of t Kr- ten to ltd Jtre. if Aj Ml litCO, ' cf ac pof Iwift . trom u. . 10 uu i U III ilXC , rdic a Ham- ncLs,rm--f . ? '' " PUBLISHED (weekly). RY WILLIAM BOYLAN. E-TWp.bOI.LI, Prx Payable u: AJi-anee, Vol. RALEIGH, (M O.) MONDAY DECEMBER 29, 1806. AN:AT trution of -Putsstd uUhe'prts'ejU Session of the General ,S Stare rmd,Sui!Acir.ental to an Act entitled, y, .. ! convenient end uniform aunumst ration 0 Justice" AsscWibhj .tctiun-L Be it enacted by the General Aseinbhi of the v or'NartkCxrdina, and it m hcrelijned !ij ihe cat- " i i i. ... . a l. f. - i .- r t iu 1 1 i r n i ! ; tli'ritu of -i te saw?; t me ui a w muu. SiVcrU County Courts of Picas ud Qjuribr-Srssn.-ng shaHbc held w Ah: a this state afltr'the firt Jay i January rxV ani or.ee ut L-t m cvsry three years t),: re -fter,U shAU-and mvbe lawful for each and every of tlic stid C )untv Courts, and thev are herein? directed and rccjuir-trcMisl- the j.irv list to be nui.- aj frpm the t. re turner TuchcSvirfrfcfrlhe rttras s'.u'd bj. iu.iihed by the tlv vk of aid coumy vli.V vor thereto required bv said court ; ahJ the Justices a-tending at such coiitt, shall raose therefrcm o be tran S'Tibcd'the nanus of all such persons who are by law cnuv lified to serve as yir rs, (except those who frpmjtg?, m r. ,;r .,r fr.,m anv othf r ti-use, mav be unfit to serve as ,rc -.(ise names shulf ie writien onf.smallscro.ls ot 3,n" V : . I-N i .for the -more uniform and convenient aGmmUtrmon oi j j Justice wuhin this slate' coflstituted cleiks of the Supe- i riur courts, to beholden Jn the Mneral counties in wi-icn ' the former Superior courts were holden.andin which their t-gspective offices art now situated) to attend at the- respect r,i.ri.iv. (iivthe f'n ou wlich the said former Su- perior Conns were to ha e been hbkkn, and on the day on which the ubove description of persons recognized to ap nr. and then and there, from day to day, lor the space uf ten days, to call out all such persons sakjund as aiore said ; and it shall be the duty ol the said tlciks lespecnvc ly, tu lLtogmz-r all such persons so l:rour.d. as aicrtsaiu, and wIkj bhu:l upj:eu ai.aiswer on baio ua) , "J !i trlve ividence its the t?sis ,-naay be, at the Supciioc' C.OvHs, to Le f.olden in the , saui CL.iihtUs .respectively, agreeabW to. ibe atoye rented 'act:" amT which' shalf happen next ifter said days that they . mayihe so bound; and m tn cases wntie uh oi, persons shall appear and refute to be bound as atores2icl, , -rfc fi J tn. trWr Kniii Jent security whenever the same is qtKrab!e.and requited- by the taid tlerks lor : tlir ann-arrrt the l.tXl SllPtrior CpiUt tO be holtleil in c -iii rn.mii rnVc tivcK. it shall: Le the dutv vt the said, clerks; and they arer.trcoy aumcribcu u 559- i 11' feet to the same forfeitures for non-attendance as hereto fore. ... ;N ' ' 1 Y- An1 ho it ftirthpr rnactfrf. ThatApar-Vi' shall attend any ol the courts estal)lished bkhe before recit ed act,' as a witness in any cause therein dWnding, .ttolt be allowed for each and t very day's attenance, and fdr every thirty miles he or the shall tray el, golnjko and re turning from the said court, wkshiiW-: 'Prdwded, the said witness resides within the :countyvhereinilW suit is tried, or the. sum oi ten shillings. suet witness li h;4 heretofore fViV tf-,l h- J i omuwiniiy.vu .... ") wy. ' A. Arid, te it Jurtntr eneciea, i nairrpptr seals for each ancleyeiy court by the'said actebished, shaln)e prcvlded by the Gtivernarof tKIs state, aW.the'txpci J ,1. : i... "l..-..ftirvv .n ih Ptihlic I reasur. ..-,1 tU . jiBtr mofoie "pi ovicJed shall' remain .la tBe olRcelj. to which-iUeV rc$pectively belong, ior.ine,purpot0t attest- , X ing the records of the present district SuperiorYourts of . f T ttt inrl Vnnltv. ' " v -. XI. il U further enacted, That the ilt j k s clerks v ar.d masters ot tne present uisinu jujjcmui w.imw vY and Courts of Equity, siallliave luU power and uWit to issue executions and all ctntr necessary procew z , - ... . - r t ol the said court: and the said justices at.yac.si ana .every besion uf their said ctmrt, ,w .: n "aU lupp u ns xt pre, ceding the sitting" . of the Suptt iot-Cirt oi tsatd coaa- ty shall cause to be drawn lr m liu said ju y b X, out ol the partition ma. ked K-. l,.by a thild-tuu mor tlunten years of age, thirty n vonsAvho shf.l s.rys j-rors at ., ncv succyedVr.g Su:tt')r Cgurt; be. he id lor sa:u eTuatvVVV.vc-..ii-, 'ThaCVhensocv. r the County -Court of such countv shall be heM within fittecn day a ot the uittinguf the Superi-r C .urt "of -the same; thacthen the court precedii.R such C t-'.1y Court, shall draw the iorv s aforesaid :, A U pi Cvuhfurt ei J ht m ca,e any of "ihc ianis.'s'- dtawi-'4ll'l-V' a uit p-ding and at issue in t:SU;er::.r Court, tlv, ,'.craU rbns wuh his .crtiKirnam:ha;i ictinnt : uniryt,v AO. 1 be-dead v r,raovfc(l out of-the oour.ty, the s.nd scruM.s tvith hi-' or thei.- iu:-uus, -o be dts:rw ed, a.id other jurors t--."u . . ,t.. .. .iu-ir it-ead : and the . ro'.K iiri;Wn as afmesaid sindl be put into the p.trtHion nwktd Ao. -J ; -' and tiw-"-acrk, ft furnish the slujiiT v.hn a Istot'the jurors so drawn; who shall h'ebou'.d to summon the same to attend at the court for which t-n-y are appointed, under tVw sa:vie rules, rega'aVions . -and penalties, as are now by: hW tstablished for the summoning of jurors ; and the, said jurors shtal bound W attend satd court, in the same manner, and shall be suhj,a the same forfeitures as hcretofote for noiv-at'temlanee : Protideajurther, I hat if before the expiration of three years,- the nmes, ol the i arors in the partition N,. U be 0'''awn )Ut' nen lht: whol- name, .hall be .pm' into the saipartmon nVaiket No. 1, and drawn out again as herein- ftr.-,t d trc cu d ; and th-re shah als be pat in sa-djiartmoa maiked ho. t, at. the court f lowing .every U-t. day ot J,nuryf in each .... .u., .,.v,(anf hiich nersous.-as shdtl appear bv the t .11. i L uuaik'. r . , - J .: . .. . , r. felted, and pMg.il, 4btrfitr d-Trott ofd.e i iH ersnU D., ' . , - 'V. -tgZ'- : W..;SKau i, r.irr.ai.fo; th-e Sum i5r Cotirts o slid d.-rlca shall luv.ff.uch ices aa lor me. Mine uwj-twero. i tav lists inirediatelv preceding, to have become quahhed to -;crve a iarors, sfmthe-mikingout the general trien- ,.;;.) lls. tti'.jt-ct However iu mc iwpiu . ..v sittioa of this -act. -f . I I yltr it further enacted; That if some, one of tnc M-lges of the said -Superior C oris nVt tend and holdeach of the Superior C ,u' in ih-laaus on the nay y U- law' prescribed for holding su:h rct- ts, ,t; s.r enil ot the county or his lawful der,:y. sh.U -;.-n d urn such court from day to day,, until on,- o; s: JUogtS . -.ii A.a kolrl thr- sun- or uni! "m- au.-A cay ap- Snail ai-ciiu ..v." . . , . I i . j Pointed for the holdiag thereof ; on wloca ul -tr.iid oay, tKe shenit or.lli.3 saicuawiui m'-y '" " .1 " u.ito the. next court;' to wi.ichtinu, ai v-iv. -r ?, pi. as, process, and other matters pending in the s.u xua tiaii be continued and have day as it the said o;uu had been . duly held. . . , , , III. Beit farther emctd Thaftne fost cmrt tobc h-ld under the said; a. t, sjuil c. mm- nee on tne n,,t. Monday in March ivxt ; aid the IV st circcuts or i idmgs be performed as toll-.v-s. and theVeaiter as dtrectfcd by tne aforesaid act : The com s in th firstncmg.hall be hold--' by David Stone,, E q-.h e r.the ouns m tate d riding shall be hol icn b JLouis i aylor, Lutje the (iurtf in the third ruung shall be bohin, by Jo n -ll.ii: Esnuire.; -the eeurn the .iourta, ndoig s u. t. uia' !,. SftWiT Mvilmjltliits la tUe tutn Heretofore entitled to by law.' X.tJbid be it-further enacted, That it shallTbetbelhjty .of the said clems respective)., v wio.i..k v.. . conmv. court thi ks, the records, .-1ptrs ad .all' pfiO ...u Vtilititf safe ronvevunce; ot all such -causes,- . v, tK;tsc hv the abave recited act are tp be iii.ii. hp -.- . - . .1 .;. .i c.iiwifir Conns ol ihe tounties , andUTsliaii ir--u at .if ii- sfi'id- .unfy court ct"tks resreciiveiy, to rtceiVetalVrfeiTrtlic . - ' ' , t . 1. . 1 I in.. Iki.ii'I' 111 t Tlf. appoint clerics a no cieik- auu -h-- saio couaviea iwi ji"-'"" 1 .. s -;d n-coids, papers -nd proeediugs to.the taidlciksaiul clerks and masters la -Equity so appointtd, -vvho haU docket the same accordmg to their, respective l umbers, for trial ; and die -said cle:ks so transroiuing the said re.--cords papeia a-d: proct-t'i.gs, shall lective h v their trouble the sum ,f twtnty-five t.hdlrcs; jrf jath nd -tVt ry .cause by him transmitted as above dirch d, iqr be f aid by the party cast or. the final dtcisioft of such -cause. V I . And be it further enacted, - 7hat any cju'k or clsrk and mister in Kqaity cf the present Superior Courts oi.. Law and Equity, who shall lail, refuse, or.neglectto pef furm his duty in4tniifWviir.-S the uhs. as rcum d hs u.. u.,r r-AtnX art. in marint r as direMed by this act, shall be deemed gudty ot a niisdemtauui- iU c-fnee, auu on. cfnvictioo, Yhall be removed tncreirom,. liable to pay the turn ot five hundt :d pounds tor each fail, ure or r.tClect, one half to the "use- of the state, ;at.d the; nthef halt to the 'use cf the paiU irjurtcl. . , - r r VII. And be it father encchd, Thar in all civ.Uuits directtrl by the ' aforesaid act to berantir.itttd to the.'Su-, perior Courts in, the. chfTerent -unties within this state,, it shall and mav be lavClul h i the parties, either plaipttli or d,-ki.dant,'t'hCir aent or attoi ncy, ty apply to ihe f-lerk of the County. Court within the taid cc unty, : to issue subv ceaas for all -.such witntsses-as may be at cessary if bun or Vhem on the trial of such tause : and the. clerks r u.. . .a f'mwtv Cmirt- are hei tbv -raitherised and -re- Ui nil. am j quired to issue ch ubpeena or subpeena?, felurfiable to arid rltiks and masters in t quiiy vf: 'rhetprcsent'Disti itt - (:m.Tt.andfeturBaU-e-.to the baneuor uoui i-i 01 ww.lu. C tfrirof EcrV where the sa'aie may be ! ti lable ac- an; Vh.-'HvnV;.;inni of the .iiWe recht d act. uat:bi..iL uji .-''r ' . - - . - ,. . , ' 7?-to-wtkrTS tOLctbtr with any dq oMlsmor utUr rin -.evutences.; ' whiciiV.v.v'be fiVd therein, ath-asr fifteen for l-'f' re te; ,- MitH'R of the court to whuh the san e shall be liirecicfU -tty.--be tr&s.:!.ted ; lor which he s", -11 ii!cc! t -ura ot- ten hfiiUii.ES. to he .v,Wi hv the party-making appiicar.na for the r.lmuli, at'jheltimevi-fiapg !:,hcr orthHriTi hvit appointed urthaid:jtcitt c! ad:i ht-vebv. ?tvtht.tisVd-ar.d crnpow tied,' to uk.c the outaf rc- : ftiiK-J-by law-lor thtir quiW-ficat on bJcre-asyudgenr-::r hA vfr-. and -It shall be trie duty bf the ..v ludpe or Justice rVthc Peace be fere . .sofbnue. J I ......,si;i tfw: n'tp ciirh T ipper or TucTfets to .J .V v . - f -1 .-. I .1, i..V. n finA ti'3vinor rirr. a i 1)S( nne tne :a:ns i;v on., vi i.ivHii,wiw'"9.-;-r ,t ;i,-c,i eUli'i-rtian sa'id oaths to the Secretary pf. St;...u vwh shall carvfully prerve lhtm; JVAiW;; u( r,Ci'hat the duties and cpensaiipn r,f .thsa Jud- p- s shall not commence .pr,or w ' c .mh"-'y -T-'"- Read three tunes and ratified in cneVa,l Aspnbjythe iy;h day of December, A. .D? 1 05. . : - - : T OS EpH RID DICK, S. S. - JO UN ,MU 0 RE,'.S. II . 0. 1 til or iscdancf required to txecute and make due w turn ot .. - - . t .1. . .1 1 iv:int t sa sum- allsuth subpoenas ; auo l.c pT." ; . .i .u..iru. ... tn thf K2ine ncnalties iwr.non-at. . i'MiUfl toihe ' same pay aS is hereaiter provided for. theconipensatiop of witnesses. oS deraubpttna.; - ' . VIII. And he tl furwer enacie : i "ay '"'x the-several counties within thjsstat-; in whitb the. Cpun tv Court snali not be regularly- lioldenTiittweci. rri'1f kfi we 1 68 Cue tuv ci-i. -u vw- rr- h - '. A : -t1, f ' , 1 ... iiTr KpnVat.ed BJ?1 ir. iiiC CM- . portion ot incpu.-'- .& -L; . : : . t "SK-.i vr.tP nihe ttliimativcor Jl e .rfV.,(te;t. He-; would the.tfoe--ftioc;botbf;cfor,i Tree ' -io me. uiu t-;t" r .. v , t ty" Mian iiui wt "o"'"' - , , f cVthe Tcsrnt GenerAlsembty atid fifteen days betore the day appointed Kv tVaoKve Vctja for the holdup . r I'sviMii ihe r ot the SUTTeripr vwiiihh v-s.v, ,7r,-r - - ridihE.sh:ul be hcrffitn -.tyA-: -."--i ; a- ( r-;: t U res of the Peace .oaid-ewnm to convene li-!S?.?A; her It the ccurthouse of s ,hr --wsrirtctive circuits or, ridings rand ' "r. W,r.;. L'n4' a, ilu-tbtlowintY manner, w wit: ".. r ... 1,W rb-rks and K.astc.s ill t,qu;iy to... ntiau 1 Wf"M. ." - t;--.-nimarroHs The said . Ittstn :e snaueausc , . of paper of lequalie1, -1. names of iuredpna twer, persons pVopvrly.qUfied tcei ve a, jurors, from vdiich shall be dra.vii thirty persons, .whosliali be, anu ..... muu.i i'r :irr(l'. m lie. R-liULi. UU TIW'i,ltt-. V'?-.' , l.'l lilt un . ' 1. :;-,.L . . ;.,,i.r.i.- rii - hv law nre- '' s-ir ib'Al v m-c sary Yrr their qual - ficaion, b.fciethe J udgc holding the Supenoroirt.ia. ewctv'coumy . - , V Ard beit 'further evicted, -'iat in all rases where : anv oersou or i,Jrsons- .are bound in H-cogl'Jce toap- ,tH ar ar:ci!.aii5:.Yer to any .0 . . ' .. th'.ra, to prof.ecute on -a.i - evidence, iT fpr -otner causes,; uO;0) v. .rnfTtiraticts at e to appear en .the for-fitx Superiorivt Vr,i !rr that it sr.aiMw-- tne. OuV'-" 11 - r- a- i.ie 5'u.c to..;. ivnu to Cive eir - - - . - - I V. ' v . 4tvs a w.-aen ir.e bttn of IUSS- I. i the saul courts iov-uuv -. 'k , Afict td this present session ofihe--iegisUtuitt-c."-'l--Ta -f . - v ssrve rt- the said first ceuft to be h-ld tor aaiaxounty And die said-Justieeare;herby--required to furnii.rfhe ; i-lriff with a Ustfdf -inr nsr tlravviV to serve. aJU- iSiltlU a. ijoi .. . - . . .... .--t- 1 1 .uil 1-. K,tmi. i cuifimnn the r;rs : ano the Eaia.sr.erni .eu-- wwuuiiu r ... t ...m- to attend the said rcuit,7un,jler the-amru .e-?? jer-. uiaiLins and penattlcs as are. oiw : trta CBhsf " ttfh novnc i urors ; And the taid jurors shaiUx behind to attend said court in tnesanie manner, anu .tHh-coarks rlueh hdcfo . WTHT.Vr rrv 1 f. -I K j -p;l-!i iWOUiU, Ul.'.l"li V- - ... i.' --V-. i .:. i r.ot tnreaclfe the OiOHTCS i!S rtmarKS pya)L"ft H:-7ir -"T, , , lirr j ;cfShy:mcriirptt uceulur ikil it. the; oppcfln yvbtch lUyt WPXfr- -pchangAtKJiary orthf ol apy rorn ta me civimu.y. "":;; " - a . lofting msue-ii.c-T" fj -, waS eV no xccfntt from what fc&en of .-jhe ccuotrj ,be comeB. it buR1irt.nave wtrgUt ff U M falaCiduvt uU futf ot too e uo utia i'j v -rM"' "ir; 7. n-uv a g, tnuj in t men inert rv - 4 - - -,. o at luflaW and ppu!arity, but your mfl jeHcea rot, o: jf lo . ( sff piJTp-fo-4you can wt-id.the,vicecf the p(iPlc, i yiia taucot Jircftur obftrwti the aJmiailiuiwn of juaict, jrau'wifl L.