: A: ill ' - TE MI u& '..iALf D'ni 'early. J FUBLISIIED (weekly) BYJlVILLIAM BOYLAr TWO IUnftT!lr I fi.'.fl - . 1 1' ' 1 ' 'I - - : in i it ' I r.. Vol. 10. RALEIGH, (AIT.) MONDAY, DECEMBER WASHINGTON CITY, .Zfcr. 3. To tig -Simple and House of Representative: of the 'United States of America. AT a moment when the nations of Europe are in- commotion in d arming agiinft each other, when thofe with whom we have principal intercourfe are -entTTT'theTKn'Sfit" confefL arid o bring' Qream. a: ior ina) as ptraren. 1" he fame fyfLerri of hoverkig oh oar coafts and harbours, under colour of feeking enemies, has been alio carried on by public armed fhips, to the great annoyance and opprefiion of our com merce. Ne the law 1805. No. 565. the offenders in l of. roar feffibn. in th n.o,n rv., will confider whether ic would notDe expedient, for a ffcate of peace as well as u war, 10 to organife or daf th : 1 . i niiernrarrn inrr fhp im r- mhnnc wuen rne coumenar.ee 01 iomc "nncin ifguuded neither in ju (ice nor the uface towards cur peaceable country threatens 'or acknowledgment of nations. Accord- fmall, than large veflel&ianf it would; r fiafs rhfl milit-ia. ' fh as would enableus on am- (udden emer- The limitarion fniwpftpH hv thp nnmKr - . -. t - " OO " ' J w m ons oftensr arife for the employment of I T ,-1 a a fl teuen thk ;i.s well as execme to be all- gency, to call for the fervices of the younger Dorhoi 110;,,. N. - . , , , - ... , y, r----;-..., vmiuvuilii;j.n,U VVllll rTr r.--, w r w . . 4""c uivinK rami lies, ud- mg toihefe a belligt rent takes to itfeif a thit even that may not be unafFc&ed by wait pilling ontiie mnerl tneatre, ; commerce with its ownenemv, whirh i; uTumrnrrffTnOTreienrarnres ortne , denies rn a npnfraJ. :n tvr,. Nation, in both Hnufes of Congrefs has ' aiding that enemy in th wa-. But ra beCo ne. mrc than ulually tjefirable. 'j fon revolrs at fuJi an i;',confiftency 'and ev?r: reaioaotourcoim. ; the neutral having equ.l fipht with the ii,,..i.uW. wuu lucui iuc.icu:.icu!j. , be Afferent tOi cnrfp rinilHn (hoin. of ieamen would admit afeleftion of.vcf lels beft 'dsncd to thefmire- wards of three hundred tboufahd able! oaietl -.men; between the ages ofeigb- ic diiutwenry nx years, which the bit ..gncuhure cenlugihews we may now count within .1 'IhevarehrrrSinin "uiiiucr jor onence or defence, in any the foreff, and find it their intereft frora !i . tne my w wanted, and . 1 ur Indian nelgL hours are ac varsciRjr. ,: many of them with. 1 pirit, andorrs be- J ginning fp enp.e in the purfuits of fi nd ho u mold manufacture. . - fcnfMethatfl' earth will give time for ra.'fing regular forces aai ; he information of the whole, and will fc3 enabled to give a direction to the1 -pnb'ic affairs -which 'the will and the wisdom cf the whole will approve and fupporr. f - - In taking a, view of the flate of our country, we in the firft place notice the late afnVdton, of two of our cities under thsfat-ii fever which in latter times has occasionally vijked our ffiores. Provi dence in his gdodnels gave it an early termination on this occasion, and'les tertaJ th1; number of victims which have ufually fallen before it. v In the courfe of the Several visifations by this 'disease," it has appeared that it is (triclly local, in cident to cities and on the tide waters ontyV ' incom-yiunicable in the country vvher by peiJons under the difeafc, or b j'oods carfied from difeafed places ; tlvM it. ?ccefs(is w:rh the autumn, and it .diTippears witb ths eirly frofts. Thefe TeCnions wiiin -narrow limits of rime and h?ce givq fecurity even to our m? fTfirnc cities, d'-'nrg three fourths of.the year, and to the country always. Al though from thefe fads it appears'un- Ti3cdTrv, yet, to latisfy the fears of fo- j reign nations, rtd cautions on their part V . . '.II. I f-' I ! npc to be complained or in a .amyer whofe limits le'.yeLAJnknowfi to ihem, J Jmiti5lVAinecl on thp ofTicers. r.r the head bf tfc'wCftftoms to certify with exact truth, plr.evexy veuel tailing for a terefls of our conitituents. and th dlt I of maintaining the authority of rciion. the only umpire between jufi nations, impofe'bil us the obligation of providing an eifwclual and determined opp-ifit'on to a doftrine fo injurious to the rights of peaceable nations. . Indeed t!;e confi dence we ought to have in the juiHceof others, (till countenrnces the hope that, a founder view of thofe rights will of it feif inducef rom every belligerent a more correft obfervance of theto. With Spain our negociations for a fettlement of differences have not had a fatisfadory ifTue.' Spoliations during the former war, for which the had formally acknowledged hcifelf refponfible, iiave been refufed rn be compen!iTed but oh conditions a (lectin-other claim-, in no wile connect-d with them. Yet tk fame practices are reneweo in the. pre-, feht war, and are already of great a mounr. On the Mobile,our commerce pafiing through that liver coniinues to be. obftrucfed by arbitrary duties and vexatious fearche?. Prrpo(ifion for adj'jd-ni; amicably' the froundaries of Luifiana have not ben nrredeH tn. While, hovvt-vcr rhc rigju is unlettled. we have avoided changing the ibfe of things, by raking new polls, or ibength enhig otirfeives in the diimted'rerriu)--ries, in the hope that the other power 8 ;ter the neceflty of them fhall become J ofju.prb.vinR thofe ihey occupy and ot - . tti iii.. icuiii mi ill iiif fjr v ... - J period of life all its active fervice cannot but be defirable to our youngerxitizens, the prefen as well as future times, in as much as it engages w theminmOre advanced age a quitt and undiiturbed repofe in the bofom of their families. I cannot then but earneftly recommend to yovir enrlv confirff-r.-irJon rh?. pvn;..i;. time to time to difoofe of oarts of their" lurplus and watte lards for the means lubfiitin'gtheir families while they are preparirg iheir farnas. Since ,your laft feflion, the northern tribes have fold to us the lands between the Ccnredicut referve and the former Indian boundary -ard thofe on 'he Uhio, from the fame boundary to the rapids, rnd for a confi derable depth inland. 1 he Chickafaws . and Chetokces hav fold ue the country , " i. inpairying our miima lyltem Detween and adjacent to the two dutncts as, by a xeparation of the more activepart I of Tenneflee, and theCreek's the refidue from that which is left fo. we.rhav Hmw i ofiFelr hn m i m i!, wnen nectiiary, c t i -v - an efficient, up to fnrr -.icm nurt. i the ft ate of healrH relneft would nots bj a contrary cccciua, oDug i 'thisfeven'ivhich prevails at the olace i us ret.the,f mpfe-imd endanger tie..from characler and duty tp Certify i ' the tr.Mh, have no doubt they have faithfully- etecuted . this injunction. Much r?al injury ha? however been fuf-. tailed from z propenfity to identify with this endemic, and to call by the fame name, fevers of very diifefent k'mdJ which, have been known at all " times; and' in all countries, and never have be.sv, placed among thofe deemed "contagious.,,.; yls we advance in our knowledge isftnis difeafe, asfacs deve lope the fource from which individuals receive it, the State authorities charged wiih the care of the publichealth, and . ConErefs with that of the general cop rwf rce, will become able to regulate with ffrcV their relpeftive fupclions in thefe departments. ( The burthen of quaran tines is felt at home as well as abroad ; their efli racy ' merits examination. Al though, the health laws' of the (fates m mid be found to need noprefent revi- ' fal bv Cnnarefs. vet commerce claims that thtir attention be ever awake to ' may not on; eainy.conrroiieJ. I5.v m this hope. 'we' have no'w-reaibn to ieffen our confidence. Inroads have been re cently made into the .territories of-Or-leansand thM:lifnppiv(jr citizens have been"' feized and their property plundered in the very parts of the form er which had besn actually delivered up by .Spain, and this by the regular officers and ipldiers of that goei n ment. 1 have therefore found it neceifary at length to give orders to our troops ori that f ron tier to be it readinefs to proteft our ci tizens and to repel by arms any fimilar aggreffions in future. Other details, necefTary for your full information of the ftateof things between -rhis country 'and that, fliell be the fubjeft of another communication. In reviewing thefe injuries t rom fome of the belligerent powers, the moderation, the fir mnefs U the wifdom of the legiflature will all be called into aftion. We ought ft ill to hope that time and a moreorrecli-eftimate of intereft as well as of character, will produce the juftice we are ound to ex- pet. ."But mould any nation deceive them. - Z-...T.1 t r n e IJlUVy '.111 IO.IV t. -..j-- , ; , . ..... - .. . -.nws- our foreign rehtions , has conliderably "ieir oy iauc cascuiauons, aau qnar clxmged: Our coa'ds have been infefted, I pnmt that expectation, we mult join m and our h-rbours watched by private the unprofitable conteft, oftrying which armed veffels, Jotoefahem--withotpartyane rTrnillifomwith i noris, othm ivith thofe hi legal f orrrw ! mitjiaceaM "-but conimutitiA Watlcal acteyond the .-f is competent it is always the oft defira--L- ... 'it. iiXrtimMiAri. Ihpv i hie. But fome of them are of, a' -nature a il Oil T V UlVi! Svf.,'?"f.'!'J-'..i.X,Z.,.. 1 -r- : fl, r:nturetl in thevcry-entrancepf cfur . h?rhours as well as on i the high feas, not th( vpflids ot our friends coming to itrade ttith u but, birr own alfo. They, have carried them off under pretence ot ' k-rr adjudication ; but not daring to tsporoneii a court of jultice, they have. plundered and funk them hythe-way, in ofcure places, where no evide ce "xcjulvl Tiri fffarpinlrVthem,-maltreated the rrc. -,n,l abandoned them in boats in . rheoneij ia, or on defertfhores, with- out food'er covering. Thefe ejiorrfiitiei loparing to be unreached by any con- th,--r fnvpftifrns.' I found it necef- in'l .. ---o- 7 -.- . . 1 J 1 ' to be met by force only, and all oflflcTn rpromtnend fuch oren:irations as cirj cumances' call for. f he firftjl is cTuV'owV'i&'ro arreit aU veflefs.of tfiefe de.fcnption ii.-i'vpriniT TOh" OUt -.t danger of infit Meafures fjave been already taken for ) urrnfning them, wim he'ayy cannon ,fof the fervice of fuch land batteries as may' make a part of their d,l'encer ainft armed vefiefs approach ing them. In aid of thefe it is defirable weifcoulfi have :a competent number of gun-boat, and the number to be compe tent inuft be confidetableV If immedi ately1 begun, they mby be in readinefs for ervice" 'a the opening of the .next feafon. AVhether.it will be neceflary to augment our land forces; will, be decided by occurrences' probably in the courfe from corps, httor real and active fervice, and to te called to it m regular rotation. ! Conficierable provificn lias been msde lihder former anthoi iti. lr-ivi Onarls. f ofinatcrials for th.e comlriiciioivot' fhin of vr of leVt-nry-tour w.ms T gefe rpaterials are on h.:mliubject to the fur ther Will of the leciu iri ' An-jmir.td:afe, prohibition of the e-.-prtf tarion of arm.? a nd n rn i ntinino?i is alic fubmitred to ycur dJtriiiikiion. Turru:!.g from' (fide urJu'far.t v.'er.-s of violence and wrong, I ;congafuJjt you on the liberation of our Jeliow ci:i fcrjs who were'llranded on the ccatt of. 'Iripoli and made nrilonfrs of war. In a gox-ernment b interned 'on ttie'willof all, the life and liberty of every indivi dual citizen become intcreftin'R to all. -1h tlie treaty therefore which has con cluded bur warfare with that ftate an article for the r?nfom of our citizens has been agreed to. An operation 'by men, and others cr.gaped fov"the occiifi bn,Jn 'coiijiinflion xvrh troops of the E-Bafhaw of tlrat 'country;11 ga-liar.tly conduded by ourfate con.'ul Eaton, and their fiiccefsfu! enter prifc on the city cf Derr.e, contributed doubtlefs fo the impreflion which' produced peace, and oppor- men of our fquadron dei'lined for Tripoli, would have availed themfelves, to emu late the scts-of valour exhibited by their brethren in the at tack of the lalt.yr. Reflecting with high fatisfaftion on the diftinguifheci bravery difplayed whene ver occafions. permitted in the late Me diterranean fervice, I think it would be ' an nfeful encouragement, as wcllasjuft reward. to makcan opening for fome pre fent promotion by enlarging our peace eftablifhment of Captains and Lieutenants.-.- , "VVith Tunis forrie miftindet ft andfngs have arifen not yet futficiehtly explain ed, but "friendly difcuflioh.i with their ambaffador recently arrived, and a mu tual difpofiti on to do whatever isjuftahu. reafonable cannot Tail ofdiilipating thefe. S6 that we may confider our "pjsace on that coaft, generally,. to be pnr as found a footing as it has been at any preceding time. Still it will notTbe expedient to - iormer the Ulcofauhatche. The three purchales are important in as a much as tire y confolidate disjoined ''piirjjf of oiir fettled country, and render their inrerccurfe fecare ; and the fecr-r.d par ticularly fo, as, with a frtfall point cn-fhe ' river which .we exj-tt is ty this time ceded ty ti e Pisnkefbiws, it complex cur pcffcfTcn of the whole of both baaks of the Chi froxr; itsfcurceto near its niruth, -end the navifv.Mon of that river , is thereby rcndeicd r'ore.vcr faie to our citizens fettled "and fettling On itsextcn. five waters. The ptirchafe Trom the. : Creeks too has been fcr fome time patlj cubrly iriTerefting to th! ftate of Gcpfgia rJ hefevcral rrcstiesvhich have been, mentioned .will be fuhmiited to botlK l?qufes of Cqngrefs for the exercjiepf tiicic relpective function - . " . 1 a S ' m Dcputatrons, m v cntheiryway to tne fr.!t cf eovernnieur from various nations the cppclufion ot this prevented Of tuniries of which the officers and withurw immcdtately the whole of our force from that fea. . ( -. The Uw providing for a naval peace 7eflblhmen.t fixes tliettmler--ot-fri-r gate which fhall be kept in conflant fer vice in "time" of peace; a::.lprcfcribes that they. dull be manned -"By not more rcTrlaceulerforrOT feamen and ordinary feamn. ' Whether a frigate may be trufted to two thifdi only of her proper compiement of men. muft depentton the hatureof the fer vice on w hichhe is nrdeisd. T hat may. fometimes for her fafety, as well as to enfure her bfcjecl require her fulleft complement. In adverting to this Tub? jeclt Congrefs will perhaps conlider. whe therrthe7te(t limitation oi the Executive difcretion in this cafe would riot be by the number of feamen which may be empjoyeif in the whofe fefyice, rather than tby thThumJief ol veHilirr OucalT- of Indians inhablringie. IVlifiburi an4 othtr parts beyonW'Mit$inp fhnrgetl with' afitrraiTCCot fhtli fntisfac- tion with the new ' relations in which hey are pisced with us, of their difpofi tions to CRhivate'fcur pcace and friend fliin. and their defire to enter into com mercial interccitife with usv A flate cf1 our prore's in exploring the principal . rivers of tha country, and of the infer-,;.? rratirri refpech'ng them hitherto obtain ed, 'uK be ct mmuniciitcd fo foon as'we fliall receive ' fome further relations, w hich we have rrr,fon fhortly tp expect.,. rI he receipts ct the treafury c'uringthe year' ending on the'cth day oj Septtra- i her l?ft have exceeded the fum of tnir-It quite five millions in the treafury at ihei beginning ot the year, have enabled u after meeting other demands; to pay nearlv two millions ojthe debt cohtracled under the Brftifh treaty and convention, .upwa.rcibt tour millions, of principal of hev putilicdeb't, an4 four mil !i(nsof .intereft. Thefe pay ; ments th thole which had bf cn mader in threWears and an half preceding -have rxungulfiicd of the funded debt, nearly eighteen millions of piincipal." 1 ' Conerels, by their, act of November lc. 180?; aurhorifed , us to borrow 1 ,? 50.CCC dollaTs'rf wards meeting the 21 claims of our dtizens afTunnd by the k corvvemion with l rance. VYe pave hoc, however made vfe ot this authority': bc caufe the fum of four millions and a half; which remained in the Heafury on the -fa me-3 ot h da y-oflieptemberJaftw"t jjie receipts wnicn we may calculate ca for the enfusng year, befides pajicg the annual mm of eight millions ot dOitars, , ppromiated-totheH uhded debt, and r meeting all the current demaiids which '., TOay be expecf et!, enableus fo pay the t whole fum of threemIIions feven hun- -dred and fifty thoufand JdoIIars, afith- 4 :eillbyJhexr.ch.C4nivenuoh,Und,ftiil--i leave us a furpi js of nearly a million cfi dollars atour tree diipoat.' bhouid you concur in the provi lions of arms and armed vefleli recommeui'eJ by the rir- cumfbnees cf thctimes, this furplus will furnifh the means of doing fo. On this firif occafion cr acV 'drefhng Gongrels fince, by The -..choke . folmy conftiiiitnts, -I live entered cn a - 1 CG ! V".

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