: f :H E ; M IN EfSfei -' - ' . ' - ; - . . ' A HAL Ft DOS,--. FIL J PUBLISHED (wtekly) BY WILLIAM BOYLAN. p TWlt,fcS.. MV AW, AWN. r.- Vol. i0rj RALEIGH, (A. C)! 'MONDAY, MARCH j0, '186S. .i . i m . . , 1,11 tfirM-iammmi ' i 7'MMiwfiii n'n i jjf''i j, 57- CONGRESS. HOUSE OI REl'REStTATlveS. Friday," Fel. 21, Drhateon the till from the Senate, providing . for - the p njmvnf of the witnesses on the trial of Samvel Qiase. In comraittte ot ihe who!c-Mr. G&fC&iu the cair. " J. Smith fa:d. at the clofe of the W frfii fli,-':hiil"yr'i-ltn for the payment of the itT- oji the pirt of the-United States In 1 pone fro.n tbo Ho'lle ta the Senate, and been difarcei lo br thm. The Seoatc on their p-uu hiTp.;fld n bijl providing f f the p.imifu of all the .t'l ffej, -. which the- Hciife hid dreed.' VconlW-ce Had taken place' na.tbeviliagrreingves of thi llonfes, and th: bi I hid l-eei i'ulK ho' waB f concur rcrcc The c onf-qVnce was, the witnefT:s fti'l nmin inevnpr Atct ; fame or whom have fuTunrd heavy expert fes. Pr titioiis rt ctied thi feiUin fro-tt ferrral wiintfiea on tlu pt't of th: profecurhn, had been referred to t!tf cffl Mi' te of Claims,- who ha reported a b;d which wa the fame ii fihftRee with that adopted by he Huuf; the laft feffion ; the com tnl'tee n -i c iii !eting themftfves at liberty-to de-prut r'-Qi the principle thcu eftabiilhtd by lh: Mo'ofe U fa th.e Hjut'e to decide how long llH inptcfiuh!c C'tifelr fir unprofifabie it fureiy was to he citntfTr?) Ih 'U;d be kept Bp.--Mr. Srrt.h faid h; was rot difpofed to g bto a corifi-erati in f the q'ledion, whetricr.the ex-p.-Ticc cf an impsach-ncfU tVu!d inall cafea b i,:c rci 1 the jrverfreiiJ. He w-mld bare. I j ohr.fv: i batth Senath,j(d be't ttnanioaous ; a n d f t h t H o u fe ill ' u J 1 i.Lhore to the proand they h 2 J taken, ou conpefiton would be al ' lowe.: t e wttaiir 8- He fubnitted it, whether . un 'e'f ti-ele circi.nftances, it were proper to ktp op iii'.h a coi li cl. It hiJf happened that min? of , the .witne'fil'j, fuoiiisoned by the tccuf. J, bfci i'-f-'l by tl.e nian.igers, and tli? piocen -of Utm.aoin'g th-n hud bt-;n dni It- o: both 'idea. , la the bill there wi an otnif- ttrrTTTptaaef-TTiTTitp? orjrrncuTrea by .ma;ia;T(.ra. It no other ttleman propofed -tn antitdTt-ot, hr Ihi.uld 'hi k it hi4dvty toeffr one, prviJ;r)q f jr ihrf? tspenfes. . lie, hoped th", comfnittet would iiee ffl thf bill. Some tKt-r?n mlht .It,, by (ri ttr"y to it lhy feviiictrln opiiiifl oi the gvt'it xr iptiyccoce rf 'th-c ; Bccii'sd-' . B'U foch a vote cof not be irwtd iu thi light. The H .ufchad ts:rcifed their con9ituicnl tight by voting an impeach pient, jfiile the Scoate had excrofed the ftie tj:ht in acq-titting the actifed. The fame Vdr who hrd iq lit cd, bd fent down this bill, 5? tWL-jV ihcu opi iort that the prapoff? cowptpfation to rfnrirn""s was tinht.' Indeed hi- cwiitercd the h-i'i trim ihi S nate as a tax a ioii of cottb by the coutt who Cat on this occa ion. Ar. Macon, with the vliw to .try the xjueiHott, wheilir the HQufe won'd agree to 1 f i y h i Ltu Sfi. ) v itifli ed to infert f t f r t h vi. ir 1 wtx'Jpj-tht wod ' 'o behalf of the U.itttdh . e." "He faid the hid cry of thti bu ft ffi 'iiu by tire gentle man from Conredticu: w.is cir-tft,. Th:: acctiCrd had been a quitter1 by1 ct,'ifuHf"iln59j -'ity, conft ling of a mi" 1 Q! ity oi thj JSenate. - 1 1 not, he beli?v?d. the p'lice v any criminal court, of any .Hate - in the upio'n, for wrtnff-i fivnmoned by the cUfsfiilatiti to be paid by the Hate. The ftates in -nary inlfaiiccs.pay their own wirneffe. w-hrre ihi pti accufrd ie not convicted, bu' ynh ftn-eit to th: c : fl'd between the' to Ilo'itVn,' hi wai.v.-'Aviocid the decifion of thi Houfo wj correct ; and that it accorded wi:li tbe gen'rial.ofHjje th'onh iut tbe'UoiteJ'State. If there wd$ in exo pi .n, he aid not reccjlecl xir. It was true that one or other Hoiife mull gfvc way, or 'the bill would be loft. He-would (ftefion. but he cmud r.ever confent to .ay thev wita-ircB of the accfifrd. . ' Mit. AtjTOtf fjttd the mendment went to try the qu Jlior, whether thc.M-ufo'Wjiifd a, i?iee to pay ai! the witntiTra runnra6:trd ou the 'ial of judge Chpfr. Before it'was r.iadr the honourable 8pcakvr ouiht to bve tof the lliufe wbctbjr thev cot't tl determine wh: h B-itDtflei were fumronxd on lhe ,pait of t- U. titcit, and -which on the pm ot jadg Citafe. Fkitj every thirty which he hadTceo. and he hadfxiTtned all the document on the firhjeeft, he hid found rodr.ta upoa whfeb to determine thtt wit rtffcj bad hctn (vmrnored ti out fide or the other, nlefi from the recolleclion of gen tWmn, by which hi ftipp-ifed the Houfe w.itild ao conTent to be .'j;oT'tne I. VVheatherpef.' tion wh$ before the HouTe the latt fiffi mt he had eipreffe.t hi Joub''! wbther they ottpiht to pay the witnefTes of ao acctif'ed man, whether he wi acquitted or eoniced ; bnt hi vtM now eortrrccd that until C'Djjrefs p3ffiiIa-, pre. fcribij how in'tniff arc to be pa tdl '.they wrrc borird to pay them. No fuch l4W had been pfiVd, He wouid afif jje'i'tliwea fa"rtid in the hvr, whether witne ffta on thi prtrt of j'.'dg? Chile could de nand cotrpenfatiou. front him ? Have we pjl'd any k prefcn"ohig how rrtich (hall he paii1, or how it fiis'I bedm e ? No luch liw ba been p :ff d. Mr. A. faid, he thought fcentleroeo. were carrying th:ir f cj'-i dice tod far in ih ii:ftnce. He bad voted for - oi of tijiht of the article, but the Se nate had acqtiirt'! him of all of them, ifwa contented with thin detifioo.and fr far ashe wa acqoaintfil with the fenttmtnts of thele he re prr(en:ed, he bilie ve& they too o-ere a;aned. It wli not now a queftion how, tfcts principle (lioald-be fettled. If a pehcral' lavr rre brought tefore thcos ihere wno dcuht,.bttff jh t -if JUnaa-fo-tndiiciediuvfelf-a 4 ha hirnCelf to' trill, ' he (h-u'd pay, his rn wit ntflieai" pmtrided fuch law declared how teach they fn tfld bdpaid.i The hon. Speaker had faid there wa i ot fiat'e t: v.e nnion in whtchl the witrtfTr cf peru u i ' 'id;d ?.nd ecj'!itedl vtrepiid by-the rtate. Mr. Aitton fai ! hbe. !ieved.i Virginia whrr a roan wsa indt3! and aiouiitec, he waB cot A'ii tfedtt vir payment oj coll. If this were tfre. one ibc at letft, j Urifft in the, tirinri, bad fet l .dif. lie wa.clbamtd, yet the iury havir? prcnouncecl; cotirtK.1 He conclnded by cxprMtttt a bbptf innoreur, a wuntts on his pan, orougnt fcom Kftuticky, was paid out of the public t a f'iy. 1Im8 9 not the csfe where ah irtdivitial ia conif3ed. If he pofTefa fufScitrit property, that ia anfweraWe fcr the tJtptnfes.- The Senate tfodbtibtedly pcffefB the rip'rtt to fay whether the witneSckiddticed are ncccflary and if in .any . future tafe, improper witnefle fhall he brought forward, ibty may refufc to lax thtrn. Jl'hii blM doe net pro-ride for 'all ctfescf irrpeachnfert, hut is f-onfinedftothc cale of Bantiiel Chaf?. M r- J. faid h; would-frihmit whuhrr it wjprettr orju'l to compel men at. a great erfretyfe to artend at the feat of 'govern, ment fq an irieletfrsnt fufen of the year, with out pitfiog th-n a corttjrtufattoo. 1 f a law had been ptiiufly pified, pr:fcibing that the wit. neflea of the accttfed fhoulj be psid by him, they wrcld have rtquirfd fme afl'urancc fro.m him, litit. ae no difciimination bad been made ittwTcft the wUotfiV:, they came forwatd in full faith that the1 powemment would allow theni a liberal eompenfatioo. , , M k. Nic'io'-so ffiM h? had bntfrwobrer y'ij' to make op this furjet. Indeed indif. plitioQ difib'ed him from making many. Me (jor.fuk'' td this bid an ca'culated to (Hiblifh a gret principle ; a principle whether in all cafe of i rtpeach ueoi tbe United States are to besr the bttr rhen. It was not in reference to an todiyldviai th-t he wa Tnduccd to advocate the atcndmrfit ct hi honourable friend, the b'peak, er. but becfe it effrti wonH be to ettabiifh principle that wouVl Iterenftcr jjowct a itt fiwti br cafe, If he pVincip!s were ellabiifhed that io a I cMespf impeachmeot thegovernrrenr is to hear trie whole f kpcrtcf, Tft " will put it io the power t f the individual imjjp-rachcd lo'iacreafe the bnrihej toltny r'xtynt ; he p'eifeY Ani !tttr--trtrtr flia if he t nrpe 3chdr ha fe c t ! c h to hste the jfovernmeiit under which he liven aud holJe'au ofae, in a cafe lyhich requires bnt two witrcfle.' be msy fumn oi t wo. huRditd. that the .amtn-mr c)t' would be, adVjp,d. M)t. f.AilX fM it wis hit' ntiVfprtur; i ; fsfl f-fijun to cjffer hirh -'a 'iaoiiry f th Hc&iV, ahd hit -'pnTent. ftjtaiofl ' was whfit 4c tho was. Hi opihioo waj not fcauW fcitbefr en geter.l pn'ncipies, or co the pfadice of" h3C fevcral ftatefl. or U. S conttg. - h vi feuncjed on the peCnUar 'circnniftances ! trt thiY eafc r-i Some of thrfe circa.T.fhncfn had already bh Hated by giotLrmen ; but. there wee forne ioi portant pointti of iew in which they might he onildrcd.: which, had nnubce iwtked. ftp- was trne, n had bro ftaied by the pei;tlerrerti from N. Carolina that it could not be i!iiljn guidied wh'ch vf'itnert'. were ftiatof.cd n't his: part of the prof 'Jcrjtmn, and which eio tb part of the rrfp:?mlcdt,: A-iia ch onnie;n: : by the Senate, when' they : prfcribed the" form cf' the Sirbftjeoa,tod?'Wn!ij.1lj, a it m tfwa!', fot which party ir. was iffited . .This fift wav ahuodaot 1 ' proved by the form of the fn hyaena.' Ho', then, were wi xefT to kriow "that ihpy. wrr ftirrimoBC.I on the part ot ths'U. S.r o'r the tet fpondeut ? They" c!d. not kno! There were no circtvindanccs by which they towld acquire ftich knowledge. ,'The patty did not frv bit fnbpcena? in -per fin, but thtf were all fent to the nidtilial of e pivn ttaie. A number ,cf them vVrre t k n our. in blatk, and fertt to th roaifhals by ! 'it: The ftentreman' from Mary land has titoea voted to obviate the force fcf this fafl, by informing us trm a .d;fcrirniaation may be made, by the circumfbrtce of the facl whkh fide the witnrires were fwoto. " "True j" but no pentlemrn know bftter tha'n htmftlf that the witctffljs fommomd a ore fide , were in f -u)e inlbncea forn oo the other . and he wu!dta!l W reco letttn to tlic trtf imooj giv en by Mtflra H rtyhman ind Kaw'e. ' Thir9 bill wi'i i tihiith f" "h a prinriplc, and 'fliall ? 'all tit. ot caiw t that the wit nff. of ihe ecct:l?d were paid iu the cafe of C,liole It was for this rcafon, Mr. M;t.hrtlfon 'faid, he advocated tbs iTitiidmti)f, and to eonvtf'ce the io :i i vidtttl that fii.hjf zJ hitiif'eIlizaoJcnp3ch much rather, that it fhould.be rrjefted hy 'th.e difitrrefin ' vote?nf the two Iou, 0.3O that it (hordl pa fa as it.thtn ftood. If the Senate haloei'd this bill, it is eq-iVly trttc that the " jrrarid jury .who make i hid," have refufed ft- -" The two lltuifes flood oa thf fjm.e rronhj ... Ontvtre the triers, and the other jhshearerft If Cmr.ru fa agree, to pay ell the expenecs of an, i-npcAchntedtf the impeachVd.. rriay run the exr ' pe."ceeto ftich amount a to prevent atrial. Vhy py the txpracis in this cafe, if not in any -h r KaJl.rMy.b.e ' pail b.raufe thia man is i. wT ju)v!e, and utJ man arraigned; e j-j pt f ben .a judge, l tried be d-Tervea no - nnnt oilmen c t nan m tji iva! r nd'VinHaipn' tl'.-.Ji'h he iajtrou-'ted the at aittat is not foch , a to trnvncf toe ORtion, or ry ohhoy ot nsen, that he Is lander.?. It wai,n(Jt that-kind r i tf acquit til whschan horyelt man wculJ wifhj It wis cotjrJi, uiidnij'Vit not- ty l rhj rity 0' the v ate. - Art we ntidcVtbt (e cirenmitancts, b!ue,l to piy ths witntiTis h ,he chofen t; fy nirtion ? Be:ievirt," 25 he ilii, the map grtil'y ml" "the chirge in my ir,5anc , fnpportedy .he-yAifiit of h?8 witiK ra appeared to-h'i " t very tfrarffs thirg;-- .In tcts as in evefy ot her ztej he waV wiliti. to icld'ta a cdn8iricTia and that tji fertrt exTrtple, nd if prrcedem were-rntitied 1 o any ii Eoeitce, " tt wa3 ifimfi lUr ?iaker.t Nfr. A. fsii this bCTtr bad no weiiftt w4th 'iim. The Sttxt v.brcKtrwith hjin-wa Uia; J tiy coo.'a tipt (titer, m mate me. wttorut-? once U tStntea from thfe of theacc'ifrd, aiidrt'they c ul'J after ta'hi theirn' hi ewa"n Irw ae.fcnh ir'- how the larvr tbouiJ, be paid by thj accuf cd.. .. r Mr.. Jacksou brltCved Conj"rfi bound to render competifation to tire witoirs oo the tri il t f Jndjre Chafe, on the ab ft raft principle of jafticre and eighty a8 jvvt!rJrrprecedef)t and piadtxe. TheArgumrat of the hon. Kpe,ker militated ag'in!t tbe icferencc d:' v by him, He lays the acenfed may multiply 'wiriu.ITei tofuch an extent, as to defeat a ptofecotionc, 1 the pi opn ;!ior, however he examined ia a1 its bearings, it will be; found, to operate mtt fe- f iffy , a nd llmolV eitc tafiye,' y, on the nri.a n irn peached by the Houfe of Reprefniaties rio matter fct what csufr, cr whether he is guilty or innrcent. If the Houfe arc de ttr.-riioed to dtftroy him, it is onlyaceffary toyote aj im peachment, which will tm'pfe upon hi a mi. n oca-but then. --M r-J .- U id - hcdid r or apply tt.cfe r marks cxeTuntly to th, impeachment of Judge. Chife.rhe J' mnahi cit" the Houfe wruld (hew thai he was in favour of his Mnpeachmfnt. But a he had becrkacqtutted hy the conftitati' ' ooal tribunal, clo'ihed with authority to pro. nounce him guilty or irrrjoctnt, tbe'dernter trii buna! conftitu ed for fttch cafes her5 id oot Coo. fider himMf Justified to fay, after thideci?oo, thdt h wa guilty, He held himfe'.f bund by the j'tditlif dtcifinns and laws of the couo'ry, . iKfidjih as an iridivHoal. he'Tnighj diff. nt firm f-me of them. The United btates might, in cafe a pcrf.n arq-titted on an impeach treat ia crri pvlled to ps hfs wTtreflVs, mtiltiplychargts sn bratt'pjr 'he whole life of;, the eccttfed,;and itacing him from the diitiirt f f Main to Geor gia, fo.as to compel him, in order to refute the thsrcii"ro adduce ten times as many wane (Tea, as would otherwife b neftfTary. The true rule Uf thanhe.ourt fhali decide what wtneffes are i proper to he taxed in the coils, and what are opt;. The ;otr.are4 ,wno in rn'8Hsi.ce arc me courr,; have decided that all fhall be taxe They were p'er.-c"t'y competent to decide, whether any wit o if of lie accufed were br ouat forward wuh o)t fuflic'ent ctufe, or whether ;hey were eflVn- rial to the defepce. It is mn f. ft by the biJ-f nrder corfideratlonv that they have made the -!attr -decifion. " The jentlemsn irom North "CiTolini is corrtc is his flatemen: cf precedent. The nhi cfrrn tonrfe in Virginia it o tat tfce at. tendance of witnciTei, who are paid out f the public trcaiu'y aorl thoe no tie part r?f Abe idant.in 'he, fame way a tnole on tQfart rcciit, thst htf tri'iit fuller forre paius and peoal. ties. For n ; not to be pre fumed that tte . Houfe of Keptvisnlatives woild ioipcach any mfi onltfe tbf 'e tis fwnc fil.iur fot it, tonic rafou to irtiuce jlu natir n srlarjre, to; he.liev? hini gsjTly." IAn iwpe?cTrnrnt f)M-sS the Ian gttageof ibe nation, xprtScd tlircugh their re prtftntativiB arid wheDerr a meu io tfGcf fo co-di'U 'ht felt as to make tbeation bcl.eve bin guilty, it wan rot de(irble to t ffer the piotictini held out in ihe hi1', pin ictilarly j. when a r.njo'ity in ,!' other bianch aifo believ ed bim guilty. 15 1 t gentlerr?'! fy, thia,"is cotthe pra.tice in (Sir. NUbJhn here rxp'f.ine!, and contefted the fat. Mr. iiariy a etil that ihefe two wit" nefTe? hrd been. -fu.iim ned both on tbe part of the profecution aod the tefpondeet ) Mr. Early faid whether he was rfeeft or not s to the particular cafes 'he bad al'ude J to. he wj not mill .ken,as to the g oal f.tt; The t'tHtleiman from Maryland, he laid, hd eodea vorcd to ohyia't the force tS this, aro a ment ia the lute Couits ; it?u we are tnu in Viiir.u when a man is scqui'tcd, the Rate psyj t hir exptnee rf his wit,t flcs. Mr. N. faid this ninKr K. f.i. I linnnK- li A'tA tint linn, l!..t it wi-it v, 6. uct fo, hoeverrfn the courts of t,. For it is a ftandg pria an who doubt- "i -" 1 . iw is not u anoth(t way, by irprefeoting that the, witr.elTea atijjht be culkd on to fwoa on which fide tlry wee fwof. liot .this coyli not be done, but bv the pafftge of fome !ar on the f;fjeft. There was no authority wh?c.b would juliify the Secretary ot'iTle Senate n fifmanding luch art oath, aud if the elrcomlUnee coold heprured, t!:ere wes no p -wer, under i.py exiHing law, by which the wimeflts could reccTer a compet fatica f,r their attendance." They we e cr-mpvl'cd to attend By whom ? By a brarch of this leriflt.. i !r, on pain of impnfvtinrot fa cafe ol dilfii-bedienee'.;- VVKfitce fha'11 tliey be indemnified ? Will ary pentieman fay they can recover front the refpondeot ? If To; let. them point to rbe law which, anthoriff ftich a recc.7ety. Wrtl I they fay it can be had under the coram n fsw ?' ,1 IM.'JOFHy (l illlO JV'S w-ii tiiy ur , ,,l,,t ,-t It was then eorfidcred proper that the United States ithtiuVl pay their own ,witatfies...Tbe ir. (?upent, thettioie, fails. The only cijedion pf any weight is fhi: raifed by the gentlemetf from North Carolina J' It is faid to be imprfli ble to difcrfoif haft the witntffes. Thegeotle mrafays jhat hehss rxmiaed thejioaals of the' Senate, and cannot find ar.y difcrimtoatton. But has he locked at the join nil of itnpea'ch nteht t where . ifeapprars that Tuch witneflirs were 'Vora oo the part of the United Stares, and foch- on the; part of -the accufed. Befides if this ;eu!erce w-renot on t he j tirnal, it ctnld nf ihe DroffTotiof;., ; This prsclice has tcea exT he got from rhe ...-.parties' thrnifoive, who -could ied fd fir an to embrace tne payment ot wttr j iwrar itify were lawmorMa o ice part oi me nt fies from another ftate. Io a laii cafe, rftho' Uot'tetLStates r the dtfertdaot. This was a erart of Maryland, andi vvs hkewife f 19 ether be Unittd hra- 8. Any gentleman ed this, had oly to refer to the trejfuiei's ac counts firte the government bed bein in opc" ratiodtraad he cal ed updo ary fuch gentfetren to-fhew iC-firgle cbstge for witnttl.s in cafes cf, 'at q littali I i fot the practice in Ergland, not culd ?t he madt to appear by any document eanrr" ttiat'lhe witotCs funrimonrd'by War rea - Hafiings, though he was acquitted, h .d b en 'psldby the (fovernrrmt. .Bnt at-mrvtiig, f?r argument fake, the prsdicr to be fuch in the Uoittdi States tt it tl reptefented to be in the courts of .Virginia, would that. meet the pre Cent cafe I No,; In Virginia there was a re ciprocily. Fhete if 3 man was convicltd, be peid all the corts, acd if acquitted the ftate py them; But in the United States do we make the convided pey the colls i .Had the acculed judge, been coniftrd,wculrjj cate his paying all 4 he 'cofta No. In "that cafe, be we' old. have been SeioVfrVe,'TaV. to the payaierit of money. hough he might hWe ink in reputation. ' In Virginb thcte ia aVtecipro-1. city. The coo-icled vithtt pays tbe espeaces of ihe profectttiorti-ef goj tgi gaol -Whetess in this cafe the Uuitfd StattS are called uprn to "beat the whole biiriheV. WTien lodge picker." trig ws ct'Hic3ed, was he called on to psy the si far as he opinion miru-waidcclrtd J Cia Jt V j'J ' VI 4t i iticj .wvvaauint er ftate. In a late cafe, rftho' United Sta's r the njon of t,he coart couhl jfo, a cormon thin? ig the gailt v( the criae-with-hich I M. f:ippofcJ i; force in the courts of ihe U. S, But pu thii fljeQuiii nfi-e; how much "fhall thry tevri Where ii the law bxutg.' useiy per tlitm al lowance There ia a jerttci chalm on the inljrft. "'' - Mr. E. rcrjeated that hi cpicion '"vst goyrn ; ed by the peculi'r circumll-inr's of the cafe ; Vyt ....... r -.-- r . ;hc ootitli.ia or the Jjer.a-e to 1 ictt in tne luo pc8 a, on wh -iTfide the wftneffeft was fum ron' ed, or to provide for mking a y reccr ty from tilt accufed ; or how'iQUch, and where the" reco- V.-rv fhou'd be hlide. . He crmfidered the WtU mff.s ftimmoned. owing to this omifilon, s be fing (vithout a remedy, from which reful ed the obligation ;rn-the-part-t t tne-gcwtcmepraau ihey nis the omifiion, to provide a remedy. . The gentleman from Maryland, in roticing the obfervatio'-s relative to the praftice' f Vig. ft a - j ' ted that if a fitmiar reciprocity ca tted ca im-T peachmcritBi n x tjftion to this .bll -in hole t ' or.in patt .woold be done w:y,: M. Er (aid. ' In htSvcpinfonv this obfeivaiion fortified the. -greand he hadjakti. If thcte were ro rect- L ptocity' in, this -cale, it was for wjat bfa;frotr." ral oriwifinn - Lt us then pjfs a law makinsr . this proufiort', and let it opertc in all fntoie ca- 1 1 his would x tquitaa e.' -cut tne wart , les. char-re i ucr aihiD? was not then dreamt of.'lof reciprocity, which aroft with themfev, r I . . " . . - .. ' . - . - -. IT i- - .1 f .T T . . - - ;l. ika ' . 1 was rogioucd, for.omtttng to rrske the otly. pro fi n for the wirmffes whtc.the t-faMtow " ed' .When at the laft-ftflin, in conf-.quace of the difsgreeing votes of the" two houtit, a -committee of confetenfeTha been appointed Mr E. faid heVcpilected. that a dillioguifhcd member of the other branch, now rbfent ia con frqueace cf an utifortunate acciitr.t took thii gtound .that the fubpoe-na did not dlfljnguifli . ; on which tide the : witntfies were furn-monelp . arid made a propofitiou that the bill fhoa'd He f modinej as to f,la the allowance made tf the witntffis cf the tfKol1$CDt7 , ! Pc'' ar ground. Th:s pic petition did not then i)h. tain, hut Mr.' Ewljr faid he .saa ftiU fqtakrJif t fuch a ecu r f-. H e hoperf the a trend ons the hon. ; Bpetkerw(a(d. trot pyeii, 'n wlm h, Ca.Ce he weyid more, by way ;p eaa-rr to U