t ""!' r . ,. ., j. -.. . '.a .'. . ' ''' ' : j ... , mm ytrcend at fiUl! Um JbeTTiUciltS vere Poiat CouDeiTtnd two bontblieth 'M-rf 5 ilSii shell f imroe-tjutk-. - ..fitU?S l"v - V 'I'U 1 ! mi in) ru'Jv dot u " - (5 churches, and .triciu dwr, Ttfthc pois controversy, baoU writ;nS the. rest,, with - alccwtionswd uiterhaeatlws.- called the revolution ;df S fXt thetrazurcs, a. trains K,.cc, earrtr-. full evjOe, i 'l Vd "j.ihu after bisath, bjrwa? Jlng sotuc of tfrecuUar tenets of well ai the rest, f are now fan ct a tirecK uisnon, ancj -t cuai' a"d proofs liave been j ihe Ti r,d other great chiirch .;.-.Jf.V. u tbi tint txtraordihury le- IJiJ CI ) I1C Wal HI Vfc o ike cmanant' at Ton Johofo fpiratars have been fent It im .be . rerfierabered hv oi readeritbat,I)r Carman 'was ofte'" of the o to "BaUtmorii;: Editor of the V.V". fr,V,'J," has arrived a the ; CHv! of iWioton, and iss.ud.propoials f r puh-j wftUy'' paper, entitled the " At-' , jiit;; "World .,bs devoted, to the iater-' c;t ftf. no. partiajUr party or set of men: wha.ever ; its sole olj -ct wiil bf the sup-1 pjrt of the constitution, cf th' U. Statf?, aadth'ise princiules of republicanism which s.c t')'r.:;U"i on suurtd reason, without a bi-7 :s cithef for the caprice of power or the I'. micusness of the demaout In the irstoutr.btr a cortectMitemetit will.be fW- ta u' the Yunof C'l, Burr which the'Edi jr nwUfsA convinced imm die e&ttj&Vv projWxLat Franlvf'irt, isnot. against, loeiarerejtof the Vi 'n, as likewise of the prwYiiintrs in the western country, which wiillwfuaaJ highly interesting', - : 'tite rlWaV aiff Char lonf iWrVcteii .u. hmmcu pipe n ouji uttkf-ewf J'tP Nt boro.lch r rfcrivcL the iaWv'iiteiH'hhi' .-wuc-jui y!! in conic qltce of. ptevjduSt iaMatiot;;ii.onif.Oo?efao Oaiboioethxiler cNnts oFNew Orlcafis aflemoled autbe Got. tfrnnfentoiilV, tor 4fee with bim'n foirie poinu ( gteatmportance, Wl Th necting confided Girtoft airtb'e nwr. cbans of tbe tity thewere informed by.bis excellency; tljat heail good and Undoubted rea iob's to teitu;J)Xti ; a66fprriey-fraii5ht with igcnerspnd ---this territory aa pauuUlar, a; 'J-W0. lhl pdnrrTy a ftt if.JawJef, Vtfur'men. dTn- f'ir.?r Rrrpus wm trom their talent and rank o focicty ; ,nnc ii'ovgnt tneiatcty ot the territory rtqtiVr ed inrmedi jtB meafurea 'of defencf r thai there was a ntetfiUy to give rigour to their prepzrti. tiom, oft number of feamen wbich cdrnrnodote Shaw had' been unable, in the ordinary way if enlidmeot, to procure, and that as t.:is Tcoardcd more iduriediateiy- t!e-Wichaiit . he thought proper 40 call them together.erfuaded that by difclofiyg to them the danger that threatened them, he would find diem emulated with patriou ifmf and ready to co opTriate in the defence of their country ; tl at he lefrta theni the'Tuggtft. irg the beft mode of procuring the men : wanted J Confident that with their- afli'U nee, the objed would be completed ia tht ccuifc' of twenty-four ticjrs. Rhufe't a ftiBRav'for the: fcXifce of einn forts jepajred, the city Tt?keted in. and uii .complete flate of dtience". i iJq additiorvto thVtbcjre particulars, .veld HhaV KyeralVperfttna ban :-' been arrcfled in 1' i .T,,.' ,7.7- TVI"'6-.iiLiLj.y uuuqiin, j ana werns,, Mgaerr and ia wartWo Dit Eoltmtn ' baa' UWIfrouibt on, to ChaHefief ranllu l in FhilftAfhiKao AjTe arc ihforroied .that tne.Commaodersf .dun Boats, now to Ch'arlefion'. have receive' deVf troW"6teromebt 'to UU tor New Orlc '';:! v, Niw ditiAM!t)ecembeM3 itv : n .mott . acttre preparations are iarufy iV.cuy, and t?e bu(Ue at the Arfel certainly jndicatet nothinc .trifling. The battali of prUani' VoJenteen ar to be called inta a tqa lertjecn Monday,, when they are to rcyiewea ty (tie ocncrai, nod to be multered b! Col. Cuflung-. The militia of the city. iHa re ... i : i i ?r . i r ' ' ponai iucwiic to as rormccUv, . . Tr . FreK.s,.tO; the dMcloJure.oF theoicc?, of the military preparations, it wa nblurpfifing to fin every "mind lull pt cor.jecuires; wc thought it is reported tf at col. Burr, since bis His excelleney mr.doed the manner he had i would at Uaft quiet: the Jtioft i.quifitive; but J received communication vi this .iarncioui plot, j Pnd 010511 flouirt: and esgerncls d Ipiaye which was ihroiifth reneral Wi fon. who ; in all cliUsrf ot people, ai previous H ereto ; f; confided tohimthe pcrtfil of the d patches and j ourlelves, edii re not hazard-a cqnjcaure, bi ortrtures mace to. mm ; mat ncnaa noreover, wh .. -ij"" uiy my received h Imfe f a etter frcni or e cf hi nsi I terious butioel.'. ce'.'en; CdUir.g tl a nietnfe to on thd fuet'.-cl frtef tiorcd 6v hit' I-v. ?v : he fid. tbikit it had been confident with the nijtary aSiTcivd 'relations of our gov'. ernneatjJie vouid. hvive corduAed; the whole b fineiiin hfs own M'av. and would hive adot- prosecution aoda.qrntul, bl, become a dcHrcd ; he fiu,d hln.f, however, un HSvy popular in .Kenturky.. lie is ow" dtr tbe netr;lty cf comnmiicadn. -with bis i'tftenlay mornirg arrived, tt this place leva rat conipames of Unitei b tales' troops, under .tlj paiticular friends, a highly ufj-c ft vK'e dtizeo of Tenneff'c. which. th-.u h in ambinuoiit woH. fofittveiv-denoaticfd femethim? iwporta,v anH coaMWi.d of Col. Cufningr; dangerou " to ihi goetnnient, fk'lv to jstce ' place in tbe nvonih of Drcen ber rd he-feeom- mended to him, to be upon his guat'oro cryaniiu 'the mi.Ula, and to Uwaie f the iJtt vf March. Gen. VVi!kiifvn entered n.ore'mif.ui'e'y into the, ...iv r . l . r. - k.-. . Li. j re i I'u diiutisftctiDn at tri debb tiflertd there a? a persecuted mac. A pub-; nt uiDaer. was tobff given huri , and-tle la-tfK;niucb- have s 'nt i dejrutation to ( '"ia" TfciiC8tin: his convpany to succeed the dinner. at a ball which .A-letter rectiyerf in New-Y.nlc,.-. dated triwdad, .-22, states that Miranda: W ?opeXBjrbadot8 that a British , ex fuirt for the Spanish Maine ,was prepare CiVrt:rt w.hat Miranda was "to receive a cotnmjssronof Brigadier genera, and-thaf a s'jmperof his ofiicr.rs were alsd to receive caaimusVns i in the British service. : ' " f Katctiez, 2&v. 1 t.. . E CN five hundred militia w peeo rcQuired fmm tl,. V-.,:..-ir- bo,f!""' wi nurhT tl; ' f Sir) as 10 ihe occasion of fc.Wtfic tiffed a per-' t C0;ifl fnr. ,L. k . . "sc.in? governor til TS ".of tluVWrritory to" "cunvem.nce of leavintr theiWrn, u,l5Utines8.torhmm- il . . , ; t!ewe venture to haaard - --Tin, ' e 1118 already said MacntyvVuhv.hichthefWrnerrariTl vuvcve uncecetif- - N WawA . ?eMary . wq'Wt;ortf was fie mil . ! . Vuttl-vtuind cation of ettllrbe,hy we TV i " ! 7 - i Darr Uf u t .d o A $t commence ile coutl W;. ry and.,alte alHte. didTiwh,rand that if hostilities tutRen. l'?rre is no dcitbt U ' id ha?W 7i0ne to Louisiana, and. V doub-ic.to Wilkinson: There is, -''parlRT v ergiagfof .die hob4v-rL. ve eenj32verci yersons Ex:eJ!ency, and, on fcveral occkfuns, tork o porturtities of noticing his own want ot authority, and the fruitlefsnc's of his app'ications o thofe who were empowered. He msntioned that with refpecT to the premeditated invafion, i; hd been communicated to him by a fpeiia! mclfsng r from the confpirators, on the 1 3tb of Oftober, at the moment he was preparing to proceed to the . Sbine the oi ft of making him acquainted with the plot, was, the Jiopc of his 'ctf. opiating with them ; but, without divulging his deter miuation, he fet out for jthe Sabine, fettled the Spanilh fffairs, and with alj the expedition in his power, repaired to this place,' where tie' in. tended concentra'ing his foce and dtfend it or perifli' in its ruins ; that whjld at N'atchitoches, he received a mefftge on the fame fubjtci from New O leans, and, he added, that Jhere, were feveraT!perfons in New Orleans concerned iitlie plot', whom he knew, and hid he tnepower, would hate auefted long fince, , He inerfttpced that his tbircVin comiro to town, was to st- pate the place for defence, "bu: that fubfcqiientH advices from the mvadcis led rim to be ievs that their forces would be greater than he at firft ex. peeled, and he had accorc iog'y hanged his plan, and interded, if pcfliSle, to a. tat k them before they reached town, and fl ittered himfelf, if he could fucceed in getting t-ffthe flotilla they , were rini. and meet the foe before thev reached I Nauhtz; that they migT.t, by forcing them to landcut them eft entirely. J hat; (o eitcft this obJeaJiKwa bowtfef, abfolu'.ejf nece fTary, that no delaould occurfor, by all advices, the enemy wcieto: arrivciat Natchez, on the 20th et lJeccinwrjn.iantK bk civ wu mtu. He cbfei ved,- that theieders of the' plot were -fupported byforne of the Btft chairs ters in the Uiion i that it wis extenfive iiriobjsct ; and thatjo give moVetfficacy to its execution, armed, "butitgufied TefleTs,' would come into ourjiver in cfder to ferve as convoy to the expedition to be made from hencl to Vera.Cr tiz j that to de fend the mouth of "the river, he had defined a proportion ofjbe public yeffetsy-amotigft hich" was the (choorer lately purchafed by governrceht. lie concluded, by denouncing the leader, A arob Burr andVpledging his lile in defence of the - . 'ClUteotli, pcctmltr 1 8. The following gentlemen ,wefe empahrellec and iorn on rudy Utt, as grand lurors, in th cafe ot the ftate agairlLDaciel Calet, Efq iz Nathaniel Willis, foreman?' Henry, Maff:e, John! W,dd,'e, John i'lckins, Jolm t,: Macan, John Hall. VVm. VViifn; Johr M Coy, jlCS M. Dougsl, George Reriick, Jolir, Kerr, VV'ra Ir win, Kobe t Steele,) Tkomas iicele, Adain Holier, Ephraim D. olittle, jjifjph Scott, John E'.minfon. Wm Rutiedge, John DavLfcn, VVm Wtl'aee, aod Gabriei Collars. Afwr the grad jjty was. f worn, judge Todd, proceeded to deliver a ciiaige to tliem, of the iollow ng purport : . - "ftlie 'charge lis "unimportant" (' Ob. the fotlowingday (SaiurdaYi the court piet in tha forenocnH the pracd Jury appeared, ad were divided, ten-btinan lavorf fiodin a i'bill &f indictment; and twelve againft it. ?The tiouft thin acjautnad until three c'clock in the afternoon lo ti.e afternoon Mr. CafTett appear, cl in court, and was adr-ionifhed for his condtct. said then difwharrcd. .-. " . I In tonieque nee of Mr. J ho Smith (one of lUjr fenttors ift VongrMj) orgttciing to pay thlt taction to the duties of c(S.;enhich the prfest eventful crifu of national affiirs H- q ies tioaihly dtmaudi, our legifliture have ptitki a fcfclutioo, rrquedme htqn to reua his -felt !Q beoatc ut tbe Uiiiua otwtcs. t Ar an rz- . n liie tnen enga- - Ml?d h,, 1. 4,-. i hrr ' are en - f rro , . . 0r' .at Iea5j.A !,;. I 1 Ijtjtl ant v" " L- HID lt:nrnaTT lrct0 tlcend the river, to cr-v-( j,nfP,J:r.Itt?n'n,aad lOo or 150 I- 0.i - vfWs city, and his country. ' v The Governor and General ihaving retired," the v.eeung prrceeded-nrdeliberate ohejr beft plan to co-operate witn government, when it ws uranimqvfly- Rreed, that an er.Lairpo ought to take place, .which' has fince taken place. The Governor left the meeting of the merchants to ror.fuft with colonels BellechaTe, M'CaTty, and 13Afrerrelative to the militia. " , It wa Hated at New Orleans, when the A me lia failed, that the adherents of Burr amounted t5 yccptmen i'ind, it-was believed, "that his forces would cenfiierably exceed that rumber.; The attack, it was expefled, would he n1""8 ' evg tuiemen repr; between the 2odi and 301b December. ' The -down tos faWe to the. river, .h.'cb he crcflV tw Gua Coau tad proceeded up themer, cs' Aturier ct perfens fooa p Urfued, .and he w orrefpon J:nt has' polite'y favo?el us with le fo'lowiag paivicuhis of .a no(l darifg b'ocrT attempted eai!r on Suudymornin ifla t the houlc c f Mr. jotin fy e,. in cVeeper, 'the village of-Va(fii;igton.-.'i;iy Guz ady tnornirg, between thebours of three (our o'clock, a perfon lately from the P'O- vinte of Upper Cacada, who calls liojftlf Ro bert Jvhufoct entered, through a window, iotp theldwellicg , houfe of ..Jhn'Pje f about four mill above this city, armed wi'.b two or tlwee loadjd piflols, aod ofter lighting1 a Untein, went tq tie bed.fide o! Mr. Pye, andLdefnauded hi rooriy, threatening in rtamfy to -take hisjlfe if he lade any; rtCttancc. Pye atofe from his bediand wint with the 'robber' "luto jhe par roor , in order target his moaty . out cf the bar; but when he C3tre to ihebar, difeovered that dr. Pyebad the keys. , Ml Pyeia tfcc ssa.eat time alarmed two grangers, who ftfpt irv asot r part of the fooiife, ipd pot a lovd guc-4Pye went back from the bar, followed by the rf)ber, to obtain1 the ktys from his wife, aJ tretog near the door where the ftraogers 0 ;pt, j h e t obber perceijing:fl3ey wieri alamed , -threafned to . (rlobt Ih'em in cafe they ;lho'uld com: lit .'-of theora. Daring this tirhe Pye went 3 to. his wife for the keoa cf .e bar When Vc p"ref;nied him the gun, vrb The robbt perceiving,, fired and (hot Pf c Ihrough the b( y Pye inffantly returned the fire, and wPoun; d the, robber, in the beadv . The robber fe'ldbi ton recovered, and the lights being exting ifhed, got out of tfji houfe '.tcT"a hay . (lack, here he bad left h'4 hotfe, and made off towan this city. His w;eunds bled fo ptofufe . lythat ie was conlUatried to flop fcy the way a little. 1 tbe roai wbete, he was pa ff A .by- one of Py e pr ple v ho canae fot Dr, Wizard S?on- Itcrjhe robber cam through the Colo . nitf inB the cicy, and w attempted to be tfl.iiH.'! Yt Mr. r'AVlIn t uhnm he fir?d m .. r r . - , , J J,, .. w ... pilltcil'-lHe iben,; efcped through the upper tci ofl.farket ftrfet : to. Columbia ffreet aao"' crcITid. was rTP HE exetcifea of tfirrSK this tear, with the, examination ortlie ftudents, on the ta b tnft. ind will be refused oa the 5th of January, 187. nrdr tbe fuper iufendacce ot the KenJVm Bifihmr i ' Dec. 2S. - ,a THE SUBSCRJBER, T EfpeAf'u'ly informs the rPudic? that he ,X. h?s iaken. pcfTeni 0 of his Tafcn, ia Wiilian.foirou'gb, Gtacvillc countv ; which, for fevrat yean paft has bfto rented rut Ht h( built an -excellent, it.ble, and ilb ihe d 'S'itage of a large and c?nvecreiit piivaie bnufe Matters Jtimfelf that be flullbe able to eoteitio fo 1 'fafefaftoiy' maia-.r, ajl th jc.i f hia c quaintaace, as' well 'aaTftoge(ii;:'Ayj4j vor him with' fbeir compsry. - S 1 ttii EN SNE F.D. . Jarfuirv 5, 1807. ' ' jTrpr'' - Lahd for Sale,' nnHE, remarkable add wrtl krin (liod rof " a -Tavtror -Store and BUcifmiiU'ibbi p, of two hlrdred and f.' r aofes of LAND, -tyirg'. (eren miles 1 djb e-tt Rj? on the rbad to Ncwbero 1e y j tiichtf C Aston Suygi Efj is new for . fate c vtry lw teirn,' any pcrfr n tftctiiiedtopuT't.bi-5fev-w ill apply jo the fu' fstibtt nrar the pit oi:(t,t Ni. ptoea will te uke&io pTibut( or a citgit wilj e civeo. - - - '-' ' ,.. ' " ' " "-'"7""" , JOHN MOOPE, Uattef December a P, 1846 ry () m i I