V .1 I S: c id t of i. Mr i . - JIB o ft )ta d ftd lb r t r PUBLISHED (wEiikp) BY -WltJAlW BQYLAN. jfjijablat. Jdutny, RALEIGH, (M. C.) THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 29,1807. I KlAf. OF SCaton .Birr, (CONHNBID.) TUESDAY, Oct ber 6:h, 1607. ' .. . . oicer to iiitutiuce the tVioenceot M.ijo'2ruff, h 1 . V i 1 fia j ut. o c.- n m ' 1 ei '"i rnuf wntrv int-y ,i;fci, a ei"C. f'U t a; k- it no, jwytwy c r- but iu' a '.)' 10 give it 10 fe public, will . ;nt li r J in 1 1 comj lea copy. Evidence oi Majcr James Biujf, Mr. MiTtiii, Hi.dyouany commu- Ifirnti. ns win vi.ii. w iiMiiiua iwut jiiw of nis 1 ei urn to or. l.ouis r f:;l Hay ixqueitei: triar tne onject ior uVchtbewiiLtfs uas introduceafljould 1 nr. an.. . . j. ' j I'C nattu. ivir lviaiiui i'hu 11 wus iu pice the fame as iimothy Kibby ; that ei n Wiiki ilon held out the lame in LWrmcnts to hirntoj. in in an expe - z 0i)jcta to th ln roduCtion ot the tel t!mony,"n principle. He laid that no nan could be prelumt J fo comeprepa eJ to explain every particular ad ot his ifi. aat the general r'ptttitwn 01 a krnds could ' alnnc be enquired into,' m order fo aflaii his character, i his i:e held to be a i'acred Tule otlaw & of iuilict.' Mr. Martin contended, thaq I 4 . . . TTT'I tfieeMdence was pertinent, oen v n- kin'o.. had " declared that he had no. howkdRe of Col. "B'irrV views fill hf , recieved the cyphered !e-'.er. we will Drove that he had He did not man lo fay that the views of Col. Burr were criminal, on the cor ray, they were in nocent; nor W( uld Gen. WihVnfon have been gui 'y if he had joined in them. Hut low Gt n, VV in order to obtain favor w i'h ; c Roveriitnent had tumid traitor n Col. Burr. IVlr, U'ick h3 m i argued th-,lf.ejet!r.ony of Major Bruff was adrniOi fe t o fliew an inCon fillency in Jrar of Gen. Wi.kinfon. Gen, WiikTrdcn. May I be permit ted to nk e o.i e obfer v a t ( n . Iain not tlr : ma t :e(t decree fm prized at - the v hu:h has v.ofn tins and ie- i veralo:her res Hons btcn nfe;! by the ' tween General Wilkinfon :andCol.,Burr was drawn from two par agraphs; in Kentucky newfpapers, in the fpring 1 8o 5. before Gen. Wilkinfon reached . St. Loui; the firli alluded to the old plan to form a feparate government wi.iciii-n, which kaetxcuea , wea nf ihe Al eeanv. and afcribed it to iu'l,,,0S,r" t"! General Wilkinfon and, his aflbciates, Lirc.Tiean.i continue it itf a reg. lar cvnn..cd .f and doubting whetiier that Icneme had i'wu fini c-bcius on, . .. r . . . I yet been abandoned. The next was an publiflied in the papers, which dated that Col. Burr had been feveral days there with Gen. Wilkinfon, probably giving the General .eflons on govern ment, or digefting a new code or con-ftitutionfor.-t.he government of Loui fiana. fhefe hints,with infoTmatioji receded from Capr. Stoddart irh medi ately frodi Fort MaiTac, and who aur ed me that Col.. Burr had been .there feveral days. ciofely engaged with Gen. Wilkinfon, and tha' he had or was a btut td furnifh him w.th a barge and crew, in which he was to deicend. the Miffiflippi to New Orleans, Mr, Wirt. You have not (aid when. A In June, 1805. Thefe circumitances put me on my guard, and determine-,' me to watch the motions of Gtnerl Wilkinfon and Burr. 4 As the General approached St. Louis, afceuding trie MiililTippi from Fort Maf. fac, he dif-ipi"ched a 1 light barge ahead with directions for me to meet hm hx or eight lilies bebw, he hsd fome thihg to communicate to. me I obeyed. We met, lan ied and alct-nded the bank. The General took me fn.o the woods. As we walked on thr General obferved, that he had been infumed the territory was divided by panics, I mean .upper Louifiana) which he atiributed to the Americans, and laid he would crufh party, or rerilh in the attempt." 1 ob ferved, that there had been fome party bufinefs abour th time the French con vention and the memorials of Cortgrefs, but noie Tmcf ; except the averfjon which tfce French appeared to have to t the expenfe, de ay, and uncertainty of intri' :mdi eit negree iut prized at tnc ' f,nr u,,, otlfi intmrlnft inn rf 1 uiv ic v hu:h has r.Dn this and vith the French inhabitants, U r he had heard i here was fome mifunderftnding No. fo4 ' ', f" fl iuftice, and did not defetve a electionbt Louillana;; and then vobUry-: : U ? nment ;-that a militaty go Ithat it was the mterowirttf the goy was hpfi for thfle Deorjle.and ment to .depopu;ate tha .,.cOUriiy, X-.toI was contemplattd'fcr theth ; cept the villages of S't. LouisbtVB .j . Hav. obierved that MajW nevandbt. Charles, an.; a .TmaUx.noj.? 'Bruff retired to a table en which ieve- tnd oi country around each, roer0yjut( fn rt tn imrsnrr lhfm t that, aims.'? 4 . ral papers were, .laid, alked him when he bad made 'the: hVement of. his telti nrt IllUU; WHICH lir vtl3 11 til v , u t; behm nnfwerptl ih;r . was recently thty refuted to move to, they would pe done and fince his rnval here ; Mr. Hay requelted thar he would not again look at it. Major bruff laid that his ftatement was drawn from a number of leters which he hud written to hi friends about the "time of the tranfadi - would be offered to the inhabitants ,on : the Ealt fide of the Mifliffippiv whitbif , thty refuted to move to, they would pe ; Dufhtd over at the point of the - baTOt'-',. ., . ft t. . t ! !.-. . IlCl, ailU Uidl IUUUIU UC tliilvviTtw : . ill i iinrt tint " rc. -.. thar t.nfinis. p its only irritated the General, iind; kept batK, tue important comuiuiiitau- nn I i here: ore determined when " I : ons alluded to ; and from. an intended i "cculd notacquiclce ; m letument fVim publication againft the GeneraT ,4hat-the General, I would endeavour ..to W v liltnt till l goi me irnforiatMjnm.y. ... h Hound, I-had already-gone too ; far. ; i he Gtntial appeared to be vexed ancL i A . r 1 . .U 9.r ' -' -i fli nnniiiiUPfl L" tni e v O jCH UJC UUUi u ccuntt 1 : t Burr : men w ho are : "Miepreienr, iv;r lcKnam. I will'n ; a; mit to fuch language from y ob ervauons abr ur. antidated coil any man (oUrt. I !k Ciuef julhce cellkns and fraudulent grants.-! ob declared il e flyle Gn. Ylilkii foiy ierVed, that lome uneafmefs had .been to be improper, and ihat he had l.eifrd excised l y a report which J had made to tOO tnUCh of fucil language m CCUrt,.; ,1,. Wrrv at tr5r n- roflmo nrivoi Gen. Wiikmfon apo ouized- ' He laid :urvevs which took in nublir. nroornv. 1 i rr , : .r i the Doiitics of the United Stales had ur der genea grear change ; that thr ho neft and wife had united to lave the federal' conftitution, imd prevent a divi-fr-n of pre perry which the democrats a medat ; that the deinocraotic party in in Congrefs had iplit and" dwindled ; and that John Randolph, Ntchollon & v . . i-m ft 9-- ' Leibt aa oit their influence both in i Congrei's and vvuh the executive. Iob ferved that he artriburetf principles and motives to the republicans which thty abhofred. t Mr, Hay. lo which party do ou belbrg? A. '1 o the democra-tic- Mr Martin. Were you not then a democrat, arc! did net-General Wil kinfon know you to be cng to that par ty? A. Ye. On thi luuiecf w-e-had i r . . i . ' i li a goou aeai or convcriaiK-n. i renraiit ed on the folly to kippofe ohn Ran dolph would confeiit to throw his pro: perty into the public flock, in order to hae a fcramb-e for part of it. howe ver, the General obierved tba? the ob ject of the democrats' was"-tf-Kpjoduce a Mate of anarchy and c,nfuCon ; Icize on. the propn ty of the federa ifis and divide it among them! ives ; md this" too he told me with a very -let ion? face. I will nuke one ob'nyation here : it is that thefe converfations vvl ich L had with the General, were at' 'different! times, and it is pcilib'e that 1 may nof r 1 walked out. ' -' I hp fipvt-mnrninc his orderlf CtTJC frr me acnini 1 arunded ; and we had another parlour conyei 'atiori with clof. edrdoors. he allumed a trienuiyr ner, and begged me to recollect that it was fometiiue fince l lii d left the At lantic States ; and allured me that pub lie opinion had undergone a great char ge in favc u ot energetic goveirt merits and "meafures ; that ii 1 peril ed in exploded notions, they wcitid in jure mewiih mygovtrnment ; that de mocratic, norions pioductd liceriuom- neis ; arid thevciy existence oi an ai my and democ racy eremcompa iuiey. that republics were uugreatful ; jealouj of armies and military mem; and made no provifior. lor the fuperanuated and worn out effkers, but who were left to flarve. In these latter opinions Iagre.d with him. 1 he General feem ed i Kr.i'td that 1 mould affent to any of bis opinions. He was now filent.f Wluie we walked the floor one or two turns, w ith his eyes down on the fluor ar.dfeemethtob'emuficg, he then db ferved that he was fertile in fcherneS had made Icr unes'fer many who dta rw tlin ihanlc Kim forit. I fmlied vl.. I that it was in rotlible he could c iter any intentional dilrcfpec to the court, ' but hp could nor remain filent whei he heard himelf called a traitor. Gen. Wilkinfon proceeded.- I affoniflrvd ar the explanation of the, ohjecV for which this witnefs is caller. Had I; known the purpole for w hich he vo j hnweredhh fer'vices : for he was not, fumn-,oned 1 mould have been able . to i produce documents to fhew the long, j the iniplacable hatred which he .has hcrne Vtowards.me. Mr. Wickham ,faid that Major Bruff was under the;, . prore&ion of the court.! Gen V. ib kinfom I cray tha? hi tdtimonv mav but I believed they were then fatisfied 1 had merely done my duty. Hcbferx. ed that he had witnafled their many at U mpts in the lowtr country to' defraud the public; (the Orleans or Mifliflippi territories I do not know w;hich,) that he knew them and mankind generally, and if . I would place my dependence, v.pon him he would manage ' them for me;.l"Mr. Hay. He would manage them for you ? A. Vc:sk- It alluded to a oiiference between me & the French.J About this time! fome Frenchmen from St Lou;s bail found us out, and were ruffling through the bufhes on us. He damned th- m lor their imrufioh ; f Mr. ue-mtrcaucea ivir. nav cD'ervtd. tliat u. ,UrAt a bejiad uq doubt of the law, f as to the lajd he hod lomething of importance-right- to impeach , the- credibility d a ' t0 communicate, and hoped to have had vunds, by .fhewingan njconfiftcncy in an opportunity there; but that he would T . Vi ri ' 1 j- "- -- rase ine-nrii-oppouuiiKv airer ne nau bpr Brufl s evidence were introduce got fettled of raaShg an important com - eil tor that cu'pole it was proper : but ,.,,Vnt?n JUor rtyorher. purpole, it was impro- -A or two 'after his arrival at Per. . J hey had no nght to irterrcgate Louis, his orderlV came to me.' I at J0T ,hert PufPe:edJ3y.Jr- tended- I was iake'n into his parlour f,anln; . firexv-ihat General, Vi,kin. and he locked the door rMn M'Rae, fen entertained the lame viewsCol. Vfiat time: About the laft of June, ilutr. Ilowever ai GemVVi hnfertT, orator 2d day of Juiyt , Mr. M Rae,, vns intent that Major Bruit fhould ; Can you name the1 day ? A. I cannot. " "Ti0 lAJ-eS'-GensVVi IkinibnCan youebme wlthimi i .ic v.nier mince otciareu mat ne HoW? J.;.Mnv 1 rann w cannot. comnfenced walking. The GenerUap peared fc be ruminating, antl alter two -iifericy.in-his.wttttimcny::he, wcnld not hear - the witnefs as to anv t-trijcular- aHegations agsinft Gen. Wil kihfon ; bur with refpectto any m c a- 1. tajcBcr:pr(ecd ""My teftimonv will arife from a num ber of converfations with Gen. -Wilkin. Ion. ' ' - -v. v Ih four-of jnefa converlat'ons Gen. ijkmidn took me. afide ; in . three of htch he locked m'e up in his room. TheYtrft . hint I had of a connexion ' be- .Without hcflitaiion, I replied, a repre Tentative reiiuiilic weu d meet brth the' ntnesna?ctatinsrr-rne-.petipiei- -rieaniwereu rrar ne was lurpnzea to hear me-l?y fo ; -for the French ccAild not undeflfand its' piinciples or"-be brouglrt t'o atrerrtl elcdirns ; that 'ihe American inhabitant? were a tuv bu'ent let, the mere emtyings of jails or tugi- 1 Lr. 1 :-!-. r. -r nave ciiiieu inem prccuciy 11 pu in oi .uu ht time ; bur l ,m cerram that tluy did I Ke laid, perhaps you think I had bettct happen and nearly as I have ftafed ; ai if ti e Gentrul will te candrd lie will .at knowledge it. (Gen. Wilkinfon. Indeed I will not. He laid that Penidyl vana. w?s cenvulfed by the democrats ; ye! they we ud hot lucceed in turning out M'Kean or intrrduciPR their arbi tration fyftem.. 1 think that .this erded the eonveifation. We cot warm; the 1 General threw open the door, ard walked our. - . Alter dinner his orderly crrre for me again. I attended ; v. i s rr ken into hi? room end the door laficned. He afiun ec: z milder marntrr. And allur ed me that the politics not only of the United States but of the executive had changed ; that' the difference between the prefent anal former ad n. in ill rati on was merely inJftme ; th. r pa: tit s were kept alive by thevcunnir:g in order to help then-Ho ofTi. or to ken them in ; that the people mifloolt the character of Mr. JeiTerfon ; that a w art of tnergy was no parrof it. bur ra her c bflinacy. Here he 1 blervcd that the Frer ch had not been enough attended to in the ter ritorial appointments; that they were the natives, andthe Americans were un g 1 eat f ul ;nt ruders and now railed J a gainft a Kitg and goverrmeht w 1 ich h ; d r aU t d them f rem "aOies. ; 1VI r WTirt. To whom did he alludd ? A cenfidered 'hat he. pointed his r. mafRs to Mr. Aiifiin oarticularlv. It was the bpamin Kiru and co.vemmenrto which I alluded. He then cbferved that Go vefror Claiborne, a rnifcrable thirg or tool, had diftrTfruted the appointments -in ther lower -coun try urnong' his , ,A mc rfcan followers ?nd dependent!" jnd had ncgledled the French, for which he l was - execrated, del pifetr and -1 lorlrktn by every prrfon1 cf' -taler ts fnd hoi.or, . ,! t . il , , 1 . -exeept.Dy a it w atKin-s, v no no ecu or hau fome pel lonal iw. 1 A i - Vv . 1 1 h-uro n r, f mv nun fnrtime- ll'Ue-iint I have now a grand ha, .t in conic pla- . rion, that will not only make my Tor tue; but the fortunes of all concerned ; he iuicd as if waiting for my aniwer 1 w;s filent- had nothing to lay ; but wcjjhd him to explain andgoimothe derail T after valkii.g the floor feveral times, c uring which he appeared much. I aer ated and vexed ne mrew uwu door and 1 walked cut , wiifi glimplc of the jeeret which he had long been preparing me for. - . -As I attended daily for orders unUV the arrival of Col. Cuming ; the next morning i found the General rather diftarit and revived. He obferved that he -had yet enemies in the army; and ; anii r.g them feme from his own btate ; that he either hated or loved iMaiylan ders more than others ; prefuming this, intended ior me, I replied, I iuppofe you ;ake me for a Mar) lander ; whvy, are jou not ? I anlwertd no. I ws born in Jerfey,hut had the good luck to ber brought young to Maryland 0 which State my father, giand father and great grand father, w ere natives - born in Jer ky ! replied the General a fecond coufin. to a yankee, a damned cunning -f el 'o w I fufptcb I. hib was the firttWr. thing he had faid to me; for before : this, I was treated with reipecY and haa -rerif ved rhanV friendly letters from him ,l the refote auributcd thisto my dcc;iniig to join him in his fc heme to 7 make fortunes ; feme time after the " troops moved to Cold Water sin clicer . informed me, that thty were encamped on a low cbmp bet' m, lubjeel to be ... ovcifiowed 1 Mr. -Hay pHecled ro the j crurfe cf t he tcflimony irfutd by the uitntfs: Col. Burr laid ihat he did not -kno? th? .whole extent of this teflirao- ' Kut 1i t ! h."iH JurL rnlrridilf f"d ta no ecu or 1 yui y y ' f 1 T J r Kfitvf ii ' (hew palrh' era; r ad 1 ct tri 8 in the ft- dharifttjiejower ccuntrjf -the gieatbo. i : vidence.or uen. vvrKimon.j 'w wa--'.. rfrherpie7;rei in:heuppr country ihete were more;!- onthe-other,Ede9 hoTcXanfpnpf tharttwa Americans forgone Frnch- V,FnJ c'niandrbya nichjecpnd, rnanand that ibenDporticn cn. MfA --awUt, ,.nri, -T,r ,1 nruaiion was noi orty.. .uuiiiuiiaiy uut -i V toon entitle ns to clecliorvr. rle replied. God forbid that you fhoul crver.f ec" an. would nobabIy become" the grave cf the troops if-:t-ht;, were- n&t removed; ' '"

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