Spain, and " the Briiiin fquadron, under the com mand of Vice' Admiial Sir Robeic - Caidcr. -- - - - ' ' H. M skfp Windsor Castle, lit. 447. iO m'fl long. 1 1 dtt. it mm Cape Finmerre i. E. 112 miles. One kun , dred .'eaUct of ihbant. '.' : 1 ' " P. M Moderate breezes, and thick foggy weather- At twe o'clock, admiral :' ( "al jermade the fignal for ari enemy be' ing in fight, and to prepare for battle at 4 do for the line of battle in open or- c'er-45 nunuresfter foufthe van mips having tacked, ngnaU was t made:to en jjfage the eriicniy'g teritte,i'a clofe order "55 after f ou$, the cannonading cornnien-'ced-bylfhip a head the - being (o ifficfe 'i could not d'-fcover what mips .J.vferj engaged i c tn'miues pali. five, bt irig'on the larboard taik, obfer ved the JJarfleur. on the fiarboatl tack, t;icked Ihip on htr wake the' fo luvinp; clear ed away a liitie, difcovtitd tv'O French line of battle (hip, a inVate and a brig oppofed to us, when we opeircd our fie, -vth-an almoit incefTarit canhonading at 4jrilmues after fix,' a Spanilh fhipof the line dropped down to fupport the a boVe fhips ; they hauling their fore and main halyards on board, made fail wind ward iron-i us, at t lie lame time kept up a heavy fire--t wo prhcr fhips of their line took the?r Itations ; the Prince ofe Wales coming" up. pai tially; engaging two fhips of the ime, their foremoit fire direded at us, and the affermpil'at the Prince of Wales. At feven, our foi e top maft and main top Railant malt (hot a- wuy. At 45 atter leven.'oulerved the Wp oppofed to us before the beam, with the main imd misen mails trone, which fiiipftruck her colours, and dropped a- (fprn : .-rut a hnAt wirh lifuffrv.nr rv'n'I. wounded, 600 men ; the crew;: wf10 pre. ' ibis lie'feiiliv e war is enormous ; but check. -i'heSpaniftjpf i2'e;Wiii:ipr . the.r,a?'on confoies itfelt by faying that Caltie, Af ricanc, and Syrius-which were . . TT ' . . tl il . I I ail is 2t lak,e that the money h levied fn a'monopojjr- ofi-Oftimerce and that the expenditure-is altogether at home. Tht rejnay be truth in thefe remark's : tut it is icarccly poiljle that an v com merce fhould continue fo Itourifh fuch expepfe, or that a war- cohdi;ci'ed' off lfa.-e principles fhouM riot be ruinous. ' ' A war on the.coritinent, whi&ais anxioufly looked fon would relieve the prclmre pnd enable "England to aft with power ful enVcY, by means ol her large cifpplable military force. ' - 1 here have been con fiderabJe d ilftn- confiitirtg of 90 men, leamen and fold i- ersr l he lojs of ihe.Windor Laitlev" ot 98, capt. Boyiesis as follows: - Lieut. .Carev, NaVyV lieut. Rofe, Royal Ma rines; Mr. Forefter, midlhip.iian, and y tndn killed." Lieut. Mo ineux, navy, and 'I46 men founded. Ot the other fhips; no accaunt has been yet received. Thek&ion happened cfi'Finiiterre, July 22, which bore Sv L. and f)y E. 43 leag. Admiral Calder, with 14 fail ot the line," was left purfuingthe enemy, which were feen Wednelday morning the 24th, ear ly,fhaving two difabled fhips in tow; and every rational hope" may be entertained that VilleneuyVi fltet jnay te defeat.' ed by Calder or Colimgwoo'd , who s' off :Cadiz,; , anU':Nelf-n rpvneaf hand : to if they efcape, it. mult be into Lifbon, for Cornwailis wirh 28 iail ofthe line, is vented by the heavy tire Irotu the l iince ot, Wales, npx.obiei ving (he had ilruck her ..colours to us;. ' Thehea'dmutof the two fhipsn wirofe fire vvas divkled be twetn us and the Prince of Wales, ap peared mudhdiiabled, bure up and drop ped down upon pur line, under a yery heavy fire 1 rom (hips aHern, her lower , malts 'then fiandiiig. About half pall eight ihe enemy 'ceied filing' at us, but continued engaging a (tern, until three quarters paft.eifcht, when ihey made fail t6 windward. Our difabled fituation, the ffanding and running rigging fhot a way,our mafis and yards much wound ed, rendered it imnradicable'to. piiriue th cm ; at i. 1 , ihe Dragon informed us (lie was ordered to reinain by? and ;ifiift lis, if necciTary, to take us in tow, A. M. 'uioderare-anatfi fcuf, -obfoed-'the Mik-wtr-Siriusz ancLLgyptienn frrges.'co"rn.Hg' MP from the leeward, : with -woJ- the: dil patched oh x he 24th fd take care , of 1 remainder of t he enemy's (hi ds. t hli t v in .1W ' w iuh ii'vuwfnuroDer, peing fiauied oown to wnd- CTuifing from Rochefort voUihantia.ejc 1ons in the cabine: and. parliament; but Mr. PitrY influence has triumphed, (e. ten in ctanging the orofecution of ford tine in Homoa2eand many perbn who went On board to fee theitJriendsae obliged to remainlhere tor Ihe 40' days' Quarantine. ' A'figriai is no w up 2. P. ivl.' at Maker for'five fail at the weftwafd. ''- Anilher tester fime Jate7T"... -'". . The two SpaniflTmips, La F'rme and San Rap'hael, came uptheharbbur Irdt ev? uiig, and were fafeiy hioored in the Homnaze, amidit the loudeft plaudits and cheers ofa vaft coricourle of fpecla Tors, who affembled on the fhbres of the Hoe, Mount vVife, and the Stonehoule Iiilli,.t6' witnefs this pleafiag fctne; The' the fignal for their being the enemy'1 fleet, and that riiey confifted of fhips of the liz canil iriutes, to the number of 30 .At this time We. were to windward of the Defiance, and lour or five leagues to windward of our fleet. About half paft 1 2, W M. we could plainly count from our deck from -a 5 to 30 fail, ap parently lying to. 1 He Defiance get ting nearly within, gun fhot, returned to our fleet, who wcrc,then forming in line ot bauie. m About 2, we were confider-! ably within gun-fhot of the enemy's ad vanced iquadron, which then tacked and flood towindard of their fleet, then formed in line.7- Ve bore up to ltcwaf d of their advanced ftip, arfd paffed with-'1 in halt gun-fhot of their whole line,r which was formed in a mafterly flyle. and confirted of 17 fail of the line and 3 line of battle fhips to windward for the protection of their rear. 'Ihey had likewile 7 large frigates, 2 brigs, and a very yaluable galteon, which one of their frigates had in tow y the frigates were likewife to windward (with their 3 fhips; of the line) of their fternmoft (hip. Our : fleet w.Vs at this time about 6 miles to ; leeward, on the ftar hoard tack, Under j a prefs offaih the enemy at the fame time under eafy fail a thick log inter veiling, pi evented 1 the two fleets-from feeing each; other. Seing the galleon in tow by the frigate, and obfervingthe fternmolt fhips! of the enemy's, line, we tacked with the intent of attempting to cut her off. Xi ' his. hidden iv.ancenvre threw the nen,l, irigate into alarm, and f he immediately coinnienced firing fignal guns in quick: iuccdEon. which caused three line of baule fiiips Rationed to cover the rear to et'ge.dowh for hejr protect ion. Our' attempt being thus fruttrated we were compelled to edge down to our fleet Ihefrgat this time cleared a little, and we perceivco that our neet tacked for the enemy, and the aviniiral had given, the fignahjto attack their caitic. As we Avere edging away, we oblerved ihe van of the enemy, had wore for." the protec tion of the galleon likewife, and when HShferved their JeaigjhipiUh't quarters pafl four) were in a very criti cal fituanon. On palTing, they hoilU , ed Spanifn colours, and we receiv ed the vvhole fire cf their three lead ii'ig. fhips, upwards of 120 pieces of heavy artifiety dilcharging on our fri gate, whillt we,..eould only, return 20. thus1 the aclion comnjehced: cur leading fliip, the Hero, 74, racked imme diately, the enemy ppentd their fire on us, and we commenced a heavy can nonading oh ttiem in return. It con tiuued with unremitting fury for three hours and a hah, when we faw, on the cleariiig of the fog at intetvals, the French line to windward, and 2 fhipii dilabiedr ?lrhough we could hot at the time uiftmguifh whether they belonged to the emtny or to us. At halt palb eight the firing cealied on both fides ; the admiral hoiltcd his diftinguifhing lihis, i,s diil the rdt oi the fquadron, fchen we ctu!d 'plaijily oderve our fleet to -be' in. tolerable i,cod order; cenfidering the extreme fogginefs ot the weather, "and had apparcntjy fufiered but little, aitho' the firing on both fides was extremely heavy. U e being ju(t to leeward of thc.: admiral, were ordered into the rear to take polTefTion of .th two prizes, attend ing on which duty has been our con ft ant employment ever fince. About 9, the adn iral made the fignal to bring to . on the llarl-oaid wck, which was com-; pliedwiih by the whole line. 1 be two Sparuiiiihiijs Lthaihave fuirendeiidhau ward; T he: Bntifh faiiadron- conFiflintr" f thirteen fhips of the liiie,' two 64 gun fhips, and two frigates a lugger and cut ter.. T he eneiny'.vBseti corififtrng- of twenry-t wo fnips of the lii.e, fix frigates, and two brm one fibre fhrp, and a cap-. tured,,; Englifh- South Seamarunder a; hewjreiT'.offaiito windt;vlard.::'-;-:-"' 1. . .,. . - - -. -''-- JiXlfiS of t letfei f'vrr. on officer on board 6ns ef . 'VOh" the 22d July, about: i t'Af -M; the Pefiance, one of the look-out fhips, made a fignal for a flet N. W. direclly to windward of our fleet; fhortiy alter 6oa mtn killed snd-wounded: their rower nudis fiibt avtay by the board; fo that t hey wer e) ndered totally unman-. agiabie, and gave us itnmehfe trouble in tciving them. Had the weather been cleV, I have nohefitatioh in faying, rney : would have been completely Sweated : but tje fcprevented our fhip getting near enou;;h'(they not being difcernable but at .intervals ) and the French being ;. to windward, were too wile to come nearer ttrris. Oti the 24th. the Wind v fhifted.to the eaflward, which brought cur neet to Titnaward ot the enemy. Av . thisttime ve were fo fzr to leeward with f our prizes that we could not lee the ene my, though our fleet could. ... ' :''vf";--'V-T;.r'. - -: BOSTON, ' S'fit. 10. . ;' ; amttned J7.-.Capf. F.Iwell, who : filled from Lifboa Aujuft 4th, informs; :.-- 1.- .- 1 . 1 . : -A-