' . .V.- '' ' '. V ' -.iV7 . - ft r f the nfT. rnie at attack oj - "r 1 remainder of the eavalry to fornY r h hTceu,-- w'aKh had the cfTcd I the centre of the French from.mak roW o fuPp;.n their left wing Ik .0 he "defence were fortou. and T3t- . . the French f tight with defera. Vercohi ati. ttof b.dc, ,'od " -ir vca in cafuf..tv bo the fiejd.." flit or '-' , PHILADELPHIA, MVcl; 16. ALoddao ppcrof JnurT iS.f.ys, "The ,cf the death of thcQcu of Pruflh, ithtteo .fcert.Iord, (fay. the fame pa. ? 7 , I,,), upward of ,0 000 inhabitant. io( 7vri7. G . MONDAY, APRIL 6, 180?. The Superior Court for this county, was held .-lio'nrky ar.d TuefJ.y by Judge Hail The Gaod TuTy found leveral BUS, among winch ,s one ag;' Mulatto man named Haac VVitfon fi Healing money from Doflor Janes IuVwTslt on h5s tr'al ,n(j f )Und gui.'ty aod iimracdutiiy cxecuied. ,-. It it true as we ftated in our !a(l that Col. Jjrris t'ken. Under trie ruenmona nsavi our IHdn will (cc the particulars of his an eft, kc, " Richmond, March 27. Aaron Burr, cx-vi e-ps diienc of the United frrrs, arrived in town on Thurfday as date jrifiirter. We have hid no opportunity of converfiriR r!th his elcott ; but geii'lemen who travelled with them inihe ftaoe. haspven us the follow. account of the marx.er of his arreu,talc:n Iron their lips is not to be ' expected that ItfhouUbe cotmvetely correct: But we fh M kTCifter awd whatrvtr irnpcrfcit:on$ wr.tch we may ror.iinaic cuuu u utuu- C!nel Burr wan a pure heeded io O'e Tom Mfy country, in the fir.'L Jay? of March, per- fcaps the t.uru, in oie ruiiuwmg manner : A eenleman, whole name is rjprelented to ts to be Perkins, ws at a public houf' in a vil lag in that country, a tew mnes, ptrsaps t or jo, from .the hAiilh line, iie was in company tab the (lizuff of the county. About it o'clock at sight a rtentleman rode lp, aod encjuired for th-2 rnufe of a Major , who lived ia the neip.ho jrhool. He was fo! Wed by another, wno turned out to be his eompanis. Thexftrangers were told that the koufe of the maj r theycr.q lired for, was at fome :lance fram the tavern ; undth t they ?ould have to crofs a water c6urf4 which had been fwolen by the rains, and mlghrbe dangerous of iccefj. Jfht rtrangen, howeverjperiiTjred in llwir intention i and lef' the d or of the tavern. Mr Petkins was fjrprifed by thefe lingular tiovemcnts: That men, at, that late hour "of a i!d night, (hould leave the cbmforts of a taverti and explore a dangerous road, of which they were proiV(led;y ivnorar.t ; the idea was a fource ofcorifijeraMe altonim.ntnt. It na'.urally led q fome Ipeculation upca the charafler of the firangerj, an ! ha could not ftart any rational ftcuUtj jn of their rnyfterious conduit, but that they were robilirs, who inrended to pilr'er thf, mi r's houfe He detcrm;ed, if polT'b'e,- ts prevent their defin. ; and prevailed upon hit. canpariionf-tneirtir nir, t-eeompany mm o the fcenevof meditated robbery. t WhentrMry arrived, the Major was from konve. 'One" of the gentJeniea was" in the houfe ; the other had rcured tqthe kitehco to warm hii A,;.. :L tl. r n. f r ",c:iug tiiuoj. i ne nni gianco wuicii. inr, 'r"0 W ifi? kitchen, can rinced him that the myfterious ftranger was no other thaa Col. Ban : Whether Mr. P. recog. lifed him from a previous acquaintance with his P-'fin, or from the fire of his. eye, the flupe of hce and pei fyn fo well correfponding t.cV the efcripiion hich he had received ofimpthe Fndemeo'wifh whom we havecoMerfed, wai's ncoiipetent to inform us7 Certain it" is ; Mr. Mpefted that the' ftpanger wh ftood beh am .with hti whitehat "floughed ovtr Rirface; fl with all the harjilrrhents of a maniVperfeclIy liferent JrorfTthofe ir which htommonly ap. PC4r was the very man, wois name had rung for feviral months fromtf; corner of the Uditcd Mohectherwaftfrr, ;Mr. P. detejrfuned to v arrjejfrjhim H; re-' 'lrtJ LiStoiMti onthe Mobile, -and that Fort) to accompany htm with a w me oi ioidiere. in the mean tijne, Cod, Jwr had lent back his Companion (by the name AUdeywhofe n rrieVas mentionedin our wlPper unden the Fankfort hed) for fjme r ! u.itnown ; and rea-ie terl h n-w mm: ?nar the frirT, to (h:w him on thcwaytlie 8?ni(ri"line. ' ' - , the road they met the file cffoldierac 5n,e b? MrrPerkias and'dieutenant.Ciaines. f " S "rr or 'n -words to that lrr& ""ayiihereirohii ftvle S Wack f o.r'ianfwel his companion. LjUaid to have immediately JrOpt his V'ired f"fin "his,1 hinds together to have hsttK 3 ei?u,ation of vehernepj,.emotbn ; ihat wai, w- cannot trull ourfelves to de. J in, wu"i opines advanced up to nim, hial( whetUr he wau cot Col. ''- . ... 41 Vin r mo MiTHPr fir " , An eHfort of eiht men accompanied Col. Burr from that quarter of the country, oo their way to Wafhington. They crofled at Cowle't ferry : oo Monday morning between the hour of i i and 12, they faffed Priace dward couru houfe. On Wednefday evening about 5 o'clock they arrived in Fredeicklburg. .Here ihej met with a ge'ndeman from Wafhington, who was inftrudled to order them to Richmond ; aHd oa lart evenipg the flage conveyed him 10 our city : Col. Burr and tats efeort of 7 men. The gen . tleman who met" them at Frederic fburg' has accompanied them to this place, aud bears a communication from the executive, to the United Stares attorney for this diftn&k ' - He is conducted to this city, to undergo an examination before chief juftiee Marftiall. Sc veial circumflance concur to recommend the choice of this tribunal. The moft maietial of them is, that, The overt aft of treafon, on which he may be cnarged, was molt j-iobaby tOBimitt'd at B!annehiTett a island on the River Ohjo and within the limits or Virginia. H-sirime there fore will fall within the jurifdiflion of the Fede ral diftrict court of "bis Hate. 1 , In the late debatn Congress .rcspect iing Fortification, Mr. Holland, (of N. C.) f declare tl his dttti miuaiioa not jo vote a -tingle cent for the fortification of our ports aiid harbors. He thought that any further fort fixation of our cit'u s would render thtir situation the more dangerous ; as, by giv iiig them too high opinion their ovn btrengtii, it might iuducc the m to under take hostile exiJc-ditions against thtir neigh bors. Recent circumstances (he said) tiad rovt:d the truth ofhis assertion. He con tciivlcd tliat the present ddrncel'-ss slate of our maritime cities cousiituud their safety; and. that the greatest we had to ajjprchenfl was from ourselves lioni our rcsilcss dispositions. The late negotiations between England and F ranee were brought on b a letter ad dressed by Mr. Fox, to Talleyrand, Prince ol licneven.10, to inform him xl at a person calling h'.metf a Frenchman, hid con.mu nitated to him a pi j-.ct of an attempt .against the life of Boiurte. The project w as rej-cted with horror, by; Mr. Fox, and the man sent out o the kingdom, Thr; fo'l "wing spiVittd reaolutiom for th dclencr of the city and harbor of Nw- Y :rk, were introduced into the Lt grslaturc of thai state, by Mr. H dea lt dtial mem be r from Albany Xhey are eloquent and energetic appeals to the good sense and patriotism of. the national legislature, and must make a "deep imprssipu on every heart which is notdrpravtd by party spirit, or. rendered callous by corruption. RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, if the honorable ihe Senate cotftur herein, That in the present state' of our national concerns, it. becomes a duty ot the people of this state, represented in senate aodassemb'y, to express dicirsentimeius on the important subjects of fortifying the port and harbor of New-York, and of protecting ;he valuable aud extensive Commerce, pi the United StaYe. ' ' Resolved, That when this state, In. ac ceding tr the governmtnt of the U". States, surrendered iis valuable and increasingrri post revenue for the gcneralJbentfitOf the Uuion, it waa done under a full conviction that it would then becoitiehe indispensa ile dutv of the icoverr.mtnt of the tL S. in return, to afford thefCapital City, Harbor and Commsrcerof this state, fuli and coai- neteni protection, t liouivcu, 1 inviiiauiiti 111 xi unit iiicl several rtspeciiyc application irotn . tne . - Legislature, from theCorporation of the City of NJw-York, aocKfrom comminets of thertat body, ofinhabitants-of that C' tyfTo the Congress of the Uhited States, nMvincfor aid 'to fortifvthe Portland Har- r v r o j -- - , - - borjf New-York, have bee;n treated, and the effect hitherto produced by .the said se veral applications, have made deep impres si'ons and caused great dissatisraction in the minds of the pebple of this state."" Resolved, That while the several reprey. scniatives ot the peoplef this'tfaie, in the sehate and house of representatives of the U. States, are - entutecl to the apbrobattoriv of iheir constituents for their pattptiahdj -persevering exertions, in endeavoring ty ctfect this just and necessary object j ? the contracted spirit evinced by the house 'of representattvts of the XJDied States, ifr nropQStna; the trifling; appropriation, in the: Kifst instance, of, 20,000 dollars, -and subse- 4Virmiy.-oi4ne loiany incotnpeient sum o 1 JO.OOu dollars for the purpose of fortifj ing all the ports and .harbors of the Atlantiv., States, comprised m an extent of sea-cuast ;ta! City: that -on tlteroritbrtheTOrt and harbor ot INew.ioik, and on the pro tection and success of its i foreign co mmerce, the advancement and prosperity: ofvthc great agricultural intertst of "the Whole state, does essentially depend: that as it appears by. a message from the President of the United States, delivered to both hou ses of Congress at the, .commencement of the late session; tnat oy trie nappy ana suc cessful operation of the funding system of the United States, the public debt is mate rially reduced, and the favorable prospect of its final extinction in a few years is con-' fidcntly stated, and Congress is called up on to make a reasonable provision for the appropriation of the future surplus revenue, no possible injury or evtn inconvenience can therefore arise to-the United States, from the appropriating of one year s impost revenue of each of the Atlantic States, to the highly consequential and necessary pur pose of fortifying the ports and harbors of each state, requiring the same, in a propor tion equal to the amount of revenue each statemay annually produce. Resolved, That under all existing cir cumstancrs, this state is justly entitled to ask and demand of the government of the United States the appropriation oi a sum equal to the amount vf the impost revenue for one year of the port of New-York, to be applied to the purposes o! erecting such permanent and durable fortifications u may be competent to the effectual prolt ction and defence df that city and harbor, to Ik paya ble bv such iri8taim .iit3, itnd expended un der surh regulations as Congress in their wisdom may deeni pr per. Resolved, As the sense of this legisla ture, That no nation however-enlightened,. j.)opult us, or rn'erprising jt may- be, can maintain a.respi c;able standing as a co'm mercial nation, without the protection and support of a respectable navy : Thai Irom the want of suth protection to the valuable anrl extensive commerce of the U. States property h.s aheady brt-n permitted to be violently and uvjus ly captured Jrom our entcrptibing merchants, and U the essenti al ii jury of our national revenue, not only on the high seas, but to the disgrace of our national cKratter, in the vicinity of our coast, in the mouths of our bailors, by fo reign armed vessels, to 2:1 anu.unt that would have- furnished a navy capable of .ef fectually guardi ig our coust and harbors, of proiecti'igtour commerce, of saving lour, useful and respectable n e o! s. amen trom torcirv impr.ysmi nt, cjj,inrf, and ;mpri sr ntrint, nd'V-f commanding rearjett liom' ail foreign r.ati -s.- Resolved, 1,'Uat three copies of'the ftire going resolutions, be signed l ylhe Piebi dent -ot tin Senate, and bv the speaker f the house of assembly, -and delivered to hi-F.xc-.llericv the tioveruor, in r rtb r that one ropy be transmitted to the President of the Unueaotatto, ne ropy te tne rresrc!errt of the S. n-te, ar..i on io the si)rskef rhe House' oi ReprestnuLivss .01 ' Ununited States. plvHrfrtir Br U' HtBiit rs mrow Jepn, tf. nr: .ta.ee ' aguny.arMi lay'a'ihoog& i' waia-'.P' ' -ttacJiv -Th Ntero iww4er:en a cot, ic. lv ! '' whawtfr uitd ttirn, as welt a iiortt , v, y , t, t yl-M ttwserWJi anicirt'Jie could ra"rjr, u& sti!fe.e t thi? IbMiit wuh a view to burn it owu wan m. km iciuj, in , t : ordet to hide his giinf fiid .roldejis r,'-..-p(aitlg it t -woultfh cr.rijcc urvd Ihit ifie honie tuuk' til ffJAif-i. nd consumetj the wo! faintly. ' V ' . f V V' - Mn. Burrowxaf.er iaying for some, time covered with -V blood, recovered scta,r"ao be-able to crawl in the ob ts,';' whivli she did the tw littie children who X etf-aijed, ?'',f followed their dyirj moer--The luile,boy and citi whoft ,i " : hetupioscd we.-e dead Uoci tlti ir wound , alio revle( saffitienily to eet out ot the h-tulei but t giii was nn-. loriunaitiy unat'ie iu gt i awit oeicre wic nau hcu v.u ed coinidciatly : ihe infant weni ta asfte's'ith' thr liuJe. 1 It ii impossible to decnbe- the misery t this wretched family, when, in a ieiitio j U the wounds infl edhey wer ebl.gcd iu i m;iib all i.ight.'wf.ich was eery "dd, wi.hoi,it Cyvtring ir clothing.' C v The 'wretch was. raken the next morning within a quar ter ol a'mi'e oue !ace, i.. '. scssko 01 a iare quaatilf of the go-ds he luo Hulcn. He confessed ihe wlio'e, said it was his iinentwa to put all to deaiS on the 10ri h- s;ant. - .j- ' The neighbo rs clli-cied and fornied therse'vcs jnt6tv jury, when the Ntgro was found guilty -they iimuideef burning bin, -bui it was io cxcessUly wet that they-wtte c?-.pei:-U to han him. . The citize-as ot puttt. River with teget acrt,' ihat t' ey have no law j : i dictitf i a ruor.g them, an ! hope thi act c-f Justice will b-- caTtmend td by the cuitcns ot renTiesee." The livei oi kite wo.iia and children aro at this time d tp4ft'd of. List of Letters . - Remaining in Uie PosrOfjlcc at .Raleigh , quarter ending April !, 1807. OSiSNAIIen. Sr-W, . VX AUfke lsa;be-. Henrv 5. Biinres. Kohsrf rtn LcAini Byttum WiHiam BIoe,vr itiir.m Briik-ev VoM-ig Burt, Samuei iSriigi, .,Pheiin Kettles. Jannlfc- ; T. C-Kcr Bhurt Cptg Mark Cooke ',2'CjI. Henry , Aikn Djvh, j .(m 01 jcemiah .Dennis, Jonaihan Da yi, EJwaid Diiver, J.suh Dtwara ,2. . Step':iui Giul'S, Wiiiiain C. Oui:iiie-2i- - Ilttuy Hunter, Wihiain Ha urif ki, Tsane Hutchins, Jamei Huckabee, Heniy He :. William Huds6n, Oree Hill, J.Hciukrun, Hiiciu'a Hobbs2, William Hill, Cul." VVi!liain Hinten, Majjrjoifn Kinti-u 3. : . " Reding Junes, Kailuyi J.nes, (C..T.) Col. TigiiaU Jch s, Uvct. Ca!vin Jwic. - Ch;;r!- 5 King, Charlts Kcnnen '2y x ' N cia lmbst, James L cieiiau, Jehu Lowrevr Jo , jLaiit- 2, Samuel LiU , Lewis La.-hlry. , ' John Moore, (Hatiei).Mr. " lilh, M't. Ma"; Mitchell, Edar l Mo ri. John Marcwj, Wiiii:7 Manning. Mrs'. "Jpza .SUruaii. O.-bjiii'Nich'tiUon. ' ' ttlten Owtn. ' - jolm ruttrn, Thomas Pullen, jun. 3eniamin PuII'ara, Jephthah Powell,- Curle Pasish; Juc'ge Putter, Wil.fant i'i tk, I homa", Pai-, Aik'.ic Kedd, Mis Btt!ylwlley, China P.'iersuti. ' -' Aa.'ou aiidCmtis Roberd.i, Walter Rand, John Roa.i, Dv liiy Rijjjj.by, GrirTin Randie. v, , fc ... Rich.:d Snii h, Sen. John Tunsiall, William Terry, Robert Trawickf, Majof B 4rwell ','ick. ,' - '' ' ' " Wiliia-u White 4, Ewetl Watts, Wiliiani WianjVil liara V.'art.'.am, iV ilue Warrm, Gray. Williams i. - ' . mn. .Show,-P.M. iV. CAROLINA Rwon Oouniy H-.igh jinlci'i tj William Stewnrt. Late on stttacbtoent. February Stshtttf, 1 807. It appearing to court, the def:iKtant is an ic khabitaot of another govern rpt(o that the ordi nary prqeefs of law rannef be fcrved upon him, Ordered, .That 'unJejV'Vhe deff rtant -appear s ;t next term of Rran county court, to-be fce!E for the cour.rforefaid, at the court houfe in Salif hury,xoff:che 1 ft Monday of. Mav 1 807. - ani nlead ta thi a nr fail! r.t .,-ln.-nr iiiJam.ni -.:tl ip - J.JWIIl win -r'be catered up againfr l ifn by default. . . - iLJItl Jti DKJ tv IN, V; K. -nihidtlphia, Feb. 17. if persisted in. lead to conseauences serious - v. . : . - . : . and alarming. . . -'.v " ' ; r t Resolved, That the. prosperity and in- t'ere'st cf the gftat body of Citizens of this' state are ipsepafablv connected with the. prosperity, interesl.ad fait; oi tljcir capi- I MUM CAT ION. ' y ... LtPislalmi. Wren the Bill for recti latingtne practice of Medicinen-jd up- pressicg quackery -was be lore the house of representatives ui rcnnsyivauia, a lnemuer observed, " It I chuse tobutitiy life into de hans t f oueof desc Quacks, it is nbpooVs pissnehS ; pecause 1 kiuisonie of drsi Q,.tacks eine pigger ciiyri as any cf dr pig tociOi -31r. SbeekerI bhve some ol dese pig tocltbrs killsfnortLbctblts dan dtse quacks, pecauit ey use stronger medicins, -? ', 'The above speech was the only one a- gainst the bill," and the bili was r jected,, . - '.7:. HORRID DEED! rf. On the night of the Pth ol Ftbitaryj u kVgffyi'iw, tjbe . J proj rty. oi Vl " utri, weni to Kjie nyeisc 01. nin Burrows om' Duck Ktvrr Mt.- Burivw evJug-iiim loi'.ei -ing about; rcqutfsiw himrto go . aay,' which he eiivi, bit -retuWard,"- saying ; Ire esuld tpiti the -rr atiyMnt; ifM--r6i.' having letiied'lu bed - wriBhr cWldicii, and being much alarme.t at hisbjavior, t eiermi.uVd to ge; up'aiKl go la the house o; crejjtfeia.Bur.ow, about SUy ya-rdi elf; j,id get some iihe,4ami.yrto go and iay with -hm, o; tu' fa vor to get the jvegto away she pad not 'got more than 50 yard before he came out 01 ihe house ana euqun id where. s-e va5 euii)rstt:te;plieiT,""to get i sortie dry "cane for a toieh luiighrKim to ihe wad- he ihtn nii aUei her,. &niMied ner iiown and tninieataiKy I'OteqLnn Belt, wiap. pef;it lound Wr neciT anj caie"herTtraTirhTd"icr C Jn pliihed hi brutal design, a.ter which, he aain b"gan tt beat htr she feli on her kojeaiidin 1I19 rriost -jutheu'e. le-n-.s implored' her life rdmis'rg' him every thinj she had, provided he wou d only .uifer her w. seef.er children onccuioir: t i he r an;cd ; butjk,w1only"loi the pur--1 pe 01 fe ting fhera ail in the house ugether,-in oidtiuJ accempiiin niena. ne acconianud; ner r Hie ri!.u'c,,' nd with sav age ferocity totX ua a.i ir.inj un lunrilej and srate her t tne nour, a-e oeat ret unturo igni ol 111. cxild be observed. 1 . The noue oceaikried by the shrieks an1 cries ciMrs- Bjtrow, b ifii. lime had awakened her :.iS pi ra m m 9 a s V. children, w".o soon met the ;ate ui thtir. unf niunafe mo theriy, THe eldest, wa? a dauv hiet,' wito art sc wl:h an ifi. laof' m'Siiniie--xhdt.-wa cryifg for-, iw motf.fr, computed at mors than 1 200 .lUltes,'., Itf wiDne: Urn 'di.Taxhl.-lie iW i aitcent hah, . about Tl months oi l -n-t con.et t wniv hi -he ihtriwith tfie santf weapy i, beat tbs- giri who hud t cfo e held iht bails) is her arms, until he .juppsedhejF dead js'a iitne hoy who ,wii in the tame r m coii:d uoi evape, ' but -was beaten ua:il.r,oaipeas4x6 0t-eiTerlce remained. . There were two oibet children', t'sriialler thaii tho'se"last named, whp h id covered themselves in ihe bed. 'and e"kaped his t-otice. A, aid ih.'t ol blood aud tlUw;u.o, hebsgaato Divid Fofter xi. William Stewart. dut on AitaJj.nmt. February Srtslont, f 807. It appearing to court, the defendant is au itu habitant of another government, fo that the ordiV- nary pracefs of law cannot be, feryed upon him, Vrdertd, I hat jiniels the defendant appears at next terra of Rowan county court, to be held for the county afortfaij, at the court houfcuY Sa! :f bury, on the ill .Monday of May 1807, anj . p!ead to the aforeftd' attachment iudn;ent wiil be entered itp agaittl cinri by-dtfaujt.',; n ti voou 11, UiK. R ST C TO THE PUi31TC. . STOLEMt and ca'tietliway fiam thf crdn. -if tit Gatesor Ckowao, a fmalla -hoy nam?d JO ljlk fprtBtnly,, vhe property of n David R?ce Ji qoC Gates couqty, but now 'h: ptopr; jr of I. he' fuh(ciiber. f U is about - !iVv,sVrfi- inch hrh, a bVle yelfawt cog-" p'e&We'-l, "i'na c hit Mps for " Neror HQ tfeb, a vrty tti irt erufty way of fpeakln ji -anrj walkl with his' fees very mrchlouc; It is general! -believer! that Grr I Jul,1 of the'eeb'nty of Gates,'carried him'e ff ; for, htinfir aecufrd of it, he agreed topay tht fu'.fcrihcrOce Hundred, PoundrVi?f;inla Tciitr .. .. . . L.i, 1 ..tj.-; 1 ,?..tt but fiabe iefufeB tocbatplv - Hi'tL is a I mall rnaci. not. more "irjh live, feet two pt .1 Ktec . ipcliet-'h-ig h...wH br'lar'gc; ,;eye$ ;:-:jirid oiootbi be diiriks'.Jrcc'yarid fwcara-very hard. I em in. foroied this i oot'the firfl Negro tTie'hat carried off in jhTs j.VlFrcta. jdie terl infortal atiooT xio get, he' wet t r ff thfiit iht ioth cf 3Nc trbr1i05ana ; returned-tfc.efi r ft o f. De- . cember following,; faiviiug 1 1 likely 'forrtf horfe, aod boafti ytTV; rnuch cf hi;'fft"'rt'ni,?'?.'-- The Negro tftnt or rod tin i'rlarlL bajr fcoifc . und was feenin ihcpcffeffiorT offard :Fiill alcu'C fix roilei 1 hit fide.,oTT5eiife l Rivtr j and alfo ' jhnut- twenty rnilcs beyono -Fay ettevi!!e.-a When he Notes of icO Dollara each; Bd fr.rne Fold. If ibe pentleman who bevgbf the ' faid NegrpJ. from Hiilj yill jet mfhejir from bfai',- fothit I cact proof, alaifil. Hill, by fcn!irr"te Bill if &f.U or OtheTwife, ''( I. tbxl it tie cuty ot evrry noreit man to give what evideuce . j lifin his prjwer, iibrig futb a rsfcal fcpffjr, i.bitl.ife!f :'i'.Uic.fQffl elfioo Ji-dhtrSii'i'; . Ite the KeDtlffcin i goedod UwftiJ BIS If t.!- t r. :.s t. - ' ''-i NATHAN 'CXZLCT. Ciowat tetntjf mat dtntvq$:-r . .i. j t c r. -A s4 :t--'

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