. t .! I ' "... r" . . . " The Subscnueri, ELIDING into' pitlricV ftircf IWcfiVe, have Wd .- " Foe dome ilmt correal capy w v - tea fro. thcoaot J.nn mu.u. . ; Erf,' the middle cUi X a M. " T ftadcand on whicOrant, have .irueu . 1 Scfditlria; that ftom.t?-pnffeffio3 oftUtrc well ae from, actual lurreys nwuj. PROPOSALS, FOR l.,trrt'!rrr FcUav:ns Post Roads; - "STTTT.Ti he received at' the Grenerel lott i - lsimnt4. as :juwu.uv-i , . il l ,n tV nremifeV they ere enao.co 110.7 ..... o$ plot of the .f .K, 1a,,d entered and not furveyed and oi kU vacant lands on the Dude and luk rivcra, L.,1 .k rrccki makioe into them. reVireiitTiorifcdtoiDforn. theft ln may Le iowkfted in Unc's iyiti3 in that part of ue fcouctiy, that they c.i (hew the n,m-); r ; - - teved, by whom ami wneu, i - G?a,t. wWne land lye, their .ue. whom . . - . -..,-. if nnv. atiu V-lilul.T t title. t V'-XJiSttuctillteSift day o Auguit licxt, inciulive. J;i Norl'i-Carouna. From WiluiinjtoB by Conwayborcsgh to Gc'orgerowu, S C. once a week. Lcave-Wili hgron every Tburfday at z p m scd strive at Georgetown on Sunday by ( p m. Leave Gecgetown evtry Monday at Gam. and Arm: a Wilmington ca ThutfJay by 10 From Wilkeil) ro' to Afhe c h. once a week. teve Wi'.ktfbW cv.-ry Monday st .6 a.nu and atrivet A the c h. y 6 p m. L-x.se A the c. h. every S'uefday at C a m and truvc at Willu'fioro' by G p m. Li Ssuih-uirollr.a. , r.-ora PurtDferry U Conwsybutough, orce a Duck an J : T?'lr riven, vithrhcirtriburyftreami, fpreaJ . , ,?,. ir tbii-kiv covered countiy Ihrr.'i r 1. tilt' ",l v ' r. tht locators wvvc m comtan- v - - ... .mi . I .v.. .,;, Leave Portferry every Saturday at 6 a mand arrive at Conweybcronh by 2 p .; Leave Cor.wiybcrc' every SaturJay at 2 rw, cad anivs at ruttafcrty cn Suuday at to a tn. ...a (Knt ffhm the Urns ccurlc, twvrh Hen scand gva::ts perfcftcd, i . - i i i iri Li. in i tl.c i- . i. : hi h. ipfirr inis vet tbf ctcd open, are goe .and n-k-tioitc def-'i-tioP, hence h hssbvan toond a laborious undergo- to trace the lines of fcrvtys, or to .fix with c-rtaiutyths f?fciuUty of hcat.ou or parity -el" cW.n -lhciV however, they ftrl n flt?,t to ifTure the puWic, ty V enab.ed o 'J,. as vvtll as to five information m rtgard to 'thiUnati qlUy and tlrengih.of claim cr N'Hth.Cirolira or NOTES. 1 The Poll MulUr 'General may expedite tlie rraiia ?nd alt.jr the li.nca of air'irii and. dfpir tiire at any time dutioj; t bt; couiimiaricc or the .oiitiade, he previoufly i1, .'pu!aif fc an adeqiistc coirp rf)tion for any eiua expenfe that may fee occasioned tl ercby. : . 2 Fifteen minutes (In!! be allowed for opeo in-r and clofir.g the ir.Lil at" ill offices v.-heic no particular ii-7iv?js 'r,cn ' ? I'Vr everv thirty fi'iiint'eB "Uliy (nnavoid I abic accidtfi'ts excp'.:d) in aniviiifr jftei the .tim; jr-r.c.-t'.i'd in any coiijrrt, the contractor i f:r.il VVanast. Stunted ou the ab.)fc defcribei wxiers. i. , ..,.rint ccJi' or .bein-J J moved, and who xay wih -thm claunj..,! tigated.and Killed into crtaiutr, rAV:yrr,x. yeaicvcd, may V.n rvrcom-vodv.ed l y r.:i;My.' f: to rh'e.i'ubfcribc''8,ti'ba i.itUe ibarritr of Aqao, yor by iuurcaiug them in a part the laiid. .. ! Striker. ; April 3d, 1806. 3:T1) P vS Ltsra ft ddreff to ri her of :t rsli-ct?T- ope-b-A-'jMt i i e nrul the dt-2ir . PHCENIX;- .-A beautiful ucsnut -Hone, TlFfEEN Lauds 3 inchts high, 3 years old this fpricr., f-P?"".' bDC f' r li-uce, wuii uuuiuiw . i .--! 5 (ouad As a racer he iqua; to his are, having wJQ cihi times out oi eaven thr year8i-onc of"the three fmcoA.lwch he lo P-ccded from hi. bafff A:'" .y near the enin-? poft, wbeu fceatiu Andccd aod k.n.:.- r.f.. iv.,1 cat'ital runners. Asa blood horle his faperior is not to fo-ind. be nearly coanefted with the beft hoifj. ever i England, vi,. Goiolia Matuo, Cd rad cud Eciipfe. . : PEDIGREE. I Jo hereby certify thar the chcfr.t hmf PLoenix, fold to Wu.. B-.kfdde Lf.p v.is bed i v the late Duke of Bedford, and purciiafrd f t i.? tli- 8,rff of eijht ruoatbs that he was ,ot by Dragon ; his dam by Perm, by ohio tetr ; his rand dam o-n tiller to hr.ngr, , T-.o rizelaud Botdeaox ; S'ticg wss got by h-iod. darn by Cyuet ; her dwi bv Crtooch,GUt ot Ebonv, by Childcrs. 0:d E'nr by Ballo. Wituefs roy hauJ andTe.tihw l8 h Sep 1:4 11 BiGGi. (ie.,1) T fn.Ufir tbofe wbo l eve, and tbofc who i-.av favor uie with their cuilom, all ihc luf ir rnttioo icfptftin Pi.ccm'x (hall be vea that ca-vbc ciled.d.af prefcut. Dragon, the lite rf Phccnix, wtsLot by Woodpecker, out of Ji;no, f.iler jo tkf dam cf S.ml Dirrmed. ..As .i rsctr he was tqual to a:.y betfe cf his .time, l,Hvinj won twenty-one times. Sporting DiSi iJryivo! z.pat 495. Woodprclur, th ii c r f Drasjon, was a bor.e whoie blood and performances, rt i't' h '' 29 a ncer and ?t?.!l!cn, rLthe moil ci.'i.n:u;hed I- ; celfbri'T--liTt'Kf jear'i7t;o,"f.vtv.ty-l;v-j of '5 1 his tfctttotr, a-.-ted and we e ihr wiar.trs c! fc " i veuty ei;ht fubfcripiicns, fwetpft !;t3,' nvatcka bvht bit of the. Duke of Bj3f0rda e:13... and -jorpof thVsfiorit bhod mates I !, ;v: feeu ; U cool I iz g pouii, for'bcvr ahhoLh now ctkifi old. ' ri., x cer ;tainly rr.u.1: be a bettcRhoife to raifr 0Ci4 from, tuau y jctgoacimenu, iroui u r any uepTnainj; rrail, viKrfby i he K.Wi d irtn.cd for tnch depenf'i: g I'ir. it lo'c a t .-in. an ad, ;ru nal torteiture 01 Jive .1 1. .1 It I . ' ! 4. N - a f,jjj.fs fs 'veil as h,ter?re to cc f-ct in xhz trail : and if any. pt'lVn, makiiisj nrf po fjTj, .dfnc to cany ni-wfaptrs, other than ! and 6 jfais old, be h ' -y.c 1 llal!! thoi't ct.'i.vvyed ia the nicil'tor hid own emt ' iUfl celebrity trj!:l!Mt'M: ; nic.iti h'i "til ute in :i propola!?. .Jcr what -ftn-lie 'A ill carry it.with that (r ob.Mijtt;t, atr.l -4t-tj!Lj-1 w f ii f y- bene, hr the yer 1L.03, he hid, ajrcW,i, t.vMr Bipg if tter, which I have n aiy jiftu ,i, n private trial with Sophii, Y'oun.r rcliho,, U . m... ....... : .v .. ' lenthf, givi.-i;? the u-.. .'bs.'lou Eciipfc llouc ar"U a half, and C orue dy two ttouc. TIic Calendar u-r. ioi, L.e"i2, be wrr. 1 fvreej)Hak-e of 1 oc r;uiccJ8 j-tch, acrofs the V!a, 7 f.ibfttiterii P.'ge 13.''', he won a match t,r ' 1 Ct fMiir;ea3 each, sctuis FUt'. Calendar for 1 Sc2,at Bibury, a fwcepftakes' of I co guij-eaf, each cir 19j 1 1 iloce, 2 -tbilcr 5 ,-;bfcribcn, ' Calendar, for 104, page 16, Haddington meeting, WiccLs.il er courfc, he won a ftferp, fiskes of icj guineas each, canyirg at (lone, 2 unit?, 1" lcr.icMBerc 2 vj 1 on rcceitx pape 17, a plate vltie Co uir:i??'J, given by the club h.-T.to." About 2 1-4 icilt s be carried M (tone G ibs. bta'ing tuo others. Same psgff Mr. " Liii''s Phccnix, 10 Hone, 12 Ibs beat Mr. ISyndi ift's Magpie, 9 Hone, j lbs. half a m le, . z c jv'jincas. ' . Page 43 Pil ury, Jape 13 Swetj-flalmof 25 Rulntfit', 15 forfeit, 4'niiifF, 7 lubfcMbets. His myal h'LrJffa tbe Ptuce r f Wdles'g Anifeed, by C.oiw.ider, aged, nth lo'.bs. 1 , Mr. C. Cofmrcde!,(i Chsfliire Chtcfe, by ?ir Peter 6 y. old, nil. loirs. 2 Mr E'ggs' Hhoenix,by-Lra-Cp, 6 yt-ars c!, ' lift, jo'bs .3 'ibis i,'. she- ircc mentiore r.bcve, "fcria fket out near the fHvi-g.-poit, 'hen- test!, g thefe vsro nags with yreat ccie, which 1 tin able to utr.vc. w P-igf 67 BLmdford, July 14 ? fwcc;)i1kf3 iT ioq guine's each. 1 4.fubfe)ber9. Mr oics di:ce ttar'rd and fie vrinn-n or t.ity e:ut or iYcs SptrtinDlaicnary .0 'fhc -fire of Wo dpecer ;v..s Li g Hcioi wan the flirt horfc cf Ih ' ici- as a i;c:: ar afterwards ss a thltior. alter b-.-atir.g cv;ry um, at 4, ivbar iurr. tvi-.bout tt-a:, f r o.uirtr.t c S i u'd aiV pctfoi?, tniik if-2 r iopuf!.", de. "NmIw.!:;.? po pa1, iil be ai?ir.drd to. FOR SALE, 7"-irHE Tr:t cf L?r.d cn which' I refide, 1 : 8 ... . 1 . . r 1 r..n.j 1 tf CiinlUjiiir to iti. tuaii'j ucit-) i.viiji..) in Rockmiu 1. cjut.iy, w t.un a mi.ts or the M:ne;ii.;yiii!::43 ' o 1"-I I'ji.atl.cr tuitj jtl the 'fame nc ghb-n hood, ail cf eicclLut qua li4T,''dmo:l'wc;i irfproveJ. ;. ' .'Tbs tratl I liv: 0:1 ia infciicr to Lvt fe.v in th fl ue, i:i .point-0 improeei cttvttornar y Miii twl new, i ' tt ire-. 1 arjJ ica; uu ,;3, .which arj 'ri'i Giiil & se Clid?. the t OOl-'Uf w- M: l, C:t. ai! cr n-;i ' fire a'-'i r ti' ii of th iin.es i f n?iy?l and tie j j.-jit'iv.-e sV.i v? freci'"iediie mu'ft lla-'e in bio pro I y dl , 'In: aistnliopdt fired, ir. lit: diffcrtfcrc. the? "Ml ?rak in t!e tern.s ot hiB ccr.tract. 6 Perfoh. jrr:n!tir.? propffals, rrc t"efrd to laTf ;l c;r pflces'by the year. Thofe who con. trel wil rtcn'yc thfir pay qunrterlyv in il.:: months of Ftl'tuiry, iiaypAuy"uf', ;n"d Noven ber, or.c mcnih after the etpi'raticn of eac;t quarter, " '7 NT.i ot'.-cr thin a free white p.if. n fhall hi eir;v. yc Vto convey the mei'. !-! VVLe-'e the pr.'.p. fer,iiUriu- to convey the i;:ii;n ih: body cf aJbce cau.'ge, he ia deiir. ed to Ih'c it i.i hi- prcpJa!s ' f ; 0 T4-. ,s?T?MC";j nera t.c 1 ibi:ion of the (tcpy to poftetity, then ziy Vr bctfr i ) tie v.'l.r'de ar,r,aU!of fpcrting,!'..-.!; L Ech'pfc & llhh flyerhift f..n; Me c-dtr.it'c uf.cn 1 he fcorc or eqiidlify. Giiitr.il Stud t):'.,'p?,'t Tar tar, the fire cf Kins Htr.cb v;s tfot by Fait ncr, and feakd 1:1-1743 : - be was an eetl.r;'.: ra :e. and r ot '.. U ecrr.ed ,ss a flalli iri: Jje lif-o" Wr. ilerod, p.eaufrttr-.tRtMiantr, Sir. E;?4t'fi F-irmy, end I.tr. Gji'f Uy'fl raaiev dam of Mercury, Volunteer, 5:c Spotting Dirknv.V, io!, 2. i.."4S-. Portia, the dam . of Ft oi'iS, a three yei.; Id, proved hcrfeif a mo 1 capit.it ru tier ; Cm' .. fwcrpilal.e of 100 guineas cch, fix fubferibert .rjoutjr'ia J forfeit, ft 'oti ,Sv, both at he -7 Ivi;-i'k6t--t!u! j Oik tlakcjof bftv jrnincas each, tb fffy -rtght Iv.fo-n, .sn.j 2--o "uihei? at N'--v M;irkt. ct horfe P; cc; 'x by Dragon, walked oer, 2 c:! bcits. Pae 67 Handicap Uvctp li;t i.f 5 guineas each, Mr Bigga's Fboena' .wsik ed over. . . Fron Phoer.ix's pcrfcrmarcc3 and fi.p;ri-r tock, fiz?, figure & f;rm, rarely to be fq ia!c I, dicre is no doubt but his produce wi!' prove ih:niklves equal to ai y holies upon the enr- lil.CUt . PH(ENlXni ftmd the erfiiiog f-; fM n uiy Pubic, tm milts btlnv the tutvuOt Iialiiat, iui lis from Poilcck'i. fr ry, ?nd be let to taurv's nt ttn doilsra the fingle le.ip, if paid down. ! Sbci?ivl the mates nor prove with .alcr.e,fcrlt I cover, f.r ten dHars core, payable on ' th: . 15th of February, iSc-7, they may continue the fCi,fga twenty dollars the' feafon, pyyable the ,5th of February, iScy For" 25 dollars paid at fi e of c-ovtrinp, 1 will iulu,-c a mare to be tvi'h ford ; bnt if lha property is cbaced, will refill! not the fa;nc": HAS a dJlar in every inilarsce tu the jMoi tn. Tlnfe geoiiimeu who have. put m3?-3 to Pro: lix, iioc inv.- fai'cd to p:t cobs, fhall Le itled to the fiafon at.balt puce. tSiH . t,..y iUIi. i'7 o:i r.n ex ' r, if. p ar., i a.ul a Tan.Yard. U eouveuieiitly fofd ; - 'cs-'cnfive r t.:hard.i of the va-louj an J m'M choicv t kind of Fruit Trs en, whk.it ntvtr fail io bear. There ar? a'fo about three h::ndr:i acrc3 cle;T, ed the inott ;f fl freth and t.oxiom iia.l., i' ir irood. Ttptitr ; the gteatqr. pvt'of whieli h rj f "under cuil:v3ii''ti, and i;i mesdotrs. A.' I h tend to leave the Hate and rcrrove mya-ruy "vjarjy iothefaJtth?Cr2, tc;eibcr vub a hrc :z and valuable otoeit oi cv.-ry ni!ia m.y ueicem. ' ti in the pu-c!iile cf this Trail. ' A vtry li! e rffervfg to him. l'-i.c of eecljpi-Mf any 4drt:i ft i vu I .wi r ihree f:!r h?pp,n, which a- I r.:t;irt t." v !; ;Vaf a frip-cscb. j 13 '1 ii e ii')iv; c"".:rtcr .-.re io be in nrc"ation. ! tb.c. Itrir diy c't Odobt next, ard to cout tie i io ioicJ u:itd lie 3 1 -X cf Mach,. l ctj, ititlufivr. GIDEON GH ANGEIJ, J'cst -matter Central. . r 'VC-. r. . t ... t.i nn,t sfil ,r:rnivp ii.i.'f nrajc . ar.d CIS res ICl ! 20Q ..ytiinssft at H-.-.v 'M.-rk't. The tuoth-rr to j with corovWJ..: lo- terms as can be .aflotdec, Portia. V two vcira oli, v;n:i t-r -nireas. 360 I hut will not be-Tclpcme-e tor e.rayeH trui-.Vas,.an.l ;hc Jul? (lakes of 450 tM'nca:i, j dents of any. kirtd. Servants brard f uaj he at .New Mark-t. fOCca, a-.-'.tlier filler to fofon will couiiuclc: the zotu cf Lbri.aty, ril credit will be gtv.'n for the greater ;mi I of the fjurehale moccy. ROBERT IVILXLtm "June 15th, 1 8q6. General Foft CJjic'e, ' Washington cityt Am1:Jo7 Tticrlr NOT E of H KU, r:ve r b y Fziet Svh'FH. A LL retfor.s indebted to ihc e"ipe of the f. - .. . . . . . . . .i. A. Treasury Department of the Ui.itm' Steles, jHii'Zl, 1 80G. J IF. A S..lig-C.mWi i..iH ,sot'ihc Sin.kin;; Furi', ,i inK-r:: ht-ld cti4!iv.3:n f'.iv i t AbiiLOr, :d i i J. ;.e,-t!iti li'eira re, inning to cmpU te expjndi 11O t" ihc a.'.muii a -(i:m 1; t.on -t LIGHT MILLIONS I O? DOLLiRS. s'? 3 i:.r.2; ci: rr jiurpo'es be allied' .$ ih N.VY I l'iiK CLNT. STOCK, cicaid ii pw5W-cX jjtoi Cur-t;! e jS, pas-c'd on rite CUih da. cf j :.v , i7jfV-lv' i' the iivaTjui-scmt'iu o( the-' five 'arid an I fi'l jr. oioc!;, Gftatt-t! in ptirs-iiwee of tv at! tsf an gveS passed on the 3-1 cmy f March, Tliii 'is there'o-e to eivc notice, ti-at l!ie principal ct the siia NAVY. SIX PLR CEN'Y. STOCX. jRith ti.e intc-re-t d.:e lb sreon, VilI, on urrc nt'.er ot the certiiicai he , ai.l on the 1 -t lav tt' October next ensuine tlie tVie litiei I of, ta tho rejptc.ivs stcs.hclilers or their lawful repieseiit- 1 i'vh ui- awor:vei iiuiy constttu.cd it aiiitio.isea, enner at tr-e trcav .y or at Urj loan Office,- as the case may te, ; w'lii'. e- :reTi;s hi e hern given for lire amount-cf --stcck',-ics:;i ctivclv hoi A !y tho-r.: -a-d-rirat the piitictpatcf FIVE I AND 'HALF IT U. Ci:;.T. -STOCK,- wi.h the Jnterejit ! i:'.c :iccci.ti,3rill 4:'xc r.i.inr.cr, and at the same places ;. .. on the I si i ay ol j.i;uiaiy tbai, UiereSj.ciive : ( i.h.,! i.n, cr their latriul re:.re;t'iiia'.Kesor aitdrnies Portia, won 2C0 guinea 1 a' A fro, ',nd csl at New Maikct. ; The fi e f Portia. xraa ,Vo!jn tier, who was a racer in L'jh eftimt.tic-n, nd l3h 1-ng Icen a ftii'icn cf much r-pn'e, rnd aa gotten by tha: facicua ' horf? Eiii'-fa, tii; moil famoui hwrfe, Huee F"; i.ig Cbildtrj, ever product-el or trained in tliio or ?ny othtr ccun try-be ; never wa beaten, having st his daft WrfTrilxbe-Jbld. ar,d wes taken out of usd ecd the 5lh of A" -u'-l Thvmas B. Hi Ftbruary T, l3c6 LOST, A y Cliftori cf W -ke cou-ity, t Beji'mic. liUjvV, for about two poWodsrcight ihidsngj, Vi.rgiuia' money, v.itneiT d by Il'-njimin Har rifoi. . This 13 to canttoii the public from trad, in f r faid note. It was put in my pofTfffnn. by' Mr. J.nc-t'.U collect, but by fonie accident hzi been lott by rc?, . . . HARRISON - U'cJt county, fune 25 r l SzO ( y.v) ; NOTICt:. :s indebte.d to ii la'tft Col.. T:ibn Sne.ed'.'arc dtfirrd tt fet- t'e -theif-accouota ImwcdiVtJy ; and" taoiV toA.l'T.T r tiSt ,'--'., '' , -, r n ' l 1 - ' V 1 tiLnluc. m.t.-te knem-n, forth? mf.irmat ion of the wh-im tbe.iatd eltate is indebted, are requeued ,.3rlies ,tM;-oiH, -that i:iransfc?of the NAVY SIX FERX CENT. S f-0.''.( eiihe.- frtmr or to the lxks of ti e Tr-ea-t;.T77 xrfn-r-nrrrrs trcr xt'aTRiTrrnv-rtf L?iis,: V.i ailt-.we I nj.ef ih! fi.. t day of. Septemhcr ensuing, titlif the "'FIVE AM) HALF PXR CENT. STOCK, .vVit Crffrr. ifw nil .-I 't.i ft " A nrl I In", tnii'ii"?! SlvnlUriot has e been to render ia their ascduts pfnperly atteiled, to t - -:7T- -r-r f k- rr- - -- - i : y -tines J. Speed, J Sheris irif.'c, cn To it soil ct the Coxri&stise in !f,Tar! Saturday the I Gih cf Artu?! tifxt, jtr, tUlaes flue i5et'ein, forjte. year i 865 iccAcrcs of Luud II Ml Il 1 ., ... J.. . a ..,t ,i-ik. ua ir Mia le wju itanu ica v t, psgc 8,t J. there is net a fnpe. x a'! c- rt-"' '"'"' u,.7 " I 1 r . .. i .;,i. .1 me inn i i.ao. s insi-nu v....v .... - . II Hi? lltfw uj lac iuii - wiuivui v.tmi ui i ;-- r- . . yi C Arabia : neither has" there been for with f ai. The morey to be puid on cr befc.e r V. lliicrihcJsriaVbl pccrnber. ensvin,. And '11 al.LcTrt'Hcaiv;' of faid.rti.cks- lm-h ftK11ll.fl pb T-'-riuCrfd, hi pu"rsu.u-.cV of .tKfs'.'h.-tinicarapr, iviii tease jind de'.eii-.i'.n", on ih' day preceding the- day hrel.7 f...ed ' i". .ln i...,ni.i.ir.f ji.tt't . 1k. irA ( . - ' AUiERTGAI.LAXtN,, Feton;;ing to TTi cate of Hopkins, lyir.gon the wattrs oi llccdy Ctctk ' .: '' -J ' 560 ditto, beWgingr to he tcftate of .'Jobn M'Cibbont'lying-onthe" waters of Reedy Cretk. , ; A. W E A TH ER L Y, Sheriff. ,43: '.." ' - -' ' K I. E G A NT i ' . '. r QUARTO BIBLES, ' " BcuqcI in Morocco For sale at this oflict. T J State cfTb'orfh-QarsEKi, HilUbcro' D islticU . JXm?s ViLON-, eta', - ' ' - J"- . ' ' , t's. ' . '; ; " v James V.'AiKrn, r.'ift. TT'ai drdpr;j br tie Cou.t i:r.'this canre, that publication .1. be inae. three weeks, sucroisively, in the f linena, that' unless Gi'orie. Smith, ene.of jive nr-l'cndir.tj thertin r.africd da ii'e his ai?wcr to the fill! vX the Complainaru witiiin tire three fi-it day s ot ntXt rcimj ihc same as against hira wiji be takca prn coniesso,, and decreed acco.duiuly. ; . Tiiie, ROiilRT LLL; C. M. E. ti aioiopf for want of compefitoTS -he died in 1789, leaving a profnyof winces and tblli onj, who are tranfmitti.nj bi' blood to poderity in direction too numerous to be obliterated to the end of time : the dam of Portia waa lifter t i FlprizeW the fire of Old'Di.oraed. whojs ah ready proven to be one of the Left horfis rver imported to America ; lur grand dam by Cyg- . - i '. . .1 - .t.-;- A c:. . oet, wno was got Dy v'Kicipiu i tajun ibis particular nor the feveral years paft; her".tiam by Cartoucb, whofe ancsSors.rnab tiacpd up to the pro te&oifuipCbf Oiiver CrOraweU ; rd bis bioqd at thatflme equally-pure-by -th-GencralStuilt "Book, psgc-375. Place's White TUtk wes the property of Mr. Place, P.ud maflcr to Oli.. vtr Cromwell' "when-fircte-ftor,. ar.d yas the fitc of the great gratd dam cf Crrtcuch. Ebony was got by -Childers, who; va 9 generally fnp. L pofed to be the fieetefjhorfc ever trained in this cr any :oth;r ctrrty. . Uia lvony was 5rt by"Bfto,-Si't"iL3idc Sp2nker, Bald -Pjf,--by gene rail' airlax s Ma rocco Baib. B&Ho was the fire of IcveritJiae horfea. T.--'; - -T-v'1". It may net be improper o give tT;c to.ntrirs; extract from the letter cf Mr. lWkfca.c, the gentleman who porchafed the. hoi fe I have purchaied yon a nortc csilcu ruteix who - wag ;tratma'g'-fca-race-tj'LJ:onhl h'm 1 his fizej bor.e'aftd blood crc ifnccepMcn able-, biii g one of'the very ted btid hcrfjcP that can be ftottec ift this cC'intry, and hjs er formances Hand epualJy high Ou receiving ; Mr. Biggs s letter, I went down to h s houk, a diflaiice of about ico miles,, to fee'the horfc, when L alt the fame time, faWhla exercjfed, bc: ing then training, and in my life reyer faw eny horfe with .fuch powers snd spparut.fpeed. 'Hi dam is alio ownetUij-iMt ht vpg j ' YOUNG LION, TS ahandfomc and full bred "Bay Hrrfcrf re J. feet three jnthes high, rifirg lunr -yts ilrwas gotTty-the impf rtl 4-d.farfc... ifirur e Lion, htsdam by, the old iaipcmd horte Ciii-intl,- bis grand dzm by Lfwy'er, got by oifl Fearnought, hi.i great gtandam by the. import ed horfe Janus. . Ha iil Hand the ct:fuig ffarcn at the f .b. frriber's houfe, four mile "north cf isVtiw!'. The feafoti will cotnvcoc5 he hut dy l March, irid end the fir it c'it of At'pn'Vpi.xt , t c:h Dtxcr, and 'cover h- Tirtl d-.r of Taratttrv nest. - i J ' . ... . r ..J G )od and cxtenfive paflMrage v-.ll -r.c tP8tA at each rdace p-ratia, bni wui not he Jiatic to efcrpes or accidents of any kind irhat ever. ISAAC HUNT-Lii, ten. January 7, iRc6. A ?rc..t Bargaitt'hvili he fotJ in a : Tract' of y Lr.nd, , . r CaiVe'l ' colatr, ' corrtciDirg,;betireer! .11 jend tz:-3 acres, lying-on-CcHntry.Je rr..ek. acnrTonnlis rf roim :rrnTttww-;t - ,m4tiin-e-'la'tds:.fc.Mf.thi Phere ion the rrt'rr.ifcs, cn a brcutifol tir.r", 2u dl'gaut t m (lei v ErilDwellitgitop h'lto-her buiMItig rjeeffary tcr 'he acccmn -lien of a -r'nuel -famiiy. ,The ,3 vtU adapted fcr the cultuf-.ejt wheat, com, 1 to' or cotton, and is cqualn'icittlityV.. it ct. V .. For terms apply to Mr. jstr.es. ai- the ptelcnt .tCEa.at, or to the fuliferiber. r .. lfpiajnm)r-:lt'hvnf!Otn . Northampton. May 1 .1. Jc6'. SilAP and IIKKR1NGS, -B.i--iJ."f-.w