:k. . .. , . . HI Ml C PUBLISHED (weekly) BY WILLIAM BOYLAN, TWopOLLt. riK ANN. PayahJe t?l Atknri . V . ..I nOLl. riK r' ?nah'.th,dfYear!y. A" RALEIGH, (N. C.) TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1807. No. 585; Vol. 12 terva: TKIAE OF Col -Sffaton 3uit con! i n'ukd. , From: Richmond, June 13. FEDERAL COURT. ; . 0iiV ;I mothnjor a Subpana Ducts Tecum. WiDStsi ;ay, Jine 10. Burr, frit. thc ' - - . .. . . . . J1 - ! 1 ft .'" " t t .Mr. VVickham obferved, that Mr. Hay Bad phrafe) it u itue, that A. Burr has already not this j his couMti Knew it ; ana yet i.ave. tney; 1 .! r .li r j ri t . t . 1 ...nnr. .v. mA nn ittfmftittn nnrain it . nnr nar-inv unu uui uuiv 1.1 u 11 it 1 iu . f - t - i ... whether r In"' 1.. .-Pi-tain D3DCIB III I he DCllCM )D !f,nr niplit be mareual to hi defence; rJ ' ' V' . . . 1 r 11 . .. . t ,fS !avit is to toe loiiowmg terms : tt'RA, CW. o r' c. V- Circuit and C ViJrii of Vlrxituu. ;,STATrs. ) linn Burr makcth oath, that he hath ... tf fjn to bciiive tltat a letter from Gtn. pi o tne in uaesi 01 iuc u. oiaita, s td ii'A Q-?efj leoo, ?8 irentionod in the ;'kHeilt or tne 22nci jaiuiary, 1007, nrmifi'J t! e am rsrarre nf friffp nanern : and one COUnfcI but four fr.rivhat is' thiafobDOc'-iia 7"irmrtauired? this diftri, but teltbrated counfd from other ever ftated 'tta materiality. that the clerk tif thfa court Mf.Vlickham would not enquire, in?, but to obtain cerfaio "paperg, which he has has already iffucd fubpoenas ; but thefr fubr ce , it was the objett of the gentTemen 10 f.ve or in J9 peffrfrhn. What then is the effeft of naa were gratuitous ; and hai the j been refu- to obtain time; though probahiy the laft j as this pr"ceK but to produce the vry refult fed, there would hare been no law to Compel gentlemen feemed very foiiciroos tofeodona which Mr- Hay promifce ? As to the objeaion him to grant them : But what do all thefe cir- mdfcnger to VVa.limtrton to obiain inftruai that a part of thffe paptra is confidential, would cumftauces prove ? That A. Burr has any au- pncditea.ng them bow to aft : bat if the faring it not be eafy to make' an erdot femcnt on fuch, thority at this fhge of the buGuefs to make his of time wae an ot ject with the court, the courfc tn the Present would cot wifh toga out of the prefent applicatidn to the court ? And even let wh.ch he recommenced was ; belt, calculated, ux, hnvm nht-x'meA ahrtt iKp to obtain it. - It was the tliorter war to lelort una: at vv Jin ncrcrin iiifv mil rrrrnam imuin Mfci iukk" ... ITT 1 ... . .. 1 Ms I.i I Ik . '.11 4 nkn n A- views v.ry different from his own -As to the been ifTued ; that the' Prcfident himfelf is here ; Jaft employf4. , if the cxpeaations of the attcr. - .." . . . .. . . 1 .... 1 -' 11 1 L.r a;. r . fr th TTntjri Sntrii ihr.nln turn out. to oppouunuy o d.fpUy.ng taleot., . oothirg ne is to oe caucu c re courc kq. ; ;. . - - would be better calculated thin f;;r the attorney for cor.fent, that proeeis m Mr Hay -obfervtd, thot he had riot diflinftly heard the gentleman : He thoughu howrter, that he hai heaid the word con feist :" but he would iffurs tli.it pentleman that he had nrt confer.tetl, and oecr would confcot to fuch a d to defeat that obUa. Walhington, where national concerns of fuch be fallacious, and has apphcatioo at Walh r the II S tocivebis deep weight and importance are eotrufted to his ington fhoold prove to be Duval.ngf-- I he .uldiffuV guidance. ' derkWfelfr if called opoo for fubnal. Mr. Wickham begged leave to interrupt the mu nine tnem asiomioy. it wa wic Pr,t pendeman; This waa not in faa a fubpoena tice ; and itwaa the law ; but inftead of apply for the Prtfident himfelf, but oulv for certain to he clerk, they deemed it neceffry in a iu . 1 (KBn8 accompanying the (jme letter... aud V CI )C B M ci yi iiiu a. uuuiiu j -. 1 , r . , - .I. Yr" f j .1. vrrif i-'itiv. Ul IU'tl'1 J 11. Ultl' fll lllllltu UUII IIJV papers. cafe of fuch importance, to make? their appiica .Mr Martin then rofe to open the motion Mr. Hay. Een"that fuppofition dneB not tion dircaiy to ibe court. They we're more remove the preroatuiity of the prdent motion, willing too io.prti.er una coim 5 a, lUc7 v.u COf'f W "' . . ... . . e order of oioceediuir k. f. ?rta' n his rtf tnce in t tie Drotecuti .- . .. " PI r ,t.flk. trta(t ilr. l.ar m he done not mm the ureience or tne rreuueei : ojton- with thefe papers, if the Prefidcnt hin felf ly of certain papers; and it was not therefore Say cotitended that mould be here with thefe papers in his pocket, their wifh to obtBin a common .labpoepa tar a . .u. .ui i:-.: I tcill iv rnthinrr.nt the manitett and many in- " uci wu, uui a wupuvm '- i. . . . i. i iu i r i ii i w tin ill r imm i ill c z i ii i i 1 1 r hi ri nil - . - 4 hio-r and furtoer, that-he hath rcdon I n- . r MnmVnrM which would attend .Ma abfsnce thofe papcts. 1 4 v ii'ii ii Min 111 jmi ill ii. ill iir in i in . w if ri . vvii'"-"r - Mr hi-lwvj t!e mri arr and uivai orJe'rs 'given by l(Palider.t r.t the United State, through the u.i'.nenrs of war End of the tavi , to Ih.e 01- f He annv and i.avy, at or near - - - 1 k0r'cans ftatioK', t.niciii or coiccrning jiihii Birr, or his pioptity, will alto be ma- Li ia hit defence. AARON BUilK. mn to tn open Court . . . . Thia lirfliuavu being reai, Mi. H -yfeegaed leave to notice to the cnurt H ;be f ppoliie cuiiulf that uj rpiifotrmity to ihr i"'imatt'ti whicnhe had yettcday given, btiid a letter tVthe Prtfident : men. ii, on'. on thr owners rebuirec!. but refi-rvintrra himfelf tttrip.n tf keet;inffUjefe oaDers hv himuntil iktcoiin (louUl fe acddet ermine their mat liiGty. He hoped that in eNiays at X ,ne pipers w u!d It 111 uu poflt flionshe fhould bver ohjca to the affidavit produced, and mato the tjgh' of Cel. Burt to makeanyfucb wions at the prefent tine. That this was a Iwlimiiurv auiflioD. which he: wtu'd wifh to What would be fici the fubftsBcc of one of thefe verf papers, atCj ; or the papers are not.produced, theQonhis trial ? Pet haps it may be laid cb.8 a'reayTtvbis pSvff ffian. He wifhed courl ttieo fflf aQ attachmeiVgairrt hirr. thisvdtoce may be wanted in cafe we r wtowaile the time orthe court: thre were mow i contend, faid Mr. Hav that tfo,indivi ' the motft fevral preliminarVpoints which he tti:al charged with a crime, has any right taje High Treal luweve iwaiaad before th!a difcufliin couldi)e.en6cd, CltnA ?u v li3f ffM'nrl a hill, anr? 4c pipers would be here. He cnihffl that te lrofeCuior has auuounced bis intention to wa extremely unwilliog to tntrr intoany ,fKef. Gentlemen vill pleafe to point out Tiiisin the firll time I have beard; Jince the Declaration of A metican Independence, that an cccufed m:n is not to obtain witncfTeir in his behalf. What has the guitlemaa himfelf done I Are there not witntfcr prefeot, whom he has fummoned ; under the authority of this" court and at his own fpecial inilance I And wiil he at laft admit, that there is to b no Cdl hurr did ttand in fuch a fituation. eb to from the teat ot Jovernmeni cntitie him to make this motion If the court done with thefe papers ? .The gentlemen can. . . pleafed. he would ftate the grounds on which he H atilwer this quettion. 4 ot ly am compc tne ,;(., ,u . .:ii-. r r.-i. . tit to anlwer ii. And whv ? Becaufe no 'The Chief Jullice decided . that Mr. Hay kind of ufe can be made of this evidence, until nvght ftate his oljeciioni. Mr. H. then pro-, the Grand Juty have found their Indiament ; CC.(cj until I have laid my bills before them. Will mi . 11 . ii e ..niL'm.h tinwvr rm nn. nnnn furb calrula i n mrsrinn nniw mai rw ivir. inrr. m tar xiuiu mi u - n. -. ----. . i a . a it i 1 . ' r.. tinift. tkat the b s w bt fent ud : and that kiod of equality bctweenn the accufed and tlie as he could nocjerffand tt, was to obtain a tub. tiot.s , tnac inc oui ue icm , up , uu nai i ' .,,: u,tm, e .u .2. . .i r .vi a - ilv he certainlv found true Bi o ? If profecution : and that we ate to remain tie re poena from the oovrt (or rather frua) the Judaes ll.ey ut dc certainly ibuna rue umu . n r j uj nn, c,n tn. fating there) u, the Ptefident of the Uute, g W. comes, and that he will, Leap enter- pefectly mute and bound h.md and Mio to atrCnd tl,4 cutt vvi h an ordinal Ktrr frorttaiu no doubt from the intelligence which I watc the deCtSon c .his own wiutflV , General W. to the P,cfint rf the U. States, harteard this morning the p.of.cut.on w.ll But at what time are we to bejolitltd to and afic'rard.refei.ed tb by bim in hit commu. certaiprogrefs ; and iu that cafe only, can .befe pr.v.leges ? At the r.-U . ...cation to C o gafs of January 27-h. He these papersbeanted. tranfpottation That .a a moft air.LUb.e eontended that this motion was 7Drt mature.- There is anoHittJe difficulty in this c.fe. proceeding ; there .. no fuch cafe recognl m ,thn whkhwaio be m.de th.V.Co, Burr wae not authorifrd by any lepal pre- -WhenU this procefs tb be made returnable ? by the contt.tut.on K.nd tne.tlore.xnf re cpu.a efting the p.oprieW fending cedemg or by llic ftatuU8 of ,hi, 0r any other So-r.e day muft be named But can the court De notnir.g ,n tnai cooaiutiao to country,- to demand legal p.ocefS for obtainulg, p oflibly name aDy dy, when the wunHics or mk o. louno g T j-.-- v Z(c n- i .'Hi i Vi' i r r.Y&tkrfrneri"'fi iall he wanted Do the teurd fuch a ft ep. But, fir, fuch an illegal tranlac wuueflcs, Khillt he remained m- his prefent fitu , the papers mail be wanted . uo tne i f ;. b . ation. What was that fixation ? He had been ol this court luetics e any particular uay, wncuy.. " i Qiifdemeanor, . and recognized the tnd is to commence t bijr , iucti a tjomuia Zn tion would be comp'eteiy arbitrary. Juei an "t i mi w..ult. "Vi""' " indictment be 6rft found ; let a day be lirft fet was now putn Jus examination ; would he for the trial j and on that day might thia pro- not have a light to examine any witocfTes, wbo cefs beicturnable. But, Sir. evtu if a day were beyond the bar; andof courfe to Juo could be 6xed on, it does not appear, that poena every man, who would be.broujr .t be- . . ' -. I " I v. - - . . . I t . il.. . n A d m n . f rin f I T. 1 predetermined whether any man Banding hat Col g,. i9'prcfent froa previous rccogni thia t itiony would be wanted during this rore ycu uunog ,ue nu, - Col. B?, fimation ha J s right to make Ittcha ZIBCe forVmifdemeanor. TiKuch a fituatioo,-erm. It depends upon the arrival or gtn. F'" 1 'J r b-"" tanr. - ibe tatt was, it thele pupers Itioutd Coi Burr apples to the court ftrxou.pullory WUKtton : , it literany oeptnos upon u.r Wmu w. ,.y . ',... .. . Broome to hd, they would never go out of roccf8 or rer rb DuceLQ the and the waves. The very language of the pro It has been faid, tha : there no h Winds of theW-'s forbewas fa:isfied that preBdenr of the Ues commaiidinaVw to cefs confirms this argument. How could the country to jufl.fy fu.h an application . tl at 7ctbetk.rial,thepefentcafe, attCDd witU Maio paperH.th,t if he doe. evidence be hesrd, before the accufed , put - .ZibrTio! repeat cecding., and fimiiar, I tru!t, in its refuUs for committing Aaron Burr for I refer to the cales ct owtn ana vgaen jin .liirh we flia l crtainlv tne Circuit uuu or fcwTur. ur . .. committed to( a to appear before quence o this court; Aad in confe- his recognizance he is now prefent. The court would recoiled, that no bill had been found ; thatno bill had been fent up to the.Grand jury. AIRal! that can be faid, is, uwerer -lev-rat prcurainary-pojini wu.lu uc dual charged with a crime, has any right toje- 'g" '"""M 7 ,7 .. . u:;nr tl Trial Tor Muffion on thefe papers. Gentlerr.en mig take it for mantel, it the plcafed. that he ft diGnclination to fumifh them with thefe pa. ptrt) there was none luch: Thefe gentltnten wght therfelvcs to have applied tor them ; for v n ihe-c X: .i 1M IUC V- ickthi3 a preted tenab onHitution, in the laws of Conref., or oiftmpn law, the fmalleft right for roak motiotr.They will in vain fearch for ent in the cnoijjrttcated and various ma. the common uvv Ibe acts ot Con . . i.. k 4 iT. 1 A . .nH nhAin and. even . . - . i . . a n . imA rmn.irc rn ill E 1:1 n. L i vi 1 1 1 1 1 1 uuu u' i .. - - apptaraucc. iuii uw.ui( , . ... , , . ly aruectfTary to. be made. The full is, that expences ot their travtllmg were tendered It? no fuch motion is aaually'befor the court ; them. But the preceedings d-d not eveo Ro? and further, ifany fuch motion'was made, the here, For a motion fo. an attachment w.j court would have no right to ifiue Procefa, he made before the court, founded upon the profit fore the commencement of the triafrxThe of fcrving thefe Subpoenas ; aud the proof ot court ha. no more right for this pytpofe, than offered eompenfation. Ibe argument at length. . .... t ... . i - flnCA nn ikn mnfinn for attachment. JoUt DO iffuc . V lilt, ' l 1 v 1 J l UIVWI VIS "Ha v au lot the talents of eentlemeu : heaffured them tot if general W. fhould come, thtT would en- Jy fuch a fplendid opportunity t their hearl't caoteot ; he ioteoded to ca.1 no refL&ioos. upon enjoy the right to a'fpeedyand public trial, &c. &c &r. -,to ;liave CQmpulloryproctl.j tor oDtain ing witneffe. in his favor, and to have the effid- ance ( f counlel ior hi3 defence 'Wilt gcutie- soi A 1- J y w at that time an attachment ought to iHue The court was unanimous about the tight-of Subpoenasi ; but do. the attachment, they were divided : Judge Patterfon being for it and Judge Talmage agaioft it. We are however sfked, Sir, for what pur- ifh toptecure tins evidence ; it k. r..- r i r .1 i r r .1 . - . . - . . ,.1 t.a .. . . (..nivmiH that Ihrrnint man ecuaicu iiic. jikih ui iuv -v..u.fc . w lainnec irom trie cnaracicr oi inc . riclslupply tliciuvwitn do autuority ; ana inerc iv w up, a .vn u.r);..., ..... x rr.,. ,a- i... trh-thcr WmMt. ibar nffarw ter would haye-?.".. ..uUJ nk,n,'Mn- .,VK .V .,. did adua v confider themfelves placed m this puopoenis. f uc u wi chrerfully fupplied ; he had no doubt the relates lohis fiibja ; except tlielh a- very fituatioo. Now if fuch aa application Mttsodeten the oppofitc counftl, would in-. racndment, whichnioit obvioufly refer. toVve. haa Deen made t0 Tour honour cut of doors ; inidualiy acq iiefce in the fame opinion. He ry a fferent ft?ge ofNtlie prolecution from thisMhere any law in America or in any part iutu iuai me pitieni motion wa nui inauc iu it in au criminal ptoucutioDS, tne accuieu man m iuciti..u r""i "i , nation, uouta tuopceua uas uccu puuicu' i ; frni-that i evidence on both fides has been r. ' .A,i.A , Utt tli To tnnli nlarfr DO ft do WC W IOSUC lllUCO HWMUVW, " r ! ... . .'. r .L..L..L;il.rt,.ll k. when the evidence happened to be prefent ; .. at tneir opinion to lay, wbp u.w .. ail IUIU UCIVII C IUC VJ IUIT VI 1 " ' , It ri in the power of the attorney for the Unit ed State, to fend .up hja bills ornot. .; But fhould thefe Jbiil. be found true, tod the trial . a a . . x- . . f - .s r M wm nrtr rnirri iiiai. in this gentleman fhould h much for any of preliminary fteps ; for the.arreUoes.-e ; prcle cimptibn of time. at the-the traofportation m bc . .i. . .. . ... ... .. .... ... . i;r ..1 f . .H.h.a v.. in iavp .11 111 r- z 11c uau 110 wv -.w. ... . - -r.uiurncii wuen ne ipeiKs or tne long pc.iuu "o'Ctt ne 4e counfel perfonalV ; but1 riq.jefled them men COntend, that tbis.claufe relates to aBy of and there cift. 'fiot a fimptcNrrfccdcnt in all wee more to deliberate upon his propohtions. ' tne preliminary,ftep8 of hc profecutionv before the acna.. ot jumpruaencc, wntrciuc Mr. Mart n. wn d afTnre th crrnt eman that the prolecution is uieir comroencea oy tncvnoa- , - 4ere w.s f.r f,,h,r liheratMn. It ioi of a bill ? Thia cl- wa. never intended application for fubpecne, and the Waiting tor " Srirjffc that o tn 6f IH cctiled. itsotijea wastotecuretoeveryman u.w " "f T: . f... ,V(.j wit nT were introduc- !,.. if a fa.'r anrf tmnartial trial t ' dOUbtXthat. the dOCUmCOtS W0Uia0C larwiruj uiitsui. .i"'"' ' J'rrZIL-: vt.r ir.v!w,.y8,;;', ,-- ifr-, ... ..-.-,-,r .: 1 -ij .r-J - k. F ;h Umird feialra. .an examination beforeiheexamiDins?-ed ta B Bluctv letter timeinairw It but on onWtbe boticnjgc .. . . . . - 1 .rtr r.L. . i mnAfii. Whv wrre nerhan. would have been i i tne tnai, ana tne tria. uie.r uU.,,uu .7 r. r-: r ' . , -nn ftr nn ,- .fAr the.Drt if that be the cafe 5 4..u,wir,-w.B . r-- --i - ; - -y-.- . - , -..TV , t,,,; :a .hat d romm tment. iuW mo warmly focken too of cuio impreffi. is always h a wtote.,tfce . relit Jury wnen tncy uy4 uuut-- v; " -., r.,,; Rlit l- 1 i . . . . . .--. . . . -r --. Bv-A-bftM -1 tmM 1 rrvrm 1 nn ni iir-xir" ' r i mi. ii:ul u w iui kii.. VdivenofourowaButlim ilili iVBUViuipn Mft y ' i , " ftmt ... 1 T der from the navy departnienii but lncverte- ilt Irani, it J.,..r-i-.i. j .,!.. ;m . ; in he confronted with, the witneffe. azainft t PR , -t T. f, rf 4- -r - -- - . 1 . . T t lin t ha ho ntitlt tn fHnnlllln I'CIIUI: If I. Ifflnillih Aln. Ihul ."IPIlf wmiii til III 11J . IV .w . f ; . ..... ... f .J:'':" VZZ', r-Z & for-obtaioiD witnVlTeViahia favor; fore yefterday, wa. the matenality gen i "MJ Ut I ' N : K IMT lllir I HITTlltftL J1(,LU1UI " T I r . - - " . I - ". . "v?r yet fallen totrl ua toiutiifv-the elevated- it is. ten inain tUlooiM .. .lA. ; ' . ft. - f'tsj'e. Tt il vact to our detencc t iuc anwfuiy 'v-.' . , United .States triumphantly declares, ttjba: "giea upon the govcromeot, Vhlch he "has fece. It u true, kidd taough toatvtibttte.to us. " , :' - (tni incipient, ftaj a r -1 .y Tv j ha r,i-iffo q ii n rnar wciui'jnv vsanii saanayeounieiuc - Sir, that in this firlt ttage naa oeea puancy -di i cu, -"'8 isy.--- .-r -"7 . r.mPihin Ma noa- - V c ariti. called ia falhioblc a. the 27 ot J.auary. The accufed knew but may net .too do fomcihgy.m . A ' ; . 1 " - b -- t - . . 1 .... 1 .. ' : - . '; r ,.-:'- " - : , , '--7 ' . rrr, -.m- : ;V - .; ' - -, tv';:-;.::-'::''':;-:'' - i f t r r '. ',-,, - -

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