i - ' . .. . , xr.v had. concluded U'itYaXatm in aohtioa 1 lc3n tiius I understand little of Latin, r.? lords, . -litAt a good., deal of 'English, and a" little of English history ; km, which I have Jtarned the mibcUids of such prosecutions ', us thse, aad thu ill fate of all prosecu tors. i 1 .could bring many instances, and jtliosc very ancient ; but I shall go no far ther back, my lords, than qlieen Elizabeth's reign, a which time the Eirl of "Essex was run dnvn by Sir V liter Raleigh ; and wur lordships all know what became ol Sir Wal ter Raleigh. jL:rd Bacon rah clown Sir Walter Iia . lcigh ; andyour lordships all know what became of lord liacon, The Duke of Buckingham ran down $d Bacon ; and your lordships all know wnatJiappened to mm. , Thecal of Stafford ran down the duke of, Buckingham ; , and your lordships all know what bebirue of the earl ol Stafford. Sir Harry Vatican down the earl of Stafford ; and what Bbme of sir, Harry Vane your lordships alt ihiow. 4i Chancellor Hyde ran down sir Harry Vane ; an J what became of chancellor Hvde your lordships all know. . " Sir "Thomas Osborne, now earlof Danby, ran dowiitiie chancellor; but what : t t a -v i Wu oeoome ot me earl ot Dauby, your 'lordships best can tell. Upon this very unexpected ha reargue, the duke of Buckingham said, " The man's inspir.cd.K-rl have lost my mncy l--IUy ciaru hii' done the bus! ITv-S 1" of vhich it is supposed there will.be thittj county of. Wilkinson. It is toJ;e laid off ) Ifira,! at, Soaniili nrifoncrs., fnual i.t 'in aibincts, not t-Sccecding'tcn iftihrs tqiureJ, numbs.- cf Antricans the Spaniards have in - ...in t y i t Gcbtral ;Miranda -with four vfTck, which are to accompany Lira to Tihidad, where a nusn ber of the Genersi's friends were waitingtd accompany him, and whrte he txptftcd" tcrre--ccive every r,ecelTaiy effiitance for the enter ' prize. The letter further meoiions, thit the fori of Col, Smith of New-York, whom report nag frequently placed aaiODg the captured, is lli:J i,h Mtiauda. Governor Strong, after laying before the Assembly such business as he found ne-cessarj-v closes his speech as follows : '' In free states, where the mind is nei ther subdue'd bv lorce nor awed bv ttrror. even the apearaace of unanimity is not to ! whora th CoUrt t)f be expected. But whatever difference of I Petf :fl3: ' 'Oc Can citizens, we, as agents of the common wealth, have one and the same inte rest to pursue, and" are bound by the m ist solemn obligation to pursue it invariably. Ojir constituents have a right td expect our prarrnist zealnotfoi the.succcss of a partv, but for the public good. You, gentlemen, I irust will have this object constantly in - viewy and instead of consulting private in-Jt-:rfcsf, or gratifying partiality or resent mshtt wiU be rea3v to asrree in all cases where the general welfare of the state is J cacemea, oucn aa example in the L.e. gisla'ture will- have the happiest tendency in every part of the commonwealth to abate the' fervor of political dlsscntion3, and pre vent or repress those internal feuda, which, if long continued, admit of no reconcilia tion ; and which -in other countries have proved, fa'taL to almost every free govern-' ment. CALEB STRONG. . June 17, 1SG3. 2t . a a - us iV in in et be ;ce: ms ; at cv On Thursday the 2'3th ult. the Honor able the Legislature of Georgia ctesed their xtr-session we have not heard of any business of importance done by them ex cept that of passing an act for disposing of the newly acquired territory bv lottery, without appropriating any part of it, to the pay ment of the state debts : the acton .thi3 fiubject is said to have received the Govern nor's signaturejojiajsiheryanctioned 1 m n a v to If; J-a uni- r - is r. in. ' a measure, which hiEmessacre incohtcstiblv . u j evidences, his conscience disapproved of. If there ever was a case wherein it was proper to exercise the constitutional power vested in the executive of rejecting a Bid, aad thereby., preventing an itnpr'flpcr mea 1: sure, or leaving the whole responsibility of i; with the other branches of the Legis lature, we think this was oue But it is not every man who feels disposed to adhere to . . hat he may conceive to be li'is duty, if he is apprehensive of thereby endangering his popularity. " The following 13 said to be the Lottery7 ananemenffdrrstfibl uired territory. Every free male white person of the age of 21 years awl upwards, and having been a resident of this state, 3 years immediately preceding the passage4 of the act, onedraw ; every free male person of the like description having a wife or legiti . mate child or children under 2,1 years of age,., two. draws ; all -wiows,nc--:draw w icmaies or unmarried woman 21 vca;s '-rr. t'M' ot Sei one draw paH famHiea-of-orphans lt ;'Slder4 a aforesaid, under the age of 21, 1 5 t M --:yrs :lhe (&& is dead, one draw ; allla, - HMleK t orphans consisting of wore-than "one oave neither father or uthfer, ''U'v7 5 .a--iiUnlv-.OTie-orphan, one Jcu' 'it ;W;-TJe- foTtunate, dowers in the,Iate : i i -L 7 ; '-,Jlc5r twexciuaea.- i he names ,r g V i S CS: c;itltIr to draw are1 given in upon . i -.v'i-. .. , " t'pci jjeiu.is in eac:x aV V'-t " L, .i be appointed by theTustices of -es;'ikJA the Inferior Courts,; who arc td receive six P!D ?nl?mtncr for each draw so; -iveu '.rp- J1?' ;fh? vJmgf line of Baldwin andHVil,. hc.F ,3 tfxteDtlti04kmu!gve itrvlr-; Rivjir, and au aoove it. is to be attached W -g jff tU county of .BaMvyin, aad ail bdow to die RALEIGH: 1 : ' MONDAY, July 21, 1C0G. At the late examination of the Students of the Uniieiniy, the degree cf Dachcloi of Arts was confuted on Jehu Cameron iai Jnnes HeDdeifon of -Orange, Durant Hatch, juiuif Jooes, and James Martin, of S:cke8. Mr. Ca meron delivered the Salutatory ad Mr. Martia the Valediclory O Mr. Adas Jones, who lias for fome time t,eer. a Tutor and fiace ihe refiuatlon of M.. Biu. ham, haf, with the TrehJent, difch.rged the duties of Profcffor of Languages, refigtitd Mr. Rhea from ihe.Univerfity of Peonf yivjuij, agentltmao of diftiuguifhed talents, hau been appointed PrcfefTor of Languages 5 and Mr. James Msriin, the late Graduate, Tutor. Mr. Jcfivja Pons is appointed Cafhicr cf the Bai.k of Cajic-P'ear, in place of Mr. John Hp.2, reigned. Mr. Sampson, the Irifli Barrifler, (fiys the New Yoik American Citizen) whole great 'ex ertions in defence of his fuftcring couiitryn.en, have expofed him to fo much psrficution, & who has oppofed nothing but cardor and 40 it, arrived here .ij Friday tile 4th infh in the mttnn racket 1 he lociai qualities and various accontplifhtnents of this gentleman, will make him an agjceabfe acqu fition to fociety. His ulents w.U Viable him to rank hiph among men of learnin and geri.us ; more fli.l is due to him in rcRardo private aMmorai chaiaclrr. This.'P,ci3tIenr.an is brbiher to Michael Samp fon, ,Ercj of Sampfarj couotyip thisitate. J Tli-- Noiihern papers ere flHed wiih dea?!8 of CuiOj iaiJ news too lengthy jityim in tiieMi.itivi T!it s-fifaiis of utbia a;-l Frauce remaia in flali: quo, until the return of rhp r,' ier whors the Court of Vienna lus fent 10 St. 'aro is full in nnfT. fS-n French continiic in nc cupy.Ciannsu-.ra they do Swabia and Bavaria. In the mean time the -Aufttiar.irare'flrcuBth. enio their puncinil f;i tiricu'ons, aud the Ivufiiacs are rxuu Vivcf "t'icmfeives i'i Diiftiatia, nd ae arai..g the i h l.itante. Jt he re colitfttd that hit; Sedifh M.: jelly dpchred his d termination to pioted Lane, t.urg ; hut i-: fpite cf the b'ave refi lance of his tioo-.-i, ii)e fmllivn army uas.tak.rn foreibe pcU. flimni that country. Thia violah'oa on the ;nrt ,of PiuRia, and feizure of Hanover, ha produced" a fpititci declaration from bin Swedifh msjdly ; who has not c niy laid an- fmbrgo upon (lit Piuflia'a TiCTcls in hi pong, but 9 BCt-lb blockaded the P.i.fu .i pcirt of Swin- miinde A declaration of wnr from the latter i rupeft cd ; and ar the fotii tr is, in aiiianre wi;h Kuf fia. P.iifTu in att ckin? Swtics will no doubt involve he: felf M,Rijli. Boraparte'lia. in that eveu, proniifed t aflil Prufli widi an army of 100,000 rcei. On the 1 8-. it May, !tt lersof mcrq.e aad'.rcpribU, n l a dcclara'ion of war by i "gland agaiufl-JPruffi j, were fanili-' oneJ by the Kin?. A 4anj?e in the Cabinet of Bciiin h faid to"' naveuKen p'ace, and that or.Iers aie .if Hied not to cbflrucl the entrance 'or departure 0f BriMfh fhips, but to treat them f.ierdly This had the effed in iirijjland to lower the price of flour and oiher provifjjKS but cctloa, hwctr, is on the - ife. Acc.)unt8 f,y that Senator Besuharro is to be LanJatnnun for life, of Switzerland an I that a new conflitution fr. Hnll IQtp Ubiilkc ia-d- his- hi ajeft yj u f T BniT prte, proclahicd King hclore the i8(h May. v,tue Iving. has granted the htiri of Lord Nelfon an anr-sltyof 5.003! "and Uccool. to be applied to the purchafe of an eftate On the 14th May, on the third nadin? Ja tjje Houf; of Lords, of the Ihll per raiding neutrals to a free trade with Britifh Weft Jndia iflaods, Lord Slirfijvid entered a proteft, from which wxtraa the fo'JoWinT ; ; . V Bccaufe. fince the-TElari6nj"andruT-ptnfione of our navigation lawa, our carrying trade and commerce ii transferred to foreigners, the value of Critifl flupping greatly depreci ated, and the qtily Df fore;gn ft'ppin em poytdin the Uitilhrtrada has incrcafed within . . Pno.a ,a tuCTroporrion of 1 2 to I over The letter publimed in oyr laft fpeaking oflhe hoflili. ies meditated by the Indians at Detroit, is unfounded fuch a reportls fuppofed to have ori. lMnatcd with laud iobbfrrW " ' V " . -''""V Capt. Dana, of the echoonerJane, arriv ed at Edunton on the 5th injs'r. from Barba rloes, i jh place he left the 16th ult. He brings a confirmation" of the arrival there of Gen. -Miranda in the fchip Leander and states that the Governor of Barbadoes and Adm.' Cochrane Were highly pleased with the expedition, andvhad furnished hiiii with six sail of armed vessels, with which he was to proceed to Trinaded in a lew da) Si to take on board oCO troops, and lrom thciite to Porto Cavcllo, where he meant to force a landing. The two cap tured schooners Bacchus and Bee, , it was reported, and universally credited, had Ucn carried to some port of Spain, whose inevitable fate is not well known. Adm. Cochrane was in the Northumberland, of 74 fttins, at Barbadoes, having undergone a th;;r;:.gh repair gince the affair .'off St. Do mingo his squadron were off Port Royal, Martinique, watching the movements of yet one 7iwJarti who -was there with his stfua Irbn. Cap:. Dana saw it arserted, that Amd. Cochrane had .receivrd a clr.il'.enge from jmnt o- licmiipdUio fijht-him singly each in their cwn shin. btTincr of coual force X-to which' he returned lor aftswer, that he woiilq meet him in three or fi.ur-cjays, or as sooii as the transports for Ktu"opKhad cailcd,. a;; gave his honor that no otlir snip s 1) ' u I u eoe to -Ins asd. Admiral Coc';r.tr.e appeared !ii;'lds' ciattd to thirik ycrome Bonaparte snoukl evince a desire lo grt back to B.ilt'uTr.rep which place he intended seudirg him.- cfentpn Gaz- Drtm fhippintr, and thertbv fhlo hA '"..'uii;tu in mis Kingdom, ttiat only two ihini.for the merchant (prra K... bceu buili io the river Thioies flnce Deccnber J it02, a period of nearly 3 and an hlf years aa only two more are now budding there ; and portioa. -r mip-nmwwig io general m the feveral ports it. ji?tAacO:d nearly iq the fame pro " Bccaufe, if the fhips of the American States are peTmftrtd to rcter-the portl ohthc B.ritifh VYettltfdT, thcywill ttthe fame time irifrjluce, .as they'.do at prefeot, all Eaft India a d En opcao goods, to the detriment of the .B.ritifh E-ift.'Iadia Coa)pany7 tod tojhe Ship, in?, the Manufactures, and Commerce of th: United Kingdom and its dependenciei.liz: So much havieff hem faiJ litrt tht th& fuppofed poifanous eff.-ts prodaced from the hite of Worth which i ufual to the Lombardy Pop!ar, we have Dublilhed ihc rcfnlt tf n . pnctu made tjr a Djctor Tarifh btPiiilal dtbhia? ' ' " . ..' '-- - Anniversary of American Independence. On Fri 'ay the 4 I1 inft. th: Anniverfary ci the I ndependence ot the UoacJ States of A me iic, was celebrated wr li demo ItratioDs of fa ti fafiion fuitaS!e..J.o the occafko, by the ci. tiz:as ci S jiCo hy tod its vicinity. Agreeable to previous arrangements, the compacy fat down at 2 o'clock, P M; 10 an rfegant dinner in the public houfc.kept b'y Mi. Tores, at which Judge Macay ar-d Gcu. .Stke3 piefidid, with univifd fatiifaflioo. The tfreaitfl.harmr,nv - , . ,w O " aud go;d oider was oblaved curingthe rtpalf alter -which th: folio hijr toafls were durftk, and -kver'ai patriotic fungs fuag. by4lhfreot gentlcineo. Af tr eailQof ft, ayelLtimed, difchcrpcof nu'rpKtry wan -'firetfty a detach, oiect oft he. 'troops of 1 lu- Tbrf: e d S:atcs, under die comrrand cf LicuruWil iai.if .d. 1. "!'. 4 ill l' Ja?y, Vnilti f.-ch succcling snni. vcrsy ol ;lu's Cay iet-QXf tciniud u; ill ), wc cm only j-iovf" Worthy t.f iijfSnJ iHn:.vf, I7.uan.-mi im- b,'i inestimable hjirii.l.ce yiiim: .-ino 1.1 jjosttiiiv.- Jey.ri'A S atOT- JVnrc,u;i.4-,iii,uil, let. Juitlcc be our rnjd aiV;: Irt the la;l .icrr, .ihe cuerglts u TraV anJruieptnt'cnt j fj.U-, .'.ir !. is. J. T..c C.iiisii iiiiu.i ol" the W' ittd States America be t Ii jcLifciiy "s.l.ttt iisyli:m. . 4- GHjtr--V3rfl5Tsn TtiTFgrcat n.irnc'is iis H' a m liumtiu wliicli uaiif lur ,ihe admii-aticn ot mankind, ihe lame ol iKu IJerj and Statesman, wuli tiit Liberty a;td gljry of i.i-. Country. ' '' , 5. The Vicsidfrnt cf the Uoitotl States. 0. The present system i t' our Supeii .r C.jfli-fs Entitled to p.estrvajjn lrom our km v jei it-nc,e oi tf.eir impanial ity, an t lrom .he Coiuidera ion that 'they wcre-cstablihcd for in by ihe patriots uif lie Rcvoiurion, "whtf "pitl.fsied trial b ju;yxirj hs cnuiiie puii y, 10 the !at:i:Lk' but de lusive idea of biing.nj jusliee t. the door ot t'ne peot le. . 1. Ou.-U'mvcrsity aai1-ot'.i.r Instituiioiis lor the iiijtriic tioa 'Kjputli.KnoWjtclge should' by.1111: Utad-V irtuc the heatt of. a Rrpubjic- v 1 8. Ncutrai Commc.ce -Let it be the boast of our coun try tube satisfied tvhhwh'at is permanently iust and rea sonable, rather than contend for advantages which aieturi' penry and Coubtlut. ' ' -9.-TrnrMrrr nry a?id NsVal ForccTcT the United Siates. Mav "thevha the tu'vnwteVx nf v'u' ikhu I.ilM'rrv" L-iJil-4-MA-&fiKr5l JNoruCarv'tn. The examiastion of the ft ad-en f of this demy coamccced on M nday the 23 1 of j arid cOQtir;ud for three-oas On the firft they vete rxamined io Engjiw! Gian and Gcotrranhtr. in the L.8UH. Gret L Sr V laoeuees, and on f3ipraBchta of the Ma irfai lea ; and oo the tl? 10 ,ne Pre'ence Duwerous company olv'CJ .ancl gentler they ftiniveted fclccx OritioL's, D.ffertatiooii Dialocues. 1 he Truft.Vs srebsppy in tircotincing to paients anqgu.raians ot thofe concrKned,. to tfic public iht throughout ail thrir' fo'tnantes the ftud.'Ots acouitted thf.nf.. with great honor and jipplaufc.- The wlj ws cxnduited with that order zud decor which are the peculiar ehars&enflics of a regulated ii.ftitution. Muchredir is r!n the unwearied attention acd irrsir eitrrtiou Mv Dickinfon, the princioal. and his ifllffa v r - - - - - m fti trie cicue of the exam um ion, ftin Falconer, E'q. inbclialf of the Trufites,"i fiddieCcd them "' - Yoi'NG GfNTLPMrM, Tlie Trtnltea Lavi- paid much atrcnthrn yi ur exaaiifjatbc aod they he great jpej v uucujiiuj; mat you uve B'.q'iitt.'d yor, felves to their latiafafon. M?.ny of yr.u hJ fo particular diftii puifhed vourftitm. sr. In eo tilled to our higheft appiobii;ic-u ; ai,d J uwuut not in future hie, your cseruous' meet their doe reward. We beg yoiUQ remember tint lha grand o jec.t or education is to tender you ufciul to 1 cirty ; and that learning,, wiihtut good mora fo far from bring bltlfiag, pioves only ii j lious.to iis ncfTjfor. The knn!.d. f . Grttk aod 'latto hngtiagcs, or any otji branch of fdence, will never niske a'nan gre uulefa he is at, the fame time good Let hh tare, your conduct end behaviour, c-rrefpori wiui )-ur noaerawe purloits ; and !ct good a izr, decency and diferction mix ihemhir i li . . 1 " "" ouiuiiK. icuiav be nrrnfr hti t reciaik,. thatf hc Trufteen etti a t:t corJ piiance wnu. tne laws ol ihe Academy. Th ftna!le!l violation of the n, or asy diforderl Ct;rdui whatever, will ceitainlv hp nnitWA fioevcr painful ihe taftc. yet the ihity we owj iu oui.chw, to me reputation oi the Academy j ... .t;.. n..j i . . . . . ' am iii iiu-cui8 who. behave ihemfelts with order ar.d .decorum, ccinpe!9 U3 to th f I I "I . . ' . nicaiuis. uai wnrK we thU3 declare our fi determipation, we at the fame n'hic cheiM lh r i t,- .i . . .vT . .. iv. iu uuur, wmi YOlir ConduM anrl Jffhaw will rathtr command our epprobrioa than re wu.tc our cciurc. siicxr.necr t-a canrr. jjy.ua fern;. , Viiiarn Lau'aslerl - Jeremiah :Ptrry? Sen. teorge L unstilu Green Hi!!. -William Gr(cn, 'Sen. ,.' WUiicm William fun. K chard Fenrrr.' ' f ' Jeremiah Perry, Jurt. Jordan Hill. Truic-s who. were prc-ehVat the Exa mination an.) Juihibi(iin. " 11. The Leiislatuic ot Sorth-Carolina Mav ihv rp- msm'ber I'-wt it 'u easier to desttcy than lo lonn uidul cstaii'.ishmcntf. ' 12. The memory of thr-Forbes ant! Si.v,ci:mrn of'tdv Revolution May -the' rij ,neii'raiioii a :heTe io tl.tii principles and piotit by then dlastri--us exam;;cv the erctii'c f-l li .1 i . i,. i ue rvi;rK.-iiuiri riiiu v-oinmercyt liuerei'l 0 auic.ot JNortn-caroitna. 14. Ctiaiettic Nianji'arrturci May honest ai'l vlt'u-u tradgiBen M cpn'tdgM Ht amw:; te-,-niii u ieii I and Tcsptc.ai'is inuuiL'L-rs oi siH it y, 33., Riblit: Spiu.t.wHhriit,Eiiiw -Aji hone.t . Te "of opinion withu disco.-il. .J .' jj . hi. Tho j udk-iitfV -of ihe State oCKSlh-'Caii i i t7a o i r" .sheet ai'c:!or Jiv.stwmy '-w-ilcr. ; r " "17. TI12 AmericatvFafr.- ---t - - - : - . The etepihfras chafed by an elegant Call aad Supper-where traietv aud (rood humoitr j-uoivcrfally prevailed. The back country lus nor witntfled a more briilfao't afTcmbJags-of ladies than were prefeot on this oicafi' n. -- - Married bn the nthrln r.ranvill Mr Tr.inh Williams, jun. of "burry to Mifs tr.facnah Mar r l.nmhar4 I m . . . - - . - i dclphia? A letter, from a jrentferaan on board the Lt1 anaer,( dated Uarbadntrg. June 12, mention that coefcirt of Samtief Good win. nffr. itirrrKanf if jtbat place. .::.....-,:.; .- . . j. ; ,At Lumberton, Mr. Robert Bfle, cf Fay etieville, after an. VInefs of 8 or iq hours. l,h 'Trultees of the Ral?- ;, cac W. BOYLAN, : TT A S jul .received from Ncwr.-ik and . JL 1 c-intburpr, an additional fuppfy . 0 B O O K , S, - A 'moti? which are TLptl.ifc;and Campaigns cf. Geoetal MorcaoJ cooipiebeiiding his .'Trial,. Juft.fica'tion in ill oIEti eveutP 'nil th pciid of his embaka-, . tiou for the United Si'stta, by an OlEcer of the Staff. . .: 1 Letters from Eurr.pe t'uripp a Tour thrmriK1 1 Swit7.erhcd and luly, by a native of iYaiuj lyivania au eiigar.t edttiip. vr, " Elegant Pocket Bibles ilh rrariral notes. NIoifc's Uoiverfal Geography with aa Atlas JLJ!T.tO ClltO Wllh rrara. ' k - -1 1 T Ditto ditto of Amtrica in cncot. ' Ditto ditto cf do, abiidged. ' 4. " '. Pii ktrton's Uciveifal do. and Atlas. Ditto do abridged in one vol. wji fta.pt. ;, . A new lyUcin cf Mercacrile Arhhmetic, a dap ted-to the Gomir,tTceiDfThctrS in Tra domeftic and foreign e!ations; with foims of accounts and-other writing:'', ufuallyoc curing in trade, by Sar.uel Wkiflx,' A. An eafy Intr'ojDCjicn tot; he k owlit'ge of Na ture acd the holy 8criptui j, adapted to the : '.'capacities of Children, ted intended for the , fe of Schools -Vy 'Mrs" Trimmer. r: -rincy V Lexiccn. Greek. Leaic.cn. Horace, Ovid, and Cicero dtlpini. Blair'a Ltjturcs. ra jri-Iaed. 7 ; Dc-bafe? "in the Vrrgioia Corirt niion. "7""" I'ockcr Atlas. - v A " Catr's Stranger io France, . . . '-. Fleetwood,-or ihe New ifsn oTFierrng, ; a no vd, by Godwio. ' . Vf- , ' ' ' . . Alfo BILLIARD BALLS. 1 T11 e G FLAK I) LO E G E Pf orth-Carcina'cnd Tennessee, ILL convene ia their Lodnp-rnr. : th'- Cltv cf Rapt.l, "7m tt . .e ftlttflilau ll - il. t-l J t t TV' . - b . '; 'vru cpy.r t.icimternext - at Hch time and placed the Cnlce.r, Mcmbets, UDdJeprefcntatives are" rr quffed to atter-d. Jon J Halj,, GraU Matter tj MatoKU V:JS-r R0BXRT4ViLLlAMS . 1 -.

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