' -- j'i-- - ' ' ' ' ' : : " ' . : ";. ' for v4 5v 1 i terof the aw jVia ! 'K b ij;tr v.;. gUjih them , '' " " Y-4, Sir I fhal be proud of reigning ' Ccr them' ; Vut however glorious the caricr ""miy be tlm priiViis uM.f,'. the afTur.jcc of .you MijsftvCitir prWtedUod, ihe lave & pitnotilrti of my new fahj d. will .rive roe the hopes of healing thofe w.iun.U caCi .tied by !o many wari,arjd the events th.it Jiae actu mulsfed within the c utfe fa fev y ?. Sire I whrn your A..ij ly ftT.ii p it the lad fcalto your glory, i i g n peace t ' the wor.d, .the places which y- u fhi ! he:i niuft 1 1 -ny cirr, to that of my jn d'co, to th? Du.-ch trps,t!iat hft f ugiit at Autuliiz u Her yoo&iofpe.M.on, mall be wtl"' f.iirvkd. Uui lei bv in crcil. my people (hall at the la ne time b attached , by 'h- Icntim-itta o-f lor ani gratitu e lo then Kiug, to your Majtity aqd to berl sia, Mmiiter or Attiirg, Aniirnt or Hie The Do'ch r9prefeitMTe hal n sndince cf sh- E'T..,r:i fi. anJ we e jftri wan1 c-hlu4eil Gteat Ordr of the' Legion of H innur, K iight of the O.-lcr of the -Ked and B:ck E.gJe of, Ruflii, St F tht C der of St. Hubert, &c. ani " Kii EiTe!enfj ihi Graad Pei.fionary C H.Veihcut, VKre.Aflmiialaod M 'Mft r o( th- Mnioe of the aiarin Republic, hivingj ihe Grand Eajle of the L gio of Hooor. ' ' IV T. ,CogsJl Miuifter oi Et'iianc. ' J. Van ti)iun, ooc uf tbeit bih uighiii otff.j. , j . . , , . W Si. Member of.tbe Cou cil of fta-.ei If G brarun, MUiitltt Pleoip trutia'y ofjK' Ba;siii Rypu'biic, having the; Grand EkIc f tfie-L gior of Honor, wh(ixafitr hfng putu) all) tfiifiiluvged tlitir itfpedivc 'full pywvrt have gretd a follow : - " Att. t His Msjefty the Emperor of the French an Ki'ig of Italy, ;ai well for liia-felf as for h, Ktiratid fuccefToia for.eC ;,;, laf, tees 'o HiijUti I the rmituename (fits cx.lritu tiom l ri;fi!i, i s iiiiltu. n.'ccc : the vwlolc of i' to thtir hotel in the f. me oiauuti iu which they pojkfirwa abroad tn ' at i arucfc its politics ',t ivil l " ' , n i rcljgjous tibeity, lucb h u ordau ed by ihe . e iltinpf la a 1 :he ahcl.tiou of all ptivifcgts &tesage from M) testy the Enipcrtr with rtfp a to i xt. , - ' King. . ' " 3 Ut" t-c iortn-l rrqi(l a.ade by theit W hre C0mnrrdrd ur Ci tifi tf e Atch- High Mi:!itto,vifei, the Repttfcuaiivca of tht Charci!oi i.f. th? Empire,r'to i, q ,jnt u, Oat-vian Ri public, th-.t Prince L'ou lhcu!d be th in c mpua'cc wi;h the w.fhca pA their apmntd nvrrdit.; v ,-nd C:nttitutiooat ftiog F'gh M'aftitinr fi.ar' "haw priciiinid Pnnce L tiis N .polcrt;' our, well beloved brvihi- , Kt.j of H Hand ; the thro; e ta bt defctridi'-le to his Ktl 3. male and Ifgmmure, mo drier o P'ifftnqtni'iK':. Il iJ our tut i,tion sff , that ' ill' King of Holland and !rt p jterity. p elr tc thctt(c tf CondaMe t f .ht E'ljiir lh dfterftunsiia'i of Oui hja aj pr(rc!co rnVid. ble to the ikterell of our p o.e. Aa Holland, in a m,!i-ary pr.mt of e, intlt ded all iht firony place which did ite J ou iu r'lurn fr n tirr, it was ore fTar, f r the Ot-tirity .of our fij'ei tha1 the culloJv o' it fh ol be . ntTti'teJ ti p-rS'iiij rtf;.catd, f hife rft'ailirr-e'tit we cou;d ntrrtin no ,t ouSt. I a i tniqii rcial p itit ot view. Hollani, b ir'jy fitnte ar t' c id u hfff na y great rivrr wh h 6 w through (M fid. Me pa t of our trrutir ir n . CrfTn- tht vt fh u!d fxvf f.,cri thaf the trea. tv a omwu which wt Ihml ttmi'ude uitb her b ill h fa'ttbjii y txrcvied 0 r . ii -f .r ,y oj ift 9'ir ma.u ttdurwg and cemmtrcial inttitjit Viith the Cjmmtrfe uf th.H ftofU ";iJ.i a ..i.'1 rfiJc, i ine of the fii-it j ..iti cal Co .ccmh ,f F an. e An electee M iitacy Wool h ve vr-'lnc d th' intonve ti ce, 'htt it hve oftfoer txp f-d the i u:? y th.r. in ri,.iei nf "our enemies, an i tl m Pvtry frefh election wou d have b-'en the fiu.;! f i a SkkP at. . Prince l.ouis, whr h's no ptr(6 ml am' i . tion, has given us a pronf i f hu affcotio- fir tt, and of tht 1 -ve ic bea-s the people uf H iliard, by accepting ihe otfir of a throne hich imifei upoti hir fuch preat obligations. Th ruh Chi irel or of the G-man Em. pfre, Ei ftorof Rnifl, and Pr mte of Gr .many, hdvinu fiohel to ns. -.that it wj lu'i intention to app int C arij'i or, and iha with the co ctn re i ce of the Vli j !ev and orjnc,ipai memSe- of hH .Chjp;cr, h:.viug,c-u ,,vj-J hat it wouhl be fir the a va: t g ' ' f r ligion arid th Gennau ETpire. that, h; h ul ! pp i,v to V t li umi n. our u x e an : lOJii Canioal Ffch,, iur Rfan I Al inner, , J rch! ifh p i juvonn, we nave iccc:,tci f.e tid n mm ti m ! ob; r.arr.e. f the ("aid Gh ii al IfthiVde. te rminiti in of t he E, flor rch Charrri- -r of the em ir br uf-'wt t G rmanr it fx no left eonfii malk to tbi pottteul int.'ttls of Frunit i'f'tu io.s ihe tr; vice ot the c tn.tiy cail far a w;. fr.nn ug, nUr bro' h rs tnl iti ihil lriT ; ut h- hjppintf, and nr 'nri T f out ' -fo! ft iie aifj amoug the objea of oor"der. p'-T-ij-Fmn.i. o. Faure ctt .tt. ttioo : At our Palace at Sr. Clmd J'Jure ifto6 napoi.5:ov of i I . i I j tt , ; h i aM j - H h-.s yicldrd to lUcir ilh-8, an ) has an h Prj"ce LouiNapo. c n io c-ept hr C owii m( Holland, to de fc d o himnri his a. si-" " cirs legitimate, to th perpetual cxci'ifioa of ft. males and their de fee dn a. " I i confeqitence of th'S petmifltTl, Prince Luifi Npoie. n iIlAr the Crown urder'tlie titl. of Kiflfr. and 'with all the power and aiiihu rity dele, mnifd by the Coi.fti' utiroal Lda, wltich the Emperor N. poison guaranteed by the prec edir.g aiticle 'It is, nevtr'helefs, agreed, that the Crown of Fiarce and Holland can nevet be united in the fame pt rfonf. " Tin Royl domain crnfifrs of, " Fiift, A Palace at the H gur, which is to be the rt ft Vmc of the Royal Failf.' S cm.!, The Hou e tn tin ' Wrod. H.iid. The donuh of S-efi kk. ' Founh, A liuned income i f 300,000 ll. rina. The law, Ke!i le fl"r)rr ti the King s fur ther tee-'.ue ai l 500 coo florins, payable by m n h'y inllal r.en s 4 4 1 1' cute a mioo.-ir f. the tegency fli'all be- tig y I'gh't to the Q. e'i, and in her dc f nil to trie EmpeTor tt Fiench, in his qua ' 'y cf pei ;.fMiaf hed .f ihf ltpp-r;al Fa.uily. H thai! c'loofc am -" t lie PiioLesof the Royal F ilv , and, in their dt "ault, mong the native! 1'iie mim i y of.ih- K ..g ihli be compUtcd with In ti h troth ejr, ! 5. The d- wiy f tlu Q jeenfhill be deter mired Uy hrr mrrut;e co.iiaCi. At prcfent it is jrsed to fix if at the am ual fuma ot 2c,ooo nuna, to be : ti-u tturn the domains ot (he C:.wn, ; th- Jo n btin, dedud d, one hall ie truifli- r of t'tc revenues of the Crown fhall be apjrapua'cd to. the niaiiiteuaiKe of the houfc h -IJ of the rain Vr King $ the other hall to the expe-'ces of tht Regency. 6. The lC.r.g of Holland (hall be a Gand Dignitary ot the E npire in pr.pe:ui y unicr the ti:le of CorrrtaDTe. The. (undi ..a of this ffi;c, however, may, with the cmf.utof the E iiicror of the French, be pstf-rm-d by a Prince Vice, Conda'jlf, whenever tt-c Emp tor aiyir.k proper" 'o crt-tt fucji a dignity. 7 l iie Me nbcr of th.- reigning family io H lli -5 1 1 teniain pcif.invlif fu'jcct to the ' iip.il 1 o t the .cooilitutivtnaMatute of the 30 i ,vl.irch latt;. forcing the law cf the Iai. TREATY. His Imprrial and R lyal M ijjfly NapHeon ' Emperor of the Fundi and King of I alv, ..-.J H .1 be thariir' and offices of the .State. t f beloi.i g o the p-rkiual (civice of bc K. sV1teli.idtxcepted,.caa only be confer rcl tj n 1 atiVta, . , .( 1 .-j. 'Theai mTof 1h KTng fliOT be tSe'ahcuAt nroii ol Holland, qturteiel with the French I pe il tagU, fctcl mounted with the Royal C o.Va . .. .- the iffcii.btv of tf ' ir HiaK Mroiint (Tea ih, 11 - ' l9 l ety of Commerce Ml be Mme- pr 'feotatirrsof the H.tavi wi RtpisMie, Drefid-'d dJat fo"c'Ul1e'1 beiween the contracting par by his Ex!l,TcyTtht QIfiIIC pC( fi. p3r?) tc ti.af oy virtue pi which the fubjasof Holland "companies hy ahCaoncil of Sute. the Miniii- t'TOr9 bg treated as the m-H favoured ttrs i.d Sccetary of Stae, co.ifidiin t -be ort8 and upon the French frrri- I. Tha- from the prevailing .urn of mind i 'J Hit M-'J tVEmperor and Kiogalfo and the aft al organir.! f.ini Enmpen go'-;ei! u" l 01t i,t' "ith the pmers.ot.Brbsry, vemment wiihonnoij itjr, an 1 c 1 ain um'Toh, o ubTairi the refpeft doc to the Dutch flag, cmobt fudil the ol jtds for which it is inditut' : ' 1 Ut ,hit.Vf ,,,e Fren-cb ed. - I The ratification of the prefent treaty .Aall " tlaMhe oeiiodicalrereal rr ihthexA ' l cluuiesl aiPjris withia; the fpace of fix -ff the (tare-would alwyW a fouie"of d-Cn. ou,,i -itorrn-H7rilyrilral .c O'tant.: lo'-i'ci oTat. utio'i arid dilagteen.ent. among the powers friendly or inimical to Ho'la- d. "'. 'S Fh' an hi'r-rdivary g.jvernTent can alone Retire the q iiet pldlVfii n i f a'l which is dvar ;o the Dtiit h peop e', the free exeVcife of'tiierr re li'g i an , ihe'prrfL-rva i n of their taws, their po. I'tical indejx r.dou e and ciif Irbrrty . - - ' " A- Tim ii s (ir'f'dutyvs to fecutr to ft TriF powerful prot' aion, un 'er the . fhelf.tjr. of. Vhich it may frefly cxrrcif" ..Jta nduftry, and nuhrtiir, ufclf in ihe pofLfit la if its tcrriioty , Ht eorrPiierce .nd its c.d.mi' S f t " f That Fra.ice m' ifT;:ifial!v ioter-fted io the ha.)pinefs of th Dr.ch pruple, in the pr f- -P'lyB!:f ilJte, in the performance of its in- ..fttt'nttoiss.iat well a1 i:i cor.fi fcritiooTof the n.Ut hern .frontiera -of the E npiic opm and mir fortifilaa from gneril political ioftreftji a id -;princijici s -Z :.;n': . : h ti: ;mT.i. r... .t. r n .'.ni Ml'V UUUIIIIlllU .III iu err.. MIIIU'ltlB V (Signed) a MV-T ALLEYRANIV " CH. at.K,Y VtRHEUL, " Ti IV A. COGrl, "J. VAN SlYKUL, .. ' " W. SIX, a..d . ' RALEIGH: MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 18 - MKAFARTJ AT PLAT. a - Returns oJ Mtmbcrs elided to serve m the next session cf thejiiate Legitlature, . W AKE AIIcj JtogexV, linate. , H. H. Cwok and Walter Rand, Coromoot. otp fo Seiu t, AUei 8. crH, mi oppioo i. . ttttnrans, H. l. Cxli, )S;'Valtr Raud, 624; Sa mael All 01., 4ii1; Kat'ianiel Jw.es, (W. P.) 379 j "k"Jm Huc.ab , 40; W.ody Ma-Un, '7i. G R A NV! LLE- Thomas P rfon, Stoate. Win. Robards and Henry Yancey, Commons, NASH--John Arrinqton, Senate. ' Col. A, Gidlin 5c Redtnood Bunn, Commons P.fTingeri in the Oliver Ellfworth flate, that the moil prevalent opinion was, that a peace wou'd take place between Great Britain and France in the couifs of the fjnimer, as pacific overtuiei from Bunaparte were under confideratioa. Le-rd Selkirk, appointed ambaiTador toie U, States, lud taken leave of his government, to de part immediately for America. ." Paris, May 24, if 06 ; ; Vtie,('lBial ; ptrniiu contains aqother mef fafce aod twn decrees ttfj. cdiiig the creation of M. Taileyrin3 ""a Piicce and Duke of Btneven o. andot Btnadotte as Priuct and Duke of l''.:'eCfjrv3', - ' - VENTRILOQUISM: ; ; "J If R RANNI hfenfs vhhinz tbt different JLVX Totvnt in Nr h Caroftna thu teuton " O'Jf titn'trt.in the Public m tth a Display of bit tttrfrifi rrfvrmmett, which btverfailt i giv ing genera! t itU Uifthm ' to 'every ltholdert and io a for. I a hb't d'grte of amusement than any ever Zcpr-'d lfotl ub'tc opptubatint. We infert with pleafur the following ample re futation of the moft fcandalous and uijuft.fiable calumny againft the charafler, of Commodore Rodgers, which was imprudently, , as. we then thought, and ftill think, rung through the United Stages, during the abfence of that gentleman, -As this refutation comes from captain Gale him. felf, it is fcarcely necefTiry to rtejueft the priffters, in whofe papers the charge appeared', to infert Jc they doubnefs w;l feel pleafure in promptly puS hfli.ng a contiadiclion of To foul acaluuny againft this meritorious offi :er, of which they wci t un. wittingly inaae tne more exter Uve pro agators Nat.Jnt. , TQ THE PUBLIC. I have fecn with no litt-e fuif-rife, a piece in a Ne w VorV jiaper of the fir ft of March laft, where in it liases 1 was tun through the body and killed, by Commodore Rodgers, for remooilrating with him on th; impropriety of flogging a marine, f hi has been, done by fome fcandalous perfoo (no doubt) to ii jurejis character, and although the eCecl could only be temporary, yet piop.e in peoeral may fupppfe that it origioated in feme mifunderftanding fuhfifting, between him and me. I can afTure the public, that not only myfelf, but every officer thatferved under his command, have always been on the moll friendly terms with him ; and the be ft proof of this. is. that every officer ot us, will be happy to fail with htm at any future period. During the time I was under his com tnand, it is only juftice to fay, that he behaved towards me, with every attention and pohtenefs due an officer. ANTHONY GALE, Capt. M. July 28, iHoG. We a-e jnl irormed, (ray the New.Y rk Ev ninj Pf't) tb Mr.Tillotfor, on Mo -day 'all, in his fuit ap'infl Jroes i-he-tham, Editor of j he American Chixtn fr a libel, ohtsiaed a vn lift. fry a (heuff 'sjury at Albany, fr tbc futo of Fourteen hundred dollar t. Efial and Exaft Jujlite. We are informed that n the late trial in New York, the teftimony of Mr. Sv7artwout, the Marfhal of the diftriA, was of a nature to make unfavourable imprefSonis as to the agency of government in the atotr of Miranda, and that finte the conclufion of the trial he has been removed from his office by the Pr'tfia dent of the United States. In the name of morality and decency, is itpof fible that there fhould be any connexion between thefe two facls! Will the admini!tration leave toom for even a fufpicion that an officer under ath before a court of jullice muft accommoilae his teftimony to their wifhes at the peril of his office. We greatly fear that there is fomethiog rotten in this affair. jf Ga: . . Wt4rM't his Bonaparte pliy? ti ;His fiirf Mffc j&Msr brircs i - ' H( diit in (u ti.i i yrionaf wiyl,' x V-. ' ' And make, bit iinatut l.t A?. Made of tttryinr Lmvfvtrt la London. . 1 1 j. A gentleman, in the coiiotry who had . juH neuft ricn relation, woo was a iaivytr compuyo- ed m Foote, the draraatift, of the very grf at cx penecs attending a count y funeral, t carriages hat-bandi, fcarfs, &c Foote very gravely, weed him, whether they were at any expence t burjr L .wyrrt K Y,t ta, be fure we, are,, repliei Ihe gentlemen.' 6h. faysFoote, we never doihiffln Londonr Ho hen, ys the otlier, do ''you manage with joyr Lawyer? f Why, anfwj;Vs Foote, when a Lawyer dies, we lay hlnv outiai an u4 per chamber overnight .by hi iife!fti Iwkf door, throw open the windows, and in 'the mcrn inc he is entirely off. and cannot he found b his neareft reUtion, even if they w ere drfpcfed to bury him Io leed fays he gentleman in arriaxe ment eiAa btcomtt htm t Why fays Foote w car not tell, ot r ing acquainted wit" luper. natural cauiet an we know or the matter is, thaf there'.s a ttr-ni mellof brimtone in the chatt ier tie rent nir where the lawyer is gcne ute jjtvtt smows. ' jnarrfeii, " ?: In Ha'ifax n the 7th inft. the Rev. Mr. Richard Poimdexth to Mrs. Akna Jordak, , Postscript. 'rf FLrther Returns of the Elections, F4NKLIN-Sen Join Fortes :. Con.iaons, Epprs Moody, and- Lacier. WARREN Senate, Wil 'iam P Little; Commons, Phil Hawk ns and John Harwell. JOHNSTONSenate. Col Smuel Smith, W a hi i uiy or on over c wtiuams. Commons, Robert Gu' ty, jun & John Sanders. CHA ' H AM Senate, VJinfhip Stedman Commons. John Fairar. lc Andrew HeadenJ ClUrlw.Matirise Tallraod, Great Cbn.j "---lV . - - , The following is an eatraft of aJetter from a young pentlemao, to ln's father (a mssifUatr-) 1 . in Piiiladelphiadated Halifax, July 5. 180 Peace and Entity, or Neutrality and Independence Z i rvbiace this opportuuity, via New Yotk. o' informiag ynu thatfioc wn'ang you fioprj lie ifl'Tnd of Smana, I have been trading in the Veft India Iflmds, and was rery fortunate until te tuning home io the fhip Hope, off dan. dy Hock light hoofe it bearing N N W, 114 Icazu't, was boarded and captured hv the co guo Bntifh (hip of war LeanJer, the infamous Htnrj Wljitby, commander. When I, with the cicw, erf'fcnt oo board her as prifoners of war, and our (hip ordered te Halifairrtbank Heaven my flay on board aBri fh fhip of war was fhpit, ewing to her cruize bciog neatly expired j but durinnr ihe fhorf time my unpro I pit ious fte compelled me to remain on our coalt, lanirutse 11 too weak to paint the poi nancy or my reelings at the trrqueni view or Ire de gradation out cooot r j men were compelled lo iuomit. o 1 irrqientiy arrcr our vuiels ha hove to, would he order m.traftrlhot to.be' fired into thrro, with direftions to thelgunner. to 'fink tit damned Tanlee rofia'ti aod io cafe, where an American captain beotrTwithio the limits or j irtfJiftibn of our country did not think proper to heave to, 'till the frieatecame within pun Ihot, the'SruiuS villaio would coo. x ' a" - '- -- - - m t none nnng at tnem uom oe came along tide, wheo fbc would, order the captain on board, mske fiil and ran tofea, leeP'mt him Ruin? on tht forp exftred tt the drtjien and ctmtcmbtille in. Jt2ificat remsrh of the Bniil ojji:trt and crew.1 Ncyr Wholesale Store. "fHE Suhf-riber Deg leave to inform thein A Irrei di and the public ia genera'.' that ' ey havr entered into co part nei fhip under the firm or , HOGG, HALllDAY y MENG. who have coainrnced bbfintfs (in the bnufini he'etnf re occuoied by their R. Hallidayjin' the holf ialenrj retail line. In addition to -heir ft oe k on hand 4,'f Dry, Eafl and We In dia Goods and Salt, tbey have imported in the Ihip Rodoey, Captain Herald, from Licrp-oLl an txtenfive aod general aiToriment of Diy (J 'odi, f uitable to the market and tp.iroaci.ioe fealoo which they will fell on rtafoiuble ttrmaf for cam o produce, or on the a. c ufloire j etc dit hy holt f ale to known, tifponfioie &,puac-a tual peiloas. JOHN HOGG. R. ALU;) AY, f aietn i' AtrrtiAX, " T0. ( 4), Tit Drblort of R ffaliJay. and ffojr and Meng art rtwielltd to mate payment to ffojfp, -." luliy and Men miho art author if (d toretctwJucb dthtt and front dtfcbarttt - :."sVS 4 Ten Cents Reward. RANAWAYlrcm :.ltic li'ri&r7iiV "Mcrgui ton, in the tnon h tw January laft, an ppreotice' boy, named Fiaocii,Amos, abe nt itf years old dark hair' and complexion, well rro. He" was bound to learn tht Hlters trade. ' XTr'iTTr'tr . " ;, '. . i, . . .. .-.rV'. WAS committed to gaol on the tQih ol July laft, a Negro man, about a 6 f ear of age, of a yellow compjexion, who - fays hl name ia SAM, and that he belongs to Aljer' GnlE Read, liviog in Cheftef5lddirtria S lutb Carolim, near the Fifh dam Ford Or Broad River. The owner is dtfiVcd to corns: farwaid, psy cbarees, and take hiro away"l;J) , jUbtfei hi t.W ART, Ooaler. W.hathinn county, rl C. An lift r,-:tM. , 2 T(rPRINTJZRSj I 'HE HI state of my health makes it nereuatv 1 stNiK X curiiil my busirxu I will iliti iort sell, m a Cftdii ol one, two, and thrt years, thai valuable At tf A f ll-S TliJi Mnam. k.a aVAA i,.h.a.r;i -J m- nMt y m uas v W aui'ivi iaaiaj hi l m riutiSe advertising custom, betides being appointed to put) fish the laWif Congress. Halilax it on tha oauokr, on of tlir;che ietslemenu jaibe State, a d i the seat i County and Sujitrior C-uff, arid consequently rford mur more pamiAlet and job printing than any other in the itat ) is an excellent stand for a Boot-Store and Bo. . Bindery The ajipaiatiu tiir carrying on the Jatter, msy be had wit' ihcettablishmei.t.' The piloting itwterialsccnsistof aPrcs l and a grtat varictr ol" lier, from Six line Pie down (J . . i- . ..... . i .oievierj some ui wntcn sre quite new, and an to a iuujiuh to'bs used to advantage. 1 ill vell with he estabi hmenr or hire tor a number el' yean, TWO NEGRO MEN urn a j retry e rrect man, able to FOlTS.le. a few. banela of excellent Shad and Het rings. Enquire at this bfSce. t Compofiiorj the older an eaeelletit IVeti y 1 beat and pull off six tokeo'Va dayj1. -mcA I :n .1,- ..ii . u. . i i -. j i a dwelling houe and print ingffice. ; '- A yonnj mari ol education, ihougli not a printer, wpule: he enaliei t eorwtoct theoffierand vjujdfifartagoa.' ISle'TR'weff'ara "proiSiabte o"ul"ihTTtiiVis addiested iw , .," ' W illiam JJoulan. Ratc'xh'. N.Carolina, July 1, 1if04 ' ' r