: i-- j mm vmWmk i J- V Vol. n. - 1 , ' T TaiV A - No. '$6. lis 34 lad 1 IN ht.L Oi 1. . tntNDf v( (J'toher 2 t . irnlattofl er "ie ivi vi i uiua Mo. This impo rfent docuai; I .-daM;e head- quaitersr Ffurti oh - theo-'fr niti a:ld 'H in the " kmQrt Wmi'hnjiu of the 15th a:id .But to thelfas of vi6 ence, a Mem . place on the d October in th- laft ve-r o abuferuury remained ftiJ Vbe notvvithftanding xhrUoUhl itfr MlS1' lch ain rPrvnciaFadmM HieMe voice of Gover nment, wauhoV j,ft y V Mhiifter ? f leu-as a cnronic e or tne atrartcs mrH. - ..TMi u r. Ffl "Pen everycrowd ESI ihich Ss . r l !- n.i iVft Ivino nr P 11 ir.: ; r a 'ui-,;vaT'.v5. ir tle defence of his !.. in 'iniftx 2 it-necell'irv talav-hieu lore to, and ul Europe, the cjfctmi ftncei h'bhkYtrmipoied this duty 011 &m&'-fr V r : u - The w&c? I'Tce pve peen.the fo- of'Ha;)i?n)Ty during the lad fif- txn jM$ 'I'hofc nisn who, in rapid fjcccfijn. bave been at the head of af. Kirs in that coVn'ry, . havebnly fought r,p mem of. their donlinim-iin vvar' liiw , 1 - 7 fcrtfzmteof t)eir : -exiftence in ; thv. wT?tcIiedii or. toe people, .may' b-z 'iiiKodiictcn 'of. a regular gcVern m e 1 t, j to which' thV:-fame nevtfii.y buld net I fce imputed, gfufe new life to jive hGpes ofihifrienJijof-peacey: N?iiojeon, in. manifesto exnerience. Sti4f it is niolt'eflenrinllv TTr(T.v reprefe.t in what manner the conduct of France was calculated to-operate in itsnnmidiate relationiaPxiiflia. it lujjcjiiuous enutnerare an -theKoouipfhces rendered t(j Nfajoleon by lraflia; f ruflia was the fifft Power that . , - ---- .v ..u; ,V7 iU! wu viu -cu, mac no pledge ot tecurity re A 51 1 1 . . . ''. . uicauvanrgges ot this treaty wer'c tor France. On thp r.n .iC" ceived cuaranfPFs ,h.VK ..-.tA her conqueUs ;-on the other, he pare what (he did nor Doffefe. h, miJ?Z sgam conquered by the chances ot I ruffia flie found the means of enrichl -tier Allies. , , ' . But between: a policy which will (?V every thing in its phweiyaad an infegrbf which regard its dutfes,(&hd cfpedaJfy ; ' P.mHi the conteft h ever ujpeai-A'. 1 he King approached the momaftt whA he was convinced of tin's by exftaieh? this moment was the" moft painf ul of hV .. j r 7 V y. u! iccuuiy re- reign. . mained for the. tfahrhUnrc ,a i,v u... T . . 9n.l o..w.v..4 i... ii ."v-vr-", 'it juuumcaiiuns unc!er which th " guaranteed by all the Towers in com in jn. His NT a iely"" r. fivtp.-1 th a'ii: the mediator m nezon,w?nnc fnr f,K n menace had ,fceen .nhl. .ft 'k.' ; I I !u i"c,e ,t.to K!'ow !?cpa had confirmed treaty, if Hie d:o w i rriuH vi im - si i t t- . ; i x this, fot-.the whole Prufonifm ! ; - J I. f , " . ' ust.Ufroun'jeaoy v.easer natetntnd , jy c-jfpjfed; verumuics fur, conquered r pi 'whxtikA riv?.s,Aal i.n his power perform abetter pm. For thd't eat lii4$Mfe, nothirM more rem'iined mrjnmi aw; nr hpraft.mnTir. i king', ncu,T,!!ty., .E-a-ry thlnlthat he I K'Sffl ff wa moft a nply afHdedri.-.inna a jib -1 M-itr . lvtrJ'k. . ,v,-l j:., A n...,;- .... : T ! wV'c,ca:uii. 1 rililliL 2t this f -u vi UA veins. j-r:is e rffm,';i a . mnmn : ... ' . " fJian, nSiUhirh ilo had lmed on 6v" ff i.i. r 1 ' ranciioned rv exi Uiik tratlel S-e tp- underarm's. one ; cprftint!ed to b Hanover o be ir.vd.. ,Wi Ihcftad JrOTSVknra fhT "ty . Vr h.-.nch- counted,,, aa ot-ipjuakntwUS ! "il.3! ,he r ici!: i 1 sir. '''wi.ii; fujfided the tre;irvfTar:as it Tuired her: bur when m ittwiffied to re?pVe onIyQve which he had propofed to Mniieri from the l;ue noeiationc, ucnly aitercd her unifts 'T!,,--.. umcduons, actueu to tiie treary of V?an na, were now rqeded at IVis. ucavors -vyere inaue to. forcefl'rufiia iuco .tjiejaujl .mmnous niealure?: Ptni - Coum Haugwirz, who was at iVis," mon(travet again ft this, the imamdi-- jit is partuto y compelled toliay, W French" felitics i!l remainr:? ..... ..iwu.nni uuiICi Willi Ulr! (liS 'yxiMiAd,- before the fignal for .th; Mi&efwoieace followed. . HolIai4 -..uwicfumi,' two mdependcRt Wss, wtrr compelled to accept a con- $Ftwm&. The renewal oar -.iuiie cimuer.ce. - reac ftpweytr,-It! continued upon UrTr' V;. f-'iC'V crman empire Mpurc aiedithpniculable facrifi-li.i?-"-er. j;te of Hanover; a country which rf'l tl- ia war between .ai:ding..and, while the ports of V-nii'iny toe 'flufatratt- .Kn rr:,:n, Diij d-"t-e-iT2te, which was !;ir.0raIlraierto the war Han. mnait of this ncacifb. the majn- 'JH '' i virtue udiiua atppaa4 ,u i T "4" :.. navtj never. f,d lhAh of the Duke .n'Eni. r . i FGn-t-.mrrn' n f Germans W'lJ 1 f.f of indi iv.. ten- . 4 '1 f nr.. . "Jill iVUC mmMy. ln;iead ti irW W-";r ?lJ? fiico cou ! d. jr-if bV Tf1 compelled to fe tiirf1 citful -fecurhy if v of U;ot mcnlhe " ki w k .K ill . f I 1 1 IS NvmPe which had . ?;ka& ofd to tlu a; bitruiy pro c i ;"-. ; "'nr.. itvii.ii Xii! i;erur iriv ii wa?. ira.i.ll IU,n ill V CV 1'f 1 TniP( V .IT t' v ihW M .. I ... L i w'itiui lieu-;! OT it uuiesG Of i!,ng- land, under the tpondirion iharthe latter fhould r'cede it. it miifh leaft be iteolk-dtd: r.h;if thV - I iV . . ' a v..j iunu,vtu a peace, i he ror-of Kuiha facif!rf hii ,tv,,,; tiie f mous views to th'.wjiHef hi" AHy! 'a';d jt. -r tI .-..vy M .v-i iwaiiuuysreiurneanoine. rrui ha Herd exe-rcife no .erce towards . any of now alone on the field cf con His them; andifi partt: ular, not tomcicute rvlajdty was cbhVed r- 1 ) I', ,v the numfe trnA Jr, rl,.- Kio : l. 7" D"Bea to limit inspohcy ;rt3.Z. v " -w, i.iy i;is powers; and :ii cnins rH hrn cf Hanover. Scarcely had he agreed to thefs ftipu- lations, than, he brtke them. -Every one is acquainted wim the violent man ner in wJbich.Sir Gecirge RumboId was leized ; e,v.ery one knos that the Hanf'e iowiiwerc iaia unaer contribution,- --.v.ww uuuiu Hi HifJ tame manner as the French had reruni- eo into tne rJecta: ate, ; , --FheKiiig, at Isng.h was rcrfer tl'y con. viiiccd cl the true characler of thefneruL hiip of tne Empejf6r cf the Pr?nrh-ix foponhc dr;-ught for a Do,v-vhtVh. it. 'It icls its own lfr.--hr.th ; an rumt in of Wfh, or embracng the inrereft of all degradation, and " final ly' i'f Fuu-I-e, m,ke his own , temyand that to every, power which no IcT of his neighbors, hs hrii ohjccL ... . fcjs Urer.h. - " " the rrencn Lnmeror trr,r.nCvl : T t?.,.,' rfcaV Pni.mTir.x.; . r " 'TV" 4iirl au;' WKCn was in : " m-tay u wijcti was a'ed, on one iflde -a ..mutual noi.vmon, ot eveiy adv The Pi mhan-anny hn rt r urnedV ' h U ' ' I KUdJcUlfCL' rjriltlilOn?5. irnnr.lnKif tn off,-.,. I', ' umier tne appellation ot- loans,, not bv cf the r infi'h rrl.n v V V.;VV " ' 4 uioveijients or -no conle- any meam for. their intireft, but exaftly of he pence I P t! e reU! 18 i e,atvdi:ch deceived Germany- pre. in the lane,manner aV if France had o Ir -feXi h-mnn thc i lfHtnreiy rg iced, on feme frivolous i Lyy rruma, zn return inrthn rfl. ,.f i?:,. n u . . ' - vv.w v , v. Vv iv.,itlw iie uric conn set miuht at;ihmPV cf thisTrentypromiTed, no? umleV SrV, Sfta at leal forjwe future, im-acknowllged, eft of evils, mft becoV eh nW ' guaranteed, and f Napoleon ha die thpfe then Vfi F ?" led, a firm political ConflTtutlon. . .The! mined to continue the rtbltl rduhsof the peace of Preiburgh were a th rr.ed for don e me : rF 4 general . mifcnune for Furore, but! Wimmg toperve his force r0 Pruiha faenfieed herklf nlothen fiie": than -ever rnrary lo F': 4 i'unii ii - i.i)t;iij jlifi j ri'3 TIP'r.' fir.-. . t -.3 -".-!-'" 1 till- III It Ui thefe inj-nes, .his. Al2.j.dty-coritenJed h nim with accepting an inadequate fa: iiaixv.iu;.f ir Uje leccnd he took no CPgnizance,.kbcing prevented by the up piehhficns auc! leprefcntaiions on the partol theHaai'e Tov.ns. His Majefly, oil n;part, did not' fcruple't? make isny lacriftfe, as the -prefevation of peace'was the deir-it-u-ifh-of .feis heart. - ' . Tliebatiehce. and fuHcrance of every other uoim were,"ekhnuted fooner th.ah that of h is Msjefty. War again brdl; oit.ca the -CcntinerT? rh l"fn;irinn t ;e- oit.ca lhe Gcntinerff rh 1 fii;ir inn rf iiwJkind vvith. rsfpect to his duty, was more diicu!t than .ever. In order-to present y ance from augmeutinr her uools m iianover. he nirt nmnv . ed to fuiftr ' no attack to be rii.nir mr I 3 v."..i"w f :v, i rom rjiis ptrroo, trie whole burthln of. the contract 'between France rnrFPnVTTi ?rurV,nA ,vr. u , .utttwrd yshctrcrdecin leaftadvahf; .Vhilby a fingular com catentacn. ot cir Armftances, it feerncd mai ijna ipxtp ady wifhed tq. remain rmpartt and neubl could no longer Puehc r former Aliemi except to the prrjiidlce of the All-d Powers. Kverv advantace whirh r4iro.i tr... k;o i ' ajion of alt airs was oh he fide of France and the Kini was daiV ihtf.mnf A v',tU aicol(iaon;;iiot leftTcVmidah!eJttrhi(iv t ha n .dect;i vtly f avqr SfiWo. thejjlansif Vvrljo' co Vj j.l ha Ve thoiigl t hat ? he Yerjy njQ'Jiebfvwhih the Kind had given to the rren:h bverijment Ahe Itrongeft proof cfd is deter ininat iohfctjd a fmgu-br;;eple)ih V. J. lhould the treaty be cornered bv th L.ourt.ot bt. Cloud as anything more than words,- appeared - ?n advantage : the king therefore, ratiaed this article uncondinonally. 'Ihe fecond half nf th.'. trrmf r-' enna related to an objed, theimportance ! of which had been manifested by feriows on. ano Con fide m iC tv. . . i20we i.r. u'ac'ii-. ..'.. : hoih; rrt:fi!a vas con ujcedlhat, on th hrft .opportunity to we;: ken her without danger, (he .ni!;t csptift an LrtacU v iici uJCi -nor rp memnfr rm t..i of the terii to: 0F Anfpach, ' licfitook iau.ry-vvhkh IjrocCvvithoutl'ntcT miihon, from murpaticn to ufpai.- " tenr-Tan .ii?ff ufWsV . r. . ,,"T : ;red TTW2 fwhjdwhat country J?drm-f?tC5h-.armsi and the .ateInp, refojVedh3tMl4 s thtf uidornmoteToVr r ' renckfhQujnpt retmtf. thither. She by ludvpollcy, overo v?l!e;i i: : Dy a treaty or a war. -d he ct flfon "of , ticn's oKbe trea y with fFn three provinces, whkWridbecu fan fu a harpy foralcrigferic-s of I cQpfequeijc& Vcre hX plarTof yam ambition r hut rhf.te.--W.rj l-rn;t pr" : i?V I vrnces, m caie. of a warwould have utjhe triunrpheJmcr& ' leen the firft mfrVrers all theJcateiM ??iepre up,n, on.bfichmight havebrhSS " i he Monarchy ; tvhie the acqdfirion of to her x&d wha, in the i: V JlanoVer,.couldTt have beenml! vhis :wifne vtlfhi accepicu -ine propuiea -xcnanqe-onIj: im d rr-the cp n d i t ion , t hat the f u 1 fi f men t of the "fameMhould be deferred dll th general peace, arid jhe cohfent of his M;detly the Kir.it of G. TBrlta iv (KiiU , r .-it -T " De oDtaineu.- t tV i hye ken poduaive of the moft valua baant,ges to Frufha , ..uuiiiui content wuri th!sM f flj-ltr jn fee ih;t;pnref the politics of " i . fo. ."Unre- ati"rt?J th-'nJ u j , , t - iiu now r.o enemy tofear,- 'behevis rfurfj,- ha d anmhuared Aufttia, - forming 'a jud? men; of RufTia wn equal fraoranc-av '4 4 m i ,