ntil tit coaeHiflon of tht peict. He t'tarwiraV returned to England, - but GnJIy en .i -ned . America, and purch.fd m-taie i.. V.rinu.' On the rupture te A ecu liis ca-trj. a-' ritain, he w cai t,tkc jj , H E - M J rUHLISUKD (H i.vKLy) BY.W-H.TJA&r..?: Vol. il. ii A LEI GH, (W. C. MONDAY, APiill. 2 l 524- ' iprteliaref -- -I J lev. ' Jl.' 5 CONGRESS. HOVSK Of KEPJirSENTATIVES. DEBATE, On Mr. Gregg's Resolution. " Ml. J. RABOf rriecjiid S.jeecli, (Continued.) 4 gentleman fron Peonfylvaoia has to'd us that G-eat Britaio is our commercial rival. Uut !oc3 not the gentleman knoathat the very -' term ioaplics a correlative. That ir the is your souirneicial rival, ytu are her, commercial rival lfo. JVtiii is thvery view -that I have been endeavouring tatake of the fubjeift, to imprefs on the committee to warn the nail n agiinft being drawn into a war of commercial livajfhip. Gir,. when mn fall out about women they are cot apt to call in fome learned doftwt to decide the difpute -they yield to feeling or inftinft jultf with nations, commercial natiojs efpeci. ally differing on intereit, which ii their intlincV And would gentlemen wifh to excite this young naiion. as yet in the griftle, to a foreign conteit viih G. Britain, in the fall ftrtngtb of man hood i I fpeak of foreign war. The : will and ability to defend onrfdve is one thng, toacl jocb miletf cji.'anochcr. They may rely as ' much as rhey pleafc upon the French emptor's waking a fcparate peace with the continent, : to the exclufion of Great Rj-itaiot- If (he puts . out her ftrengtb, you will fsel it. Tin' propo r fition wilf fubjea herto all the evil tf n Ame rican war without oy of the cqneomiient ad- ' vnntagei. Ao'd can yon expeft a tame acqai I -ffceoce on her part ? . If her minifler be not ' JbalUrd j if he has one ' drop of the blo J of tChatham in his viens be will die conteodin for Jf- the liberties of bis country fooner than farren ; ier her icdepe!vieor He will do ft. No, fir, tjf whatever I may think of the vices and corfop tions of the ovornmeot of that country, IMn" ppland h:r iof:l!if:iice and fpirit, muft admit e her ability, vii'djm and ttrentb., - But tnothtr grntkmao fioirt Pennfylvania Hit. o.UUie ant 4i ii ih noi iAuiiniiniy nidi a msn, whom be alio wi to pofft fti common feofe, wbom he reprefents fi tinbling at the powti of Great BriHin, flionld be making calculati ons the future per of France, iufL-aJ of guard ing; aaintVtheiaiasrdiate daogcrJjit j'Vaoce may become a naval priwri Greet B tit tin near can be a militiry 'o'n. I aflc any prafli. raiinao if the day ca.i ever trriye w!ien Gieai Critaio wiH b; ahk to" thriaten the fafety of the rontifieM of-EJurop: pr Ameiica, oi didate to fhhir of tljem. Is it enr fault that the gentle: mi cannot, or ill nit fee this, becaufc (aibe tell vou) fools and mnlrrc ncah nevor be brot tobelievV tlial ti e fpiiit of GodJiith prfUjcl them by.'and-enlih'ened the iindciftaniings oYothef imern. ' But to fhew that thi ii not yv caufe of v-ti' we are referred to the time of the ftam'p aifiv n.l th' roi irop irratin. agtee.ner.t t:f .1774, which did nnt fit feem) produee iritTiedutt l It Jihift aav aualojif-ioctween the --two- We then foimed one nation. A man 1 -'hf dtfliny of '.he G'ttk cmj.,irf Ij7-! en ibm g ei ? Would not the pocr I. tve paffed. ibto the ban'U of Time Soiynran or rfn:n. tbetetror ol the n'viliied world ? Shall we abii.;on praei tice for tbf.-.i y ' - - In fome itleds we are fuuaied a th fa- rtfT-irs of Ali itiJer were plrced io rrUtnn i Koineand Carthage. U.re ii:-n iion reaubli'", or call it what you will, lb-it thteai ens t he liber tics of tian'kind : The government above a!l others, iu Europe, to which our own is not hateful and obnoxious. This ia beyond dilput. Does it beconie ti to facilitate itj c'ifijns? 1 do not enquiie nf o wotivej, nor will that go ieromtnt -care ?.bo:t thtm. If you give it faci lities to t.Tvtt its purpofes, tbofc purpofes are obtained fo far as depends on yon. Isthnwife, is it proper, is jt iijht Am lafiied Lit my plan ? If I meant to aft efficiently, I would have begun with an eir.osro -I would now rfo1 what w.is done before I would treat with G Britain, cod for the vet y reafon that I wojfd not have treated with her, in the year 174. ; for the fame tealoi that h? .ciitLifan', whufe rclolution is now uti.lv difcuiB-n, th-n treated with her, I wowk! tor. : 11 )vr, he i for war, 1 am for ofgociation. and peac And why? . Becaufe the Hate of i.3'i ns bai Hnce wodcione a momet.tou" change : difaProui changes iodectl hteieen effeled i t'le fare of things. Ve often htaf of tliahef-a ai l corrttptioes of the Britilh government 5 whil't theciinfineotal defi potifms pafij unno'ced and unregarded. Let ui beware cf introducing fuch abufjj into our own -Ve have no farther concern with theta. Dj gentlemei think worfc otthe charadtcrand motivrsof William Pitt than of Robefpierre, and yet, inrtttfler u he -was, Rube fplerre that cannibal of hi town country men, was in bis day the f.ie btiiwa'k of tb huma'i nee. And what t-: r I ? i t- i!i -tivet,. cr rol fn trn. G.. Bihin v.hcn 1 itaj1. Coropated with othes, they have i'moX oo-Jifug to complain of. I)id asthat (?.fc is. itisa moiipd 1 1, leaf rxcpti'Vc'abV iVfUncrVi-f tiif rrviti'. in v nr .riniltry at I'wis.- It is true M'-k-ifj 4 -GnfTi.h's claim cut down'.' I be. -ow i rnt ctherwitr-f it was !f rt d ) 4 r Ji ilir.nit ' a '.iwti all 1I1? di3;o ol' chicaiicit utvn it. v. ii! leave it ih 1 them, leave' V 71 A KCfl 8. Mr. Pivrt r.. T tic iTu-i) wt ie tberef .- I hey a'e uh. r:lianrF .Me to cte ttn '),!. It .uj Lifn I.cji'' jv-r t rr t. 1 t.c ! fif.v nair t it tr a'.t! 1)13 I lif:? Tii re ate liumlrcd'8 of no li nds txadt y i i t'iC place tf Ff jnce t welv yors Take lur-Lavy out nt the tray to. norrw, and where are joti? Tie fect-tary of the'navy ha indeed ripoVtr i that the Chefa. peake fa fit for fcrvlce, and that, the Condi to tioa it ioa (late of thoroti't r-j-tiir, but would the real Cbefafec.lt, the biy, be tit for uTe in that cafe, ani what would he 'he npeii'iion or tt:e actual conHtii:i ot the U. h r air,-1 am oppofed' to a Fre 1." h wr an well .as to 1 . 1. 1 csu'-t e;:i ;.!! than u is. The cU'm intend ed t'. be ptovub -! f' .r aie fet af.de 'Why ? Be. 'tuft-ivven me.it bar been trpicffti'1 1 abroad by uofii difh ot b aij'erfts. Have t'iify btei c.i'itd to account f ,-r their cond ct ? Three n;iilir.s iVve 1 biinduJ i(id tifty thuufand dol. lrs rtipuJated t ) be paid, to bona fide- Ameri can cit.zMii .( .re have they gone ? Into the pocket:)', f r-r f;'lr!or nd the bureaux of Pan'j V'e, t'i :u .tM ,i'i neutral character have di vided the (; il :'th the harpies of the French bureau. Y u 1; are il.cy, in wbofe favour the biilibuv? b vi diawa ou the treafurr of the V. ia:ce, j il- ir own miniver. Take the rjfe of the Pi mi Their was do queftion, irib:fJ a to her bei;,;r merican. propertybt (lis M captured Jtrtranit hello (when wc were takui? th? I'jlurrotc and (tcrceau) Ihe w? therefor ood ptie, and condemned accord, iiigly. V.'t the decifin of the infeiior ciurt wis revciM by the council of pritei, th ii cafebtoMg!it wilbio the convention co the ci ciuSoo no doubt oflmm' fi 'e rlai'iu tor r.c(rul ' America) property .'ac'u --i atid c ) ieinne !,. and for. which the criv-mivMi was ii.te . !. .1 t(j ptovid?. v.This it a l.tt im of th m .'c f d ibj'bufinffj'if Pairs. If ntlem ' -''. v,n the fubjii't. I t them ..: - tt c f-ra--djte, f.jf the c.r:cfj-t:.Jeore-of i'i ci.naiit'l . fisl Let tb-na c fir Jihn ..-rrrrr,c of. ti:of c iii.uilii ier, 1 nirj j;(eti't to b y i;i p. .if,: or t.;'. .:tj ; in p ..'lit f'f cTi-irr ti tune, Put b.rn o.tbe bar and ttamt'ne b'i; Paiu.'.il as it is t' n', I mu;t dren 1 hit p'-'bi ciiii .-.!.! tnl; otti tree J llil? bo k-- hit dot 5..:' far .' 0.). n T Tba the ! 1 v 'ft and ar(ri.f the u?tr M-ibiile ihli fo. w ).'.' t ttlclif I I rottifht in tr.e kill ml'.. 'f. 'I in cu'ivr bai i .farmed ua, thr we badyuicb fed fnttn Truce ui far av the P;n!idj to the I VV" lev!.itd rpou it. VVSicrttfr ban: 3 -t, your difp'itfs with "pin From Pentifac Ia r St. Anu tme ? N'o-7-from the vtjry country which the rirute b mk favs is youre in your owri c.o!hrt'fi dilricl are Spanifli du'iei eaf t--ed and p4i.!, -ff o.it v,it v'riy f'tiartrr inctirfiotis , l.jve ber.i nta ticmeii bcliv t, r cai-. s V ' ' t bat 'f:Vrd this oroalioti $..tnay m!e n.greit facrifice to prrferve Ivis friend, lbut whrn ha hai bitdiim, be will (a hm'bven '1 4W t J-da y .) J2 ilenfi ttOASjdL a sjdiejtrt t ir efte 'jar. 'Fbe other inrtaweea ore equally dfe6tivc ao I inapplic.ble. You may as we'Fgo back to th' fl-H,"1.. The fame rentlcmao enq.iiree, are Ir.v cu iodcid fo peaceable towards Fng.,nd, who ( ; hits tramjd t!' o-pon. you,- aid ho!itie to Frav.ce yen no liThiry Wbeiefore f alioti I mu1! repeat the old proverb, u the Riil hogh..t diinks t he fwij), , 'ie tindB "tj-oav'ekilt to rn k? a hi i fc.rrh!cJl -d j 0 g Jrot ff, iVcar ci o t'f -?p on. Ti-$entieiii.nji rrq ures bow ic-i ' Great lWtr'ii b..s nftrd u;jOD theffi piitar. biop;r p-iictp'ea ; tlii'Ji gtnerous benev j jcut no'fvy tfciibeJ to f er. -liut if any man fo VkLeak, or f wicked 3 to pretend, that there is lj aav p"rci; I; of action b?t wen nations excent Vifithr'1 r vive: t-.-ft n.rsia trie power, ai.J . . ... - ' "-fb.i, in jrn'iw piav the Mine parfr 'l.vivCnt -the' phijt'nthrpptlU, but-politicians ; not L i f Cl -J'iT.er 5 ?.i'U iooi ny C' , uut uicii in fi.ia atiu I ;Kl ! , . - 'T-: f.Ue tnT.il of a f-nie ofbitp in iVsv-4t4o-Eacfi"purfaea its fejfe of in'erctl, '.i' 8p.r. f yo'.l ci'cu'a.e on .their acling upon any i l..':ihrr rgirt.C. i ) e, y oir m; y b: v;ry.araiahlc , ' b u t ' . rl hi aTii cast - do to annoy 09."' We nff er;,t thU .! motnrnt tiore than any -ot tier -nation ot vne nrl j; r canie" lb e Tirom m a 9 -1 tie nee a ttl. fc e -fole' rW-t.iurii of cDinmi'picBtion bet wrei. U3. But draw her off'fiom thai tletntnt, jjd France is 6t ltfs omnijjottnt up-n it. She ts a great r.iiiira.r po-er, and. it is becaufe Britain is not, Chiwi .e inch a pdwr, that it is imtnditic tr rr. nr;dcNvrV ( to war when ycu will, rffiviV'Tlhf'.'y'' FrarrryT'U will niily put r.jl. oy' cjm h4nt"ig rt, tne c.anger yi,u I w.(:i!,I treat witb'Eillatvd for ar.otbtr reafoa, , X lh we had hoi a commer cial tr-aty with any tut 1 in whatever. lam pfjpofed to thrm ot f t ncip'c : butthe principle fa-alrcEdy A;tt!d, vVe biive them. By vour treEties with her enemies Tour hands' are tied up from taking againfl them, any i'uchmeafure as the ore prapofri 7 'thn are t be admitted on the terms of the moil favo irrd utin Thi is iirobaolv one of tic. p; isc'p'dl caulra of diluli lp,Et)flaadl Ag u'ti, i f:ade aa-oiler to repeal her difcrimi'iating duties, if you would do fo too ; to trade with us upon even terinj. ' Fv mercantile .clamour you we e detttrcl fr.m meeting her half way : morrv.-r,, yon b--rve J h1. ai U-tuun ape lion : fuieri rr, rvi'7 treaties wit ft lierv aler the f had ; cUp,ed a padlo c 'wp: Tiii been Jik'ned by; your owaJinintlltr you btd the Nhr to o I Hut can .you-be. lurp'rifcd under fuch cia"unifl:,ncr8 that-a haugh ty comitercul rival has been irritated After to".r obUtion to Fiarce, vbocanoot fecetve a ! i t'.- 0; t I . htatr. I) ir n llritaiu wh: I No d u t J wiltuily d . - i Wil l .1 1 lVile pou.id r.f fugr, or ctiffee, bui under co vcr of your fiaB", who aa dependent tipoo you for f rviceu, which fhe cariuct retide? bed't'f, who 'itjtvt your livs! in coa.me.' e, v. bat can you f jt--peit from a jalH compcii'rr io trade who rtar.ds not ipLneed of your navigationw hofe evety advance to,nrd a good underSarrlir'g hns reeeived a mfirtifyirg rtpnb'e ? Sir, you bsve. a' tliid taomirit'a gocutioo pscdiiig.wuh.'G ijri' aiti. You hive no caufe to defpair ot its fuocefs ; tif.oihcr-.vife. The plain .qurflLfon if, will yi o Hf ait its ifTiie, or will jou. penJetr-fitrri nrecioitate yotitfelf into a menTuir, whicb inutt 'j put all nrgociation afide, which mur eveni'uate ia war. " jfyoi wtnt war, there is DO doubt of a firnilar project being ftnted mi this floor, that yo-i may iia-v; it. Great Britain wi'l not G- Briuia will Ice, then, wh&t has beeti Viit to'ail the tardfliips.and n ifce.Vr f war, I y4frcliag-toward Spnin. Mhe-wilayT r: ? v. Vr- vw;mU guard -agaitrH. Vua l.ui clap 'a tor f uef y j'tr rb-jliiiu; . " . .-'' "!,' fame gfatlrman tt!!f you that tie gigan- r of prance. bar g oa thi brittle 4ife pt, But do vou believe n ? Are 'h'erStife vf-u che'fr to call ft peace, till c v. ill plr open .war to war in difgai:e,; and I, fir, hn"vs no befirauoo in faying thatT tm for no buif jTieifurss. . Bein that fyttem when you ei'I. , w?r, or difg;rice . mu't grow oufr.f it. I 3r, far reMher. The geiukman iodtcd fiy&that t bis, b i ch . ha 3 been ; de iiftu ike d s a:"wr me a -fure, ii a mesfat e of "'peacet, Let U3.have no fnoteiw ;ar8 T be feeei you, firno half t alurfsrrionrermerTaiKaKer put tpen arr -or peace : I abhor this political qirarkery. Give us iVs.r, or riegociation if yon refort to the one, let. us abandon the d h r. But we are allied if.A'taencaovirttii'will fo far degrade and' debafe i fvlf aVtoftre.t .with the old ad coi rupt. :KOverrmeit of England. There is a plain au piinAilioa'are warranted ry' the onduc of our own aienta. - L.Oot; to toe msDagerutu pr.tne- e thadon'entioa' f Paris, of the J Oth April, i8j.- t :c n:lv:C . ar ilUit'j 'fch - miStaty. dtfpotilm hanga on't-Yoti have aI fern the. cak of-theewJeriCy, -'i.rofe iati1f II .Wrjl!. lad .been N?ciHn le.CriffitWV Ih.p. It Uncreated .gfr: '' Ui tV w.TTivf Cxiiiaoiiuorle, wouii I'Uewl Itilttwo. what is the fd.- tliat this f-a ill be loft on G. Bat e are af!;e 1 (by ir. Pinilie ) j ? i with ditTeituccs btwn v.i Vh: rie-br hi fhe to in'.:f'ie, to e'inte,: - vc. ioLiitw, f.xtu co;fci'us rf v.iiat Las frifT J.i'i tint quarter ? ' Is this in- tiVn I Becaufe ?v-u have your own mouths and' 1 m;r eves, do voU f iwft to hood. -r"d a Ivtifary i 'Pis in vain to e rpef; t!.;:t :iy vatioa in Ler intcrcmufc with ye.u, u I be blinci to v.Mir roiritiii towards otbfrs. Great Biitaio mit' jliitt I er ry , and TITfe oi thitii'.s me- d'ti too, n t to ii'TTfTra-rd bete at leiit iW.gatively fptaking. H A 1 ' t nn -w iw.-r (vi luve taken iim ira'joonc- attt n 1e .'toirct .'J'j.'afn, '"dore uqthing to Hu'itgtbe.i inc. rV 1 r ' i ! 0011: bet n tfD.ii'C"?- 'unoe no a.jU'toi vcur nav.l or. fiii!i: i7 JeU Tvii lb ,1 tir- V Jialu quo ,:;.!. Lcc-ie il.e uuis nav; r. et (i.ut, can k;opJc he bir.'Y,''' to teiivve tbar:"bae- raiit'd ?rn:i.j.,ii! t cfirced ite 1.1 .ontla Fnfver hc;... f. -1 1 .'jJ i' t t.f o(,e iiny ino vr r and Mr 'ChafrTiin, T rme iot ith 'an iiiteution rr,t"; totrc tible you v i h pi v obfcrvaiina n the in tt n Ring fubjeiS wl n h has been feveral day uoder ton fi delation ; and 1 do tot oow intend j to eDter iiit-j a dift uTicu of the particular me. tare ptf'p'iltd 11 tb; rrir luitcti on your table. -Bat the (b-bate I1a8.lak.tn fuel, a couife, that X ' aoi induced to reqaelt yu' attention, a few mi nutts, to the extraordinary view, wbftk. bat be?n exhibited of our uifpute with Great litir tain. . A gentlesian ficm Georgia (Mr. FJat'y) yet. 1 tcrday-tt5jd.ua that a- grreial hnn bad indeed pervaded the nation, refpeclirg our rclatioci , with (J. Eritaio ; but it had been excited by i?:;;rrrct view of the ttite of the difpute, Rd ; hen the i IjtH flrould be fairly explained and n's-!nly ui.Jeiliood, the. alarm would futGde. 1 lie added, that the carrying Ittde, out of which ' oar d.lTeieticcs have -grown, is of little value and ' not worlby of national protection. The fa" 1 opinion, in fubtlance, wss eiprelTed, 00 a for," ! mtr day, by a Eentleroan fiom Virgit;ia, (Mr. J J. Randolph) and you have juft heard it repeal, t ed by the gentleman from S jCarolina, (Mr. D, R. YVilliams.y wholft a IdrrfTed you. , I a I agree-with thefe renfleiMea, fhit, in crdef I to de.ci p.n.e what legiflaiive mesfurea, if any. aie neeefiaiy to be adopted, it. is important, in thf,?'' pl'ff to undffftand the true nature aud extcot ottbe chnlrovcrfy befwrtn the w g-;!; yVraeut.;aiid. al tbrfr ur.driftandir.g of it "!l s 1 ry diT.-rent frojn wii.e, I beg the cuinmit. .! tec ro accoinpcy me in a contife review of it. . , The injuries complained of are all on one fr isj, "il ate entiiely wiibAut rovecation. G lis " bit no car.f: of ccmpb.ii.t agaii.ft us. Our go- i veiumri.t has coi duci .d in iutb a manner, as tol give l.i oo'occjfion for tfTence. ; I f '.HfnB, on our part, relative to two clafTi if ju i-s, the .iaiprcH'ioent of our feamena fc- tbe lei1 :-'re "a"d cot dfn.cati jr) of tur veflVls en- s .'?;:d iu a neutral tra'le. The acli, thins cora. pia;' J.l'af a t injiirie;8, are undeniable f.cis. It, ii icrtaio that G-.' Britain, does imprefs our citi- ' .ee and r oinsrel .he m to feive en board her ' flrips of war ; an.dAbi&t the docs tifo ft.xefcni. c'oiidtfcfi TvtiTcTj 'llft'A;t:ig to ciiiz-euVof Ttre IT. T otatts anJ tleir cargo, a f ci:'g the bona fice pro petty of Arnetican cit;z?r; ot,coiitrahs.rd ot war, a fd mi 1 rocridiuV to places befi"ccd oP I blotkdrd ; urJtr thv-prtteat of their being eo- ' n.e of t.'ar, in a tiadevmh b.?reae. 'j vsr-.r auowroao -time ft peate. ' Agii-r! rhrfeirijuiic'sj, our exccuHve, through, v she proper i-riran rf i tgociaiioHfias offend' T 1 uprated ;em mllrat.. tt, ai 4 anade f drte'rhiineil"'" ' Itad, ia bths f of the U. the twi t it at po'Viii in difp'ite. Tney' were. in gtoeral terms corimunicatcd to us io the Prin- vrt't ii i"fl.'ge t. the cornuif ncement'pf thefel ' '.' iion, ard more pa'tiep!!")' ju b's fubfequent "! metif e of the 1 th c! jiuary, to whjcti.l beg.--leave io itcad r'.e tf"':t'' n of the'ecnondttee. , It is in theff 'worf't tr. rr y n iffige to both Houfet cf Coi c re's, a? the rpcolug of their pre j fe 0 t.fft.Tn, 1 t-.b.v.ilttd to tbeir .ttet?' ion,!. . raovg oiucr (id j. Ctr, if e r pprtfTi in ot cur com- rrerte and- rjavi?,.irvi by tl r ir!e?i)'.r prafti. tV of a. tt td wfitls,. pulti? and pi-ivte. and"i;y.tbe - introduction cf r.ew 1 M i 'plrvdtrogatr.ry to the r. ' 'f ne'i'rt'r, t-irl uwrkro!ei'gd by the iHi'5i" ..iti.M.sfc .'I b- nie,ao;ia!s of lVveicl bodies 't "ci'.-rcba: ts . i thrU. States are tin -'' conirruniicau J, and :"H dte r pe . tbefr prii ei. I pit's at) J faeticed,.vi bljirt p'otiucnr t be i '. v t - 1 i nr f r gagrtt, m t luict, wbicl thajwas levtfd by the bf-eti ii'j Mr. 13j)Stor the frwce.of the ft-ige, and not cf the ftatc -and frorrrfoTe dmmatic fttctv.netis, -which I have lately feen,'v I fliould not be fupiifed to hear IhallT fufftr mvfrlf to be brow. beatefi by a n.a lion, clamouring for the right of highway, that f has.not fpitit enough to defend her own tfom). ' cil i If A afta like apo'tron towards B who has committed a grofa outiae uponvhim; atrd fiia'.l bav aj"ubfettuent toStroverfy with C fh.li he-pretend to biilly him, and eipccb-C-roiio call tooitnd Lt'ii cowardly brl.Hviou'r with. B'atid treat bitn Tccordinly ? Que fore;gn riBliua Wiibws influepcedwtil'i governed in heta- . cerftt with you by youGcotctfiiotis to another, and. jt. il the idlct thing fte wotld to ex pect tbst your trcftirent by o'fte government w'iil not have aaetTeit otr the deportmett of . -olters tpwardtvoS. -. " ,Ooc word mere, fir, before I conchidt.' fweTotbis.Yoir bave a treatrwjth ber tlowr4GeBt5em with " evict. y gcverpment, I- hel e re, tlrat wou!r roakeewjthyoH. But whild we Hoal ofour virtue, let us Jjeware that oTTrwn fimiire oot call in! our teeth. J.et us (ViSihw far thefe mere aniltritv (much lefs at fecood hand) will do for us. They aauft fhew us font ething. bet. ter before we fwollow thtir refolutioo. Tit an" iofirnTity, fir, of my nature that I carinotyjcld tp the impofingjmind Xtf great namei ; they 0 ver did and they never (hall put me to filcncr, pr drive rae from my purpoTe. -1 an spprixed of the fecre ;dnuriciations which are on foot, 'and I defjife them. - Ther iha.lt never affa mc. I umz iato public lift with' thefe ptiaci- i ruinoj t rCcvii ou t u; UvUul commerce and nc gjnit or,. -; . . f .' TbVight of a nrufa! to carry on cnr"fr. -cial iS.crfcTjri?vjrith every part of the dmnini-'' ooa, tf a, bei!i;re'i nt, p muttcd by the I.iws rf' the C'jUct'y (w ish the excpUon of 'block nu ports and coiiltab.md of wafi wf believe. to tit fay-,- have been ' ud ,d btl werfrGrBrrtaio acd l- , U. States, by ttre fe creoce , of v their Cr.pfli ? others m,j"iliytiroird to decide oniJlat at-i other qiic!Vorfj djffirence bet.een the two yjhf ;.a&b4l"payment of the nations ; .ages ardeddy them Igaiuft G.-Brttain, for the infraW.so that right. i ..Whenthertlolt, t it wss ptftiered .thaTtltt fame principle wasie vived; -with others more novel, aod extending the it jury, uiflrut tVcawfre .given to ihc'IntatfA ter plcriipTncrijiir'y otfthe U. .S'atesat thcrrjcxt V of Londn n, and -rti 00 d r acecdul y , aa ade by bit cn.tbe fubj tel;,' as will appear', by the doco.i' mcflts tranfmitte.d' herewith. "Thrfe we're of- H lowed by a partial and fempcrary fufper fioa I da- V ly wiihf.ijt anj difivowal Whe pftpcie.'f Ha -has, therefor, been infiraced to urge thfX fob jtft aewf-.tp'Wi4t- aionf '-f a Uy-t lh faMf zt. reafon and (e infill on right too evident pa J ioa raw- p2ftJtit,to ht furerJertd , In the mean lioae, the evil is proceeding, under adjudications founded.". on tbjpiiociple, whfch is denied. Uider"tHef ' -circumftaocet, the fubjeft prelenti itfelf for tba " cbcftdersMon of Co off re fa. 7; -''.'"". .: ---,"W'' 1; Onilie iropretTasentiof tur fetaicn, par rel , aaonftratices.haf e rtve r b'ten .intetiaittea -; -A txitted " at ore wiwif ct, af an arra2 . I t ...V--- ' -: r ., V k , - I. - '

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