V I- r e it- ,ve ft frt jch md. to Sun f to p. .the les- iion : 'ft taa- it W he: tajv he he af- iti-est. I he sea on rany re- Jhe. eel) Xo" f.a tivc ic'ii frtl 0 be jefe it be fner istof (to ernt of fctliB fuiir ere' 1 he hie' it 1 I , r itVM. he had the fibnor lo"oe presented POrfportanee we should. Have, at tljie head of6ur t -' KxtiottUe. He hod twice: attempted to state, position was Stated, iu operation would be4n Arrnv. a man of the" most unblemished repu- lK thee lActsto him, who either dul not or .would stanUr.se'en? , If ic':.were;'adopsTAroer4can''.tatioi, who instead of exciting doubts, shou! Net-Youk, Jan; 4C--The Iriir Jane. Danfbrth, has fust arrived in dS9 days h om .Cork. We have iiist time to , ii ' i-i i ik.. .l::.-: :v .o.u .. ,..f j i-r -r ft. Ur-, wi. : .1 . r .! 1 . liot unutrsTana 'Jinn, ana cuaugc,jvivc upjcuii- ssawsu vuw vi- course in pptiereuuc uc cm inspire connaence.- 1 c present toiiiuwuucr iniorm jout iuu e, uaye reccivcu japc?(w at this lie naturally ielt hurt, and had nbM;e- ployed it would give theni a more comtorta- is not that raan he ha been suspected and the 20th Nov. containing London dates to the Dewed personal communication on the sUbjfct;; hit -mvatis pi subsistire. Tlie nierchant with, too ; much cause) of being engaged in? M th inclusive. It is of .importance 'to know, Sometime subsequent; to tins, when thewonld be compclfedtb employ them, if - his treason at home and treaclirjr abroad i J- that there is : not a word about the Blockading . . . . t - r i- 1.1 .. .ii . .l i..n .1 1 1 . :. ti jst 1 . i rench were preparing to tase pBs&esiuu 01 .wcaacia wuiu nuvoinerwiseenjov me pnvnege "Louisiana, believine that they would discover 01 Amencaivessels ; and all his ex those who were before attached to tortign go- procure American seamen would be more diate enquiry to be made into the conduct ot coimnues than comDensaied bv the diminution of duty; Britradier Gen. James Wilkinson commander resoeclabl " Resolved therefore, That thelEiEaAi. decree of England We wish that this may r'cssels ; and all his exertions to Executive be requested to cause anim;iie- induce Congress lo raise the. Embargo i it vernroept and secure them in their interests, ....RALEIGH:.,.. he had thought it. a duty incumbent on him to in consequence of their employment. It would in chief of the armies of the1 United States.1 write to the Secretary ot uie as me consu-ztncu uc uie uueresi as wen as auiy 01 Anie tutional organ of communication, and had sat ncan sl-arhen lo point out imposters, as they ed his grounds of suspicion. lie had twkfe at- might btrkept out ol employ by fale swearing tempted tajnake this known, and hudroflicial- of seamen not citizens. . Iu adopting this prin ly written io learn whether he wannderstood. ciple ipto our navigation Jaw, Mr. L). felt per Of these letters no notice haVe been 'taken, lectly willing to renounte the,- whole system a Wei then slated that theDroofs in liis pos- of ceitificates and protections He did not have failed ! we shall all he ruined ! Ten or fifteen. eeommercial houses in this, city THUUSU Y , J A NWAlf2j U8. Th'e Embargo haexciteti rnore'dissatisfacr ! ChauxSton, Jan. W. The importation pf SlavesmAfricci, teases this day j according to a3Et ooneress. There have been imported, since ourorts have .been opened, the followiiig number : ' I1C UIU UUk . . - ....- . . . - - . i' 1 - .-- 4 . ... . linn amAinv tin. l!i-nriHi it fhiL anri t h MfTh.i ' session mieht not be siiftTc cut lor conviction, wish Anitrtcan seamen to carry protections " . "7 ' ' - - t k DMntr on ooui means of pi'-oteciion will not answer, said Mr. butif time vvereallowtd proof sufficient might. while on board our ships ; he wished that their un"K lUt" T- ti rd an An.ci icaii ship should be a . Pr, '. " , . 1 EU- ,vha time ht3e d.ffiSj.t.H, and if Ui'u :.1 UnA Kt ? mcShs nf.nf-htiv.linn wilt not .nswpi.. q;.uI Mr. 01 (r'zens ale tru'y preCariOUS Many liaVL bUIUUlllIil In the year 1804 . ' 1 8O5,; 180, . . - . . J . . Hi'iv(n thiMP'tVirlc tn Virtrinta. and nnt lMinur MkvClark. To the President otthe U.;U. let us take s.tiw .measures iiut in gtv- fM n' t,. f a, Wf. K.rt,wK? : Stati 03 to tho ' 0 . r ., .' . . back : others h.tve taken theit tobacco and cot mtntary prool, ii giving lum the complete . , -h 1 ... , , A ,TMf- r .1 1 ,i . , 1 1 . . , lars a hundred -Those who have pork onhand Mr. M. D. Williams, from the commit- perceived that he would tniov it no longer , .-w-, ... .. . r-.L.. i 1 tee to whom the subject wa$ referred, report- than he was faithl'ulto his duty. .In order "to etl a bill making further compensation to ihe entitle a'vtssel to the, character ol a register ' Total, 5,386 .6,790 11,458 15,676 39,310 marshals of the district of North-Carolina and ed vessel it would be necessary that it should. New-Jersey. Read twice and referred to a appear that she, had on board .a proportion of committee of the whole. Amcricanscamen. It would, be a plain regu- Mr. Dana begged leave to state to the lation, no acknowledgement of inferiority, and House a proposition which had for its object its adoption would not interfere with any ex the encouragement And the security of theisting treaty or negocialion. seamen of the United States : by this exprpsi Thera was a reason why he lclt disposed to have this subject considered at the present time. The operation of the embargo would no doubt throw out of employment a great ma- and nvcThelieve most of those-who Sefl large qiiantiiifcs, have theirs still on hand, cannot af ford to make bacon oT it, as salt, since the ehi bargo, has' risefi to three dollars a" bushel. Besides, they have mos'.ly been obligated to bay monty this winter, not doubting but they should be able to raise it from the sale.of their produce. . The question is repeatedly asked MAIUUKD. v;.;f - At Murffeesborough, on ihe 6th insl, William H. Mud'iee, Esq. o Miss Eliza Maney. died. -f In this county, on the night of the ,11th inst. il-. Ctoriy ' Stcfihenson,,. wife of Mr. David Stephenson, . In Franklin county, a few days ago; Mr. Heftry Hill. Vi sion he meant all who ' belong to the national fa ii'ly, whether by 'birth 'or regular; adoption. The proposition which he meanfp offer con templated a measure of permanent policy, to ,-which the tJnited State-vitiiht adhere in ei ther alternative of peacer wai'.' The adop- bargo, and a portion of them being calkd tio-i of the' measure could not interfere with home by thepioclama iii of his limtanhic ma- any stipulaiion whic h might be made in any jesty, Mr. I), should suppose it probable that treaty between the United State's and any to- foreign seamen might be induced to go into roign power, or wjth any negotiation pending other service. He wished to hold out to A- or expected ; it did not propose to renounce merican seamen, to our own citizens, the in- any claim ever made lw the governrnent ol duceincnt ol employment m pi eferenceito o- : y y ELOPKMENT. WHERE AS my wife Lvth'a Martin, has e- what good can this embargo possibly answer ? loped from my bed and board, without any just Those who wish a war with England, say it cause, and is, as lam told, contracting debts will injure the manufacturers and poor of that at many places ; these are therefore to for- country. This may be very u;ue, yet it injures warn all persons from, crediting her on . ' . r- UUI UHll V.I II d-,,ti IHHU MiiVf - ww ... v ULLUI 1L IX 7i ill I I 1 1' I F 1 1 1 1 I I 1 CI I 1 Ul 1(1 I 1(4 V ny seamen ; among them might be ore.gn bad in a govcrnment toailse its citi- one cent ofthe debts contracted by her, oil .c.iihitT.ts. 1 hmwn out nf emnlov hv the t-m- r ' . . . . . . J ' j T - -. r j .' zens to make such asacrifice,'merely to grati- any account whatever. 1flieUT7iTed St ates dejivdation or acknowledgment of inferiority to any power whatever. Yet the proposition was of such a nature that he apprehended would, if adopted, essentially diminish the range of controversy as respected seamen ; fy a few united Irishmen and run-away Eng lishmen, who wisn the ruin of their country men. The Emoargois said' to be enacted to pro tect the property of the merchants. Now, as nnietv-jime out ot a hundred ol this class re JOSEPH MARTIN, Vayne county, January 13th, 18O8. 3w. It p;nosedTio national therhetebyiji ring them some "e oUHiropp03i;(1 u the measure, we presume for brighter prospects and better times than the present. .With these views be offered the following lesolntton : 1 ' Jicsolvrd, That for the encouragement and security of seamen of the United States, it is I t . . . ' i 1 . . . I J..!!.' . 1 ' . . and might be carried to sucn an extent as ia, expeaieni to mae provision, mat regisiereu enqgrr jnto -the conduct of Geix to ne. umitea Mr. Jetterson anninimie.. 11 aitogeiner. wnenne saiu cius snip 01 vmi, aurrr a uinc iu uc uumcu was nendine befo'.e Con'ness, Mr. . ftejspoke as 10 mose seamen wno uiq 111 iaci ay taw, birau novvuouuue 10 enjuy uie oene- rw'.u sta-t of Mr. R. mid ordered a court annihilate., it altogether. When he said this ships or vessels, alter a time ieajmen who did 111 tact by law, shall not continue to en privileges appertaining to ships, oiv 'jrv , of theUmted Statesr unless some ButkoYt shall be citizens of the United $tat?? - 1US J, .iiiiai uoo Tcicrreu w a cum- .iUJdieVe1 that he had ordered Die court, be jole pu Wednesday next, that fore modSUre vVas brought forward in Con- ... NOTICE. , . ON Thursday the first March r-xt, on Uie premise's, I. shall proceed to sell for ready x m iney, the laud whereon pHskeilRoberTson now lives, adjoining the lands ofthe following' persons, viz. Bentori, Powrell, Edm. Jeter, Jacob Bat nes, John Foort, and Henry Mor-- While the rcmlutib;1 of Mr, Randolph, ve- 'ake county, which land was con questing the Present to institute a court of vey'dtonle in trvut, for the purpose of seem- 1 J .... ... 1tcr tlm n:itrmptit nl a rprtain enm nt mrnv. VV li unson. I- - . t theie is some other reason b'est known to the French minister and Mr. (Jefferson. belong to the U, ted, Mates. I lie propositi- nts anu privileges appertaining to snips. of enmiirV. . Tlie court consists. Colonel en proposed a niarked distinction between our vessels ot the United btates, unless some yurbtko'f the artillery, Col'. 'Cushing of the vtfn seamen and those who we're aliens to our "proportion, of the mariners onboard the ,,,.. r,V ivi'i;,m r pn-iiWr;' 7 - e President would endeuvour to make country and our laws, and gave a preference to our own over any other. : it proposed, that they should have belter and more employ ment. . that they should be known to a certainty and firmly protected. If he-should be asked what this proposition was, it would he evident that it was a plain measure ; it ex- same Mr. D. mittce of the wl its principle might' be;, fudy discussed.-7-A greed. JMr, Dan(i saidf it would be veco,llected that the liecretary ofthe Treasuryhud reported hibited nothing bf.the magnificence of a learn- a statement of tonnage IrT the United States ed and abstract disquisition ; it was a proposi- this document he deemed very interesting, tior. which addressed itselt to thej interest ot and it might have an important, bearing on the merchant and to the heart of the Ameri" thtr stibtccf - iustr-feferred. - It was alvi can seamen. That the House might under-; port ant to kn.ovv,'"how many seamen, were re staud how it was intended to accomplish this, gisteied in 'the United Mates as ApkiiQaii. object, he would call their attention first to the that ihe House might judge how the svamui revenue laws and then to the navigation laws were protxmioned to the tonnage, lie was gress but it won't do. - Cieneral .Wilkinson, , it'will be remembered, complimented Mr. Jefferson's. plan for defend ing our commerce and coast with gun-boats, and this must in' some .measure account for. the President's forbearance towards him (or ;t. tli". c iniv'flnf fi th - ilfni-;il tnhe ncr.niint- li ..'...I. .. .j. ? Al 1 i.c.Ia cu ior lnajioinei vaj : as u ci.ua. mc GenePal violated the constitution which we all know Mr. Jem'rson btrenuou-dy opposed at due from said Koerts.in to Putney and 1 HOM AS TUCKEflr. inuary, I nth, I808. tds. : NOTICE. ALL persons are cautioned from trading for a note given by myself 10 Joseph Mathews of Randolph, for three hundred and twenty dollars, dated March 31st, 1807, payable in. one year, aS'I have not received value for itj and am determined not to pay the bond. . JOHN BOON January, 9th, 1805. y NOTICE." "TO all persons wuom it tn ay concern, that an ths 31.th cla of December 1807, the co partnership of Gorman and Pearce, in. Iroa Works, in Burke county Ni C. on the waters ol the United Stales. . !t would be sulhcient to observe, as re spected tlie revenue system, that the law the of. U. Slates marked a strong distinction he twen vessels of the United States and all o thers. The term vessel of the United States denoted a title to.peculiar benefits and privile not certain tb;it the Sucretary ot ntate could give all tbt; information desired ; but all that he had Mr. U. wished to nrocure, and tnerg' ray French and Spanish' Influence, and French and Spanish Dollars? If-Golonels Burb-ck fore submitted 'the following resolution, winch. ,ld Williams, are as much the creatures of was adopted. . . Wilkinson as Col. Lushing," and wt tear they i,W,.'Thatthe Secretary Of State be astl commander in chief has persecute directed to hy before this House a statement ed mostly all oers, out of oftVe, we ant!Ci- ges,an cxdmptiohlfrohi the ext. aordiiKttT "duty of the respective numbers of citizens of the P. Mitnai win oe noi Miramj a 1 on tonnajre. and an exemption jrOm a duty ot United Stales, registered as American sea 10 per cent, on all articles imported, this be. men. and how belonging-to the several dis ing levied as a-discriminating duty,HiCuuditi- tnefs of the cu6toirsJLjgccordmg to the returns qn'Jp; the ordinary impost, on all goodTirHvmade by the collectors, ill pursuance ofthe p6Ced "in foreign esse!s. i ins duty was law relative to the relief and protection. of nearly equal, to the aveiMge exptnce ot treight Ameiicanrseamen. across tle Atlantic ; so that it crave a decided Mr. Blackli'dife laid before the House a re- tl.u i'mii,. nf itc wliirvtinii ? n-.' : thi President III!- II I11W W . II I MV.pmi. J - . . . . . 4 rt iftiMiiki X11 '1 e rliccnliiuil lm y- I- . All fearful that Wdkinson may tell tales about U SU"1"'?. v . persons navinguemanus against ine pannera, arc requested to hand them to iht -subscribtr for payment, and those indeOted to the. firm, are requested to make payment immediately to the subscriber, as he is in possession of all; the books belonging to the firm, aad waits at the Fqr" for that purpose. : ; GEORGE PEARCE. un derstand very well how to manage that busi ness. . '. Y . . " ' "Til" January, 8th, 1808. 3w. M ROSE. The difficulties which have, existed with re spect to this gentleman are removed. We preference, and of course a greater emoloy- soluyojv of the legislature of NorthCa.olina learn trom imcpiest.onanie avunomynat m - ULI 3 IIUTW UVVU IVUVMVU'nuiil lil j'Oi v" inv 111. Rockinham County. W. Barnett's-Exr's. x'.v. Micajah Davis. County iif ihun und quarter . tcsLoiiS) 'Nov.' term, 1807. Origiaal attachment levied on goods. irient to American vessels. It was proposed requesting the representatives of that state to to avail ourselves, of the same principle for- use their endeavoursio,: procure xhcerect'on American seances ; making it 1 eqnilite 'hat a- of a fortification- or defence near B.eaufort in povtidnof ,tlv seamen should be Americans that state, which was not cbntemlpated in the t'lereby ensuring, tbiT employment by this report of the Secretary of War, made to the .duty of idQ :percfen-to be incurred by "the liouse. - r ; , . employment -af foreign seamen in "preference. After some discussion aslp'the proper-mode K the louse would 'advert"- to the nayigati- of disposing of it, tbeJIouj agreed?o to 1 7, .ton law of 'the United States, they would see tofansimtiyo the ft-esick-nt of the United. hoVthe principle recognised bv that could be Statesr in orde?Tthat due provision might be : ;pplit'ttfmericai seamen-. That -act speaks madefoc'-thediffecc.of ,b port. ', of certain quahficatioris, . which shoukl entitle . ' . , 1 ( m t "' ,.c?ac. , ue named vessels ot tlW United RlCn AtONpr Jak.ua.uy "i - wimcs. me quaiincauons are three. 1 ne firstff for the sh directing that with respect to the frigate Sta tira, she is to be" received with her otlicers and crew, as they '; would bavlbeen received arnl treated before the Proclamation was , issued. This was all that was required by -M r Rose, wkowe -understand sets put imvnejdiately for the seat of government. Ledger. It appearing to the cour-Uhat the defendant in his case is not an inhabitant of the statej ordered that publication be made,inthe - Ra- ' leig'h" Minerva, for three weeks successively, that unless the defendant appears tjat 'our next Court to be held on the fourth Monday in Feb. next, and.rtpTevy. the p'ropertyi judgment will he pntpreif final. &c; '-, ti 1 hq Alexandria racket vt'em. dovvrtto -Hampton Roads on Friday last, .t&take :'Mr. St a .1 The follow iritr. re iolution encouragement of Mmerrrtlouse nf ndeates oiuSiituri Jiosc from on board the di gate Statira, but from heatl wiftds she was detained until Yes terday- when she sailed for Washington with TE OF NcutR-QAHOtiNA,; 5 ,. i t'curt of iiitiii October Term,' 180?. -ft 'V ' . J r Jesse Lynch, vs.-- . John Fisher, Geofge Fisljefi , ") Original Edward Fisher, Bohn Fisljer, ,1 Original me: Fisher, 1 Bilt. ?pli' GibsonT wT- Betsev Fisher & Jose - It) this ckse it apptaring to the court that Jolm Fishef I Gecrge Fisher, Edward Fisher 8c tates ( t -- t . j , ..' - r ljf tas noVed in the a fair windrwhich'co.ntinuea4t.- .1 L - 4 rHfltr 'ln'ftt. 1 A lev. ' 5 ' :"' - .1 . can ship building, requires that a VessjeLsliall .Ariuc u tr .X(,.'f. ,- Aiv hiv c" nni'c J " l.ttr Tvnm i-o-- vv . eAuilt in the United -Statesr American con. ty of King George. " On the resolution being spectible merchant in Baltimore dated on strtietionp-. -The next, that this -vessel shall. 1-. fl.0iY the chair, a .motion was madelfor Friday last,.! to: his ' corespondents in this ownea bymcrican cuiensAmericacq whether" it place, which rsa'vs, ImeUicence has been Betsey-Fisher are Inhabitants of o sti ucuon and American property. The next,i sllou!d l)C rcciVed, which produced an animat- this moment received from Washington, sUU It is Ordered that pviblicatioJi' be made in the , ; uiat a vessel shal) not enjoy the privilege ot tlisrussioif till veiy' late in the evening ; ing that orders;bad'-been issued by the go-' Raleigh Minerva of thij vsuit for the spaceroC--""" annTlta" v!ssel5VrtI1f rjthan coded by ;v hen motion was mjde4bat the house should vernment to arrest ihe celebrated French three weeksjfor the said John; George, Ed- . - " ncaaPtdln1h7Jca9 adjourn, which leing carfjed, &p decision was General Mzr?u who lately went i- to the ward iand Betsey to appear at thehext Supe- ffiX- ' ancommander. Thfese three qua hlon the'rlsolution, and "if Ires--over to beAVegterCouinr, ,on his ay to NewOOrleans1." nor Court vof law and Court(of Hquity to, be . - utcary IOT arCKlSteiea VeS--T1,irSJ;rl , VU tl.A ml.mnn tin UV ir vn tht r.-rvxl. anrl 'nttl.rino-h the' .hlrl For th COlintV Oft L.U1 lrd On IftO tOUftft. .- -t ;- -,.- - r .. .. . . . -1 -r ' . o . :.- .. M . . 1 r . t m favor ,or; the - 1 -: '" JSC ': 5 t ne, adclitio! these shouli -iiiiui. tutu t itii j- y ruposc.u io vsuiuc vri " qualilicufifflnsf'' Wak, tjthpe vessldr-.jflkt' d be nayiitted tsy a. prdportioil of .' 'rne-;-when tti i ncan manqei !; spout,, were triflinsr amendment. an important crisis li tfC are tiirea l. Will w tahrii if viuujcaeu tjj; i.tencd with va'r bv the rival man,, has eUKacred hifrhself in any disbonoira-- gainst theni and he3' 1 erf.arie..: y 4 ; 7 j wai the proposition powers 61 Euipe, it is that of ibcimthcst im- ble plans afrainst ihlb crovernmtnti .. - W. Cft-Love CA Mf-W---'-!:.' . ; i ' H ' .,' . '. ; T.T:' ' ;';-. 't . " '" ' '" ' ' ' '"- ,V.T- tJ

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