V fXv- THE GOOSE PETITION. . A Parody ""tHI BIGGAkVs JETITIOH " TplATY tie sorrows of a poof old-Goose, ; Jl Whose ft eble steps have b rr.e her to your dxr, T'itoke d'Wn W'th smr.w, laruc, and .st -all u e, '.' 'Cui Cvi.i, aoJ iieau it D' bless your ite. ' ''" - 4iljr feat hei'd coat, once Lily whi e, and -sUtt, : - By cruel j l iCKing r: wn so bare aii :hiii ; Tb.-e ug, alas i do misery besptak, - And iiuvv my kue, Uii a. a; a ib.o jg'i die " Cum? , bL'Uy, come" tha well knorn, j.K aing sound, s; Sio.e i i t4 inuiHinrtlrom Dam I a-iei's li. ru ; ror plenty there, la yi urljiul days, I !ou';d, Si VV'Atkljca uW, UIKOOiCiua., ti.tu'vl IjaHIl. : Soon as reach'd this once blesr ha py cot, : c, FfcetitHg iiWIijs caiue Parltt lioiti ilic- :yt; "More kick thabaif-iice 1 too-u cly fcot, , ke ii.z'd a LluCIli.li.K .iu ki.vCK. ti Oul Tiv c; e. ' , A band -cur, sworn foe to all cur race, i. Some tew year past, whet,I a'tr,on and p-um;. Whj, if I hiss'ri wculd ruu aucTkiiit his lUcv i Jowiwujjy itii bftc ;ei lioni my luni!.'. "' ' ':. v' ., X ;lHa wall ayed brute neiHbjtjrTOjfouh'the leg"; .-A tiaug .ty boy, Uk, out ol want u joke. . For whom I've laid, aye, many and many in ezfo ; ciV4. up . none a.id ihii"i pinw or ke. X 40 . X.' T " ' - . --v X lb igo from hence you see I'm not able : ', Ohl lake me in, the wind blow piercing cold; SbOi t i the passage t-j the bai n or stable, XUsl l'i 'eJn, and iiiunabiyold. . v St. MichaeVi fa a' day approaches aw, . A day wtfall have reason sure to curse, E'en at the r.ame my blood runs cold with fear, Sj inyukai is fkal Saint to u ; X u have ntsisf rtui'eit why should I rapine? X VVVVe Ixjf.i tor luod to man, tail well I know Bat may yuur late, ah 1 never be Ik mi.ic, ;l A ioor old oosi, 6i" misery and woe, A numerous fl ck elected me their Queen j" , ( then was hei.l o all ou face the piide ; . ."' ' Vh. n a bold (ja.ider waddling rm Brook. GredsT,' f:; iJecUi'd t. 1 ,vc aa-i 2 becamo bis bade Gosling we had, dear comforts bf niy tge j v;, But a viU c xk, by soma rdaii'a:tcy bit, . lily yrvVr cackKr kiil'd, Iben ttta with ase. . "And tUeu- kWct forma exoa4 tpuu ihc.spit. Tliertiurd'rersnext seii'd upon my Under mate : ' jav was io3 tai t fun or uy ? : !Xtk hU )or'inlant yielded ti)Ud;:M ti-iJ: ' i' Au4 wi4 'kJi-Bblet., Cdok kbe' niaJe pie. .Swirftt: . . h .. ' " Pifjr the Jorrows of a pojjr old goose, VVhose fccb.e ittepi have b rne I er o youfdo if, pioke down with sorrow, lam?, toii past all use, Oi ! ive Hie com, aaJ iieav'n wli bkss y,ar ston;, SAWN ET AND BONAPARTE. Saieney Since yott are Jo plifli He be p!aia too. lfeer ye fead a Soldier to Scot, land, Dc'il a anc o than wlll"be altVe eight day alter D'ytf thint we're like " parcel ol ItjKia jfiJlei. to be Ynjhicned wi' yuu aa your pack ? ' ' . Bon I'll f?cd 'over ray Invincibfcs, they'll mafce y.ou irtrrtil)!e, X Zdiuncy .ii;ibible ! VVIrst com o' 'theco' ye ltt't (o t'-gvot .;? by my faith hd(i ye was tij.'iil to Jet' befan: the. Higfaland Wttrh ga'dthcre. Did yon ever fa; a H'gliodcr i Ben -I have liearJ of them ; but uhit will they 'Jo ? I will ieud thoufaiids iigjiiiil them. Sawney.'-' Ayf, yc n.-4y fe :d teas o' ij ms faods ; but lucy'il ;nak tU:ir heads fl;e afF aJ fa'l 33 thiy be i;aJ lybit3. . Son Sawtiry, ye fpeak very b 5.J bttt you k.ro 1 have Louq ter;-d many tounctics, and willdothtf faaie with you. Sawney. Vu onqvicr us ! Il8 mair than a tlit; fiaves i. Fiance cowl J do. There's no' a niou in a' SVottand but woutd tight to the laft drap o his blood tbi (he L,in ..' Ca';es ; aud ; io. a i(d a DAVID ANDERSON, T' lAVETTtVUtE, AS receircd by the Brtg . Two Narcys Trbm ltretpopJ, a cargo oi bait aoa a larue aiTcJrtmcut of GOODS, which with his picfeut extcifivc Hock, he will . fell atjsrcry rer dnotdptides for cafh, as be willies to wind p hi8 affitta m Fayettevill?. I hole pedona indebted to hi 'to Will do well to ctnue for ward duriog thid fall.". - . y ' He wilnctl Us Store, DivcHiof:l10ufe the Mill & Machinery lately P. 'Arthur', at a Tow. rate, and on a long credit, Fayetttvi'Ic, "l6th ugntl, i8oj. Valuable Property. Vi fuie I'ji 'ie'it, wlnr I fay ihf Lmc We hae a Ki ff w" love, A GitEEABLY to thclaft Will an.d Tcfla merit of Petr Mallett, Efq. deccafed, late of F'ayetteville, the Subfctibera offer for lale, n a liberal efedit) the following pioocrt? jyinrj ia amtreiu parts or jorin carouoa. : Cumberland douni Town of Faijcttevllk. A 1i& ol Laid, idjoining lands of Mr r,,5- . A DIALOGUE. ( Sawney. Si Boaaparte, you fay' you're ccrrun io Scotlanfi. . Bouabaitt Yes ; I raeaa to come to give you Liberty . , . , Ti Sawne y-iaH?gt ty I DeN! an grjnce o' liber ty it It) Fmticejan' if you are tr i'c it to iis you maun ileal it frae tome, ttner o i.dy. 1 he poorctt 40 1; ia Scotland hit maij liberty than the'jbi gv-ittlenaii ia "Prance, jf theie be cny jjtrjtt an theie tio'. .jj. prenchtnet) arc all Fi'-e " Sawney If ye had uac uld ue th it I wad na ha e k.end it. 1 tho't you could feud tt.em awa in (l)'p loads whao ye plcab'd. Boa. Poh, fob l that wj a p reel of raf cals 1 ' . . Sa-sunty O but fjo'k fhoul'd na be caM raf cals, -till ihry're ptov'i rn lea's ' U ye co i.e heie, yon rnif c rafcal next, and tlun Jflai f us ofF, arid fay Fure ye wee! Salvney -rv JSea Not h"f, thtie is no treat hoy with Frerictimsu, and I oev.r break tny word. . L jSawey Se I th;uhu -bi;tl ie uij io the, Ees about a moo they caM ToufTaint, that cam frae the Iriiiiea Tiie oews faid thr .F.i each were to Uc ?try good to him, aad af.er a lie died i.a a Futon. , " Ban O Sawney yo ; fii'ould vot "believe Vfour newfpaper8 ; I'll fend you the Moniteur that the papeiytm may heluve. The uo ytVu fooke of a3 a tafcl, and wia:ed to vJte th1 O.vernmeat of St. Doming ). Sawneyt do you.'ca' hir i rafca' for that V Faith I think if yodtook anc Govern, meat, he was right to take anithtr ; and if he w.is a rascal for that, faith 1 think there's a pair (f vc-r; You'll cicufe me. - ( Here Sawney put hi hand to his bor.net.) - . . . , : Bob. Coaie, cotne, Sa.vnev. no more on that fu'jed ; my wiilt ii to auLc ill, inaiikind happy and rce. v . ' 4iy'j.-De'U fneerj me if I bctfrw .ye. What fae:-yef done - to t be Hoirar.dvii ? They jay ye tine lerrrry ' ToirrnnrrTrrrrve on iik-to for tieajhingy Wna wad put up Wilt hat ? 'Boih -No, no, Sawr.er, .inr. g.ivetl ihenr jliberty.ard my follu rs a; e tatki "rgi-arv of t hem.; . D d. iaki lie htAitT. JDo y. n C' it liber'ty to b ie; , fo d r .rs in fol&s bouics to live Vn the w f.'V.titathipg ' , . Bin O, tut ihty Voii d dia.r m.in jtberofelvts. , . . SaTOiUt An fbar's that, to yfu. I hf differ 'd 'wj .Riy wife at ttipt'. sat ,ve greed acdiri, and if one bo ly rjaiti'dsif t$. bet wt tn t .bey wad .'! got t t.n" (k an a 'd fcorn frae h bnb and if I v. as t ite Hol: aLdera," I wad do-tbe fame tn you , BonQ Sawccy, Sawofy, yc5u aae wrong bptot'fris E'tclmd l; mnrrTv- vrteve - a ti y o 14 asak, ot-ji-uuL -u Ji i m lbe . n jIf a a c Wtllu rr: s, E f q . n e a r. A vr r a 8 our Ktu; and tckir. our L'ouutry ! I woi d.r ,f l""f gb on the South -Wit fide of Cape Feat wiat iu'JS UK iiae KicKiug you. u -:ng iu:ue and do your wtrft ; i hae Q&e mail paiiei.ee to fpeak to you 2Ja.--YVcll, Sawney, I'll come. Sawney Come if you date ! Exit Boti'tptirteSdwiiey fului cootinues mattering 1 IX TOM PAINE. The follqp quotatior will flifw ts rnaf nrr in which Paiac ia foulten of by Mi: CurrunT the Iriili ortor, whole fpectbeabave bei.i f ofte ii'quoted in thi.i cod'-try. It vvus ii the tna' nt J.hn and lienry SKeatkes f r hih tieafon.. Sueaking ol a witucfa who haj'trf- tified tTiar he had leaned his fti.tiincO'.S with iegard to policies hoin Paine, he lid.; " Berir with ive, my countrymen, 1 feci my heat t run away with me-he word men only can be cool. What is the la of thin country i If the -witncft doti not brieve io God i r future ft ate, you cannot ear ht n What j f-vrar him opo'n Is it upon the briok or the leaf ? You might as wtil fweur him by a b'rani. ble or a corn. The cjtenony of k fli'ig h an aternnl fyirribojjjbyjvhlcb man fra's himfclt to th; prrcef)', and fays May God p help them I wear tielrvfj. He is'the'i attached tu llje Divinity upn the conduion of telling .tbe truth, aud I ; expects mercy from htaren. and fie performL8;h;ij undertaking. 13ut thc'ii.tidcl 1 by -what can' )ou catch h.s fou.', r by wltat can you bold it ? you repulfe him from S'''g evidence for he has no coi fcience; no prop to chett him, no puuiihment todtcad ! What is the tviJcfice touching that tin.fjrtuiute man ? What faid his own rela ion Mr. Shcivington ? lie bad talked To him .frec'V ..a..kjioMiJiTO long, " What Kin 3 of a chatactcr di.l Tie jzTve him? Piine w4as his c.eed and bi philofophy ; he had drawn his maxima cf politic from the vulgar and furious anarchy broached by Mr. Paine. Hrs ideas of rdigi n .-tre td'pted from the vulgar mirims Jf the. fame mau, the fcafidal of Ei qiiry, tht b'al hi.rt.r at liia G )i and hit! kiog He bearrtt llimor.y againll him It if, that he fubnitted to .the ur.dci taking f r.adiitg' both his abo ninab'e tract?, thit abomi. nablc a'loininaiion o' a I -ibominiioris, Puit.e't fgt of Reafon proftiring to teach (itai.kiod, by k iiwled5e," that he iiA pot ltiifS hi ru fell ! oiki'g Upon debauched and rjanow ' under i!acd:n8. Why not lVear the witi.ef u; on ii.e vul.tr maxiiria f that bif fallow, that wretched o, itJaw aud fugitive' from hieleauutrt. at,d his God l $jWff.WDe'il r on that ISuCI thisk it kemmon fenfe. . I ne'er like to fcad my mouth amang itbei folks k.-il. ., . . . JJtf. That in.y b your oaic inn, pjwney, n n ff ,l.iaMinar) tA K. in Tnf n an A thai! paj vlfit to Scotlaod. i? 0'00 :0 : Entertainment. '-r JAMES KANNON ' iNFORMS thepnbhc that he hu& Ltely pur dialed the "cot nt r honlVTn fvfartinvil!e,lG aiU ford couniy, whett he piopofcs to keep Entei tainment for travelicis mid otheis who may give him their company, This houfe he h s repair, ed fo'as to rot ke it very convenient he has built ftabks, acd in other rcfpe&i well fitted himfclf for the put pwfes of Ectertainrasi.t. He uffciB bib ftrvtcet to the puhbc, and promifes j the brft accommodanon eer beforr had at that ji'.actf ai'd on iafooable terms. To the ga rh meo of tlrt Bar, attending Guilford cpart, he, I'tefentE htr refpefts in a pur'tL'u ar mannri The Salijbury Races A TLIX ciniw .the 23 V V f f Odloiicr rxt; ; That day wili be cnt ra"ile T8f8,? tunbjCo'u, Jar a purfc' ma-Je up by their owners ; ThuTfdy,';will-be threc rnile I-. ais, tiee io any 'sP"utr U1' il"i' jtco dolbrs. Friday, 10 mile bears, Tr -e f.ir; -aViy uag except the winnipg ng the precr. v'g dayypotfe' woiih about iqo doiiais. . ' batnr dayl W mile beats, free for any nag, except tc witting nagf of.tbc two preceding days, for the enuurice money of Thurfday, Friday ar.d Sstnrday7"carrirg wtightsas heretofore on that Tuif. ' : Bf 9der :- . ' , - -X" ;-' ' L. BEARD, TrcaV. , (4 92) A SINGLE CHAIR& HARNESS, y"TmtcncuJbrSaIe. l y . . a V- 'Enquire cTtac.Pai$Tit.r. j riverjibvut 20 miles frorn, Foyetteville. A i ract ol ljaod containing about 320 Ani, kiiori by the name of Council Hall jtr.ct, adjoiuifig the Townof Fayetteville J from the fcitiiity of the foil arid its vicinity to the I own tl,u Jaod is conhdercd ' vety valuable ar.q-Wili be lard off m lots to fuit the puichaf- CIS. . ' ' .. ..; -y y A Lot arid Houfe on the weft fide of Gellcf pie ilrret in Fayetteville, where he deceafed ftiiKr.rly ri iitied ; the buildras are in good re paiiH thcwhfjJewelt calculated to accorn modate a jjeoteel fan ily Three unimproved Lots en the welt fid; of GeHtfpie Ctteit, be ttt'jen Franklin and Mumford 8treet adjoining thr Lot cii which the d welling houfe ftanris. 10 or 'j-j unimproved Lois ou the weft fide of Orlulpie tirreet, between Mumfoid StYect and Mailt tt' Mil!. A Jat.e Wafeb'oufe at prefer.t occupied by Meffrs. ;Net cH. Campbell, on Gelefpie Street twrar tifa Towa.W ufe, futjVl to a fmall gtound e'tit. 'X;X -'"' : ..'' "" ',:' A Lot -irnd Dwelling Houfe on the eaft fide bf Gren Street near the Court.Houfe, now oc. cupied by William H. WiHiame, Efq. : - ' A Lot and D veiling fioufe "htt the eaft fidr Gieen Street in poffefiion of Mrs. Emmtt and fuf jed to her life rent. Two lots at tower Fayetteville on tvbTch thfre is a Tobacco ir fpeftion 'tier the direcltou cf Miffrs Davis & M'Do -.aid 'together witha Lrgetlnce Hory Warehoufc, three frriil Ware-' h.tirfes and three extenfive (beds with every nc. ceffary accommodation for the ififpertion and ragc of Tobaccto. If tie vpui chafer ibould incline; one of the Lots on which (lands a large fltei will te fold feparate or divided into two s. "Orange County Wfown o ffWs forovgh. 300 Acre's of Land iri the Haw 5eIcU ad. joiiii g lands of General Mebane. ' A Grift Mill on Eno River aod in tbeTowo of IJillfborfeuiih, the Milt runs two pair of H)t;c3, with j he neceiTiry machinery of aMer chant M.M, ihc whole in tolerable repair ; from he nrtiiral advantage this Mail poOsfTcs, it is Ofifidercd to be the moft-Valuable io the State. New-Hanover County and Toxyn of WH - - mingtoru One half Lot in 1 he Ti wh of Wilmington, 00 the fouth fide of Prince Street, enendiu alan 1afd Stteei-from Front Street to the river, A jrft of Land.cn the eaft frde of the north wttt branch cf -Cape Fear River, about three miles above Wilmington, joining lands pi Wm. W. Jones 3c Henry Waters, E. quires ; a con fideiable ortt f this. Land isf the ery bed ti 'C jfa'arrj-p,'.and is confideted by judges to be equal, tf not fnpern r. to any Rice Lind inhe State 1 it is, we II won h the attention ojfnofe who prbpofe engaging in the icultureoi Rice ; the wh.!e will be fold. or it will be divided to ae. commodate the purchafer. A large body of Lnnd oaAne weft fide of the nortb-calt river, extend ingalong the tivtrfroro Henry Waters s p'armion called Forceput to Major Moore's ctjFifhing Creek, a part of this Land is tideJVamp aniwell futtcd to the cul tivatiorj oLRtce. , Airothree Traces f Land on Little Coheara pfon County, well calculated for Cora & The Snfi riber3 will receive propsals t Fay. ettcville t y letter or otherwife for all or any part of the above dft ribed pioperty until the in Orange County will be offered at Auction n ' Hirfljorough t-n the 9th day of Qfteber. Ihe LctSr Houfrs and Lands in Cumbetland at ' Fayette'vi,'e 00 the a6th cfay of the fame month' arfa the laVds io jNew-Hanover on the i?th day of November nctt.. Application may be made to Mr Jame Mumford at Wilmington who will defcribe and (hew the lands in the ici uity of thr place. " JOHN ECCLES, ' Igxetutbn Pe- . jdIin Wins low. j nr-Miutt-z June iQb, 8C5. ;. j: -7 jtf.) ;: Book Bihdingv : nppiS bufinefs is execute with aeatrefs & XL difpa ch by Salmon Hall at Newbero. -Old Books left as the Minerva Office-will forwarded to Hewbernand returned re bound ia a few daygMerchant can be applied Avith Ledgers and Journals of any Hie either ruled or cct, upon as low terms if at Pe.ci fourg. Lands for Sale. TWO valuable plantations in the cotirty. cf Chatham in North Caiclina One fitu . ste'd on Varr.aracnekcontaining two tlmnfand and eight acres : this plantation contains t pro. portion of high land tqnal in point of qnairy to any in the flate, Tanrt a confidetable body of . rich meadow land on the creek, with the advan tage of a command of water at all fcaloiis. The pther tracl is fiiuateo; on Morgan's creek about'fne miles from the Univerfuy of North Carolina, aiid contains one thou fa nd acres, fve hundred of which aie low grounds rVmsrkaKIr fertile, and well calculated for the culture of corn or tobacco ; thi plantation connects with it the advantage cf the bcjft heg tatge in the flat?. " ; X - ' There is Innd enough cleared tn each pf thefe plantations to ,ork eight or tetYbands to ad- vantage, and ijiey :i.i c now tinder good fejtcm and in complete otdrr for mikinrjj a crop ; fitu. ated about fixty mi!e North of Fayetteville. The paymettts will be mae convenieot to the purchafer, by infitallments of orie ard twor or one, and two and three years. Forte ran apply to the fubferiber at Halifax. William R, Davie Halifax,. Augult 20. go. NOTICE. THE Subfcriber, by the lafl Will and Tit. tamenr, of Abraham H de, lateof Ha lifax, printer, w ascbofeu his Executor. The creditots of the Etf aic are n quelled to exhibit" ihtir demands, in order thet arrangements mar be made foi their difcharge ; & thofe . ipdebted, either by note or account, will dowel! to mske p?ymet.t, the fituatioo of theeftate will not allw any further indulgence. Meafuies have Ver o taken to proeir-e a capa ble Derfon to corduA fhe Printino Offir 1 iri publication of the "Journal," will therefore, JC-cornir.cnce in a few weeks, forth'e benrfii . f the heirs of Mr. Hcde The paptr will be' cm- tinutd to its late fubfciibers until they figmfy to he contrary'. , Every other kind of printing in the meantime wi'l be exfcuted nr. applicatioa at the ftiortefl notice. Wm. EOYLAN. 26, I805. ; ' The Public Taxes. - 1 ' t. . ... NORTHCA ROLINA. ' ' ,;X 7 TtMJsuRr.0rs:cs, Sept. i, 1805. - THE duty cf the Revenue Officeis of the ftatc tf-refaid,is fo clearly end fully noirit- ed out by Law, and has been btteilv, with ve,y few except ions, fo failhuHy tnd horoura. bly performed, that it msy well be held unne. cejlay to remind thofe who are accountable for the Taxes and other public Dues of the cur rert ycar. lhat they muft be fettled for aod pall Jtto theTreafuiy of the State or before tbi" fuft day of Ortfber next : and it would fecim liuf UtTPc ffr ry TO beHfakrn at the SuperioKCoUrt for the Diftrift of Ki'lborough, comrrenctrg on the lix b day- of October next, again?! all who fiiall fail io thfe e?n performance of ibis important and indifpen- 1 pre; oofy. . i, X i f,l 00 ntm anI ABVt,nifinri and the being taxrd v-ith corla rf fuit colleAora and other commiflion?, are the, inevitable copi uqnences of judgmerts had in this regard- JOHN HAYWOOD, Wblie Trenfu Tavern & Boaraiiig-Houfe, JAMESAICER BEGaeave to return thanks to his frier dt arid the paMic io genera! for the eyli-.' beiaTeRcour aaeinent he has Yx oeii ne e 1 finee he peneda Taverri in thi) place, refpeeVnlly in- brms them he has taken' that larecSinrbodiqua brick houfe, foruteily occupied by Mr: D;ck near the 'bridge, to which he will remove on be 1 ft cf Oftober next, whre he will have it in his power to accommodate travellers of every dtferiprn in. a much more comfcrtable man ner than bcretcfore : His liable ran ttke fifty hcrfes, and has a fried adjoining for carnages.. He will Iways.be fupplied wr.h lbe g'ta eft v T;ety ot choice fpirils, wine, porttr, &c. Th? ftiblc fhall always ' be provided wi h corn, oats, and all kinds of forage, ar d fervan'8 whofe attrntioq may be rcli'd on. - TuVic dinners and balls furnifhed, at a flic rt notice, with eey va riety that cm to protutcd,1 etd oo .modera'e term?.' . . " X ': 4Ap excellfnt Biillrd TaMe in aJrge room, . and proper auention pi.il. ATo. B. A fen more gentcsl Boarders miy he cc comnvdated. . X - " . ' T (b'w- 92) . " Septemler f, i$c$ ..Indian Queen. , . THE Subfcribet having rertedof Mr. Nor; wood,- that wetf keo n aodcomrprdionv -Houfe in the Citf of Raleigh, called the Jnd-an -Queen, bf'jaccnt -to the Cot, 1 1 H .ufe He expels to take pr IT fli-oof it about the middle of-October next,' for the purpofe of ke'ep'Og genteel hu'i of entenainrrrnt.. As there i vety l?rge Stable to the lot he ititend's tobf at7-"- . way fupplied with every kind of ptoertder:.r''f;'.'..X horfes-XThe houfe containing ir'oomi bexl will provide himfelf ith every accommr'dati1c. to entertain a portion of . the-mto bers of ,; enfuirtg General Aflembly X ' - , x::xx.' i:.':- J-ElLI;tM,:SG0TT;V'tk: Hi m 4 A 1 rep. .' 1 I . : . : 7. : , . . .. . . v . - r- ' ' ' " ' 1 r-yy

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