fl! ' v if n oot fivr large Fiench I and ife MUonAiois eir: 12 8, hicf .add.ed to the receipts previaiua 10 Ncv : diy.light we made tfem fr gsttti. and twocoivcucs, one of which bear ic a broai peodacu at-5 iiieMobarcb 'fiftd 3 fc cha!e (hot, and at 6 the weatbermoft fri. 'gale hauled more to the wetiw'atd, in purfuit of which. I difpatched the Mate and oncfri gate, with the two corvettes, edged away to the S. E. the remaining three frigates keepieg in dofe order, indicating the intcution-of fup portiog each other. At a quarter pall 10 tbe Monarch opened her ftarboard, guns on the ece. jnYf wLeot hcajr cannonading commenced, sucbby the ,eiitai'a management of a running fight, they: fucccrded in loaie meafure, id cripplir.g the Moearch'ti fails and rigging btfete the Centaur could get up. ...At 1 r we pel withi-i fair range of ivr.i, and opened our fire from (he larboard puns, whil'.t the Moojrcb kept edging the th'rd fhi;i, acd about noon 0 :e of the frifiV.es ftmrk, as did the owe cp. ioftd to the Monarch fhoitly after , It was. juli bffire this I lecffved a fevere wound ia uiy tight aim, (fince amputated, and iv'wg we!), I hope,) which i;bli;.'.ed me to levr l be deck , the fciarf. previous toib:3, h d hic ccrded i cap'uriiig Icr chafe, itd v?f;h hrr prize haukd towards the Ceotaur,in chafe r.f, aud bring .at theF reach consrjHsdore'i fhip, and at 3 afliftcd in c?t4ut;in'her. TholV ftiipa of , the enemy made aetv6.inate TefifUoce, but the teful: n may' fH be fuppokd, ittirJcd- "wi'ib- auch"' (brighter, bciiNcrol,d ith troops out, of Rocue'drt ills evening, before. I have the honor tc t-e. Sec.. svm. hood. ji Llit of the V.nsrr.y't sh'fs captured ly the jquj Jrpn wider thforderr of Sir j$avMct odd, K. B. ' Sfftimltr, 1896. hi G5;.ire, of 4 p"re, commanded by .M. Rii'eil, ctpt?i'' de vaifiesu, cair'ying a brc-3 j.er.daat ; L'Tt fablc, of 44 gucs, coamaofl by M. Gii:drt, captaio de vaiileiiu j La Minetvt. o-'.44 q'lite r.ctt coaiar.dcd by M. Cle;, n U'uc de frigate I'Ai-roHe, rt '44. ff.u is, t'o y.tr? n!J, conomauded by,M Lar-gloir:. crpitir.e dr trTs te- 'Qr' Keftaik?Mv fnr fhijs,' cf large dtmrrfiajjf. total fam, difbjrfe-iicYrt have btcn. -made fiacc Not. 1805, tv 4n? r8a1Ssinciudiog ucnlo' oey burot laft fciti u deecieduijtu for ufs leaving a bilar.ee ia the tfcafury ontb.fitft da oi N.ot. l8t5, of "41 .53813, 8. SttiVf art of which ,"is vto'.u-'ii iac!i a a", to be unfix (or circulation. Tbe expetidiiures of the lalt Af fcrn'My and other elii nsi reduced the trefury to the fmill fum of 1 5 S3 1 o. The m. nt'cs io the funds of the LTni td Sutes, amount to ab ut tiurty thoufiod d-jflara ; the iaeiil of which amounting to about four tboufand dollar baa been liid out by ..the Trcafurer ia the purchafe of additional ftock. Agrefable to the aft of AfTcubly, to rcliee cerisio cili; ' zea$ of Mecklenburg, &c. the Trea-iirtr V thi. UivciHty has transferred to the State Trta firer, 1 12? dciUfsof unredeemed fiK per c;nt. li nk., Ti;i3 futri whea"Eddcd to the fum tare toforc tr.inr,ferred by the Ta(u,cr c tlnjlJu weifjty, iinr.ti'i l'liZ73 1 7 - and covers ii vl.e riais coming within the dcfcription of thr aft. ubeve retired. A b.d'ctici for Senator took place, whn 'ro one in nomicution had a m-j trify- ' Fucklio bad 68, Blount 45, Smith 35- Djts ia. and Binford 7 votes. The came of Gta. Daf;a was tbea wttbdta'wn. V' "A further iba!!of took plicf thit day f;S ! nator, and op one had a rr.rj yity of votes.; Franklin bad 66. Scnitb 55, Bloutit 4.', Dvii Z and HiiAtotd 7 totes. The bill to divirce Wlr.ifred Manning of Msr-io Cnor, ws read-the facoad ti;ac and pdLd Yms 69 Nays 27. ' Mr. F X. Martin prefeoted a bill invefling the fuperior courts with tha power of j;rntirig difrcea aud the f-'tMement of alimony. Mr. Cameron prtfenied a bill to amend the "lafl"Ju.Rat'"(J tu'credi'ors the r;ght cf fuingr RALFAGIJ: MONDAY, CXCEMB R 8, 1800. " O Friday theJudi:iaryT5i!i was read for the third kndlatl time, knd ordered to be engroffed. This bilf provides that iherc1 fba.ll be two fuperior cur:s ,n eaca county, yc y , r I - 9; 6f l;i5 WOops i in om are to try jury caufs -tw.ee a year and of. j mV .. r r J. ' . tjntrif thejjuficefs reqjiresthat tn addt 10a to j -V-j 1 -1" t r'vrttr.? 2? f rencn" etgiitrea pouoaets rn tWir .main d.;rki "thufy pnunder catrona'c rn ilicir quarter decks and forecarlles, and a. b ut 60 men (i.ic'ud'ng troops) in efch (hip, full of ttorce, armj, atancuaitiou, and ptcvifi t'.:s, ... Li '1 hrrrtis, of 44. ;uii, old, cfcspfdv L i8 T.aiia.A nesff, efcaped ; La Lynx, of 18 gU if, ne efenptd. a the. rudffcand: Solicitors noV in ofTie, tWere are ta be two mdfe Judges and four mere Solicitors pointed a Judge ; and a eiici:or a e to perform one ciicuit ; thtflate being laid effinto 6 circuits of 10 counties each, and eucli circuit commencing on the fiift Mondays of Mrch and September that the Judges are to hold afupreme court at Ra'eigh once a ye?r, on the t otn ot junev In addition to 8 malttrs l chaccciy, there are to be 52 more appointed j and. in addition to th clerks of the prefent loperiot courtsij 5 2 mote ate to be appoicted by the judges. ' rrom their proceedings, our rcacers .wuuiir cover that although the Lefiflature have baJlotted fiK tirr.es for a bentor, yet no one nas toad a majority of the LegtMbture. '- The lenewel of the war oir the continent of Eurone t the orocLmaiion of the Frtfident, which is no dcubt aimed at Col. Eur and his affociates ; 4 the proceedings of the Ltgiflaure, and a part of Gem Steele's excellent fpeech cnihe Judiciary, wHl make the Minerva of to day very acceptable to its r-umeioui and refpectbie readers. .... - u- '. " '' - ' By tht Pttfdcni of the Untied Stuier of Amtrica. A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS icforrbation ! been receitd that fuhcry'perfons, citizens cf tl.e United States, or'refuienti within the fame ire con (piling and cofcfetleiaunr together to b"g'n and Kt en foct, prbvide and prepare the ,cic'ns for a military ex pedition or enterprise a gain I K th'(Jc.iTin'cs 6.f SDfn. that for tats rirro!e, tr ev sse fitt: v;ih the iinpl;fiit ircltijitnce cf thtir dav.4- . i , landing at the Carraccas. lie flared that ti.s troops which Miranda lud.CPUe.3e4 .at Trinic 1 -did not -amcunt to mo-e thin 400 j that with this additional force.bc had -procteded op bis ex pedition ; bur immediately cn tUJjridingwai attacked and totally defeated that Miranda loft and with wreck of his little arj-.y, in one of the fraalSfctTc!? be longing to l.iifquadron That tfe" Leinder Was alfo captured, and ;upt. Jahnfon, who coniraan- . ded her, s.ni Biaftot "his tfTrers, were behtai. '. ei. ..' .. . - - ' . - - A large reftfrarnBotEr.Ui(h troops, Ud ' " f ii)td for liusncs Ayres of which Gen pe(es ford was appointed I jcvernur, with a falary of Td.cco pounds fterllng per aiMiuTi. ,' . , The S'edifl arrry, 30 000 (trng, were "en-" tering Hanover, to co cpaiatc with Piuffia ,4 . ' .- - f SvVi. of : "" " House er. Commons.. Monday, December 1. f r. Hurt pYefef'ted a bill t Uy r fFa tovn ai;5 t blifh ao Academy on the Utrds cf Ro berl Fiefd-. ia RoWaa oun?y. i'r. Nic!iVfon prtrenre-' 1 HI' tn prttert fronds end iaipoGii-ins cf M'l'tre in. the difl rivt (A T-'ler.ton. : .crcu, tint Mij, Troy, Hn!e'fr Jlu'.ve. Kh.-sdts, f.r: Crir-n bf a crjiff tq erqt!S'f If ay'j-i d what V'.lrU:i-ri nfCilTi-v t ! t. n kd! hi iKc. !a8 rtfr'cci:1 v' the ut tl't ?.te. and t!;at tlitr terott L bidoi r.tUv-r- . li is .Ejtcclle'cfv N b ?i J Alexander, Frq-io-.ptKfo'ance tc his tot'tv.tion on Sitn:dy, sttterdr' thiiTdi) in ibe Con.ir ( u both HvA 3 toe ingLtb re ccntcncd, aid qua iikJ sr Gsv. err' r ;f the fiate fril e 'enftiing yea1. Tba M i tah!tfhirtf a f:perior court iw eacli -pniify, a read the fecrrfjd time in the SiPitf, ard anietuhd by ftribiag orjt the. lift culc t h'ch wei.fto lit'iit 'he opeist'ias' of the iit to three years, aod pjfle.1 by a oirity of 6 votes, Turfdy, Dec 2.r - Mr. Jordan prefented a jjill io eflabtiflv Academy in Rt be fon tout'ty. x Mr. FJty, ailf to cflabUlb it,fp?(torr of e-otion. ThjrbitprtYiderthat--cvuy holder cf a macir. il.all be art ti.fpeclof, ' ." The bi'I rjraotfng a c"ivoi,ce to Elizabeth FJibre of N-wbcrn, was r'csdtbe fecund ti.xc aid pjff d Yv9-'7i Naya 43 ,-Toe bill (IfcUrii)- meoibcrs of AiTerttb'y i-v "cliyble to cHces cf their ova creation, 'was read the feennd iire and.rije Y4SM fTra. Arnold, Terghs. iiu n Ca''rnt CoJIirt?, Caldwell, CatC ci.ru.,- t'lai kt, Croke, ChbtUn, Daidfon, Duf iv, Fonvillr, Tartar, Fofcue, Grodin?n, Grid, i-iffir,' G!d, Iliszen, Hf.fk.iiH, IJ.o'uJ'on, K'ict, Hnvirli. Kirr, T. Lic;ier, Lesthcr- out Bf.iChmtiit6 crair.lt ine cuate ci tiitir debtora- Mr. LcatherT.an prefented the petition r.f fundry inhabirart cf Roan, praying that George D'oze he rc-ft ired to certain privileges. Read and reVrred Tbe petition of Willis Sawyer, pying,to be divorced froaa bis wifcX)iuah, Read aad referred. ,G;a. Thomas Davis Vas agiin put ia oomiv qati,jp for Senator. The bil's to rrflnre to ct?J'r Ztcbetis Bi'-tli of Anfon, and jic-'h Ticc vf Maitin, were read and returned to the iSeuaie. A' bill to divorce FrWi? D-ani cf Carteret, fr a hie wife Nncy, w rea.1 and rq.?cd. The bill to dirfce Jofiah Vick t;f Ha ifax C u tty, from his wits Lydii,Avai read and font to the Senate. The' bill to div: ice S'mr.n liorfc frcm 1 ia wife Sarib, w9 read ?d rt j'clcd. . ,. The hill to amend thr tft to prev?nt the i 1 r.p'taticn of flivea, pied in 7M4- was ieJd . r .... . o ti.:. v..!i .. .u :. .1. (i;tr .it ih fcv.-rl fliriff 'to pr ttc'Jte tfcofe V.hc tba'.l incur ibe pcoa'tics of tl.e 'I i.e c rr.riatLet of divorce, and f.!tciiiy ftr pentd a. bill fe.:ur?-cg to Jane ReJ. ig ul 3. , wr-d fAuff f,t of lredcli, fu:b prptity aVt-bcy may hereiher acquire. x y , The cam-nitte of pdvileges wi E'ertinni. to !k,cd weie 'rcferrei the. meiii.'iijl of Jtffe" Siocornbftatinglttrein-.fbat J jmti Rhodes, a svembrr f;rom Vare, was fit tbHmc-cf the laft cltclion, af rolunallera4-d'i thereby inl;. gible ts a fet, and prjyitig tint an enquiry mi;y:rr4 made, RrportC that ber having cxa Tvi .cd tbe vQUQbeVs. flee, they difover notbi.-g to YttbftaniSte the charge, and therefore re, trirrnetid that the memorial be tej eted ; which tbf houfe concurred with. The Urn. committee to svhoa were commit- an 1 ted the memrrial of Probate Collier, which ilited -tkt WiUiam Smith, a member from Wayne, obtained bia feat iilega'iy, reported i i ai v rt the memoria-i S, wUich ;hc bcufe coa. A letter from our Bafton correfpnndet, re- ceiv'cd by tbi morning's mul, COntaiRS the foU icwing iptelligence. 'J "... ., ,. y- " My Iriformant,- (fays' the writer) ,j? -re. crntly in FariSj end 4ook pains to afceruin"the t;uth or Jalfity cfiibe fol!owJog repor,t t an4 con fl 3 e tuTy be 1 U V 1 3 jo: ff Ttcwtm , Viz . . 4 That B V naparte bzi made i 'pWjpoIivion to the EnpliiU ri;o,iiftr) to' m'sfce peace f to cbrwf, acd diy k the UcidVSUtesY, between the tw6.'natidps as T Colonies abet that to 'effecl -this end," Great" r-'t-iti ftjpuld furniJhV baral Jorce and trinfpriit -tor o.coo men U 1' , y. , V' f L ' Abfurd aod piepoflerous as, evcrjr native A metican nufl- Cpr tier even tRe report i my? laforra-: ant aflures nre, &r.d be is (iorrubcV;acd by gen-i tlenien from Rojdi-iux "that tbf re were French;' r.icn t!i.re (who r.gt only affirt tlrn the . roppfiiiro x had been made, but that " jN fnyvcort tbe Great'' was koie to crti-ct it i 1; f I rkrot brir.i finlclf artd armirig vciTeis in tas welicrn 'Waters of ihc United States, collecling prcvifi ms, ernii ...ili. tary ftoic', and other mean?, are de:eivi.tf (r.d feaucing hone fl and wt-U meaning citizens under various preterfecs, to '-SgRe in - their ".ctjmieal enterp.rizesaie .vrgwzwg, c-ffi rering a'i,d ttm, ing themielves for.the fatiie, '''cc'ntfjry "fo r the laws in 'fuch -cafe's made ard pidvilcd : I hive t',eie fore thdught fit to ifmc thii r y FROCL AMA .T10N, Wirfcing and 'enjoining all faithful citi zens who have been led - without' due k r.owledp c or confideration to participate it jhe ,f:ul ua'w. I ful eVierpi TzesVlto; w jth jra w frorn ihf frtir wfii cut delay. and commanding ail peiS.'s' 'vhatio ; ever, engaged or (jonccme d in tr.? lnie, to cetle ail fui thtv-proccedir-gs tl.cie i, e they will n fwtr the omrary t tfieir.jri! ; iind ir.rur profe cutioti w bha.l, the rigors of t!i:. law And I bcr:by crjr.in Si d require stli c iTitrs, ivd and military, i f ti e United States or ofeny cf -the Hate i r tcrrhories, aol tfpecjiatfy ajl gcvcrnbrs and otlnrexicutiye auihjitits, all jadgesjuL tires a-d o'htr Jlioe fcf the pes'ce, ail. military cJb.rn' of thTaipif orliavy of rheJrfKed States, 1 ar,d bfiic'eis.oir'.b milium,' toKbe vigilant each within tn'refpccltve rlejuVnt, and '.according tojHS"fuiCiion$, iti JafChirg oit, arvd bnrging to condign pupjihmc:.r., rl pe;f nj tngaed, or concrrre:! i.T-iuch enttrpi .zer-sa wz ng acclce- ta:rngfufi to the'difafi'.'' r of t lie law, aiN. to t;'itve tfat'fuch i proper cculd eyr enter ti) head of any madmsn rJ'.VtevcrBut theurjtt'- prove true, wi.nt aie e 16 tuinV of rbife kind ad dc.vpiej tools of F ance, in this cou,try who -cfj fjt?t to pny toiufnuiiSy for' the focceti f FrepcL- s.rmf, -and die - wiivcrfaUiiiffwfijiL ifll; ... . - 1 itiitn uonjcion r Rarrrrcer, Brr. XT:in LEnard, M'Jdu'leti M'Guire, M. t 3e:.h-!l, -M'ftn, Moore, Mebii.e. F X Marrin,' Nrif?o,-.Niwh 1'fua, K;n ,N-fvvH)d, -O ei. " rtr t-tf Kti;1 I, Kr?b3rV li .' -t-o'ibw. W. Si-itb, bitcd. Steele, TWi,fl W !'''"' t a kif vyu bv.yiuryf 4 - Nay solvit iirs.. . Attt-f.v- Atkinfo?... ilJ? X'igbr, j,latf4', "Boft c, iVr'i-ctnor. ' Ciiiirway , 3). . Co. .:i;nfi; (..O-bTan. 1. 1 -1 Hoyle, Hti-dcifnn iirflir., livitT? Jjtilme, Jor.ro, V.'. Laii.ei, Lar-,, 3 v..LQwrte, Mora 10, IS n't ;re, -:", $ M'Nfilf.-J MTSTtrrrj-Fitkiuc, J'r.k 11 X'r : . 1. !' ..:t . . . . C- r'en, Sawyer. 'Scstt, H J .xAy't roy, TYr.u Wiiliama, IV bite, J.' Viriiu.s, V"i4in3LW r.c, -Wetb.vWprd-cV"; i ' The Speakeir laid UfTe tLe JlonVa crm r-'-Jcicatibn from JchrTlTiywoad. Trrq PuVKc Tif-afuren "Frcm ibis documerii,- foj-i tLat. 41c amount of ?U U t'es received tr. the tte !i j from the rft CNoKtaberrgc, t J the k. l"of November. lS(T, iVfl'jdicg.trreti ages' cuned with. ' , Thurfday, Df cerober 4. A fottber bairot tduk pUcc tins day for Se nator, and co cne in nominatici bed a afir.j rity.. Franklin bad 67 fjraiih 55, Bibuot 48, and Divis 1 2. Mr. JBi iford's came having been Uhdrawn. . f. . () v tivi?; tViut reading of- tl.e Juijciaty Bill, Mi. Steck wj.vi! tii s;T-it?".out ihe ordi '" V JH:reai tht ('cUys and " cx '')C- res 'iT)?'i:i' ibV l'ro.n the preent c ' 1. --.iiution vf 10 m grniTii vcfl 'it, ar.ai, nmtry ltoits or other rars.r.i vided or piovidir.g ttf the .j.nr, and in prevent! g the crytr? on v-.:n rv.; c.f.on or enverfrie, by iii! the law 'til me'nj. w.ti.i.n their power : and I require at'-good and lrtl -ul citi zens, and others vitin the United Sutcs, to bcaid ng and alltiting herein,' and efpecial'y iff the difcove y, appreheofun :.d "bringing to. jufttwe cf all- fuch cfVerdcrs, in p.'iver.ting the. execution of their unlawful defigu., and in pi?ug" informaticn againft them to the proper sulhuiiii'cs. In tifliniony whereof -(Signed) M TH : JEFFERSON" By thcrrcfident. . '(Signed)";-. JAMES MADISON, " : Secretary of State. " ucb a detefled wretch as Tom. Paine tnav? w:fli to e c tur country overrun with rrenrhjllf. flr. ; tut tvery true Ameikan, wlilcrhe'de, tcl's tie ti;ols cf tyranny; whether in a red or bH:r uSifrni, will be prepared to purtifh their fe-V u.ctiry, fliould they accept ihe iuvitation.. of ttefe:, traitors. : . , ' . "' " It is to be remarked, that the fne f;Btu ments which cre held .by tbe Bi itiHi toriejj.Mn 7 7 5 a" new averted by cur Frcach t?ri?3 t ' tlu 3 or 4CC0 of the hired 'Ruffians of either Would Ib'cur Cur ctlmtry, and rid it V.f rt bth " gentleman who arrived a. !sLt:h.; z on Ai$i - ...... - j .... . . . , that Gen. Wilkiufcn marched with 1! t- e tiuops of tha' p'avc for Sibine, on the zzd of O&i'for ti e purpefeof" efhb ifhing gsrfiln ca tli l.vk ol that liver avid thai the chief comrrander of the Sfa;..fh f rccs sfTared ihe 'Girter! ' that nje wcu d ej ; "fs hiai 'to the utmolt of his ability, . .. '':. ' j " I:ir.D. A ,'r-i f at C i. Sufi.p.Iard' l.iii.L, vt' li'ankiiii. dcsa cj sC.tll -a; C.l. Satbet'lantl'a, ' whefelife- kit t-l;iftl iiQaift; mr ix. l i 'WKWfc !l'i 1 (' -" CtiiLicoTHE, Wcvcmtensr IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION. By a Ecnt'cmaa of the bishefl Tefpcclability from Kentucky, wt arc furnilhcd with the fob.. lowing ietclligenee : ilie iuui ct uiirs. aunt re.-er C iHHge in ihe which ':idiiiin n-.rairon tU'.:C'i": ii'tiisr'e. Uyutcvssa.-y ;!' ii--.a;-i.,ti i-i Vcas, 'JiSis 6-2. ds " more ta i'i," Mr. Cv-.st I'.' vai lajtrike out Uiri w rr- st::i cc- u i.icti aya '.ha; ' i.i;ife fjiallvw t attcikl tv- : irt w twi twio 111 iii. c.'jsr n ; wni-n 1. vi n'or.td Veaa 67. Xay 55 "The biji ' il. . ! Jr, i uiit (' svyij tcjiiej)i''iiii'n !l su'hil'.y ni!n:Inrai;t$ ii'iUyxA:, : ii I.-, piaing a tliv'r io tHcre wtiicfi wa- H i r. rtrTnTiel ui Pr 'position! and Gyitvaiicc's. . 1 .. - -'Friday. Y;v. 5. . - . J, i J-Ir. 11'ii.n-prpseted a ili t prrvent. wages si d bitJ on ;'. -r-..'i- .n! liinirti distance thah-oitc , , L: I 10 ricl "rie it iiji the hi ntfir riV'oiiei'i,)';1 JcF?6:i$ 1 !,'. 110 js iii the clav-time-', and to ete- d tpe Ltliffil 1 ,(-'Ji! rv -o woniPii tvnvicad. of c- rtuiuj- ullainies, wat aa::. i,.c t!:i?d-iir:d last ti tfc, " - "T Caliawav "iri'M-i.U'd a li.l te rrneal third, and a . " .- . .. . . I 1 , . . ! .ul l.'.ofi. ujn ffit!i!8 01 - an eci j-an-a in intit, giving ? '"'..i -he' i.a.i'js 4h!ii-hich th-jH'nH-e ni'diey t.i, i!. ,1:11 -;';s rn.!e ai'ir iKe first day '.'i Ja: laiy 1 f shall 'ie-td'iK0 (bS twanu.y. Kcd and sent to the-Senate. - Satuay,' Dcc.-fi. . V ' , A 'iur! her ."Fillet t.n;k flaco :hi mvirnirij. fora Sfnatftt tt ! r-i 10 cue fcaua ni.il T;i,-' Vmr.kiiu had 13, ttiouiit' 46, .fwrith 46, a:-.dTvai- M v-cu. ,... ,. ..f ;.; ;p" r . The H 'U(' .ed to ballot aain immediately .ard the result was--Frafklii.ad 7t.'Sfnili 39. BkHrrtrAS, Davis 6, and Liltle ,:ti. A, JJUi:;htr Iwllot te.nj; neccsiaiy, tie .llouae .rid tothcaroe, hel! ntone in iicir.inatuin -4-ad' 'majority.. ruir.kTin 86,: El. unt 54,'. -arid Smith 'Ci'Vetea. . A futiLer Oallot i to take pUc fctluti&p , Fhc United States' diftrict court for the Ken- tu:ky diliric:, having commenced their NoVem brfcflicin, the following is the fubiUpce of an eftjjavit't'f Joseph Hamilton Davies, Efq attor ney general for the U. States for the flid diflrjcl, which was made before - the faid Judge of : that court, to wit : . :f 1 hat the faid Davics was in pcflbn of the mod SATLJTAC70RY EviDENCsthat Aaron Burr, L'fqriate vice prefidenL1 the U. S. had, formed an Ass oc t AT ! 0 v tor mik jr.g wr againfl Spain iriVading Mexico "and fo'rrhipg a biSTikcr; e mp ta k-in the Wellern country ; that ' he was TaingfwceranBtd p urcbafing 4ipJiie necffiaiy pro. villns ar.d lores for thut ruipofc..- ,: : l Tbsfaid Jofeph FL D av es, efq, according- Jy moved She toui t, Tbafcthe faid Aaron Burt; efq fiiGuld be afrefted and, C6rne!!ed jo rnd fe curity tar iiis ap: earanc-," and that a' wnr fiio'uld be illutd for "compelling, tiie a tendance of vtitrjejl fes and ' flop be put to'" ail further proceedings of A iron Burr I 1' ' ' ' l4ie Judge tooiime to coi;fider,.&;c. r It as reported that Col, Bcrr was ;in Lex ington at the-time the niOtioii .j mde, pnd that Ke,bd notice ,-ot '-.tlie? tan fa flitc thrcejiours alter it tran piredr ifc Gaet(i.,, ,.,' ;-...-u,-. ' ' MIRANDA D EFEATED. Capt. Foflef, arrived at Boilch-in z j days A Va'uible TnC of L-n, in Granville coats-. tr. lyioon the wtere of Jjnaiban cretlc, hout rif'een m;!en fiorn tlie cnrirjioufe, A.n-i iiiing by-furveyf. fix hundred and thirry jyd a quarter acta ; iifhicb,--onc third ia prime tobacco Ii'id ; the rtfidue-is'Ihadsp-.ed-the c-jjture oTrall rrain Da fid tract ia a Grtftl id- ndSaHLJrlilLi:i god Vepatr : a Drcllinp M,:ufc ; lucdry cui Muuf., well calcoleteq vf the sccnmmodatioA if a frfiall 'familv. i.This tract is- well waters, baviivt a number of fin'cj fprings, and ia now node go id fencioii Afar-j ther defcription is deemed unnecerary, as it li pi.iu:uEu 11 j p:.uj win puruuaic wiiaaat uru. viewing the prcnfra. j , -ANTHONY LUMPKIN. Dec. 6 ; from Trinidad informs, three days previous 10 bUiailir.g a Mr'i"Tylof,-vh6 had 'cra&ark'ed in :.iJ ' ' J -' ' For nlf NOTICE. ILL be rented on the preroifes on tltq '-IX ysJM .", ,nl!0f tcr 9 frm of y'ereV,?-tpq rlaBtatica.'Wi'H-th Store Hruf nrH ftibi'rf htcyrcecpied Ly Mefira. Ambrnfe and JoVrJ Mvamlsyou Iferp iUjrjin CbaL'ani county The Ctiii.i iafofeTSQVPnBbatfurtbtrie Jlciiptioa'ts tieeitiei Ittoneccff.ry 7A!f,jt;i7ie-fitrrjirtrj4 placet, tbe PJao titicn krjown by ih name of the PoinJ. svil oe-rented fur 3 or A-yesrs. . It"is-J.i2aterfa1lrt atlowed.to; boejo. thc beft in jh? couoiyJ UTirerpected that feme othfr FIfiotatioc.wil hi. let; i. i! fomc' Negrces hired at the-fa time Bond aad fwurity rill be vq itjtL '&c WILL commence on 'Tbtirfday the ix'h c .Fcury nestti.-' ."""'.'. : t '""'.' j-'V"."1 ' yjorfcr of t D:c. 1. vH0BRr;C9iAN. .4 ' r 'l u.