THE ft Tr Jr a half idol. r a ir ir. Ptyablt half Yiarly. J PUBLISHED (weekly) BY WILLIAM BOYLAN. TW5 D&LU, flR A WN Payeh'.t in dunce. Vol. 10. RALEIGH, .) MONDAY; MARCH 1 7, 1 8o5. No: 518, CONGRESS. HOUSE Or REPRESENTATIVES. Monday, Feb. 24. Mr. J. Randolph obferved that fonte time Bad elapfed fince he pave ootiee that he fhould tall op his tefolution for anendiog the conftitu tion of the United states. The ftate of his health had not admitted of his taking his feat before this dsy. He, therefore, trailed himfelf of the firft opportunity tomotcihat the Houfc lhauld refoive itfelf into a commute! of tbe whole on the ftate ot the union, w'uli the view cf taking thai refolution into confidcration. Mr. Madera moved a poftponemrnt.- ' " The Speaker f.iid there coiid be no poflpne tncr.t of a iu'-Jeft referred to a commit tee of the whole on the ftate of.tlie union, as it was in onle r y day. to t ake up bufinefs fo referred. Mr. J. Randolph faid if gcntleoie-i were mi prepared, he had no objection to wave bis call uotil to taorrbw. The Speaker remarked that there could be no debae on the p'iority cf bufiuefs. , Mr. Conrad moved todifebarge the commit, tee of the wfittle fro.n further cmfideration of the refolution. lie faid he would briefly affign bi reafona for this motion. The feflion had progreffed, ami, the feafon wat faft approaching when every. nan of agricultural purfuits would be anxious to a'tend to them, unlefa detained by impo'taot builoef He did net believe the propoted amtodmcnt to the couftituticn fa iru Domflt. to reqiiwe immediate attcinion. - lie hoped, tr&icfcCS, ttjft .Jt wov.ld be, poilponed thing-, vrhich p3tTcd while we were fittieg in conclave. Hut 1 did hope when one or two.. member, who weie ' reprefented is .the only hindrances to the difpatck of hufinefs; were withdrawn from the Houfc for one or two week, every thieg would have Been completed. I expe&ed the adoption of very efficient mea furea towsrt's Great Britain. Iaftfad of this 1 find nothing done. And no, when an a mesdment to the copSittition ia brouj!u far ward, which is allored to be very important, and when the refolution of the rentlcman from" Pennfylvaoia is called ip, we are told bygen tlemm we cannot attend to thefe (uljcfls ; there is important hufinefs which we" expert lo have at foaie future day before us, and therefore we are determined in the interim to do nothing,- Oat word as to the remark of the gentlcmsi oa my left (Mr. Conrad. ) He belongs toaclafa of men which 1 highly refpect, for-the plain reafon, that I belong to it myfe'f. He fays the time is approaching wh-.-n rvrry man engaged in agricultural porftiits miifl be anxious to go home, and tlierifoji; he does notwifh at prefent to a& on the ftfyiution I have laid on your table. True; but when men, be they agn'cul. tural, mechanical, cr of any other profeffion,, undertake any bufinef, it is their duty to go through with it at every hazard." I do not know a man in the HouC who ha ftiflered more than the individual who now atldiefT.-s y u by hia attenJaapeJiere, and if I could have found an cprloy in my own miod, I Ihou'd long lince navs been. gone. Ir the irniuo:: of affairs', I fhnuld be wil ing to adjourn for two or tbee monrhs Bnt I never catvagree to arljouro fu the prrff at perilous Hate of affairs, and IcRve the ccttrv -to a'blind and cntil the next fefSwji and that the way wottldbrtmtooa deftiny. Ijmoft5rft,fce JomtAiaj. thereby be pavejjfor traDfadirg ilVe innp-vrtaot satienai duiiocis iaai cuinicu uicir timtn tention. TheSpeaker faid the Grft qncflion was on the IJowfe refoiving itfelf into a committee ot tbc 'whole. Tbe ejueflioo wts taken on this rootn, and cat ried Ayes 6l Mr- Gregg " was called to the chair of the committee. - The reftdntion having been-read ss falwfti" Rtfahtd. by the Senate and Houfe of Re pfemative8 of. thi.Uuiied States of America, in CoogrefsaSe.nbifd, two thirds of both Hoiifeit concurring, That he followinp: article be ftsb mitted to the legiflstures of the feveral ftatea, which, wben ratified and confirmed by che le. giflatures of three fnrtha of tbe faid flates, (hall be valid and biaditjg as a pstt of the conltiiuti on of the United States. The judges of the fupreme and all other courts ot" the United States fhall be removed from oiTiee by tl;e PreftdfPT," on the joint ed. drefs ot both Heufes of Congrefs requ;fliDg the fame. . The committee divided on agrering to it, without debate Ayes 51 -Noes 55. " he ommitiee then ro-, and reported thcir difagretment to the refoluiioc. 'ie houfc, hating agretd to coafider the re poit. - ' . . Mr J Randolph called for the taking" the Yeas and'Naysou the ejucftion of concurrence. Mr. Clark moved a poft'ponement of the coo peration of the report to the. 3d Monday of Match, merely with tbe view of rnaking it give place to more important hefinefj 'which, he faid', . mnl be attended to. He' faid he had vtjted againft the refolu;ion, not rxcaufe he inf ! micBl to the priuciple involved iu it. With a fmalt mo;:ifivatinn he fltoulJ be in favour of it ; . and he hoped the period wt Bot diflant, wheri -with fnch a modification, it would become a part, ot the conftitufioo. to dittatit " a day would not prevail. He wpa 2ii s tclf defiroos that it (hould be poflponed for a few daye, in order to give notice to the Houft,' that there might be a full vote Ort what he con fidered a noft important meafure. -He appear ed in this ini'ince, as ia many others, .to be irr a (late of profound error. The amendmeBt, or deterioration of the coriftitntioo, he had always coafidered to be a point of the, greatefl impor tance; But ndwj j'tdgtrg by the opioions of gentlemenr it fcemcd. to be of: lefler. importance thin the laying a dnty of one or two petefnt. to continue bnt fortwo or three year. - It has, faid Mr; R. beeo a fubjeft of extreme concern to rnr, though noTmyklf able to attend to the pluSlic bufinefs, to find, on enquhi&sr daily of roy colleagues,' that th: Hocff has retufed to dg anybunnef(i, te.caufe on a future day they ex prfted foDe. important buiTritfs to come before -them. - I caderttand that, a very important fe-: 'folmion of a gentleman froja Peonfylvania, oa a ' bufmefs fo generally dehoininated the Yazao,'aji . ; t. req uire no other came, vyas. podponed on the fi.-ne ground that my colleague. iTo wi(hesthe rtfolution under cn6defatioo poftpored. If there 16 fucl iinportantTbnfirtefi. to-' tranfaS,! m Gfd's ojme why notprr7gf it it l- But niot , wivhAaiding this icameofcly ilnportant bufnefv, whiih fcrves a an excafe' for dotog nothing', we make no progrtf in it, iFby it I am to an derfand the. ftate; of our freiro Relation! I have 00 wilh, nor da I intend to ailaie to tny KEeTland, fom? foothold, fomeihiug like-cefi-i tainty, . in (lead ;uf a political ihaoa, without form or body. Ecfote I confcit to go home, I mud fee fomcthinjr like s fafc and honourable iffae to our differences 'with foreign :owet and I muflrfec I hope enother thing fome. thing like an attempt to biing lite ouilhution of this pc.p'e back to the princi'cs ou which thia adminiffration came into power. I txkr this propofuio and that of the geiillemsn frotrr Maryland (MrrKictioiron ; To be tvoiroportaut meaa of bringing that adrr.i iiftrin back to thfe principltir My friend fr-am Virg'pia fay he Apefls at a fottirerperiod to oh'aio this re form I fear, if delay be permitted, that we (hall yet into the situation of another delibcrtr sffembly, 6f which every member rgren thai reform is nectffary, but that the ptffcnti'3 hot the accepted ttme. 1 am afraid that we are in this fuoation already I believe it, brcau e I fcr it. It is a nioft fortunate ciicumltance that we made hay while the fun fhone 1 that we got in the h;rve!l at the firft ftflion of the -ftvei'tb Conprefs; - that we did avray the-rntdnight ju diciary and!ernal taxes. If thole iofti u tions were new ftandiog, I believe they would be as iraprcgnablo as any part of the fKlrm around which gentlemen tfltft to rally. I be lieve it, bscauie I believe appointments would have t'b.ejr effefft. Yee, it is but "tdotriy that patriots in oppofjtion areas apt to become conr. tiers in power," as courtiers" in power are fond ot beCon?r,fr pitriots in oppofitioo. fo far then Tom wifhing to this meafnre, t lieve that deliy wiil only ferve to inhance (h" difficuhy of obtaining itf- It jaa maxim laid down by every man that has written ou national policy, that thofeabufe which are left untouch cd in the period of a revolution, aic faeriticed bj time, and remain as the neft ejjgs of future corruption, until they compel a nation, either to feep thmawfly. or to fiak beneath them. This withouti,any exception, is the hiftory of r11 cot nipt Ions and thjafejeowuption s and bvr time when the ilbufe (hall be fuller, when a decifha can be maJe.after mature tefieclioo. For troly ti jp the proviRon under the contliru ioo, can any man be lo mad r foolih as to th!rk of aain trying Jt I cooGder the deci fun iff tJie laft ftflioa &i having eftablifbed thii principle ;hit an ofSccr of the United States may ad in 3? corrupt a manner as he plcufes, with there bvinj any coDilitUtiocal ptovifion to rail liiti to &rcunt. Mr- Grrgjr. i feci but Kills concerned aa to the te of this mcuonT I am readv at any time : o kive m vote oa the refol.rtiou. no-v ftands, 1 Ih-ill vctt avaicit it, tat modintd', aa I havi f;:n iu the handa of a gentleman" from Virpinia, 1 fhall vote for it. But niy principal reafon for riling, fe to fay that ijreat part of th cVnfure call on the Houfe by the gentleman, from Virginia-, for not meeting the national bu ftflefa is proper and appiicable j and I regret that it i fo. Cut if the geatlemau itfleAs on thr fubj?t, he will acknowledge that a great partnfihe delay which has occurred attaches to himfelf. I f.,ur weckt ago fubraitted a refo. iution to the Honle 00 f 3ra points of difputc Hetvrein one of the belligerent cations and the U- Statee ; I wai anxious that it fhould be tsk en up, and promptly decided one way or other. The gentlenan from Virginia then callad for cenain ftntements from the tresfury which he i onfidcretl as hiving a bearing on the futjett. Unrkr thu impreilin the contlderation ot the rtio'iuion was deferred from dy to day $ and the :itements have not yet been received. I dated, at the timr that thefe ftatemcnts could hnf fto influence on ny vote ( but other gen. Jcrjen "faid they would influence theirs. -I re,, gret' that we bae not been able to go on with .ih-Ujh u&nf,--1 4wn-k tow- how twjlK e s re to Ijie kept in thia psUlyric ifate. If the gen tleirjtn, vhs has csiied fur thf fe 'Utceiits, r.nA o'xhit gepi!erpeiriil ?gree, I am prepared at oocr to go icto examination of th-.futjeft. Bnjag the gentleman from Virginia wa the fiiltro tjf-Hik the Houfe in this call, 1 hope he fill takes part of this cer.furs to hijnfelf. Ijlr. Sini'ia. I am funy the motion of poll orjimcnt haa been made I dj not kno any .Ahfuia? eis t icrthaathc pftf-nt-Wf-ihe-dif-qulljn of this feibject. It is a fuljeft of the liniSmportance to the ptsceand happinefsof the UnjteJ Sia'ec lj-n a fWtnd to n amend. lit to tbe cviilitt'iticn rclsiive'vuhe judicia: rv depanrpt-nt. - Whnh:r that effrted is the rcithat can be tnwfc; or whrt her it is going too Mr. LjRajolphhope.d:a pofl ponement-teriiefTrot rcfrrd at tbe firft feffiori of the feventh Ccngrcfj, what haa. become of them ? Have they been faflered trt fleep . If they have is ti not to beapp'rehended that they will fife : reT frefhsd frm their lumbers wth gtgnntie ftrengthi Fortunate it was tfut at the fi ft fcffion of the fcvsnt.h Congrefs tbe inidnighto diciary and he internal taxet were done away ; and it would likewife have been fortunate, if another roeafnre had been attcoded to at the fatpe ttme. . . It would have been, in roy firm perfnafton vf ry differrnt in its. ifTue froth that - whiclTit has been. If the great culptit,wh6fe judicial crimes or incapacity had called Tor le. gifiative punifhmeat'undr. the confljiutioo, and" which have given rife to the motion no bffore us, hid been accufe4 at the,firrt leflion of the fivtnth Congrefs, that accufatlon would have had ayery different iiTue. And why ? -necaufe it is peTTcftly imrnaterial what a man's erimcJ ate. Every 4y'ht elapfes bet wee n their comV wHTch fide juflice inclinjf miffiorii"- and the timeThe is called to' anf(ver;1 taefc ought to be fomcric leuena tbe detenattoo aad horror felt for theoi, and, of courfe, erha".ccs the Vulue ofhi etar'nee of an efcape frfjm ptJnitb-nent.' I rh perfuad : ed thst itjie, remarks" I; have offered .1 have been httrried into fome oblervationa thatvio not ftriftly bcloojr; to it. . ,.Yet jhefc remarks 1 fur rurfh found eafotTrfr not deferring the; pro- pontion unit irre umc jno.vca oy my colleague. I hope, therefore, ' the houfe will reject the poiti'O.icraeor till the 3J ,Mcaday ofAJarch, and tuta'poSpooaci;i will take pface to oine far I cannot iJecenriTe u-ritil the fubject fhalf hae been jn-Uiijafd in this Houfe, Fcr my par:, I am f.j fei-fiblethct that part of the con itt't itioo wlich relates to the power of impeach ttic it is a nullity, that 1 fee the ntmoft rtfccffay frian ammdrrenr. From what we, have fceij, I do religioufly btlievc that we cannot corviiit an man on an impeachment." The. refolution beaSre yyu, goes to place the jtidpfi of the U States on-' the fame independent foifinp- wiih ry thfMe of Great Britain. our fituation requires that they fhould ftaod upon higher ground is a proper fubjeA for difcuiiiin. - i am rather inclined to think hey ought not. It is contended, it is true, that as they have, ac cording to the cpiniorssof fome geoilrraeo, the rigbtvof fitting in judgment on our laws, they j o.ight fibt placed peyond the reach of a msjo- 1::.. -f O lr '-'PL?, t.-'a a rnj ui yuwgrcn. - aiiiijdjcci muit, at one time or other, bit confi Jeref, and fome amend" went in the tonftitution muft take place. When the delays and various vexctions, attendant on n iaipeachment, are confidered, it will be evi dent that they will generally difcotuae the Hoafe from taking tbtVftep, and when it is likewife confidered that a conviftion can orly taketpliice on the vote, of two thirds of the Sc.. stelergetffTnmeTrjay w hether there is any" chance of making the cn!tittional -provifion effeclual. I defpair of tt With regard to thr articulartflodicaiioo, jwhich tnsy be given tp this refolution, that is another thing. 1 fin eerely wifh the Hcfe would talce it up, and confider it without any great delay," ' Mr. Clatk, I hope ray colleague will lo.ue the juflice tqjbelieve that ! have dot made this lottoo from holt ilit y to hia refolution. With modification, I am decidedly for it. I. allure biro it did not require the remarks, lie las made to day, to fiiew the infufSciency'oi: the prefent fy ftem. Of that I bad fatisfaaory jfooT the laft year. - But I doubt whether the Kfolution, iifita prefent ftate, is correct. I do hope, that my colleague wiil gire it a little more cinfiderat ion, and I ajTure bim I fhall be happy t barmonite with' him. Ir,. the decrfion by a lrnere majority, ihe.lcalej of tntce ire fo near an rQu,'libium, that it iiia6nbtful - often' to Hnhirefote thick modiScation of the prin ciple contained the refoi't!io. But I prin. cipallrwi ftefhe pt?it p(,ne.inaaria pre vail, t hat tpe Hotff'may arCon refoltition? whicil I c6n- ceieall important to thewhole country, Sc.par-' ttcalarly fo ta that.'psr'ttthelcorti'arfn'ttjr fepjre roy colleague and rnyfelf. Every ly dthyjncreafes the difSculty and urges on theTruiru tht inenactf them. " It is well known thathere' ia not' the beft karrnony be tween the merchant nJ 'aoters. It is at all time the iatfre.'i of tb5 f- Ciet t?. buy produce as cheap as they can, and never was there afcetV 1 ter fcheme for fpecuUtton to thetn than that , fornSfhed by the refolutioos on or tab'e. How! eafy is it for tbeno to crRioce the planter tbaf therewillbc a fupprrflioh of intctcpurfe, and"' that his produce will' foon be worth cothing. ' Thefe are ihetffcds that I wifb to prevent.r My colleague will-do me thejrrftjce tn believe5 that I hive had no hand in the procraftieatiatu:': 1 have offered no prrjeS. vVitb- regard txthe propofed arEeo'ln,eot to the conditution, I re peat it, I am in favous of i( wjth, a fmall motli lication. Nor do: I wifb it peftpontd for any gieat length of time. I hare no jdea of leaving j thst to be'doae by our children, which we o ;;hc to do outfe!es. . But'lct us in ihe firft, procee-l to ihejnoft. irrportant brfsnefal Let - not my colleague antltoulc gentlemen to fay that to prevent ao attention to it, he inte rj ofi-d hi favourite fcheme. I have another reafuii for this poftpnement. There is oo occafion for ' acting on an amendment tn (he conllitution in i ftantaneoufly. Moll of the ftate legiflaturea, before whooi it mull be carried, heroic it is a part of the conllitution, have broken up and 1 will not meet again fill the fall. If, therefore, . an amendment be paffidat any time during the fcffion, it willucfwer. Mr. Maftera rnove,d a poftpomeat of the te ' folotion indefinitely, for which Jieconcifely af figned his rcafont ; but which from his pofitioa e were unable to hear. - , . ' Mr. Bedinger called for the Yeas and Naya ' on this motion Mr. Fiudley faid he w-i again ft the indefinite poftponemcnt of the fnl j-cl, thotigh in favour cfita being' pf flponed a ihort time. He tbo'c ifwaa a fubject which ought to be fully invefti- ; 1 stfd.He was decidedly in favour f the ob ject of ibe refolurion, but rn a cirterent form. Mr, Conrad ws in favour cf the io'lennite poftponerrvent of the refolution. He did not think the fnlje'cl ought to be a6rd upon this feffjon. Kewastsot tH'friendlvtotbeprincipIe't but he never could coHfent tlat a bare majority cf Congrefs fhculd have the power to remove a judge. If the amendment wrrefo framed as to give thePrtfidenc a difcreiionry power, to re move a judge r?n the addrele of a insjority of the two HenUs, and to rnak? the removal impera tive on the rote of two thirds, he might bt for it. At anyrJtehe thought it beft to pofipose the fubjtft nntil the next Itffion. Mr. J. Randolph, kam perfeclly rnnvinc ed of the correCtnefs and purity f the motives of rry colleague on all objects, arid wherever I differ from him in opinion 1 always conftdrr ic "' a misfortune. But I have piincipally tifen to plead guilty to tl. charge cf Htbe geotltman from Pennfylvan-ia, whieh is, that f would, net afl on his notion without ny information on ir. I conf-.-fs the fsft: The'e is, however, one circnmflance, that, ftrike 8 my inind rsof fore force. .-What i here to prtvent our dtfeofng " the Lufi ..('.; rcw before u', or any oih.r bi. . finefs,: a td whfn there fliall be cccafiort to take op bitfi.icfs of greater national impor tance, dilpenfing wijb fliat which may be rwfure nt. I aflc whether, if we had taken up this re folution, or that of the gentleman from - Peno fylvanfa, v-; fhould not have had ample ine fjr difcuffion before the information ctlled for fhall 1 be received fro-n the Secretary of the Tresfury ; and if we have not the right at any time, to . make lefs important give way to more impor-. tant bufihefs i Is not this jibe cosirfe which e- -very man purfues in the managerrent of hi pri. 1 vate affairs ? Are wc to fit here, without re ceiving informatioa from the Secretary of the Tresfury, dStog nothing ? - 1 stn as arxirws a? any man, for a dscifion of the tjueftion implicat ed in feveral of tbe refolutioos hid 00 cur cahlexl. and for a goodnreafonrlylebacco is unfold, . I feel the full force of "the obfeva tions of myv colleague, . I know that thefe rcfoiuvions Jiave '.' already, giverh rtfis to much oefarious fpecula- J tion. When I ca'lcd for information, I had no idea of the trme it would take to get it ; and ' had I be so ecprized of it, I do not know wjie ther I fhoojd not have preferred a&ing ia the dark to waiting for iti ' - ' - There is another reafon why I wifh thia " bu- -finefa fJarnndmeBt to the Conlfitutiooj tsken J np this f tjon. Vhn I offered this refolutM"! 00 the laft fcfJGon, it was faid to be too near the clofe of the' fefliSn to ic -thia was i acknowledged. But it was faid, print it and L let it gf abroad. -This has been , done. Biit thefearin for which I wim it acted upon thia?3 feffba ia, that the ele&ions interveae bet weefl' this. and tbe next fefiion, Gentleraeu may fay whAt they pleafc of the priuciple of quandi Im -ftgffi'itt but I believe, if thi inetnberi of th's Houfe held their (eats for feven years, their cot duel would not be the fame as it is aider the prefent tenure. I wifh to. recur to that rood old principle that fends the re prefeatative back' to render an account of his'adtions to nis coin, flituent. After the next electfba gcntlernel will obtain a credit for two' yearj 1 more. of goav behavior. I believe my fiiead from Virgini, will allow this to be a good reafon agaici ' poftpopement But I arrt told th'a smendr.ent comes fe Ward h a very queftionapie fhspej thatiaJer it ia no arneridmeot t the CoAitution, r. Bf . (C'jricbdtJ tri last page.) 01 ji si

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