7 J Ik ' a . si t - Li .a . j , ,.,..'" t , ,'v & zeitc'Ji :TOu -il. . . irlthc- Lm . v : BpjTTcI MANIFESTO. . Qn U)t Fauur-J - ..DECLARATION. r his Msj-fty ha1; d with Fiaocyl'SVing terminate! r "ftliy. Ma uV"r" p'op"r tH U? '"tin's Public D-crat tna.ilpdd and ur, of the circyf wh-ek Have lid Wlfiw which his jiiy cceply r.e-a XT to im nearr, uia.i u.ii; 7 7 an: pjr maiici.t peace. has io o'ej-ct iri ffinc! :!(inn of a fe U fah,e-,! the pWMuaacc or a v?ar tur: ------- . , . ..I.. J.,.-. ft .a itli.n,l "!.i: -IU -tr.-rtr jn$l; " ' ' be . i-. cr.fi.'..itv th a rbf.e'eao tt' orfiii.A-M -co fi-ri no oh:t fsati rrfif, euA- 9 bia oq' ddmiai-M?, ot iri ar.-y pnU k,f JjH'pe". ' tha'n'-th ".. an incre-jfed con. vilrvhat the -cforVtion ..jrnu-rl .trn-q.-.iwy fetar 'ed Only, by the iijVlict: and uryt'Uioj o the er.fwy., - - v ' Tire French gov? rnmtct, ur;f? ti-vfjocl with n Jto'her.k. Ei qiriirhtu on - the Continent, ftiii Openljrf pet fever e? in a fjfce-'a d rfnuctiye cf .the iiipfk 'cocfi of every other Power. War is - puritd, p9t for lecuritj, ttit for conqnelt ; c:!d reciations forpeace ppt'r to be-eiitered icto roT t':o o.h ."r o: -.d, . than thai of deluding the ruigh wrivy Powtrs inta a Ibteoffalfe f; curuy, wliik.- Frnec. is herfdf preparing, &r- rar.g:.- at'i tr;n i:ia; h t unrefaittcd prfjedj (icr roii'.'iu'i h ihv neci'tt difct'fiine bw af. fotie.i but Vft ,.T:;-.ny ptocf8,of this d:fpffifioa. :i rvfl"v;irioi CT.tginatcd 111,311 olfr made by thc'Frcivh 7 'vnoifnt of ir:-ati:ii far fc on t':c bati'j ahul polf-ffuny. wHchwat) iU- ' te.l to adiiic of mutuahcompenf tlioy ; nnd'a. I'.ijl.'i H. H'jrance wj au hd,1 thrt bla nijj.ftt'8 fj.rn it: l)oiT'nioii3, whicli fnd been avta.Utd I ,,..!. I " ' i rr.'Jerfnces. which were orotraSed from dav to 'daj.tili at lenf.f Ir.it was snr.aunced at Paris that the EmpMor of Jlullia had ittdiguaritiy ie. jsfted tht' uiiaii?hoTiLd afidlepJfc trtaty hgo. cd hy: ::is -Miniflcr, , - . . . 7 ,T I u. coi.fc quucc f thti in;portant event, the 'Irofgtll ailuui t'Cij were given to bti n rjsily's iniiuihr,tli4r France wa now preparing to X-ake iawiificej to a great cxter.ti ia trdcr, by 'fc'uriig' ptuce wiili Gieac iiritaia, tore.eftabl iifh the traiitjmlvy of the worl l. ' Thcvobjet of thtfe affutaich appsared, how. ver, to be, that of enaiiii h'ij M;fefiy ia a fparate nfgocia'ijn, to the ' xchifipa h hi' Al ius V a prapofal vhich b;d hh )c ! y'had njciU'd fn the oiul' ar-l which be totiij llili Ie.f4sd.21it of at a 'time whtu t'ic conciud of Ridfia had ;rappftd ori-him an iacicaJed 6h!iga'im-not to 1 r r r j . : . 1 1 ! b iron, iiiolc izit.-iit'i aii.i-itiy. io ti lie miKii nu overturta, y:y tte-di'y lefuitd. to .lilLn,.i; but.hs took ti xod dFilo.d reircly CoavniJ ven the aur.. - " . . .. . . - . n . 1 . L ravvrab!c i!luc of iuc uc2.c;a:uc. dtiitiai iuter.'owifc hiiiu a ...? ifd jn!t. fbefef'i'e a The con 5 hiqli he h:. cotrf-'ntly ..mitutaiiicd vir.b KuiTn er;ab!ed hit rafjeily la . fpecify thc.ttims Qi l ich p'nee v:!: that jw er n-iiht be :hta::i i : and 1m n'nillcr vas ac co'rdi'!y i,fttued to ftate to lrra .c-, in addL t'o i to in'3 own demand, thofe of hi? Ally, to reduce them irttd diltir.ft ai tic!ei, a:i3 cren to .conclude oa 4. he fc groundij n proviiioiu! tr-rntv, to take .tfFttSl wheutyei Kuifii fiiould fig.i)ify lier sccefTion. " This forn of reociitirg ws'd, after feme obj .Ction. ?ct;ede,d t irFiarce. Terma were now offered to hiV mrjefty more reiirly sp proaehiRg than befo e to the ofiiral l:afn of oego:iaiion ; but ihcfe were lliil fat fiit of what hi mjvity bad uniformly in ft led on, and was now 'DivMx than ever entitled to expicl ; itutthe dii'ifie rtjcdiou cf the jult dematds of ;Ut.ffi3c.-slve.i as of tbt c ."id-' ntopeded by"bi rai-efly".iu bebut of b:a cuui is flits tt to hi? pmjefl-y'otb ctfur-fc i!n that-cf m. dering, h 3 ;i initier t:i icriiuaie'.tUe' dil. ,i;fii.-a apd rtiurn tn EnU;:d ' f THeotfptvfitjf fnolrt ttiu firnpls. expedition ' ti&3 flactij ir? n;ed ol - iiO'Co.fTrAi at.. Ttte fi:. Vti'lhrafloTi, Daily's,: riymouth and Lec8( n.iiiU to Scuppcnionfi once a week. "Leave Warremtcn ecry TuefJay ut 4 a m ', arii,ve at ; Ranfeie'e. bridge by "noon.. Leave. .RanfotD-'tt . 'hrldgt ai I f m and arrive at Halifax lv 6 p m Leave Huhln'i at .7 p m, arrive, at Seo:lar.d Neck . Leave there at and arrive at Scuppernong on Fri- !ay hy'ii a in. Returning Leave Scupper tiorg tveiy TViday at p m, arrive at Scetland Neck 6a at " , Leave. Scotland Neck' at- and ferrive at Hafihx on "Mciidny at $ a m Leave Halifax at 8 1.2 a in arrive it Ranfom's hrijjc Iv noon. Leve Ranfuni'fi bridge at 1 p m and anive at Vcr rentonist 7 pm. ' ' "" " 72 'From Halifax I y -Northampton c h, I'rin.-cTon, Murfret-fooio' Wiiiton, Cc'erairj, Pi'cli Las dino and Windfor 10 Ldrntpn once a- week. JU.ave Halifax tvtry WeJnefUy at 4 i t and arrive at Mu: fre:.fbjio by 4 p .'- Lcave Mutfrell) iro by 5 f w, iijd aiti.-c at. t.euicn cn iriuay oy lu a m. ieluinwg. L'.. vf Ec-tiitdu ' v-i y Fi i'dsy at 2 p m, arrive at Mii-ff;-. fj..io on' S'Jijday by, 7 a n and at Hili Jax h 3 " p m. - 75 Frcn Kuiterflown in R-icbinpliim c.6. by D,.hj.'a tavrra,..Xbikfvule, b'a'.ifbtiry Cotik V rave.rn, Catawf.a Spriuge, Liccfintun, Caru h's Huirtown,5partanbu.g, S C. Greta li, riiickenfvuie, 1 ciidietr.u c b, liadenL" f.6. From.' Ch bjitte, by Begax's fetry Hill's Iron war'is, Ua York c. h.4 S.-C. o,- a week. Leave Clwtlotte every VyedDeClj ,4'.J . Kf.l rtliu Sllivc l lulls t. 11 uv u jsnl-" iXClyijpf Leave Yorkc b every i oiiday-at bayi airive at Charlorte by 6fi m f,( S7 From Raleigh, by Smi hfield, WapflJ rougn, ureene c n ana ivingiton to ,rejrixru tw;ce a wceK. Leave Raleigh every Suridiy J Vv ecnei Jay at 2 p m and arrive a JNewtirc next Wednefday and Saturday by 4 m. ' Ly Newbern every Wednefday and aiuidsy j- rn and arrive at Raleigh , the next Sunday VVsdacfday by neon. "- ' " r' 88" From -Cbarylterby- Lincaflet.toQj den, or ce a week. ' Leave Lnatlctte t vtr VljViiy .it 6 a tilt and -fen ivc at Caoidtat TJ A by 51 Lcava C-'oideu on Vyfa at L r; acd anire at Chatiotte on Saiu;l- 8y FrfW'-Fayettcvire, hv Fh bethtixJ w.'i.: t.uj 1..'. a 1. vv.r- 1 tin ndcSannfrtTi r h. Io bavtt:evi'!!e. n"i,o i- ' 1 wetkj' Leave F.yetttviilg tvkjy Moadaji; o 7.7, iiirj iiinve ar iiinir;r,Mi oil 1 i.iiii.iyi,. i' Leave Wilmington (.very Tburt'df.j i 2 and arrive at FjetitviSlt oa i&iij'J 6 pi. oo Fiona Fr.yetteville, by Andcrfviih. i, v.l.e, ua- IJani.'UtowM and Athens to nigh . iliniugton once a week Leave fayttteitt Shoi!i)on Apprlatt hv river once a week Leave every Saturday fit 6 a in and arrive at WiUim. rauniertiowo every-- vveaoeiciay at o a m, anu iaj cn auocay Dv (;f m ... xeave -v,iimiiijjy arriv: at High Wiotls the next Satu-dy by i evcryvVe drefiay zi 6 a m and arrive at Far Won day at 6 a m ad ' arrive" at Sfoiatjod Wedneldfy by 0 m If if; lOflii. X.cave higu bnoals cwry biturd.y at 2 p m and anive at Hudtrftow u the next Tuelday by 8 pin. ' 74 From Warrtnfon by RnfonSBridgs, ?.."fie!d, Tarbcrottgh and Greenfield 'o Wifh .u.i 1... .:ii.t. 1 . 1 1 1 o ' t 1- 1 iiikivu, ifuu iticncc u) uieci;vii:e, 1 an.croiif;i uv 0 c m. jutsve- .v,aoi5e.u every rnoay 1.; Naili c h. and iitill'e Store, id'R-Kif-nn'B biicge 1 a m at;d anive at Fajtittville on .u .dav b.5 jedvc iriio!n"3 pucpe cverr pvi Cttevii!; on 'FJiiirf liy ty npm From Fayetttvilfe.'hy Mc Filisvilk, V.'.j field vi'le and Cheraw c h to Caunjetr, S. C Oitce a week; "Leave I'ayciteviile every dar tt 5 a m nm arrne cl.Cj;ndtn ui Ytaii or.ee a week. 1 I apeor-d to his mrjtily to r-r. 'a'i"a for cti'.ooiating'; it -.was riiul wjrb tin rtfirvej tliat'the in i Kr .-'l.iiducied fby his oi jlty ". I) r ' c ih. :- -r iii, a miniflr-, feat by tb. t!.r i.( Hi tu treat nr.lht Ja-ni i n. ert 'with ht ll' i c,tnc i'in P r- - in C bj 's' iut!iK- h' by life oti''v;e8 of terns il 'jvci-wt 9 wh'sii led t5 "neg'itii'i o wire made by the tnea yt "sad: th'ey tferc ncct-;)tLd by hit nuj'i.y "n the fii.cAft fpuit cf peace. Every opninp T- hich f'ierced to afford tb moll dill act profpifl -of accpjnmodatiju nr.s been tinxioutly ctifcraceJ. nar;W39 the negbeia;in fir ally, bro Vtrt t if while a ay 1ioj?e of a iwo,irable ifl.ie could 'be. eutertai..ed. His n:ej il y "a demands wet'. uniformly ju:t and reafeajbl? t Cirtctsd to go clj.clof peifor.al arraad' :.r :-n:; but tu fu;h 'on'y.sn wrc if.dllp-nlEb'y q imciJ ly th? honour of bib crowii, his ;nrar;eeuV3. to hta a. Tucldjy at 6 a m and ntrivx at ELjiiid by dp ' . Leave Lnfitld at 7 p m iitid i.!r:v it Waih i -Leave Wafliington every Friday in 8 a m, and airive ai WirietoM)n Mou'dr j; by 6 p' m - j 75 rFrom HaWttr. by- Tote's Aore, to En- ! field,, cucc a weck". . 'Ltive -l-Jahhx -tytty Tuc-frJcy st nopnj and arrive at Lcfitld hy 3 t m- L,a?c Eafic'.d at 4 m and ar.ive at il.u- fax by 8 pm. ' - j 76 From Seothr.d Ncck,.bj .Nr.Alct'3 ferry, Gruodheiry Crofa Roada acd C!v.ktvi!!c. to ! Wii.dfr 0 iics a reck. Leve Seo'l-rd Ietk 02 From Fiyetteville, by M -orc c h Cv. th.ge, and K'.ridflph -cli to i.i.;fbary, il tber.ee by Tii.da'HVihe, Hecdtifon, .Waddt. louli";- liich;ncnd c b, and "Sneedsborpuglr, i, FaeUivillt',;orce a v-eek " . Ltavc Fayettaiii every Friday .it S a m and ai rive arlkiifbttty & Lrxt MoLi'ay iy ioa.m. Leave l..i(fouiy , at 2,p m inive at Richmond c b on VV.'de'id- by 41 maud at Fayettcviile oaThuridsy t Sp.m. IN SOUTH CAROLINA. -93 Fiom Richmond c h by Paik:.f'e ftrr Pi-.-hj-w Pl r J, h .- l ;il n..;,. every fuwfday at 6 a m -tud amve a Wradl.r J lcn c h . paureyfvjile, Jafaye ar.d the Ci by 4w, LeaveVmdfur every Jrhd..y ac 6 : Houfe. to Por Pa fcrrr once a .eek. -La (" 1 'MAV.Vtoihefiatcr ?.J in.cicAs or ! diH a du confi Jcratt'oa of the genti-l ia 1' . ' ', '- I teicti8 ui kuicpc. aj 1 it- is. K-UN '.leatttcit concern t!a US.msjeUy kt r 1. ' 1 .",...,!,. ,i 1 at- 9. wrt; '.:eatttct concern t ra his.maie'.tv n;.;ej, t'nni wi8vlpi,iedltoui.7 iLc-Je- Wiltfl:!' contmuat of t., ..0 tv... al m, ar.dthatr,,:,-. r iIn. o- (V;ueat ipor ' wfJi i?eraVe frtfai.a IIhc or war ; Ljnt 1. u-cVa, nca.l :,r a.: i.-vMite decoration on h j"4 ll.w aful refporh -K.ty ?t t.rtT aiiiii 1 4 ,1 IVT: sim K.. . u " ':Vr " "V 1 liifhtuoad c h every Tf.Uifday at"4Tm mm ,e.gut iruapei. hri , to tin a ! flrrivc tt - PerPa fen y . on Tridty by 6 borough once a weec Leave Ie.ghvery Leave For ferry on Saturday a! 4 buday at 8 a m and arm: at iLdfbor.ough oo 1 an.:V(. R,vhmrtr(1r.u ,n vTf o A - I mm the ctrt of htt.n it v , tli it v.:;lcfi 'the priii :i p; urr-j'if." 1 'rv FraLe lurfclf VverTadh'etrd to, ' thj c-jfri-nu-Jci iin wh'cq bd hcenopjiicd Lt - twesn tbe-two.Gover.ircciitir-Vull at oqcc b? 'clof-d. - ' T:-!' pnbvied prr.Lfli mi of p'edio fi'.i in oFra-j ; to m 'ii c Id! r.a. nc .ifiL-cs -'-'for rh"atta;nr.t?::i-t f -pnee, if the oifcuhi 'ft. ' were t.Uf'.d ta prjfil ; r.l ths unit ti'iic tiut V di'Ticjlty Aarud on acoj:;: fL th. w.nt1 .-1 rntrnctro oy ma c. (U;l powerj ci.t it pes M . tTPjjfty v;h ihia. comi:ra'.ii:3tioii. 1 'KV:"t' tKerum'n ak'n'ty h"4m'i-.!y for rcit8 ; and for the iHue of uk cov.ttJt his m-i j jetl, trulls, vritU coaQ Juice, to the rcloitraes 1 and bravery tf hie people ; to the bdihiy of his j a!bc8 ; and above.!!, to the protidiou aud fup I port ot Divine .Providence, I In ciutributing to the great' cfT;its rhieh ! fu :h a ccrntal mu:l unavoidably u"q r're, his J fiithful asd alfiCtionate fubjtU wi!l not t'rpr t ii j t a I tliqr dejre'.t ir.tere.fa-arr a4l kt ; ili-.t (.0 Lc:ri.ic;8 they "can be ca'le 1 r.p u r-if!ikv; arc. to be compared ith th c mi 11 tli'rar e and Sw-, wr- I ,t!in of 'yiddio'j to the injnrio.ig prtc-ii ..:i of urday by 8 a m. Leave Hiilfborough every Wednefday at 5 p m and arrive at Raleigh on Thurf&y by j p m. 78 From liil fborougb, by Mmtnt Tiiza, Perfon c h Let fburg, Cufweil c h Lenox Caf Ue, lioltick's and R kingharn, to Germanlon, o.:ce a. -week. Leave HUifh..ri-i:gh eveiy Sa. ti iay at 10 a m . arrive at Mount Tirza by 3 p m and prrive at Gf;nnVt.Oii the next TtSifday by B p m. L--av'e Gerr.;iittn. cvety Wednefday at 6 a wTand r:ie at ilil.fboryiigh the nest Slyiday by $ a m - x 79 Froai XA very To iro' by Ijlavwood, Pit'.f- boioi.gh and Jda'e ferty to fJi!i'b.ron'gh on.i rrj;l?r negociiti .n fey nialvis. in orler to Wea'aiC-ia a fjskTt'iry mi-I a'uhfn.ie, wht ther p-.at c old be ab:a.":ied m 'enn.'.b'orahlf to the k;n'g and for ope..in . 'ie that with the tr.vis t'-lc rn.ii-.te July autS-rifcd f,nc of the good: fiHh' arr:pul!fc honor o! iuer the molt I country, .us pn fperi.y, it llr'u-Lh, and Alher a d -co lLtfiit-w,i ii tbegeqcral ' -fen Ity ut E'irof)". V U''- ', " , - Uinave3by this u:r?ptttea event, the , k!v cm ; re I' ' o rp,T i'C'vprcciftly' 0:1 the " f.rr.;: r i a l.t or. t. He leiied, with a " c "f'd '-re v i u-h Ixujri ,i.cs-l'aS anplj j-dtiftcd, 'oi th '-spo ' frtiihi'd vtfi-tiu.tfs an A!'y,tto " con'ct'i t vr.h v b',i .a ? hid Le'tiu4to trest, a-id whi'"intrriT he.'hu'f' nvJuuXjued thiqughout. ' " w:C' t'f'.'n' funrn', as hi 6ti:.. "i ; i Tu,'e'Fi'jn''h'G )V.rn.'nci't, on 'he contrary, th' f V t V thi 3i!v w'age, of hicli it hoalied aa u ftqn' in importDU' t lh"mo!l decIGve victory, t ' depirted in ecry cr.fersrce ran- af)d mere - " ' wLMy:frOm 're ewn olF.KS'' an l'fngie'merts ' jNot o;dv did it lake; oponiUelf to change at its t -ovn rilf the' bafij of theiicociitioti jtvjth,G V liVrtaiii, but it vj'a'ed, i;. potrits fttil more in "V 'portaat, evefytir.cglc if goidaiib t Rufin. .Ths'Vbicft'tductfiient ofiereJ to that P"t.r aa its independence, are ciTvOtiaiiy cirrceiisV ; TfJ tbat, i.t affvitin the lights and uh.Hiag .thtf dig'iity of the iiiitifh empire, they dLad th m.:(l jjuwcrfol bulwark of the liberties of rr. an kind. - s.s- ; NOTES, 1. The Foft mailer ocnera' mar excedite t mails end al u the times of arrival ml dq ture.at ery time ci.rnp the com mm nee . . r 1 rt . 1 i "iron t:.r any extra, txpeuce, thatinay It d cab iir.ed - tliereby. 2 Fif.cen mifriites fli 11 'ywedfor,op' irg and clofin the. i&aihvK'all'oiuces w&er 1 uartl.-nhir ticoe is ("p-ctavd 3. Fort-vtfy tbirty,niin''.tr8 delsy unavoi ap e acc id et GXi;cpt cd ) in ;.ii:v- i2 star, ill . '1 i ttk LcAte AvXjft'jrotigh every i't-nfUy ntptdcpWd in i?.y rorur,,.:;, the cont.? at 6 am and arrive atHHIf!) iuu-'h on S.i .nid-y ma' fojp'.t--oc lai-; ar-d if the dUf pv by 8 0 . Leave HirifWuub e'terv -Satajdav 1 u" te -i?epa;ttire i.i ai de.-e; dnn: -r lbs :prie of aU thc'fcrifieif ekfonecrfromjitr - MClilei aa lb;f rjTtW prcf Fva'ft ef Ger-fr.any - , yet'before the4cifoa. of RufTn'on this treat y - ' - .... .y.I.. ' j' ' lV'- I " .'t v - l -I". ' ija.a Le ;.ao,vr, t rine ctjh eireaciy anp.rniiJtea iiie ftii'j ot, taj-.co-RuJtu 100 or tnc oeroian ' ctnplr'e ; .iiflTediieedf-ufldar fier. o wn 1 ylifct ' ' h'Zi r'ro-nrtifli'n oflU2ur Hides' and prcvi'ic'es'cf , Germany r aa3, not content with t sis open con- - PROPOSALS 1 ' f ' -V- - " ' M - - For c&rrtn? Mads of lhi: United States, on the 'following Post roaJsi tvJll le recsivsd at the GeS neril PestOjjict m .'' r.so;uton, until the 2 ut .:. eluy of 'January next in; 'usife." , . . t - - - . . ' . IN NORTH CAROL IN . . 67 Frr.rn Edcnton by L;t' mills,' Plymouth and Wifhipgiop to Newlern once-a week; Leave Edtnton every Tuefdcy at 2 p m arrive 'at-Plymoiuh by 6 a m ou Uredncfd?y J ravc .Plymouth at 61.2 a n, fir! arriv; -,t Wafting. tX6" Etave Wad.intoa, at 7 m and Lrnireat Newberi, oriXPLuifdry by pm.- tawmng. - Ltave Wewcro , every Fnd.-.yt, Wafllmgioa ac"6j, arrive Pi'ymobih 'on Satoiday by 4 pm. Leave PlynJoucU at ,1.1.2 jw and arrive It EicfHon on'iur'da'y i a C5',Frotn ..W.aroingfrm ' by Bath to Wood.' ck once a wdek. Leave WoAd'L.vh fv,r Wevlnjfday at 7 a m 'and arrive rt W'fi,;.,,' i every -fcatiuday 1 , at loam an 1 arrive at -AveXiboi oujli ca Sun- 1 C r c Dy t tirj 1 w u r"-r fc t r dr.y by ow : v ' 8 Erjm Rilcighrby: Wtrritifvilte, or.ee a Vstk. Leave Raleigh ev ery Friday at 4 a and arrive-at NOxfordbji 6 p m. Leave Oxford every Saturday at 4 a m and arrive at Raleigh by 6pm ' 8r From Warrentoo. ' by . AVillismftorougb, Oxford, Hillfbarough, Allemance,' Martir.Vtlle, New Grden, Salem and L?xingtdn, to Silihbq. ry, once a week. hczvs Warrenton every Fri day atzaffl and arriva at Ktlifourcugb; on Sa lurday by $' m. Leae HUiftarqagh at Mraad n.the;fe lvn-in'l.Sttcd..he Poite to rive at Woodiiockon TL'irfdry b, 2 neaftrcsdirea.y f'iSver.ivjofberfu-idien; 6y From Newbern bfFrt , ton, Nortl.W.I . ,: , 1 Vi V ",1. eiK' ueav? ?e,"'Srn every 1'aslJjMt e a - M-iJtr. lo;v4rdb h:i Afrvs-j,, toward a-' m aod'arrive St W.fn i.inn Tk'n .3. Itn:udtiit 1 'osfM, 'hct apn, vLf. little hope ftf 3a 'fAv--rf-ftbtm: i; fi 1,1V Necutbn, that demanded their - Da il 14 j )'3 i :e-.i:j:,?t:itii-ivj o retui n r-a E v;i..r:J Tl.ii denand i-ji -1 f.i.lifujjd by snluJufual in-J 11 1 xT)!tir.-J dchy ; ,f,u tne French Go-d -ver'jrjicct ?ftrwar.'i, bj f'ne niteii.il concef-" frq i-c'WipirM-d w: b 1 ti n.a ioua that oilier cf'lil greater r.onflr :enec might fee the refalt further. difsiiCijD, rxwcurej 3 reacwal of the IP nM?;. Leave Vilmir.aron even- Ttiurfdci i acd arnve at-Ncwbcnvoa- fcatatd .y by 7Api-. s " ; ' 70 From Newbtrn to Bcanf.irt onre'fh two freelrY.-" Leve Newbern'every.ot'.er Fn'day at 6am and.arrt've at I3eaufott oa Saturd?y by id an. Leave" Beaufort the ft.ne day' at W( a;id arfive at Newbern on Sunday bv 6 b m it i' iii 11 iU rt n n w ryr 1 . i f . . . 1 1 1 la and arrive at talent on Sandav-y smLeave Salem at 4 wi and arrive at ovfbion Ivcn day , by ua ieV--VSa!:fb ary 'every- Monday at 1 p mnclafrive at Kalcm rr. . I uelday hy 8 a m. Lease Salem at 9 a m art arnvaat Hil.fbarouiVon Vv"edMc'fte'v. Lv'"a a Leive-Hilifbvirougb atjj m and wriveat War. -rent on on Tb'urlday by $p ni ' 82 Frofti .Salem, jby fie;da:rt:a, HcntfvliJe, Roikfoid and Wiikesy to Morgantb'n, and thericc bj iii ,nd t Foid, StatefvUie, "Houiloaville, and Hun:fv;iile to Salem, once a. week..';.: Leave 'Sav km every' Tuefd?.y at Jo a ; wand arrive at er, g!ntoa the next -Tlmffefay-:b.y i-pimi.. Leave"1 Moigaoon c-ery Friday at 8 a ar.d arrive nm Salegi the neat ...ontlsy by H'a m ' , " '8i From cdilburv bv Concord.l5?an.l,; ana, ; ChrUtte, lluowifviljf, Li'ccblhton' ; ni .crar,uo to-aibvil,. tor return by Morgantob, . -Lilian toe, catawba. rings rid Ai;9untJ.-lorhe to Srtiifiury once a week. Leave Sal fbury every ' Men ayat z&m and a?rive at Cbarlo:1e on TueJl 'I.yb-y V p;nA at.,AfIet)n -'Thnrfday. by 6 p Leave Afhvillc . C v r y Fr id ay. a i (S. a a nd -triive at 'Salifliury on Monday by ic a m Newport T. and Sevipf vUle4 to tKpoxvji-e- T -iue a wctk. , Lcartf -Aflvvific xvery' it tday a6 " " a'd i:r-vcat Koosvi.lc en Woridy bv io-I Ja rL'eive K noxv :ile' id iifo-iifitfricJ .loi Uieh tlrptiidhl null l,.f..j.; ,..ja:.:;;, i. C f1 - . . Hi; fr. t , v-W- ilU-'UI tl IKI vl V. VI . dtlJar4fa'. he k-c-firi ttl. 4. Ne f;iip. r9 .is will flff iter arr to "tt" fent ia the inaii ; ?Mt if af'perfoi? nak-'ng y pufilv dtfiics ;. o-iyrf. J papers",- .cthtr-tia. ih jfe cenveved i:v-th n aii. for his .& e nrti? mer.r, he rujtk'.e i'n.his piojicLJa for srlii fo.3 he wjlfcrry v-i; li tb-emu!mej:t, and I what ittfia wishotit tb'at emoimi-'nt. JFbculd ir.y pe'fon nuking propofals d( fiie r: alteration of the timeo cf ariivri and fi: ture tbqve 'fotct'Sed, be r. ud fite in 1 prcp .fiio :h? cl.rcration ih'fiif.d, -'and the c'S'm eiirc i ?ev .will, m ik in the terms cf .be ccntnfol 6. P.:Jvr;i. wsaki"? pr'op":fa!s are" dtfiiei-fi;? b Aatc Ui;ir yiltn by the y er i Thofe who cattf I" tra'ct wilPncc ive their pay qtiarleiiv in ;l:i ,.. ontbs of Argu, Novtni' tr, Fibaarv aitj May, in cne menih after (he txptationot enij. , qusrt-erS- . :'" ' . . 7 . No other than a free white ptrfoa fhall k- fi. 'CfT'ptoyed .to e.si;i.ej-4Be roa.' : , fv.' b When riid .pr.opcle4iitend to convey t.'r maii iu the body of a llagecarxiage, he iadti tt .' red to fiate it in l:!p?0!yfal9. - - . ia--Xce EofL-aafleaefle tahr Cerve a. to lik. fell th e 11 ;Lt Of etc rr-nj z every I end arrive at Mrfcasicn- 5h A in . at fit. next -ThuikUy - ' ---j wr - . . . . - .-vv. l.JWt tr.rs .Gqiwen's'liore, to GrienviKe c h. S weex. Leave Mosgahton every Friday at 6ajs. iiiil. arrive at Greenville h. Sunday bv ( m'fviint tqth lefs oFa 'rrip-c;.ch.-J . , . t o. T4ic ti ntracla for i!k p1ov- ,p ritfs -' to c in operation urr the i'U d. y cf April -tu and are to, ccE-ibuc iri furcn'fot twoj ycara,' , W--- '-Ppiri:t!sier General. . .General PcR Office " . ! D -crrabvi 8. ' .:.". ; Ta -xtrn hir.inzvr jiujir,;'-, . ji'i ) ''-''- 3..H...i'Ul.i.!,:S 1 -'iiioITni - ' tft. J-p"!' , j. o ;lfii, j p . Jirurr.i. Lc-aw-.Guc'cyiiic' c ; ii. rvny r r .- rc-v p.iv I. Ja.u.-i .. (.:: .-I; ;i " 'A iltf iirti'Wn(t.,tU?l.v 'UA lA R AzRiSt '1 J I.;.!j-ivri4i4y wiiilii--!t;.li-'. rinciM-y. Wr-il.civi.i X''C!-i .i.ai i!ie endutft;' trni Tallin -ciiinii- 1. 1 r r-

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