1 5 -3T T A HALF DOLK'HK ANN. t'ayahle kxlf ' entry. 1 PUBLISHED (weekly) BY WILLIAM BOYLAN. TW DOLLS, r ANM. Payable in. Adtunre; ;, Vol. RALEIGH, ( ACC.) Mb N DAY, AUGUST ii, i8c6. it k 1 if, Kr- LONDON, Jun8. .L- Ta the independent Electors of IJonhon. elections ; bfing convinced that it is this J that abfolute equality of wealth is no A'.C u? r r..i a- -lr. :rr .l r n .i ... uumuLciui, uus uiaawiui, rjiis prom- I icis vnionary in me proipect tnan a practice, to which are i would be pernicious m reality. We re gate, this impious 1 ercempg mar air. uavenaun Lrad the dangers that now flare us in the f ace, country a full and uncontrolled play ah Thaw, has, hnre by.. your voice he was r cannot retrain from exhorting you to ! lowed to all the natural and acquired ta con htuted one of the guardians of the , be aKainit all atfemps atfuch pradices, j lenrs of every order in fociety, and a public puHe, taken care, to obfam s. , conllahtly and watchfully upon your commenfurate reward beftpwt'd on thole place by the means of which he drew j guard-Ihecandidares who have re'ort- who poflefs and exert them. Diltira .intohisownpocketiomehoufandsa )e(i to fucn means have alwavs been ions naturally flow from various degrees -year out ot ihat.purfe, and this, too, at j found arriongtt the molt wicked of men ; j or talents and affi Juity. Some huu will a time when a load ofmdifpenfibltaxes men, who, having, by a lifcof adultery, become more powerful' and rich than 1 1 tuiiig ii.s u.jucu dim i.iuuu. iuuy i pr 0f gambling or oi profligacy, of fome others. 13ur neither will this power and cumiuuieins 10 ic cam,, pcrccnim$ other lort, ruined both their chara&er this, and being fully, perfuaded, that and their fortune, have- 'flaked their whenever the electors of any place re- aft thoufaml u.rm an eledion, with the cnooic repreiemarives uiiucr iiimiar cir- .hope or thereby obta n nc? fecur tv from a jail, or. of felling their vote for the means of f itrnrt? fnSfTitnrv drawn frnm jusewarmneisormoieintiepenaenimcn the iweat of the people Tit a hundred Who May have the ability to refcue them f0. . and thus expecting to pocket the from fuch hands; with this truth being nrnfirnfth deeply . unpolled, T did, upon hearing ingaf; thelrbribed and perjured coiilli- furrounded by the gloom of poverty and of the approaching" vacancy, life my et- tuehts, as Satan is (aid ro have faceted vi retchedneft. It h not exacceration to forts to prevail pon other men ot this ut the reprobate with whom he had bar- Lfay; that the adembly of a rich banker's Ueicnptiqnto an..ru 70u.au opponumiy : gamed for his ioul- cl evuu-ing your gooS: feme and uprim- j?ar from y,)U gentlemen be credu nei's, and having failed i:; inofe eorts, jty f() foolifii JFar frorpyou dilorrace 1 have thought ir my duty ro attonl Yc-l fo deep, infaniy fo irtf!rfiable ! Far rronUiHfion re ,lo :e dence and ot public ;fpinrvvill offer 1 ppwer and the' wrath of (iod ! But, were themfe'ves as candidates, to raifat dec-- ft otherwise, and clid I find inHoniton tors for choofing and re-choofing the 1 tnifaijnany riglifeous tnenas werefound " - - 4 - ' - . cumdances, the caufe is notlo much in her own difpofition as in the apathy and this opportunity mylH'it.Jbeinit ni"ni- you lb fl?'rant a 'violation of rhIaw,fo ieit'y true, that un'efs men of indepen- darinn a defiance: of the juflice and the denndant and the mercenary is, in the. h:fsh'elt degree', tmrea!onaLdeandunjuih, As toproltlTjns, gentlemen, Iq 'many and lo hnid, u)on lucli dccafion have they been ; b numerous are the inftan ces, in whicfr'U-nefs 3c the fhame lefnefs oftliS 4pilacy have borne an ex- ad proportion tc tha jputity and the fo 'lemnHy or' the vow ; fcompleiely, and hit' f uch fatal effedl, he the grounds V ol confidence been deUiXvsd rhat it is rcw becoms neceffary, upnMl occafi- otii-like 'the prefent, to give 4 pledge, fuch as every man can clearly under. 4?r. and Inch as it is jmpolubiio vio- ithout exoofing thefyiolatcr d all the conleouenit ol i;v''dom and Gomorrah, I would ten- der them my hand and lead them from the reff. Very different, however, are my hopes : thel'e hopes forbid me to be lieve it potnble that there fliou'd b; col- j lecled upon oneict, four hundred En giilhmen, having rheyes of all England I upon them, who ui'J not, by their votes, freely and cordially give'ft;vfarrclion. the grear piincip'e upon which now (land -and in thele hopes, I will, if f have life, domyft-lf the honor to meet yon on the day of eledion. In the mean while, , I am, .with great refpeft, Gentlemen, Your' moll humble and affluence become loVun bounded as to place their polTtflors above the grear community pfAvhich they form a part, or to deprefs that community to the jo w eft ltajte' of debafement. This con fli tutes the great diiFerence' between the European and American ftates of focie ty. On the other fide of the Atlantic, the fplendor of wealth is every . where rJ lliW UllvlUUlJ J U I IV,(I L'll l-i- W u wife niay involve the famine of thou- fmds. While on this fide of the water, unequal as wealth is, the door to its pof lfifion remains onen. the means of oh- mining an honorable fupRort are poUed- en by every one, and the man of atilu ence generally enjoys tie fruirs of his indultry. The legy to tfiis (triking con tra'ft exill: in the theory of the two n;o vernments, in the (lilTerencebctvvceii re-publicanffm-and monarchy. In a re public correctly conflituted, all the "na tional inih'tutions either leave the' fruits ofpetf nal indut'hy untouched, or tend todilFufe them among the great body of the lociety : the mtercits cl th made fubfervient to ihol or thamptca, lit June, l8c6. detected hypocniy anu ' Wm. CO 15 BE' IT. fuch, a pledge t now uvc iV" Bctlcy, Ccutha that, whe ner you eicci uh. ui wv, c irvmr as t livceither for myleh for, oi through the means of any oad 1 i .i f r, ipnfi.-n or oh Tus riff err t either dirtaiyorinairecii), -!,, ucaui man to the princefs o ales Many of I'M in 11 Cif" LI me cuunguunea larnior.aDies came iroru thence at a laprnour. It uas not unti) 5 o'clock iar'tne morning that the party y - CHARLESTON, Juy i e. By a gentleman who arrived on Sui day lall from Cayenne, we aTe inforrt:(' that Jejome Bonaparte-, who fails unc the orders of a French admiral, vas r cally bound to the Cape of Goodllo rrobabiy on his way ro the Ealt Indu but ipeakirg a tranl port carrying iorni tne JJutch troops to turope, ne lean the fate of that colony, and oKonJ his filgates-: vhich had entered it A knowing of i's capture- 1 le then im ed to have proceeded tdbt' fielenaj after cruizing about for eight day,j could not hit the lfland. he man bably was funk, or the great n; (kill and long tfied experience in gation of the sot xsant prince, ha1 tainly found it. The fatl hbjA;evj e lew arc i c ir. y.yto. He niton. June P. i r T noon, to rne great turpriie i . K i l U '.1 I ihr either d rtaiyorindireaiy,cneu;;-vv.rne electors oi mis iorougn, uiegdi- Kic ' Jr,fot,V or i?.,, ,f -il rt.r f .1pAJti hv Mr without emoiuinciir,, nM'"'-- - r- -j r icu uy and whileundera monarchy individual wealth Si power are fludioufly accur.iuii.ted, !k aslludiouily prefer ved in the h;:ndsof a few, to hofj enjoyments the whole fo ciety is made tributary. -Yt?. Liteliigencer. Mr?. Thomns Hope's Jirst assemllif .- ' Was given on rlie eveningof the king's birth day, arherhcufein Duchess' sreet, I Portland place.' The party 'exceeded iqo fafhionables, including their roya' highneffs the prince of. Wales, dukes of Cumberland, Cambridge 'and Gloucef ter. Thirteen flate apartments were thrown open on this occafion, namely isr, the anti-room, fitted upnta Grecqe: 2d, the black velvet, or king Henry the Vftlth s room d, the blue or Etrufcan ,Jf;T,"nratincr. as I never yet have, the jult and conUitu!io!:al rights and prero eatives of the crown, ; This declaration, gentlemen, is not iole mrminaiion of entering upon a deipttaXerifTagement with the Teller of the Inlhxchequer.: ' 1 he furprife'ex- cueu ur unexpected arrival m the bofornsOn 3 Eledtors, was furpafied by j ... .KnniHiiP rpfirf rinri as to inc iu VesWlUsJo: prefer the aflonifhtntnt of Mr. lr i-pn in tTt nerai as wen- a iu. uiyiw-, ",,:;,,,v.in-,lc IUUUU luil l"s m"'"' -i, ..v.k firfh from an opinion, tfi t ihip was the reprefcrative ofrTrpeoplc ought never to be expofed to the temptation of betraying their trull ; iecondly, hom. longoblervation that thofe who lxve up on the public are amongft the molt .qw fprahlftof men; and thirdly, front that mol bet ..:onr;n ihn various walks ot lite, 'v,:' 0 w ,.nvin rpd me of the wifdom (hip was tpl his oppollent inflead of ?f u ivlr. Cobbctti.s. ahirin-criihe ffa'e. i mahogany; inlaid, will mcnt tf dumvMV rPfied his nre room are the Jmelt m tenfions asfdas 1C found another man perlaftly: dependent, ready to nana torwaui..-j(; greate(t buttle pre vails throughout town. Expreflcs aird pol.chaifejq-fly5ng 'm every di- reaton, anu ine cuiiy pr0milesto be as of Hager, who feyed for tethet wif. kawu cnea Oneifal torforne r'nm nor poverty; nor ncuc-vicii iit m...i .wl0n commences room ; the walls and ..ceiling of this apartment being compofed of a blue ground, and furnimed with a crimson fat in 4th, the Ihifr-robm, which is.fi: ted up ro refemble ihe ilarry prolpect in the celeilial legions ; 5th, the Ottoman rooui, or boudoir ; the, ceiling of this room is (Irict cdflunle, as repieienting the awp.ingover a'l'urkifh rent 6th, the dining room furnifhed ' 'E-fi in-n w, rhe t .11.. r 1.1 ' 1 . 1 1 i I . 1 - 4iiaairsiuies,,yumoariis anajimojs,. ill being compofed cf the molt beaut:. n ith ebony; ill this ahogany antKiuc candelabras in the known world 7th, the drawing room, compofed of bronze and gold furnitures, magnificent mir rors of "valt magnitude,- candelabras, tri.. pods, and two real gold chandeliers, or Grecian lamps; lichjy chafed 8th. he ftatue Kallery, il'urninated by an imr.ienfe number of filvcr lamps vith patent butm . 1 1 1 tnar they couitt not nr.a it ; a told this circumdance themft Cayenne. "i here were great rejoicing in ion y 011 the arrival or a pnnr Lhlood royal of Prance- 1 he in had fuftcred fo much under th immediately applied to the lbme amelioration in their but alas, he went oft wi thing, and the old governor,; their inf dence, excrcifed than before, bajiifhirg foin bited and defolate patts,ot t Jerome 1'onaparte dec his intention,' as he had in the Ealt Indies, to itrik before he relumed to France iinnu rt.ilize his name when the Emperor fhall ap dud and lay, "'Jerome, w you to reward you for y I (hallanlvver, "yfrgive fhe is the greareft gift you upon me, and if yougive will make me happy he will nor mve me my perfi't in reluling to acliT; will gohome (calling A and never tlnnic more If thefe be really hi do him honor ; they Itfs a hearr capable they prove him to b auedions ot an ai wife, afe of high gaws and tidel of The family of his, inoll rclpectablen they live, and fho Tend his broths world, without therelaticns r ,f independent- a ier f - To bel I t- II Ml - J .. C . . A ihfl rvirliirtt rr'lllrV llllVlliMif ,1 IV 11 A -w - - - rr - r ar ir a. . . 1 t t t --1 1. 1 nr 1 v.llii l i ' aiiv 1 niu 111 ni ' fl,7td -fcraet Gadrnor povenyrfcwwwvvJltotmr-rt wcr?.rL"nZx;--.X" .TC ""ZTMuk k 11JV v-- U ... 1 1 A 11 a a S. nly4Ail't - 1 .1 l Tl T 1 C I'llTlf I I If11 I 111" I f I 1 I I . I III! I 'Till J 1 n .,i i Uo tpmn'pd to lteal : ana, ro re- iuci urcani. iu duuiu 1 i'ttors t ""l'y- , . 7 .t . fpould be ternp.ed jajg .. . , comnarilbnStt.u;:!;.:! and i -ah were the LWTng rciS JocaUedi ' . r UlCiPU.D, Vole and galt t fromVudr occupying , h only .ieaifi.fi, -.rr; f tK vnr nf wKom he has W T. building- -vers all in I rl1;,--w I'mnn to. irrive atl new iviinutry thouant t . jrfttuy 110. lavifh rim SeMvhV iea rot c lc Vinoer waai X-Ernt - - Vv e M Sandietv-lupper - - X .vims. 1 nv.iui.i, . , a finp(t viands ,,'. .'i ...,n- .mmnnnied with the tendons, and the quahties'tku,, man on ' rji.. r,Vv,fWpJ ot impunity whom the angles of the the Grecian N Monday the fub'cri iy, w. v. hivei tho wolc:8 cf Mai Richicocd. T! in aid county ol lift mentioned it, - 1 t. .v..,- ihf t rdaration liuw uiu uaj uivuui Secry'aBdirfieU l"uv , f ' ... .1.:' Jr..-! nr-.it inn. msv 1 or n deed, ironvjj.?vi"'rT' r, fcorn of my country ; where- acres, 's trctk, !ine, part ditr ia hanih Ji of Ricbmo and Saw.-M. will bcgn) of Scpten i r viz. " - a xv Inch were wi of no fuch fcerte 6f'walth &uen: nn.protu , vefv large goia cu, dor as are delineated in the foUntaitplay te; There were many picture of an entertainment jgWen hixhe lre&mW?5irtf rold ! plate 4iP??;edS 1 1. 1 h .1.. t ., . m ht ml u . . Ha ttr.'t Will taf i ;:-.ir,if.rnM with efteem l priz? bc-ond atf the riches and all the honor. T MS AVI II U' - ... .. .... - - . - I I 1 L - I .w-vuf l 2; 9 ! ;,tom. fucd under the corrupt sovemmeV benched ft ,;y , tiirtttt .-ir-T- r- rrrTiirt vvr-tnv tinn Tf nfisrrr tifciiruy. .as ff it n judiiy i one 141 ... . .;w . -7- -j. : --TIT.it. I 1 . - mTP own money , to Vatife -others to Walifvof property. We aTe.not among , dupe htm, IP vfcefcxhrt thofe who are ambitidtftf beinj enrbll . vote frir me -a1 ie'. ' 4 or nromilinK ed ompng,fhe advocated 'of an Agrarian : Qh-The. contrary,; we believe It is t .is pi ucui-u p- " , 5Vfrrth a ;kve, money or money nh.i at jfydeiu- l 2 lervants iu t tendahtsout the iaiv'r " fl :iir cate.rAr.M , oGlock the ce cjn A r j.-.i(p -""f, uy where a rt;" 1: ' ".' - " ' "VV"' -" . . '- ' . . f. - ; -. . .