TB:E PUBLISHED (vek kly) b Y WI LLIAM BOYLAN. AH. P Pa Uahdf Yearly- J . Vol. fo. No. 503: ' its -4 r ii FfcOM TH8 BALANCE. , AMERICAN CAPTIVES IX TRIPOLI. I" The narnculars of the unfortunate capture of -the Philadelphia frigate by -thi-Xripolitaitf Jiwe !s!ready been befbre tbe public. Dr. Covrdery, wfip waj oa board the frigate, was taicen m cap- tiffitV wirk the rei nf hit CQunfrvmeO : but ffOTl - " " f - J w circumftincts which -will tractore in thiinarra- tie, be-had th? good fortune to be permitted to, tt.-ji it 1- - i - ' t-ttj mi au parts o irve town, ami nwuj ia th? country to fee the manners and cuftoma of" th-inhabitants, and to learn their charat:rs aol difpolitioos. He kept a regular Journal. Baffiaw, dripped of every thing but their fhirtsand trowfers. .'I hey. afterwards informed us, that they were flripped in the boat where 1 loft mv furtout : and LsvhenltKeyi gotlwithin a i e y nods oithe lhore,"they were thrown into tne tea, and left either to drown or fwira alfiorc. The Bafhaw's fervant gave them dry rlnthps ; and tif jprre all airain cori-dudr.. cunoutiei j , . . . r . rj u- a nail ui cic 11c was icaicu uii ins muc rhronp- tvhirh was decorated in the Turkith order, aruTrnade a handfome - I releafe, in .which he noticed as minutely as cir-' - aged about 35. He counted us. viewed Wo the Jtreet, or purchafing any book Paired and feat to die Seriate.' ' v.r 1 cam'iuW would admit, .every tbiag iwveJ;or' us with a ffile, ard appeared hihjy ,Jr'Cloathing. . The refignatian ot' l'horrfas Childs'Ss I 1 rernarkay-r Sioc.e Kis return he has oblifjHg1y ptealcci wjih us. t!We wsre ; h eh conduct- Nov. id. Several Tutks came in and Brigadkr General of the nth Brigade; i ' favoured us" with a'perufaibfhis JoutoJ ; and has. t(d by thc'ihinifler of'.ejaefior relations informed capt. Bainbridge,-that theba- was read and accepted. ; : . ' : J' JfKn tn flo frTTie TiartS of it fbr I 'triA i vr nr- fllVV h i tnA rK-jit rint T? rrlrrrc I Mr. I.imc 1 att cT-7v5TtKi writ WnliAv our paper. . .: Balance. cupied hy the American conful -a very I who Ctr-nnunded the U. S. frigate John ing, repor:ed that Dr. Nathaniel Alex ' r Tm j . -good houfe.,:Vitli a. large court,' & roony Adams reared the Tripolitarf prifoners' an dr had a majority ot votes for Go . EstraA from the' Journal of Dr. Coery, kept enough for QUr.sconvenience. We were taken hit Dimmer Mtry bad, and that vernor. , durmg h.s capuvuy in 1 ripoM. f . . a!IlfV4 nvinrW in th Pvpn- thev feared we fhould fufftT fnr it. Received frnm the Senate a Rpfntnti' I t A. .U r..V .k, PhllorP nhia " -rr Air. , " 7 f ' " . . was (truck, and the officers and crew was waiting the plealure oMneir new malters3;the "Ttipolitan chiefs collected their favourites, and with drawn fibres, fell to cutting and flafliing their own men, who were ftripping the Americans and plundering the lhip, . - . , . They cut oif the hands of fome, and it is telieved feveralwere killed. 4 Alter this battle ampngft themfelveswas a Ht. tie over, .we: were Ordered into the boats to be carried on more. One of the offi cers, wbom l had. taken by the hand, and who promifei me his friend(hip,3 came to me, took . me by the arm, and tpld me l mult go.- l afked him to let my boy go. witty me, which he rcfufed I then took hold of mV fmall trunks which contiiined my. belt clothes. He gave tne: to underftand that I could, not take it, but ihould have every thing ta ken and reltored to me. Hc iook hold o my hand, and hurried me over the fide of the lhip, while his other nand was employed in rifting- my pockets, from whicri he took about ten dollars. I had concealed fome gold in my clothes, u'hir4 he did : not ,&id vr J .then ent down intb one of their "boats from v hence I was to pftfs into the next, which was alrapft fullof cmr cheers and Red if he diJnotteH the truth concern the money. --The boy denied having any knowledge of it. After repeating the threarfevcral'times, and tjie boy in fixing on his not knowincr anv thinor a- ut the monev. he was acmutted. VVflbfi had turned traitor, and crivrn the enemy all thq afliflance in his power. iit- mi acts as oveneer or our men. JjouriaptainlalSiflied hufhan credit with theDanifh Conful. who fun pljed us with necejTary provifion, and with cloth for mattraffes. A rrnard was fj) - - - w lobferved the 'Turks in the boat where I was,' were ftripping ray mefTmate Dr. Viurvvnorf. and the catoenter. Mr. God- " a sr by ; but I was loon flopped by threejot the Ruffians, who Uood over me witn drawn fabres and coked piflols, and wrrcfled my furtout from under my arm. Whilft they were picking its pockets, .& miarreling w ith each other for the booty, Ilprung for the next boat which was waiting for trie. In iny way,' 1 met a lit tle fellow; who feized ine, and atempt: ed .to get. oif ray. coat, but 1 hurled hira into the bottom of the boat, and jimiped into die cite which was waiting, iatnongit ;'ifiylei low-ofEceT where I thought tpe Turks ivtre more" ci vil. They then let rtff tor the town, Qompejling our men row the boat, and ftanding with drawn iabres over our heads. When we had ins. L.ant. ISimbndire cot uernv.mnn (j 1--- . i- from the Bathaw to lend tor the Daniln conful, who paid usavifit and oilcred every affiftance in his power. Vvre ilept upon mats and blankets, fprea.l iuon the floor, which was compofe lnf riles. Nov- i. this morning the Daniih confur, Mr.NilTen, paid u;aftother vifit. Captain Bainbridge. engaged with liioi to furnifh us with provifions and fach other neceflaries as we might want. Our dwelling Was furniflied m a plain flyle, and jvc were lupplied with freth provi fions.thal were tolerably good- We were allowed to go to the frontdoor) & to walk on the terrace oi top of the houfe, which commanded a handfome profpeel of the harbour, the lea, the town, the palace, and the adjoining country. Here we coiild fee our ihip on the rock?;, full of Turks', and (inounded by their boats, and a coriltant ilream of boars ao ingto, and bii-.'.sing off the plunder of the (hip. We could fee thofe rebbers running about town, with out uniform coats and other clcathimj on. J he mi- nifterof exteti turn them to us. jSTcv 2? 1 he Baftnw fent for the car penter to go on board the fhip ; lie w ent lirmtJundni xr eef w aft! lTrrnTru JTIH" The carptntets crew and fjfty men -were ordered and carried on oo.tr ;d to work at nicht. ' ' A calc of - wind and a htavv fea heve the fhip off the tucks, and the carpenter returned. , Nov. 4. Inthe morning Lit uts. IIuiYt and Ofborr.e, and myfeit were ar t!:t Danifh c'onlutVOblervatpfy, on thj top of his houfe, upon aiplane with atd act joiniug oiirs,Uvhich togsfner mide a large and handfome wajk. We were looking at the fhip-with Mr. Nitlen's giafs, - wheti'' ourrerftiMi-camc. and informed us that the:.paflhaw.h?9Lfiidr ed us not to walk upon tne terrace -any more. We immediately returned to our Nov. c. Our ncw.trafters rame and J clofell'up the 'paflage which led to the top We have' nlentv of oomearanates. dates and orant?e7 '1 he Danifhi Conful viftts u every day. . . "F ', Nov. ij. ihe minifter of exterior relations Tent hi drogerman to capt. Bainbridge " aii informed him that ff he, vu u Id fc n d an ii n rned iat'e pi'der io. com modore Preble, to deliver up the 'i'ri: politan piifpncrs captured by cajr. Rod gcrs lilt ummer, amounting to eighty in number, we niigljt remain where" wj were but if we did notcornply we fhould fair woi fe. Capt. -Bainbridge replied, that he couid not , commandrommodqre Preble, and therefore could not-epmp y with his requcft. At 9 i;i the -evening a Trfpolitan ( tlictr came aimed with two cii'tdls ami a fahre. mill f:fitl. rn.niolir. r , ' - j - - j ... nothing; tomorrow, the callle. rc accordingly prepared lor the caltle. Nov . 14, ii eailat early, to be ready fr-r our' new I'.a'bltation,' At 9 A. iYft a puarvt came ordered us to the caft.'e. We termed agreeably to rank and mar ched to the cattle. We were, huddled, into a gloomy cell amongft our men, where there was hardly room tor us to dnnd. Here ve,fppntthe day wnhout food, atd were fcofTed at by our foes until night, when to our happy furprize, we vverc couducldbacktoour old place of ahndp. The miniffpr nf exrerinr re- JafiiiJjaiti mcCted great . lurrize at our going to the caUfc, faying that he knew nothing ed to fhatiof N?,rirvHill i and a Mil tA carry the pr2yer of the petioner into ef fe&. deferred as above. - :. 'Si 'ing Divorces and Alimonv.--Read and icnr to rne oenaiP. - . M r.' Whi rehead prefe nted the petition of'ary Warren, praying an allowance iuj miuiaiy icr.vjces Ltnormea nv rifr "It 10 -Tl 1 ' . . - - . . . . ' r . teeof iVopofitons and Gritvances.V i Mr. Hay pttfehted the petition Vof l.ochlan M'kellen, and a bill to iabres over our neacis. . wuen.weuau W r . 1 . . k near tl;e Oiore, they ardered our men t e houle; and a guara was Jet he tn (ion rowine. l wo of Lhem came to Be and gave me. a fevere blow on the fide of the head. 1 They then fearched 01 e, and took a cafe of furgeon's inflru wenrs from my pocket. '' hey took niy pocket book, but finding it containing nothing but papers," they returned it. One took my filver pencil, and another tne handkerchief from my neck. They then began upen Mr. Knight, failing mai ler, 'Mr. Ofborne, lieutenant of ma lines, and all the,oQicers in the boat, of th uitafure ; which we all knew to bo-f;ife. He told capt. Biinbridge that wefiiculd remain w here we were, until he heard from his people, the prifoners In the hands, ..f the Americans. , Nov. 1 7. V ifited our;,fi(.k, who were' quarferei' in a fmall houfe without a floor, rear the place, and about halt?, mile from our lodging The Danifh conful lupplied the lick with frefh pro vifions,. i7 the TCquelt of Capt. Bain- hridije.. ' -. o , - ' ; ."Noy:""?. lllvc mTniflcr permitted us to purchale pur clothes. x We got but" few and at a hikh rate. Ojie of our front door to prevent our going into the itrcet. ' The minifttt lent his chief fecre tary witii a parole of honor, .'written in French," which we all figned. ': 7 l ; : Nov. 6. We found that we were r.ot allowed to go out, notwithltanding our figning the parole of honor. The mini fter of exterior relations ient us word, that he- had'it.' eight- of- our n n'iks, dred dollars. .We did not ..taletthem, te nor thank him ttVr his - hofpitahty. v-e lines, aau dii iwc,wii.v . ---- - --- - 1 - ; , - nuSnGkredhelr ' pbpket usby the handkermirolrTTh thw then landed us at the. Toot, ot the Bafhaw's palace, where we were receiv ed by 'a guard, who conduced us into Vv l arp raore tfTBamawTHe view ed us with the utmolt fatisfaSion, and i,,i ; vAnrlnffpd irrfn ah apartment here we found the captain-and leveral; ' offieers.- who arrived In another boat u (t before. ' Herewas a table let mine i 'Evrjopeah ftvle. Theferyants appeared : f)R'Ma'teie and' Neapolitan. Haves ,t afrpr: which it was an- j'rcuiicf-d that another best had arrived- vith our oincers and men, wau were 'before the. Balhaw. CaptaiiiBambndge ;....n,: m tm an look for Dr. Har- vood. whom it was feared vas killed. Ifr. McDonald, paid us a vifit and oSer- ed us every dliilance in his pover.7 7 .. . , . , U . J -- - - "a- f "1 - 0i v. 8. Ihc Jews purchaied lome men, by the name of Thomatv Prince, turned Turk, and was admitted into the pala'oe. '.Lf' N . Nov, 2t. After vifitihg cur lick, I was permitted to go with our drogernian a bout the town to ipurchafe, medicine, but found but a few articles. . A man 1 6 years of age came to have.me-to cure him of deainefs. v - Nov-1 1. 'The Bafhaw refufed to fir nifh tiecetTury cloathing tor tbs f;ck,vpr :ary thing for :hem to. er.thar i-3ur fil.'hy ; ..., 1. '(1,nt. RainbridecontractJ. wiKi ! the Danifli conful to lupply the fide with beethd -vegetables iorioup every day. lT.As'i:.f-'xai DrGow fay's Aatly praucey csftr!ti;r,n nj it.-?.iltt. till. J. requefling the Speakers of the two Houf, es to tend an expreis to Natnanjel Alex ander, informing him that he was elect-' ed Governor of this ftale, &c Read ' and. concurred with. " ' IVTr 'Ttrr rmsn rrpfpnfrt thm rttIIW S of John Chelfon," James Long, & Jame$ Wiley, "praying compensation for fervicr , es on board 'the' armed 'fliip Cafwell. . Read and referred to the Cornmittee of j Claims. - '" ' .7'-.7;'''.' The petition of Thomas Scabrcck, U.l the petition of fundry inhabtranrs of ;! Montgomery Referred 'ohe'Ct-mmit- ' tee of Propofitionsvar.d Gtievoj'.cts. 7:7 ') he petitions of Vm. Crih& Alex-; ander Cafneroh were refer? ed as above. XThe refignation of fohn Cotwell, as '.., Major of Sampfon, was read and accept-J ed. , Receivedtfrom the Public Treafurer the following Report: "; To THE HoNOUUABl E THE GENERAL Alshmblyof N. Carolina ; v ' G FK'TI r Ml M. The Receipts at the Public Treafury'j of Nofih-Gaioiiria, frcm the fit ft day ot j -November' i8oa. to the firlt dav of Noi vember, 1805, including arrearages, the public (axes of every 'defci iption and the;- Votton Gin tax, amount totwenty-hve thou nnd three-hundreo and twenty two TjhurrrnetiHfrtttfr (4 25j32 10 7 :-f his fum when ad- drd to the balance rtmanung m the 1 real'ury on the firft day of November tRnA ' vfn wit7 ro fiftv fix thoufand and thirteen pounds fevtn fliillings. as Re-i ported to the Ialt General Adembly,' makes an aggregate amount pf-eighty one thouland three hundred and thirty five pounds, feventeen millings, and fe; ven pence t(jC .81,335, 17 7) Out ot. this aggregate or Ml mentioned fum, difbuflemefits have been made, within the period firfl above memioned, irclud-i i ng the mcney bu rnt hy the ialt Aiiem-rhiv.-'-'lhe llcc'ks of the funds of the 1 Iriited S.atesurchafed for the" ufe of this State, purfuant to ? Refolutic n of thcl-Jecmaturem-Decf'Uiber lall ; anrl the lum pai;l in obedience to the a'mbf "Afli-mlrlvl 'tTitltled " Aii aft to iii.lve cerf ain 'of the iiihabitaiits of JvJecklra- burg county and other citizens oUJiis' State," to the aniount ot thii ff , eiMt thcufand four hundred and eighteen of Tiurrlcnuhing-aml oftered Tt torn" at an'enoTmous'jpriccVbutwe; purchafed but little ot :t. 1 he bathaw lent tor cap. tain Bainhridtre arid told him that lohn Wjlfan'ltS informed hint that captain cok" y :, 1 hrew o'v'sr nineteen ' boiesof ShrsTTfda' large bag of gbld -Capt;, Bainbridge afiured him ifwasfalfe, ahd gavr rns wora ana nonour uiar .tn? re was no money thrown . oyer to his -Knowledge: but that the money inTqueftidn was left at Malta- In the evening the Baimw not being fatifhed fent tor the KVCXH1 VV HiIll J t iv-o v 1 , 1 - r J T found mmwithlhecarpentereforetaapguj ,Ju 77. HCUS2 Ot COMMOKS, i, - . M r. Hnrnhurkle o'r'f fented the petition of Mary Moreign, praying to be divorced from her hulband, &c Keterrea to tne Committee of Divorce and Alimony. Mr. : Jorda prefentc4; the petition of Malcolm Fergufon,, praying, to be di vorced from his wife, &c.Referred as Mr; Moody :prefented:.th.e pe'titionof Nancy Knight, - praying to be aivorcea 1 S...O-.A4 TVTf,fa ir,orVit onrl prAyiiig alfh thit hernaine may be alter. 'Qf the Public Treafurer s Cencr poundj three fhilimps .nd fix penccjv the vouchers for all which, arc delivered nr.'r ro rhe.C'omntrrSler. and arc hahli ready fcr the infpedion of the Comir l HilCV-'l IHlUlMitH'tm tiviiiiuw "DO" I amount a oc ve menuoneu, axiu a vu u ot rony two taouiana niue .iiuhuict .11 Tsvehteen rouiidi tbnrteen fhillim one penny is left m the Public Ire it . . 1 ,3 i nn the tirft d.w ot November lafH on the firft dav-of.. November, 180 -.- . . . , - f J to be accpunted tor 42,217, ; :d;he moft worn of the bills formic balance or remainder, will be fe!e held in readihefs to be burnt, in ca yi Lgiilamrehairthink it advifable 6j M tmv thiin anil fhillfo diret. i li- f V . J V " . . 'I tio roriinfttKi' -r-nfiirv for 1 t! . , -.- . . J rill) enterec and pata tor, amount iiq firfl dav of November, 1 So4v- to t day of November, 1805, to the j -jhree thoufand ( hree h undred and one poundsTright fbilhngs & eight! J' P. K) This amount vered by certificates and other ToodnJ and does not, therefore, enect the - Or-'

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