n "'''"""rJT -4 ' .vf- - "n ' -: ---.--r.- - --3 -fr ifh tUT r....nt T.idi.ial Tjllem i of thol? who ute tnem " ft " of thai ce whfck they are adnnc?d -F- i.furt.ard are only refold to ty thofo v.. ' :.k,,ih. ..foliceo lotion argui fn. Hj would proceed, to evi . 1 t i lie Dr.oooica a- i i. Jtiijouafn?': 11 r, cf H'C r.j -v . fron o t0 throw . odiuA on t; "afoo, of the tlcx, frorbury ( Jr. btcc.c by en Lvuingto iucfran-M.nI3r. on ihe hotfc ?. . .d Pieman hacnnt. tiled mat, the KeiMflaturead. no A r.Vnetted wit Sir J the irentletuan yifbury advacd aa fash :en!imen, and .1. . f-Jw cntllfrif.tf '"fJ'S a irora or - , , . :..i u.- -JiUiC that Wnc ;ucn were- tnu::itu - J . -V i .r.L ...ir abd. adJftiraTuj'l'Cj arj ScHdtort to r.tteni thej courts to be ciUbiifhcd ? Add mould k net afio be confirlercd acre proper thot the expetife of the'e witntflVs aod fuicora flioajd be fuftained bf the partitB concerned in litigation ratbw thin by the community at laige 9 leo'-ha of which hate 1.0 immed fate iutcitu in the fnhjeft. of dif pii'-e. It is i o v a 1 1 1 tofoy that the counties are ot bound to pay their Jurors ; cxperierice teach a us that they will be paid, and, fhouli they not be' paid they will have to make a facrificc of -their time, which to t'v-m will be more bur-, the nfc-me th.n an? other tax to reimburfc tberp. The guilkm.a foofn Acfom tells us that the preftot fyftem' ia raJicaKy d.fedive, by confin ing usdv.ots-ge8'td a few, to the injury of the justly.-.- Tbe advautsgea or difdvaiitae3 f vtiy fyflca by w'akl ike laws of ihe country (J are not ta be aicer of tuo.n?y fpm!H at a cciart, but by the fecuri: j which it afTotd9 for a ............. TV .Contiouaticp of extiafti'from Geimao papers, t r'a ti f) t ttd for th e-Nfe r caotite Ad vert ife r. .".'. u.. .Jthfifc who a6l with him all i immtdi7 r.onriflravl, witu tne judicial Fths go?etnaicot, tt rrouid nae been proper1'" ',c'ili" -j'k;"- tt-e l'iw'TC7r t-iorroauoa ario mr wutatc cf tiioic ev8 de.ailed ia the preamble of thr ti l, tVwi a!P 'he neccfH y bf ibc'coatemplsited si J, ul initial wliea we were about to. make fo inpoA"t a charpr 'we required ail the n jAjb that could be obtained on the fubjfft, feTtV wc havg applied thofe beft qui li'iciiP -jfot infoiraattda. V" .. ,: Ptr-bfervaHH-sd! been rasde-by flie- r?4-'aa 't10 A if .'ii in aafvrto aaoljc1roD u-atey tf,t geatietKaa ' frkrSalUfj,: 1lbt. J things lu!d out iyihe capriJ,b and nMe of the hi I werfiotjafcifici b? ,lh! i.vMiO"' i ice tua;;i.,uu ,vui- uy jcis. 1 JiaJ' crnt:n JeJ trat, trie . vtiy (yrie.a fay wwcr. rign ioMw&tie apS5.'""y;,i a:t' he a JnuiniUcred irk the Jadicisry without jauied by the, cmo'nt 0 f.;und, pure, ar-d i.upaMial citt -ibiicion cf the law. ; and Lt'li-nk It bau.tcen ejesfjy fliewn that th,A i-ni-t tmCUt O. r r. ivc, if not t'ecepuseaud not'cakolatcd to., us THsr.?- ir,::foria'.nd .esavecieat adrr.i.' lppttnt fy'le." tba:Hbe:6fcjcctjo;of J the f geaJemiiQ tro:a WtiiBOrj wM...ciri, H,e,y' eoatcavifon cctween in; caption. te us 1 uiu vtrcved bv 3 eoatcaviron cciween uiz caption, .v! .ic. i- r.? or t;.c !! i. p ,-im iu?uc tti Cr lilt U ZIZ UiH'i;nij ov iwmi puiui- in"oofj ilice-bwt where. & in hat pro uG'in of the bH, if? it tbe difvere-l that'urf. Mil 'firaii'Vy ts to rcf.i'tfr a: its opera-in ? Cn"the j :. fpitEfr.en l.tlkir arrjeron the ftd'on ? li; K in that which spn ins two addiiiooal JudgCE, ,7? ii.it !iV,'ul v );'-h r'c'IsJlxty eoti;t ia the . :fh;e nTilcsjd -.ofjtij;ht ? I;jnfur:nity ia the JuiHt ul foe, fob ih: ccufitry c-Juld not be ilattaioeJ white., we., ha J - fix JnXjei 4nd, eight cPHff?"," a cpdtttd----tttteg: ffyryiarfta bii tb;- the Cua:tbf C 1 .f'.'erci ) hi sflccd, ia the name' cf coraratr. fc.fe, if it-wja likely to be attar oed ty the ircr, .'f: of-Judges an-itke inultipcattco 'of cc-nrtj.' If '-ivikrwi-y cou!d pofH My re ,fu!t fra-.a th:: opTitbri of the bill, it v?6u!J s.hive bo ftAtuvc n it which would fecouioveod , it to t!.c ci'.izena of. a free rroternmeotj, ba.iv'a Duibtb eff;aa''pafrtd d diffamf, that it wcaUrte'joWtr corti feit with,. truth, had it ' b our nicftjit fvitera (eciives us thefe advutita- ges -Any gentleman who has been in the pr;c ne'e, p'f obui'yiag the courle or bufinefs ia the 'county court mull hire frequent! fere the po pulariry or jofl'tence of a party outveih ihr juftice of a caufe. If this is the cafe at prcfent, wheB' the decifiori of the coiu-ty court ifuh jjfl to an appeal, is it not probable that, the evil will iaereafe, if we make the dectlion in poiouf faft cpnclufire in tie county and tskc from the partiei an: op port-unity at ' .appcalif,g;;--When the dedfioDs arc t? be ihua fiual will not cveiy ail which the ia'gcouitj of ihr "atiea can devifi be LpiaflifjedJiiF .'.the pyrpo'e ui irifluencing the jury lefotc ihey corjoe to die trial of the.caufe I .Moljl&ilutcdly it;WHbtcaufe they will have . every ioducemVot iodo fo, and tVery caafc will become ' il-.e futjeft of efcflloneering fiotfie. Ift 1 tbit pctnt of . Vie wg" tberefo'ie, the cfcar se pro Kpo:ediV hiiihly exr-tptiorablei and (f -ids ar V-1 W. U f .1. . .... .1 .. f 1 r i 1 IJ..J.L . (i-i..? in im , itWJ iv.cr ) iUUUiCi riI ui un nuiunu ' 't-vi. JtlCillO tnu J-JSUCUUij; lie iini-.u !--" -Afifoft'J'.'tbtt 'the- prcip'fcjiiil will h.re a ten. received by the circuit c us ? 3 y of 'Hamburg and der,cy to improve the muiahtt the peftple the : - the accounts exiradtd fipm them do err by der,cy to improve the nunahM thepeffp very contrary tffect will be the rtfult. A to its liari'rp a teBdcacy to jlfuvn ine coepiiaoi).. cr 'lffio!wty.4 tbt prababiiky '-of 4V bravitV iptierV tberei, 'o5rceife;ne""lfertrat ion, .a thefe cffincf.t Vill be ftilljcxclilfively In the vouuty ' v"lt.4atcuct ftatw by-the member from An. A---'vt-'' ri-. x.:W ' "VZ W l . .1 .L. . ! loo vie prciBiu ui purs uui.ii.ikc inc iimi by j'lry," but ita vi!ue doea no; dfpen'f fo much upon, the .jrisftifelf ashe mode in whit-hit it Uftdthe 'raodc" bTretofore in u?e, aUu'!'edto ia thccouftituiiuoils to be djflroyed. ar. J there. byvs: fay the charce -will be UfTcned of having j lc,0r a'' fair- &tim pUJmU Fh ju auLSSLk ? 1 j ) j Jg J 't ntj feleclfd. will.be. fubjecito the influeace of the, ,Jriu ,!k t, ,-crt yted a biil, ?o render .Wform'tbe ad-, si a; 1 r at iotivDCj " tt?r Then, with re'fpitt to he c o Vebitiicy ,of ..wibii-b' would attend the pro-' raia fed dan', if the'fait'&ra w.eretVe per tans who ivere to' Lave their Conveoiency coufahed, and ;'t''hVcbvnrnuaityjt la'gc, toerc -would " bo, Umt weigh tvllid force ta. reconnraeaiiag.the . e&tfi-pii -"but s it was the-'daty of thLegifli,' --'.' nreno provide (v the convf aitncyji.tlegie5t :,boi3yfGf .the people rather '.ban a'fe-r ftt'rtni ia Ca'coort. He. though': "the bill in that v'ew I q'iJlrj detlJkc for while jt' pr vpofts to have I 'fuitr determined in the coantfee -far the acco.n. T noda'.ioa cf the partita itfrnpofeson the coun ' , try the iricojiveaiency pf Jtndwg a Ji-Jge and ;,S4icitr4j.- ch--si-he--ftaterand IT ca!s out thirty freeholirra. twrc a year toferve S rl I r:Jitfr-. The"cpcrattoa of tbebil therefore,. ilO -l -H add to the piibjia inconvenie&ciBd jiewV ! laJ cl'.a,rly that the caption is dtlulive arifl "iheorre t. 'rhe preaiable; h:iaid''.w'a3-eq'.uli t f j r-It' chVries tHattbe deayVaad Vxpeaees are inftya jablt From the, prtf-'nt coallitution of the cdurta, , but this the advocates of Jhe bill JiaVe not at tccriptcd to (lie '-v. The ca-ufe of 'delays where fhep.&S txitt it the extent q.f fo'rhe of -the diD tri'vis, eoippofed of a ti emher of counties, and rth'ebriert and probable tffed vf the amendment .?. .1 t .L.r ..-. L i.n-.--- propotea is lorcm-Tc m came, oy icMcning I ceiayf,' tner; ioje, are ti-1; in-eparaoie fronr 10c ? I preferjtitdfriitution of Ue tQQttif. -But adtotfc'-. -'. tine "tba'ifviiy r ,do'jiia ' cia n be: pcflende'4 j;- m ttey nO cccut; uaccc tne prppotcapu-j .'''"'will. it' n-Vt f lavfro.m" t!w mode in wKich bnfi rtefs alt'be minigMJIailul'e.'Couaty- Suetior Curti, where the Jftlge will be without tne T Int?rchteA Liter written a P ruffian Officer to his - ' l 4-' ' jr'tmdat Berlin, dated NeumhurgiOa. VI. " Commencement of hoftilltics again ft the French has turned'out" v-ty unfortunate for'the Gfrmsn' troops. A detachment of the deft win'- of the corps under H'lhenlohc hss been forced, and a murderou? b.ttle ha? been fought ty theco?pa under Taucnzien and Prince Lewi3 of Pruffia, ho 13 killed. The regiments' Zaf-' tram,' Vcn'Ba!it, the Green ar-d Brown. Muf far., a well as. the -Saxcn- regiment. Prince Jt hn. Xavier and Rechted have fufF.red fevere ly. Since yelletdjj P. M. and during the whole night, we have fcen nothing but 'the . fugitives goi ig to j in t)-;ir regimept. ; foppofed that the French' are diredii-g 'heir rin Ihirgth to our It-t wing to cut r.fft-iir comnr.unicaTion with Lc:rfic- Their arm? n uii atiount to 4C3'Q50 rr.rn cn".mi3Ld d by the emperor, whncT fcppofc to be at this motr-ent " t Gera, 4 ffetman milts -from thence. Wc have very U'c tr.rgaziuea here wTtbout a"n'y' roeai s of h-ilding .the'm ; we ate dre.lful'y em barrelTed here. God forbid, that the kin'g', who will probably, fcfba be attacked, fiuvuld 'ific a bat'le, as that would be an irre-pf rable lofu." . r It appears, very cxtrab'dltfiry that though Vke Amtterdam Couraat cf the zSth icknow ledges the rectipt cf letters from Berlin and Magdeburg dpwn to. the nV'.teenth of Prober ; . it contains no -fficial. Buileiins of the Frecch army of a later Jae than the ioih from Jena. This cliciimflarce is reridcicd itiM moreextra ordirtury, as the diftahce .f.'om-Amrletda-ai to Berlin is about 50 Engl' lb, miles more than from' Amfterdarffto Jta-, aod the above lctteis -"rc-n -r :..'f....l. rt.. l"i . .. 1 ffcnuaa ana oaxona ic-tini imr uoas aaa wi h I great fnty. ' ioixty thoutand Jtijuan9 bave entered the Pr ufilaff Dominions. Prince Lewi, received t tnufr:et.b?!l in the bread. Count Notriz, one of hi. V ar'.ji-itantt, faw Kim fil!?og from h't horfeaud hafteoed to prevent his fall. At tb.i moment a jefood bullet rrrnck nimand in i few minutes he expired. Notriz fought like a hero. ' : in hwiipi wmmmm 1 1. mommtmmmm 1 -,,m. '. .. V House cf Representatives. ' ,...........-... ......,,,, any mqant corrrfpoH with the lett'rftcrn j.ns f the 1 ?'b". In thiVlettcr the Duke cf BiunK wick ii ftarcJ to have Den kilitd, and the r'e cifire htle to hr'e'bc.n fonpbt on the 14 h. The letter fepm Madeb trg v. e . n-w iafeit iu tall' length aad vc. bally tra-Hattd M'AGDliVRG, October 13. The battles which oir king h-ft ca the 14th, :51b, and tS.h near Weimar, Kefir, and N;utn. barg igaiu.1 Mtrfhsl Lar,LC8, have bten veiy deoliife. - ' . ' ...'"- T:ie reftrvq under the'Duke Eugene of Wrr yefterday dtfrated by .Matfh-1 nd has been oUid ta -teuei - ivh cdffijerable lefs. ' Q aTiltsnce of books o'rj!thC',idLof jnuch abtiuy -at fx -;tbe bV, that a grraipot&inlof the canfei will jl .1 bt bfunht up roAheCcrtbf Cjfafer'ence? -up - Wt.f atfured,y. ir.win.k i.Wbe'te .tbtrt;''WMij' -,wafe'i-6at--'1sp '. unet'ptefrcycm;- J. tnefe .;will bs ".fitsluaier tbVope' pfrpiof; j;- and th. Ci'ort Will be crovdetr,wftb cafes, where thry?wiltrett'ai.tl foHie -'giti titan an as iog?niou ' is the framer of tbivbiU fh all. divine fpme new, Iptjn for the more ccjiviment ana extaltiout cfJxti '. . ij!ratfo otjaltci. r -It has.beea held out. as a 1 fui ite ffaore of the prop .fed p'a", that fit wealth sod popularity of'ndivid!ial-; and as w.sr.h an 1 P"p.a'arity are not lynonimoos with vrVtue, it is the duty cf the JLegifiiture to pro ted tbc poor and uapopulat tq Lilly wltb thofe who are more favcred with the gifts inf f.-rf tint-. : Mr. Wiight obforved that tlpoa eaaminaticn the reafo which had-bcea.trrged ui favoiir 0. the bill," it appeared iLut not more had been advanced in its fivc-ur ot what bad been detail ed in its capttoo tad prtamblc, hich he tho'l he had fhe'wn wtre, falicious except the P'tce ceuts which had been dcawn from Sotitb C.ro iica ar.d other ftstes r-But the. genth wan who jfdc'jc-: thffe precedents do not urouce any au thciity as ta tHeif rxi-'lenee.', South Carolina is brought as aa example, but the fyftem adopt, ed by that ffate is nvt "lltcwn, if it was it would ap'eST'iV many particubrs dijUniilai ffm the oue propofct' There the CDunticb are largr, and in fame-cafes ihty lud thrown two.rir three tc g'ether and formed a diltrici." The ccnllem.n - have a'la failed to' .tell ns what was one of the o.je&3cf South Carolina in the' change made f in" her Judiciary i It was to deffrcy the county ccurtsi and ia tbe.very law which eftablifhed the new fyftem , a that 4a t .there is a dittr-- traa3 and confirmations of B depr.vfng. thefe Courts of i all jur,k.,a.o0 except Q . -.d from Hamburgh thii;'ihejeAimed-at-br'th'fror-oHh'J bill at this or any future day I Are the mem be'jrs of this houfc prbpofd to go this length ? But what further: did South Carolina do, and what (hall-.we hayc todc ? She appointed three Chancellors and, eflubifhed a feparate court cf ChaoceryT (Jiealfo appropriated $go and in fama cohotles, 10,000 dollars fo building jails. Are we prepared to-.follow this example ? We are notbut if this fyllen. is adobtd we mull atte-mpt it, not bely for the cbovenierce and fecHrity of fuitors, but for the fafety of the commuoityand it 1 is aasmuch our duty to' guard th 'com tyi u a i t y a ga in ft. t he'd e p reda t ions of pttblic offenders is to facilitate the adminif ... tratioVof jnftici fuitorriii evil fuiti.i-Ocr prtfeot (uuation affords neither the pre nor the other ij$ rnoll,of,onr jails arejiafdly fuCi-;ierit tolcon fine. debtor, and but ooeHn ihe i.te capable-0 fecuring a capital crini-'nal.f',.; ' ..i Mi, Wi ight cc-bcloded by obfervfn ihn the :.--- t-- '-r-i--. i'.i.-v- expemc h ooniic Trrouua or ivis-Tt'i .etion t raufe it Jid rot appeals well calculated 10 ft--cure the rights of the citjzensyenfor-oiog ,the ' t 't . .. . t .--k r 1 ii'jb 01 inc counif y pwnimuig men as cuenu againft then,aa .tberfydem we. hive now, the Monday, December ie. -Mr. Ellen rofe j' a Iketch of his remaiki follows : I will pre'time far the honor of my country, that but one l'entiment prevailed ; that but cne kind of feeling agitated the public r-.ind. when wht h .s btn cailed the b'oikade of Nrv Vd by a fmall Britilh force, and be attrocipus niur. der of Pearce took pl?.ceAt that ra.UnchoIy momcr.t a dark cloud leefied ia ovei thread us; we were languid, lifeiefs, fjitnt. What cou.'J we do ! Few and Feebre were the means the n gave the executive for redrefs and Jctljie the ufc made of thofe mens. I know not " he'her.Pearce was a fthfrif' fo, I could wifh his children n:ht be educate! at the public expence Monument he nee 'j not ; vie I)iaII not forget theoccalion nor the p:r-.:ri. tois of his niurdet Bu', I intend r.c-t t. ; in. f ncuncc hjs funeral euioiv. ; I have fr I'tc u objefls in view. r At the time thefe things took jVre. and Tcr fince, the qnedion h;-s been irrelitiitJy fjiein itfelf upon us ? why have we not a navy to i-:' -teft us againft-thefe-or any b:htr tutr-,'-s .. ,ve have a navy : yesrwe'have the ii: . io-.. ... nothing but the fhsdow of o: e. Vv c h ev.llt,, niiliioDS, fi:, bv iafot)jof trur economy, our tx. cefbre ercncmj, and mill. ops more, we fiull, I for, w'aOe Ly ile k me means, and fliil h. eno euitient nary. Two qaellicns aie cf v.f! lv-portar-.ce. to u: fhli wc have a n-vy ? If fo, thill toe not introduce a fyftem of more ererjfy, mate, efficiency ? To thefe queftior.s, I call the attention; cf the houfe. If is now full time" for us to take a wide range of view, far raore wirje than heretofore. It is time for us to explode the narrcr, rtJicuiovis, nnd all deftroying argumen', cf .he unimportance of tbe other fide cf fi glebe, to this country. It !s time th. t we fhr-j'd !;e r-o longer the fcern of tcreign n.t'.on . ; that v.e iliould htve a nnvy,. which from fcre;gncrs, and from the wicked wits of ur own ct-urtry, ibouhl d-ferve a title cf norc d ftioilion than ISat Oir the Lilliputian riavy Halle ba,,bc?n tsken by the enemy, and pro bably he will beM.c fo.re our stes t: nirrrr.w. Prince Heaia is killed, and the D-..ke cf Biui.-f-wick lies in B' ::ktuburg badly wounded. Our (1 r It generals are killed aud vi-h theai t:p. 'war!8of 50-,coo of oup braveil foldiers. Had bonapartc gained jny "v:ft-..rii on the dates mentioned in the kxt.r, it is txct-diugly improbable that he wou!d omit commuricat irg the fan.e officially to the Stcrctaiy of 'Sute who wus in pofT-ffior. cf d rjtcle' fr:m him s eaily ss:tl.e 17th, rcltipg hia iucceffive cb gagemci'ts. H. ,, The abcveletrr lenvrs u. gfet hrfe3 t'pst we ibal! Hid ihe Duke of I. r 11 of wit sb- alive. aad recov ciing ; '.and that the la eft aTaraing accounts fi bm Europe arc cf a fabric well koo;J70t I to the World. ; The mail . for A rf.fteri'am .l.fvcs IIa".bi;-gh every Tne-'.dcy'.and- 'Friday evenip.g pa (Tea thro" Hrf men the next day, and the courfc of the poft h not moreubiti four days, caking even fome alhi! rice for bad rpa, ia the month of.Oa ber'.. . Wht dotfi. net 'the 'AroftVrdtm-paper of the28ih Oftobrr fumii'h ;U3 with any fnttf er , .miparte. vie By 'he mails i f Ttiefd'y the 2 1 il day r-f Oaober ? The q.curfo It is time to chini your fyftem pith refpeft to foreign pohtics. (Let me not be Maunder-, flcod ; I R'(';rove ot tdomeftic proctl-dins tf 1he executive,' and the general policy-f-u-faed tefpeitirg foreign r.atitfr.s ; bat l-confider a sv? "rrii of .f nce againf; foreign dw. aJiiioft creathl to cur welfare, to our esill ,r ce a a na tion. .It is in tjiis relcn 1 wifh the fyftem dunged. Let us no lender ketp vp the mere fhadow cf defence, -Let us have at !cit cnouvh to commar.c' fimcTelped.. But this fubicJt mttft not be touched, left t';e queftian be ukU "whom ihall this navy r-. uolc :' sn.i the arfAt-r Ve ' Funce.' Vhtis the-news from Kuicve? lenfl-e ha. fallei. u'v M p.. r... ricr car, nor. "tr-ti-.'stie, ciciifoyta i etrtry fober principle of re..fon -or an lajy, I c .'t fay thit t urtarn it n.xt. Pri'liu was ordered to g:ve up ? art or -ic. territory ; fo arcrwe ; and by whom . Lv a rw" er known ta be the in-.mediate cttol of Frenc; of poft ta FLotterdam is about 12 honr3-lopger,H and the KcfttetJam t-ovirant of, the ?:h ot U-M. icferts a letter from Cuxh.vfn of th; Jfctbr which lett er if it came by theTIambu-gVtnai!, could not leave HamLurgh uctlt theilt. - .. f - ; ,(Trjntlatcr.) ould W'-Sef ex iMthaa Jbe' prefent-r-bat (hUi waajneorrttft, and bad already tecfWaewa. ' The gent'eassn from Afon bad flated'as the caare3-of" ex pence, ..he" attend ncebf" j'mrj,: .- witrefT:a, and fuifrrs at the d'ftricl copttshat 1 ibe exface f a few fuitors and witneffes, aud :" ' :thrfe hr -fonr jarori aifending at fomelditfanpe, V frpfln their counties, to be compared fr the pn- lie cxacpcc of payiaj thirty j a ror?tw'ce a ycf r, . princip' of .which is retained br 7 the. amend. Jjmrnt uuder cocfi Jeration. . " ' ;KFGRO of the .fcll.wing dt?icriasia 'wis CJiurt.u V to 'Granville Jail iwi lhe tSili 1n?t. VJr.; A-.ie,.k-n L!a k -ilesr -i Telkw, with a"wliit- p'-i-h 7uteiir alr.ve hi kn ye ; has l.t tw.) of his I'-rcuioH u4pcr Uetli. ancl ha.lopgijtrKxana.r B-avanl,. Ht.lLicjit CM.r f , JST. C He says tie broke piH VVw.j -cnuiitv, on S-t-tun'y riipHt,--iie tih iiis TWownetiu' requcu d ro c mic lot ward, prove nJertv, pv'cKs-. n. tiWe-Him : SPEARS' HA&RJS.' Jailor."" IKf. - .. -. . ' 1 " ... K- ' Hi ',. - . "" - ' JF'tomi th( HamlurghsCorrt'Jfi'iJtkt cf QSJ'cr 17 .jTERiN, "(iiussb,) Sept. 18. The whole Ruffiia army riceptipg the rrs;i jnents ttatutiec towards t enia, 'is 111 mo i m It 'march ei partly towards the h u:bward to t Uieniter, anupartly-to the weaward to ttl:n They Iry a'fo that the Imperial gutfdsare fooa to tnarch from bt. rereilbur: Cetober 2 at.-C g'ory- uaj-i--.ee., yet -S;.ei"iC'r r.ci,, r., lid :-e. ami ft P,T, CENNA, His m j e ft y tbe e ffi p e rir a n d t h eraic h duke Cb.He. hveieturned from their jontn'ry.;' otitt hes tfUciallv Notified to the Joreiprrii Iters, its lutetitioa of purfutng a ijlte.n cf neutrality. . , . ; ' - .,. SftTN,- October 21. ' A letter-fcom 'Scbapantek brirca the follow I ' " - Tt f - t . - .borne merchants from wai.acnia SJI.lt ne-f.- haVe lult " f rrived bere" with ab,nutT6,wair.g.n had. -of eflVd.8. Thrv.M nojf an acvoTU of J .1 - . J . "S-v-j 4C3CO RtiUi08 havinir airiVed -nt-nufebfeu kisj jwa aud drove away thej'' KcTgra'ea, -W-W weiethereJ"' .: .',-; ' ' - .' - :.'..: - Lrtrzic, Octcfcr 12. - Thtf fbrcc of tfie Piufiian. and .S.xons un'-er Piuce -I.ewiV, in the battle cf the ' iothr amopn.teH to 600 1 and thayof the enemy to -20000 men, sair. ft whom thVPruffiane tup ported a crated for"iT.U(8. . a - Oa tte ii.h we received newsr Piince H jhalohatviDg def.Ated -the Freah. Th The dwii'r.s that wete raiua, are -The tame mt -ars'-n.i v v.. j-arilt us. Little n.9tfbe.Ci1d to prcye this. . I (hill . fay no'J.jflfof'-' certain doCttrnents"t!.it-- have gaia.-dceleLnfy from the it infcrutablc le- '; erey J'ftaH fay-sothing of -whabey-corvtaat-: J,Ti?a our' matters, jhcfe we delight to honor, tKp 'P.-nnli. roiiT.. foe thefe documents: could examin and iu'!?e for themfelvcS. Itv is our buiifiefs to prcfecute tlisjhi cf defence We, not the ExeCutiveythe We ftiings.of the nation--andJhwor!d,'wiTnsas much aftonifument as carJterrpt, fees with what it, la h. i 1 '4 n rganiifr-Ygeneral fyftem of national defence. StfMtl Death are be.WuS1 have faid t r 1 . 1 -. . . 1.1 ! .., a m.i.-r:y convuiiufigraip we rem i:,tm. T 5. w t tn 's''Wi,tr- t,i nreniratior tO T . . 1 . t. . . - 1 f T repea', rt is our turnnexi . c.i v .-r-. -fail to do fo, I will dfoend nri I will rot go down hill I will afoend to .mingtc with the fo vcreigr. people It 1-ere vain To fociire.thi. cei. Iini r-prvp tbefe.walla, if the va't rcean rrl fod" net btU::en France and u. -thefe vaili vvmiUJa; tea tirtes, more than ten times as long as' our republican fyftrm. . - - Alt'ia titncltb ptrpue a military . deforce, an armV t am no friea 1 to in'crtal taxef, tti a tional d:bts, not toidrcjgn erg?pement8 but I mull go aa far as our fakty'uq -.Ue . We hVve a'n ovei flowing trc-fiity, one. with 'wbTchrexaTchafe em- a, .yet bur c ur try defenedtfsit AVe hive lefi dtfouce tin" bsd the f itipublic of 'Rsguh'wiih a fcacoafUf twen 'y t-lmiles anJ-'l8o'e-o fouls. Apropn? iffo.IiaH fa t fh? te-.-tbe !a:t "of the little .Tftubhcsot t, 14 old-world Dii fh? confp-H.aib-rtl'F'-aPce.?-. - V'. L-1 , r r 1 HtLf.r.!f. ini'iilftinnfi. nTiatOjitl'd. The for a?ei trjoyed the hh'.Tn,'8 of folf govern or e..t - The Fn-ncli .'ccci-pird her ler.i:ory, and tic ':.';-- where ii fhe? I a rain j?pea 1 h H not bin g bt "ordrerVtoieoTfa ' pufe. sicur tatiopaUtidcpea. dtnee a firclclLOiir. I'hive. fir. likt-Elffhf-of nl', wjjtfd lor j that othtr men might fleep I had hrj,ej o- 1 : . - ..- . : : - ,: