April, fn hi 9KI0 In Trw mnri " -..1.1- .'- - contain the oui rial account of the .capture tWrt. . ; ' , ; . -.of MioljTSdwbfewW.tAmufj:-.. ' lirUamcnt, 4flUrcd, will be di!vV The fortrtfsand ty. of M ...revu.e were fa- lher the tUni f.ffin. Star kcnottthejdof Febtuary by ifl-ult after amoll determine"! refiitancc. The lofs on . ijniutc!ii marcr, jo. mann ; atidthe whole advanced guad by the Prince Par- IIH lllttn.v u .1 . -"-incc; let- : . a : t r . . 9 nn 1 1 t.iv nf . . " o in ii.. - ..... . IK,-,,,,,-. -.1,. bothfirJea is ftated to havbeen very confine , i - . li "c o yuan; ,..t,.t; bw .., tinued at O 'erode on the jiJin. woitiw, inu iJu t-iten pr.iJncr3 ana the B itifli .41 kiflcd, asd 421 wund-d. ' The London J nrrvah' fays the D iblin E Ntor, announce the" arrival of Ham . bur-h and Altona papers t.y a Husum mail, whc'H come down so low 13 the rVHTof'this month, Thefe confirm .'he inie.liger.ee of rrathmn. Tti lvli. Ic itlhf fjv:tllv nruf . U. v, .-.. ...l siifvi .....'.l.u- r.i ui Lieut. Geii.Tiiree G!l.t.lrt. Covered-. tVi- ,, mm,. iiuih a f. .-. . W . . . ",cn Crd hiV. " ' ..... u i- - uii. me arrival if l '- vrHii a par. 1 1 it, h, wevr, was with ihe line. The heights in ral L'Es.oco,, nti the activity wiih Wh' , "" "' Ge; front of my van, ei . ccupicn by our batteries General movetmnis, contributeo n uch to ver rri,"H Ba kley, and the hing artillery of Colonel Ierinoioff. -l the cav. While the han-,...,, . . u' uf. 1 T which had covered ihe retreat ol the tear guaid were still in kcepi. g Up a brisk cani.onac!e "I. Mil... Th? he'd quarters o ihe Fe:.cli arm? con- prgs iin Lylau ; but presently the enemy advanced aainst Lieut. Gen. L fcii en p.rued th 1 . ,rie ' . .. . lh , .k . , l.. .1... A' 1 T) I... .1,. ..." "C I j j- . . .. : , -"v ran 1 tmv -, J I tl. 1.. rt " '. .. f t i - I'luuiii nciuc iiuiim pniiic3 or vaiogi, was ob in-d -oi raj- to attack cur ripfct ivmn u ! The latcft a cour.ta ftom the theatre .f ar AcTyie.d to ,ul:e.K,r nun.be s ;d retreat As socn as I . divi-i'ui c, CVn al 5,'a''y Con$ I ff"mto annource gtf t eottt It H reported perceived th v I sent the 5th division his support. It coveiefl ly'ri. d'a !Wi4' ,'U-W' f,C ' ''' hat ttie rtghf W of the French army, u&- marcl,ed inthree c lumns; overiurncall before them, and nwal tfcck han ewablkWwi a heiKhT ' dcrmarfhal MfTena, ban mad' a rnoVetr.eut h ,wWn ,,y f"'m-. uck. the enemy Irr'tred tWmy to he d-ivt,, hVVl r'H t,f f .1 n rr r-.t-. r suflcrred a vrry -rear Us, iholi he 1 ad planted cannon dittet., where they siisttin H , ' j M !a?al J-V I upon the left of the Ruffians. It this be true, in t'.e r-reetsoi u. -.own. tfd fir ... .i. c .vJt-. k..k ..." y : " d ." n: -d. .,b a dec. five a&fon rnvCAiB inevitable. I m tr 1 1 1 U. ' . t . . C. . ...... . .. . . -t r" ,f.i. f. . . r. ,r j 1 ". -i.su nine uiuvtiuiun arc tuuipeu the r 21 liner r.F t!t liecr nf Sin fimH anH- , . . . .' . ..... r .. ... 0 ---ft- f.trrl h nevr hnn nf nrii General Barkley on action, and took 470 1 rioi;e s the cffq'ient evacuation of SerJiHii Pmt c . - .v.. - ' - ... II racu ay tas rtencn armr. I oev coi ltder a battle1 between Benniogfen and B -oapartfi beforethe 1-ttfr croffea th Virtuia, at ie vitablc, and anticipate the Cfect with confi dencf.- 'rorn the windows vf jtie htouses. tms .xcasicn was severely wound;d in the ami A iter the ' This destrecii.t- Lat.le rrakr 1 wj:hcL-ew allhe troops from the ;own in ordrr to rati. rt midiiiel.t. Th. i.-, .yi' .. mVtvbolfKfi. on -.hi? other sW tn,W .n-.l t..l.-... rf..., :.. r.n. rrlemy rt"S)MS. y . ... .vi iiklAlfll itftlllC FICAl J" .'!. I l ( JT I J 1 1 If I 1 (.H All the fetreis rom the theatre of war lav trrnt DrODoiala ot - r - r . peace hayt been made ; & it is known that 'he reoriat Iiinfl tt ivhiVS thr nrefrn nf iVt T K "titt a th'Vten.k kMt mi a era K . I ween the t, wn and the army, at the same limeN ray. xBut to stcme myscif again t a y ala rri m he night renchnten ha'bet-n macV'pr I pXed the 4ih oivi i. n, reiftlorced by the .egimt-nr AjcS. taken. Ouf loss amcum. The London Catett?-att:ira",ces the appoint meiif of Lrd 'We'ville, Lord Teignm o:h, ar.d fir A Wtlllcj, to be members of ;hc pt Ivy cauuci!. London, April 6 B'ron Rfbanfen, the SwerliHi miniftcr, at 'rcourt on Friday, prtfented a note to our' government, announcing that hia fnvedifh ma j-dy. in order to pro'eft ihs commerce of tKc lialiic, aoi for mJTury pnrpt fes, had found it neceilVy to blockade the river Pecne ;x thereby preventing- tie ffiT of all vefTi: r . . ' " 'Y ot tro:a Anciam, Wofgait, b'citin, &c. rif., aie not tnu'rdy broken off, London, April 21. Trial of Captain Whitby, oj lt Ltander, A Court Gladiator, l6ih a d. 17 w:t drew the detached corps i f Geneial Fa-rlt y to rr-ere. i ricnt urdei Oeneral hajavouit On hi 27th Jan. (8th rcy.j hi nve in tne m.-nmg, I krmed twoc kimns in the m;iist ol my posnnin, al gave thee mmard OeneraLJWur ff ; "while ui my Itf; wing I t.lacetTa third ..u..,( loiisibiin 01 ut-n. vomiii Kan- nsky-,' while the hn adefGcii. Ma c.;tF ri'led ihe s arr in mi hi.., -ft j ...i-.rLiiTi t- i .t maiiiai aueanpieu. on ooara me i,,fi k. ir. k .1,- 1 u a 1 j V r, r C u l , aaf enJcl'by t!,e7lh division plated K-c lumni At day tn Jr" r;imoun Harh"UT, on the h;tak the encm-advaiiAd thmuuh hi. ...... ...j . - . .. 1 . T;. . D -ii, m y 1 BUI l ei.qture ir-to iie con iomti regiments f Yage.s aainsj him At t' e a'r e tiTtr coi.iestcd. tiu and . - Tur- April 1,1 Peace vetween England, Russix We (Coutier) bad they far iafaclion to an nounce, yertetdy, the gloi ious intelligence re-o-ived from the JUar 'anelle. Gov(rnme i: have not yet recited the official . ifpatrhes' frortf Sir J hnDuckwottb ni Mr Ar! tit h,no but they (ijc iopoiT tTt n of , other advicis, 10 which, weurjd.ift.in they attach implicit cred.jy Indeed the Dutch papem to th- 6 h. which have arrived, render-the iatclligence ve' ry piiohable The Vienna C urt Gizette of the March, coutainsthe following paia igraph: . 'v ' V y aarnirat iouu'a !q iadron,crmz'rg rff rJtia of Capt. Whiiby, 'are of hi M iey'? trLed l.at be,wee ; l,;c .9-nand the hei-M-, on w rh fer-aton't hm mjelly a (hip Cmbmn. centre, I mmcdiatordend my batteries to direct ih. ir (b tit Ar'l '-ft ) hen C"(TTllindtr in Chi-. f fire. weil auMpif the enemy's anilhr)-, as a:ainvt the of htMiefT, fhipK and vtfTclli en the Hali Ubo '"the town, by which the French eol- f rt . T . xrxt un"i v.-etcti gcd t . halt. . f,X ftntiotis was dueled to cr87f e.ffN;w. On,hc(uh sid, the Pre, eh Cavalry, .hVhhad a- York, for the puipofc Of gJimnp in'ora-a!f-n j acked Gene al Vout chk.nv on lis right . win , was tc and who, fcy letter dated the 16 h of Moy la It -Pccd by ; fi.e oi die ar,ierji tf Count Sitwers. Tie tc CSnt. nereif.rd. rt nrt ft r-re.1 I ha r n th "'de hn,clf ma Ur ol a v;liaK. si uate on our I 1 ' f . .. v , ., ,1,, ,, 1 - , . - a vffTel .; L TT : "Mr riant n.niK wnh . 'tlound iht.e nliel " - . w.ip.Mvi an t iu. e e ' 1. ntiut'v.. u. .n . . . . . i. : . . . . -- , ... , vt. mm oui 01 01 flir Ilia : - bv k. and 12,000 .,,., -. war, at-r 1. i 10-10 Hull I. 1 wounded: pmnhJr.d,gcrl1,.,,;h,iV!L,jL OI era.s an- w ur.e,d I,,., ' rntly ibat thty have .!r,i,,v .;.,... " 1 ' i thrnonv tuhesiJi ai a,.,l a U if .h'tO T u' lPMv;ajes,,'s r4SaKd u a 5vr' l .l. j r ' -'LIU JSMite .1... ' whieh fightsPelU 1: u rac ,hce tlj l.Jooii d 1,1. tihn" uij-.se an aded moua.ch. ,"S' ' v.,1. wuh the u mos, pofue,tai hi, vanioiii be inci,u ,h- courage ef h:, ,olc"" ;' d.o he ..acfire f0 g.rat a , art o. hi, am-y i , f! rerscverinr val- ur ol the Fus a, , J'th ' ' " Kt iorts and wrested in. him a vie.,, A 1 avi g remained navtcr off e fi, 1; i j,,, , , nedU,ere,l,.t Hivht. a d weight,, lL ,W 2Cth ofihe preceding m nth, fevetal Ne .uMir nr; 8ii t.n (Im- fleterrrir.a-.!.,!. I (uk Ti inn l. i-er - I . . I Ihlitr. . J ' . . . b n iitf u iii r i ea oi : aire i (as i! tVCr a.v; S0,i,,.c an i iiy ..SC. uili. .1.. .. i. ' " ' ie i-i tverecnmmg dow , from .he light-houfe, near he village, with the 24. h reg.me.Hot Vapm, and sorre .! V"H im,, - - " 1 1 it u. c lie I- ei o;hvr sha;- shruters "V- Yo k, and, as tfi'. y obitin'&tm prtfillcd in i ot aiiendiugto the firft. fhot fired-frota the L-anr!f, wheu clofe'y p.ufusd, feveral f the fif v. (T-is were boarded, and araorg the number that did not brinr to, was a ccaflirg fl 'op, on hoard of which it appeared, by va rhux, letters and p?pera tranfmitted by Csptain Be.enford to the A niralty, an American Sea - .. i - I v- v ii. ti ur man waanuit r unatefy killed, by a lliot fired ,,8w?eib5 G'e . Dcctoa-ff to de; loy, -received the ne- . .. . tii su: p i;ro a nre ol ma a m : rt ch Jm? l?B'.J. .i . . - i.Ue mean tine we saw f.iKr i n , l... . "5"r' r i con.m-isi t l-re, ch guards erne . ut cf Vrwt Eli-a ai.tm.it "..nXi. ' ' "" h , nicha,. eatedTo intend att at ack on n,y ri.ht .feSo, ? -V -4' m; centre. Utne.al Toutthkow had then o,re:eH M,;n.. t,.. ,u. ... i J "- . ' " ' "in nt;'''- A le th Gcetal Kck to' advanre wh lU h. ..... . . cemy ccjan ta.,e.rrat. . b" v wiiil.li. 5ULUO l- . Ii lll'.ri. nr... eo by ,wo .egimeiu o) Qragoons, at-ac-cd the enemv v-hS ' IEM?'GSE.V- tlie bayonet, repulsed him with grcai viaughrer, on wh ck . v.M ,crivu hi giei oisoraer,-ant let eigrt piec s a rnD' O r p canr.on spiked. General Tal;ohky, wl o w tWcf T UK V Lh, o.ru: a ine cen re with one .1 ihe column, f ri,the na; it irrr Tcndoa, xas rri f iiced tetwrrn tb Ir-m the Leander, orr m fome other ot his Mfjvil'i hip and vercia then undft the tr deis.f Captain Whithy ; tie Court having en. qoired ii; o the conduel of Captain Whitby, on a chaige of violati: e the neutrality ba lla tioo in amity with his M-iefly, and hrtvina on tne tro of april alt JJiTCaiid and Plantation VV j i t. in I . eiinr, G ai.vilie, Cor'sirire urn : i nc i iai.iation is in h to work fihern lands ii g houfe being huirt, A WHi a f e orcr ii,. ftm rj to atvatiror 'P.. e - frrdru tie At 4 r r 1 1 I a It U) 1 ' b i n i h.i . J t3th of Feb by 4 three deckers. .,d .everal J"r,,lc'ct,:- ?. j?.e U;,,tM States of America, ftigatra and corvettes; and on tkc ai'lihc "l w,'!fuH); nd of b.s malice afore Fvmlifh forced the Seven Fn.t, i.u oul t, caofed a fV t-u;pe fired tr.m hi9 Ma th pafTe of the Dardanelles, burnt a fc n if- P LeandcT, thwrcby one- J hn P,-rcc. of the Woe, and alfa deftrtjyed fome Turk (h frigates in the channel. In cor.f: qnnce, irtlh egociaiior.s and propr. fits for accomm )dation took place, and wtre coutinued when the lavctt scconota camcaay. The intelligence which govcrmt Ctivrc is more pirtieuKr, as well as mor're ceof. Admiral Louis remained off IVr edcs, cruizing between that jffsnd ard the h n of Lemros, till be was) i.-ed by fir j Duck-votth they then forced the paflVpe of theDatda neres amiajt a rreaoeudous Jife, which, howe ea he enemy to retrial a d wiiheut gi-. ii.g- him time to iai,y, -advanced in : im with ti e ba)w, ttk an Eagle anum.ioc 1 30 prisoners. ..t the fam time s. roe squad rons l F.eneh eavairy, su,.por.eby- inlan.ry, aiSanad agains,! he lelt oi our centre, and encicavon d to ptueiraie VZU?t:Ul n0l hrV li,,e,but vere ''" buildings not fogood as tt.ey o btrw.'e traM by the Cossack and some cavalry .wuh so n uch success U ty "t,w- a4 that only eighteen nun ,, turned, the re-t being aVcuT.o ?' ht TC . "rb f V'' lnt! f ' y s intantry which supp..ted these ,,lraM nJ CCaut.tfn: p ut ii.fiie .H-anr. wasipuueci b) tbe rcg mem o gr-naciers a crcha.rds r f , pp'c, pear, pench fit' rhent nd Inanity, whie.i had bee,, deiaH..i i rv , ' l". ... . t, wdicr. (rg- poi tion . i 'be amry, whie.i l ad been detached 1 y Ge.i. Lsen Th. . ,,rg P' "0" f "be I. Tid tp . . . ' - rHfi3.uf .Jr. . i i .. .. mSi,L.. a acK.i.n ot yArtoeilca, was fclom rjflv kiHed Z;" v" " c iumiw oi th.; en. my which had V,,K" vtry FOR0 "? Ifif ei: tuf atid mardered jKet n repulsed by our Geiural iapolsky, and join, d ll, ii : l i i h iv ii.vi'ii tl ine arri,i mm.nt - ii,.. i nil. .ufupport of.hecharee, and Cptai Whubv ..rZ: n s ol timothy si d eJver, ar d .i.-.j r i i ' - ' ,l. . . i . ...v j,, w6 iu renew in tiir.arience ; a. a navinor ma urt'y copfider. , ' ,lR-..DUt were iepulsed by Generals Sum. ff ard Za- - i vvtiii'.i cd the whole, were of opinion 'hat thtchaio-e TtV hasl'-V ot been prove-d, and did adjudge Capteio T.; Whitby o be atqnitted. From tie Komqtlvrgli inntfirj March t. Translation of the circum?taiitiaf Report of his Excellency the General in thiol, liar Von fr nningsen, iela;iieio the ba. le Prussian Ey ai. . u.i .nc witi ot Jan. (8th Feb.) -I broke tin from f . " I 1 I .. , ' . . . . ver, didiiftf? darnage to our ihlps. The fire ' 5 my rtny which in vanous de-achments from the1 OlifCaill-nr. nnr.y?,. t .u. " T."-?'" "y th. usa.d Mrong. The .', 1 lo naTC off i?t a iil : rt time peculiarly heavy, but it was f on filenccd by the B.itiuS thuoder, and the fort is laid to ta-e been iedu ed almoft to a heap of . ruins. The Tmkffli ftiadron -oppoftd an unavailu.g rc i'igncc. tr is laid that the number of (hips -!.! Jn - . .... whicjv nsis ed ot five exrps cf Marshals Aug lean, So. p; Murat, Davoun and Ney, which in die veiling was joined by. Btrnadot:.e, consicdol iwrtety'thou sand meh, followed ne Ciose y, skiimishin'g' cminually Whhroy tear.uard, which c mis eu fte bi it;adei .f Gene.ais Marenff, Ba. avou t, and Barclay de oily unuer the command oi l'ii.:re Kigia hiort.' " V hen I arrived ar Fiusari Eylaii, I caused my arm tobacco, eluar and cm : fine In B-i. :b5r.tff rrrrl ianc r?nge for cattle, Iu g nfi htVeR y.ih my kncwledg.e on the eaft fide cf "the B R'dge This place if 9 rrile f (I e.f Gm. villt rontthoufe, ICC fr rr- Peteifijurg, :t-m Hit fborcukrh, 75 from Halix. a,'or45't(H Raleigh. The purchafcr rny bse on tlf low Eaeles. anA n. ;.. u 'Z... . f - " uee ci came, 0. , ... .j .tueai Denina nun bccR and Iheen twen.y-.wo p.ece. ol heavy jrtille.y. i r lnetP' 'he at.ack diiec.ed against our jight . wing was ob, "'' ooe 0,ner Plantation I) r? i'e nntta 5t.uc.ee 1 by Gmeral SackenS fl nke.s. Cen Ea.avousJ ? ihe above, lying in thf cr-DMus of Wctk. ';hTTH-ie-i,-,-tf'Strl?,n -ilhaa'h-''erfcurgacd Halfx, Vnginia, tvtmum oco n,e.it 01 the advanced guard, was attacked at b.eak of cay. b aild rapif V r'rtnn.torl r..n If W.. 1. 1 . d i" , 7 VICB. . .....i cu. oy lilj uai-Kers. But as i he auackmg c lumns threiTened lo .um the village, General jrvuviiii 1I.I.K l U.'lt ll 1 l.A . m. ... : . .. . f " iwu iciijients oi cavalry, wl.c 1 wee joste. behind ui horn, and which a lackid .hem ith the gita'cu rmpemosi-y. Count O'R u.ke w..h three siiuad r n ot th regimi nt ot Fawlogard hu san-iook these re.ir- un- d .k ing columns in fljnk, and pursued tbem tiil they got u. de, ti e canncn. The St. Pe er, burgh d;agoons ai v. lademir ng-mem of Iaiantry on this occa-ion to., taken or deltrovcd was much creater thau tbe totak a P Jl,i'ts e dmance behind the town but Vienna fiaVrW ft it, : A. . " i ,fle e(1 "7 iea.- guaql tii ;a.ke the p.. as gtWi it-in the .yieana Mtette ttates the number is reported ia&- ot th enemv- t 4o have been ten fa.I f -rt. " .. uL,T . 1 '' r'""'" "T7 ar' w .ur. . i nc viirrr wx.i mi orincmu iro nf oiir . Droccedinrrjr in rniwiinrt;nn mitt, r u' eOhsider b - -j lit ringing from W orlsdortt bv ciieiiiious, panly o avoul M - . tf . . . Jf . .1 ' JWlinn tqnadron. cread n- tv rM onnfl-., .m:' -l-'" io lae-nnaie the marc ot my columns. " r hv fin as rrrm. r.. : A Plantation in cord ort'er, fifficVrt to !kOchiiWskyvha lened to his assi'ufai rf wiilv hi. Vi.;.. . i- woi It hr harra in ar-ir i.a t,..i li.ilri T . rii't '.ntlll 01- ... v.. . w rv .ri-iri tu li, in I'.vi U te'lvi!'; S1'1'"'-d!S'"'?'' '' l''C.,i,ls.ri!0i for l,il, l,t,,..,n ol fiie Kb.". W. 'r?1. If r .-'.... . r Cilir. ments then atiacktd wiih ,he : ame . eeisive -ucceis o er C' Dtl JWZ rn great rosd Icir'irp frcDI clumns of Fiei.ch intar.try. which s..p once by cavalty RUhifcndand Prlt ifbiup-, aid Crffiir.fi Ro?n. teafes.'S ' iT'C V' e ke at -'ir-Fcyton Skipw-'th's ferty, l iheXr. g eatesi coi lUMon, li,Ied 300 and tot.k 67 tiiinners. a- Hi,- r j i "Tr" L ''j-na,elOomce,s.GeneraVPah,L;aiied;i?h Ji'' G'nlb 'd t r urth . ufe. '.the Mrfli.aS theb igiide oi cavah . of Geneiai Kotff, seveia. lie-ncb co- ' 1 wn8' ba fbury, &u beifg sn eiCtlMt lumns which we,e marching againft Gmeral I aiken' di. .iwlaod for a Clifl and faw IT ill, ftorc ard tffftB.. oii and difmay. P oceedinn ih.n.tcih A- n " ?"c he."t o.nicnZ uVZ1 lhe ih.s place is f kno.n by the narre ofG.Ht 1:: JCS OJiMni. .P:rclTwiI.begivenc,be to carry our force -btfore-Conft'antinordeMr to.cema., enable .Gene, a, Marctff to take a firm . y. ,!,cmre,.v" ed with considerable . U1bT "' ranr1 pajmrnt- m:dc agur- before ant thin waa amn, ,.ia;t.. :iUon and a ba.tiry.-Th, enemy id no, WFJ,0,: ,J7" T"10' d ioimed m S,MnK b'e eh. , m:T., : " iu:1 ':,k -cB; andwhi.ehe,en,-outthi,fl:iike:. 'VT"'aJ0W p.,,.- .v.vHv. Vuve.ii 10 .neriJ,van,ot- rt",ec.dthemJC!. o. t ree nr. iig c I rrns a a. t the " : 'rai Bag'tvousi be.ng uH. weak ttfrcsist fenog terms of peace, .The Dian, after-a bi'h.a-i:.bt..Ge,!era'l! Marcoff -. Tt!;.- 6a! " Mf ' vt Sur,r 10 his. Kmch ,,, ces-i ai.d iii snaru srlNuir a ai et h w.., ' j e u - : i, --"m .u.., mine vui?iei Sea a p . kih u . 1 "I ' in .ner,,to take ain'iher oosiiion. ' in iront, "auacked t i obliged to fall back behind our ititVin, o..i ir I i in nc.jeeunq c .umn i was rieif ,a hv a r,:m. . r r . . ' -" v v'y v nunuea to receive n. siir. Of the .Dardiaeli till a (eneraJM . " ' dragoon a-d a mot entiielv rfe; ''--.t J''-' V'?, ;-, Urkuing,hj. plan ef tJinimr ,uteir: . -'. . f 7 rpoimpnt ,.i .,1 , . ' .. - ' . " --. cimi xxdiiitrusK V. W ;o hart a iMz-ttV . , . ' i.ir . . s - it - - .uii:iuc rc.imorce. . r- "trorimj ""tin ri..i,,- u:..ti.iv . vpin wa it ,. - ... " . " t 1 r tT'nrr- u winff ,nri ,r..,.j .iviaw oc nan nr rne r.iiirnr ar kj f rn : o .!' .. Mlr ,lrC . . . . . . j, . . r ill irt cnnln tatinii rr.tyl . k . ... .1 - - . lutm, anu l lie 'V . -. - """Ji mru 011 rnem had iil.lierto orr.;nu.rl fn n nal it.,- r.,k,,.lf .t. . r.- . wit;, his held riecev . bul . lhU i 1 a-.,,...,,; n-u mmerto occupied, :V"i " ' ..rtoDanionawe the ,K,men FJ,koff . a.j ,1,. 'Z Tc .dr" l rUM'' --ai,ypo,ed jiiii..ii iiiouiu retain4 v 1 nar RBma iNm ri i t rrr e- r n " mi iwn dv ine n e nim . . i" ,m f-cnciai 'ujiob, ine enemy now bee an to'Tire " on our ,ine,,. fi-t rone," .;. ; . . ,!h!ih;ae1 8--our;ief wing, and etvourad ,0 ;ui5e, uccess. . el . . .1 i.L.r.. .. - Strung u c iu n c p urc na iri 3, Cp receiving peri uu"i wiih a view N errroes si-ill he receiver' in run Letters (prftage, paid) addrriled to roe it Meritfviilc, will be attended to - ' -:'rA-y ..w. gill. , April 10, 1P07. - tf . THK 2d VOLUjtr. t'F H The first and immediate iWlttl lit k l,m-?3n,,,., L' whileair Cou," EfsT '-wt of Rei, Kukland . Eftf H v Ibcvrch ; 4cf G t r " B1P .MlmnruHa rjr,hertv 1 Ini ran IV" lane 11 111 ti niu-' .... . .t. . . ..a t.iv icKiniem - i r'tunrr an.i xr...i. cinsrn.ipnr n .....js.. : . . - - ----- . vraic, . win, wmcn urat ..... i l. - i ... . . , - ' . . 1 1 1 . 1 ivrjK 1 . nt.i . . r. . ... .l . . - . . ,- . -.u- uv. . ti'nurqi sc......... . tL. . ..1 'r - . .... - . . . . ... . v.i. . . . . ii.r-v r. r ...... 1 . . . . . 1 .whli.i.i .....i ti.i . inn rrnr Bi.. ... . . . t . Ail i r" i . - .. . - ' - 7 w. vv 1 I ' -i . urin o i utrirhnm . ka .u t . - o - .... -uaZiAw. w.,mC .-o;ilalucloB or-thf ireat. wm.e ihe retiment of Mosr- w .irtou.-.i u- ?. i - ur?,,v5 rrcncB cuiums, pr ceeded hv-a.r.-tq- f avetteville : -awrrWrTZKe-t rrt Ci Treoch iBfl.ience Sefuft'.n .... .-J..A Cha regimen ,t vli'rS:t'' . "IgaiLa.PineryandtlaiVi-ers. and bim. L-TO.'j. a:J n . rjiir c-:. ... u .l.f A; cv 'Bu&iK.u awiv . . . . tiii i sn nts.r: an im . . - vim r-ti npn iit - w ar ,1 -irirniirrir".vv m 11 .priin. i lai iba - was urdertd away April 2o 'j:. Ciimi'i: mW.-Seatoh;-Hal'f-X froai Cooft.ntinople in hcurs. 2. : Zc.4 i-.geaiand UiZ-m !KS"mtd Mfi wingr - d Hal'. Wiir tH"!Ti1d,UWifd. Cnif - iiirui ui or-atr. -nna -ni L i . "i-- oi ivcu ..tin i i. tArm.n . ' 9 , - - - - . - j mem oi etrae.ions. and ihe EJizab-tri . j...-: h, .t-'. t- .: ..-!-. Ct-'T??" -"""-W It way verted. aft flight that tljr 'Duke of - n-.and the enemj;'. eavalfv.ivwiiic'i .riuad ;..ia rehgned. and tlt Lotd Sidw.,; r'-" . .-.. o i o "u-iuii. -jih uai- in a iH-lllt ail.: ki.i.r .... . L. i - -""I'l! uu wu v , iuu.i un. ivni J eri ha la I I- cd ai 1 71 V 1 f i